Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 04, 1906, Image 4

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Bonanza News
Hee !<ewi» the JeWvksr.
!'ros|>ect» for crops are helter now
than they have been. The »now ia thiee
and one-ball inclmt <)eep and »till snow­
ing a Hille. The night ol tits' !8th leing
Iha roMeel we have bail, the mercury,
rwaebirtg two degteeR Iwlow sero. The
!»ke is nearly Iroten over now, there
l<etng only a »mall Itodv of water near
|he center,
Tule Lake, Dee. SO.
News Desidler.
fFr.», onr regnler reeve« pen .tern}
Bonsnxa is still in the swim and
Fine watch and >-we|ry repairing. L. l>«>'ming right along, sleighing I» • nr
Alva T«wia.
»ml prospects few better.
r>. Win. Martin. <!enfiwt, will reantn«»
Mr». Bertha Clirpfon was taken with
liw practice on Monday, Janiwrv *, pneumonia on Monstay as a "New
Year'» Kewofntlon'’ hut we
Lost—My purae near the Ijtkesi.le
a mild form and that she
Otamonifs L. Alva f<ewis.
Inn on Tuesday afternoon, January 3.
Colored glaeeee for snow Nindnesa art
I will pay *5 for the return of »ante with
Mr. and Mr». L. D. Burk are at Bly contenta to me. My name and initials
City Drug Store.
Mr. send Mrs. W. P. Rhoads of Mer­ visiting their Iriensis there.
were written on it with ink.
The .Misse» Myrtle anil Marie Hsma-
rill were in the city Tuesday.
J oun Y adbw .
Fine line ot watches, jewelry, etc. ker ami Daisy Goss went to Bly last Sotka of Executora* Final Account
Wednesday to spend the Holidays,
L. Alva Lewis.
among relatives and friends.
They '
Notice is hereby given that Horatio
Repairing a specialty at Wtatets* Jew­ were accompanied by Messrs Sykes and
E. Smith and Ales. Martin, Sr., execut­
elry Stere.
Mont Hamaker.
ors of the last will of George W. Smith,
Attorney R. M. Walker, who Is locat­
Chas. Pat tee had the mhdortune to ; deceased. haw filed their final account
ed at Merrill, was in the city over Sun­ take a drink of hot coffee sin last Fri­
| of the administration of his estate with
day and as he wears a plate in his : the County Clerk of Klamath county,
New line of rings at Winters.
mouth did not realize just bow hot it Oregon, and that the Court has appoint­
J. F. Alexsnder bringing in 23S tick­ was until he had swallows^] the stuff ed 10 o’clock, A. M., of Monday, Febru-
ets at Winters Jewelry Store received It scalded tbe throat eo badly
uy it
it was
*•* J j
as the time for hearing of
mild cnoxe
choke I objec|lon, ... ,„ch final aClWint ,„a • the
feared for a while that lie wouni
«he Ladiee Gold Watch.
to death, but Dr. Johnson was summon- _
».v.__ »... thereof.
____ <
» g — is
t. pub
_.t. ­
This __
Exclusive Agents for the "New Idea"
ed and pulled him thronch.
Mr. Pat- lished by order of sai l Court entered
Patterns. The Boeto« Store.
tee is out on tbe street to-day but he | December 28, ISOS.
I. F. Settler, a harness maker, arrived savs his throat ia very sore and be is
H oratio K. S mith axd
last week from Ashland to accept a po- not able to take any solid food yet. He
A i . xx . M ixtix , J a.,
eition with the I.inkville llarnea» Shop. says he will let hot things alone after 1
1-4-06 Executors of G. W. Smith’s will.
Flanwels and all delicate fabrics thia.
Go to Mannings for a new pipe.
washed by hand at the Steam Laundry,
Our Church is still making good strides
with wool and special soaps.
for the cause of good morals. Two more ' Baby need» healthful food three cnhl
If the food does not agree try
t>r. Demorest, the dentist, yesterday converts last Sunday night. Miss Winols dave.
