Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 07, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Nows|MPer of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and Is
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. 36
Merrill, Oregon
Evorything New
and First Class
The United Workmen Were Doing Members in Favor Plans arc Being Made for Two Mod
Something at I heir Hall Tues
Voting on Sewer
ern Brick Buildings
day Evening.
News of Interest
Meals 25 and 50 cents
Rates $4.50 and up per week
Barber Shop, Baths
Bar in Connection
On Tuf-dur Mi-nl'ig nw«»-* »*>• Ur­ It II.. |.<1.| out f ’I ’■ I in tin. futility |o
birtli<l«y l-rl>' «■»•’ I'-W In iini til.« «Ilio«, nini Olph.f « „1 K, ,|, ...I
,1« |mtn.*li.0
citr. An
mi*—.—■ ■ <*r<>W*l
■ ■- ■ *»l - iiiit tn.'lll'irr.. Il II >« II.. •_«i|.) ,u..„|lmr, ||)
,||I , ,U.,1 «urti,
.¡.lilydl** l'‘f,l,,*," ”* •*’- Aitetent Or- HO'xl .UU'I iiii ;. '>*11.
Ú?* «I I'm'-1 Workman, g.lh«-i« l nt i>( pro|M-rly, it. o«n |l4|| an |
thru hnll <ur • U,a"*t •••'Ubi.-UI >n «I th« in Ih» irra.ury II Im. 11,1,1 rrpn.»-n.
.V.nrlwn"' »Univ»rwiry ut th» .ugnili- Irtlivii in Hot < i r ml lz.l»..., If- 11. «... ,
*n of t uik’dlc I^.Ui- N"- H° Th« T Hahlwin. wlm 1. m |||lr |,,r
«•» »»»•»'•I l" '*”• «■«•••*••• •',"U i*y nl GranJ Ma.tn, Workman
|a-.i’i.r»i«l M»»l«r and Hint.. Ik-puiv
Hi» Mppli< «iloti, lor rni-ml*r.lii|i wur,
Itali* F« i» v. "t P-iOUmf, P. II. M. C. ,<o-|.iol «I llir n.i riu,.' Tu. . hn rvi ti-
iri<. anil »Illi Hit* »■•i.tam• ol llrolhor
. i >• WUklM
I ink,ill- l*»lgw N". I"’ •• r»enfnt*cl I ••••,.«I , III« I
ut « iiioinU-r. Lrlor« thv Ur»t
thmughoiil th» •,»te •«
lUo’i-r A. ■n-iira
o f. W. I'.lí», having uuni" llm Ur- ul lit« yvur. Tlivrn mil I.I nuinnthinit
fglna in nmnilmmhip and Ulnx in ■ioliiit liy tin- UmUniii ri«rv Tllr*lay
lb.«"*' pr.*.|«,r”'i* « *>lidlli**ii 1*1 any of avriiiug liti, monili in.I * tarn« atten­
thi* li.lgr- Tli»ra mo I-T-» Workman dali!« at III« tio«!u ,., lm
A l«i>i|i|>t MA».< rv«.| to Ih« mi-min.r.
I*2»r. in lJ*o •'•*•• - '*•' o*-r
iT«a,»ii*l «h n th«- KUmatli Falla t*«lgi* alter tin. I nig« «Io««.1 altar aliteli
I.inrnlionnl tb«y all ku**» ilial Itti, l» klnm.lli fall*. oKlu-.ir. «titerlainr-l
ite lodt.» ahlG« E"'* U» M nmnilmr. alili nili.ir ami 4 gia.l limn wa. I14.1 by
im Ikn-emlfi On Drcrmbar »I. Ilm all. '|i|«Mla,i *... i-l*.i-|i**ti nig|,t ami
lari i1«r
tha y«*-' lw»l>ly-d*« nmn U10 l-'lloa ¡ug oitirria arra «1«. tr-l for
. W Ital ia 11. I*.
a,n) Initiated al mm Horn, twing tim llm «u.uiiig t«ri >
latgr.* rU.« rrrr lak-n lut« Ilm Imi. r M. W.; W. O Mni*li, M. W. ; ll**y
al oim > tim*' in iho •Uta, il n>>< tn lb»* llamakar, I ormi an . Fir-I .'■rn.lli, <>v«r
M-«r J U . miri,a. Hr orilrr; Alr-I
Otilad State«.
