Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 09, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper ol Klamath
County and Leading Journal
ol the Interior Oregon Country.
The Large« Circulation amt Is
the Best Medium for Retching
a Prosperous and Trading PsBllc
NO. 3’
the governor surprised at resources of county
guests sang" For he’s a jolly g'md fel­ me of the good things, hut I understand
low.,’ (iovernor Chamberlain hereupon that they never tell the truth only about
remarked, that lie thought the Ladi** half of tbe lime. I have to say to y«u
i had l>e«n alighted, and he proposed a now, that after having come over and
toast to Mrs. McMillan, the landlady, vialted it for myrelf, I was right, they
who hail eo eutxeeefully arranged th* I have not told one ball the truth of th«
wonders of this section.
Chamber of Commerce
Go Over Rout*
"You ar* indeed a fortunate people,
Urges the Orowing of
Haturday morning teams were brought now that tbe Reclamation Hervice baa
around an I the |.arty conveyed up Con­ gone to work, you will have • goml
These Products.
ger Avenue Vi the location of the new country. All of thi* vast country will
jxiwer house. Thia waa examined and l>* reclaimed, that portion which ia des­
Klamath Fall*, Or., No*. 6, 1U06.
the (.arty proceed«*! to the head of the ert will !>• irrigated and that part
To th* rancher* of Klamath County:
river, where Engineer Humphery ex- which ia swamp will Ire reclaimed. I
plained the plana of tbe canal and head congratulate you. my fellow citixens, for In a recent communication from Mr.
works. From here they were taken to the work which has been done. I con­ Georg* X. Wendling, preeideat of th«
"It must <• «'*'•■• V» live in a *..*ntry where th..
W1 br„.j mln4edi
wl,ol..t„ll|.(1 M j bav. i<mn(1 tllem lo
h.r, T)„
the Hank’s Landing, where a good view gratulate the Engineers for their work. Weed Lumbar Compaoy, Han Francisco,
Could be obtained of the Upper Klam­
I have tMMl liere. the more tl» .......... imprr«-. n.«l|,
ulUrly Impoeeibl« Il would be to make people beli*v*, without swing, that we have
Now Ladies and Gentlemen, I assure to tbe Secretary of th*Ch*mb«r of Com­
ath lake, the greatest natural reservoir you that 1 have had a most delightful merce, he urges the following oouree of
UMkwsietform.ssrkasswWsIrwiatf aw.iliug development. „ thi. Klamath country. Book* Could 1» written on the resources, and then it
in the wurld. On the return Governor time over here with you. I waul tossy action by tbe rancher* of Klamath
be truthfully aald by m«n. with no greater kuoalclg.. i|,M11
„„ tl„ ,u|,jr(.t< .the |„|( b„ nol
t,)U| . »_GoMrnor Geo. E ChamUrlain.
Cbamlierlain waa taken to tbe office of that I have enjoyed every moment of county. Hi* experience in other focali-
the Reclamation Her vice, where the my time. I feel that thia eaction of the tiee similar to this baring induced him
to believe that it cannot help but Inure
WUbllagw Ifvllig. wblslles Irlowlng , itvrful omintv eaailing development as «•I to th« cere of Judge George T Bald­ banquet, Heartily welcomed the Gover­ plans and specifications of the project country will be one of the richest and
to their benefit. Mr. Wendling saye a*
tht Land pfs»1 "< •"•I «early Ihe entlr« tin» Klamath county. Books anuid lie win, and the following gentlemen made nor of Oregon to Klamath county and
Be loyal to your auction firet, then be follows:
^upaieU ’" <sf
rlty »4 Klamatlt I all* written on th«* ieeuurv«ie, and then it up the party : Adjutant General Finxer, drew attention to the fact that thia had
Afternoon Speeches
“I want you to urge through the pr- i
to your state. The time is not far
truvSin« Üwd'wA* and brtdgw, tmalcli
lodge Henry I.. Benaon, Hon. M. B. been the first time in its history that
The climax of the big Irrigation Rati­ diatant when our state will be one of and by personal suggestion on your part
|b« first gltmpa*
thr Governor, no greater knoaleilye than myself on Huston, Ntal* Game Warden Baker, At­ Klamath county had been honored by
I a fication Celebration, wherein the gen­
tbe beet tbe country has ever seen. I the wisdom of yoor people engaging ex­
Usorv’ K.Cbaurlwrfam. • •>« !>’»• «<■» lite subject, ’the hell lias mit Iwen told.’ torney fl. L. Holgate, of the Rod*- visit from the Governor of the state.
