Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 18, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
ol the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and Is
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
E. R. Reamcs Has Been In
Business at Klamath
Falls for Quarter of
a Century.
What the Other
Fellow Thinks
Post Office Receipts Show
the Remarkable Gain
of 31 per cent Over
Last Year.
Enrroa BarrancasI eonfesa my
surprise al the tone ol the political cem-
tnunlcallone appearing In tiie last two
Evan R. fleam»», one <4 the oldest
iaausa of your valuable paper. As 1
.ml most .uorwJul merchant, ol Klam
read Mil (BUrpfwt
interpret them Ule
tliere ia a very
alb Falls, announce» that lie will re- aplia„,nt undercurrent of regret that
tire from the commercial bu»lne»a, and a„y „na should have ths temerity to as-
•ffers bls store and entire stack of goods pim to a nomination for any office: ft
Another Name
For Co. Judge
To the Public:—My name having been
Pres. Campbell,
used in connection with the office ol
Klamath Falla ha» outgrown ha jiost- County Judge as prospective Candidate
lroprovementa mad. by on the Republican ticket without any
u,« buefoeea men of Klamath Fall» the authority from me. And having been
year for t|ie accommodation of the urged by my numerous friends regard­
remarkable increase of trade, Uncle lees of party affiliations to make the ef­
,or »ale.
may be that the real purpoM of the ar Ham alone has been contout to occupy i fort I have concladed to publicly an­
The Brick Store Company, of which
|a u, ,jeUr or bluff pomlhle as the same quarters and tarnish tiie same nounce my self as a candidate for that
Mr. Iteamea is the head, lias long car- plants for nominations by bolding up accommodation to tbe constantly in- office, subject to the decision ol the Re­
ried the largest line of General merchan u. public scorn, such as might feel dis erasing patronage of Hie postoffice, publican primaries and if nominated 1
dise ol any firm in the Interior. Mr.
to submit their names to the which were considered sufficient when will accept the nomination and if elect­
Kearnes first came to Klamath county »<,»»»» at tbe Primary Election in April, i wa wem but a village. The st rail y in- ed will try to eerve the people in the
In HW0. when he. Alex. Marlin Hr. ami
Primary Istw
,eaM) ¡ in
n ths
The New
New Primary
lew ineaiis.
means. 1 1 take
take c
ths gross
gross receipts
receipts of
of the
the |>o»t-
post- county as true nonpartisan officer act­
otbsrt bought out th. stores of Tbatehsr j (t, just what it osys: Il was designed to office in this city tell a remarkable ing with prudence, real, and integrity,
A Worden, here and al Fort K lama th | <fo awar wlth conventions, and place ,u>ry, which In itself ia undisputed evi- !
knowing no friends but justice in the
The firm of Kvaines, Martin A Co., «as the nominating power direetly in the dence of the great change that lias takeu exercise of tbe duties pertaining to the
then organised with E. R.
P Meamos
“ *
a» hands of the people, ft we» designed place here. The groe» receipts for the office.
Very Respectfully,
■J —
III. lU.
i ally reputable -1..
,, follows:
manager. He continued
thia f - ,o gi««
eitisen an oppor- 1 years 1104
and .
J O. H asiiii .
business until 18(0 when ho »old his in- tunily to submit his name to tiie voters Quarter ending
terest to Cbaa. H. Moore, and went to for any nomination: Il makee no at-'
ban Joao. Returning to Klamath kalis tempt to restrict the number of citisens
Match 31.. .. $ 807.57 .. .. $ 100J.87
about five years later lie engaged in the „bo aiay thus submit their names awl
June 30 ...
Hardware business with Geo. T. Bald- qualifications to the voters for any oomi-
768.27 .. ..
Sept. 30.... ..
wia. When Mr. Moore was elected nation: Neither does it aay that any
I»oc. 31........ .. 1086.04 . ..
Are you going to be a can<li<lata for
Slate Treasurer and retired from the t)na isan or set of men shall determine
office at the coming elections in Oregon?
etore. Mr. Iteames bought Ills interest in advance of tbe Primary Election who
Total........ t S335.M .... » 4373.87
and has lawn tiie malinger ol the ~
Brick ■ would lie an acceptable nominee for thia
Thia ia a gain during the year 1905 II so you will need to study carefully
Store ever since.
or that office. It simply leaves the over tbe preceeding year of $1038.11 or the provisions of the new primary nomi­
Besides his stock In the Ilrick Store . ciliaro free and untramrneled to submit 31 per cent. Tbe actual increase in the
nations law. Political nominat.ng con­
Company, Mr. K<-ainea is heavily Inter ' his name or not as be sees fit.