Martiri Jr I- iriari. irr i Gm. T. Hal I a m,
Uni rill« lawlg» Wia organigl i I
,mter J. I«** with IN member«. !hir I.* ■ ivrr , I r ink i\ l|...|l, Ilin !.. Wai
irrla in t.l G , L ini* Egrrt, o. (i,;
Hy Ite iiini-ti-im year» •»! ite o«l«t«u
Books are as much a
part of Christmas as the
tree itself. Who can
think of a Christmas tree
and no books on it. Ip
our book department are
books for young and ok!
Everything from a story
book to a family bible
The bindings will please
you and the prices are
At Hie regular monthly meeting oí
all the material for the erection of the
flonanna, Oregon, l»«c.4, 1905.
tin* city ( oiiiicil Monday evening the
Editor lii-p ihli* an :—Th« town of Bo­ new buildings and the lumber is “A I.”
petition of J. V. Hmi'i<»ii f.»r a liquor it- nanza, which wa» viailrd by your ilt-p-
fir. Johnson assisted by Dr. Patter-
• «-ir«’ lor six rii'Mith» from f>ecember S6, ri *i«Dlntivv th« punt Work, rhown a won-
huh of Merrill performed a very succeM-
wits granted.
ilorful groath during th« part two yearn,
The |»etition of |{ E. J>yt»r and other« and Bonanza m .till growing rapidly. A I'll operation on the arm of Earl Gray
for a sidewalk from tiie south «*a«t cor­ viml to the trunine.n hoilN*. will ahow
' had the misfortune last summer to
ner of ^I’wntli air««ei and Kiamiitli ave-
aliM-ltain th« lieni-ral ’l«ri'bandi«e rti»n-.
nue along the westerly side of blnrk 3'J, to I*« a'-oiit i-'pial t<> thone in Klamath shoot aleint two inches of the bone of
ttaw disallowed as not being «(»eciftc and I alia. Thu llot«te have been rebuilt liia left arm off and they had to strip
and Decorator,
the bone and wire the ends together
u proper petition.
and more room» added, and yet it U . with a silver wire making th« arm
Hou.se and Sign Fainting
1 he |»etitioii of Silas Obenchain ami ntaU-d that for the part three month.,
other*, «filing for street ¡ighta on lliw they have U-en unable to anxrmuJau* i about two inches short. Young Gray
corner of Filth and Washington atrecta th« traveling public with lodging, and | is doing fine.
and tlm r<>rn«r of Filth and Jefferaon in many in.lan*.-. Imlging had to lie ee-
Apply at this ofllcc.
Th« People» Hu,re, a < orporation or­
atH-ets, was nllowrd and the Marahal curri) at *<>m» of the residence» of the ganized last summer, has a large and
iualrucled to order the lights put in.
town. Thi. in not on account of not ■■oniinodiou, stock of g*s>ds of General
Another petition for sidewalks w al­ enough hotel**, a. Bonanza in rnu< h bet­ - merchandiM and we learn that their
lowed. Tin« walk ih to extend from ter .upplied than mort town» of it. nixe, prices are right and believe tl*« ram«
Mam «treat to Fairview addition, where l*Ut rather U-caiire uf the Urge nuinlier I m true from the wagon, bciug loaded
th« ( atholic Uburcb Ims been lo<*utcd of .trangi-rn, who are coming to thin there.
