Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 15, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County end Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and Is
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. 46
The Party that Wil! Eventually take
Expressions from Many Citizens of
Shipped to LnGrande, Or.
the Place of Democratic Party
Falls on April Fifth-
to Lie Planted This
Wlthycombc Coming.
in United States.
to Build Sewers.
«o measures
flany Questions to lie De­
cided at Next Election
By the People.
Wrltua for th* Mpu bl kan by ChM W. thwrman Jr.
Alex. Martin Jr. president of the City i Ma. O. A. S tbamb ,
The following are the bills and pro­
Klamath Falla, Oregon.
when »«kiwi if Im was in favor
To lie concise, Hocialism is the col­ Jack Ixindan, Sinclair« ami Edward posed amendments which have been
ami the growing im|s>rtan«e of th« city |
D xab B ib —Have your interacting lective ownership by tbs people of all Bellamy, of America. England had filed in the office of the secretary of
of sewer* »aid : I certainly sin, and I be­
of KUinuth Falls demamls a sewer sys­
lieve the matler'ought to bo brought up letter of the 7th ami in reply beg to say the means of production and diatribe- John Raskin, of Oxford University, ami state to be voted upon:
tem." Thl< 1s the sriitirnrnt expressed to be voted upon by the ¡reopk- There that we will arrange to assist your peo­
ti*>n of wealth. Wealth is the product in all the other European coantries the
The H.ooo.ooo appropriation bill
by ovsr thirty of our leading citizens 1« no longer any doubt but that the city ple at Klamath Falls with a Farmers’ of labor and the Socialist believes that head University men ere in the Social­
| pasMd by the last legislature and held
when int«rvirwc<l ye«ter<lay by a rep- |
man should be rewarded according to ists ranks.
up by referendum pétitions.
resrntatlve <>f the Ri-publican. Every I in th« very near future, as the imjiort- would like to have some local assistance the amount of labor that he performs.
Science teaches that all the things on f
The local-option bill prore. od by
iwreon seen was in favor of Guiding the - ant Inereaae in population will demand in the way of pep« r Irom some of your
It Is a mistaken idea that Socialism this old earth are subject to a constant
Liquor I*eaiere’ A «miTatton as an
city for the purp'HW of building «ewere it. They are the people who lutve uuulr
means the ownership In common of ooler of change. Man and bia systems
and were anxion» to havn the matter, it necessary ami an they will share in iiome papers from some of your leading wealth. The people are to produce the are not exempt from this law. We amend ment to the present local-option
l>n>ught up a» e«>on aa |«>«»il>lc to lie • the la-neflts, 1 am in favor of Iwmding women on popular topics, such as tbe wealth by collective effort, hut the most adapt oareelvea to our environ­ law.
The bill filed by the owners of the
v<>te<| ii | miii by th« |w-«>pl<- The Char­ the city and letting them help jmy for home, etc«, ami would like very much wealth will belong to each individual. ment. Aa tbe old systems peas away
to have a talk or paper from yourself on It ie also a mistake to call the Socialist we must become aamstomed to tbe new. Barlow road, requiring tbe state to
ter pr<>vi<l«» that O'* pcremi shall vote it."
Councilman Bishop said: "The time the way in which you are handling your an idealist and a dreamer. He ie a phi­
at any spscial sfection, for the purpo««-
Any nnpredjudiced thinker must ac­ buy the road for the sum of 124,000.
<>f i»«uing bomls <>f th«* town, nnle»« h«* * ha« come when we should do something. dairy herd sa I understand you are se­ losopher and a reaaoner and he draws knowledge that a state of B«>cialism is
The proposed constitutional amend­
•hall be at th« time of voting the owner I have lawn in favor of putting in sewers curing splendid results from your dairy his conclnsioas from established prem­ gradually coming. In the United States ment tiled by the E«|ual Suffrage
of real «»tat,- within the city liniito, and all along and la-leive tlm people should
ises. The law ot economic determina­ 1 the old party platforms are being modi-
League, extending the elective fran­
Is- given an opportunity to vote on the falfa. We will try to have three of tbe tion, or that the manner of producing fie«l so as to take in Socialistic ideas.
np»u which lie actually pay« a tax.
to women.
wealth determines the Social arrange-! One wing of tbe Democratic party fa­
The general expreesfon was to the, question at the neat election."
