Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 25, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper ol Klamath
County and Leading Journal
ol the Interior Oregon Country.
CirvuinttOn and li
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
High School Is
NO. <3
Sixteenth Annual Session Meets in New County High
School Building—A Host Interesting and Instruct­
ive Program is Carried Out.
The Klamatl, County T,-»cher»' ltith (devoted particularly to the several form« > work, sod the great writer«, eonfel tha
annual institute convened in the »,«< »1 Government in existance at tire pres­ ■ atudent gain tbu I «rat knowlcdga of
clous cliapel of the lieautiful new Coun­ ent time. His con>|«risons of the Re­ English.
ty High mdiooi building Thursday fore­ publican form of government as repre-
lVoleeanr Swan then invited dise as-
noon ami was call»I to order by Huper- senteil by th« tinned .utates, ami that »Ion of the snbj et, which wm readily
✓ .
intemlent J. G. Wight shortly after nine of th-r M marebsl form as represented accepted by a nuniher of the teachera.
o’clock. The privilege of meeting in by Great Britain, was most Ittciil ami I W. A. rtvlxel, a«»i«l»nt raaliier of th«
Illis steam Ju-ate.1 hall, to aliiidi lias was followed with interest by the teach­ Fir.t National Bank ami who baa »f«nt
just lieen added the attraction of a mag­ ers. Many facts and stories ol interea t, many year» aa » teacher, gave a very
nificent Ctiickering Baby Grand piano, which are not fourni in book*, were : intereating rliectawian on the aubject.
the gift of the citixenv at Klamath Falls, given by Professor Hawley ami made Following the anggi-stion that "Thought
the present faculty and students of the ' this usually dry subject, one teeming mint precede exprrMion," he allowed
High School, was an inspiration in it­ with reality and more interesting than i the necewiity for the teacher to eucour-
Action. At the conclusion of bis ad­ age the cbil-l to think for itmrif.
Chairman Wight announced that the dress, .Mr. H-ialey encourage. I questions 1' “School Management" waa the aub-
firal business would I m - the election of from the teachers and others on any ject next dim-uwed by President Mulkey.
officers. Prof. J. G. Swan was elected , point that had not l>e,-n made clear to ■ For the Ireneflt of tlie teacher» and that
Among all the wotidarful rhai gea ami
vice-president of the institute ami .Miss them. His answers sere complete and they might copy them, be placed on the
inipfovrtnenta, and ami<l the aurcraaiun
Alice A. Applegate secretary.
The to the point, and demonstrated his boar I the following factors in determin­
«d a»r ora, which are constantly mar king
ti-acners then joine>l in singing the Na­ complete mastery of the subject.
ing the worth of a teacher. In discus­
•*|t»«*h« in the liialor) of Klamath coun­
tional Hymn accompanied by Mnit
Oue of the most instructive lectures sing the several factors he talked very
ty, there haw Iwrn none ao great in in»
“tella Canipliell, who was chosen to was by President Mulkey on the stile plainly and to the poir.t.
I preside at the piano.
Imrlancr to the | revent and future gen
ject of Reading. This waa rjecially
I. ecolarsbip shown. 1. By general
wmtlona of «Htr county, titan ll al, the
A letter was then read by Chairman tenefieial to the teachers of the primary culture and knowledge ot the teacher.
iiotugu rwi nm of which wav witn»*aM*«| h)
Wight from .“late Superintendent Acker­ • grades ami thofe from the country ?. By special knowledge of branches
fully AiM) of the ciliirna of KMmath
man, stating that on account ot sickness schools, who have tn deal witli the child taught. S. By continuel growth in in­
kgilvand vicinity, which oemrred H.»t
tie would be unable to be present at the as it comes from the nursery or kinder­ tellectual power. 4. By accuracy in sub­
urday evening when the magnithrnt
Institute. On motion of-I. G. Swan it garten. He referred to the old method ject matter.
lieu <*«Minty High Hcliool mm * dediCMt«**!,
was decided that a resolution lie passe<l of teaching the cbil.l, where ttic alpha­
II. Personality as shown. 1. By neat-
The flight «a« one long to I«« remember
1 and sent to Mr. Ackerman, expressing tart was the first thing taught. After neas and by taste in dress. 2. Neatnea."