• ml w here many new residencea have licinity to buy U ii <U and on other busi- j
The Driscoll Mercantile Company
lievn erected Hie past summer. The new.
have perhaps as large a stock of Gen*
route of the sidewalk« is us follows:
William Go»»., firrt re-n Gdled the eral merchandise to select from as is
Beginning al the intersection of Eighth
carried in any one stock in the county.
and Main street«; thence along the New American lli.tel, and afterward, |
Five daily stages arrive here and the
northerly «ide oí Eighth street in a
On Grading for California-Northeastern Railway 20 miles
Post Master Hugh Clop­
westerly direction to Pine street; thence addition, two rtorn , in llm nature of a
northeast of Weed.
westerly along Pin«» in a northerly di- 'T; uud the name ia now conducted by*
the time the School children come
rm lion to Nintli; thence in n westerly Amo. Simmon..
around with “there any Mad."
Geo. Morine ha, moved hi, building1
direction along the southerly «ido oí
Wages—4-Horse Teamsters $2.2; per day
Ninth to Washington ; thence westerly back from the »tract 40 feet for the pur- 1 The school under the management of
Laborers - -
2.oo “ '*
along Washington in a northerly direc­ | k > m - of building a new two rtory front j Prof. J. G. Wight assisted by Mias Dora
tion to Fcnlh *, thence along th« south* lor which Un- material i. now being de-1 Goes is a credit to the county and in
Board $5.2i per weck
ierly ride cd T«nlb in a westerly dircc* livered on the ground. The Driwoll * fact to any part of Oregon or California.
1 lion to Jefferson , thence in n northerly Mercantile Co., i xp. * t to erect in the1 About 80 pupils are iu daily attendance.
A ah land,
4. H>A.
Th« Klamath County Aerirulture A«- direction along westerly side oí Jeffijr- early »pring a new Urge and comoliou. ' A g*wd number of the former pupils Pay day on 25th of the month.
Mu»»r k«,|Mibh«,4n b—-!n a l«lo
•miatton held Ila regular annual m«rt- r*»n to I plisin *, thence across l*p!iaui to stone Store Buiiding afro If. F Schal- ' having passed tire eighth grade are in
Apply to
<4 rmr |I
•*> article by E. L . mg Cr tliv « «- linn » ( director«, Hatnr» its intcri»cc'i m with Worden avenue; lock ha. contracted for the building of a , other vocations, some in attendance at
in n gard Io the loingrll \ al- I day i.f’et t»iM»n at the ohlee <1 In* C«mn- thrnce along weterly side oí Worden Slone building oi two rtorier, the lower Klamath Falla High School and tome
L. B. <i A. L. STONE CO., Contractors
bv Trlrph'H»«'Com ¡«any, hi antwrr Io ’ t* Jlidg' in the
Hotiw ?-L* almvn avenue in a noitherly direction to block fi*r,r to be u««d ar a Saloon building and married.
' out of the total of 4IG w«*ro
Weed, California
thub I *i*b I»» mv a lew word«.
nnd the upper »lory to be fitted up for1 The Directors contemplate the ereC-
5 in l airvivw addition.
In th« hr«l pl•<*» ihrre atr 37 ahnrra mhrr In |»«t*o»i or l»y pmi
A bill oí Mark L. Burns for !■» wit!) a oUici-R.
tion of in new school building the COm-
Or at Grading Camps on the line.
el the at«rk own«4 by the toll».« ititf : lotting «lire* toft were rlerh
communication attached was then rea»l.
Win. flor« in building one of the Ix-.t ing season to cost «10,000. They are
graiUnM-n: F. Groh«, Wm. Deal. E. Baldwin. Aid. .Martin Jr ,
Mr. Hurns claimed that he Imd been feed tiarna in the County which ia near­ now being petitioned to call a »[>ecial
I ’lrMian, Win. (\»prliil»d, <»r.«ra»« Chne, • l«»r. J. V. H«Mi*t«»n. John h shook, Al- tried on the charge oí breaking a city
ly i .-roplcted, tin» ud.U greatly to aup- meeting to vote liunds for that purpoeo,
F. n*v*;*. B. At>«L‘*«e, J. Lund rev, L. I Iwil W«!k«r and W C. Halton. Al lac ordinance, and that he had deposited
F. W. Broadsword, the Hardware
plving the want, of the public. Geo.