A bill by the People's Power League
effect that the proper place lor the main - Councilman Willits, Bchallock and Prof. Lord ley, who will talk on spray­ meat of all nations, ie tbe basic princi- * vors government ownership of railroads,
Sewer would I m * along Klamath street Humphrey are all in favor of Ironding ing, plant diseases, etc. Prof. Knisely. pie on which tbe philosophy of Social­ telegraph lines and other public ntilities. making It unlawful for public service
and extemi<'«i out to running water in, the city to build a sewer system, al­ who will talk on problems ot the soil ism rests. In tracing the history of Another party is in favor of municipal corporations to give p.cwes or free or
the river. l.at«-ral« could be run into though Mr. Willits stated that he was ' and I will take up matters pertaining to oations, their stats of civilization can be ownership. Outside of party lines So­ reduced rate service to public officials.
this from Main street ami all the prop­ op|MHHw| to shipping »ewer pipe in here general agriculture and animal bus- accounted for by thetr ecr,nomic systems. cialistic measures are being adopted,!
A bill by tbe State Grange, levying
There ie no doubt about it that the in­ such aa government irrigation, people’s a license tax upon the gross earnings
erty to th«' mirth ami vast. From 24 to under the present mode of transporta­ tiandry. In the evening we ««Mild give
:W inch mains ac«'ine«l to I«' the moat tion. He said that the freight chargee a slereoptioon illustrated lecture show­ vention of gunpowder made tbe serf telephone lines etc. Tbe postal system, of the refrigerator and sleeping care
favorable sise with preference for the would tie the greatest item in the cost of ing the Coliege grounds, buildings and equal to tbe mailed knight and caused school system and road system are all and oil companies.
laboratories, also discuss breeds and >
overthrow of the feudal system. The Socialistic.
the systeui.
A constitutional amendment pro­
types of livestock.
of ___
machinery han
Fifty years ago in Germany there
posed by the People's Power League
Kindly advise me at your convenience ¿äused the great industrial oombina-
lived a great thinker by the name of
as to what you think of this plan and lions. known as trusts, and these com- Karl Mark. This man wrote a great ■ to amend section 1 of article 12 so
whether you think the people will take ¿¡nations are last educating the people,
that the public printing will be en-
book upon capital, which is taken as
sufficient interest to attend such an In-,
t|ial private capitalism like the feudal standard authority to-day, and encyclo­ jtirely within tbe control of the legis­
system must go. and public ownership ■ pedias quote from him. Karl Marks is lature. and may be let by contract, or
A delightful social affair was given Bishop, Miss Straw and Miss Baldwin. stilate.
Thanking you for your interest, I am, take its place.
• . •
la«t Saturday afternoon at the pleasant
said to be tbe father of Socialism. His a printer elected or appointed, upon a
J Mrs. B. Kt. Geo. Bishop and Mrs. F.
Truly Yours,
Under a Socialistic order all the pow­ I ideas were accepted by others. For a salary or other compensation.
artistic home of Mrs. Fred li. Mills.
J ambs W ithyombs .
ers ot nature will be utilized, invention long time the Socialists were persecuted
An amendment proposed by the
The afternoon was very pleasantly IL Perry enterlaioetl Wednesday after­
of machinery encouraged and every per­ and put in jail. They were not allowed People’s Power League to amend sec­
•pent in playing prog resolve hearts.
