Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 26, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper ol Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and la
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. 30
irrigation ratification
Governers of Oregon and California, Senators, Engmeeis The California & Northeastern Railroad,
Railroad Men, Commercial Bodies and Newspaper
vdopment Company and
Representatives Invited.
p„ Klamath ■ mol« .
(b, Rl.niaih Wate« •
HiMilli.« "• ,Im'
khuldrea lo ratti»
Ike alg'dn« 1,1
<-»«'»••• “I'h tlie
^.n.i.eul lor llw IrulMing ol ilio
■wot Klamath project
It baa te-er,
j -, t-i
ledi a latiti, «ti-«" rnewtliig
, mi Uro I rll-wii g dav to c. lebrato tlm
rrm< and at«» the rrlver Haiti« of Irida
vlung EnKHiwr |.i|»|»ln< <>n atl(| Mrp»re
Nahatf«»r and UriHilmg, nl th«« Unlit
ornia A N«»it|i«*a»lrm l< »druid. Th«
h>ll>»«biK colli Hi H Irra urrv « h,-n
|*Hiilr«l K. 1* Mourr. M. L.
1 IC Milla aa a rucntuitl«-«
aiwl rirrulatr a
i«*u («• l«v
to th»’ < lly Uotiiii || nailing that thr loiiar
fir ka and other <>b»|r*i< tion oil th*
airrria I* rahMl up and hauled away.
U N. U or-lrn J \V. H«*uien» and W <>
iiiiili, a roinmiUrr mi prrinaiwnl
quarter» lor lhe Ch»miter «»I < «•nniirrcr .
■J. K ..u Taylor, Air*. Marlin Jr. and
J U >ianirii»( on »«mahlr rraolutioii«
rvlaiiv* i«> t*i9 death ol I W Hwmakai
The meeting adjourn««1 until Monday
ri viitug.
Will Elect Successor To Contractors Begin Work
Councilman Ward,
On Railroad.
The town t’onn.-il at ila nett reen-
hr meciing on Sowmlier <> a ill elect a
Ina letter rrcetved this week f rom
W. b- Patterson, who m employed in
one nf the luintier < amps at W«rd, ( all-
fornta, he save that thr cnn»triirtioii
w0»k has ci'minrncfd on thr California
A North«*aMlrrn Kaiiroud. E. B. A L.
Stone, th«’ contractor», have two steam
»hmris, twu machine drills, one loco-
motnr ami 2*> «lump rars At work
There ate also MO head of hors«*» ami
carta and 4»l0 mm rmpl«»ved. Another
engineering outfit |>a» started out from
W«*r«l, ami thv »hrl rails nit- Ireing
hauhwi to the rn<l of the mam line for
thr ritension of thr track.
.fames ytiMvIr. foreman for thr E. B.
ami I.. Stone C<«mpanyt a ho was Award
rd tin* Conlriicl for thr construction of
thr first Aft lion of th«« California A
Northeastern Railroad, arrived in thr
city Friday ami was here s«*veral «lays
l<Miking over thr country. Hr stated to
a Republican representative that hr just
came up to »re thr town and country as
Im wi»hr«l to make a trip «»ver the route.
It is lirlirvrd that E. B A I.. Stone
Company is dgurring on bidding on
Amur of the government work, and it
may l»r this was the object of Mr.
Quayle's visit to this city.
Aeeordinx to the new charter tlie
lawn ia rliv -Im! into three war-la. At
prevent the third war-1 baa no repreavn-
latir» the • <>nd baa three in the |ier
•wa ,.( Pr,-.nient Marlin and Willila
Md Hebnlluek, while Mr. Ilr.liop reprr.
w-nta the flrat. The tit i rd ward ia en­
titled to a menrlarr in tlie council an i
thia I. a good lima Io g. I one. Next
•pting they wilt have to elect two
mun. ilmen in the tliird and
elioni.I have a chance to try some ■nan
•>"W to a.. i( |)a nut,, g.aal
Judge (ien. T. Baldwin ret limed
BFtland Tucnlav evening. After are-
“«die eloaing of the |«wia A Clark
raw, Judge lUl.laiu joined the buai-
mena aaaoctatioa (roan Portland on
f <ir ««xt'uraitm to attend tli<* opening of
«»•»1 poti turn at LewiaUm, I.iaho.
tepori» a very tine trip.
