Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 12, 1905, Image 1

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Officii! lB*iwwr
ijtmfity «nd Leading Journal
of th« Interior Oregon Country,
The Largest Circulation and is
the Best Medium for Reach 'ft,
a Prosperous and Trading i utfic I
SI(iN!.:l> UP
Water U mts Association’ Moore Bros. Start work on
Stock Has Advanced
75.000 Capacity Mill
50 Cents a Share.
on West Side.
boat will
Steamer Klamath to Make Main Street Property
Daily Round Trips to
Town Fifty Dollar* A
Lairds Landing.
With Boulevards, Driveways, Parks, Sanitarium and Hot Mineral Water
Front Foot.
-A Railroad To Bring the People Here and Street Cars for Their
The Klamath Take Navigation Com-
Over one'hundred real'.estate «ran*
Accommodation-Another Bank.
pany will, the coming week, start the fers have been entered for filing v *'
Work was r<.«nmenr«MÌ Mon-lay on the
new »-i» n ill »1,1,1, f, to I« Inuit by
< X. A It. N. Moore m West Klamath
I Steamer Klamath on regular tripe to the County Clerk the past week, wbu<>
1'lsns are >x-ing ms le that will, when where near ths hot esrlb. It would 1« exUhelon of the road toward Klamath j Bairds landing, where it will connect shows that property is changing hand»
It I» planned to have the new mill
carried nut. make Klnmath Faile the an «ii*llent location with a jMrrfect > wa­ Falla by the California A Northeastern. with "«•«• from the terminus of the pretty rapidly In Klamath County.
rea-ly l.,r operation by nest »firing
II tpincii city uf Honthrm Oregon.
rd Mt. Missta. Nicely arvanged bath The contrast has been let for tba tlr»t MeClond River Railroad.
Many sales have been mad* on Msfn
»ill lier» « <a|<a>itv ul ,ft.i»M) foet
The ■■*|,itali»ts »lio have taken over hoaeee »uh swinging bars could be section of eeven miles and fully 4(X) men
Col. M. O. Wiikin« and Capt. G. W. street property in Klamath i» »
himl-er a day. The building will I« 36
the \\ - «-I failroad end have commenced built near the spring» and the »treat car are now at work. Thia section will be Woodbury, of the Navigation Company, which it is the intention to erect
Ny I ■<- In i «n. I «ili I... , <jui|,|,«.<| H n|t a||
■ Itending it to Klainath Tall», are al»<> line could connect »ith the I-del or a completed within sixty days. The wbo have been in Portland the past neee houses. Tbe following deeds
the leirst Ituf-roVi-d me, blurry. Inrlud
invi-ating brevity in thia town and are m-|«rate »pur might be put in fur the plan» and epeciflcatlone are reedy for month, return*! to this city la»t week, being reconled:
Irg <-Igrr. timui,rr, planer» an«l niould
inlerreted in other v*«l improvement* acrorum-elation ot the gueats.
the second section and work w ill coin- Mr. Wilkins atated to a Republican rep-
R-xia Belle Skeen and William .keen
mg m«- bin.-. A dry kiln will I« adde-l
which will lie inaugurated in the hear
•‘Every plot of laud for resilience puv- rnence a» soon aa bids are received.
reventative that they bad engaged an to Marine Hanke, lota 7 and S in b*c'k
«■ ao-oi a* Ihr railroad rrsclii-a here », future.
!»>»« sbuiil-l have an individuality of
An engineering crew of thirty men engineer and that the Klamath would 14. Consideration $1X50.
lint hi-ighl ral.*» »ili I« leMonable lor
A. II Nsltsger, President rd the Cal Itself. This w>11 make it more valuable have l>een nonsUntly at work on the foake a trip to the Lower Lake in a few
Minnie E. Ward and husband
the |*l|<«*» and material,
if-onia A Northeastern Railroad, bas lor building la»luonsl>le homes. <M permanent survey and this is now com- dsv». Next week they would begin Margaret Allen, residence and lot 55 bv
A < .n,al !■■» already I «m rut into the
nat rsrwive water.
•awn in the city »Ince Monday. Mr course a great -leal will dej-eml on the pleted to Boyse. Mr. Naftsger stated regular daily round-trip» between lairds S3 feet being a portion of lot 5 block Be
Follo» u-g la a Rst of uwners and a- re Inland from the lake ami Ibi» will I*
N'altiger 1» al»o preeideul of tbe Klam- exact location of the railroad. As oxm that the trains would be running into , landing and Klamath Falla, and would Consideration $1650.
