Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 11, 1906, Image 4

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Kee Lew hi tbe J swi I kv .
Frank Rues, of Bedtiekl, ppenl FitnJsy
Nt the city.
llarry Dean returuerl Ratuidav from
A«ldand. wftere he had lo-en s|sritding
tbe b<>l «lay«.
Xew line of purses at Winters.
A wty uupui taul leal eatate transter
was ui» l<- l»«t week when C. H. U ith-
row pnexhased the Walter« fluid a In
property opposite the Court House.
The lot is .'(.I trot Wi le and extends from
Main street the entire width of ti e
ol.n'k to Klaniaib street. The price
paid was •Mkk). Mr. Withrow states
that he will begin a* early as possible
in the spring, tbe const ruction of a
ni.slern s I. hic or brick Intil ling for
store and office purpose*.
Hon. John 14. Sltook and wile, of
Hairy, were visitor* in the city several
The following road snpervi«<ws were
days the past week.
by the Commissioner* courts
Henry Janssen is doing some
Road district No. I F. I.. Wright; No.
Work bv filling in the lower ;>art oí hie
2. 8. T. Summer»; No. 3, C. Guy Mer­
hit along Klamath street.
rill; No. 4. John VanMeter; No. 5.
New goods arriving at Winter»,
G. K. Van Ri|«r; No. fl, C. II. Hughes;
Miss Ixjrinda Saulwr, who baa **••> No. 7, R. A. Moon; No 8, Chas. Flack-
quite siek the >•»! two weeks, is im­ ns; No. 9. D. M. Griffith; No. 10, Val­
proving and able to he around.
entine Griffith; No. II, John Hogvl-
Hupt. Horace G. Wilson, of the Klam­ etein ; No; 12, Geo. I.. Chase; No. 13,
ath Reservation, was down from the J. W. Lindsey; No. !4, E. 8. full; No.
Agency a few days the first of the week. IS. Chas. Graves.
Fine watch rv ton ring.
K Alva Ta*wis.
H. V. Mitchell this week aoltl two
carloads of hoises and one carload of
mule* to E. Stewart, of San Francisco.
Rwrh Wilson, the guide at Pelican
Ray, is making arrangements to have a
house boat on the upper lake next sum­
mer for the use < f tourists.
New Sou\en(r spoons just in. I.. A A
Henry Straw returned Wedne*day
from Picard, where he hal b«ea tlie
past week looking for several driving
teams for the Mammoth Stables.
lion*—In Klamath Falls on Saturday
morning, Januaiy fl. 1900, at B130, to
Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Withrow, a
daughter. Grand pa George is happy.
The Board of County Commissioners
on Friday designate-1 tbe Klamath Re­
publican as the official |-aj»-r of tbe
county, in which the proceedings of the
court are to be published. According
to the law the paper having the largest
bona-fide circulation in the county is
named as tlie official paper. Accord­
ing to the statement of tbe Express
that [taper only has ffi>l subscribers
within the county, while the Republi­
can has #07.
The pellUuu ol D. E. ItetMlurl and
others, for a sidewtlk front Main slnvt
along the wtsrt sale ol Fourth street was
t, },'<'t«sl is it was tItought liest that tloi
walk shoitkl lie budt on the op|si»tte
»ide ol t lie st tret.
I he nqsirt of the City Treasurer was
read an I aeeeple.1.
An ordinance was introduced by
t' nr. t'-ii.m Ht'-liup. t<> giant to C, N.
Iliwkin. and bis assign«, a fntrn'liise
for a stn<t railway line over certain
street« of the town. Ou motion tire or­
dinance was read and passed to its sec­
ond reading and read by title only.
An ordinance was also inlrisincrd by I
Bishop providing for a license tax upon
dog». This was also passed to its sec­
ond reading and read.
The Council then adjourned to meet
at 7 o’clock Tuesday evening.
At the meeting Tuesday evening, both
the alrw'l car and the dog ordinances
were read the third time and |iassed.
Elsven Thousand Improved Animals
Roam th« Immense Rang«
and Require No
Uu to Maiiniiig» fin a new pi|ie.
Smokes and Smoke«
lol your teil«* »peak t«> you
Gr*n*er- How did he utake all hl* arm In alwiul ihnt furnitur«». Iliing it
M K.
a round hih I I oiw il
rip. 5
Klutmlns- Smokin*.
