Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 25, 1906, Image 4

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    That handhil «»I « lay Im* tiilml the t«v»
<»f the
an,l it v «» h will
uvvr in­
to t!:t* I • u*v «»I the riiitie .V* it utter «4
EncLin!. vl kiu>; U«h\»««i «»i I.««xHn<t
miu I
the iiHine oi Abraham Lin­
coln. i I hea l.** util le I m > w « x L
Who « an t« II Li< n**i»nnwil»ili'.iv«*?
ft out «»f chty nn<l *« h »1 aii I »mul van lie
n.adv that which i* • •( piuclv»* \aluv,
«•ut • t thv e haii'IinlM *»| day »hut an»
ci oiiint «vit «»( th«» home* ot Khtm.-ith
I I n mN and vi Klamath count v. uhat »ball
s no* Lv made. Mun aiv K»rn in the
• United State® vwrv «lav who are ||rvat«»r
than tin* Kiru* of b’nn»|H*, or their
I .': iin ‘ uiuH.-tviN or Ir^Kkihin*. There
» aiv Niatt‘«inen dointf th«' I» unhivn < i of the
• United State* t hl.n« who coukl handle
f th«» u**v«*•nmvnt oi Europe better than
r ther are behig handled. |l«»cau>e of the
, Nuece**ivv tran^foiniation occurring here
» ycai after year, every bright la>y ami
k’ul lia* lavn tbvd a « ith thoae a-pira-
ii nw that make all ihin^N potNiblr.
I'hvr«» it i« clas«* against c I hm . It i»,
i ‘«.in I bol l my plac«» mo th«' t'xir,
. avaiii'-t the p’pular »trite far ln»e»lotu?’
» . r how can *»• a ring from the |»r«mle a
lew ino»t 'of their tuwrable doLara?
‘ Here, how different. We »elect our
a«lmiuibtratora from ourovlv«»».
• d<» n«»t >tndy t>* k«*vp us down, tlo-y
- *(u«ly. and they «»n^ht to »tilth*, boa
• thev can d«'the tn *>t for un ami how
• they can take the lra>t from ua in re
- turn. In the brain» in th«* bank and
• in th«» place of IdiMih», in the brain» in
I the nv I ioo I hoiiae, in th«» brain m th«»
mine, in th«» I ciiii in th«» shop, there in
4 vr »1 ab!v a bett«*r quality oi l»»ain ami
■ Itelter filn-r of brain, or at Ivaat an «»qual
- «tualitv an«l fiber at in th«»m* who hold
• the .>lhce., anil we could lose all the
I oiliit-i* of the United State* to-iiiglit.
• let them all die, and w.K>n yon would
hardly know there had liven a vacancy.
•’Man »«< not givt-n long leg» that he
i might .trice like a giant, but a brain.
‘ that lie might think automobiles. elec
■ trie cars, airships; a brain that can take
I a piece of . ay and make of it a buck
• and make a h »tire; take a tree out ot
• the tor. .: and make of it a ; ..lace. lie
I w a* i.ot given great |>ow< r ot lx.lv but
i power of brain to eoui|*-l the willing
(Concluded from first |>ag*)
- 1 ami fruitful soil to yield the bounty of
nature; he wax not given an eye that making IxMiies of governments. After
• could pierce the utnio-t fields of space
■ but a brain that could think a telescope. detailing in a most careful and vivid
> lie wax not given a brain to see atom» manner the method of procedure in the
■ and molecule*, but a brain which can
I discover thing* almost t«wv xmali lor out United Mate* S-ri.Ut and Congress, he
I mit.de to conceive. When we see brains then reviewed the ni.xhis operand! a*
• applied to the world aial to men, we are
practiced by the English I'arliment and
• tl.e m vit valuable tinndied pnxluet.
"I w ant to-ay now w hat brain ha. House of Lords.
done for tin* country in 125 year».
In tbs evening Professor Hawley ad
I When I wax born not long ago there
were :i-l million people in the I’nited dressed a large and enthusiastic audi­
> state*. 34 million according to the ence on "The making of lhe Ik-daration
• l.txt treasury report I receive«! just lx-- of Independence.” In view <4 the tact
I fore I «terted here, there are S4 million that Mr. Hawley is a candidate for the
|x- pie in the 1’nited States. In the
’ -pan of my hie 50 million people have nomination for Congressman from this
I Ixren added to the I’nited States. I ex­ listiict, the citizens generally t<*>k ad­
pect to see 150 million people here. vantage of this oppu tuiuty to hear him
What have these ,ample Ix-en doing in
the-e year* of which I s|w-ak? How *peak.