M» ><( land» l» thè I. -wwr Pr-.p - t w bicli II---I 1,1 »loir III« lug» in The Mill will
*ih I’evrloprinent Coiii|>any and the as 1 get to the city 1 will submit my Klamath Falls by the Spr r g of 1907 in be ready to handle freight and pusen-
L. F. Willits and wife to Chas. E.
*rv not »<d»srrll<e4 lo ll»« k Ismstli fare till» canal an-l the lumlwr »ill I«-
Hot spring» Improvement Company. plan and suggeetiona tor the arrange­ accordance with their promiee. It war gars for the Klamath Country.
east half of east half lot 6
Uaur t’ssrs Associati-m, *■>< txiw »ut* |i|l«»| ,,n the m-rlh »tie o| the canal.
A stage line is now in operation be- block 36 and 15 feet off of the westerly
It i» the Liisineas of the latter ci-ucern ment ami the engineers will have to in»pciaible st this time to kaow what
ceni» There I» oi.l) abolii ten •< re» In thia rn
jsci to tbs enrolling I«« of
tliHt i> principally engaging
engmeering difficulties might come up, tween Lairds and the terminus of the side of lot 7 in block 36, being a lot *<l
Mr. make the survey.”
c'.eiuie but ll.e M-.-rrw own over 1-»)
>*f scrv:
but he believed if the winter was favor- McCloud rua-J. The stage conqmny is feet 7^ inches on Main street snd
Naltiger'» attention on thi» trip.
W Mnitb, K F <<> . Klamath >■»11. a.-res along Il,e river ai d ll,i. «ili I«
Hot Springs Addition.
the hot springs will be a valuable able that the road wouM reach thia city < comp'-**! of Messrs. Davis, Laird and feet deep. Consideration $f»x).
tilled III end ll»r,| when needed.
1 -n< »i < oili, * l, • prominent archi­ acquisition rather than a detriment, a» by next (all, if not, he was certain that Martin, and they promise good service,
Duffy Company to Cbas. E. Worden
leyvs Eatats. Yreka < el
Some freight has already been (hipped one foot off "*>t »ide of west half of 'o’
tect of e*n FraneiM-o, who ha» planned it can lie used as a basis for the ar­ it would l>e within whirtling distance.
Aero« Eloy. Wbeatlasd. Mo II1*
I.and I nder Ankeny Ditch ••mie of the most famou» re»orl» tn rangement of the grounds. A l-eauti
The railroad will reach Butte Valley over Uiia road and ha* been brought to 6 la block 36.
W. 11 Norman, P.-rtTd. Or
< ilih-rnta arrived in the city Tue»d*y ful wide boulevard will probably be laid thia year and crossing the valley will be thia city by the launch.
I. A. Duffy to Chas. E. Worden, west
J L Freeland. Helen». Or
evening S’cl lina l-eeti going over the out along the canal, with a border of an easy matter aa it is a stretch of per­
of east half lot 6 in block 36.
« Easts,.»I Hrld*e|»»r« ( «I
K )• tuutii F «11«, tir , O«t. 4, ! ML*»,
Curtis Fred Melbase to Cbaa. E. and W-n.
ground »uh Me»»r» NaftsgereudCamp- ■liade trees and lawn. A |wrk and wide fectly level ground the entire dlrtance. Letters
H * M. <».Iarm .il. Riamali. I ell
Kìmualh W «dvr t’«rra A «»or in lion — le-il. lie fini»hisl hia examination of driveways will be arranged ami spacious On leaving Butte valley the road will
S. Worden, 50 loot front in lots 1 an-1 2
< trnll^nirti ■ Till. oilier I. inakti.g plana the ground» nrul returned to han Fran­ lot« will 1« lai l out for the erection of cross the bill to “The Hole In The
block 32. Consideration $Ju4k
C M. Hanson. iMvtsvUle, Cal !'»•
Two of William E. Curtis’ letters on
I«»» tlir • (•<* ration by the (<iv«*rntn«iil of cisco tlda morning.
tine resiliences so that they will face the Ground.” There may be some diffi­
Fred and Goa Melbase toicbas.