eral public took part, occurred Saturday want to invite you to visit my section of tensively in the growing of appie*; and
"Il must la* gland Io live in a comity rnaiiain Hervica, Commlaeioner N. 8
erner k» vielt Ktamalh County, steppe«!
Alex Martin Jr., President of the afternoon at the Court House yard,
the state an l get acquainted and ex­ be sure to urge only a few varieties, via:
fasa the *•«* pfatik *4 the atmmrr i I altero the |a>>ph> are so broad minded, Merrill, It. hl Geo. Bishop, Col. M. G. City Council, was next introduced, and
the hardy ones that will be good safe
glsnalli al half p**t feur Thuiaday i an generous arnl au aholcMii.ini as J Wilkii.a,
Warden as the chief executive of the city, be al­ th* speaker*. It was at first planned to
At I be Gov era meat Camp
bate found tliein lo I* here It was a 1 llutrhiaon, J. Hcott Taylor and W. (). so extended a welcome to ths chief ex
The world want* them In unlimited
use the Opera flouts, but it was found
Saturday evening, T. H. Hutnphery,
Governor Chand-erlatn was mal al dlallllguGI.rd lmn..r to me to lie invitisi Smith. Th« 22 mile drive t>> Merrill eculive of lbs «tale and the other guests
that it would nol begin to accomodate engineer in charge of the Klamath pro­ quantities, and in your region should
by private cmveyanc« and l>y your <'<xnmer< lai I’liib to iv prreent waa made in about lhr«*e hours, and th* of honor.
the immense crowd. The following ject, gave a dinner in honor of the Gov­ produce in fifteen years 30,U00 carloads
and asalet Hi the rvleliratlon of line Governor’s party was taken to the
gentlemen bad liuen invited to precede ernor at tbe government mess lent. they would be taken at every railroad
m<-«t iin|eirlant event. I tejuice with liowe ol Cnmuitasioner Merrill «here a
Governor Cii*mt«rlain with ten min­ There were twelve guests besides Mr. station like hot-cakee. Th* potato erop
you til the depth <>l mv heart.
| Ix.uiililul dinner awaited them.
ute ejieecbee: Alex. Martin Jr., H. V. Humphery. The tent was very taste­ is also a good thing and they ar* wanted
’’I am cla.1 that I rvach«*d Klamath
The new* of the intended visit <>f the
Gates, H. L. Benson, 8. B. Huston, fully decorated with trailing vines and in endlee* quantities.”
I all* a «lay i-arlier than toy »« h.-dule, Governor lied precedol him and * g.ael-
The Chamber of Commerce wishes to
T. II. Humphery and J. 1‘. Churchill. tbe wall* were banked with evergreens.
lor it rnabhsl me to visit ths thriving ly crowd had a»»«nibledon the streets of
Chairman Martin in the opening ad­ Tbe Reclamation Service certainly has hereby make hearty endorsement
l*wn of Metrill, ami to oliavrve the the town, notwithstanding many of the
dress said in part aa follows:
a gem of a cook, a* he furniahed one of of the above communincalion from
great stretch of fin« agricultural and land owners were in Klamath Falla at
"Ladlesand Gentlemen:—I feel very the best arranged and fineat spreads Mr. Wendling and hopes that the
luirte ultural lamie <>l (lie Klamath ten.ling the meeting of the Water Users
highly honored to be in the position I ever attempted in tbe city. Among the farmer* will moke ready for th*
lto*in, nliich sleia bow ridi this region Aaa.Kiali.xi. After dinner the Gover-
sure to
occupy to-day. It is the first time in guesta were Governor Chamberlain, great demand which is
must epnnlily hew,ine, when the great , nor took a stroll through the town and
Respectfully submitted,
the history of this county that the Gov­ H. L. Benson. Geo. T. Baldwin, General occur.