With the
son must perform their part in produc­ to vote but their ideas still spread. La­
Mrs. Geo. T. Baldwin receding the first home on Conger avenue.
tions 1 and 2 of article 17, so tbat one
ing tbe wealth of the nation. Under ter the disfranchise law was repealed
prise, and Mrs. IM Witt 1-ee Reaburn re­ I rooms and walla profusedly drafied an<l
legislative assembly may submit con­
such an arrangement it ia evident tbat and it was found that the Socialists bad
The III.«>1 PuriAer we always recom­ ceiving the consolation prise. At the
stitutional amendments, and that
and with hearts tor tally cards, the
tbe amount of wealth produced will be increased immensely. In tbe election
mend to <>ur customers ia Clark's Bar- close ot the afternoon. dainty refresh­
Harvey K. Brown, for tlie post four very great and the time required by of 1903, there were three million votes when tbe vote upon an amendment
aa|>arilla. It will give satisfaction— ments were served by the hostess.
dulged In that game where the object is years sheriff of Baker county, announces each individnal will be very short.
cast in Germany and tbe Socialists be­ has been canvassed by the governor
your money back if it doesn’t.—City
The following ladies were present:
to see who can win the least numlier ot himself a candidate for tbe nomination
came the leading party in the nation. and a majority found in its favor, he
Drug Store.
Meads rues Willits, Baldwin, Murdoch,
hearts. From the number of tiny gold­ for governor on the republican ticket statistician, states that the amount of At tbe last election there were shown shall proclaim it adopted, and it shall
Hee the One display of Indian Baskets Scott, Henson. Reaburn, Hubbard, Per­ en talleya, however, that many ol tbe subject to tbe voters and not the ma­
labor produced by each laborer is two one million votes in France, in the then be a part of the constitution, be­
ry, Chltwmal, Stone, Dalzel, Ballinger,
at the Novelty Store.
ladies recel red. it seemed a« usual that chine of the party at the primaries on thousand dollars the year. Therefore United States over four hundred thou­ yond the power of the courts to pass
the ladies could not resist winning in a April 31», 1906.
under the present industrial system sand in tbe state of Oregon seven thou- upon; also tbat no Uw for a constitu­
His platform is as follows:
game of this kind. Mrs. L. H. Yaden
there is fifteen hundred dollars a year sand and in the world at large over six tional convention shall be in force un­
The primary law and tbe election ot tbat the laborer produced that be did million.
receiving the least number of hearts was
til approved by a vute of the people.
awanlol the first prise, while Mrs. G. all officers by direct vote of the people. not get. The Socialist believes in giving
Mark Hanna, the defunct Senator
An amendment proposed by the
Abolishment of all machiuea and every man the fall product of his labor, from Ohio and right bower to President
W. Woodbury, who received the great­
’s Power League to amend sec­
est nnmber wa» given the boobv prize. boea«e< and let the jieople rule.
It is natural then that the majority of McKiuley, stated that "The next politi-
Enforcement of all laws, city, county­ Socialista should be laboring men.
tion 2 of article 11, giving tbe legal
Dainty refreshments were served by
tHonecr Hank of Klamath liuln
the hostesses. Among those present state aud United Slatesand the repeal­
In the agitation of the question of ne- between the Socialists and the Repubti- voters of a municipality power to
were: Meedamea .Martin, Reams«, Har­ ing of the same if not the proper laws gro slavery, the educated and thinking can party." From present indications frame and adopt their own charters,
gus, Yaden, Aldridge, Anderson, Stone, lor the people.
men were the first to advocate freedom, there is no doubt that tbe Socialist is and forbidding tbe legislature to cre­
Capital Stock increased to $100,000 January 1st, 1906,
Tbe abolishment of the use of money So it is with the wage earner. Among ‘ lK)und
Mills, Hubbard, Keaburn, Chitwood,
N<> ate municipal corporations.
Applegate. Zumwalt, Goweu and Wood­ for campaign funds ami purposes bv any the AuciAlistJ are eotne oi the beet euu-.
all subscribed and fully paid
*bould be ashamed of it at pres-
Missees Marie and Pearl Mc­ candidate, faction or corporation, only rated and thinking men of tbe ^e.