W.Cole. Xeno. Or.
thr Ankeny Hrnlwy irrigation ditch
When »een by u Republican re pre- canal and rprings and thus overlook the culty at thia point but it will not be Klamath County have been published Worden, 30 feet on Maia sivwc*. by ltd
¡Mae Folate. Keno, Or
•luut p th« irrigating •vu.'n <»f tuw». it tentative l»»t evening Mr. Col bead »aid grrat Klamath Basin and have one rd known until the engineers make their in the Chicago Record-Herald and are a feet deep in blocks 27 and J6, lying wes.
K t*. Keroa, Chieo, Cel
strong feature in advertising our coun­ of the Lakeside Inn. Consideration
I» Ihr dmire t«$ auppiy water to all tlm tl at on hl» return to the city he would the l>e»t vie»» of Ml. Kha»ta and the final survey.
LA. Miller, Port'ld.Or.
A One Per Cent Grade.
ty. Better stories of our country have »1000.
IgixU whl«h wrre irrigate«! from that pref-are plan» for the arrangement of California mountain» that is obtainable.
A C. lewis, Klamath Falls. Or.
The road will not exceed a one per 1 been written and ones more strict.,,
dit« h «hiring the | *i! ►»•«•■■n, and It the ground» to be »ubrnilted to the Hot A magmficient Hotel building will
Ida M. Fink to A. Kerahr.»r, ?0 :• o’
|M»4k*iL«' t>’d » thia whether the Spridge ('.oiiipaiiy. 11»expo-seed him- probably l>e erected during the coming cent grade, and this may necessitate confined to tbe facts, but on account ot on Main street by 100 lee« -leep
t. o
L *. Kola-rt», Redfield. <»r 44 )
land» ate held K th«« |»r« ••«nt owners or •»•if pl«a»*-l »ith the general location year al a cost between F5U.UU0 and some cuts, but when completed it will the repuiation of the writer, Mr. Curtis* east side of lot 6 i* block 37. ConmJ«r-
tla.ua'.'. Fish Co,, Mrall-wd, Dr.
be the most perfect piece of mountain letters will have a great influence. Ln ation »1500.
am «tiladiii led into tracts not t'i«*4'<wjing »1 d lay ol th« l»n<i and le-lieved It was I1UO.OOO.
road in California. The next point ef mentioning tbe trip from I-airds to Po­
lui aerea un l«*r • »»»«• ownership. It will in ideal »pot l<> work on front an artis­
Street Railway.
Ida M. Fink to Cbaa. E. Worden, : >
C. Lewis. Oleue. Or..................... Hit
ne« «•••ai r huwrtcr, i«»rall lamia held tic »tamlpoirit. "It is not the intention
Mr. Naflzger, when asked if his Com- possible difficulty will be in crossing the kegam a lie says, ‘ From the car «indosrs feet on Main street off the west side 0»
otoos I.. A L. M.» k Co., Olen«-, nr.
in « !«•’•• «4 I’Ml aerea by one < wner to - I tbe Company.*' »aid Mr. Coxhead, pany intended to put ill a street car swatnp in Klamath county. It will be we could see the Lava Beds where the lot 5 in block 37. This property also
l*e lolly aulite ril«»l up to the Water "to »urvry the land and plat it in uni­ ■vstem tn Klamath Fall», stated that necessary to build trestle work for a Modoc war was fought and where sold for »50 a front foot. It is rumored
Rack«* Retale, Redfield. Or rt"O
t'aera <••«« Ittioli and that a tru-l «1er.I form I--I» with the »treeta running par­ they certainly -lid, That was their pur­ distance of at leMt two miles. It is the General Cauby was assissinated in the that tbe Klamath Development C
f). J. Zaa. Punansa <>r
lie eirruted for all rutma holding*.
allel. Il la her valuable a piece of laml pose in asking for a franchise. Of cuursc, plan of the government to drain this early *7os.” This no doubt reads nice pany will erect a magniticient b
lu the Vp)M*r reject the pr.mijal
he san), there is nothing here for a swamp, but the railroad will be built to people in Chicago, but the people block on this comer in which they al­
! will a"k toil to make a reput tn thi* to »i»>il in that way.
hadniticrw who IiAVo n»l atib« ribud
"Mv re.-ommrndali«n will lie to lay street car line just now, but we will be before this is accomplished. It is ex­ here would like to know what Mr. locate a bank.