Irngstum pi.qrel *>l Ilia it«clamatl>m .«she acknuwlelged the Introductions
Klamath Chamber of Commerce.
ernor of the state has made a visit to Finxer, 8. B. Huston, Land Agent
Nervios Is ownj lete*l. aixl the rallruada lie had a word to say to each one, large
Wm. 8. Worden,
this county while .occupying the posi­ W. W. Scott, J. W. Baker, H. L. Hol­ Geo. T. Baldwin,
hare hurried in to carry aaay to mar­ ami »mall. Ils then vialted th« new
tion of Governor. When tbe Chamber gate, T. H. Humphery, Alex. Martin Jr.
ket the abundant harveele. Hail I not public M-liool building, which the |xv>.
of Commerce decided to celebrate the J. P. Churchill and tbe Editors of the
reached here in time to make ths trip pie of Merrill are jiiatitied in feeling
decision of the government, regarding Express and Republican. A big dance Councilman for
thr.xigh the v. Iley, I might have gone proud ol. Here he gave a abort addree»
the irrigation project in thia section, in­ was given Saturday evening at tbe
The Third Ward
away with an entirely different impree- to the a. holara and then reqiicated ea> h
vitations were sent by telegram to the Opera House, and after the dinner at
one In come up eo that h« could aliaku
Governor of Oregon and of our sister the government camp, some of the par­
"W it hunt going to the Upjier luikr hamla with them. Ho even out did
state, California, to Senators Fulton, ty a pent a abort time watching tbe dan-
At the regular meeting of the city
an«l over the route of the tunnel ami ca­ R.sieevell in thia line, ami there were OOVERXOR G BO. C. F à ROBK, OF CALIFORNIA and Flint and other notables. 1 have a
Council Monday evening,
nal and having the plan» eo thoroughly many happy children a ho could hardly
meeoage for you from Governor Pardee
Tbe Governor left on the 4 o’clock Humphrey, of tbe Third ward, was
coevvjvd to Kenn. A<v .«i|uin,leg tbe csplainral ■■ they were by Mr. Hum aalt for ech<»l to cloae, ao that they
Governor Cliamherlain was then In­
which I will read.
stage Sunday morning for the railroad. elected to fill tbe unexpired term at
gnsraor was Adjutant General Finaev, l>hery, H would l«e impossible for on« to could livatcn home and tell their par- troduced and in res|x>nding to the ad-
‘To Alex. Martin Jr:—Would be glad Before leaving be promised to again Councilman Ward, who is absent in
«4 the Oregon National Guard, and more than hall réalisé the vastneiui of etila how they hail ahakrn handa with .lri-«H»s of welcome, staled that lie had
| to accept invitation to participate in ir­ visit Klamath county, possibly in the California for the winter. '
Mata Game Wanlen Baker. A large
this groat irrigatmn pr iject 1 aanl to the Governor of Oregon. Tlis alay was been •<> royally received and entertained rigation ratification meeting but cannot
The bond of A. Castel, with the
spring. This be said he would do
driayali-m <rfeitierna ami n.rnil»r< of
congratulât« th« engineer« nf the Klam necessarily brief tn Merrill a» the party that he had fell in love with the conn­ ' owing to other engagement*. Tel)
Treasurer’s receipt attached, fora liquor
whether he was Governor or not.
ths Chamber of I'omnxrrv went tn Keno
alii project on the auyk they hare in­ bad to return to Klamath I alia in time
I your people that I congratulate them
license for six months from October 4.