receipts for the month of December,
ventions as they have long existed in
•sled in the Klamath County Bank,
There is filet one way in which the 1906, over those of the same mouth in
are abolished by the new law
Klamath Falls Light A Water Com- voters can choose whom they desire as 1904. were $88 05 or an increase of 2Bj«i
is an entire revolution in the
»■ sswssieaw »»so
w»w »»»see »w
per cent. The passing of the holidays
Company and the Klamath Hotel ( om a ri,ta at the Primary: They will not does not show any decrease in this method of obtaining nominations for
|iany, owners of the lakesid. Inn, I* tak. hlwj|y
lhe idea of a few wit seme wonderful growth.
Tbe gross re­ public offices voted upon by Hie people.
eMeo awning considerable real estate in
ooniinw, pteUra narrowing op- ceipts for the first fifteen days of Janu­
The first move a candidate is com­
ths city and county.
I |x>riuriity t-> mak« a selection to QM ary, 1(0(1, were $325.38 and lor the same pelled to make ia to file with the secre­
Mr. fleauirs »tales that the active (nan „i^ted at some private caucus.
period <4 190.5 were $255.08, or an in- tary of state, if for a stato or district
•nsnagemeal of th. »tor. is too eonflu- I
Mr J „Up, ln hl. „pl, heartily su­ crease for Hie first fifteen days id thl» office, or with the county clerk, if for an
ing for a man of his age and he wants a ,|,,raaa the opinion of the writer of th. year of $70.28, or 274 per cent,
When office to be filled in one county, or with
rest. Besides ha ha» plenty to keep he previ,»us article, aod soys "he doe» not we consider
the continued rough the citv recorder if for a city office, a
and bi» wife cuiufortebfo th. rest of ronm<lar u tha
o( auY man weather »ince the beginning of tiie year, copy of his petition signed by himaelf in
their Ilves.
either to seek a public office or to de- and the fact that there ia always ex­ the following form;
Among the Stock
A. T. langvll took out 2H0 baud of ;
cattle from Merrill last week bound for
Tiie rattle «ere Horton
Bro., and were sold to the Oakland
Meal Company.
result of the Primary Election iteelf
that furnishea proot p<witive that thia
or that citiarn is the desired man for a
certain nomination; and the election
following in June furnialies proof posi-
Mitchell lime, started 298 head of cat-' '*»« ••
whose rervicea are required in
pected by business men a period of bus-
iness depression for a lew weeks imme­
diately following the holidays, this in­
crease ol 27 % per cent in postal receipts
for this first fifteen days is most con-
vincing proof of our great commercial
growth. We douta very much whether
there is another poet office in the entire
country which could make a better
show tug.
An increase of 20 per cent is
considered a larga increato in poetai re­
The above showing will make it nec-
esaary for the salary of the postmaster
at this place to lie readjusted again
with tbs beginning of the fiscal year,
July 1, 1(108. in accordance with the
regulations of the postoffice department.
It is alao plainly evident that this de­
partment will lie compelled to provide
more commodious quarters for the post-
office in Klamath Falla, aud also an in­
crease in the clerical force, within the
very near future. The work la now
such that the postmaster and bis assist­
ant have more than they can do, with­
out working from 20 to 22 hours out ol
24, besides the lock ol help ami accom­
modation is a great inconvenience to
the patrons of tbe office.
tie last Tuesday for Montague.
The j • certain office.
cattle were in fine condition, coming '
II *• undoubtedly the privilege of any
from the iemling yard» ■>( Sam .s<iuim<>r» eitisen. under the New Primary law,
to announce his candidacy for a certain
and Ank.ny A Cantrall.
nomination, circulate hie petition, se­
E. Stewart, the well known horse
cure the requisite number of signer»,
buyar, lisa al>oul 300 hexl <4 fine Horace
and have hie name placed upon the
al the Frank Adama ranch, which lie is
I Primary ballot; this too without fur­
having broken for various purposes.
nishing positive proof tliat he has twen
Most of them are line work animals.
I sailed.