Hioved into his new office in the Woolen Forbes and Mr. Erwin McCurdy, and »no’her. We have a complete stock al­
Biiil ling, next to the City Drug Store. three or more will come at the next op- ' ways
■ fresh—City Drug Store.
For twin lemf«
New g<K>ds errrving at Winters.
portunity. Our minister. Rev. Allen, is
Court ot the State ot Orrgon for
T»r. Wm. Martin, accompanied by doing good work and we hoi« it will not J“ th* County
— »- ot Klamath.
the S»«...
his daughter and Mrs. 8. Obenchain, he long before there will lie a large num- tn the matter ot the guardlsmhlp ot Agnes C
are expected to retnrn on to-day’s stage. her of our best young people unite
Marple, a minor.
it appearing lo the Court from the petition
Fine watch repairing. L. Alva Tawis. with the Church, as this ia the founda­
tion for all good, and you cannot build ol Kilin M Marple, tuat.llanol tbe p*re>u and
Attorney F. H. Mills returned Mcn- ! up a society that is equal to the one estate ot AgneaC. Marple, a minor, praying
for an order ol eat» ol certain real »stale be­
day from Portland, where he has been
built by the Church. Now that I am on longing io her eald ward, that it wonld be
arguing the caee of Kern» vs. Lee before
; this subject I want to say that the low beneSclal to said ward to have euch real Ca­
the Federal Court.
I standard of society tn any place can be lais eotd.
I It is Hereby Ordered. That th« next ot kin
George Bichn has a few lots in North controlled by the young ladies, and they
of the said ward, and all pereons interested tn
Klamath Falls going at *40 and *60.
. alone are the medium to lift the stand­ i the said estate, appear before this Court on
Tbe Merrill Creamery Company have ard. If, for instance, the young ladite ’ Saturday, tbe 3d day of February. 190». at 10
made arrangements with Mews A Ar­ aould all form a resolution and stick to o'clock A. M.. at th« Court Riwra of tlsis Court,
al th« Courthouse In Klamath Faile, Oregon.
mand, of the City Meat Market, to han­ ' it, that they would not accompany a I then and there to ebow cause why an order
' young—(cannot say gentlemen, or else should not be granted for tbe eale of such real
dle their butter in Klamath Falls.
they would not conduct themselves in property, described in said petition as follows:
A nice pack of Congress csnls for
An undivided one-eixth Interest in and lo
those winter evening games. Line of the manner they do) to a ball or party, Bhs-k 4S in the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon,
or recognize them when they were under ,
assorted backs at City Drug Store.
1 the influence of “Booze" they would formerly Nichols' addition to tbe town of
Klamath Falls, according to tbe plat ot said
All services as usual st the Presby­
soon have the yonng fellows at their addition duly recorded la the oSce of the
terian church next Sunday. Services finger tips and could do more toward County Clerk ot Klamath County. Oregon.
are being held each evening except Sat­ the building up of good parties than all
Dated January 3d, lfte.
urday, at 7:30. All made welcome.
the talk of mothers to their sons put in
County Judge.
J. W. Siemens, Fred andGus Melhaae one volumn. It is worth the effort—
and A. Kershner left yesterday for San young ladies, try it.
Francisco. Capt. Siemens will retnrn ,
Un last Nunday evening after church
in about three weeks, while the others '
. about two dozen concluded to stay and
land Office, Lakeview. Oregon. November
will probably remain some time.
I hold an old fashioned watch meeting.' II. 1905.
For fit and style and new shapes in The evening was spent in songs and I Notice Is hereby given that the following
shoes go to the Boston Shoe Store.
fellowship until the clock was on the named settlers have filed therein iheir notlee
I ot intention to make final proof tn support of
J. F. Adams and wile, of Merrill, eve of striking the old year out, when ‘ their claims, and that said proof will be made
spent several days in tbe city this week. the bell was tolled to represent the dy­ I before Geo. Chastain. County Clerk, at hl»
Mr. Adams was attending the meeting ing ol 1905, and rang merrily at the official place of business, al Klamath Falls,
on January 4. IMS. to-wit:
nf the Little Klamath Water Ditch coming of 1906 to welcome the glad I ' Oregon,
Charles H. Flaekue, of Dairy. Oregon. H E
[ New Year. After a short prayer by
I No. ZB1. for 8 S s *!4. *'/»*”
to®. U. T.