Have you seen those Ladies fancy
i as actual legitimate expenses.
Such as Professor Hessany, Prof. A. M. ent <nd *» Socialiate should register un­
Millan an«i Straw.
Paris toe blacker shoes? The latest
| And last but not least, woman suf­
Mills, B, O. Flower, W. A. Wilshire, der their own party name.
thing, at the Boston Shoe Store.
The 1 utero«to now behind thia Hank represent through
One of the prettiest affaire of the frage.
Its Shareholders a capital In excraa of *1,000,900, mak­
1 week was the Valentine parly last even-
Direct Primary Law.
I ing, given by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B.
ing It one of the atrutigeat Banks In Southern Oregon
I hereby announce myself as a candi-
j Gates, al their lieautiful new home on 1 date for the office of County Judge, on
Enrroa RarvaucAN—There have ap­
or Northern California, enabling II lietter than ever
the Heights. The heart effect was car­ the Republican ticket, subject to tbede- peared from time to time, in the various
to handle your business with absolute security.
ried out in the invitations, the decora- i cision ot the voters at the Primary nom- newspapers, criticisms of the new Pri­
1 lions, the favors and the games, while 1 inating convention.
mary Laws, but there ia one feature
candy hearts were used for (alleys, and
If nominated and elected my entire that teems to deserve more notice than
even the refreshments were designed in and undivided attention shall be given has as yet been given to it, as it offers
the shape of hearts and the ices served to tbe duties of that office, in tbe per­ opportunities to the shifty office seeker
in heart «Imped receptacles.
Amid all formance of which I shall endeavor to greater than those existing in the old
the beauty and the profusion of hearts merit the confidence reposed in me by a nominating conventions.
it is no small wonder if some of the gen­ strict enforcement of the laws as I find
Suppose for instance, A or B, desiring i
tlemen should discover that they had them. I shall favor devoting tbe road a position on their party ticket that they
lost their hearts on this significant day. fund derived from the state to a system knew was unatainable if left to the ma­
when Cupid Ik supposed to be abroad. of permanent road-making on the main jority vol* of their party, resort to pre- i
One of the moat interesting features of thoroughfare«, gradually extending the mature canvass of the various precincts, |
the evening »as the guessing contest. same to all county roads. I shall en­ and by plausible representations secure .
Esch guest had been requested to bring deavor to limit the expenditures of the the promise ot several prominent men
a silhouette of themselves cut from county funds to the actual and neces­ in their party to work their precinct in
)iaper. These were attached to the sary expenses of the county government the interest of the said A or B. Now­
walls and numbered and the guessing and the construction of such additional while A or B may not be the choice of,
began. There were many who could public improvements as an increasing these prominent citizens for the office, !
ABSTRACTS OF TITLE made with neatnesa and dispatch.
not even recognize their own features. population and wealth require and war­ they dislike to retuse their support, as j
Invite attention to our EILING CABINET SYSTEM.
Miss Alice Applegate, who guessed cor­ rant : an<l I shall also try to obtain such they do not know who the other candi-;
rectly all butone, was given the prise. an equalisation of taxee that alien an«l dates for the same office will be, or
Among those present were: Mr. and non-resident land owners shall no longer whether there will be any other candi- 1
Mrs. Alez. Martin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. L. escape tl.eir just share of the county ex­ date.
B. Vaden, Mr. and Mrs. Reaburn, Dr. penses.
Wc have n choice line of lands in tracts large ur Binali, Ur suit pur­
Here then A or D have in advance an
ami Mrs. Hargus. Mr. and Mrs. Zum­
chasers ; also city property of all descriptions.
