lown Ircaaurrr'n Notice? SUMMONS. Sirth-e i> I,,.,,.I,y givwn tliat f|irr. ,,, HAN l\ tlio town lr.-4»tirv f,„ "I Htf Nlttstnn ISH». 127(1, IU, I, 1272, |., •I ■ HlKMFXM, r<»w n I r«*iiai| irr. I'lh-la in \CC( H 'VI II Ireaaurer'a Notice. N-dit-o lierolt, pivot, f),at there are llllul. Ill the I ,.unlv Tre.mnrv for the ri-.|. tnplmn H|| KlnntHlh t mtnty war- |•'o(..»|1.,| ,,n h „,| |, n ,, r |J, I’*'- lull ti -l on »um<- will ,, »»,. llila >I h ' o l pr published otico a r«b I»| at i«a«t »is t<«iiM« utlve werk», an«! •vrmig • period of coiitinuou» publication of «I lca»t l«»ri) two «!•> • THORAX DRAKE. II » -US Attorney for thr F.aiuc.ff SPECIAL RESOR I’ EOR i'OURISTS SI MMONS. Pure Bred Stallions Bull Cochin Chickens in the circuii <*r»uri of the Míate of Oregon lor the t ,ointy ot Klamath. ft H Harm» Plaintiff vs George m Nicker- •»Hl and Irntilr R Nickeraoti. iKfendaill« To Jenille It X««ker»<>ii, «l«-f»miaut alxtxr narnr»! hi the name of the mate of Oregon* You • re hereby rrqulfrd f«» ap|»rar amt answer tb« eotnpiaihl fl «■ I a«aiti»t >ou in the above entitle«! artion on or b*h»rr Thur»«tay, the J*’h lay of Deeembrr I9U». bring the la»t «lav of the lime prenribc«! in the order for Hie |»ubl<< atloti of Ibi» stiminoti» the rt rat publira Hon thrrcol tirltlg otl thr |>.(|| «lay of Novtm- l»rt ;*.» i And H you fall to an ap|»ear «nd an- •wer for r ant thereof, tiir plaint iff will take )<.•!« r ■ tit sys’iie I <. I |«>t Oir >!ii <«) atol the » «»• i• an«! dl»bu*M rimi» «»f this a« *lon. Thl« summon» i» srrvr«1 by publication thereof in tin Kt uutit R » rt ui n o by «»rder *•! lion Ile-m I H«*t»»on «»ne ««lr an t Co* I fn »aid < au»v. a’ Klaiiiath Fall» n.-«gou om X*«»v<-tnber IAO», l »> wRich Mki«! »»rder r»' I! W KKKMMt. Attnrncx for Plaintiff M A SCO T LIVERY. REED & SALE STABLES KLAM XIII 1 XI I S ASI> FERRILI Largest an! B.st E^.iicped St.ibl- . in Southern Oregon TOURIST'S TRADt A SPECIALTY c < > 3 . I XF ! C IV, 1 ’rop’.'ict <>i 'S Country Produce take.i in exchange for «cods 77/f: EXCELSIOR I I r Mil Ml Btxits and Shoes. FACT n complete and up to date line of I. F. DAVIES. < ■<><»«!>*• OREGON DAIRY MAMMOTH STABLES Riffs furnished with or without drivers • We keep the finest • lot o! horses In the • country. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD IL W. STRAW, Proprietor City Meat Market PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS I e ___ .'»••r. r. r. e><-. r> I lì i J ßOiVDOH JOB nMNIER sign F ainter J e HUN'S HSRBWÍRI SIORE a e C Klamath I alls. Or V.’ C j 4L’ j *j> .J -j, KLAMATH BARBER SHOP ,1. IV. SIDIIAS, Proprietor. V 5 Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. •; .j Also Agent for LONDON AND SODA WATER LANCASHIRE HRE INS. CO. USE MELVIN D. WILLIAMS KLAMATH FALLS SODA WATER THE MOST "tFRESH/NG SUMMER Civil and Irrigation Engineer, DRINK LAND SURVEYOR. Manufactured in ail Flavors Telephone Main jj I Kh.the Soda Water Man Official engineer Klamath Í OREGON Water f><-< »elary wf Treasury ►Wretarv oí J. I'emaparte Jumi** Wil*on Sacrefary » I Navy >e< retary oí Agriculture Ww II. Moody Gro I» Cortrlvou Pont Munter frenaral Attorney General Melville W. Fuller C h Ih-parfnii-iil <>l Ihr Inlrtlor. fnltril St.ir« l.an.l Orth ». t.«krvlrw, I.. Nrwb.uk«,eon- tr.tnnt, lioiur.tr. I < tur. No. <2tu». ni.ilr \itiniM it. WM. (or rtK<«. Hr<- B. Tw|> «IS Itnntfr » K « M b, Air» Mt-Nrll, Contr.trr, In whtch it I« ullrirr.l lh«l Ihr .