A daintv baht ism for pearly teeth. Rev. Allen we all wished each other a ' SS.. K. 11!» B.. W. M
Robert Laughlin,
ot Bonansa. Oregon. H. B
Citv Drug Store’s Pearl Tooth Powder. glad and happy New Year And departed ' __________
I No. zn», for »'¿NR ■«. N
Sec. IS. T.
About *4000 worth of horses, wjiich 1 to sleep the first hours of the new born »8.. R. IP, E . W. M.
} Louis Htenl. ot Bonanza, Oregon. H. E. Ko.
were purchased in the vicinity of Klam­ I ye*?-
Hugh Clopton, our genial postmaster, 2221. lot ft » E '4. See. U. »H K E •«. Hec. 2J,
ath Falls by N. L. Stockton, of San
T. »8.. R. 11», E.. W. M.
Joee, were started to the railroad Tues­ tells us that the last month has been
They rame the following witnesses to prove
day. There were 50 horses in the band.
their continuous residence upon and cultiva­
business of our town, that has ever tion of said land, vis:
A chicken dinner will be given every
Chas. Flackus, of Dairy, Oregon: Robert
been recorded since the office was es-
Sunday at the Gem Restaurant
Laughlin, Jacob Ruick, George Ritter, ail of
' lablisbed.
Bonanza. Oregon; F. M. Bennett and C. H
We wish to correct, or rather deny, a McCumber, of Dairy, Oregon; Louis Hterzl of
Twenty-six head nf horses and mille»
statement made io the Express about Bonanza,Oregon; John Lind, of Dairy .Oregon.
belonging to Westlake, of San Jose,
J. K. WATBOK. Regiater.
F. M. Harpold, or Harpale, as tbe pa­
were started from Merrill for Montague
per published it, being ejected from the
last week. Tlie animals were purchas­
' ball on Christmas night, as it is wholly
ed of Guy Merrill and tbe price aver-
untrue and in justice to Mr. Harpold
aged about *80 a head.
i we take the liberty of branding it as a Cae
Free Hot lunch served at the Bank falsehood.
C. U. Agin.
Exchange with drinks from 10 to 12
a. m. and 8 to 12 p. m.
A wrwtcbed-looklng man. Ion« anti
Abel Ady has a few »mall tracts of.
teas, was charged the other day before
first das» tule marsh lands, which he '
the Tribunal Correction»«! with being
will sell at *10 per acre during the next
a vagabond, aays the London Pall Mall
two weeks. See him at once.
Oasette. He Was Wed what hie occu­
Tule Lake Tidings
(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
The Boston Store is selling Packard
The long looked for Fanta Claus has
shoe«, which are always up-to-date.
come and gene and we live on just tbe
Every pair made to wear.
same. The most of the people here
Tbe school in Di»t. No. 20 at Poe val­
spent their Christmas at home, some
ley cloned on December 22 after a sue-
eating goose, others turkey and chicken.
ceasful term of 13 weeks, under the
In tbe evening many attended tbe
management of Miss Archye B. Keesee.
dance at Merrill.
Those neither alieent nor
Jack Johnson is confined to bis room
were Ruth Gray, Myra Gray, Viva Rose
with an attack of rheumatism.
Earl and Ellis Kester.
For a quit k »aie list your propeity
L«gul Fraternity Orew Too Numer­
with Burn» A Horning.
ous and King Henry VI. Thinned
Their Number.
If veil want a nice pair of »luv«" lor
Tba dowager »mpreea of China the lathy, conm to the Bouton More.
threatens another drastic reform 8h»
tnalata that lit» lawy«ra of b«r land
For ab»tract” go to M.taon A Slough.