II« was th«
a « viih * ii | Chitwood* Crux lltoie.
(reatvet smoker In the world.
Granger—Dry up. Kituutin«;
We will donate «1 iNW» to the “Home
«an t make in>airy by smoking
for disabled Canal Boats," if after
Kituutin« Hadid. He etuuked kama
smoking one of our celebrated Rank Ex-
—Royal Magazine
change or Afrlvano Ciuaia. vou ant you
No Cause for Complaint.
ale not eatiaflml -C. (> WdlntnA Co.
"And was your hueband kind lo you
during your tllneaal” naked the in-
Bring that natch which other watch­
quleltlve woman of her •«ematrvea.
makers cannot make mu,
1 will give
"Just as kind as could bs. ma'am.” 1100 reward for a watch my repair de­
was th« reply
' He was mure like a
partment cannot put in good running
friend than a busband, tua am "—Chi­
order. I.. Alva l.owis.
cago Newa
What It'« Uk«
"! se» that New Turk's subway car­
ried nearly C.OiXl.OOO pasaengara itè
first month."
"It looks Itks * vuceeee. eh*“
It's just like ptcklng
money under tbe sirosi
On« of Many.
Stringer— There was a time when I
lived at the rate at •W.Ot'O a year
Swallow*—Indeed! And bow long
did you keep It up?
•trt nicer—Oh. about 30 secunda
Chicago News
Stretching for 100 mile* on the north
tide of the Columbia river, from a point
opposite The Dail«». Or«, away toward
the Big Bend. In Washington, lies the
largest exclusive horse range in the
United States. In this great expanse of
variegated hills, prairies and sand dunes,
upland plateau and river bluffs, range
All grades of cigars at all prices at
J. A. Gregory this week sold his Cott- the holctngs of the Switxler». John
and "Jade," numbering 11.000 head ol
feetioncrv store near the post office to
horses. says the Chicago Chronicle.
Mrs. L. M. Fitch was in the city last F. E. Ankeny. Mr. Ankeny lias taken
For the last 30 year* thia expanse of
Friday frem her ranch beyond Dairy. charge. Mr. Gregory and wife will go country has been the range of lheSwiu-
While here Mrs. Fitch sold her Main to California for the winter.
lere, formerly Willlua. John and Jade
Street property near the Bal lwin build­
J. I*. Churchill was in the city Satur­ In 1SS3 William died and the two other
ing to Abel Adv.
day attending the meeting of the di­ brother» continued In partnership for
several years, when they divided, and
Wm. Shook returned Monday night rectors ot the Klainath Water User* As­
each now conducts hl* own interest*.
•corn Salinas, California, where he re­ sociation.
Jade Switzer live« at Expansion.
cently took a shipment of 44 head of
Cliaa. Low has a good fresh milch Klickitat county. Wash . 11 mile* be­
Fair Eloper—What makes you think
stock horses. He disposed of tbe en­ Jersey cow for sale. Call on him at tlie low the town of Umatilla. on the north
side of the Columbia
John Switxler we are «afe?
tire lot at an average of |50 each.
Belmont Fred Yanis.
Her Lover—Tour father I* chasing
lives on Switxler'» Island, in the Co­
Fine watch and jewelry repairing. L.
lumbia river, near the town of Umatilla u* tn an automobile— Loe Angele*
Alva I-ewi*.
Jade Swltiler own» 4.000 head of
If you wish to bny or aell real estate
horses and John own» 7.000 head, the
Notice of Final Account.
in the Klamath country address Cap- ‘
range for both these immense herds t>«-
tain O. C. Applegate, either at Klamath
(From Our Regular Correspondent )
In the County Court of ths state ol Oregon,
the Big Bend.
Fall* or Eugene, Oregon.
Forty years
The new year dawned very quietly in
for the County of Klamath.
At the highest tide of the Swttzler
experience in Southeastern Oreg in.
In the matter of the eatate of Minnis O. Mar­
our valley. Only by consulting an al-
holdings, belore William Switxler died,
tin. decestaed.
Fine line of watches, jewelry, etc. manac did we know that l'AG was with the brothers owned at one Urne 15.000
Dr. W m Marlin, admlnl-trator of Mid estate
the things lit at were.
