Official Newspaper of Klamath REPUBLICAN County and Leading Journal of the Interior Oregon Country. VOL. X The Largest Circulation and Is the Best Medium for Reaching a Prosperous and Trading Public KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 1, !9o6. arrested IN HIS BED Chas. Stark In Jail for Larceny of A Horse BONDS HAVE OPPOSITION V ote Stand5 17 I <>r and 53 Against Issuing Bonds to Complete School On SaturiLsv sll.oiio iri a s | mh ini eie. thin was hrll«te the stone "•■I hmí I building o«i winch w >rli had to I m « r|opp«.<| nil mu < olmi o| la, k ol Inn.Is Thc election re- •ulle«! tn tt.e deleat ut th*} bond* by u Vol« of ft.'l to 17 o lien toe rlllestion 1 first agitated mid lads lor tin* liiwrwt hi<| r<*c»*ivi*d K.n H'r'•«> l.i Mr 1 NO. 44 CONTRACT TOOZE VISITS OUT FOR OUR CITY AWARDED OFFICE ATTEMPTS TO BURN JAIL Candidate l'or Congress Addresses Citizens at Opera House Insane Man Sets Fire To Bedding in Jail Early Sunday Horning. For First c ection Of the Klamath Project Candidates Begin ing to Announce Themselves - OPEN TO ENTRY I I Hay Open Up One Million Acres to Settlement H<»n. Walter I. «4 Woodburn, Charles N. Baker, who was adjudged tvhoiMU candidate (or th« H» puhlic«n insane last week and confined in the iKiinifiHtion for ('onurcM«man, arrived in Sheriff Oheticliain st ahmit l<> o', lorb county jail awaiting the arrival of at­ The Hm-retarv of the Interior mi Jnn th« city Fiiday eveninir. Lik« that of To the Republicans of the 21st Repre­ tendants from the Asylum, came very On Tneaday of thia week Engineer Issi evening arrea!»»! Charlee snark tn nary th awarded ,-ontrar 1« |.,r tlu- < <>n- the two oilier carpIj'latcH for the warm ! sentative District of Oregon; I hereby r.aiin 17 at tbs Lakeside Inn. no coin near destroying his ow n life and burn­ Hiimpliery. of the ReelauMition Hervice, • tnuti-.n ami completion rd the llr.t öffn «< uho pir« cdrd him, thi« wan Mr. | minoiini-e myself a candidate for tfie forwarded to the Secretary ut the In­ plaint *>f J'din Alciatidrr and II. \ ing up the jail early Sunday morning. unit of tlm KlHinath irrigation pr* I viitit to Klamath county. nomination ol Joint Representative on M uc I is B, and he Is a«iw cmitlned Inllie Shortly after six stnoke was discov-1 terior hi« recommendation for the throw­ in horillierti Oregon. Thia in the I m .Mr. Toozr Hpent Saturday and Sunday 1 the Republican ticket at the primary ing open to settlement of one million county jsil ebsrgcd will, lar,one) n Saturday* ties. rived and the jail door was opened, the I the Klamath project. Thia land lie« tilille Iteluiolil Stables and said lt.s! ' demand fnr land iiier,-«». ••vrning In >|»ol(« at the O|/era Hou.w« to 1 If nominated and elected I will earn­ These [ in the vicinity of Horiefly, Clear latke Mr. Alexander wanted Ills linac and 'll,«- larger part >4 tlu-, '■ntract award a larg • ■and cnthm;;i“tic audience. Hi.1- estly and faithfully |«rforni the duties l*ds and clothing were all afire. a«.Idle. Alter •«« »ring I l,e«e I,,, n-I«- out ed t,«la« g'H a to M„. u>. 1 *.l VI» < '<«., ol Hj>( »-ch wuM mainly along political linew,' of the office for the lienefit of thia Dis­ were quickly carried outside arid the and Butte Creek Valleys, and is moatly fire extinguished, but not before the timber lands. This will be welcome to the Mit,-bellranch and sold (he l,o,s<- Portland, who underbid I I ■ ■ oinjiet ilors briefly Mitiining I hh nolu y ar.d platform, j trict and the people of the state of prisoner became nearly sufTijcated with news to the timlser men and many tn Horace Mitchell. 1 be Ix rso w «■ l,dt from Oregon a, well ■« , other states, Mr. Tooze wan introduced to the audi­ i fregon. the stnoke. He wa- given attendance other« who have located claims and at lite ranch sil l he ■ SUU’ Ui I >w n »ill, rl.ejr aggregate contiiir t mix tints to ence l»y Attorney C. T. Bonney of thia, In liecoming a candidate, I assume and the guards arriving in the afternoon | have been anxiously waiting the open- Mr. Mitrliell. They went Io the Hank cvptr.L 1177, .».