«•th«r on \oYtrui><*r Iftth <»i thia year,
giving a li«l of all landa under th»’ out three »Ide driveways running to a working on it by April 1907. We will pect«! that by next summer the Cal­ Curtis took to see things so early in the
B B. Brwkraan. Jarkwuivlfr, Or
\nk>-n) llrnlry Pitch rrixr nu bac ri bad I I I rr-nniK-n center Thaw c<-ul<l be wind- have it completed ami in operation ifornia A Northeastern will be deliver­ game. His story cf the Modoc war is a
Wm. Carmichael ieft yestsiouy .
K. E.
Arldan l, Or
I«» the Association an i a li«l of aufh u g roa-l« following the nntural lay of shortly after our railroad reaches the ing freight ami passengers to the steam- little imaginative but bis account cf tbe ing for Wendling, Oregon, where . e as
VtaM Brother«,
Valley, Or.
scenery end tbe advantages of Klamath
land« m*l eo aulracribed. lutti«!. under the ground, t'ne would run in tbe city. I know scores of men with capi­ srs al some point on the I-ower Lake.
accepted a position with the Booth,
<xo Mrl'innll, Klamath I'alle, Or.
County are not tbe least over drawn.
A New Bank.
the ditch hot suit«* r|ix'«| by that time shortest route t-> Main »treet, and tal that I could bring in here now- but
Kelly Company. Mr. Carmichael is a:
I. J. Rowng, Ihmanaa. Or.
Mr. Naftxger »Masked if it was true
will not I* futru*>hrd with water, but' another lea-l t-> the I'pper lake ami the you have no room for them. It >s im-
F. V. Rehart, the Lakeview sheepman experienced timber cruiser and hr F
Ttr btllnwing r$ a iluUoii w gw adopf*»d
we Will tun« th«* water that ha** !•«•♦•»• dr third connect with the road coming from fH-saible to gst a house to live in and
by the Bnarl o( !>ir««r(<»ra of the Ki«ui
and capitalist, was in the city Saturday came acquainted with Mr. Kelly w.
livrr«d I*» *'iili Ian la
other lan«ls the »outh. At the junction of theiw- you are not able to supply the material a building for a new liank in Klamath
on his way to California to spend the cruising the Military Road land grso
alii Water V«era AeMiciattoti, at iho tv
that are under lull at i ba«'ri pt ion to the- roads * plaza could t»< forme-l or • hat »ith which to build homes. Wait un­ Falls. He stated that they bad been
winter. Mr. Rehart is one of the gen­ for the government. Shortly after Mr.
galar meeting, bold Octol««'r 7. |lMk*»
would hr- Iw-tler »till an artificial lake, til next year and you w ill see tliu de­
A •am iitl'in,
Very r«— (»«Tifili I y.
considering something of this kind but tlemen who invested in a rubber planta­ Kelly returned home, Mr. Carmichael
lUtnlved, that the •t*«*k »U•»•« rlpthm
A terrace or r<>a Iwsy 1».r-lervd with mand (or houses averaging more than
T. II lit WrilKMiW,
bonk« of ti«e Klamath Water I'orr« A«*
he was not ready to make any statement tion in Mexico. He has about $12,000 received a letter from the Lumber Ccu--
|‘r«’jrrt Eugitivrr. rtia-h- trees could be run along the »ide twenty a <lay.
panv offering him a position.
eriaiion I m * clowd on the «flat dav •»<
It was a matter ot the future and he worth and he expects to make a trip to
The Steam Railroad.
of the lull ea»t of the »pringe. Till» is
I^ctvibrr, Hak>, nt ft o'rltM'k p. in. ai>d
Mexico this winter to see if he got val­
They set the fashion. The Butt, dy
Actual work has commenced on the did not wish anything eaid about it.
Walter Neve, proprietor of the Klam where 1 »liould build the hotel, sorne-
ue received.
thotoo rubwripii.m« for etodt I m « re-
sth I Bile Hteam laundry. received word
«•ifvd after tbaf date.
More Improvement*.
Modern Brkk Building*.
