I I LOCAL AN 1) BUSINESS BRIEFS •New Stock of Millin cry and Caps, up-to- I Klamath Falls, Or.. Nor. 6, HM5. MI m Warring, ol Markesan, Wiscon­ To the Marchante ol KUmsth County sin, who lias been visiting hsr cousin, When the committee appointed Mrs. Newbaui, left yesterday morning I for her home. Miss Warring says she bF ’*>«' Chamber of Commerce and duly New line of cut glass at winters. likes Klamath Falls so well that »he conimi»»ioiie.l by Hint body to solicit Go to Mannings for a new pipe. inteuds to return in the spring to live RlBong the wholesaler» In Ban Vrancivco | and Sacramento for the completion of Frank Courtade and wife of Odessa, |iera> The Oregon Fire Relief Association, is ,h* •uh*ia» <»' »>'».«» l* I'“’1 came down Friday on a visit to Mr. and repreaenteti by Bonney and Falb, Klam- KlaB,“h ^’‘’'^«7“ I'-m e-'.v -I-” Mrs. J. T. Totten. sth Falls I 1 ’* <5>mpletion and operation eeorator, ' F*ruS Slot*. House and Sign Painting 1 G<”',on ,r“ of Interior Decorating a Specialty Apply at this office. treasurer’! Notice. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the County Treasury for the redemption of all Klamath County war­ rants ; roiested on and prior to June 5th 19u2. Interest or same will cease from this date. I'ncd at Klamath Falla, Oregon, this Lt th day of October, 1905. L. ALVA LEWIS, County Treasurer. ln lhe city Saturday with a load of potatoes, which he sold at two cents a pound. F or R kxt —Ijrge sunny room with stove. Inquire at this office. | The steamer Winema arrived from ‘ Odessa with a barge loaded with 50 . cords of wood for residents of Klamath Falls. For abstracts go to Mason A Slough. try the “Bank Exchange.” Oil HP M 50 M M fit) W. T. tiarrutt A Co Neville A t’o.................................. Aines A Harris.......................... Uhl Brother» ................................ Del Aval Co..................................... Cis through, Golcher A Co. FALL AND WINTER STOCK W. A. Bchrock ........................ lieu lamin Healey Anglo American Crockery Co Look fur name In »trip H. L. Judoll A Co............. ... 36 Lewis Cline ACo .... • 36 U.S. Crocker A Co.................... 2ft the celebration. I wj|b |boaa e|tiM, And it was upon Mandel Weiner A Co................. 38 William Hoh'lirr A Co Me can save you money on brick | that basis that the generous subserip- 30 C. A. Main A Co buildings. Bonuey and Falb Insurance tions amounting to nearly |I2,(X)U »»re B a CHAMSMTO ¡4ST Agents. ' ra»de. 130 E. B. Hall and wife and W. W. Me-! Since thia was the understanding and California State Hauk............... IM Mebius Drescher A t’o ........... Neff and wife represented Whitelake at the I'aris upon which their timely aid IM Adam», Boothe A Co............... tbe celebration last week. i was secured, this Chamber thinks it IM Hall, l.uhrs A Co.......................... A new line of jewelry, watches, silver- eminently proper that the pledges made 100 A. 8. Hopkina t’o .... ............. ------- — v — I on our part should be carried out to the ware, . 1 etc. L. 1. Alva l^wia. IM Thompson Diggs A Co letter. 130 J. T. Patterson, wife and daughter, of Lindley A Co ............................... Therefore this Chamlier a»k» that the KM) I«Mt River, were visiting io the city Kirk, Geary A Co .................... appended list of subscribers be care­ UN) Weinstock Lubin A Co Saturday. fully considered and where all thing» 100 Use Chitwood’s Toilet cream for are equal those who assisted us lie given Miller Chapin A Enright Co 100 J. R. Garrett Co.. Marysville, Cal. chapped hands and lips. the first chance tor the business. 100 Buffalo Brewing Co ........................ Choice liquors at the Bank Exchange 1 S ax F rancisco L ist M Capitol Candy Co ........... ................ for particular people. Dunham, Carrigan A Hayden Co M Wood, Cuili» A Co .................... Get a Yale pocket knife at Chitwood’s Pacific Hardware A Steel Co........... M Ruahstaller Brewing Co ............. Levi Strauss A Co.............................. and be satisfied. M l’hoenix Milling Co A fine new line of Harmonicas at Raker A Hamilton............................... Respectfully submitted. I Murphy Grant A C-o........................ Chitwood’s. Klamath Chamliar of Commerce. The Croker Woolworth National Gao. T. Baldwin, Will B. Worden. All grades of cigars at all prices at 250 Rank ..................................................... President. Secretary. Mannings. sao Holbrook, Merrill A Stetson . 380 Pacific Portland Cement Co .... Butter For Export SUMMONS. 850 Standard Portland Cement Co.. IN THE CIRCUIT COVRT OF THE STATE Hooper A Jenuings............................... sao or OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAM- | I A. Schilling A Co................................. 250 ATH. Klamath counts ha» commenced »hip­ Clay Ratcliff came in from his ranch on Lost river Saturday with 3l*X) pounds Lea tbe M. WetU. Plaintiff, > Bank of California ............................. ▼». S Summon*. of potatoes, which he found no trouble Frank A. Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank Well*. Defendant > disposing of. To Frank A. Wells, the above named defend­ California Powder Works............... ant: William Cluff Co................................... New goods arriving at Winters. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE Tillmann A Dendel............................... J. F. Adams and wife, of Merrill, at­ GON:—You are hereby required to appear and tended the ratification meeting. Mr. answer tbecomplaiut filed against you in the W. W. Montague A Co. ............... Town Treasurer’s Notice. above entitled suit on or ^before the 22nd day I^eere Implement Co.......................... N . • > hereby given that there are Adams always takes a prominent part of December, 1905. that being the last day for McDonald Cohn ...................... __ in Irrigation matters. fund? in the town treasury for the re- appear.nee or in..« by you Siedbvlb.or- (io>Ure NejUum ( Alaska Fur), der of the said eourt for the publication of 'ion of the following warrants: Repairing a specialty at Winters. this summons, and If you fall so to appear or J°l,n I’raoner VO ............................... 1269,1270,1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, The members oi the Woman’s Chris- answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court Hon. James P. Phelan..................... 127«. 1278, 1279, 1380. 1381, 1282, tian Temperence Union will hold their for the relief prayed tor in her complaint Page A Stratton................................... 12 :2'4, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, tegular meeting Friday, Nov. 10th at herein, u^wu:- | Hay wuod Bros. A Wakefield Co. First: That tbe bond, nt matrimony .xl.t- 1S90, 124, 1-292, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296. 2:30 p.m. at the residence of Mrs. Wil- Ing between herself and defendant be dlaaolv- Urns. A Co ............................... I»t4 See 1 and Mty*NEJ4, »nd XE'«SEy«, sec 2 Giant Powder Co................................. and ! nd kerchiefs. Wash and starch Winters Jewelry Store. Tp S7 8 R 10 E, by Augustus E Bennett, con- Henshaw, Buckley A Co ............... . balance. testee. In which It Is alleged that the contest­ President J. P. Churchill, of the ant knows the present condition of the same; The Eby Machinery Co..................... Ever stop to tbink that candy tastes I Tubbs Cordage Co............................... good to that little wife? We think City Klamath Water Users Association, ar­ also that tbe aald Auguatus E Bennett, uor Nathan Dor ham A Co...................... the heirs, wife or legal representatives, never rived from Butte Creek Valley Thurs­ Drug Store candy will taste better. settled upon said land as required by law; M. J. Brandenstein............................ day evening to attend tbe meeting of Friendly Puffs—Just puff an M. D. . the water user, and assist in the ratifl- that said land contain» no Improvements Pacific Coast Syrup Co...................... whatsoever, that tbe same has never been cul­ ’T will require no more of our puffs cation meeting saturday. He remained tivated and has been wholly abandoned; that L. Dinkelspeil A Co............................ then 5c-City Drug Store. I unU1 Tuee<],y. the said Augustus E Bennett died on or about Central Hardware A Supply Co. tbe 2nd day of December. 1904: that no wife, Langley A Michaels Co.................... 1 he Steam Laundry has reduced it. s. J. Bnbb, mother of assistant child heir, or repr esenlative has ever visited D. N. A E. Walter............................... prices on rough dry work 20 per cent. Cashier Bubb, of the Klamath County said land, settled upon or made any efforts to L-. .aid see their work. Bank, arrived Thursday evening from cultivate tbe same, aud has wholly abandon­ ed said tract lor more than ten months, and guitars and her home at Mountain View, Cal., and that no aettlement. cultivation or Improve­ Violins, mandolins, strings of all kinds at Chitwood’s Drug is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ment has been made as required by law aud Alex Martain Jr. Mrs. Bubb is an that the same Is wholly abandoned, said par­ aud Stationery store. aunt of Mrs. Martin, being a sister of ties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at For Sale—A full equipped soda water the late George W. Smith. 10 o'clock a m on December 16, 1906, before plant at a bargain. Call at the Repub­ New Nicklemint Peanut roaster at Geo T Baldwin, Co. Judge at bis residence at lican office. tf. Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that Snal bearing Mannings. will be held at 10 o’clock a m on December 22. A chicken dinner will be given every ; I. A. Duffy is to have a modern 1905. before the Register and Receiver at the .tuuday at the Gem Restaurant for 25' United Btatea Land Office in Lakeview, Ore­ ’ equipped house-)oat for the accommo- gon. cents. : dation of his friends here and from San Tbe said contestant having, In a proper affl Choice liquors and cigars and select, i Diego. Mr. Duffy has let the contract davit filed November 4. ¡905. set forth facta hr; of wines at the Bank Exchange. , to Alex Nosier, who will build the boat which show that due diligence personal aer- vlce of thia notice can not be made, it la here­ I. you want a fine suit < f clothes at i this winter. It will be 65 feet long and by ordered and directed that such notice be tbe lowest prices go to the Boston Store, i 20 feet wide, with promenade running given by due and proper publication. 11-9-06 J. N. Watson, Register. II you cannot And a cigar to suit you entirely •r°°nd tbe “h*"' , W au Bai er Brothers A Co................. Cslltoriiia Saw Works The Emporium ............................ Hale Brothers ............................. Bpruanea, Stanley A Co Hoffman, Rotbeliilda A Co To the Merchants of Klaniuth Falls. Mens, womans and childrens shoes. AUCTION SALE ---------------------------- - ' the newest and best fall styles in all the - ew line of comic and burnt leather | popular leathers, at the lowest prices, post cards at Winters.------------------------------ I at the Boston Shoe Store. £ £ £ sao 200 200 150 IM IM 100 100 100 100 100 luo 100 100 100 100 11*) 100 100 100 100 100 100 10O 100 100 1001 100 ! boot that gentlemen l»ncy on "itht •"'* "’** on acquaintance. M»»ped •» »' lh< luo‘* •B'1 W“1‘ to in»ur< entire comfort. Patent leather lace boot. . medium wtJc to«, heavy winter sole £i..'»ov/ iJ/oi, based on thorough knuwcdga of • man’» foot »nd • gentleman 1 t»»«e, ais embodied in the Hylo. Most styles arc »5 L. F. WILLITS Klamath Falis” VL A BA N K ACCOUNT Bn you keep a lutnk account? If you I' don't, why m»l »lari »ne with us. •strength, eoiirlesv, and liberal, y<-l ron seríame