Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 25, 1906, Image 3

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W. (). J-nriH, Editor and Proprietor
Klamath Falls, Ore., Thursday, January 25, 1906
Ill III« (Titilli I I «»urt ut l hi* Ml «Ir til Ol« M'lll for
Notlce Ol Admlnlatrator's Final
Hit* i T miii I) ••( KleiitMh
III ih» iiiaiirrul Ih» giiar«iiMH«lilp ttf AgiKtl*
Nnilre la barfby glvrn. lliat J. C Kulrnle.
Marpl«, a minor.
ad miniai raior of thè Kaiaf*- uf John T. Minar.
Il a|i|M*ar)t>M to lb«* I'ourt from th** |H*lllloti
il> ri a»«<i. ha» flirti bis final ai conni of ih«* a*t
ol KlGa M Marpla, gitai'llanol ih<* pcraoii ami
inlnktrallon of salii relais» wnh che «derk o
«••lal» uf Agn««< M«r|'|i’ a minor, praying
ti»«« founly ruoti of Riamati» rooniy, ()rrg«>n
fur an orlvr of eaM of rrrtAlii r«al «*«iaii< l«>*
ami thai salii muri has appuhifml lo u'rlorg,
b'liklng io lu*r •« I wartl, Hint n wottl'l !»«•
A M , of Frl'lay, tho Ifiih day of Fcbruary,
iMHirfh lal |<* «ahi »ar*| lu batu «ut'li foal < •
P aio , asfha lime tur hearing of cibjreiiona lo
tate Mini
•unta Aliai armoni ami Ih» ariijrmriit tht*rrof.
Il I» Herr by Or>l«r<Hl. Thai th«» ttokl of kin
ibis li olir» la publlsliwd I») orlrr uf «alti «miri
«>( lb«* Mahl war«l. au I all |>«'r«ulift Irtti-r* «t« <l In
i iitrrrtl Januory. i*. IMA.
J .C. UrtiNir,
Ih« «ahi ««tat«, a|>|«<*ar In-htr» ilii«
Aflmlnlwiraior of the folate of John T. Min
Maturila). ih« M 4« > *4 F« bruti y, Ikkk, al io
re (Irraaai*«!.
<>'rltN-h A M._ al Ih« t'ioirt Koulii ul ibi» < uurt,
I l»M
ai lb» <‘4urth«m«r in Klamath Falla, <>r»gon.
Ih«it and liter* |t» «huw t au»e why an «u4« r
Administrator** Notice
»houhl not I m < grani**«! tur ita«* «ai«« of «urli r«*al
N<»Gc« I« h<*r« b) f h«n <l»«t th» County Court
pro|»*iI). <1« m t ib«*4 in «aId |*»’tUh»» aa fullow«
i«»r K lAtitwi It (Ouiity. Orrgoti, ultHttg In pro*
Au un«IHhl«*<| »»n- »I mu lnl«r»«l In and t«»
bet». 4 d | «»n January lltli, iwm , appoint m«* as
Rhwb V» lu Ita» <Tiy oi K lantalh Falla. Or« < >n. •4mitiitir«t<»r u! th« relate of Jianir] Crotir
I«>rmrrly Nl^buU* addition to '.bn town uf tnlllrr. >1< < > a*rd
Ail |*fMii»s Laving claims
K lamat h Falla. ••*« ■ r*1'ng In (hr pial of «ahi
again») his »«tat» vs III pr*wnt them tu ms on
addition duly r* •- I I In lb-- off) r of thr
or before sig months, at Furl Klamath, Or«*
I'nuuiy (Trrk <«l Klamath Conni) . Urvgun.
gi'h. duly trtlfl«*«| according to law,
l*ai«'«l Januar) al. !'•■
Dated Januar) pl, 1* a .
Fr»d I* Crott rr» I Her
I « «*
Couniy Judge.
Administrator uf the vstata of Daniel ('runs ■
till Iler. tlrrnsKfl
Conte»! Notice.