L. Alva Lewis.
head of horse« This was »aid to be the having filed his final account o< bis edminls-
I have a 14-room house with 12 lots,
Tule Lake is completely frozen over, largest herd of horses ever ow ned by one tration ol ««Id estate, notice Is hereby given
Tbe that saul Court has appointed Saturday, tbe
an elegant home in Phoenix. Arizona, and the cracking and grinding of the company in the United State«
worth •■OM and rents for p>0 per month ice can be heard for four or five miles. Switxler brand, an "3” on the hip. was loth day ol February, A. D. ISO« al the hour ol
known from the Atlantic to the Pacific .0o'clock in tbe forenoon ol mi <1 day. at the
Will trade for Klamath county land. The water birds have all left and our
ocean, as they shipped and drove borse» Court Room of said Court in the Town ol
What have you?—E. B. Had, While- sportsmen are obliged to content theui- to every known market In the United Klamath Kails. Oregon, as the time and place
lor hearing objc- tions to said acoounl and tbe
. selves with rabbits.
aelilcmeni thereof.
In the early history of the Switxler
New line of Emblem Charms and
The ground is covered with a heavy
pm» at Winters Jewelry Store.
fall of snow, giving us promise of big h'>nse industry the bolding» were cay-
Administrator ol tbs estate ol Mmnet,. Mar­
tin. deceased.
Abner Weed last week purchased 20 crops in the spring. As the ubiquitous
and buckskin mustangs—the hardiest
Deled al Klamath Falls. Ore;on, January
head of work horses belonging to Brown small boy and girl are rather in the brand of equines that ever trailed be­ nih. i 9 ua
A Howard. Nome of these horses are to minority in the vicinity, there are few hind the cattle herd* from tbe Pacific
ke u <xl on Mr. Weed's ranch and the of us who rejoice in the “Beautiful coast to Cheyenne in tbe early days
Petition For Liquor Licence.
others will be taken to the logging snow” and rye and potatoes next fall, or that followed an Indian trail over
hardly seem to comiwnsate for slop and the precipitous mountains of the Inland
To the Honorable County Court, ot the
state of Oregoa. (or the County of Klamath.
Winters snow at present.
Repairing a specialty at
We.the underalKoewl, your petitioner« here­
But the cayuses ar« now entirely
Jewelry Store. All work guaranteed.
weeded out
The Swttxlers sold 7.000 by pray the honorable County Court, of Klam
Mr. Burriss lias come across some rath­
Wm. B. Barnes and wife left yester-
head of thee« mustang* to the Llnntoo ath County. Oregon, to grant permiMlon to
C. D. Willson and F £ stahlman, (Under the
terday morning for Fan Francisco. er curious rock formations. There are cannery at tbe contract price ot three dol­ flrm name of Wlllwn Slab Iman,) to
•ell or
boles in the lava about the size of a lars a head, delivered. Since that clean­
While in the city Mr. Barnes will pur­
difipote of «plrituoua, malt or vinoua liquor« 1
cherry that are tilled with water or a up the class of horse» raised on this in le««quantities than One (I) gallon, at the
chase furnishings for the new annex to
immense range has been greatly im­ town of Bljr, tn the precinct ofHprague River, i
formation of crystals.
the American Hotel, of which be is the
Lares draught stallions have Klamath County. Oregon, for a period of 1'
been croased with the wiry, nervous months beginning on the 4th day of April I
A chicken dinner will be given every . to her h< me in Merrill after a brief stay , western mares, and the result I» a grade \. D. 19U4. for which liren*e to be so granted,
on her claim.
, of horses weighing from l.uvo to 1200 we. your petitioners, will ever pray :
Fundsy at tlie Gem Restauraut for 25
8 C Hamakar, M Walter» Jas Ryan. Edward i
Miss Lorinda Sauber spent part of the pounds, that are fit for any ordinary
Robinson, W W 8mith, Frank Obenchaln. Ale« >
Holidays on her homestead and visit­ cervice, and bring the highest price in Anderson. G 8 Farra. W W Finley. I T Ander­
i every market About 6v0 stallions are
Since entering the new building the
ing her enter, Mrs. Pickett.
son. J H Bovd, George S Boyd, W T Garrett.
High school ha» increased in numbers.
OT Anderson, K i B oomingcanip, Win Lawry,
In spite of tlte inclement weather all
On this 200 miles of range 11,000 head George Bloomingearnp, A W Kvans. F R Moore*
John Yaden and Mae Martin, of Klam­
of wild horses reign monarch of all ChM Ellloat, Clyde Martin., A Leonard. W F
ath Falls, Don ,V. Psrker, of Bonanza, of our invalids are recovering.