Miall — study law, reports London
Black ami Whits
Tim rei vibrai«« I Julia Marlow shoes for
We all know th» Nwut ot Teter ths I .ad tea at Ilio Boston More.
Great—that there was but on» lawyer
In ths whole of Ituaala, tutd he was
All grade* ot cigars at all prices at
gotn« to have that otto exseulod.
There was onre a aomuwhal similar
For abstracts go to Maaon A Slough.
feeling lo England, though as tha
statute In which It •« «xpreased has
Men's water proof embers in tan» and
b««n repealed, only lawyer» now know blacks at the Hoetoa Store.
anything about It Henry VI. found
tknt he had too many legal gentle
For residence lots go to Mason A
men in hl» dominion« eapeelally lu Slough.
Norfolk and Bufiolk. Ho drew a bar
A perfect Talenni Powder-By Lo. City
rowing picture ot the coudluona aa
Drug Store.
they had been and then were.
Formerly, he declared, when there
We have ai* cottage* for sale.—Ma
were but elx or eight "attorneya" lu
i »ou A Slough,
theoe counties great tranquillity pre­
vailed But now the numbers had In-
New Soovenir >)>ooa» juat in. I.. Alva
creweed to fouracoro. or more, ' which Lewi».
come to every fair, market and other
You'll need claret for the table, Try
places where Is any assembly ot peo
pls, sxbortlng. procuring, moving and that al th« City Drug Store.
Inciting the people to attempt untrue
Fine fresh candiva at Chitwood's
and foreign suits for small trvspasae«.
little offensea and small sums of Drug Store.
dsbt whereby proceed many suits more
For farm land» go to Mason A Slough
of avil will and malice than of truth
of the thing, to the manifold vaxa-
tlona and no small damage of the In­
Therefore It was enacted that there
should be henceforth only six common
attorneys In Norfolk, and the like
number In SutTuik, and two In the «ity
of Norwich
Feasible Substitute for Camphor Balls
to Protect Winter
“I hare made a dle-overy or. at
least, I think It Is a discovery." said
the housewife, acron! I ng to the New
Tork Sun "Moths tike prunes.
"1 have mentioned that fact to many
persons since I found It was true, and
they have ecoffed at me. all but niy
He tells me that he dlscov
ered some time ag<> that moths are
very fond of prunes.
"I have noticed for some time an oc­
casional moth flying around my kitch­
en. and I wondered where they came
from I remembered a few days ago
that I had placed a package of prunes
on an upper shelf In the kitchen closet,
and I went looking for It
"Now. this was a pound parkage of
prunes, and ths package was sealed. 1
notloed several little holes near the
top of tbe package, and as I cut the
top open wbat was my surprise to find
It full of moths!
"If moths like prunes so much. I
rather think that some day prunes may
take the place of camphor balls when
It comes time to pack away tbe winter
I Furniture
I also have secured the services of a compe­
tent licensed embalmer and funeral director, who
will attend promptly to all calls day or night,
either in the city or country, taking full charge of
funeral relieving you of all responsibilities attend­
ant on such occasions.
Phone, Store 61
Residence 66
It. St. <■<*<>•
X4?4»4»4’4’4*4'4’4*4*4*4’ 4’4»4»4»4’4»4r4»4»4»4»4’X
is showing a (inc line oi Crockery and Fancy Glass­
A big shipment oi dishes and glassware just received
Hardware and Plumbing Goods,
Syracuse Walking and Gang Plows
X 4‘44*4‘4,4*4*4*4*4*4* 4* 4* 4* *1* 4* *1**1* 4* 4*4* 4* *1* 4* X
Stilts Co.
* Crockery, Glassware,
Books are as much a
part of Christmas as the
tree itself.
Who can
think of a Christmas tree
and no books on it.
our book department are
books for young and old
Everything from a story
book to a family bible
The bindings will please
you and the prices are
City Drug Store
Dinner Sets, Etc.
