Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
gest Circulation and la
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. 41
zlmwalt - obermlller C R DeLAP
A Very Strict Ordinance
Passed by Council* l ax
Begins March i.
Over $40« Raised to help
Pay for the Piano for C. N. Mawkins Given the
Right to Put in Street
the High School.
Car System.
Incomplete School Building
Without Protection from
the Storm
Letter From C. A. Johns
Who Wants to be Next
One of the Most Fashion
able Entertainments
of the Season
Does Not Think That the
Man Should Appear too
Anxious for Office.
The scholars of the Klamath County
A very neat sum was realized Friday
On and after the llr«t day «d Man h it high sc I kmi I now have over |l'si to lie
C. N. Hawkins and IV. K. Ilrown left
The affairs of «late should lia conduct­ evening from the concert given at the
Borrow RssrnticaxThe article ap­
will coal every d<»g owner in the city «d used low aid |«ylng lor a piano lor their yesterday nmrnitig for California, where
ed with a high sense of honor and on Opera House by Mr». Zumwalt and pearing in your last issue writtea by “A
The new Public F<-bool building stand­ sound busiiie«» principle« and a broad Mis» Obermiiller for the benefit of the
Klamath Falla
.’*0 a year tor ra*h new building. They realised *143 from they go to place their orders and make
their entertainment given mime time arrangerio-uta lor the cotistructiori of a ing rootless through the storms of winter plane of equality, and to that end there public library. Tba entertainment was Republican Voter” certainly expresses
male and |*'> a year ho ***** 1» lem-*lv
mv opinion relative to iffiee seeking by
hept wi U hii the city limita. An ordin* agu. and the balance was raised by sub street ear system lor the City ol Klam- is causing no eii ' ol commeut. Every should >x> a waU-liful care and vigilance enjoyed by one oLlhs most fashionable office «eeteers and ia »Idition thereto
anre wea peaeetj al a ■j**« ial mreting <d
over every department. The high and audiences which ha» gathered in public will ray that I do not consider It the
tl*e City Council on To«Mlay evening, ||iMX) Chickeneg Grand piano sa> ord­
The City Council granted to C. N. ing in place is exposed to the elements, the low, the rich and the poor should here this ;<ea»on. Tba people of Klam­ privilege of any wan either to seek •
which provide« Hr a licuiimi lax upon ered from Eller's Piano House, ol Port­ Hawkins and Ins assigns, a franchise for fust «list effect Illis exposure will have reevive the same courteous treatment. ath Fall» bare lieen favored with many public office or to liecline to serve the
and lor Intpoundina and hilling dug* land, and m now on the road. It la ex- I the construction and <>|>eration of a on the permanency of the structure, The laboring man lias the same right to excellant musicial entertainment», but public whenever his services are right­
and l«»r the puiii'htiietil *d owner* Mild |H-clr,l to 1st here ter line during the street car system over the following that baa cost already a large sum of be heard as the railway magnate or the we doubt it ever before there were ao fully requested.
hrepera uf do#«. The ordinance pro- dedication ol the building on the 2<’lli streets: Bcgiunlng at the noilherly end money, is not altogether matter of spec­ millionaire.
many genuine expression» of pleasures,
I was not a partv to writing the arti­
ol tins month. The following is a list “I of Prriepect avenue, in Nichols* addition ulation.
The state school fund should be treat­ were manifest at the concert Friday cle referred to, and am not seeking of­
The present exposed condition of th^ ed tie sac red. and there should be no evening.
That it ahall ba unlaahil (or any |W’f • the aulwcrilreni who made it possible to the City ol Klamath Falls; thence
fice and would require positive proof
am or prrwona to keep a dug or dog«*, ol for the school to se nte this Hue instru­ south along said Pros;MX‘t avenue b> structure is no surprise to |>eople who, juggling with school lands. A law
Mrs. Zumwalt has a perfectly sweet that my services are deaired by the
the agn o( |«>ur munlha. within tl*«* cor- ment t
Tenth street; thence southeasterly along all through the latter part of the long should lie enacted, preventing specu­ soprano voice and her singing wan a people of the county, before consenting
|*rale limit» «4 the < ity ol Klamath K. K. K. Htrwa................................. |is ia> 'Tenth street to Washington; thence summer and exceptionally fine fall, lation in, or the sale or assignment of revelation to the mu»ic lovers of thia to permit my name to be naeil with ref­
.................. is)
Falla, tin I « mm a hrettav iMJK adtcali h*VF I.. F. Willits
south westerly along Washington to have watched the progress made by one school land certificates. The Land city. The perfect training of her voice erence to any office.