¡0. The re-l ol th** contract, city, who iw an old friend and formerly ’ that the rai.i 1 development of Klamath they started on their return to the ing to settlement of these lands so that «iit|t< v»»r <4 tiirhange, »liem Mr. Mil, h»dl I amounting to mil, I'.sjH, was awardol i in i..’hbor of Mr T »o7.e at Woodburn. | county, under the irrigation and other Asylum that evening. they could fM*rfect their titles. If the | up Ltiiiding «rat * check l'«r I'aMlie ;.»u « agrr«- i to the Cm,tract Con pmiy. A h Mr. Bonnev hu« in the ¡mat been pri.jects, justifies her in asking a place Chas. N. Baker ha« resided on a home- recommendation is approved by the on, wliich Hlark endorsed and had uvailab « of br attle. quite prominent in p diticw, it in probable on the legislative ticket, and poaaibly stead near B«»!tield f ir alx>ut two years Secretary it will m«mn auother timber (S s I uh I, and ciel'»* lu have later !»>•( An vie •< lion I ,r ths piirp.i«,* <4 reeind* Nearly AH for Portland. fie will look after Mr. Tooxc’a cam­ the otiier counties of the District will and has no relatives here. It is stated I rush in this section. mg (hr 1 no-el of II In a card game. Ism 1« ««• held, but the |«-<.|,l.- As itldu-ll,-.| 1>V these figures praefl- paign here. concede one of the two joint represents- that he came from Columbus, Ohio, I When Alsaandrr learned that hi* ilhtthlllH xi«lv « idisl m favor ol ci.m eally til,' entki- tlr«t of tlx Mi. in the only politician of the ' lives, to I ms select«»!. Klam- where bis relatives are said to live. He luirse wasgons. he knew eiinretliirig was | Hirn« Ing tlie building «nd doing tl>< ath project w ill |N. cd' by Ma thn*«* candi'latea for CongreMa from thia G eo . H. M ehhymax . is 27 years of age. wrong sii-l tnskmg inquiries mor, li arne.l wotk I? day labor, under tlm «upeivi •on. Daii« A to. Tl.i-y will dig a «anal diatiict, md he i- making a strong fight ths feels lie hented ep Mr Mitcbe l j «ion id II I llogg« to take water out of I'pja-r I ' i»>r the nomination. He ia a g«x>d talker I pper Klamath In announcing my candidacy for the and together sheriff OlM-n.-bali, The • ok li«« prugreaxsl «lowly, on laake, bring it tlirong! i a deep cut out ai d a very pleasant gentleman to meet tlicy Iregan s search ut lli„ town Io, it... • '• «Hint ol tl,,- la« k of ineeliatiic«, «1 onto the low land adjoining tire town of and tnakt a friends readily. He left nomination for County Judge, I do so Arrp Trartc At the regular meeting of the Klam- Inali. 11« lia I bscii stopping at ttiora-l ' though ever'one admit« that tlm Imild Klamath fall«, utter turning it into the Monday morning (or tin* railroad feeling with a full appreciation of the re«|>omd- «ivJ U II dUlo ath Falla Fire Department on Monday enJ ort in the county. bilities of the office and of the honor I am asking at the hands of the people: ‘ evening the following officers were anywhere. Al III o’ct.vk they r< ai 'u-.l Mau) <4 III«* taxpaier«. Imwetrr, are has agreed to buy . In the construction The Brownavillu Tun“* haf the Mitchell ranch near town. This . man of Cart No. 1; Chas. I. Roberta | tion. 'J. K. Ballard, foreman and assistant |r«ed t«i ««implvlmg lli« building, tint to control the How .4 water through the grcHtd'Hinl District will In* a Bcpublican, land is to be cut up into small tracts Arrested In lied. With this brief announcement, to l>e foreman of Cart No. 2; H. J. Wintera th« majority ol th«*« who took tlm catml, the gates I m iug set hi solid con- the people an* I m . «mit g very greatly from five to forty acres and placed on On examining llm register it W 3« followed later by a declaration of the and Will Willson, forman and assistant l«i ««it«, at tlx- et««'tlo*• w ho »hall carry off the nomination in irrigated districts that five to ten . <4 the County Business if elected, I sub- Mark had been given a romu, but the President, W. W. Baldwin; Vice-presi­ ting th« c««mpletl>in ol the building l«y «III Is- ns«r<- tb. 1 tlr.t camtl i« com- front« the rank and tile of the Kepubli- !