¿11 a
4» 4*4*4*4*4*4*4’4’4*4*4t th
* Now is the time to buy
* Under the Government Irrigation Scheme *
The Lost River Realty Company *
These lands will never be cheaper than note
has for sale some of the finest lands in
Langell and Lost River Valleys
Chas. Panee, Manager, Bonanza, Oregon
Ai eye
White Pine Cough Syrup
Horehound, Tar and
Wild Cherry Cough Syrup
Two of the very best
Little Liver Pills,
Blackberry Cordial
with Jamaica Ginger
Crown Toilet Cream
Drug and Stationery
•) Farm and city property for sale In tin1 vicinity of Klamath Falla,
») Merrill, Whitelake City, I'oe Valley, Bonan/.a, Ke no and other point*
Land in Both Small and Large Tracts
Some Special Bargains on Hand
Values ranging from $5 to $75 per acre
•) This Is the best lime In the world for Investments. A year hence
I mmw I
«IssAca aailil liut'n I »»/• H, UfiUtf I liltn
llllllf I r«>f I
land values
will have Increased one hundred
fold. Correspondence
J. P. Nowlin & Co
Vse for the Handle.
Bnpeck—My wife told me to buy her
a good broom.
Dealer—Well, here's one with a hick­
ory handle—warranted not to break.
"Great Scott!
Do you think my
skull M made of cast IronKansas
City Independent.
__ -
and have fitted up a chappel where services may be
Man's Nose Supported Him.
There was once a man who was deaf
and dumb, and tn consequence had dif­
ficulty In earning enough to support
himself. As often occurs, those who are
deprived of one sense have another In
an uus'ial degree. This was ths esse
with this man He had a sense of smell
so remarkable that ha became an ex­
pert In detecting tbe presence at oil
wells Hla nose was purchased by a big
company (naturally the
" man himself
went along with his nose) and he man-
aged to eke out an excellent living
Washington Star.
Parlors :
I luve added to iny stock of Furniture a full line of
Fine line of Fancy ♦
and Staple Ribbons -}■>
Physician Says That Electricity If
Jwdlcioualy Used Often
Beeturee Speerh.
A French professor li advocaUo« tha
establishment ot death rooms tn boapie
ala, where patients enacted with incur­
able dlaeasea who hare lost all desire
to prolong their days may at their own
request be rent painlessly out of ths
world, says tbs Newark News. Il Is el-
tremsly doubtful if such measures will
ever be adopted la France or any other
civilised country. Occasionally people
are met with among ourselves who pro­
fess to believe that thia kind of work
la dons la some hospitals, but they are
quite wrong. It la the business of the
physicians and all those connected with
ths care of the sick to prolong human
Ilfs, not to shorten It. and under no cir­
cumstances whatever do they consider
themselves jueth. J In departing from
this rule. To put people to death be­
cause of Incurable disease would tend to
diminish the sanetlty of human life, and
possibly open the door to the commis­
sion of many crimes.
New Stock of Millin
ery nnd Caps, up-to-
date Silks and Laces
Dress Goods, Kid and
Golf Gloves, Sweat-
ers. Woolen Under
ware this week in his
A young woman who bad not been
able to speak for five years has reoov-
ered her voice through electricity. One
of the hospital cur geons who operated
said: “Weoccasionally get patients who
ere unable to speak, not through any
organic aliment, but simply because
they are in a hysterical condition, and
we often cure them by a strong electric
shock. As a rule they yell out. and then
they bare no excuse for not being able
to speak. We do not suggest that such
patlenu have been ebammlng. They ac­
tually cannot speak, although there Is
nothing wrong with their voice They
are the kind of patients who sometimes
go under quack treatment and make re­
markable'curee There lea good deal of
faith healing in this matter." Swedish
doctors having found minute pieces of
enamel from "granite" ware in cases of
appendicitis, it U surmised that the
common use of this ware may have some­
thing X> do with the prevalence of ap­
pation was and replied:
'1 poee for pendicitis.