C. R. DsLar.
lieen |*etd and a lloeaar At* I a I icviim * It. Ft. Geo. Bishop ......... . .......... 15 00 . Ninth Flreet; thern'e along Ninth street lone stone mason on the great struct­ Agent should not be allowed to have and her grace of movement and action
00 Mreet; thence along Pine street ure. Time arid again they have asked any favorites, or speculate through on the atage, «as shown in a recitation
nilrnlwr plale pr«MMit«Ml and a«i« h liernaw Hie Jlriik Flore .
. Io IN Pine
plate lie kept u|»>ti am h J«*g aa provided Judge Geo. T. Baldwin.................... 10 00 to He ven th street; thence along Seventh themselves, “is it possible that there is knowledge obtained by virtue of office. she gave, which was also highly appre­
Hchallock A Daggvit Co ................ 10 00 i to Walnut avenue; thence along Walnut only one stonemason to Ire had in all There should be no adjuncts to or ciated by every one. Mixa Obermuiler
i*t the unhnant e.
The formal dedication of the High
All |*aymenta ut aucl* licanee tax nod Eilers' Plano House......................... 10 00 avenue to Third street; thence along this broad land?”
around this office and it should always fswaesaes a highly cultivated alto voice,
10 00 Third street to .Main street; thence
They have w itneaaed. during the same be above suspicion.
the Volumeand richness of which brought School building will occur on January
the term o( all liccniMM «diall I m * (*»r the j , K Isriath t 'minty Bank............
10 00 along Maili street U> longer avenue; period, the Ix-ginning and completion
year ending on the la»t day ol February I.. Jacobs A Co ........................
All kinds of property, including fran­ enthusiastic encores from the audience. 20. Supt. J. H. Ackerman, Free. P. L.
. First National Bank. .................... 10 00 thence along Conger avenue to its north­ of the High ttchuol building, a much chises. should be require«! to pay a just Both ladies are exceptionally proficient Campbell, of the U. of 0. and Pres. B.
in each year.
The licriiae tax «ball I m * |»ai I to th«* I. W. Fieruena................................... ft 00 ern terminus. Also la-ginning at the larger structure-; ami they are very nat­ and reasonable tax, arid express and on the piano and their duets and solos F. Mulkey, of Ashland Normal, will be
City Mamhal and the hccuM* »hall la* j L. Alvi la'Wis.................................... ft 00 intersection ol Sixth street and Walnut urally seeking (<>r a satisfactory explan­ similar comjMnies should jssy a tax on added to the charm of the entertain­ present and deliver addresses. The ex­
6 00
iaaurd by the I'ulur Judge. Any inhab III. J Winters ....
ment. The success of ttie concert was ercises will be in the assembly hall.
thence soutlieaster ly along ation of the difference that has marked their gross earnings in the state.
lie nt of the City of Klamath Falla, wh<> Geo. R. Burn....................................... ft 00 Sixth tn Elm avenue; thence aoulh- the progress of the two structures.
A law should provide for a State Bank made perfect by the very able assist­ Some excellent musical numbers will be
There is no use attempting to justify Examiner with conservative plenary ance of Mr. J. B. Mason and Burge render«!. The following program baa
............... ft 00 wvsterly along Film avenue to Uiu ter­
eliall keep, nr lining the owner, *<hall al Rli'liard Breitr'iiatem
been arranged:
the present condition of the •t ructu re power.
5 00 minus of same.
low U> be kept, any d*»g within the cor­ II. L. A hl ridge................................
..Rev. Dunlap
porate limita of the city without the
The primary law was enacted by a
The Board of County Commissioners
luwnar tax having lawn |*ai<l and the Abel Ady............................................ ft 00 also granted to C. N. Hawkins, a fran­ obtained” in face of tne fact that the vote of a large majority of the people ing on the ground now occupied by his Address of Welcome
......................... Judge Geo. T. Baldwin
licrnae nuiular plate Itring upon a leath­ Geo. Chastain................................... 5 00 chise for his street railway th rough the contractor on the High School w well and is entitled to, and should lie given, wo>xien buildings.
er nr metal collar u|*»n aucli dog, »hail W.O. Hmith........... ....................... ft 00 streets of Fairview addition, which is supplied with mechanics at all slag»» of a fair trial and should 1« respected both
Our school opened up in good shape Instrumental Solo Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt
ft without
upon cotmctimi Im tin«* I not le«»« than Mrs. M. McMillan .................
as to its meaning and intent.
the corporate limits of the city. its progress.
after the Holidays with an increase of Address ........... Supt. J. H. Ackerman
m rn<>re than |6l), or I m ? itnpriemod D. B. < 'ampladl...