«Id Al«k MrNrll Ii«« not lin|>ro»rd tlir «»hl l»n<1 In »tty «»y »ml h»« not lo rn on »»hi l»nd for moro thuti.lx month* I»«* r»*t. »nd »(»»ndonmrnt I rollttnm-« tip IO tl»lr, »ltd lll»t «»id »llrgrd »b«om-o Iroin »»Iti Inml t'»« not dm* lo Iti» I-in|>homotti in Ilio Arni'. or N»vy or ’(»ritto t-oriM ol ilio l’itllrd Ht»to» »« • prlv»tr «oldlrr, ortlt-i r. M-nmnn or tnnrlm- durimi thr o nr with O|»»ln, or durimi »ny <»thorw»rln whirh ilio t'nltrd »l»to. tn»y bo < i>«n»<-d. S»ld pwrtlr» «ri- hrrrby mottli-d to »pprar. rr.pond »nd ortor rvldrnrr touohlnx »»Id •llrx«lloit, »110 o'rliH'k • m. oli l>rr< mbor 2l«l. IW*, before fleorgo 1’ Hnldwln. t oiinty Jttdpr o( Klamath t outity. al Iti« ortlt-r al Klamath t ali*, (tropoti, (»ml that linai Imarlntì will bo hohl »t lo o ohu-k a. tu. un lh-< omlu-r '20. I«O>.) botoro Ilio Ki-Ifinlrr »nd Kraml>erlaifi .................... Governor F I 1 hl libar C Secretary oí Statu Moore Petition for llq-or License To the H<»n County C »urt «»f the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. A M <'raw lord gal volet* of Plevna Precinct. said Coun­ li­ cense t<> sell spirituous, malt mid vinous liqiiom 111 less ipinntities than one gal­ of 3 months, from 4th January. pHk», I m * NEEDED J <• J . Attorney General C E Wolverton I R K lipan ) F A Moore Oswald We«t J. Stale Printer .Hu preme Judge* Agent State Lxtnd W W Cotton Board .................. UH Dirt. Judge i’ J Keod ................... BUESING Ä. BENNETT, UH Marshall I ................. T roaeurer ............... Recorder .............. I*o*t master Don J. ZuniMalt . . Horses Boarded by the Week or Month Special attention given transient »fork BURNS & HORNING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. 26,000 acres of the very best farm land in Klamath County, FOR SALE CHEAP. Will sell in large or small tracts to suit purchasers. Terms reasona­ ble. Also have seme good residence property in Klamath Falls at a bargain. Reference CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior, United State* Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, November 14. I HMV,. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in thi’ office by Chart«*« Began, contest­ ant, against home»tead entry No. 32X1. mad«* S« (detnhvr 16. 1904. for W’ s NE’4. NW»4«E' « • SE ,X‘XV\ section 1*. Township w S.. Rang»* B E W \f by Anton Oleson. Contestee. in which it I«» allege«! that the con'e«ta*it knows the pre«ent condition of the «ame; al«o that th»* «aid Anton Ole«on ha« xvholly abandoned «aid tract; that h«* haa change«! hi« residence therefrom for more than six months since making «aid entry; that said tract 1« not set­ tled upon and c ultivated by said party as r»* quirrd by law and contains no improvements, never ha« had and is not and never has been cultivate«!. an>l that bis absence therefrom 1» not on acmiunt ot hi« employment as an of­ ficer. soldier, or otherwise in any army in which the f'nited States may have been en­ gaged. or in the Navy or Marine Corpa of the United States as a sailor, officer or marine of the Unite«! States. Saul par­ ties are hereby notified to appear, respond an«! offer evidence touching «ail allegation at 10 o’clock a m. on January B. 19 vi, before Geo T Baldwin. <*o . Judge, at hi« office at Klam­ ath Falla,Oregon, (and