Jack Johnson is over in the Bonanza ; > they survey The Columbia and Yakima Crawford, J M Watte. J K Frevman. R F Court*
■nd Tix Griffith of Lost River have en­
j rivers are their watering places, they wright, H Of!enbar,»er. T J Hmllb, Amos
tered. The watchword of the school is country gathering up cattle.
' run over parts of three large counties, Lundy, John Kappe«, .Martin Perry, Albert
“One hundred students next year.”
We wish to call the attention of the1
and there are colts on the ranges two Walker. J O Watte. L L(.rlffin. J A Wells, W H
girls of the county to the vast poaaibili-1 and three years old without brands, and Holder, Thomas G Dens
F ob K kxt —A sunny well furnished
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
ties as yet undeveloped, of this valley. > : that were perhaps never seen by one at
room with stove. Cluse in. Inquire at
will on or before the 7th day of March A. D.
j We also wish to impre»9 upon tbe the Switxler herder*.
1906, present this our petition, praying for a
thi» office.
Round-up corral* are built about ten retail liquor license an prays I for therein, and
j bachelors of this community the nec-1
All services a» usual at the Presby­ essity of doing their duty by their coun-1 mile* apart over this great range, and very respectfully request that same be granted
terian Church next Kabbath.
Sermon try, and forsaking their life of single i the 50 men employed tn the round-up aa prayed for. To, the honorable County
st 11 a. tu. on “Essential* Defined” and , blessedness for matrimonial
bli«s. I gather and brand the colt* In tbe tall. Court ior Klamath County, and Mtate of Orc*
Willson & Btahlman,
Tbe two brothers own about 2uo head at gon.
at 7 dJO p. m. on "Fliall a Character First, there is our genial bachelor who
By C D Wllfson.
trained saddle horses—a large drove of
Good io Nine Points Fail Because of the lives on the hill. He is trying, we are
horses In itself.
Tenth?” Special music.
The Lord’s informed. Then there are three brothers
None of this great herd 1» ever fed a
Notice to Creditor*.
tfapper will iollow tbe morning sermon. who live at the foot of the hill. Any particle of feed during tbe winter sea­
All made welcome.
! one of them we are sure would gladly , son, the sandhills and rolling prairie*
Notice 1s hereby gives, that the undersigned
affording sufficient nutritious feed tbe ha. been appointed by the County Court ef
Joe Moore sold out his freight busi­ share his heart and home with some
year round.
Klamail, County, Oregon, administrator of the
ness last Saturday, including all his lonely spinster, but tilas! there are no
Settlers are crowding the vast range. estate of Allen McDonald, <leceas**d, and all
horses and wagons. The four grave and spinsters here. In the northwest end Watering places are being fenced up. persons having claim- against said estate are
two wagons were Ixruglit by John Bate-
our valley there are two bachelors, and slowly the great expanse is narrow, hereby notified to present the same, verified as
man, and three of the other horses went
>* doing hi* lo-st, but time is ing down, but there yet remains an em­ by law required, to me al Klamath rails, Ore­
gon, within six months from the dale ol this
to Jim Moore. Mr. Moore and his valuable and the distance is discourage- pire in extent.
Horse stealing Is more or leas preva­
neice, Mrs. Maud Moorehead, will leave >n8- There is our amiable optician,
bated January 11th, IMA
hootorrow morning for Woodland. Cal., ■ who*e home is under the spreading lent In the Switxler range, the very mag­
tigoftoE M c D onald .
of the e-tale of Allen Mellon -
jnniper, and who spends most of tbe
to spetid tile winter.
poesible jo guard against renegade*fr<»ra aid, deceased.
his time in the Falls. Surely among
41. W. Karutsr., Attorney tor Administrator.
The Merrill Creatnerv Company have
the outside, who slip in and appropri­
the blue ej ex and tbe brown eyes that
ate what they can safely take away.
made arrangements with Meiss A Ar­
come to be fitted for glasses he can
Administrator'* Sale of Real Eatate.
mand, of the City first Market, to han­
find one pair he would be willing to
dle their butter in Klamath Falls.
gaxe into for life. There is our Ten­
Notice Is hereby siren, that In pursuance of
Burk an<l Carl Wilson, who live near nessee gentleman in the west end, Naval Bating of Japan Previous to an order of th«- circuit Court of the State of
Oregon forthet Misty of Kl-mslh.duly mad,-
Pelican Bay Lodge, came down last whose »flections are disengaged at pres­
th* Opening of HosUlltlsa
and entered on the 9th day of January, lorm.
week with over $500 worth of fur, ent and finally there is a quintet of
with Russia.