Hot 'Springs Company
of the Harriman
linr», « * ii |4«^« m I by th«- Otegnn Eastern
Hailroad <'oinpauv, r«-ceiitly iiM'orporaf«
♦*) with Colo Me I William Crooks mm it»
prv»id«-nt, art- «-ngag«*d in »nrveying n
route for the line from tlie tt-rniiniis of
theNpringfhdd branch at Natron Io the
I a»» of the C»M'M<h-ii Ju»l south of Cres­
cent l.ake and thence »winging in a long
■ weep of »light . urvaiurt- to bort Klam­
ath. th«'ii<« to Klamath luike. b r-»m
W«-ed, on ll««* Fouthcrn l‘a< >fi» , the Cal­
ifornia Northea»lern, foimerly known
ms IJ»r Weed Railroad, built fur a dia*
tanre of al*oiit 22 mil«*» by tlie Weed
l.iiiiili't t'oinpauy arid recently »old to
tt» prriM-nt owner», ia making surveys
prelltninari to completion uf that line
t«> Klamath luik«*. 4 distance nt alwHit 70
Il is stat«*«l <>n seemingly good
authority that the engineers « inpluyt«d
in making th«* survey are »Iso working
01 the Southern I'stilh- (‘omj»»ny, of
which the < >r«*g<»n b s-tern is also an
auiiliaiy. Tlie ultimate <»hj««ct to lx-al
tained tn constructing these two line»
II a route which will supplant the pres*
ent main Im«* for through roast traffic
t-etwern \\«-e*l and Eugene, evading
tin* liravy grades of tlie Kiekivon moun*
tain» aii'l another equally •lifticult and
e* |tensiv«« pi«<«*«> of track through Cow
Creek Canyon »ntith of lb»s»*burg.
Field W ork la Under Way.
While official conti rmation cannot I»
ha«i at present of thv plans here out*
me*I, there is ample substantiation in
the field work and connection witli both
roa<ls of uin«*iala of the Harriman sys­
Articles of incorporation of the 1 )re-
gon Eastern •!*•< tfy that tnr company
pro|w»“rs to build a line from Eugene to
Huntington, with n branch to Klamath
b all». Colonel U llliam Crooks, presi-
lent of the couipany. is managing di­
rector of the Harriman lines in the
Northwest in the office o( Vice-Presi-
dent and Gyneral Manager O’Brien,
Surveyors locating the mute from
Natron, th«« end of the Woodburn-
Natron line, near where the cut off to
th«’ main line near Eugene is tiring
built, have prm-e«s|«*d in ihelr survey to
the crest of the Cascxdrs along tho
route of the military wagon road, which,
it 1» repotted, will hr pretty closely fol­
I low«* I aero»» thr divide to a point near
fhr northrrn lw»rder of the Klamath In*
1 ian Ra-srrvat ion. thence la«aring to the
»«ulh«r»( to W oim I “ Kivrr,
and down
that »trram to Fort Klamath« thence
ukirtihtf Epprr Klamath l*ak» from thr
mouth of Wood River to Klaitialh ball».
Rv thi» r»mtt> thr roed »ill not reach an
•Ititude lower than that at Klamath
; Fall», 4JtM‘ feet, from which it muat
ag*in ascend to the divide, on the eart
»ide «4 the range, and, according to in­
formation «ibtainrd from turn attached
to aotne of the anrvevmg crew», would
have a maiunum gra«lr of 2 par cent,
with au average very much
which, if true. w«»ul«l make the route an
exceptionally favorable one.