The franchise granted by the city is ' Tho present condition nf the struct­
From sentiment and conviction, I seven scholars. The school district will Pantomioe and Solo High School Girls,
............................... Mrs Sophie Krause
net leaa than three nor more than 21 Filas Obrtichain
nearly identical in the wording with ure, after one of the most favorable stand with President Roosevelt on the in the spring commence the erection of
day», or by lioth fine an<l iinpriaonment. <' T lUmtiry ....
the one grant «-«I to A. If. Nallxgi-r, with building periods in tlie history of the lalor question, and am in thorough ac­ the new *10,000 school building. It is Address.................... Pres. B. F. Mulkey
No female dog in the time of heat, C. II W. throw
the exception of the streets to lie trav­ country, reflects little credit on those cord with him on the question of rail­ Ito be of native stone and in modern Vocal Solo ................... Mra. O. B. Gates
and no viriuua ui ma I d<»g. aball lie per­ City Drug Flore...................
road legislation.
erse, I, and one provision allowing the having the construction in charge.
style with all the new appliance» for Addreaa................. Pres. P. L. Campbell
The building must be completed, but
mitted to lie upon the public »trovta or M ssoii A Slough
I am a firm believer in, and an anient light and heat. The spring will also Address .................. Free. W. C. Hawley
use of the track on Main street to other
other place», whether In«-nard or not, C. C < 'liitwiaal
companies. The only place w here the before any more Iromls are voted the supporter of, our public school system. , witness the commencement of a water Dedication Ode...........................................
on lew MHurely I« n I or held by rope or I. II. Yaden ........................
route in the two franciiiaes conflict, is ¡■eople will exact of the directors that I fa. or liiieial sup|>ort to, and a high system for the town. There will then
Manning—Wc hardaoa.
Virgil A Son .......
chain l>y the owner or ker|»cr.
on Main street, from Third street to the remainder of the work lie let to the standard of education; and with rare be nearly enough cash in the Treasury
It »hall Im the duty <4 the pouudmax Meiae A Armand..................
Conger avenue. If arrangements are lowest responsible bidder who is pre­ exceptions think our own boys and girls to complete the system and this will
On Sunday, January 7, 1900, at the
lev to arise. leijaMind, and l*> aril or kill C.
1 II Burggraf......................
not made between the two eompanies, pared to give a 1»,nd lor the completion should be educated within the state of put us in shape to fight fire and
—J **■
the “
( t>est water in the county tor domestic Summers ranch below town, occurred
all d<<ga found by Itlni within the cor H. N. Snook........... ................
< >regon.
a double track will have to be put in. of the work within a spec: fie* 1 time.
use. The supply will come from ope of the marriage of Miss Gertrude Richard­
T axvavek .
porate limit» without the* Iheuao num II. IL .....................................
If successful, in my administration ; the
Tire Hawkins franchise provides that
numerous springs, the water of
Lrr plate. I*pun aut ii aeitute of any ’ B. Gsti s
the needs and wishes of the people will which has 1-een analyzed and found to son of Jackson county to Mr. A. J.
work shall commence by July 1. HO>
Manning, of this city. Tha ceremony
animal, he xliall p<el a notice of »ale Neil Campbell ....................
be the only “boss” and the only “ma­ be exceptionally pure.
and lie eomplete>l within eighteen
was performed by Judge Geo. T. Bald­
upon the city hullriin Ixmi l or notify Rov llamakar......................
chine,” and there will lie no “favorites”
Strangers are making considerable in-
the owner if known, and d poaaexNion i« N '. M. r r i II
and nobody will have a “puli,” and 1 qniry about this locality and we expect win in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. 8.
E ditok Rsrvsucax:—I noticed in will give the state an honest, clean,con­ with the advent of the McCloud railroad T. Summers and a few friends.
n<»l claimed or chargee pa*.I within three II. L. Bi'tiaou
The bride, who comes from Jackson
your pa|>er a c>min unication from some scientious an<l vigilant administration, and the influx of immigration in the
day», the animal «hall Im «oil or killcl. <1.