(Prbtr, J. Ih'Mnd, H. McKendree and dir* > !■ »* im • ling th«* lolloping officer* • Illi the Police JitJgv V» to inrnre the
Morine fa not to be out done in thia man, is doing a goisl burinea, and I am
Alirrt Walker. Tl>«*<* mon Are 1» »1 tt cr<* elected <»ro. T. ¡laid* in. I
payment of the jury, winch he asked { manlier and baa added more room tuhir told this is the chea|*eat place in Klam­
Ji.. rt»!«rr» n( the U aler I rvia A»'’ - «! n. <!• Jit: I. \ Houaton. vice president; lor. A« the jury found him n<»t guilty
barn and is at the present fixing to have ath County to buy hardware.
au4 • tor the Ural one* to help lb»» •••» l!«j Marliti lr., irm-nrer. Thu office hv wanted hi* money ba< k. The char­
w .iter in the barn for the liorrea »ap­
Geo. Maxwell lias rented the S. C.
trrpriw* Ml, lovreby Iwiivtiling llm I ol ««•» tela» v will !»■ li'l.d later.
ter provides that in a trial for the vlo- plied (ram uno of th« numerous Spring,
ilamakar place across the river from
«holt nnmiy. <>n lha other band ll-vtr
The re|*>rt <d ««» rrtarv Htabop. who latK’ti <u a city charter, the trial shall which 1. thu U-sl water iu -Southern
town an*l ha« moved there. This is one
vrfv ram right on |h«« litie that would a d « :i!'r«*'<l. (din*vd the A**«** »«!ion to !•«• without jury, provided, however, Oregon.
of the best improved farm« in the coun­
not <lo a thing i»>w arda < m*tru<'llog the Lav«- cl» *r«d I."* • on the la»t Fair and tluit the defendant may have a jury
We will give a 20 per cent discount
Bonanza l*a. a mat and tidy M. E. try.
line, wb<» l«th»ng to the Water I acri» A»- Itarr«. Hu» h*uv«a tin- A***x iation only trial bv dc|M»siting with the Police Judge
Jae. Driscoll and J. O. Hamakar have
on all our Waists, Skirts and Coats
m debt and m a grv.it envutirage- a sufficient anmunt to pay the jurors. Church building which ha. just been
X»«, by «riling the Awwiatinn a rtirtil I«» tli«» ntoi khuldera. The Aaa*»ci« <Hi moll »11 ih« bill was disallowed, completed and ia l>eing UM*I every Sun- got the liesl of "Jack Frost ’ on their
until December 15th
ahirv aa « Company, H «<»«>!• I give rvrrt a’l >n a I w i <-a»w ag-» Ntailrd .»ut heavi­ Bish- p and Willits voting )ca, and 1 day. Rev. Allen from Ashland Iwing water tank. They just completed the
! installed as the Minister gave a very, tower and have the 'ank packed in two
prtMjn, who ha* mg bed one aero »d land ‘ ly tn «Ivl't, I ut iLi*» La» I m «1» reduced Humphrey, no.
feet of saw dust and have “City water,"
or lew free n«r <d th« bn«. ! think it • v’v h tmr. rothat it ha« I k »» ji demon*
J. V. Houston was present and asked pleasing and interesting diacourM- on iu their homes.
Mr. Appl*
• ill look nl it in tl»r Mrtttnd that n wo< n aa thi« d< bl I* re­ jM*rtni«fion to address the Council, U,t Sunday eve.
Am informed that Allie Vinaonisnow
Htfht light he will m ’ v that 11 W<H|I<1 H"l moved. I he AaikM'lation *|1I lx’ al l« Io which was gran I«*« I. Mr. Houston
Mrs. Jay Davis is liaving a new and
I*ja«t and (air. ! think iLr onmpany • oplMirt iisrlf. After thia iff aevMin- ► tutvd be wislivd to rail the attention oí nice house built for her own conveni­ "Pal'a" tiie child being born some few
• tut« I lie A*«*« latioii t«i u»n Ilin hr»« oil p‘d Ji --1 th« ss|!in/ uill I»»’ va«y a:. 1 the the Board to the pressing reed oi a -vwrr ence th« upper story is divided into a days ago. Mother and Child are doing
any (xptilabfo Irrmn lira! «’nn 1« .1^ «•<’<! pr»>flta can lw* iim <| in giving ihr proplc on Ne<*ond street, find expressed the , Photo Gallery »nd a front parlor.