rd. On the fare* of the m»t atidietur
the sympathy of the teachers in hts the child had committed all the letters ami order, care of desk, blackboard etc.
there ap|<*ari*d to Im the l»Mik of pride
sickness ami their regret at his alsience. so that it conl.l repeat them both for­ 3. By correctness of conduct in and out
ami vaUafartion, uv if they felt, “thia 1«
Professor J. ti. Swan, Prineipal of the wards and backwards, it then learned of sclmol. 4. By taet in meeting patrons,
our gilt to our childivn." The tir4Uliful
County High School, then delivered a ' the words and next sentences. In the associates and pupils. 5. By ability to
now luhv 11 rand piano, which ia «aid to
lecture on “Literature-lu our schools.” ; new me'liod the child learned to r^a.1 win the confidence and arouse the bet­
l«r the rtnrvl invtrumrnt owned by any
Professor Swan is a very earnest speak­ from sentences, using objects or pic- ter motives of pupils.
«» h>»o| in the alate, appeared ii|w»n the
er and his enthusiasm in his subject im­ tures. to get sentenc«-». “To con nect
III. Discipline. 1. Ideal ot order. 2.
«tag«». Tliia invlrumrnt waa the gift of
mediately drew the rapt attention of the the child's door yard with the school, ft Success in obtaining proper order. 3.
tin» citlarna of Klamath Falla, the
teachers and resulted greatly to their said Mr. Mulkey, "is the first duty of .'uccess in promoting growth of pupils
Inoue) la»iug mi«rd l»v auliarriptmii an«l
elification. lie was followed by Mirs the teacher.” The course of instruc­ in felt control. 4. Ey the apparently
rnl«-rfainmriit through the effort» «if the
Davidson, of the Merrill school, with a tion should l>e divided into four sec­ permanent results of character.
student» of the High Ndi<«d. After the
l<ajier on "Spelling.” This dwelt in tions; 1. Sentence reading. 2. Vocabul­
IV. Teaching power as shown. 1. By
inv<M (it i > iii by llev. II. K. hiinlap, an ad
(■articular on the Phonic method as used ary. 3. Phonies and new words. 4. Seat enthusiasm. 2. By aptnen and skill in
«Irras «4 wrlmtnr wa« deliveiedby Judge
in teaching this subject in the primary work or busy work. Mr. Mulkey re­ illustration. 3. By success in holding
<»»-u. T Baldwin, Ptranlrnt ol the Klam-
grades. Miss Davidson showed by her ferred to when lie first began teaching attention during recitations. 4. By sne-
»ill County High Hcliool H*tar<l. Judge in favor of the manly If g > achonl at I assure you thst this is the prnmlest neath its folds, the public school. familiarity with the subject that she school, liow in one instance it had tak­ <»«» in arou-ing interest in the subject
jlaidwiu »aid tn |xri a« follucra:
I hr lune rlrctton of IWJ ami the coun­ moment of my existence, when 1 ran Therefore you have nirnifested your has had Normal training in the latest en him three months to teach a girl her slndied. 5. P.y tl.e intellectual growth
“Nearly thirty «»nr years ago in the ty rouit prurr«Mle*| to follow out the ■tsnd on thia platlorm un<l l.i.l you wel­ faith In the world, and the world has i methods of teaching, and the Merrill letters. Now the child was taught aen- |Ol pupils. 6. By the any*^ut of prepare-
iiionth of Mar, I arrived tn tho town of wiwhr« of the )M*«>|»le* |»y r»t thliwhing a come to the dedication exercises of lt» i* f.iiiii ,n you. tin- out scenm to supple­ school is to lie congratulated on having ’ tences and aords and the letters were i tivn for each recitation, a. By the teach­
ment the oilier, amt as you have ! such a com|x-tent instructor for their |l,arne>l as they came up in the words. er. b. By the pupil.
Linkville, a iittle village then witli one lligti Fchouf in accordance with the maguifl. lent building, erected that you
shown faith In younw-lves, the out children.