*B the Steamer Klamath tu rea-eive the
augurated in this section of Ori-gon aud tor the Ixinquel which hail In-en ar- this would not be his laet visit al he ! on their enterprise which will be of the
Wil! Open Offices Here Tbe bond called for a license to sell
Oesvmor's party. Am.xi* the d«l> ga
t'alihirnla. I a.xil l alao say to the |mo- ranfni lor that craning in houor of the
greatest benefit to them and that I re­
Spirituoe, malt and vineons liquors,
tioa wer» tbe re, epl nm < omm11lw rnn
berlain is a very interesting story teller
ple ol Klamath imutily that they arc (iovernor.
gret my inability to participate with
while the treasurer’s receipt only cov­
sane* uf, Geo. T. Raidoin, proelient ■>!
The Banquet
Mr. H. L. Holgate, V. S. Reclama­ ered a brewery license. The bond waa
building a monument that will stami in
them in their ratification of it.
thsChaeitivr uf Commerce, (ol, M. G
tion Service attorney. who ha* during therefore rejected, and the Brewery is
Perhapa no feature of the entertain­ by his witty responses.
the iea<s to com« aa • living evidem-eul
George C. Pardee, Governor.’
Vilkia*. Ales. Martin Jr and It Kt
Other speakers of the evening were :
lite wim I iiiii <»l the mem’iere of this Wat ment ol the Governor during hie atay in
Mr. Martin briefly reviewed tbe un­ the past year looked after the many le­ now without a license.
Geo. Hiehop. Judge II. I.. Benson. linn.
J. P. Churchill, President of the Water
er l'aere Aaa>s-i«tlnn. w I i 'M mi glory alii our city, aaa l<a>kc«l forward to with
dertaking of this project by the govern­ gal matters affecting tbe Klamath pro­
The petition of C. D. Willson for a
H. U itua,.>n. ('apt. J. W Hieiusii* and
User* Association, who responded with
live on eren alter they have passed Into greater plraaure by the citixens, than
ment and in closing stated that they ject, lias tendered bis resignation from liquor license six months from Nov. 8
the Iwnquet Friday evening. Beside* a a toast to the Klamath Irrigation Pro­ were at firet met with many obstacles the Service to take affect December 1st. was granted.
ill« Be) und."
As th« Mramrr renie within view nf
a I awe h by Governor Chamlierlain, it ject, General Finxer, T. H. Hutnphery, but that theve had been overcome, and He will engage in the general practice
f be Trip To Merrill
Dedication of a 16 foot alley through
th»oly, it a «• the signal for all nl lira
Hon. II. V. Gates, Hon. S. It. Huston,
now bids had been ordered for the first of law in Klamath Falls. Mr. Holgate block 17 was received from Messrs.
Tlniredsv evening an informal rccc|> ana known that a nutulier of clever
with I* start the whistle« blowing.
J. F. Adams, State Game Warden
nine miles of the project. The result of has been in the government service for White, Mongold and Worden, the own­
lion aaehel.lal the hotel fur the ac lalkvta would I* on the program for re-
Tbu esa kept np al.n.ial rontinu-maly
Bjamsss «luring the evening, and thia Baker and J. Scott Taylor.
this, he stateil, would be to bring into over five years. Previous to that time ers of tbe property, and accepted and
Promises Military Company
astil thr 4*rk wea reached The Gov
waa realised aa a tilting op|M>rtiinily lor
this county vast numliers of people, and he was a member of the Oregon bar. ordered placed on record.
*r*or ess then earorte-i to th« Lake,
Adjutant General Finxer. in respond­
the (ample to get a morerloeer acquaint­
that we will have a section of Oregon The position which he resigns carries a
Tbe bill of tbe Klamath Falls Light &
—■is lsn, dirt-ilmimg handshake- and
ance wi’h the Governor and a lietler ing, remarked that lie would stay with second to none. Mr. Martin theu in­ salary of I1S00 and expenses.
Water Company for lights was rejected.
grvMmg» to ev«vyer>>- along th«< eav.