One Lina Maa large Snbaldy.
The California A
1 from the Weed Ltimlier Company, in ai-
ready completed lor a distance of 22
miles, and hzr a hicli the peopled Klaru
ath Falls have pledged a bonus <>t *100,«
(XX), of which IIH.IXX) h as subscribed by
Kan Francisco men Hants.
I turned late­
ly following the acquisition of thia prop­
erty, General Manager Calvin, ol the
Southern Pacific, is reported to have
made a trip over the line trom Weed,
arid to have I wen accompanied by an
engineer ol the Southern Pacific.
The California A Northeastern also
acquired tlie property of the Klamath
Ilevelopmeiit Company, embracing a
large acreage adjacent to Klamath Falla
and the Klamath Hot Bprings Company
is said In lie another auxiliary.
At the
time the Iwnus was raised and right of
way into the town granted, a franchise
was also obtained for an electric street
railway, to lie in ofmration within one
year niter completion of the steam road
rhe limit lor completion of the railroad
in order to obtain the bonus is March 1,
lUXi, but present indications are that
tho transportation line will tie finished
early nuxt year, and that it will bring
connections to both the north and south
By the present main line of the South­
ern Pacific the distance la-tween Eugene
and Weed is 285 miles, which will not
I* increased a dozen miles, and may
even lie slightly less by the now route.
This is due to the increased mileage on
the In avy gradients and sharp curva­
ture of the hiskiyou mountain«, avoided |
by the new route.
The Knlxhtaof Pythias lodge had t|,e 1
honor of giving the flrat excuraion on
tire nr» atextner Klamath, which was
recently Inuit by the Klamath Lake
Navigation Company, A more perfect
day coni.I not have Ireen M.locte<l than
Bunday and the crowd of nearly a hun­
dred enjoyed every mile of tire trip.
Tlie trip down the river waa delight- ■
Ini. A* the boat followed the winding of I
the river each sight that met the view |
M-etned grander than tire last. Know
L___ . |
capped Mount Shasta loomed up in the
distance in all her grandeur with lower
mountains in the foreground. Tire big '
low Merrill.
The town Council held a spacial meet-
ing last evening to m t on th« jietition
of the Chamber of Commerce a>.d tax
payers ol the town, asking that the
lisise rocks on Main street be cleaned
up and hauled away, ft was decided by
the members to have the streets cleaned
W’m. Wilaon, of Merrill, waa arrested
I Mt Friday by deputy game warden
Bale and two other game wardena, and
12 aacka of ducka aeizerl wbicb be waa
hauling to l-aird'a landing for shipment
to ban Franciaco. Mr. Wilson waa at-
derail to appear before the Justice of tlio
Peace in Klamath Falls the following
day at 1 o'clock. Mr. Wilson came to
Klamath Falls and there being no com­
plaint filed against him by 2 o'clock tho
case was dismissed. The ducks were
brought to this city and are still lying
in the county jail.
Each sack was consigner] to a differ­
ent party ami were billed to be shipped
from Bartles, on the McCloud railroad
to 8an Francisco. Following are the
l supposed owners of the ducks as their
names appeared on the tacks: Henry
Johnson, J. H. Williams, 0. Libby, J
T. Cotman, J. J. Hickey, C. Paulson,
iC. Hidgnes, H. J. Woodbury, Frank
Hedrick, A. C. VVatson, Frank Ankeny
and E. C. Dearborn. It ia stated that
state Game Warden Baker has been
summoned and that the caae will proba­
bly come up later.
and to use the loose rocks in filling up
and improving Mill street on the west
The Council lias grown tirej of having
portions of the streets and side walks
blocked with wagons, Ixixes and rubbish
au‘J a resolution was passel ordering
the marshal to notify the offenders to
clean up and remove obstructions at
to to to to to to to to to to to vb to
(’.<>. Johnson, secretary ami Oras­
Unsubscribed Lands in
Upper Project
urer of the San Diego Gem Company,
has been in tlie city the
past week.