V. Projwr spirit shown. 1. Enthusi­
etovv, a hotel, himk smith shop, ford law, by fitwt arranging with the flirwt- mav liave a ciiaime to give your child­ side world will allow faltil In you.
After a rwesr, Professor J. G. Swan
President 1!. F. Mulkey, of the Ash- ! lectured to the Institute on the subject asm. 2. Sympathy with pupils. 3. Co­
barn, wotnr srven or right da riling», ora of the public* arhoul to take care of ren the M'lvanlsg^ of a High School edu­ You saw the dawn, you provided for
and of eourar a naloon. A small huild* the High wIi'Mil atudrut*, rotne mnen cation within vmir own country."
the mid-day. The day announces land Normal School, who arrived late of Language, lie dwelt on the essen­ operation and sympathy with associ­
ing Built of ruigli lunaltrr, mwtr«l with in numlirr. for thr ft mt few in> ntlm, mid
To m ike tn >re emphatic the hearty that von have fattli in yourselves and the previous evening, was present at the tial things in language, and stated that ates. 4. Helpfulness and loyalty to su­
Lome ma<ie druks and hi which one then ae-ruring tho city hull an»l after* welcome eslended bv Judge Baldwin, the world siys, we will meet you, up­ afternoon session and delivered the the l<est fountain and the l«-st place to periors. 5. By description in discussing
teacher lmdi«»«l after the olucational in uur<|w Nf the niiiulM*r increaar<i| the a squad of about twenty of Hie High on your own ground, we accept your opening lecture on ‘‘Resiling.” Presi­ g<> to stu ly rhetoric and english compo­ school matters, ti. By willingness to re­
School boys dimrated with the class invitation, we will come to abide with dent Mulkey is one of the ablest in sition was to the good books. "We can ceive criticism. 7. By general attitude
trrvata of some fihwii «■ h<»lar«, stood on Metloaliat Church, al*».
colors, marched down the isle to the yon. The liomesvcker from abroad structora in Oregon and without him a
the site where is liring creeled, at the
t do away with anything l«tter” he toward educational matters. 8. By
“The county court derided that th»»
center of tlie rr«>m ami gave Hie fol­ says: I cannot t..ke my family awav
Teacher* Institute is hardly a success. -tated, "than we can do away with good punctuality ami promptness in attend­
|>rrm*nt time, one of the I ■ret public time ha»i arrived to erect th«» boil.ling lowing class yell, tile <s-li ies of which
over there among tli • sige brush and
m dio»4 budding» in th«» state
On»goti. and at the January term IW\ made the resounded to the farthest corners of without facilities for the education of While it is customary to pay the In-‘ l<ooks.” M v greatest contention is that ing regular and special meetings, clos­
structora, at least sufficient to cover ex-1 our formal grammar is not doing the ing recitations, excusing classes, mak-
There were in» Ikwtom, Lawyers or in*cra«ary tax levy aud aecurvd plana, the l>lg building:
my children, Imt now tilings are dif­
Pieachers iu lunkvtlh* at that time, mid later advri I imm I lor hula for the con-
|u»«»iti a 1« hr •
a lanz a. boo bs im «»!
ferent. As a rcauit of the enter­ lenses, vet the lack ol finances this year work. Unless we can bring students to ing reports, etc. 9. By attendance anil
K c II *. r«xi r« rtMt,
••wry Imly was on good terms with Btruction of n high im 'I kmi I hiiibhng that
prise which lias enal ed you to erect did not deter Mr. Mulkey from coming the study of masters ami the work of interest in educational meetings. 10. By
«up» !a la b<M>ni
Ur’rv from the iiiitli wlionl, five u« room.
tills m.ignllicienl structure, you will to our aid and helping the cause of edu­ the Masters of literature, we cannot interest in pedagogical periodicals and
every body else, ami |>eoplr were «0 wiHild l<r a credit to Klamath county.