Tli. beef cattle left in Die Klamath
Tliere are several very reputable citi-
freding grounds ere getting pretty well M|lii W|1O llll(l|lt with propriety submit
cleaned out. Owing to the bad oondi-1 Q^jr names and qualifications to the
lion ol grass in California, lu-ef cattle rotere for a certain nomination, and we
have made a slight advanoe but hardly believe they should do so and give the
enough to counteract the advance in al­
people a chance to sav by their votes
The citisens of Klamath Falla are
falfa hay, which has advanoed aliout $2 | who they want.
still coming to the front with libera) do­
* *OB'
1 Tiie effect of the attitude assumed »0 nations towards the High School piano
There are still about 10,000 sheep left far is to bluff a modest men out: He fund. $77 was added to the fund thia
in the Merrill country lielonging to Ger- says to himself, why, if I announce my week. Following are the new subscri­
ber, Champaign and McKendree,
candidacy and circulate tny petition be ret
There was 25,000 tons <4 alfalfa hay without consulting the “Powers" Dial
Previously reported........ ........ $410.75
in the Klamath basin last October, but used to lie, I am lacking in that defer- Friend.................................... ........
il looks as if by May 1, there will lie lull «nee that should ever characterise the K. S. Moore.......................... ........
little left.
| good eitisen.
"T hs Druse Fau-ow."
Geo. Biehn.......................... ..........
T. H. Humphrey................ ____
Mitchell Bros...................... ........
C. Roas Anderson............ ........
Ackley Bros.......................... ........
J. Scott Taylor.................... ........
Fred Biehn............................ ........
Amtrlcan Bar.................... ........
Harne» A Austin................ ........
Log Cabin............................ ........
Frank E. Ankeny .............. ........
Frank Ward.......................... ........
A A H.................................... ........
0. T. Oliver........................ ........
Red Polled Cattle
H. Webber.......................... ........
A. W. Peil............................ ........
Hobt Casey............................ ........
Large White Yorkshire Swine
Money for Piano
Bronze Turkeys
B-Plymouth Rock Chickens
Socialists Organize
The Socialists of Klamath Falla met
at the City Hall Sunday afternoon and
effected a local organisation. Another
meeting will be held at the same place
Sunday afternoon, January 28, when
arrangetnenta will probably be made to
secure a good speaker from abroad to
visit Klamath Falla and expound the
teneta of Socialism.
The Brick
Store Co.
i A
The Klamath County Teachers An-
nal Inmfitiif*
Institute htsvina
begins tn
to d<*
day 1?»
in th«
ibe High I !
»Ul continue the ' 4^
School building and wi
remainder of tbe week. :. _
A ____________
moat excel-
lent program lias been arranged,
I, which
will include lectures both at I tbe day .
tuc iurcm'jwi
and evening sessions, by tbe
foremost '
educators of tbe stato. * Th« weuiDK
lectures are lor tbe benefit «i
of Ik-
tbe mm
gen . ­
eral public, to which all are invited.
On Saturday evening the formal dedi­
cation of
ol tbe new building will take
place. 1 Free. Mulkey, of the Aabland
Normal, and ' Pre». W. C. Hawley of tbe i
Willametto L'niversity, arrived last
evening, and Supt. Ackerman and
Pres, (lampbell are expected this even­
How To Get On the Ticket
1 cline to serve toe public when his ser
»• But be
negierte to tell us when one may con­
sider his services as rightfully ruquest-
t t ii
<d ; and leaves us to conjocture whether
Ed. Blootuingcamp, Mrs,
'“ iti» by a IxMieu-r artici» in toe news-
I ley, John tfolwell and »e' orerai others
! paper or l>y toe vole of tiie Primary
sold about 400 head of heel cattle last
ixniiM Gerlier.
i I .. . _
week uj
to t^niia
If there !■ any way of petting the
Louie G.rber took out from tho Ball I •|K)ailjve proof" an nocoasary a prere-
Ranch. Saturday.
• Ix-s-l <>t cattle, q>ii»itr in the case <4 Brother l*e!-ap,
txmnd tor Montague, alao lUUO head ol (|,ia aide of th. Primary Election, for
muttoo shsep. The eUwk »a» all for |(,.avens Hake put ua next.
■ II toe writer is not mistaken, it is the
From Business |
Mulkey £
and Hawley and Supt.
Ackerman Among
the Speakers
ifc to to
i W/ Y/
ifc wb
Their Entire Stock of Goods
Fixtures and Store Building
The Stock consists of Dry and Fancy Goods, Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Hats.
Gents and Ladies Furnishing
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Wall Paper, Etc.
These Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices
for Cash in order to close up their business.
member of the party in which tbe can­
didate ia seeking nomination—that ia
no other names will be counted on such
At the primaries in Oregon this year
there can be only two partiee partici­
pating. A party in the meaning of the
primary law, is an organisation for po­
litical purposes, which cast at tbe elec­
tion of J tine, 1904, at least 25 per cent
of the votes cast for the office of con­
gressman, hence only the Republican
and Democratic parties fulfill the defini­
tion of the law. Persons who register
under any other affiliation, "Independ­
ent Ifemocrat," "Independent Republi­
can," or any other title or change, will
have no weight on any petition for
nomination at the primaries aud will
not be allowed to vote at such primary
To (Bee. of state or county clerk) and elections.
to the members of tbs
party and
For County Officers.
the electors of (state, district or county
A candidate for a county office must
in the state of Oregon),
.. and my obtain signers to his petition in at least I
1, (name) reside at
postoffice address is..
