K LAM A TH REPUBLICAN Railroad Rumors Confirmed W. O. SniTH, Lditor and Proprietor Asli land : Commercial : College FRIZES FÛR ESSAYS Given by the Oregon SoUvt» Son» of The Huie has come w lien the H ir- Ashland. Oregon. Amerhan Wevoliillon. riman system can n.i lunger overlook P. RI I NiiR, A. n . Pres, Phonc 75J file tlel’l of Central Oregon, or lii'glect The (liegen Societ ■ of Hie Soll« I lutei I he ex perienc'I I’resslencv of I’rof Kiltiet tliis hc I uhi I to bring It up to the highest point of (hr !• Alli* ricali |.*,'ollltion l'iter» pilles ntihses all the latest metis»!» n»e.l lit tlie hml with Rrvtilutlmniry litslory Klam ath Falls, Ore.. Thursday, December 7,1Q05 Scholarship for Ihre« Mouths gj-oo For th.it reason Mr. Harriman is in purrs of *20, »l i and ♦(<» will be' riti» it.ehhles instnietiiHi in anv or in all tlie de|nirlmont'*, l om- a burry and is now by hi» mmouisv- awarded tn the (H*st thro« * ».».i'» In mereiai. Miortlmml mid English. Presbyterian church gave a very in­ ’ ments confirming the sunt* s of con- tlie order of merit, on vltlivr of th« The cost of living here, and oilier extw>i»rs. are pro|s»rtloiigtr!v low, Nt» 1 teresting ami instructive addrews in 1 teme'-ited construction which have th.it our stiideiils recc-u.* tlie M iximil.ii Henetll foi a Minimum 1‘iiei'. following subject»: chapel last Monday mi Oliver Crom­ ' been printed in The <>reg<>ntmi fiom The following is one among g iiumlier of snudar lettor» received : I. Jolitl Puni Job' ». san Iran,1***0. Calli, aspi .«*. I** well. time to lime. It »asoMclally gtats’d •J. ........ mi's Part In the l(< volution I'ltiiK KtVNI't ivtl Ml« KI TNI : y.hlsol,*» ■> |)*kR T n acui <> i*vrhH|»w \ «».t w . i! I"* i'.eH- I t • I '•«! ii • !»••( ¡« ahi •* The chajx*! period on (Vcdiresday by Mr. O'Brien some time ago that .1. Tlie Coiniiilss.uy Ih-partmeiit Tire wafer and light qnestion in hn Nleu«'ur*i»h-r w it ti > Sivrulu'itu .v Son, u hole»1»!- i •» »’>1 JobtiTu o ctux‘k*rv » »4 idtkwwu*ik\ hvro tn Sah ErA'iviM'o I hav»» b ’» mi with th.* hrm U»r *’ *'’» was given over to tlie training de ­ lie had more than *4.0Ut).o«>0 to spend *if Hi.' II*.»olut lonary trmy «'uinparod Ashland has suddenly assumed a new (li’itikt n:c. |\ lbwcvt»i. I um» thiw >■•'( t>» w hai t ivarti«»>| in \ *i it ( •ill” : • a i l 1 think it Ihalnot D ann <1 '»li«»rilian l brier«* t cani" i<» ibc city I never «»«»ol’l lit''* phase. The Eleelne Light Company. partment. A very delight fill pro­ on a lie» line. The Coos Bai road will) I lie pro • 'lit. ' arue-l it, I m a-»'C i cunl-l not I ».xn to liai»! atu ix i«» thtru I» »•» in i< i a “i» here Y sup * very rc*|MVttuliy» J (»KICK'* Ho doubf realizing the hopelessness of gram was rendered consisting of »as already provide*! for. ami the Tlie essus are limiteli to 3.nun bucking the municipal ownership Thanksgiving songsand recitations. only extension of sufficient length to , wonis. writ tin In the h I ik I pii I '» own The first basket ball game of the justify so large an ex[»enditure was idea Ko tirmli believed in by a great 1 hand willing mi on« »Id« of the season was played last Monday wlien the east and west line across the through Klamath Calls an.I miking corner. hevvrul months ago. plead 'paper. Tlii* css.ivs must he accmn majority of our residents, has offered t lie connect ion near th<' tow n of Wevd. guilty and ii ere lined. The men * ore to sell their plant, water rights and a the Senior boys played the Juniors. state. This is the line that is soon ' panted bv it certificate of th« prllH’l- placed in Jail Tuesday evening and south of Mount Shasta. to lie built. The Senior team wen with n score of evntra-t with the Condor Power Com­ |sil of tlie m *I i * h *1 uttiii’l'il by the Tills line will avoid tlie henry continue I here serving sentence. The incorporation of tlie road by pany t» the city for a sum epual to 12 to 14. Tlie lineup was as follows: writer, stating th»t lb" writer Isa Robert s and Canning did ImsinrM» William t ris ks ami ass .