J < H itkmii ', Atturnvy for A*1ml nlstralur,
I laoa
I>rparimcni «»f th« Interior
l*nlt»*1 Htatr«
I he Most Feasible and the Least Expensive of Any of
the Irrigation Projects Undertaken By the United
States Government.
By E. I. APPLEGATE. Secretary Klamath Water User* ÄMociatdon, Klamath Falla, Oregon.
In soullieastern Oregon and north- les. home of the irrigators of Klsmath «•arwl for, are doing well. Mr. E. L.
eastern California is a vast Interior vslley, and they are the most pro.|>er- Smith, preaident of the Oregon State
plateau region, cut of! from the outside "US farmer», have alrea-ly paid out to IL«r-l of Horticulture, who vlaited the
' world by mountain barriers and arid such companies (or water |»W) jirr acre valley (hi. «eseon, gave it aa hit opinion
expanses, sparsely settled, and until re­ and own no water. All of the»«! com- that the foothill land« are apecially
cently wholly without transportation panir-s have Ireen purchased hy the gov- adapted to apple growing.
facilities—a ju-leifully rich in its possi­ erntm-ni an 1 included in the system.
prune, and («ara do well alao. The
bilities and only awaiting the enter­ I No public lands will Ire open for set­ native wild plum (Pruno» aubcordatal
prise and capital of man (or its develop­ tlement for several years. Practically occur, in great abundance and reaches
ment. Within this territory and occu­ all such lands are now under water. it. highest development.
One of Bur-
pying the upper drainage system ut the When thoroughly reclaimed and ready Imnk'a faiuoua pluma ia the re­
Klamath Kiver is the Klamath Basin in for cultivation they w ill Ire subject to mit of a croe» between thia wild plum
which is situated the Klamath Valley homestead entry in small tracts, prob­ and a cultivated variety. The cultiva­
and the tributary, smaller valley of Lost ably not exceeding 80 acres.
tion of the potato ba» passed beyond the
Kiver. The whole, including lakes snd
With a present population of less than experimental stage, the sandy loam of
contiguous swamps, aggregates about 6000 under the project, there is room for the uplands producing them in great
300,OOO acres, and has u meau elevation thousands of comfortable homes, and abundance.
Sugar beets have been
|.au>l (iflliv, Mboview, Or „ hi , January Id,
of slaHit 4200 leet shore sea level. more than ten times as many people.
grown ex’ierimentally throughout the
Notko of I inai Account.
Nearly all of this area is to l«e reclaimed
The principal industry of the Batin Klamath valley. The percentage of
A »ufh« tant remisai «dl.lavlt hating Bern
In Ibr ( utility l'n«iri uf Hi» M«ats of drag »n,
flirti III thia »'Uh b) A li Malti, < <>litr»taut.
and irrigated l>y the government under has been and is stockraising, lack of sugar is high as will be noted from the
for the ( wunty uf Klamath.
aaaltiai Immraii a<| viilr) Nu
what ia known as the Klamath Project. transportation facilities making it im- following analysis made by the U. K.
In Ilia maitar of the catatu uf Minnie G Mar
lath i « m . f..r
tiU li»kN
ju Tp
lib, d< craard.
half of it consists of tule and lake l>ossilile to market other produce. This Department of Agriculture from beets
«TN K a K H M by J.»hu J ||)«»r If. CuntsMrs,
Dr. W to Martin, administrator ut «aid etiafe ( lands to be drained and prepared for will doubtless continue to 1« the lea-ling grown near Klamath Falls:
In which |a la alhgrd lhal John J ll)*»r«1t, baa
having AL d bit Anal a* < uuul uf hlo admlnla*
wbamlunref a«n| homcaira-l and nul berti <»u
irrigation aud cultivation. The other industry for some time to come. About
Average weight of beets.............13 ot.
tratluu t»t ••! I ratal«, butlcs 1« hereby glten
Ihu ian>1 foe tuura ihan ala tn> ii'ha |a>l ;-a«t.