Saturday’s Session.
ranks the United States among the na
i: tion«? Wl.at is the result of training
The attendance on Saturday waseven
the brain? Is it worth the cost?”
larger than on the previous days, many
When I was a boy I used to stand be­ , of the friends of the school being pres­
hind the kitcl.en atove and talk to mv ent. some oi whom took an active |xirt
mother. The «weete-t thing in a l> v’s in the d'HCuasion of the several subjects.
life is to talk with I is mother, and watch Alter the opening exercise* and the roll
her cook. There is one recipe—it was call, Professor Hawley spoke on the le­
for making some sort of cake—I may gal procedure in the United States
not remember it exactly, but it went Courts, detailing the scope and author­
something like this: Some flour, 4‘s ity vested in these from the Circuit to
egg«, a cup of sugar, a crip of salerat us, ' the Supreme Court- He was followed
stir and mix thoroughly, and then set by a most earnest talk by Professor
on a hot stove ami stir constantly, a« if >wan, calling the attention of the teach­
one could sit on a hot stove and not stir ers to the necessity of them keeping in
I constantly. I’d like to see that recipe touch with the remaikable progiess las­
I tried.
ing made along the line <4 education in
j There are people in the world who do Kl.miath County. Ha a-ked their
not need to stir constantly; they can hearty snp|s>rt in an efl >rt to obtain
take their time. But when we want to 1>etter school buildings in the country
go some place, we have to travel on the districts.
railroad, if we want to let a n.an know
Mr. Mulkey’s address on “Nature
what we think, we send a telegram, or’ Study” which followe-l, fo m I a rc«|xm- .
if we want to hear his voice we call him sive chord in the minds of every teach­
up over the telephone. One out of every er. He made a strong appeal in favor
four manufactured articles pr.xluced any of ttie introduction of a course of farm­
where in the world, one out of every 5 ing and gardening in the schools.
tons of agricultural products are pro­ The follow mg committee was appoint­
duced in the United .- tales. I submit ed on resolutions Io riqiort at the after­
the question to you; has what we have, ’ noon session: I. G. Swan. M. V. Blough
put into the heads of our boys and girls, Stella Campliell, Odahte Horning and
into the making of human character,) Hazeltine Hayden.
liven misused?
At the afternoon session Professor
There was once a little boy whose ) Hawley concluded Ids lecture; on Civil
mother said to him lie was the worst Government, after which the teacher*
little liov she ever knew; but to other were allowed to submit written ques­
people, she said he was the best little tions on any of the subjects discussed
boy in the world.
«luring the Institute. These were ans­
One day she concluded she would wered ami explaineil by the instructors.
make Tommy obey; She called him to President Mulkey spoke on the "Old
her and said, “Tommy at 9 o’clock I am and New Falucation,” and the conclud­
going to call you, and every hour after ing address was given by Fuperintend
;e up a handful of earth. It cou­ that, and if von have done anything
nt element*, water, clay, eoot wrong I am going to punish yon; and 1 ent Wight, in which he thanked the
teachers for the interest they bad
,■1. The housewife does not
on her polishe I floor. These am going to keep this tip every day un­ shown and asked for their continuol
s cannot ao anything in them- til you are a good Itoy.” At V she had •upi*irt. He itnprerse«l U|*m their
r for themeelves or for each to punish him, at It , and 11, at 1 they
But let us separate them and bail a rehersal, at 2 a matinee, at 3 re­ minds the necessity of progress in their
work and reccorntnemlerl several oluca-
cital with full chords; at 4 she did the tional magazines for their approval,
best she could. Then she fell back on with the a>lvice that they sboubl at
the lounge and said, “Tommy, you are least take one magazine of this nature
the werst boy I ever knew.” and threw inorler to keep apace with modern
the stick np against the wall where il methods on teaching.
caught on a motto hanging there, an
The following resolutions
old fashioned motto, that sai l “God ported by the committee ami
bless our home.” But Tommy said tion were duly approved :
“Don’t put lhe stick up theie, that
says “God bless our home,” put it up
“Whereas, we the teachers of Klam­
over this one over here, that says, “I ath County in Institute assembled feel
need thee every hour.”