that Anal hearing will be held a’ 10 o’cltwk a. m. on January 2;». H>JK,) liefore lhe Register and Receiver at the United k First National Bank. Klamath Falls, Or? (x K I> GO RY’ THE CANDY MAN” Fresh Candies and Don Bons, Stationery, Notions. Cigars and Tobacco DAILY J. A. GREGORY. Ashland Commercial LEARN TELEGRAPHY . R. Accounting We furnish 75 p» r rent of the Operator« and Station Agent’’ in America, tliir six M’hools are the laraeM exclusive Telegraph Schools IN 1HE WORLD Eslablishe.l 21» years an«! endorsed al! leading Railway Official«. We execute a |JW bond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying trom |40 to It’ll a month in Blates east oí the Rocky Mountains, or fr-nn |7» to IBM) a month in Blates west of the Rockies, imme­ diately upon graduation. Biinientsean enter at any time. No va­ cations For lull particulars reganling any of oiir Hchcola m rite direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. The Morse School of Telegraphy CineinuHti, O, ruHnl*. N. Y. Atlant», Ga. l.»Croi T i 'X ri kun». Tex. S»n Frmi I / College Ashland, Oregon. Phone 753 P. RITNER. A. H.. Près. Under the experienced Presidency of Prof. Ititner thia school utilizes ail the latest method* usv 1 t I I * \ • i •. ; .*• «- ! to L-arn that I a»n holdinc a nosition as -rc:n»^ .. .-r « : u - *• tnv m a >< wh-de-aler- and joblnTi ot crockery and glH.'-vxan 1 re tn San F.-.t 1-.'C > 1 lav-b-*n *vith the ririn three month« and am doing nn-vh However. I <» a -t iHi •«.■ mn to what I learntM in your College, and I think it I Lad no’ :-nr.ir.i % rtii ia I b-" I »am.- to the city I never would have learned 11. bo a kc I l ■ ..! n■>« g»-; l ».»u to hard study as there is so much going on here. Yours very respectfully, J. F. GKEKN. PAINTING FAPERHANGING AND LINiNG ...Restaurant... Done Neat. Updo-Date ALFORD & HAMLIN AND QUICK GIVE US A CALL The White Mans' Ki.,rn ,n.i <>».• IN EFFECT MAY 1NI 1905. Leave Th rail 6AM 6:25 A. M Arrive Bogus 6:4.5 •• “ Steel Bridge 7:<»«5 •• •• Fall Creek 7:10 •* " Klainatli Springs 6:1« •• •• Dixie 8;W •• •• Pokegama 10:45 A. M. Leave Pokegama U»:V> A. M Arrive Dixie 11:40 •• •• Klamath Springs 11:4.» •• •• Fall Creek 12 œ •• •• Steel Bridge 12:20 P M. ’• Bogus 12:45 “ •• Thrall KLAMATH STRINGS 1:30 P M. Leave Thrall 1:55 P.M. Arrive Bogus 2:1.» ” ” Steele Bridge 2:0ft ” ” Fall Creek 2:4«» ” Klamath Springs 2:45 P. M. L«avc Klamath Springs 2,50 P. M Arrive Fall Creek ’• Steele Bridge 3: JO " *’ Bogus 3*45 M ” Thrall Uetvoy Lindley rresklcut. PAPERS Main Street near Postoffice Eating House . t Nothing but White Help Em­ ployed PHONE, MAIN 35 De CH AIN & WALKUP THE BEST MEALS IN TOWN KLAMATH LAKE RAILROAD CO Annually, to Uli I he n»w p l»\ Railroad and Telegraph Companies. e «ant YOl'NU HRN and LADIES of good habita, ti» Ulimith Trflo fir Ifcill'JItl lUilu, Ul. EdSl ElKl «i .Citv Engineer half East of Willamette Meridian, containing ’ li'4) acres. Said |«etition for order of sale noxv being on file with the Clerk of this Court. Witness, the Hon. Henry L. Benson, Ju Igr of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Klamath. with the seal of said Court affixed, this *JOlh day of Nox’cmber. PAM. (S ial ) Geo. Chastain, County Clerk. Cor. Main and 9th Ste and "i.a tptcial n <■' ' •" ■!