’ 11. Wiardbury.. ...............
coming spring to have a rival city to
East End Meat Market ....
Pursuant to published call, a maw,?) on« »ig'»*<< “Rspublican Voter” and “of the people, by the people and for Klamath Falls. We are told that the county, is well known and has many
meeting was held at the C-ourt House think a few worda oi comment on this the people.”
A letter received from J. G. Pierce E. D. Diinliam......................
McCloud people have just completed friends in this county, having taught in
survey to this place and are very the schools. Tlie groom is one of Klam­
last Munday night fur the purpose of ’■•'Eject might he of interest,
C hari . es A. J ohns .
last week states that he has sold Ins
favorably impressed with the route, anil ath Falls* successful young business
First, the writer calls the notice of the
residence pro|w*rtv III Redland», and Hamlin................................
inaugurating u ciusade against the
will soon push the work to completion.
I*. L. Fouutain........ .............
I was born in Jackson County, Mis­ This will be the best shipping point in men, and has a hoot of friends who join
was moving Ins family Io Fan Do go.
pests and disecses that infect our or­ readers of your p»;>er to the a« he
in wishing him and bis bride a long and
K. Bramlcnhurg ........
chards and gardens. There were pres­ terms it- “Office Keeker” Isxwting him­ souri, on June 25, 1S5T ; came to Oregon Klatnath county for beef cattle, and
Mr. Dell V . Kuykendall and bride «r-i C riioma»
happy life.
Drake. ... . ...........
rived in KlMinnth Fall« Thurnlay even* .1. C Hiitvtiic A Emil Egvrt
lieen here ever since. Received early the map as one of the leading Southern
chairman, <«. W. White, F. L. Arm­
tua Mid have g«»nv to hoaerkerping in H. W. K,*e»ee........................
Meisa A Armand, of the City Meat
education in the public schools at Fcio, Oregon towns.
Soule.. . .................................
strong and E. I. Applegate, who acted “Voter” a right to his choice.
Market, moved thia week into their new
their home on Fourth atrevt.
Now we think that the late election l.inn County; A. B. degree from Wil-
Bonanza, Jan. 9. 190ft. C. U. Agin.
M accrrlary, a tremendious uprising, a
quarters in the Melhase building.
wonderful manifestation of interest on laws carefully studied by the said writer lamette University at Salem in 1878 and
the )«rt of onr enterprising citizens! would enable hin> to make up his mind the A. M. degree in 1882. Was admit­
However, lack of numbers was partially that he was not the only pebble, and ted to the l>ar in 1881 and commenced
offset by the enthusiasm and determi­ not the Republican party, either, a« to practice law at Dallas, Oregon.
nation of tli-iee present. War was de­ there are othera who have lieen talked Served as county Judge of Polk county
of for this nomination, and have lieen by appointment. Lived there until I
clared ami a call issued for volunteers.
A committee of three, consisting of publically announced without the con­ moved to Baker City in 1888, where I
Fresh Candies and Bon Bons, Stationery,
Messrs. Fleams, \t bite and Armstrong, sent of the parties themselves having have since resided. Am an attorney by
Notions, Cigars and Tobacco
profession. Have never held a politi­
was ap|«>inteil to draw up an agreement been first obtained.
Now with all due respect to Mr. Re­ cal office. Formerly twice mayor of Ba­
which all who are interested will lie
ternit hi SSofison.
aske-l to sign, binding themselves to as­ publican Voter, ami more for Mr. De- ker City and am the present mayor, be­
lap. as he is one of our warmest friends, ing elected by the largest majority any
sist in the good work.
The matter of effecting a permanent we cannot help but call this eommuni- one ever received for that office. Am
Main Street near Postoffice
cation a “Booster Letter” all complete
fourth consecutive term as
✓ organisation was discussed. The secre­ and no doubt, ar in the case of other serving
School Director and received every vote
tary was asked tu correspond with the
Male Board of Horticulture for instruc­ mentioned pros;iective candidates, with­ cast at last election. No person lias
out the consent of Mr. DeLap.
stronger home endorsement.
tion, cooperation and advice.