Mra. M. L. Kilgore ami Mrs. C. H.
•|* il
Hr«pnclltilly Yuurw,
a iM-ttvr program <d race« mid nt Hae- opint m that the Third «ticct sewer
J. H. Berry has built and is now ne­ Hongland have opened up n neat dress
inglt, l‘r«»Kl«’iit L. V. k.(*u.
•In’.ltd I”« i xtended <l<»w n Main st n el to
t ion«.
copying a neat and co»y Cottage on making parlor in the building recently
Now is the time to buy your skirts
Eight idirrr« were pnfHuard al the Sec» n I, and fmtu lheie down Sec< ml to Main street.
fHiiry. <)r«., (>ec. 3, 1MB,
purchased by Mrs K. from Main ami
Klamath Uvpublirnfi.
for next year. All up to date.
Earl White ia having a neat Cottage Winchester.
i thrr«. in thia wny Btated that they were not in favor of ex-
Th« toirn h«r« ia v«*rv «lull. Ev« rv M‘li ji iiniiib'-r
built on the corner of Clay and Mission
bndy |e boay gathvring in llirir atm k
t|»e Aw •• i.iii'Hi would then In» in aimin’ sewers. They believed that the time streets. This looks rather auspicious had a tine smoker last Saturday night a-*
for fc«*ding.
We mean BUSINESS and know you will
In carry out their plan« tor one of the I a I come fur a serious consideration of tor a young unmarried man to be build­ 1 am told they put a couple of the boys
F. S<* Ign, ha* npen«ttf •» fmhv «t ”•«
biggeal Fair« « ver nllrinplrd in the
when you see our goods. JUST THINK, a
hara am| ha < a m«'«« Iina «»i Dry gonia,
have a nice hall and own it. The new
county for n««i year. The stork sells vxprvfSí’d th<*mselvc8 as in favor of sub­ ty Clerk may get a job soon.
|fw>riea an I tinnar«.
for only fl\r d >u«r« a ah«rt’ am! every mit ling the quesliou to a tote oí the
R. I. Kilgore is having a building eiirfiet is now covered with canvas and
S10.00 skirt fur $8.00.
0,(». An<|«*r*<>n the hotel mm i« do* land owner should take interval «*n<mgli p« 'plc. In the opinion oí the city moved onto Market street for the pur they can use a little floor wax and have
ihgagnol btiameoB in both hl« hotel
to buy «»lie or mor« sbarv«. Dir A*««»ri- engineer, the proper route for a pose of conducting a Butcher »hop in a s<K-ial hop after lodge.
iii'l htul at abit«,
ntinn w ill Imve at l< a*t I'Jl l next »••ur main «ewer would l»e down Klamath the near future.
Program For High School Entertain­
^tevr Collahan ha*l hi« leg broken at In I«’ ii”«*! a i I’-rniHini« lor cgrirulture avenue, to which connvctiiins could be
W. J. Brown had the first load of luut-
B hihiiix Friday by a horae throa »ng prtwliivl« ami H 1« intended that this made from Main street an«l the higher
1'im »n*l th«*n dr.gg«4 , «liurt dininnr* money shall nil ba distributed among poqierty. From the ex pi espiona voice« I l*er delivered on the ground today tor 1 Ad dr cm , .............. ......... J. G. Swan
l«! *rr hi. luot ramr Iron» llm »tirtup. the jieuple of the county.
al th« Monday ine«*ting it is probable the erection of another butcher shop. I 2 Clioriiti. Amfrii-4.Seliiii.il and Audiencr
h» vm lilu-n to hi» hiinii- Satnrdav.
that the people will In* given a chance
J.D. Hamakar happens to be in a lucky 3 Declamation, The' District School
We linee nix collages iur tale.—Ma­ • to vote on the sewer «pivstioii at the streak by having a good saw mill in the ' House ............................ Carlyle Yaden
l.trr l*«*i<r.t«infr leit SaturJ.y (*ir «
coming spring election.
neiglilairhia.l of town and ia furnishing 4 Instrumental Solo, Puppets Show
•m»inp«. trip u> iho Full».
ron A Slough.