• II"'J >' J II Ackerman Supt. Public Instruction vice of tin« not Ice »an not let made, it 1« here- • by ordered an«l «lirvcteU that »uch notice be 1 J. W. Siemens . given by due an 1 proper publication. C. C. Brower..., II 9 (K> J. N. IffatMin, Rrglater. : J. C. Smith (’(illt’gt*. I Al! kinds of laundry finished in a V<*«l«atían Warner 1' H Penaion Cotii’ipr W.b. Kieliäni« I'H LandCoiíiriiiawionar letin containing *11 the news or the ■ T"""»"‘PThirty .-iniit,s. Contest Notice NOW IN OPERATION Chief Ju«ti«*r Victor IÍ Metcalf Secretary of Commerce I F- A I— •as T E A LAUNDRY War E. A. Hitchcock Sw rotary of th«* Interior Content (Notice Fianci» J. IJeney C K I>iat. Attorney t’nlfrd «»at»'» Land offr I.Mk«*vi»-w Oregon riKhT jt im IAL PiaiKKT. Xovrml»er t I’M»'» \ »»ifftclenl rooi«»«t affi lai it hating b«*»u filed in thi»«»fh«'** by Arnold <• H K Hanna ........................ 1 Diat. Jnrlct- agtter, ronteatanf. Mgainat b»»u ♦••mad entry It 1. Bvfogoi) ........................ f No .itju made !><■< ¿. l'>«4. for NW*4 h W*4, A E Hennira ...............| District Atl'ya ywi(hi»dltlon of tha »» mr; ,r.N. Watson........................ ................ Rvgiater , • laolliat the »aid Atiguatua E Brntielt. nor [ c. u . Httyiler ......... ................ Receiver thr h»*irat wife » r L'ga! rrpr»»en»ativ<-», never NINTH AKNATORIAL DfMTKICT. »••it h «1 up< ii »aid land a« required by law ; .Stute .’■'enator that said land contain« r»o improvement« . J. A. Layeo<-k, John Day whatsoever, that i|*e »ame ha» never been rnt- JOINT RCrnKREXTATlVM. tliated an»l ha« been wholly at»ania»i« any effort« to George T. Baldwin ... .County Judge rultlxate the »ame. and ha« wh«»»ly abandon­ N H. Merrill I Corntxtiaaionern ed »aid tract for more than ten inonli»«. an«! Fred Melba*** Í that no »etiletncnt, cultixauon or Improve­ George Chastain ............ ...................... Clerk ment baa berii wade m » required by law an ! tliat tiir »«n>r 1» wholly abandoned, »al l par- Sila* ».< lung »aid allegation at i. P I.»*«* ......... A «aceti* »r lOu'clork a in on Itecetnber 16, I9u«. before .............. Surveyor <»eo I iiahlwlu, Co. Judge at ft.» r«-»i«'.vncr at M E. Ilutchiaon K lamath Fall». Oiegon. and that final hearing Dr. Geo. II. Merryman .................Coroner will be be|n fh-cember 22. J. G. Wiglit......................... .. .»School Supt. »•.«i» before the Register and Receiver al thr CITY or Kf. XMxTrt FALfJI. ('lilted btatc» La ml Office in Lakeview, Ore­ ............................ President I Airi. Martin Jr gon. I.. F. Willit* Tlo- »aid contestant having. In a projn*r aff> daxil filed November 4 I*«.»’», »et forth fact»1 H. St. < »cri. Réahop Councilman which »how that due »1 illigmre |»er«onal ser­ H . Fred Schal Im k KINDS Kort Kinmath Creamery Mutter • bliftw W.h.Tah H T H K L A K m * i clary of Male i WEISS 8 ABM AND SAUSAGES OF ALL Soll« E Via»* Fret).kui Elihu Root I hhm I íf M .President .. »-»f In »tipport of court on the 4th day of January, I'.HMi. their claim», an'! that »aid proof w ill I m * made Dan lb »ten, W. D. Allred, A. W.Shur. before Gm < ha*’ait». County Clerk, at hl« Walter T . h i . « f hairy, O agon, II R Stinelwi/, Ralph R l.ad»l, Chas. Gor­ ’ . ' , - I don, F. II Downing, tie«». 