«•«» accepted Fireman’s Ball, which will be given lsr.1. Hr a a« recognised by Mitchell ns I leted, contract« will • Irl l<>r another < cann <»f the First Ihatri t, anil it is Up as a candidate for County Judge, sub- from town, and if the change is made in sometime in February. Ihe man who bad eold the horae au f Ihr ject to thc approval of the Republican unit of the Kian.allr j r"j,-et . a« there is Ito them to decide. the county road this distance will be The question was discussed of asking birerlff, therefor«, gave lom a room In ‘‘TheTinies, independent in all things, • voters at the coming primaries. greatly lessened. Mr. White will open ample niotu-y nt hand, Jive time« m> the cotint y jail. to *» « I a hearing t da« In case ut my nomination and election an office in this city, possibly in the the City Council to establish another much, in far t as i« rullrd for by Ihe j ' neutral in nothing, ban only the l»e*t of hose house in the Third Ward. As thia Chas snark has lwM Irft Inai •»vrning vii Ih«* ««nitra, tors for tin* government IranstHirtatioi, t.wiliti,-« are limited. -tiecck>ful Helf-made busii vpm man of county roads. i L. Burna. mer is over. f »r l*»»krgama lu mrd hi« wife nn«l work ataiiug that they wer»* compir- Flie Government rail,er prop<>st.n to * Woodburn. No man is lietter known My residence during the term will be I • hil l, «lui are returning Ir» m «tibiam! Intit th«* netMsaary |m|N*r«, «n t ex|«*'»t* ptr<‘r-l • i a trained mind, an » «juent ,,et* June election with all the I oxvest |;|J In flu Agjresite. zeal in my power, Mason, 1 U» - A I ’ ■ , w bo«c I nd i« ac- publ'c iqieaker. a logical leasoner in de- vnt-r®.v K. A. E mmitt . «epte«l «'li nlnsliilcs I. 2 nnd 3 of the bate, au l a tirele.**M worker. PLUMBERS AND CONTRACTORS "Ihe plea of Mr. Tu.oze Indore the,' Keno, Or. Jan. 30, DUG. Klamath pr««j««t, aie n firm of g««nl recent Republ ican conference held in «taioling, mid tl.«*G .veinmi ct is satia­ ti.«I the» «lii t«. al «• l.i ciriy the 1’ortlan I, for the pro|n*r development of , ««ilk to SI;. ..-lui lllj'eti"!!. The our coast harbors, an o | h » u W illamette' * KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Xei'lam it i i:i • .i » ice K-commei. !«-d that river, development of the Willamette i ffatfi Room Fixtures Installed. A Complete Stock * —X. tin' nnuKl Is- mad to tlii'in, irilwith- valley and Southern Oregon, and the' AliSTK \< TS <>F TITI.E made wttli m-atneas and «lispatr h. Wr * standing that then I i la on several item« application of ixirrcct princlplea in the' Klamath County High School mem- •«• Constantly on Hand. v.•nk.*» <•! government, swept theconven- 1 linite attrnlluii to our FII.IN g ' \HINI.I' SYsTFM. lierehip is still increasing. The names wera higlmi tl.... tl enl otlmr bitilleni» Tlu ir aggregnti* b.'l wn-far Is l.iw thnt lion off the i! <»r ami into the air with of Miss Lucile Cox, John Yaden and T. ! ESTI7VV7TTES FURNISHED of all the otiier- an.I f I ’ ■ ' "I liel.'iv the app'ai.-o. and placed him upon a square E. Griffith are added to the roll since Went platform that is heartily approved by ‘ Christmas. l»id <4 lè'G-rt Maketiexl, «4 Portland, LEAVE ORDERS AT BALDWIN'S HARDWARE thc iH*uple <4 the First Congressional W’c have a cinder line of land* In tracts large or small, to suit pur- tlm «inly other < >r« • »n Imbler. A Student Body Association has been ■f- Il ta expe< l< d that «oik on this ne W District regardless of party affiliations. organized by the High School students. I chasers ; also city properly of all des ilpt tons. “Who will deny that tills is the typo Cail meetings of this body have been | emmi will lievin n« s««i«i n« Mason, I »4- »is «k ('n , Ium.»h Isoni nixi are able to <4 man necd»s| by th^s District and quite frequent «luring the past week. get their machiner» nnd workmen into State in Congress?’* • • • I imurnnee • • • Rev. Mr. Dunlap showed bis interest the Klamath i-oimti». Work should be ' in our school by making us a visit the | We carry a full line of Insurance. IneliKling Life, IVrsotUll Accident, * ««■Il uudet W h » I» spline ilmi tivelve £ tirst of the week. Fire. Steam Holler, llnte (¡lawt. and Liability Insurance. month« ought to see tin* first unit of the Four hundred dollars has been collect- j Klamath project «-oiupleteii mi l inojier- , ed and forwarded to Filer's Piano lluil.