obesity." The magistrate was mysti­
fied and the prisoner proceeded to ek-
He had been employed by a
chemist who sold "anttfat" to poee for
French Frofeusor Advocates Boding
his picture of • before" and "after" treat­
Urea ot Seriously Afflicted
ment. For the first picture he wore a
cult of gutta-percha and was then In
Rated like a balloon; In the second be re­
sumed his normal bulk, and that did sx-
eellcntly well for the purpose of con­
Miss Maud Jones is suffering I from trast. Unfortunately, it was not a trade
Men's Packard shoes at the Boston
that lasted forever, and here was the
Store. The shoe for style and wear.
poser, face to face with the other poser-
Michael Nalchanda has taken his how to lire on air when It has escaped
Ralph Feeney, district deputy Master
blankets and quit the valley.
Paris Is noted tor Its curious Indus­
Workman, of Portland, returned Tues­
H. K. Gay, at the age of 80, is etili tries There Is. for Instance, the pro-
day evening from I^akeview, and at­
freslonal witness. Tour ease gets Into
tended the installation of officers ol the able to make his daily trips around the the paper; you are knocked down by a
local lodge here. Wm. A. Barry, ■
bicycle or run over by a cab. To your
There are thousands of swan on the bouse comes a seedy Individual, who
member of the state finance committee
of th« A. O. U. W., who is here repre­ lake. To hear tltetn of an evening one telle you that be saw tha accident and is
senting Bonbon« A Co., of Portland, would think a methodist camp meeting prepared, for a consideration, to give
evidence on your behalf In a court of
was also present at the meeting and was being held.
law touching the responsibility of the
acted as installing officer.
Chas. Pickett is getting the lumber on
cabman or the bicyclist. He has "recon­
the ground for his big new barn, which structed the scene," In his own Imagin­
he expects to build soon.
ation, and warmed by his eloquence and
I. W. Bnrriss is hauling lumber for bl* graphic details, you begin to imagin'
his new house. His daughter, Miss yourielf the most Injured of mortals
Hasel Burris*, now has a position With Touched by his enthusiasm for your case
you give him aomethlngfor bls troubls.
ihe telephone company as hello girl al
and arrange for his attendance at th»
ease. But the altruism of your visitor
Bert Dtevrs is making steady trips ' has not carried him as far as that; he
with six horses and two wagon» hauling halts at the "something on account."
lunilier from Black’» saw mill to Merrill.
Bert Osburn had what came near be­
First a snow and then a free««.
ing a serioaa accident while hunting on
You slid* around and slip
And then a thaw on top of theea.
the lake Christmas day. There are pot
And then a case ot grip.
holes among the titles w hich s<>em to be
—Washington How
a kind of warm spring on wlikh the ice
Willing to Oblige.
never gets very thick. While crossing
Penman—Have you read my latest
the ice he unknowingly tried to cross
one of these places and broke through.
Brokley—No, lend me *2 and I'll go
There being no help in reach he was in i out and buy one.—Yonkers Statesman.
the water several minutes. The water I
The Time for Chloroform.
was too deep to get a footing and the ice ;
"I hear ho refused to take chloro­
so thin it would break and let him bark. |
lie finally got to kolid ice and succeeded form when he was operated on?"
"Toe; he Mid he'd rather take It
in getting out. He contracted euch a
when he paid hls bill."—Tit-Bits.
:<>ld that he had to get a substitute to
After Facta
carry the mail to Pteel Swamp lor him.
"How old did your sister say sbs to?"
Frank Branuon has moved the build
"Eighteen "
ings i ff the homestead which be lost in
"How old Is sbs?"—Hou "ton Post
| the contest with Kirkpatrick.
»<« bttstiw-sloi.got.. M»...hA Mough
•; o-o-o-oooo-o-ooo-o oooooo oooooo*)
1' '
S S T E A M*
All kinds of laundry finished in a