1». Morgan, H It IP» F. .tv. M Esli M. Morgan. M. J. Matton. G. G. Rolr-rt ljiug!»lli». o! R<» ian»a, Oregon, II F Kerns, L. \\ . Amleison, 1». W. McCor­ mick. W . (’. Craddock, <»«•<». Kagc. 1. E. ‘ « 1ST Il ! I % K . " M New banks. A. M Ownl<*v, R. A. Em- I oui« Mirral, <»f ll«»nahia, Oregon. milt. P. J. MtColluni, C. M. Wilson, Htfl. for b t) M K % *•< ,4 X , N K lohn Barrett, <» F. Sevita. II. F. ( hap- inan, W. F. McCollum, Geo. C. Way, 31A . Il HS E " M They i ame the following wltnewM»« to prove E. L. Nea banks, D. L. Gurdon, Fred 1. their I'onlIntiou« r«*«i l<-u««' upou and cultixn Chapman, A. D. Dillman, Hairy Fear- son, W. K. Smith, Rax Lamb. tton of «at«! laud, x it; Cha» Macku* of Da rv. Oregon: Robert NOTICE KOK PUHL1CATIUN °"* ........... . °***- l.atiglilln. Ja< «>1» lluirk to ur«« Kilter, all of ....... ! The «aid contestant having, in a proper affi- ItoitMtica. Oirgoo; b M Bciinrtt an»! C. II. I.Aibl !Hli<*«*jtl Lakeview, Gf-fgun, Oct-i davit, flie«l November 13, 19Q5, act forth facts Mrt'titubrr. ot Da.n <»r«*gon. 1-otn« Mteral of ola-r 23th. HMV». which show that affordin' «liligence personal Notice is hereby given that the fol­ llonania.Oietrou, J»»hn I.ml. of Dairx .Oregon. 'vrxiee of this notice can not be made, it is lowing named art tier ba* filed notice of , hereby ordered and directed that «uch notice J X XX tTSoX. Reglalcr. lit* intention to make tirial proof in aup- be given by due and proper publication. • ‘ NOTICI |M»rt of hi* claim. an! proof 11 ■ («5 J. N. Watson. Register. Foil Fl fllJC VTIOX will be made Indore Geo. Chaplain I nt »rd am* I and <»T« t . I akrx lew. Oregon >p'I»tu •• «iti» li»»* i»r<»vi»i<»tis »»f tiu* act of 16th dav o( Drt'.vmiter, |‘. h K». viz: In ti e Circuit Court of the State of Oregon (Ytnei«’«» of .tun« t. th?1' rntitlv'l •■An act (or then B R.th II 1.3232 f«>i theE\NW’4 I for the county of Klamath. flic »air of timber lati I- In the «tate« of call- S*c II Tp. 40 S |; 9 E W M In the matter of the estate of James C. !• rn v. orcg<»n. *'»,xa«la. and Washington Tr/ri- lie nain»** the («dlowing witnesses to Cruick’-hank, decease«!.-Citation. torx a» extended Io a.I tin* Public l.aiul prove hia continnmi»* residence U| k ) ii and To Katherine f'rnickshank. Margaret Crulck- «»ate» by act ot AuguM 4. 1X9-’. Joaephine Tur­ cultivation of said land, viz: «hank \V. J. Crtiick«hank, T. F Cruirk«hank, ner. of Merrill, count) <»f Riamali», «tate »»f Clay Katliff. I’ete Neilton, Andrew Mary A. Gill and Katherine L. Phillips, heirs Oregon, ha» thia »la\ tiled In till» office his Kyan and U. Short, all of Klamath Falla, al law of James Crulckshank, deceased, and »worn »tatrniont N<» '“It for the purchase of Oregon. ■ to all other heirs known or unknown, of said llv XXV, an i XM t s\X 4 of a»*«tlon No ■ deceased, greeting: 11-2 05 JN. Watson. Register. li. In 1 <•« u»hlp X»» 4c S. Kang<- So 10 E, M. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and and Mill offer prmif to »how that the lati»! each of you are hereby cited and required to i Ashland Comm.-rdal College. Nought » m nmr»* valuable for Ita timber or atone apia’Ar in the Circuit Court of the State of Ilian for agricultural purpo ea. and tn ra- Special attention Is calltd to tile Oregon, for the county of Klamath, at the Court room thereof In the county court house tabllfth her claim to aatd land l»ef»»re George fact tli.it the giathiates of this in­ at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Friday the ‘22n«l ( haataln, i Mamath county, at her office, at Klamath rail« oregou, on Tuesday, stitution are in dein.tntl and secure day of December. 