-e atiou. I Portland. An entertainment will lie | i given in the near future, after which we | I hope to pay the remaining sum due on j A numerously signed |>etition will lie I our piano. presented to the County Court nt the The regular Literary society meeting ä March lei in for a change in the county was held last Friday afternoon. Geo. T. Hav is getting scanv. Cattlemen w ill toad between Klamath Falls aud Alta-1 Baldwin favored us with his presence. soon have to vacate the Klamath basin. mont. Tim ptoposed change nil ruu from the I We sincerely hope lie was not wearied It l.siked last tlctobei with "'>.000 tons Fresh Candies and Bon Bons, Stationery, of bay in sight, that there would !«• al­ foot of Sixth street on n direct line to I by the hour and five minute speech by Notions. Cigars and Tobacco «eveial thousand Altamont, shortening ttie distance almut one of the enthusiastic debaters and falfa to lurid at beef cattle for the March, mid April one-half, mid over ground upon which . that he will come again. Frcnii ICr*tilt In Season markets, w liieli niu|iie«tioiiably will be an excellent road bed can lie constructed. ■ The Student Body met and electe.) DAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES high. Witbin the past week we arc This is n long needed improvement de­ two correspondents to the city papers, * reliably informed alfalfa liny nt Merrill manded by the farming interests imme-' To lieeome acquainted with the outside Main Street near Postoffice dintelv contiguous to Klaiuath Falls on world is our aim. advanced n ten. Consider yourselves invited to attend Mitchell llros. will take ent over 800 the east and south. The present road runs around by the I our next literary meeting on February bend of beef cattle from the Cantrall A Ankeny ranch mid their own place hill and needlessly adds fully one nnd 10, 1906, in Assembly Hall. one-half miles to the road, and is one of . We expect another high school teich- ■ within the next two weeks. OFFERS FOR SALE the heaviest pieces of road in the conn- | er in the near future. You will soon be I Fiank lllooiuingiainp went through tv, mid convenience to the immense Composition..............Winnie Withrow I Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Wall Paper, Etc. Gerlrer, C. Swmiston, the J. D. Carr travel coming to the city from Ihe south. I Essay................................. Lena Barnum' Large White Yorkshire Swine Horton Company, Henry Anderson, Original Talk................... Edna Norris j While Bros, mid several small hits, These Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices Current Events Alexander Martin Bronze Turkeys beefeattie did exceptionally well this Ihdutle—Resolved, That wealth causes ( for Cash in order to close up their business. winter, the men who ganiblo thousands more crime than poverty. E. S. Atwood, who Ims been a resi­ on th«* game owing to no advance in B-Plymouth Rock Chickens Affirmative—Harry Benson, Garrett price« did not much more than break dent of Klamath Falls for over a year, Van Riper and Agustus Bonney. «lied at the residence of John Verlings even as about the eoat of the hay. I Negative—Dan Parker, Luke Park­ Tuesday afternoon nt 5 o’clock. Mr. er and Carlyle Vaden. Atwood has been n sufferer from Tuber­ OLENE. OR REX BORD, S. S. Convention Postponed. culosis mid came here in the hojie Hint Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sisemoro and I On account of a change of plans by the change of climate might relieve the Field Worker the S. S. Convention him. His a ife survives him. The fun- child arrived last evening from Fort announced last week has lieen just- ertil seivivea were held yesterday af- Klamath for a law days visit in the city. tirnoou at the ITcubytvnau church. poned indelinetely. Five and Ten Want Three Hose Houses Getting Readv fo Ship Outfit BALDWIN & BALDWIN M ason &. S lough ABSTRACTERS SEWER and WATER WORK High School Notes 4* A Alo ve in the Right Direction f^RANK ANKENY Among tiie Stock - 4 OLENE RANCH E. S. Atwood Dies a- From Business | The Brick Store Co. S- a- Their Entire Stock of Goods Fixtures and Store Building a- $ 9- £ ...SALEIS NOW ON... I £ w np