The public officer should always re­ active working machine to defeat any
walt, Dr. and Mrs. White, and Mrs. member that he is a servant of the pe«i- later candidate, though the latter may
Gowen, Mirses Campbell, Applegate, ple, chosen to serve their beet interests possess greater qualifications and popu­
Mario and Pearl McMillan, Whitney, and not for private gain nor public no­ larity, and in the event of their being
Baldwin and White, Messrs. Rubb, Rob­ toriety, and the seal and faithfulness more than four candidates in the field,
We carry a full line of Insurance, Including Life, Personal Accident,
erts. Mason, Holgate, Merryman and with which he serves his masters is the the least qualified, or at least desired, i
Fire, Steam Boiler, Plate Glass, and Liability Insurance.
candidate might be nominated by less
measure of tbe honor conferred.
The Stock consists of Dry and Fancy Coods, Clothing,
than one-fourth of his party vote, thus
J. W. Alexander, of Portland, who is
jeopardising the success of his ticket
Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gents and Ladies Furnishing
the representative of the Weyerhauser
and turning down the better men.
interests in this county, was in the city­
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Wall Paper, Etc.
Would it not be well to regard with
Ready for Business.
tile first of the week. Mr. Alexander
suspicion any attempt to thus secure
I am now ready to furnish to the pub­ promises of support to office prior to the
stated that while plans had not I mm - ii ar­
These Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices
ranged yet, improvements would lie lic various makes of Pianos and Organs. puplic announcement of candidates?1
made to the Klamath latke Railroad As I am selling direct from Eilers, Voters may inadvertantly place them-
for Cash in order to close up their business.
which is one of the cheapest houses on solve« in a peculiarly awkward position
this spring.
the coast, I can furnish a better piano by pre-election promise».
Fresh Candies and Bon Bons, Stationery,
Certainly none but the professional
C. A. Moore, nn attorney from Raker at a better price than any Agent that politician and shifty office seeker would
Notions, Cigars and Tobacco
City, arrived Saturday evening from has ever come through this country. I make such an attempt, and the fact
that such an attempt was made ought
Lakeview, where he hits lieen visiting sell goods that I can guarantee.
to alienate the support of all fair 1
Thos. Newton.
his brother, the District Attorney.
minded voters.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of j
Main Street near Postoffice
liberty," and an untrammeled ballot
passe«! through the city Sunday on his lessons on Thursday evenings to some of is the guarantee of popular govern-l
V igilant •
wav to visit his brother in Ijikeview.
the young people of Dairy.
Nearly two earloivls of sugar beei
seed have been received bv the Amal­
gamated Kug.tr Company for planting
during the coining season. The bulk
of the avvtl was imported from tier-
many, but them la some American
grown act'd.
The home-grown seed Is to lie used
principally fur experimental purp<iM-M.
and If there Is a reus unable promise of
good results, the Sugar Company will
use It exclusively Instead of annually
ar nil lug abroad for a supply.
Tin* coot of two carloads of lieet
seed la quite on Item, and the com­
pany would prefer spending Its money
In the United States u, sending It to
¡jut year the company used a quan­
tity of wed that was grown at the
agricultural experiment elation at
Union. The results were highly sat­
isfactory, tn fact, belter than secured
from the Imported article, llul the
aupply of seed secured from the sta­
tion was loo small to cut much figure
Superintendent Bramwell says the
beet pmepeeta for the coming year
are very favorable. It is the Inten­
tion to have a greatly Increaaed acre­
age, not only through more contracts
with Individual growers but In lar­
ger areas to lie farmed by the com­
pany. The ground Is in tine condi­
tion, and with a favorable Spring sea-
e<m the augur Industry will be great-
< ly enlarged.
"The time has coin« when the health <
MEI. MARTIN. President
1. R. REAMES, Vice-President
MEX. MARTIN Jr., Cashier
E. M. BUBB, Asst. Cashier
M ason
FromBusiness J
& S lough
The Brick
Store Co.
Reni Ewtiite
Their Entire Stock of Goods
Fixtures and Store Building
• • • Insurnnee • • •
E rank
IT re si Fi I^rtilt in JSockMoix
... SALE IS NOW ON • • •
tp 'ft tp w tp up tp 'P 'p 41