1906, at 10 o’clock in the the'2nd »lax of January, I *'*- choice positions. This in connection forenoon of »aid day. then and there to show i Hh<’naine» a» «•iine«»v’‘ Daniel J Barrow». with tile fact that the expenses of se­ cause If any there be why an order «honld not In» made by said court grauting the prayer of W p Rhoada. Herl Pax ia and Daniel McPher- curing a business education In Ash­ the petition of II. L. Clopton. administrator of m » u . all of Merrill, Oregon. land is only about one half as much the estate of said deceased, for an order of sale Any an»1 all per»<»n» eläimin« advoracly lite above .IvM-nbe.l lami» aie requested to file as :it more distant points, should de­ of the following described real property be­ their claima m thl» office on or before said Jud cide our enterprising young people to longing to said estate, to-wit: North half of attend the Ashland Commercial Col­ the North west quarter an«! the North half of day ol lanuary, Ivou. io jrt tG J. N. W ataom . Regiater. lege. Send for the new A. C. C. bill- the Northeast quarter of Section Thirteen, Clothing, Uurnishiiitf Goods S» t r 11 > 1V r «»F 1 Ilf. IS ! MllOK K»K ITUI I« MIo.S Hooæ vm I i Theodor«* P M Dunne (’ollector Internal Revenue lon in the precinct afore«aiNI-.MAL hlkl.vlORV IV THE ClRopjT 1 rrf'Hi or THR STATR <>»■ OggiiON, FOR THF. < r»t NIY OP KLAM* AT II. I^ath»* x< Wv|h Plaintiff, * *• G'limiian». Frank A W«*||s, fs*l«n>l«tii ) To I »Milk A M»*||a,th«* m I m > vij narn*RR »•ON Yi»u gr«* hrr«*l»x r»'«p>lr»-«l l<» Mp|H*nr •••*! i mtiaw»*r lh«*«'litnplsliit Mirsltiai you In ihs 1 alwiw miH on or •le-for»* th« J.'ud «lay ol D*r rnJ>rr . Its , 1 lint I m Ifitf tl»p last dsy for ■ Pl»r*rsii«’«f or •nsw«*r by you hr th« or ••••r «»I th«* » mi »1 fonrt lor th** publi»'ailon <»( Ibis «uinmon« and If yon fail mo io appear or MiiBMi-r, H ip pla nriff will apply to thr «oort l«»r thr r»’lirf pray«*»! for In bar eomplaint herein. to wit. Flr»f Tlial tli»* lionda <»f matrimony exist Ilig b»»tw»'«,h lirreulf am! •!*f« n»1a»it !/♦» lv- •■•I an«! that tin' < are and <*»isf»>»1y of the minor cblldrrii of tlir plaintiff an»! defendant b»* mw a rdrd to | la'.ni iff Mrroh«! I hat plaintiff rr*»'**ver hrr «•»»•r• and dl»bur»rtii**n!« iirrrln expends«! and that »hr have »»»« Ii nthrr and further relief an may »rem mrrt wltfi rtpilty arid good « »»«»<• Irne»-. 'I lit» Kiiinoion» in pnbli»li« »1 In the K iHinath Republican by «»r«l»*r of Hon, H. L. ftri.aon. Judge of tlir aboxr named court, rua»i»* and entered of record on the aet'ond day of No­ vember, The first publication to ba on the ninth «lay of November, 1905. an<1 the rie frndant lM*ltiir rr»|iil red to sn»wt*r on or • ■ tore the iwrut) -» com! day of fMi'eintier. 1906. < <’ firns er, I! Attorney for Plaintiff. j¿ - _-_ru-T_i-Tj-ianr^ri I T RICHELIEU HOTEL Tailor Made Merrill, Oregon Suits and Jackets For up to-date Tailor Suit*, Every thing New Jackets, Rain Coal«, rail at and First Class Al RS. <1. W . FISH MILLINERY STORE Meals 25 and 50 cents Bates $4.50 and up per week Mrs. Wm. Whitlock Violinist Musical hiMrument« Tuned ami Ke pal rod PROF. W. B. FOSTER ORNAMENTAL ItcpMlrlnp of Old Violin« » «tpct-lally PAINTING Klamath Ralls Ureçeu . Barber Shop, Baths Bar in Connection Airs. T. A. Balis, PROPRIETOR