Sugar in beets, per cent.............. 21.7
lhal aald < <»urt ha« a|>p<»ln|cd Naturday, the portion is com posed of foot-hill snd 20,000 acres are now under irrigation,
• ml that hi 14 allege I aliwrio <• from lb» land
loth day ul February, A D IWd. al th« hour of somew hat undulating plains lands cov­ most of which area is growing alfalfa,
Sugar in juice, )>er cent............... 24.1
waa nul dur to hl« mi| l») metti In tho irtny.
lOo'clock In lb« fur»t»<Mjn uf taid «lay. at the ered with the characteristic sagebrush which has become an important feeding
Coefficient of purity......................83.1
Navy, or Marine < ,u|-« of th ('nitr i *L»t»a aa
1‘uurt K< m «» u uf aald Court In the Town of
of the great interior basin of the west. ground not only (or stock raised in the
a privat« aoMIvt, un.<«r. «««man <*r Marin»'
In some of the more favored localities,
Hlamath fail«. <>r»g-Hi aa th» Ilin« and place
during th« war with ’»•• n. <»r «luring any
for bearing objeetiona tu aid account and the The upland soil is mainly a rich sandy Basin, but for many that are driven in notably along Link River at Klamath
vihat • ar in w hr h th* I !».(< I filetea i.i«y be
actilenient IbciavL
loam of great uniformity and com|H>»ed from the great ranges tributary. The Falls, some of (he more tender fruits
• iigagM A« -I parti* • »/• hereby nulidad tu
largely <>( disintegrated an<l eroded lava , time is coming when each farmer will and vegetables are grown, including
hppssr. rva|M»ttd and offer midai»« « lourhitu
A Jmlnlatraior uf th« cat at« of Minn« G. Mar-
• • t
with an admixture ol volcanic ash and raise tome good stock ami give it better [«each.,, apricots, grs|>es, corn snd
aal«t allegation at 10 i> < h.
• m « hi March 1
l-ai- 1 a- k amaih fails, Oregon, January
!*•. before <i>-ofgc J Bald» In. C»>«iot) Judge,
diatomaceous earth, the latter material care, and the nutnl-er brought in from melons. During most seasons squashes
lllli, IMal
at Klamath Falla, or« gon, (aid that forni
of plant origin formed in the bottom ol the interior ranges will be increased are raised in many places. Hope do
haa ring w III hv had at lu u'rluck a. in <»n
Contest Nolle«.
the ancient sea which covered the great- many fold, making this one of the larg­ well in some places. The tule lands
brlut«) lh< h <l»l«-i and II-
I N i TIZD n TAIK« LANDdFFlCK, Lakeview,
, er |«rt of the Great Basin and ol which est and beet feeding grounds and stock might produce profitable crops of cran­
calvar al lh<* I’uHeU malva 1.a od Oflh • In Lak»
drrgnn. January, t, jwc
! Klaiuath Valley is a northwesterly ex­ producing sections on the coast. The berries. According to a recent bulletin
% law. Granuli.
A tuBcisfit contest affl lavlt haring been
The aah| i ustuaiant ha« Ing. In a proper at
filed itt thia I'fQrs by UevrgS It Myers. Cunte«l- tension.
Such soil, characteristic of fattening quality of the teed and the cli­ of the Department of Agriculture “The
fldavil. lied January 11. C a >,. avi t sr U la> ta
ant, against homestead entry No. 1ICA. made many of the richest agricultural regions matic conditions are particularly favor­ conditions necessary for success in cran­
uhlrh *m>«« thaï alter d «« d. lganca pwrauuai
• 1 of the world, including much of Italy
able. The geographic position makes berry culture are soils of a pea tty or al­
•ri % i«-r uf thia nolle» catinul I mj mad», Il la
«Mr 13. Tp M M . H • K W M , by
l»*f--Lj ordkf<- I ah»1 Hr- • I that tu h n »il- *
and the great plains of India, is ex­ it a splendid distributing point.
luvial nature, located at high altitudes
W Uliam Morrison l unfrstrr. in which II Is al
br glvan by d jv and pH
Occupying an intermediate position or in high latitudes and provided with
Ivg« d that th« sa d Mtiliam M<trrl«on has tremely fertile and of la»ting product­
J S WaTgrm.