Complete Stock
Mr. Johnson ia on Ins return from Port­
land where he delivered an order of
gems to one of the leading
Lamia <>f the Upper Klamath Project
within the Canal line* not subscribed to
dealers, and stopped here to look after a
tho Klamath Water User* Association.
piece of properey w hich lie owns at
Keno Springs.
F. J. Bowne, Bonanza,
2IW0 acres
Shook Brothers, !>atry,
N. 8. Drew Estate, Dairy,
John Hedger, Bonanza,
Mrs. Mary Sutton, Dairy,
This has demonstrated itself for our business has doubled in the past two months.
We want your
Frank Roas, Bed field,
patronage, we have the goods at the right prices.
240 “
IÇ dollars
$20.00 Coats for
17.00 Coats for
Do not forget the day and date
Saturday. October 28
Mens Suits........................ $5.00 to $20.00
Boys Suits........................ 2-700 8.00
Tours for business
Don t overlook our fine line of men s and boy » clothing which hat just arrived.
' ♦
for Celebration.
1 he best shoes that $3.50 and $4.00 can buy
Napa Tan Shoes
Working, Loggers -Jnf
and High Tops
Napa Tan shoes are guaranteed to be as near water
proof as leather can be manufactured
Our rubber line is complete It will pay you to see
our foot wear.
Good Goods
Phone Main 174
Coats for........................... 12
Coats for...........................
Coats for...........................
Coats for...........................
Coats for...........................
20 per cent off on all our
Ladies Ready Made Skirts
ranches on either side of the river were .once. If the orders of the marshal are
i not complied with within 24 hours, the
an interesting sight to the stranger, who
be arrested and ar­
by gazing on the vast stretche* of rich parties
land, could gain a slight idea o( the ex- raigned before tlie police judge for trial.
The marshal reported that he had
tesivenees of the Klamath Basin.
Tlie steamer left the dock shortly j re|«atediy notified certain parties to
after 10 o’clock and reached the landing remove obstructions and while they
lour miles from Keno at sbout IJ o’clock. had always promised to comply with
Here the party waa met by hay wagons the request, they bad entirely failed to
and conveyed to Nelson's grove about do so. He wished instructions as to
a mile distant. Nearly everyone had what he should do in such a case, and
brought their lunch baskets along, but the Council informed him that the town
w lien they reached tlie grove a grind would stand behind him in enforcing
For abstracts go to Mason A Blough.
surprise met them. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. tlie law.
Nelson had tlie grove nicely arranged
and decorated for the oh asion. Tables
and seats were all prepared for the con­
venience of the excursionists. Theee
hospitable people did not intend that
there should lie anyone without suffi­
cient to eat. Pitcher after pitcher ol
fresh milk »ere place«! on the tables and
chicken, a « hole tub full nicely browned,
and pies, pumpkin pies, and cake and
Difficult Stretch Of Railroad.
There are few pieces nf mountain rail- > more cake. There were many other
road in the country of such difficult op­ delicacies but it is doubtful it any of the
eration as that between Ashland and I hungry crowd were able to sample more
Hornbrook, and none on a trunk line than half. It waa surprising to see how
a* heavy business.
Ten much some persons could really get
freight cars is the limit for a train over away with, and it was pitiful to liehold
the many backward looks of longing and
the mountain section and then two en­
regret when the party was comjw-lled to
gines are required. Passenger trains
taken out of Portland by one locomotive leave so many g<x«i things on account of
require three times the jiower to move living unable to carry more. A vote of 1
them over the mountains.