•tales some grades of t lie Siskiyou» and will al Juniors. Position. Seniors. Mie purchase price paid by them. Hie twins tide student of the school mol Ins tlie same time invade Central Oregon at I ho Fa I »er coiner. A and Illi weeks ago. which line purported tube Harry Saylc for- . Herb Eastman value of tlieir improvements and 7 per .attended not less than four week * All I best» places have been and tlie Klamath country with its streets rent Interest, on their investment. Harold Thomas wards. Bert StanclitT an extension of th* springfiehl-Na­ during I he si’hiMil year of I ■><>.', it op rated regularly for many months irrigaled lands, sheep, cattle mid The total sum »ill probably be some­ Forester Looslev. c .Lunes Martin tron branch of the Southern l'acitic. as “blind |»ig‘* saloons, two of them Ea* Ii essay must I h < signed In tlie Alfred Sullen reaching east through the Cascade horses. When it Is completed It will during practically the whole of the w riter In tils or tier proper name mid thing between SbO.OOO and $•>.'>.000. Harlson Howell.. g .. 11. A. Sullen Mountains, clearlj established the he possible for the trains to be taken past two years The Houck corner giving tile |H'stofil>'' .ultiless of tile The price the present owners paid for Floyd Edington. over ill easy grade around >he Shasta cstatili.sliiu’Mit has ticen lucky. having »he plant was about *41,000 since ........................................... Harvey buio» fact it »as a Central Oregon road Ess.na musi lx- tm» irded to Mountains, intotne Klamath country, escape! tile (»rtlcl.il eye during I hi* writer. that was to be built with the big sum when many improvements have been Harri»'n G. I’l.ill. < ' >iinn«r. lut The Oregon Eastern surveying party of money set aside. and either on to a junction with tlie whole two yearn so well that its man.i Mr. made. gers have been healed before Judge Bhck. Port Portland, land, Oregon, • •' egon. m * a» to consisting of eighteen men and ail nec­ When the work is all done. Oreron O. 11. A N. on the Columbia Ki' T or Berry only twice iadore the present The business transacted by the essary equipment for a winters work reach him not later tli.m Febrwiiry will lie gridironed with romis, the across the Case.ide.« mid up tlie Spring­ trouble Th«* Weiss block establish­ eompmiy which is summed up -------------------------------------- -r in — the ----- are now camped at Forests. They are 1st, i90U. field branch into Portland. ment on 4th street, which has mt expression “profits and expenses” by working steadily southward and will longest of which will be Hie*me reach­ In aw irdlng tlie prizes tin1 corrmilt I h * vii in 0per.1tb’li s > hunt, has I m * pii the Tidings reporter in Thursday's is­ . move camp to Redmond tlie tiist of next ing across the state from Nitron to pulled twice while Tom Bold (s place tec will lw governed by Illese emni.l lias been imindcd npetety thn»* »«spy cr.itimis: sue of that paper is not to be taken week. J. It. Graham, chief engineer of Ontario. Tills road will extend from has lx*en sent out after the blind into consideration as stated by our the partv left Bend today on a trip the present terminal of the Spring­ L It islorli'ii aeciir.ii'v. south for tlie purpose of looking over field branch up the Course of the Mid­ plggcrs. \shl ind Tiding*. contemporary. 