Other yells given during the even- attract horn ■seekers, who are drawn cation without cungiensation. He sure­ give them the best instructions or know­ books. 11. By general attitude toward«
lirahhy that it became nrccNvary to kill
'*1 hr rvaull of our effort« you ran ace
to you to grow up and become a part ly was the life of the Institute and the ledge of language. Too much attention educational matters.
a man tn order I«» «tart a grave yard.
for yoiirwlvcw. The Coat ha« i tvn for Ing were:
<d your community, the sutler honest teachers will return to their several is paiJ to formal grammar, Parsing,
KetiTete. keirre»», kefrr»«» ran
The afternoon session was closed by
•’A« time r<dled on the town grew
Wr’rr fr»»m tli«* II Mh X'huol, beat 11« It you liomcs.'eker. the most d< sirable people
schools with new energy and lietter fit­ diagraming etc. It is teaching us the Professor Hawley with the continuation
• pare, tlic aclmnl building was enlarge»!, and t|M**-iti«*ati<»na for building, |«VML
In the country. 1 was surprise.) and
<'hhik*«miirl»A high Io. kcln water cllx,
ted to nioie successfully impart instruc­ outline w ithout giving us the power to of bis addresses on Civil tiovemmeet.
|xM»k nt Hu* High Krliool 0'
ftom tunc to time ami teacher« added. Building, including atratn h»*atii g plant
was a little bit pained when I came1
One ati|»a. Or«» axipn. thr»»c ajiipa «am!
tions on the subjects so ably handled by till in.” He drew attention to the in­ The particular feature of thia subject
ami at the present time there are more
We’re from the IIigii Sclio>| au«l «l>>n*l give
efficiency of the dictionary as a teacher discussed in this lecture was tba law
Total coat
a ——
people on your streets came out of ■ him.
than .*klt) pupils attending the public atrect.
One a«t|Mi. two ax pa. three az I pa tain.
"The Educational Value of Systematic of language and again contended tint
my town, but 1 was not surprised
aclmnls of thia city.
“Aa to whether the taxpayer« money
The lectures were Intcrsjierivd with
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Maneuvering in School Work” was very only by the careful study of the great I
“The I rgivlatnrr ol |UU| paaaed what ha« luvn well spent we leave them to mumetal selections. The Instrumen­ when I saw the opimrt unit les present
ami prospective, and the assurances of ably handled by Professor W. S. Slough,
ia known aa the county High Frhnol «Ircidr.
tal solo. I'ulon.itse in 1’ sharp, by Mrs. culture that are here offered.
late Principal of the Kiaiuath Falls |
law, providing that con nt tea coul I vote
•’The rraiilt of the High School we Hon I. Zumwalt, was so well ns-elvcd
"in tire history of America there schools, but now retired from active
«»ti thrmwlvfw« th»» rrw|tonaiInlity of a can already (orraer. And n»»w my that the vast audience would not lie has I h - cii found a sad lack In the cor­
school work. Ilia plan was to secure I
«'»•Ufit« High Hcliool tn lie maintained by friend«, aa Chait 11YH11 of the Klamath content until she responded a second relation of forces, that there lias been
control of the children on the ylav I
the county witliont aid nf <4 any kind County High School Board, it bvconio time to I lie ent liusl.isl Ic encore, which a gap between the public schools on
the one hand, and the colleges on tire ground, even before they entered the •
from the stale. Klamath county voted my plegHunt duty to welcome you, ami
touilne by live young ladies of the other. There Is no ladder here with school building, ami continuing in the 1
Higii school accompanied by a solobv its f<K>t at the school house d<s>r, upon cloak rooms, the halls and until they
Mrs. Sophie Krause, assisted by whicli the young man or woman can entered the assembly room. If this
Messrs. Martin and Mason, created climb to reach the universities of the control was successfully obtained dur­
enthusiasm among the audience. As land.
The universities have lieen ing their entrance to the sih'Xils, it
the stars and strljs s were spread to the colleges of the favored few, the
would lie an easy matter to retain con- 1
view to tile strains of the Star Span­ poor boy has ha.I to raise himself
trol during the classes and the study i
gled Banner, the patriotism of the above his conditions.
Il has lieen
spectators rose to such a pitch, that true in the pait, that the boy dem- period.
their enthusiasm broke
oust rated his greatness by overeoin- i Prot. J. H. Hobbs, of the Gale achool,
thunderous applause. Miss Ober- : Ing obstacles In his way—there Is on­ then read a paper on Physiology. This
Fresh Candies and Bon Bons, Stationery.
muller’s rich alto voice was a revel­ ly one wav to till this gap. and that was mainly devoted to narcotics. It 1
Notions, Cigars and Tobacco
ation to her listeners, and the applause j |s t|H. hi^ii
was contended by Prof. Hoblrs that too
" „1 sehisil.