»Lully abandoned said Iraki, that Le bar iveness. The lake ami tule land, are with reference to the great serni-aiid an ample and easily available water
'1(«ng<*d his r eaidciico therefrom fur tuorr
i made up of a volcanic eoil containing plains of the interior and the more supply and with an easily accessible
it su «»nr tear slur- making said nnlry; that
Admlnhtrator'a Sale uf Real I state. «• l ir« t is n<»i «ctil <1 upon and cultivated much organic matter, a vegetable accu- humid coast region with which it is con­ supply of sand.” All of which condi
Nnllr«* I« I Ctrl y <|g«*|t, ll»at In |»nra«»at»rr nf by «aid party aa requir’d by law; that said mutation of ages, and is of a jealty nected by the low Klamath Gap in the lions are certainly present.
an«>r*b r«*f tl » (' r* «til « miri of th» Alai» oí William Morriaon has left Klamath I'uunty . nature.
Cascade range of mountains, the eli- closely allied species of berries occur,
<nty<Hi (•>« i* i « -unty - I h latnath, duly ma*l
and has hewn alMMint lherrirom f>w more than
For a region of high altitude, the cli­ malic conditions are more favorable for and the native cranberry is found farther
atvl tni»tr*l on ihr atta <'ay ul January. ISut. < ne tear last past, and lhal said ahsanc«
mate, while c-xil, is extremely healthful agriculture than the greater part of in- north. Experience has demonstrated
In the mait»r <«f It«-ratal«of Jani"« (*. I'rulck
therefrom is not du« lo his employment In
There Is rarely any terior Oregon and northern California. that excellent asparagus, onions and
alian It. tin «••• I. ih.» ut l«*»«fgnr.|, th« admin
the Army. Nary, er '4sflne «'urpa ot th« and not sei err.
latrator of said r»tat». Will *«n amt aller Ihr I ailed htates. «Ilh«r aa a aoIdler, sailor, of
winter weather before the latter part of Many of the plants characteristic of the celery can be grown, the tule lands be­
Ftn day of February. I*-*»« *«*|| at private »alv Avar or marin« In atty war In whic h the Decvmlier, and but little aero weather
coast region find their eastern limit in ing very simitar to those of ths Sacra­
Irr i <«h in h«nd, «tiL, rt o> r»e mnür*».al .01» Cnlled Hates may Lave l»eeti engaged. Paid
; during tl>e entire winter. The annual the Klamath Basin and fraternise with mento and San Joaquin valleys of Cali­
uf Ibr < .> ,rt. all Hu right, tilit, rxiai» and I attics arc hereby uollHe l to appear, reapond
precipitation is about 15 inches with tiicir desert cousins, while several of the fornia, where such vegetables are so
lUGrrat ««f <hv ««id Jam«-« i* I'rulrkeltank. dr- and offer ev.deuce lunching ««I t allegation at
< ua>rl. at 11.<- t|mr 4 !» • .hath amt all Ihr lo o'clock a in on February Ji.
before little rain during the summer months, forest trees of the north, including the successfully cultivated. Throughout the
right, llilr amt inlrr ,1 lhal tbr aa< 1 raíalo Geo < haataln. County Clerk of Klamath ir-igation is therefore ueccMary (or the Alaska Cedar, following the Cascades, woild ths reclaimed marshlands are the
ha« b) o|irr»llo|t > f I«« «>( «>thrt W j«r •<->|<iir<-t Cuunt). at Khsinatb Falla. Orsgon. (a id that
successful grow ing ol most crrqie.
meet here other species in their north­ best suited fur the highest development
«>ih«-r «r in a !<fi( < n n> ih«t »»f ««.«I Jam«*« <‘
Huai h«artng will be held at 10 o'clock a m.