We cannot say as be did, that no Re­
The time ha» come to act. Our or­
chards are a disgrace* to a civilised com- j publican has lieen seeking the nomina­
niunitv. Firanger» are amazed nt their tion, for we do not think it possible for
condition and the apathy on the part o( him to be the only Republican in the
our |a*ople concerning the matter. County, and while we do not know who
(From our regular correspondent)
There is no use to plant more trees un­ has sought the nomination, yet we do
Well we are having plenty of snow to­
til the ohl ones are* cleaned up. You not believe in saying that because they
day and the stage is enjoying the sleigh
are all willing that this should be done. have, thev are not Republicans. A
fete fe(>* feffe( • feKe fet< fete feb* fet* feb* fef<•
ab ^.ê—. fet*
man to secure the nomination under for a change.
Then help. Do it now.
TTTTTT “ “ “ TF “ “
? ?
J. D. Haniaker has put another
Another meeting will lie held at the the present law must not only declare
Court House next Monday night, Show himself, but get out ami rustle with 'phone on the Langell Valley line. We
your interest by attending. Now- is the petition, and then if he would la* nomi­ can now find him when in town or at
Red Polled Cattle
nated he must seek the voles at the the mill.
accepted time.
primaries to obtain the pluui. When
F. W. Broadsword says that he don't
Let us spray.
Large White Yorkshire Swine
thia is accomplished he is just getting a like to lie “Hello gill” all the time, but
Is Renowned for its Superiority of
Pay Your Assessments.
small workout for the race which will Walter took the job and he is not the
Bronze Turkeys
come off in the following June, as his limn to quit anything when he starts in.
♦ *
Believing that all of tho stockholders opponent will no doubt develop some even if he did make a bad bargain and
of the Klamath Water Caere Associa­ strength in the Primaries, and as he take the job too cheap.
B-I’lymouth Rock Chickens
tion are alive to the necessity of each has had the satua amount of former
Carl Deal, of Langell Valley, is very
one doing his part toward carrying out training and the usual workouts he is sick with pneumonia and is in a critical
the purposes of the organisation, and liable to be in good trim for the last condition. He was in a bad shape
are willing so to do when culled upon, heat ami perhaps make a “Grand stand” physically at the time of taking the fev­
♦ *
we now ask those of you who are be­ finish.
♦ •
hind in your assessment», to come for­
Nuw to the last clause of the article,
We noticed Chaparell of the Express
ward promptly.
“The nominating power is the only po­
in town Saturday evening. He looks
Ono third of the stockholders are in litical right of tlm American Citixen
well and is always welcome as we like
arrears, nioie than half of whom have etc. We beg leave to differ. If a man
< •
to exchange ideas with him from whom
paid neither of the two assessments lias to vote the party ticket just because
wo may l>e able to learn something.
levied. The total amount due the as­ he is of the certain political party, he is
< ►
B. St. Geo. Bishop was up about
sociation together with the cash on not a free American Citixen, for, if he
< *
Imnd would la« sufficient to carry us had his sav. as the writer of the article Xmas looking after his political fences
through another half year.
stales, and does not get his choice for and made a good impression on our
< *
Next year our expenses will lie very the nominee, but some one who is not Democrats for bis race for the County
♦ •
considerably reduced by the elimina- qualified gets the nomination, then he Judgeship. Mr. Bishop is a wideawake
tion of several important items, includ­ must, according to his former state­ man and a rustler and would make a
< *
ing ex|HHiees of organisation, soliciting ment, be concerned in the “Dog” and hot race for some one.
Saturday, January 13, 8 to 12 a. m.
H. F. Schallock has an idea of quite
< *
subscriptions of stock, office equipment walk tip and take the doao if it vomits
and recording of instruments; the last him. Now this is not politics and is an extended improvement in the spring
item amounting to over
not American Citizenship, for you must in the way of building. He will open
L. Jacoba & Co.
Kindly come forward.
either vote for the machine or agaiust up on the south side of the street in the
Yours very respectfully,
it and, as he says, if yon vote against it early spring and remodel the building
where ho is now located, and in the
Klamath Water Veers Asso.
you are not a citizen of the U. 8.
**■ ■** »*■ ■*. ***i*“*“*“*“W
near future will erect a tine stone build- W ■*' '*• ■*» ■*»»*■ **■ **« ■** **» A
By E. 1. Applegate, Secretary,
V otek .
He Begs to Differ
Bonanza News
Fit, Style, Workmanship
.. and Finish
The Largest
Wholesale Tailoring Concern
in America
* Quick Delivery
L. F. WILLITS, Agest