In the matter of the estate of James <5. Critics-
which they seen ml the past few bachelors living on ndjoining claims in
■ hank, deceased, tlie undersigned, the admin-
On the eve of the war Japan's was the
months. The hides were shipped to the very center of onr valley, number­
latretor of said eMate, will on and alter the
smallest of the seven leading navies of 9th day ol February, 1906, sell at private Mie
J. 8. Prouty’s Sons, of New York City. ing among them a clerk, a carja-nter,
the world. The fleet of Russia, at that for cash In hand • object to the confirmation
Among tbe catch wore the following: a doctor, a stage driver, and a prosper­
time, was Inferior only to that of Great of the Court, ell the right, title, calale and
•0 mink, 20 martin, 5 otter, 3 fishers, 1 ous farmer, arid only oneof them spoken Britain and of France.
During laoj, Interest of the «aid James C. Crnlckaharik, de­
black liear, 1 wild cat and U skunk. for. All these, girls, to lie had for the says Hosmer Whitfield, In Buccrwa Maga­ ceased. at the time of hie death and all the
The boy* also brought down a quantity catching, and females, except of the zine. Russia spent on her fleet over |£>5,- right, title and interest that the said estate
of Ginseng root.
. pickled or pt eserve 1 type as scarce as 0o<> trfAi, while Japan for the whole of her has by ot,«-ration of law or otherwise acquired
other or In addition Io that of said James C.
navy expended only about 111,000,000
last summer’s strawberries,
Chas. Pattee, manager of tbe Lost
Consequently Russia laid out In naval Crulckahaiik, at lb<-time of his death, in and
to the following do-crlbed real property, to­
River Realty Co., of Bonanza, was in early and avoid the rush.
equipment nearly live time« as much az wn * N Mol tn- W
and lhe N
ol tbs
News Gatherer.
the city Monday.
Mr. Pattee states
Japan, whose naval fighting strength, NX of Section I». Tp. M *., K. It’» Real ul
Tulc Lake, January 8.
at th»- beginning of hostilities was only Willamette Meridian, In Oregon, containing
that another big addition to the town of
half that of Italy. Alexleff said: "The ino aerea.
Bonanza is living planned. His com­
fleet of the Island kingdom Is only an
(rated at Klamath Kalla. Oregon. January
pany ha* sold the L. G. Fhippey tract
il I. i l.nflus
exotic which We will cripple at the on­ UHh, l»C.
of 500 acre.«, which lies within one half
of the estate of James C.
In the anxiety to Impress Asia
mile of the town, to L. F. Willits and
1-11 Ul
with her might, Russia sent ponderous- fruii k»hank, deo-a-ed.
W. T. Rhive. of Klamath Fall*, The;
The adjourned meeting of the City looking men-of-war to the far east
consideration was ISOUt). It is stated
Council was held Monday evening, all with too few mechanical ratings, and
that tlie purchasers propose to subdi- i
with seamen who. In a confession made
of the officer* being prerent with the
to me by a Russian officer, were only
vide the land in small tracts.
exception of Recorder Brower, who was ‘ agricultural laborers," not only un­
H oossnold G oods —All of onr
sick. After the regular bills were al­ used to sea life, but also unverted In
Work with Ihr doctor In giving him
ture, himsehold goods, range and
lowed, liquor licenses were granted for even th« simplest mechanical knowl­
the prois-r appllaim«« for the siek
r>H,m. H- 'l pani are here for him atul
an nten*ils for sale.
For parti,
a terin of six months, to the following edge.
It was In this condition that
lor you.
call at the ranch one and one-half mile persons: Isaac Wright, C. R. Anderson Japan found it* enemy when it opened
II* attack.
from town.
8* R- Mitchell.
and J. C. Sigier.