Iasi we. k ul the death of Ins brother in
Tlx office uf the Klaniath W«ter t’ •rm England. Hr left bun-lay for New
Awnrtati.m is Mag fl<»>l»l with letter« York where lie will take |<a»»age for
Mr. Clyde Nickerson, of Portland, and
Geo. Riehn has a force of carpenters *
Two more modern brick building»
of inquiry from every section of the heme, lie lore leaving he sold the Steam will soon lie adorning Main Street, th* Miss Trena McCormack, of Keno, were at work adding another story to his
Aniung the lol in th« last Laundry to !>, B. Campbell, of the < >»t >>f which will aggregateal-oili fbOOO. united in marriage at the home of the | Monarch saloon and Palace restaurant
“•il were about twenty from in and Klamath iMvelopmenl Company, who II. C. Chamberlain, id Albany, has !>een bride’s parents on Sunday, October 8, J building, the new story is 32 x 60 and
»foot Cid.ag<>. most of which n-irrred ha» engaged a malinger to take charge
given the contract by Major Worden, 1906. at 8 p. m. The ceremony was per­ will be fitted up for lodging rooms. Geo.
tnsnicfo» on the Klaiunth projer-t writ- of the biiaine»» It t« not probable that
for completing the Mongold building formed by Judge Geo. T. Baldwin in the 1 believes in living and let live, he has
'** '1 •illiam I Curtis for th« Chu a Mr. Neve will return to Klaruath Falls. and erecting another building on the presence of many friends and relatives bad an average of five men employed
r Kerord ller.ld.
Mr Curti. is doing
John DvPuy snd family arrived a op|»<«ite side of the street. The two
j for the part three months, and at pres­
««*» advertising for us. Seen- short time ago from Pomeroy, Wa»h* buildings w ill lie located opposite < ach
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and ent has fifteen men on his pay roll. Mr.
*•’’ Applegate will prolmhly s*mn have and will locate in Klamath county. Mr.
otlur Iwitweeii Fourth and Fifth streets. Mrs. Thomas McCormick, old and re­ Riehn has lived in this city for the past
"tveen fifty and |oo letters per day Itel’uv say« that the climate In-re has The Mongold building as it ba* been spected pioneers of Klatuath County. 21 years and first engaged in tbe livery
permi., iutcro.tod in the Klamath brought new Illa to hi» family and that started 1« 25 bv 62 feet. Tit* second The groom is quite well known in thia business, known as tbe Klamath stables
County having spent a year here as en­
is hi* reason for remaining here.
story will l>e added to this and 20 feet gineer for the Klamath Lake Naviga­ | which hn built, ami carried on the busi-
built on to the rear. The building tion Company. He now hold» a very i ness successfully for several years. He
which is lieing constructed next to important position with the Pillar Rock has, since he retired from the livery JR
uusiliees iowsksi
invested io
in rewi
real rsmie
estate sou
and n*s
has (
Willits* store will lie a two story 24 by Packing ( ompllny, of Portland. The business
young couple left Monday morning for put forth every effort to help build up i
70. Roth buildings will have plate glass Portland where they will make their this city. He i» a loyal and public'
future borne.
, spirited citiien and is here to stay.
Even 1- K»«1"**
••«”••* 'I1" ‘,'”1
4^,1« m »II of I'1« esce»» holding» and
now tl<e Cumpa'iF hol'»"* th» optt<Hi
ollllisv" a Iwtler < haur.- l<< arti llm
land lu smell tra- ■ 1». , A rohi|‘<<*mi«M»
hetwern Mr. Reame» an i ili"
V** msds
( ‘uuipauy,
»tisrvliy Mr Ream"» ia givrii III ree
remili» bcforv the water la turned Oli
by 1)1» r-'’vr,1,l'r,,‘•" M'" '*’• '*'• *< In
H 1« l»«»l •«•hi by thè (-arti«-« L* l<l
<>|HU>ii. Tlisro are sfili s-.»m-
(rsrts ahfch bave noi heen signr-l ami il
they do •“>« ru,u* •"
tb«y • HI |>»«,>
ably b» hdl »ut ni lite prop ri ami will
By Win. E.
iWz V/
V/ &
lf> xfr
4 We Carry the Goods
* 4
QlUKV^ *
4 Our Prices are Right
Most Complete
and Up-to-Date Line of |
All kinds of laundry finished in a
Fall and Winter
I 4*
Goods •<
Ever Shown in Klamath County
% w
See fixe frei telit
wagon loads of
new furniture
arriving dallar