of the dairy interests, producing the
The Klamath Vr"iec« '• onu ot the ern march.
t'rulr bahanb . at lit«* IMnr «sf h.« d"A. h, la »u l on Match 10, HMM, before) the Kcgiater ami lie-
tu Ibo following 4 rr l | » »I pr*»|Mrljr. U»
i lv« r a* the t'uitcd Mtatvs l.atid OXve In most feasible and is the least expensive
The fir»t set tiers came into the Basin best grasses and other forage plants
Mil: S »|of th. \ff *a a*vl Hi» N
ot ih» Laker lew, Oregon
of any of the government projects thus alstul 35 years ago. For a number of necessary.
NK \ «4 N»«-non u Tp a H, H n\ Kad of
The »aid conlvatanl hat Ing. In a proper af
tar undertaken. There is an abuudance years farming implements were almost
Doubtless the introduction of im­
Miilamrtt«« M>rldiau, In (Jirguii. vuniaininj ndskit.fllud January o. I*M, set forth facta
unknown, stock l-eiug |>astured on the proved methods and the careful study
Inu «rrr«.
ublcb show that after due dihgvure personal
By deepening the public lan-ls and a little natural marsh <>f the peculiar soil and climatic condi­
iHird at Kia m al It Falla. Or»gnn. January arr rlev ol tins notice can nut be made. Il Is natural reservoirs.
loth, ire
it u i LorruN.
her.'by ordered and directrtl that am i» notice cut through (lie broken rack rim of the grass provided for winter feeding, emu- tions of the different localities will re­
Admhilfilraior of thr ratal» ul Jum i <*
be given by due auJ proper publication.
Basin at the point where the Klamath not even doing this. 1- lour and other sult in the establishment of many new
< nm M«>>«tik i.l
J H WatM • ic* K -ter
lliver entera the |>ass through the Cas­ produce was brought across the nioun- lines of profitable agriculture not here­
cade Mouiitaius, the waters of the lower tains by wagon or pack train, Koon tofore undertaken.
The Government
lakes and suampa can be drawn off and considerable rye was grown. In a few contemplates operating an experimental
tho land reclaimed. Bids for tire initial years it was demonstrated that a great farm in connection with the Klamath
work rtf the great enterprise have been part of the Klamath valley was adapted project which will do much toward de­
advertised (or, an-l the system will be to the growing uf other grains, the only- termining the crops adapted to these
comph-trsl as rapidly aa the land owners difficulty being the luck of rain during conditions.
t-nn adjust themselves to the new con­ some seasons. Immense craps of splen­
For its development and prosperity
I Vi you keep n bank account? If you
ditions, an-l excess lands come into the did wheat, barley an-l oats are gruwn the Klamath Basin must have people,
don't, why n«'t Mart one will» iia .
bauds of persona qualified to perfect a under irrigation.
Klamath county and tite right kind of people at that.
*<lrrngth, courteny, ami hlmml, yvl mn-
government water right. With the ob­ wheat, grown without irrigation, lock Da great need is intelligent, practical
frrvniivc inaimx« mrnl, combine tu make
ject of making homes for as many fam­ the premium at the New Orleans Expo­ farmers who understand the meaning of
lliia a gfM il bank tu do bnbincaa with.
ilies as possible, sticlt tight will not Ire sition. The most important forage crop intensified aud diversified farming, men
sold to any one owner (or a tract of is alfalfa, the eoil being peculiarly who will buy land not for speculative
land exceeding It's) acres and only to a adapted to its growth. The hardier purposes but with the idea of clearing
resident of the iriigation district. All fruits and vegetables do well. At pres­ of! the sagebrush and making perman­
landow ners lu-ing required to sell their ent there are comparatively few (tearing ent and comfortable hornea. Much men
Klamath Falls, Oregon
excess holdings, there is a large area of orebords, although a few small apple are bound to succeed. There is room
g-xsl laud (or sale at reasonable figures, orchards were planted about 30 years for thousands of them.
prices ranging from about filo to |25 for ago. Since coming into (waring they
With all that uature has supplied,
unimproved an-l f-M to $50 per acre for have produced abundantly and of ex­ w ith all that the Government and the
improver) land. The purchaser pays for ceptional quality, with little care and no railroads are furnishing, the coming of
officers :
the water right ata cost of aliout «18 per systematic attempt to prevent or erad­ the actual tiller of the soil and the elim­
A lo M ari in , President,
acre to Ire pair! for in ten equal annual in­ icate insect or fungus diseases. During ination of the boom spirit would be the
E. H. K kamkh , Vice President.
stallments without interest.