I am a duly one-fifth of the precincts of tbe county;
registered member of the
..partv. if for a state or district office and the
district comprises more than one coun-
If 1 am nominated for the office of ....
at the primary nominating election to ty, the necessary signers mart include
l>e held in the (state, county or district) electors residing in each of at least one-
the 25th day of April, 1908, I will accept eighth of the precincts in each of at
the nomination and will not withdraw. least two counties; if for a state office to
and II I am elected I will qualify as such be voted for by the whole state, the
necessary num lier of signers shall in-
If I am nominated and elected I will clude electors residing in each of at
during my term of office here the can- least one-tenth of the precincts in each
didate can use 100 words to state his of at least seven counties of tbe stato;
if for a congressional office, the signers
The foregoing petition for nominations shall include electors residing in at
is to be separate from but attached to least one-tenth of the precincts of at
the petition to be signed by tl.e voters least cne-fourth of the counties.
The number of signers required on
who desire to see the candidate's name
on the primary ballot. A copy of the every such petition shall be at least 2
latter petition is to be filed with it and per cent of the party vote, but for state
the heading must be in the following or congressional offices the number re-
form an<l addreseed to the secretary of qaired shall not be more than one
state, county clerk or city recorder, as thousand, nor in any other case shall
the number required exceed 500.
the case may lie:
The total number of vote» cast in
We, the undersigned registered mem­
bers of the ............... P*rty, and Qualified
electors and residentaof............ precinct, candidate for Congress in 1904 was 583,
so tbe total number of signers necessary
in the county of.. ............state of Oregon,
respectfully request that you will cause for a Republican candidate is 12 and
to be printed on tbe official nominating they must represent at least 3 out of
ballot for the............... party, at the afore­ the 12 precincts. Tbe total Democratic
said primary nominating election, the vote for Congressman was 879 and the
name of the above signed.................... as a number of signers required for a candi­
candidate for the nomination to the date of that party for a county office is 8.
office of..’... .by said..........party.
A voter can sign as many petitions as
The man who ia a candidate for either oonie to him, even for the same office.
The petitions for state or district
house of the legislature mav sign one or
the other of the following statements, offices must be filed with the secretary
but should he refuse to sign either of of state not less than twenty days be­
them that fact will not effect the filing fore the primary election, that is not
later than April 1, this year.
of his petition:
"I further state to tbe people ol Ore­
Petitions for offices (except district
gon, as well as to the people of my legis­ attorney) to be voted for in one oounty,
lative diatrict, that during my term of must be filed not less than fifteen days
office, I will always vote for that candi­ before the primary election, that is
date for the United States senator in April 5 of this year.
Thirty days before the primary elec­
congress who has received the highest
number of the people's voto for that tion, nr by March 20, must send two
|iosition at the general election next notices of the primary election to each
preceding the election of a senator in judge and clerk of election in each pre­
congress, without regard to my indi­ cinct.
Not more than fifteen days and not
vidual preference.”
"During my term of office I shall con- less than twelve days before the pri­
aider the vote of the people, for United mary election, the county clerk must
States senator in congress as nothing arrange the ticket, certify to it under
more than a recommendation, which I seal, file the same in the office, make
shall be at liberty to wholly disregard, and poet a duplicate of it in a conspicn-
if the reason for doing so seems to me to one place in his office and keep it post­
ed there until after primary election.
be eufficient."
He must then have printed the official
Every sheet of the petition must con­
tain a sworn statement by some regis­ ballots, tiie Republican ticket in Mack
tered voter that he is acquainted with ink on white paper, the Democratic
the persons who signed it and that the ticket in black ink on blue paper, and
signatures are genuine, the poetoffice any third party in black ink on yellow
and rweidence correctly stated and that paper; also duplicate ballots on cheap
they are registered voters of the party. colored paper in different colors from
There must be a separate petition for tbe regular ballots.
each precinct in which It is desired to
The primary election will be on Fri­
obtain names. A voter in one precinct
day, April 20.
cannot sign the same sheet with voters
The general election on Monday
of another precinct. No voter can sign
a petition unless he is registered as a June 4.
... SALE IS NOW ON ••• c-
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