M. L. Burns has withdrawn from the
firm of Burns A Horning, real estate
brokers, and has sold his interest to
Robt. Casey. Tlie new firm will lie
known as Horning A Casey and will con­
tinue business at the old stand on Main
Tule Lake Tidings
ßed Pans
For sale 150 acres, all initier ditch
and a full water right gro* wiili the
latui. The prise wheat of Mainnth
t'nunty wag talked on this ranch Hint
year. •40 per aer».
K. H. Hall.
t eat \\ • Forget.
All |ieri>oi>e having uioettlvd In nt 1er
aecotnils with us, are requmted to make
prompt payment either to ue or tbe
Klamath County Rank.
Ikm't neglect this timely request.
C. «. A R, 8. Moore.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
fumla in the county tresaurr for the re­
demption ol all Klamath County War­
rants protested on ami prior to June d,
IMS. Interest on Mme will cease ftotn
thia date.
Ihited at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this
4th day ol January. IlMO,
I.. AlVA 1.KWI9,
Conntv Tiea’urer.
4 «I«
Furniture AND
,Mn Undertaking $
1 have added to my stock of Furniture a full line of
I t
I also have secured the services of a compe­
tent licensed embalmer and funeral director, who
wil! attend promptly to all calls day or night,
all responsibilities attend­
Residence 66 e
either in tlw city or country, taking full charge of
funeral relieving you of
ant on such occasions.
Phone, Store 61
It« >4t« Geo, IÌI m 1 i <>|>«
Homesteads t
is showing a fine line oi Crockery and F<»ncy GI am
* ’
A big shipment of dishes and glassware just received
<¡ ►
Fiard ware and Plumbing Goods,
ware this week in his
4* ~
the only pl.u-e in the Klamath
llasln where good homestead*
can be had. till line of l'alt-
fonila A Sorthe.tkterti R. IL,
now building. Government ir­
rigation contemplated.
vegetable», all kinds of grain
and domini Icated grasse« Un­
limited range.
and have fitted up a chappci where services may be
Syracuse Walking and Gang Plows
X 4*44*4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4* 4* 4» 4‘4*4*4*4*4»4*4‘4*4*4‘X
Farming, Dairying,
Stockraising and lumbering
* Crockery, Glassware,
* Dinner Sets, Etc.
Wrlte for descriptive pamphlet.
Conveyance furnished If desired.
Terms reasonable. Pilone.
G EO . T
White Pine Cough Syrup
Horehound, Tar and
Wild Cherry Cough Syrup
Two of ths very best
4* 4» 4*
Crown Toilet Cream
Drug and Stationery
Now is the time to buy
Homes in Klamath County
Under the Government Irrigation Scheme *
* Chas. Pattee, Manager, Bonanza. Oregon *
Little Liver Pills,
Blackberry Cordial
with Jamaica Ginger I
4’4*4’4’4’4’4»4*4» 4»
Homes in Langell and Lost River Valleys
Cheaper than elsewhere under the
Gorernmment project of irrigation?
Drug Quality
The dawn of the new year find* ins with all our old
ciiHtoriH-rs and many new one«
Kkch year demonstrate*
by the Increaae In our trade that our drug* arc quality
If It
not *o our trade would not Incrcane *o.
If we did not furnlRh puro drugs wo could not count so
many new customer«
We are going
Increasingly good service the coming year, tliut will merit
all your trade.
'X* 4* *K*
For Hale—820
good farming I land
820acres pood
two miles title West of Kinmath Fall
“..Ils at
♦ 10 per acre. Aino 205 acres of my
home ranch at Ki-no, Oregon. R. A.
Em mitt.
F or S ale —loo acre*, finest, of land.
00 acre* clear. All will flume under
Governfnent ditch, •3500. Adtlrewt
W.. thia olllce.
> W
Cwil and Irrigation Engineer,
Foit S alk . 175 acre Improved farm,
Official engineer Klamath Water (J*
all under ditch and cultivation »00.
ere' Association,
This I* one of the liest hx'Hted feed­
ing ranches In the valley. Atldre**,
F oh HA lk IK) h < tch gtwgi raw land,
fl., till* office.
2 mile* from Merrill, 2 mile* from
Aliel Ally has ■ few small tracts of Whlteliike, for •lioo.oo. (Jan give
first class title marsh lamin, which lie term*. HOacreawlll be undor Gov.
will sell at |10 fair acre during the next crnmenl dltx-.h. Address Y., Hill uh
two weeks. See him at once.