2. Manner of treainienf. Till ’ blind pig cases reported in tlie the country. Tlie destination of this dle F< rk to Summit Lake, or near The Idea is pleasing (o all oho Petition l or l iquor License. J. Orthography, Grammar, Nyu­ party is not known but it is thought by there, and from thence, on across the last Issue of this paper were tried would welcome a settlement of tile many to lie Klamath Falls. It is also ta» and Punctuation. state to some point just south i f Mal­ Tuesday in Recorder Berty's court vexed water and franchise questions, claimed bv those w ho are in a position Additional Intorniatimi ina> !»• <••• To the II 'ii County Court «4 the except ttiat of Tom Kotieits ami W ill and the solution offered would be fair to judge that the work that is now be- heur Lake, around that and on up ('•lining. The latter forfeited their Slate <4 Oregon, for Klamath (‘.»nnty. t.iine'l by a*ldri'v>nig tin- chairman <>f the Malheur River to Ontario. It to all concerned. Even were if pos- ing done is not of a preliminary char- We, the nmlersigiied, resident" ¡»nd le­ th« committee .it Oregon« ip *r *>l!i cash liiiil deposits, tlie former *.*>oand will lie practically 300 miles in length sible to do st*, it would be against the aeter but that actual cross sectioning is Hie latter *2<>, ami decamped from gal voters of Plevna Precinct, »atdi'oitn er member» of the committe« at |v*rt the spirit of fair play to fores the ¡being done and grading stakes set. and will open one the richest sections town to parts unknown. Murphy, ty and Stale, rr«|»vetiully «•■k that a li­ land, i tri'goii. of the Northwest to traffic ami settle­ cense to *ell Mpiritilons, mull hii «I viii « m |’ Light Company out of the town with­ What the ultimate result of tliis survey I nt. W. E. C aiii . l , Cti.d rmun. ment. The surveys for tliis road are Million and Grieve were convicted, as liquors in le«n <)tmntities than one gal out offering just remuneration for will be is only a matter of conjecture as Ill* It Vili» W Mo.NTAUt ig charged, of keeping a tippling house, now all mapped out in tlie Harriman those in charge are very averse to giv ­ Ion in the precinct iiiorvai«l f«»r a period their holdings. J. F. Kwixu, corner the places lieing the liouelc ing out information, but the manner in offices in Portland, but no informal ion «4 3 months, from Ith Jan mux . l’.MMi, hr These developments have effectu­ L ewis II. I. vmiii : iim > s . which they have proceeded since leav­ will be given out as to th** location of ami I lie brick corner of 4th ami A giantvd to B T an I I. E. Inman, pail ally stopped the third ticket move­ ing Madras dispels the doubt that this • 'timin', ti.-e the line, or the places through which streets. In tile case of Muiphy and hers, at Keno in said precinct, an«i.your ment for the time being, but there is is not another "bluff.”—Laidlaw Crook petitioners u ill ever pray. Million evidence of their written it will pass. no doubt but a g****d. strong ticket County) Chronicle. This tretition a ill I m * presented to uh id RALEIGH <5*. CO All during the Summer surveying promise, in consequence of a former will be put in the field on a municipal • charge of a similar nature, t > abstain court on the 4th day of January, r«H6. parties under tlie direction of Engi- Ashland Commercial College. ownership platform if the present ne- ' pan l>»ten, IV. 1» Allred. \.\V.SImr from tlie business of liquor selling In Speeial attention is calltd to thc neer Graham have been working in Weller rn, in. Central Oregon. For several months little doubt as to the outcome.—Ash­ fact that the graduates of this pose being li<> doubt to secure a severe Wesley (»»!»■. Win. M l Qti’er I. F one large party w ascamped at Madras, stituUon are in demand and secure land Tribune. Stlhela id. Ralph It. l ad I, (‘ha« Gor« sentence and that result w as attained. 