Another thanks is due Mr. and Mrs. Nelson for j
section of the road that causes great their genial hospitality and successful
effort in entertainment of the guests.
diflicwlty of nperatioii is that known as
Several pictures of the party were,
Cow Creek Canyon, south of Roseburg,
taken by Mrs. I. C. Mongold, and also
where in the Spring season slides are of
j one of the I oat as it waa under steam.
frequent occurrence and blockade re­
After dinner a run was made to Keno
sult, seriously interfering with traffic.
and then the steamer was headed for:
While this section would continue an
important portion of the system for lo­ home where it arrived shortly before
cal business, building of the new road six.
A small and select dinner party of fiive
would give advantage of two through
which was held later in the evening is
lines, and obviate difficulties of its op­
said to have some connection with the
eration and accumulation of traffic dur­
excursion. A rush order was sent in to
ing the periods of trouble.
one of the restaurants for a chicken sup-
Probably the most influential reason
[>er. accompanied by the material for
for hastening construction, which seem*
the feast in the shape of a dead hen.
to lie the intention, is due to the im­
Tlie hen had been dead so long that it
mense tonnage of trattie that will lie
was impossible to get the feathers off, so ,
furnished during the next two or three
year* in construction of the reclamation it was accordingly served singed, to-:
gether with a cleaver and saw. It was’
works of the Klamath Falls region.
With an estimated expenditureof «4,000- a most enjoyable meal. It was at flrat
(XX) hv the Government, that will be thought that the hen was stolen, but it
w ns later reported to have l>een found in
more than duplicated by private enter­
prise. a large traffic will tie created. a very sick condition and very feeble
from age and some of tlie members of
Reclamation of 23t’>,0(X) acres of land w ill
insure large freight business for the fu­ the excursion, out of snmpathy, de­
ture, hence justifying doubly the in­ cided to bring it to town for medical
treatment, w hen it died on the way.
vest men t. —Oregonian.
T Mrs. Wni. Wight, Dairy,
All the latest shapes and leathers. Heavy sole kid
lined Box Calf Walk Overs for wet weather.
Mr. Quayle stated that hi* company |
18 L.iviies ( tots for.....................
Deputy Game
cently purcha»r<l hv its present owners i
$20 Ladies Coats for
Cleaned and Obstructions Moved
Have Grand
Northeastern, re-(
w.a moving in ti.cir machinery and
that a full force of mi-u were being put
to work and that conatruction would lw
mailed, it ia probable that thia com­
pany will receive the contract for tlie
aecoml »eetion and if thia ahoitld l«e tlie
ia«c, they could do the work much
quicker w« they would already have the
machinery and tlie men on tlie ground.
City Council Will Have the Streets Twelve Sacks of Ducks Seized Py
Auxiliaries of Southern Pacific
jur U«
"I d,r looer pr..).cl
TI» celebra 11. nt will I h > given under
tte management ol tho Klamath Cham
ter ol (’..mureree, wl.l. h I» euro|*»«l «4
(II lire lea ling teiMI.e.a men ol Klamath
jalla I’. tegoli.ora lo.ui all I tie luona
(ml the arvarel a,.'l|..i>« tlimughonl II»
cmiritv, will I* aahrd l*. pilo Ilio I barn*
lernt i.iminaico In making thia day
Al thr nirrting Monday evening thr
ig».dlhe inoal ini|*.rtaiit II. tiro Inatuiy rf*|«nrt» of the «'oftiniillrea w«-re heard.
Martin t<*|w>fti'd (hat Governor
u( Klaaiallr
A rail m.vling of lire I liatnlier <4 Chamberlain had accepted the invi
(.«uir'.-e W a* Irebl ThuradaV evening tatou» and would l»e bare on thr 4th
1er th* pM’l»»
-II»- laama lire lurid- Thr » “tnuditrw on thr iwlition for < lean­
.«g .1 an irrigation ratit, ation meeting ing the at«r<da had arc tire« I over luo
oa tir* Arti
Notrnila r.