that we have enjoyed an interesting ami
From the foundation of our govern­ profitable session, and that no «-ffort
ment to the present time we have has lieen spared by the Instructors,
needed education every hour; and for Citizens of Klamath Falls or bv onr
th'-re rea*ons, briefly s|M>aking U could worthy Superintendent to make this In-
have develo|«d my illustration of the ' xtitnte a success.
handful of clay more at length) liutfor
Therefore, lie it resolve«!: Firstly—
these reasons, I think you have done That we extend to President Mulkey, of
the wisest thing you could have done the Ashland Normal school, and to
w ith |33,0U0. 1 do not s*e how it c ould Professor W. C. Hawley, Dean of Wil-
have la-en more wisely expended. You lametta University, our sincere appreci­
cannot have a great country, you can­ ation of their able instruction, an<l that
not have a great city unless yon have we feel grateful to them for undertaking
men and women equal in greatness to the difficulties of a winte* journey to
the city and country. Moles only our (’ountry.
make mole hills, g'sls make moun­ Fecondly—That we regret the alisence
of Ftate Snjierintemlent Ackerman, w ho
Let me tell yon the future. I close w as detaincil by illness, an«) of Presi-
my eye* and open them again. Ten <b-nt Campladl, of the Oregon Univer­
years, fifteen years, I do not know. 1 sity, who is enjoying the novel ex|*-ri-
< annot tell. 1 know that time has ence of lining snow-lioun'l between
elapsed. I see a stately city in a well Thrall and I’okegaina, ami that our
cultured valley; 1 see systems of Irri­ sympathy goes out to him, lait unfortu­
gation nil through meadows and alfalfa, nately is not warm enough to melt the
apple orchards and other fruits, vast snow hanks la-tween us.
fields of sugar beets, grains, herds of
Thirdly—That we exteml a vote nt
castle, manufacturing establishments. thanks to the Klamath County High
I see farm houses, largo commodious, Schijol Board for the use of the beauti­
well painted; I look in*de and see ful ami commodious buihiing, ami also
them comfortable, and well provided. for other courtesies.
Fourthly—That we have enjoyed the
I listen; out of the Fast conies the entertainment aff«ir«le<i by the musical
sound of a rushing engine, going from -elections of Misses Mason ami New- j
San Francisco to the North. I listen liam, an«l Messrs. Mason ami Martin,
: Furniture ,,0
I have added to my stock oí Furniture a lull line U
and have fitted up a chappci where services may be
I also have secured the services oi a compe­
tent licensed embalmer and funeral director, who
Met ’alien
It hi alea
will attend promptly to all calls day or night,
cither in the city or country, taking full charge of
funeral relieving you of all responsibilities attend-
>int on such occasions
Residence 66
Phone. Store 61
.Ashland Normal
A big shipment oi dishes and glassware just received
Hardware and Plumbing Goods,
Syracuse Walking and Gang Hows
»-F fr»l»4»4*4*4,,F4»»i*4**F •F4*4*4*4*4»«4*4-4*-F4‘X
Crockery, Glassware,
The Y. M. C. A. meeting la*t Wed*
Uesday was given over h> toe election
of officers for the ensuing year, The
officers elected were: President, . Harry
Savle; vice-president Ge«». Martin;
Now is the lime lo buy
Homos in Klamath County
at the
Under the Government Irrigation Scheme
Homes in Langell and Lost River Valleys
Cheaper than elsewhere under the
Govcrnmment project of irrigationi
Chas. Pattee. Manager. Bonanza. Oregon
I will pay the above reward for
watch my repair department
did not furnish put
einig* w<- could
Is Renowned for its Superiority of
and Finish
City Drug Store
The Largest
The Merrill C’lcmiiery Cotnpsny *****
iiiude arrangements with Mei»» ti r
mnml, ot the City Ment Merkel, to bea­
dle their Imiter in Klamath l ull"-
...in America
Quick Delivery
For Hale -320a< u- g....I farming land
two mile* dim H phi of khuimth Fall* at
• I” per aero. Also 21 m acres of my
home ranch at Keim, Otigoii. It. A.
Firm line of watches, jewelry, etc.
I.. AI vii Lewis.