Mr. Melvin D. Williams, sssistant en­ The Councilmen argued that they bad
chance to judge of lux ability, than in
troduced the speaker*. They were all
Il is seldom that even a Governor re
any prepaied epeech delivered in public as it waa a subject he was more familiar interesting speeches, many of them gineer of the Reclamation Service, has not been furnished with light* and did
"•weaecb m „rati xi *• waa lendrnvi
The lianquvl aa> given by the Chamber with than irrigation with water, lie touching on the early hiatory of the also resigned and will immediately ope* not propose to allow the city to bay for
(ievrranr Cliaabevlaln during In« brief
of Coninivrce, to which all of the mem- stated that since he had l>een in Klam­ country, and intersperced with an- an engineering office in this city, and same unless the bill was reduced to cov­
Matin Klamath eonnty R««pul>lican»
'.era were invited ami a number of ath Falls, he had been approached by necdotes of personal experience, We will be fully equipped for handling gen­ er actual service given.
•sd Itam.rrala w«-re united in rimwing
prominent men and officiala living in many of the young men of the town, only regret that lack of space will not eral engineering work. His offices will
The bill for cleaning of Main street
•bvir hospiiality and in making the
oilier |iari* of the county. Bixty-flve of with the request that he establish a allow mentioning some of the more im- l>e in the new Baldwin building. The amounted to $74. and it appears to be
»•lei tbe Governor ol tile Mate oftlrv-
directors of the Klamath Water Users money well spent.
the prominent men ol Klamath hall*
portant featurea of each.
!<*.one to lie long rvnn-mlu-rcil in lb«
and Klamath county were present, He ssid that be bad looked over the
Governor Chamberlain said in part: Association recently appointed Mr.
City Engineer Zumwalt reported on
•anaU of tl,n hiatory of the county,
among them being the officers of the ground and was fully convinced that "It was a distinguished honor to me to Williams adviaary engineer of the As­ the resurvey of the Nichols addition.
(wvrroor Chamlrtrlain waa visibly m>
Reclamation Service and the W ater thia section of the state was entitled to lie invited by the Chairman of the Com­ sociation. Mr. Williams is a graduate According to the new survey, it will lie
representation in the National Guard, mercial Club of this city, to lie present engineer and has had sight years engi­
>•■•”1 will, the wlnii* aoulcl receptum
Users Association Directors.
necessary for some of tbe property own-
kstMsivrd from all eidea, the Very am
that ho would promise as soon as to day to assist in the celebration of tbe neering experience in the Western
Judge Henry 1 . Benson, who has a
era to move some of tbe fence* and a
rvnty <4 whirl, waa plainly evident. In
reputation for wit, humor ami repartee, we bad railroad connections, to do ordering of bids for this project. It ia a stales and has l>een with the United few buildings.
everything iu his power to locate a com distinguished honor to be able to lie States Reclamation Service for the past
SI interview by a representative of i lie
lia<l hajipilv been selected to act aa
ksjaiblican, the evening Iw-fure hi» lie
LOST—Between Klamath Falla and
with you to-dav and assist, by my pres­ three years.
t-iast master, and a* usual the position pany here.
Hrture, the Governor said ;
the magnificient work which has
aaa filled with credit to himself and
F ob S als —One doxen Guinea fowls at Hanke landing, a leather band grip.
more than pleased
,----- — with
----- the
pleasure to the guests. In liia happy told by Hon. S. B. Hueton, which hit been begun and which will be oneol the *2 a pair. Call on Mrs. C. C. Low at Finder please return to Baldwin’s Hard­
••stfvrful evidence* of rapid derelop-
ware etore and receive reward.
way the toast master introduced Judge our real estate magnate, Marcus L. grandest accomplishments this country the Belmont Feed Yards.
■**'» Klamath county, and actually ■ Miioita T it niMritrav, xiauant ixu. Meorge T. Baldwin, aa the man who in Burns, pretty hard. While there was has ever seen.