......................................................... L
Mariji...................................... Will Burn
Oration “OurSchool,**.August Bonney
i« Star Spangleii Banner, l'antomine
d* Amy Lem, Minnie Barnum, Ruth
Smith, Winnie Withrow, Lilly Ar­
¿r nett,
Atta Griffith
« t Original Poem, “VViuema”..........
....................................... Euranva Elliott
a Dialogue, “Taking tile Census". Maud
■f .............. ........ Nail and I tike Walker
9 Recitation, Experience with a Re­
Don't put off yonr shopping until the last week
fractory Cow...................... Elsie Stout
Now la the time to cmomence
10 "Summer Days’’.....'
Krause, Gates, Oalarneau and Mc­
You ♦» /// find our store Ul of nice useful presents at prices to fit every purse
11 "Listen to This.”
12 Tableau, "Blue Beard.”
Dross Goode-Ku\ Gloves. Shopping Bags Purses. Dress Skirts, Silk
13 Oration, "Black the Heels of yottr
W tists Mbatross Waists. Handkerchiefs, Doilies, ( en-
Root,"......................... Harry Benson
terpiee’es. Dresser Scarfs, Toilet L’a.ses. Water Sets,
14 lUw Solo, "Asleep in the Deep”
........................................................... Mason
Look for name in strap
Vtises, ole., etc.
15 Recitation, "The Whistling Regi­
For a Gentlem.in-C^ « Shaving set. Traveling Toilet set. Smoking
ment".................................. Mamie Boyd
lfi Oration, “George V\ ashingtou"..
HCt l id “loves, sweater, silk or linen liamlkerehiels.
’A boot that gentlemen fancy on sight—and endorse
................................... Alexander Martin
silk neck muffler, neck tie. suit of clothes, suit case,
on acquaintance. Shaped to fit the foot, and built
17 Chorus, "AnclioreiP'. Studentsoi
Hitspenilers—these and many others would bv suitable
to insure entire comfort.
............ Klamath County High School
Patent leather lace boot, dull top.
presents to give.
18 Farce, "On Time".Carlton '■pen-
wide toe. heavy winter sole
cer, Vincent Yaden, Jesse Sietuo ns,
Exthmvt idttu, based on thorough knowedge
or Children~\\'e have the finest lino of Dolls ever shown this side
Georgia Hoagland ami Jeise .Marple
of» man'» toot »nd a gentleman'» t»»tc, »re
Portland We have also. Music rolls, loilet eases,
embodied in the Hylo.
A. F, & A. M.
Interior Decorating a Specially
City Drug Store
10 0 MEN
More About Phone Directors Elected.
xb & du &
Jb db
tò' db tò- db db
Come Early
Avoid the Rush
W bfi
o •
CHRISTMAS is near at hand
Work Boxes, Albums. Autograph Albums, Drums, Games of all kinds, also
other Christmas goods and toys too nuu.erous to mention.
Our Line of Shoes for Mon. Women and Children is complete. Among other good makes we carry the celebrated Packard Shoe for
^en. The famous Julia Iffartov for Women. These Shoes are seldom Equaled, never Excelled.
the boston store
There will be a regular mooting of
Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. A A. M. at
their hall next Saturday tvening at 7 :30
o’clock. Election of Officers.
By Order of W. M.
WE. B owdotm ; Sac.
Gentlemen’« clothe« cleaned
pressoi at the Steam Laundry.
Most styles are »5
Klamath Falls