1 doii. F. II Ikiwiiing, ft. Morgan. choice positions. This in connection a abort distance south of Shaniko. Murphy and Million were • .»■•!» fined Esli M. Morgan. '1. J. Matton. <» G. witli the fact that the expenses of se ­ This party lias since moved to Laid ­ Ashland Normal Notes curing a business education in Ash­ Conveyancing and law. a new station, and is still, or was *200 ami given 30 days In tlie city Kerns, L W. Amlv'Sf>n. I'» W. Mri’fH I. E. land is only about one half as much a short time ago, working towards jail. Grieve wax lined the game rni' k, W . C. Ciaddock. tiro. k Examining Titles 1 Xeu banks, A. M Ownbev, R. A. Em- The new students this week aro as al more distant points, should de­ anu^int and given llfteen days In jail. mitt. P. J. Mi Collum, <’. M W ilson. W«* have a lartfr h«t «»I ♦ t»« farm nn«l the completion of a North and Ninth cide our enterprising young people to Alma Gilliam. Ashland: Fred Petero Thefe was no pledge of record in Ids luhn Barrett, G F. Srvit*. II I . Chap- lllhlirr Ittntl«. which ur Mill I** man, W. F. McCollum, <•«••». C. WHv, son, Klamath Fails, and Herbert attend the Ashland Commercial Col­ survey extending from Shaniko, I«» *h»»w him ) inx» •*«•»• cas “. though lie and Hulen were I I lege. Send for the new A. C. C. bul­ through tlie Prineville couutry and - I» I Eastman. Ashland. letin containing all the news of the on to a junction with tin* main line charged with a like off ns■ at tlie Chapman, A 1» Gillman, Harry I’rai- I’hoiiw I ». Otftvc \\ itfdvii BMu, E ih I <» bi hlgv. ¡of the Southern Pacilie passing same place of business, tie- Houck ► on, W‘. K. Smith, Kav l amb. Rev. Mr. Wilson, pastor of the college. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON Ashland lay Own Water System Local Option as it Works REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE »’ NEEDED ■ .......... Io "II '!•• haw .......... .. '•• ............... 1 '•" I I: ... VH N*| ,11« . , , hal’ltb. (•• '"•ir. ■ ' "I fiq.) LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. h p» R, i Accoimiinp . 0 *• hr niuh • Hl XbrlUs hi 1n..r,r. .CtfHila a»< I lie |«i *r.i . , . |u ( • ’••» a.g IN HM! UtiMi |* , uib ». a»- ati.| en.l. ro»»| I.) w.. » Off < lata fe «« <* »< •«reutr a f.*N* , hi hirunh !»•»»» »•» i.ir « i •’"•'«•m H.'IH »♦» »<• I’d» a iHiinOi in n .1 . •'•/'“I t(< «bx Mon» taiits. i . »( . ••• >h» lliolllh ||> Mlat«ro Aral | ||,, ||( •»'« « 41*1*1« Hjw.rt fr«4u«f|<**» MOhfvnta ran Uhfst at mv n.., w . aiii.bg Fur lull I •<•»* uiai.r.-ard,?? Ul MUf M* |icu|a H til*» «th,-, i . 1 uffn v at « Hi»Jtin>au ri , etH 7 Hie Morse School of |t.ifl Tele» Ctm lnm.tl, (I, ,|„ *, . ’ Atlmita. Gg ) <( le*»ikai.tt. Tex s>„ 1,4I„ H ( tl T. PARKER PHYSICIAN «NO SURGED« OptHlsitl* Llk.sld. ||in C. T. BONNEY. Attorney and Counselor at Uw l.vauilliliig \t>»t r.i< t» .1 NOTARY PUBLIC <>» FU ». New W. r i, „ ll.iMioj H. L. HOLGATE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Kiama.h Falls : HAMAKAR OFFICE. i • n. i> guizzi i* Kl AMAÎH I Al I 5 ORIMI »N i Klamath Falls’ Leading Furnishing, Dry Goods and Clothing Store WALK-OVER Shoes, The Store That Sells The Right Goods Right Prices! at The Swellest Shoes in Town. Best on Earth for the Price. Í « TOYS Our line of Toys, Dolls, Xmas Goods, etc., etc., will be the most complete shown in Klamath County. away for these goods; we will have Toys, Dolls and Prices that will please you. Complete Lines of Crockery, Tin and Granite Ware. Give US 3 Chcliice Agents Continental Tailoring Co., and Strauss Bros. Fit Guaranteed. To PiCctSC You, The store that sells nothing but GOOD GOODS T Don’t send T KKK STORE + V /♦ & 4*