1'reai.ivrit •igiirr» and thr petition would Ire j*r<-
Ir» T Baldwin l*mg , i I hh . ii I and a arntrd at thr » jxh ia! nu-«-tiiig of tlir
varan, y having «relire.! in tire office >4 Council on Wojtteadav evening. Thr
VWv prawi'lent try the .Inaili ol J. W. ron mlItr«* on |*riiianrnl quarter» i r««
Han.akar, Col Matt <• W ilkuta waa |M»rlod that Mr. Campl*rll, «4 the licit
*wle.l l.l Illi lile lllirvp|re-l lellii. Th* Hpring* Improviuuriit Company, had
rankr.i.on mealing waa than diac.iaae I «•fferrd the u»r o( thrtr building, Th»
gad g (iqn-a'**l at lire *«-nae of tlowe offer »a» ftiirplid Ah l tlir
|.r.arnt lirai lh>' I hailit» r alunihl take a a» ordered to tnakr d««t)nih* anangr
tlia lodative m arranging for thia evie- mrnia with Mr. Campbell. ri»» report
Airi. Marlin Jr. »aa author-
thr committee on rraobilionf' wai ar
|w»l Ur r.inniiiitiirale by phone with reptrd and pla> <’I on til«»
A copy
i .«era'll r <l>aiiil«riaiU »I»! (.certain ll ordered pfiiM'i.trd to (he family of the
te aotil I lie aide l*> attend, and alto to decraar I an t one «-ach ftirnidird to II..
er Ur ll'iiiiphrri . ol the Iteclainallon ruunljr paper* for |»u Miration,
tervne. m regard to Air Li|.|»in<-itt and tiioli tfi it aa««|r<*id^l tn *vin| written
.vaal'W Flint. Tlie meeting then ad. tnviuitiiina (» the comnirn ial bodtea <»|
joomed ordii Frida) ovening.
|\>rtl»nd ami Nan Franeiarn, (o at
»I tie- a Ij 'Uine-I meeting Mr. Marlin lend th«* crlrhiat n»n
Al*> to (hr lead
rvi>>ri.*l tl.al Governor l'liauilmrlam lug |<f*rra of thr (ao cith'« t»> »end rrj
(la m lea i»t-m, Idaho, and wool.I re rrarniaiiv«’», and to other prominent
torn lo balem iX lite «taf. Mr Martin l«rriMma wh««r namra n.ight l»r present
vaa rrmliii ied aa a coin ill litre on lirVI ••d later. The apphratinna of I). 1».
tallana, il waa niovef and carried liiat Camplxdl and I’aul Hrvit« nMriu for '
ite foll ia mg g, nllemer Ire invìi, I l,y mrmiterahip wrrr appruve«! ami thrv
air» tn artend tire ratificati..n me», mg: Were rlr» led tnrnda ra. Thr meeting
Ir.nr l'harulrerlain. < mV Pardee, S-na- then adjoutnr l until Frnlav evening l<>
tora Voihin. Flint and Perkina, Super. meet III tltr Jrnninga building.
•"'•«•a.” to C.rurrcilmait Frank Ward,
alxi i. alwent in Calif.onia
Mr. Ward
»11I |ir< Jwl.ly not return tin* w inter and
Ihle leavra a vacancy, «Indi tlie chai
trr «envidra «hall Ire tiliini try an t-lec
tion ol the Connell
Klamath De- Big Crowd of K. of P. and
(’. C. Reekman, Jacksonville. 2040
E. E. Ralston, Ashland,
Vinson Rrothers, Ronania,
Geo. McDonald, K F,
J. M. Patterson, French Gulch,
A. Igtngell Estate,
Mary Idtngell Estate
G. W. Isaacs Estate, Medford ,320
Himon Calhoun, Portland,
Fred Fine, Bonansa,
M. M. High, Salem,
J. P. Bryan, Etna, Cal.
Jas Bryan, Etna, Cal.
W. A. Rice, Saratoga, Cal.
Maggie Deal, address unknown 200
F. H. Cobb, address unknown 240
0. E. Thomason, Salem,
Grand Total
£ Prices will induce you to buy
if you will investigate