••in the state of Oregon, today, much apace was devoted in the present
lCi-ciwli iCrtait lai Season
only three counties have taken ad­ text liooks to the influence of narcotics
vantage of the c only highschool law- and stiinulents.
He took the very sen­
ami have established high schuols, sible view, that, the least said on these '
Hain Street near Postoffice
and this is the second one that has
subjects the better, ami the more healthy '
been built. Four or live years from
now you will tin I that the Klamath condition would the mind of the child
county high s h "1 will have an influ­ lie in. A general discussion of the sub-
Pre. Ident Mulkey.
ence throughout
Hie community, ject then followed, which was entered
President B. F. Mulkey, of the there will lie libraries and reading into by the teachers and proved very in­
Aslilntid Xorninl School, waa intro­ rooms cstalillsheil, people will be in­ structive. The session then adjourned
duced by Judge Baldwin tn speak on cited to library work, reading clubs until 7:30 in the evening, when Presi­
••The Necessity for high Schools. Mr. will spring up throughout thecounty,
dent Mulkey delivered bis lecture on
Mulkey said in part:
and all will be lifted up th-ough the
' Ladles anti Gentlemen of Klamath Influence of the high school. It puts ••Hamlet.”
County and Klamath Falls: Music a tangible ideal and opportunity be­
Tuesday’« Session.
til'll Is made In our homes is always fore the people. It gives ns better
A large number of interested visitors
the sweetest, even when It comes ideals and a desire to work for better
were in attendance Tuesday morning,
from an Imperfect Instrument, but things.
the mimic that has been provided by
‘•’rhe people of Oregon are Interes­ noticablo among the nttmlier being the
The Stock consists of Dry and Fancy Goods, Clothing,
the enterprise 01' your people—upon ted In your growth. You have as­ scholars of the High School, who were
an Instrument anch aa thia one—.which sumed the responsibility and dischar­ present practically as a body during all
Red Polled Cattle
Boots and Shoes, Hats. Gents and Ladies Furnishing
is |srh.ips the finest, that adorns anv ged It well, for all over Oregon the of the sessions of the Institute. It was
of the homes of education in the report will go out and others will say,
Large White Yorkshire Su me
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Wall Paper, Etc.
state, must Indeed give you pleasure. we may attain the same thing. One
The slgtilticlence of tills occasion must more thought and 1 may close. It High School to see their scholars mani­
give you for the first time a higher seems to me the young men of this fest such interest in educational mat­
Bronze Turkeys
These Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices
lagt* ui
of inf
sense of the swiftness of empire. You day must get ready for greater things, ters, rather than take aavan
have a land here that lathe natural we* must pull them up, we must push short vacation for thi inga of personal
for Cash in order to close up their business.
center of the State of Oregon, finan­ them up with our sympathy. This pleasure.
B-Plymo(ith Rock Chickens
cial, social and educational. For 240 Is a Republican form of government
Professor W. C. Hawley, Dean ol the
miles to the east of us and 130 miles and in Its tinal success it depends Willamette University, who had ar­
to the north of im there Is no such upon the boys and girls.
rived with Piesident Mulkey, kindly
progress t:i lie found as is manifest
"This institution of education consented to fill Superintendent Acker­
here tonight.
stands as a monument to the courage
"When our fathers builded this Be- and enterprise of the people. It was man's place on the program. Profess« r
pnIdle at the out set, they said they not builded too soon or builded too Hawley is one of the best Historians on
would build It on broad foundations, well, but It stands as the fruit of our the Coast and is recognised as an author­
and every where the ting goes, there
ity on Civil Government and I-aw. His
follows dose beside It and nestling be­
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
I first lecture on Civil Government watt
Leading Educators of
State Assist in
db du du du du du du ifr
îetiring. „
E rank ankeny
From Business |
The Brick
Store Co.
Their Entire Stock of Goods
Fixtures and Store Building