This the last few years a good many small most important factors in the develop­
amounts to less than the ordinary annual orchards have been planted in the ment of the great agricultural resources
At.xx M artin J u , »alder,
water rental paid private ditch compan-j Klamath valley and. where properly ot the Klamath Basin.
E. M. Be mi, Asst Cashier.
First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to
a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South­
ern Oregon and Northern California; also to favorite
camping, hunting and fishing grounds.
Horses Boarded by the Week or Month.
Hp/rinl attention given transient »fork
Cor, Mai
and »penal rale» to freighter». (Jrain
VlnnuMt tnf
by 'JatMk. Hay by Iht bah or ton. ¡‘kont-Hnin 44
26,000 acres of the very best farm land in Klamath
County, FOR SALE CHEAP. Will sell in large
or small tracts to suit purchasers. Terms reasona­
ble. Alio have some good residence property in
Klamath Falls at a bargain.
Correspondence Solicited.
First National Bank, Klamath Falls, Or.
H. W. STRAW, Proprietor
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
Capital $50,900. Grganizad 1839
JJ". O. Smith Proprie or
Klamath Faile Oregon
Jioo Reward.
Pure Bred Stallions
Buff Cochin Chickens
l’liotiv, Alfiin 1-T
Largest and Best Equipped Stables in Southern Oregon
r. OLIVER, Proprietor
City Meat Market
I will pay tlie above reward for a
wat< h my re)>air <ie|>artment cannot
put in |>erfoct running order. L. Alva
Town Treasurer’« Notice.
Notice i» hereby given that there «re
(ulula in the town trwMury for the re­
demption of the following warrant«:
Noe. MOO, MOI, 1000, 1304, 1305, 1307,
1308, 1309, 1310, 1200, 1298, Uff, 1318,
1319. 1320, 1321, 1323. 132.», 1327, 1313,
1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1311, 1.112. 1317,
1328, 13«, 1322, 1324, 1X30, 1331, 1332,
1333, 1 134, 1335, 1330, 1337, 1338, 1341,
134(1, 1348, 1340, 1349, 1347, 1342, 1344,
1315, 1350, 135«, 1131», 1351, 1302, I 343.
Interest ceaees January 4, 190(1.
Dated at Klamath Falla, Oregon, this
4th day of January, 190(1.
J. W. StRMlxa,
Town Treasurer.
F or H als .—1(>0 acres, 8 miles east of
Klamath Falla, at |3O per acre. All
fenced, small house, barn, out buildings
and good well water. 35 acres alfalfa
and timothy under the Ankeny-Henley
ditch, yield 100 to 140 lone yearly. 40
acres grain, 8 acres potato land, balance
in brush, on county stage road to Mer­
rill. Or will sell part.—H. S. Parrish,
Merrill, Oregou.
Fort Klamath Creamery Butter
Free Hot Innch served at the Bank
Exchange with drinks (rotu 10 to 12
a. tn. and 8 to 12 p. lu.
Official Newspaper of
Klamath County and
Leading Journal of tho
Interior Oregon Country
All kinds of laundry finished in a
Midway Feed Stables
Good quarters and best of care at
Driving Teams are Specially Kept for the Public.
Walter AJtirple, Proprietor
The Largest Circulation
and the Best Medium for
Reaching a Prosperous
and Trading Public
The Republican fights no man but prints
all the news as it occurs
rood or bad
JKe try to please by doing everything
just as well as we know how