management, combine to mate Ibis a gissi l«nk to do htulncM with. ping butter outside ol the county. Mr. O. P. Mishler, ol ths Merrill Creaiusry. returned Tuesday from the H-nuv River Valley where he delivered 5090 pounds. Mr. Mishler »tales thst he receivel two cents mure a pound than he ha» l-i-ert getting at home. He could not di»p-«oe of all hi» product al home and he hail Io KLAMATH COUNTY BANK Klamath F Ils. Oregon tiny School District No. 38, Klam­ ath County. Oregon, under subdivision 31 of Section 338» of Bellinger »nd Cot­ ton'» Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, to the par value of 34.730.00, I ornciRs: Air» M»«»«. Presi lent. E. It R eams », Vice I’reehlent, Ai»» MaafftM Ja, ('•■hier. E. M Ki na. A»»l (’aahler. drawing Interest at the rale ol rt per : cent per annum, and redeemable at ths ' O! æne R anch option of the Boar I of Director» ol »aid District alter ten years from date ut issue. Said Bonds to tie i»»ued in denomi- nations of 3750 sndfl.000 each. The fiffhl shall be reserved to rejoct any or O lene O regon 1U0 all bids. 100 | Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 100 80 50 50 50 50 i 60 50 50 60 50' 50 50 50 GET YOUR 2nd day of November, 1905. L. Alva Ixowis. County Treaaur^r. 11-2 05 RED POLLED CATTLE LARGE WHITE YORKSHIRE SWINE Write with a Waterman Ideal. They write right. Chitwood sella them. MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS B-PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKENS Foe R ent —large front room I fur­ nished, suitable lor man and wife or two men. Enquire at this office. With each piece of Jewelry knight al the Novelty, you receive a coupon on tlie ladies Elgin Watch which will 1« givan to the person holding the moat coupons Jan. I, 1906. A few pure-bred bull calves by "SANDOW” for the next 15 days at • • • • • • $30.90 Have one boar pig left at • - - - • I5J0 I Turkey Tomsat ..... $3.50 to$5.00 Cockrells . - . - . . - - 2.00 REX E. BORO th _4* 4* •F 4» 4* 4’ 4* 4* 4* 4» 4 Complete Stock NEW LINE AT Crockery, Glassware, Dinner Sets, Etc. 4t 4» 4 ♦ 4 GEO. T. BALDWIN Immediately in front of the Gov­ BISHOP’S Undertaking Store Parlors ernment Office in Klamath Falls at 1 o'clock, p. m., Saturday, $C4*4’4T4?4*4*4*4*4*4’4’4* 4T4*4**F4’4t4’4’4’4,44X j November 18, 1905, the U. S. GEO. R. HURN Reclamation Service will offer at public auction tale the following $ Wagons, Tents, Chairs, Water barrels b Giant powder and caps, Prices will induce you to buy 0 Cook stoves and utensils I nave added to my stock of Furniture a full line of of all kinds CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUPPLIES Etc., Etc. Good draft team and of harness. and have fitted up a chappel where services may be held. f t t t * 4* if you will investigate I I $ set £ I Q\ 'Jp w dp tp dp dp dp dp dp I also have secured the services of a compe­ will attend promptly to all calls day or night, either in the city or country, taking full charge of funeral relieving you of all responsibilities attend­ ant on such occasions. Residence 66 B. St. Geo. Bishop is showing a fine line of Crockery and Fancy Glass- i ■ ware this week in his * I NEW CROCKERY ANNEX I A big shipment of dishes and glassware just received Hardware and Plumbing Goods, Syracuse Walking and Gang Plows •/O-O-O-O-O-O-OOOO-O-O -0-0-0000 KLAMATH tent licensed embalmer and funeral director, who WATCHES i: oo me sieomer Kiomoin I e To Keno and Return A new line of all standard makes of both movements and cases. f !! 50 I positively will not be undersold by any­ body. All I ask is a comparison of my prices with others. Tickets for atíldente, párente of stu- dente attendlng and leacbers I A3 NAVAAWWA WAVVAWWWWWWAvJ CTS ROUND TRIP Start at 10 return at 5 Bring your basket J L. ALVA LEWIS 1 aavana w ► t> ■I FALLS •*s T E K M* LR UN DRY NOW IN OPERATION All kinds of laundry finished in a FIRST CLASS MANNER D. B. CAMPBELL, PROP’R* ' ooooooooo ooooooq - ooo ^