“tortalie.1, in .t„u o( barj0M wa,| iinm»latl<m <>J the vast crowds wbower*
For some reason best known to him­
some way unknown to him had Iwguiled no name mentioned it seemed to fit so
■•enin the newspapers, st the vast- anxious to meet the Governor, It la the people in honoring him with many well that it was taken for granted that self, tbe Chairman of the day has seen
01 "’"•fere winch await immedl estimated that Governor Chamberlain im|sirlant poeitione of trust, atieh aa Mr. Burns was the subject of the story. tit to put me at the tail end of this pro­
••• ievfllfiptiien t.
waa introduced to and ehook hands with President of the Chatnlier of Commerce, It is a good story, but if anyone wants gram. I had a magnificient speech pre­
p1* longer I have lieen here, the full v live hundred |w*.iple that evening,
President' of the Agricultural Associ­ to hear it they w ill have to ask Burns. pared to give on this occasion, but these
the thought im|>r.-<.«xxi itM II, how and yet he was ready at H o’clock Fri­ ation, County Judge, and other posi­
Judge Benson proposed a toast to Gov­ gentlemen who have preceded mo, have
We will at once put in a load of furniture
•U»Hjr inip.»,thle It would Im to make day morning for the promised trip
E. Chamberlain, which wasdrank gained access to my room and secured
tions too numerous to mention. In re­
will sell same at prices that are right
»"»He hel-ive, without seeing, that we through the valley to Merrill.
my speech. I recognized some of it in
sponse, Judge Baldwin aa host of the by all, standing, after which *11 the
in Ontrón mieli a won»
There will be no occasion for yon to send
the speech of each one of them. I find
Tim Governor on the trip waa intrust-
out for your furniture henceforth. Some
myself in the position of the darkey
down south. A darkey Parson was
of the goods are now here
going to deliver a sermon on the Holy
Spirit, and to make it more impressive,
lie bad a young darkey g o up in the loft
with a dove, which at the proper mom­
ent he was to turn loose. The Parson
This has demonstru^d itself for our business has doubled in the past tieo months.
Mfe wnt your
ascended the pulpit and announced his
text, "And the Holy Spirit decended
patronoqe, we hare the goods at the right prices.
from Heaven in th« form of a dove.”
He repeated his text the second and
10 pair men’s shoe*, odds and ends
third time, but still there was no ap­
Regular 12.50 and »3.00 value*........................... 11.00
pearance of this dove. As he looked to­
$2o Ladies Coats for
25 pair men’* mule skin gloves, per pair.............. 25
ward the loft, a curly bead appeared in
18 Ladies Coats for .............. ........... H
2o prs mens good lined winter gloves, reg 1.25 .50
520.00 Coats for
sight and the darkey said, 'Parson de
12 dollars
i ç Ladies Coats for
. 12.00
Ladies Furs and Fur Capes at prices that will astonish you
17.00 Coats for.
spirit, shall I trow down the cat.
9 dollars
12 Ladies CoaU f'»
Men's and boy# underwear, cotton, garment, .20
Fellow citixens, that is about the pom-
7 dollars
io Ladies Coats for
lion I am in. These gentlemen have
Ladies and Children's Coats at Cost Saturday
6 dollars
stolen my must excel Ian I speech, and I
8 Ladies Coats for
hardly know what to say to you.
ç Ladies Coats for
"It would be a poor man,indeed, who
could come over into this country and
2o per cent »ft on all our
ÿç.00 to #20.00
Mens Suits
. not say something of the country be had
Lidies Read' Made Skirts
. 2.7Ç to 8.00
Rubber*. Blanket Lined Clothing, Walk-Over and Nap* Tan
Boys Suits
seen. It ia the fitst time I have had an
Shite*, Dry Goods, Hat*, Crockery and Granite War*
opportunity to see your grand country,
fours for business
• *"'t 0„rtook our (¡n9 ¡¡M of
ciothin9 ,^ch has just arrired.
and my eye* have been open for the
Prices Right and Courteous Treatment at the
’ wonders of which I had often heard.
’ My friends from this county, Baldwin,
' Benson and Martin, here, have all told
One of the Greatest Events in the History of the County is Celebrated in
a Proper Manner \\ ith the Assistance of Governor Chamberlain
lliree Days of Celebrating.
B urniture
I f
f * *
Do not forget the day and date
Saturday, October 28
4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4*^ 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4« 4* 4* 4*