Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 28, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper ol Klamath
County and Leading Journal
ol the Interior Orogon Country.
Attorney-General Crawford Ha:
This Is the Watchword oi! I^ndared an Opinion on
License Law
the Thriving Town I
of Merrill,
Attorney General ( rawtnrd, ol Halem,
in an opinion rendered on request r.f
County < lerk hurlllt.
fr.x k Contiti,
Tbs »filer hs-l Sii
i-.ll tn visit aays that it is not n«c«s»aty for a ¡s-r-
<),• vwii »I M«r.ill last week au>l was I ar-ll Io ap|«Mir In person l-elore the detk
grsally pl.-asc-l au<l surpvlswl at the to obtain hunters' llcetia«
The law
4 i , ii risili ng coti-lill-»« <4 t Ii« u,.-lro|H>lis j save lhe ch-rk shall give d««criptbm ul
of til« sixlll»«’« pU.I «I II»" CIMIMI) .
In-rnse holder in lie«»»». Maliy derk»
Tlw t»«n <4 M«rr.ll has hail a w»ii<lr-r- trave insisted on applicante ap|>«aring in
ful (Hiwtli th« pa«* »iiinnivr. Th« num l«.rson> This works hardship m large
lor of nrw Ixiihllngs ami th« grade ami Inter lor Count les.
.paUty <>f th«s« is «qual ll mH sui-mir
lire tiler nry General aays tire man
tu ili--*« "( any town iu II,« ruiitiiy. net o< ohlah'ing ilea, riptlon Is optiona1
yl.rnll n,,w has llir«« g-««l sisr<l h--t« ls with the derk. ami »tiggesta that elerk»
•nd th«v ur" crow del all ll>>* time. 'I tie , have printed blanks covering require.
luwn also baa th« lust •I reet* in the I menta »hi. h applicant» . an fill out an-l
l->rward to the lounty eeat.
D im . drawl>aik which the town
],>.| sine« Ha birth ha. lawn Ilo- lark ol
K< m 4 »alar. This. b->w«««r, hss *nw
law tvu.r<lu«l by tin’ .««l-lnnts digging
d»*p wells winch lias r«»ultrd In a
h»«ntllul supply •>! l-ui« cold «a 1er
TH» town uc-d« an d«< irir Ughi and
«alar »y.tvni, toil th« l.tisu-«» im « o -I,-
rlsrv that th«V afr g--tiig to have ilo «
inipr-’ranicnt« tidor« s great whllv.
Uaay >d ili« rancho« living in th.
surrounding country ara huil-lmg n -i-
d.ncrs m town amt Intrml m-vlag
tli«r« l->r th« » Inter. Tl-i» Ulto m.o.
t. th« .<-»ull -4 it'« action * t II,« -< li.M.i
district m putting up a », .|«-u *! • »I»
w-ho-l I’UlLllng
Tt>*' I n, lo-g. « II- I,
I. .1.1« IH Slll.g l-H»j>lol|.,ti «ill bv >-•
.4 III* handsomest lu th.' t, «n ai. i • d
b. a great drawing cani t-,i Mcriil.
Ths hnil.lmg is two st.-, -• » a. d . <»l»m«
finir larg» room».
Th« town of Merrill ia • ■ king l • u.
<r«a»« !<• |M*palaiion I » tort during ’h-
nell year
TLis seen*» to the «Mit»,d'­
mi iai|4>.»il»illly, but an ac<|*ialut«i>. •
»Illi ll.« |«*'|d.’ who runi|..-r l|>i. Iiv.
<o»n. will iiuprr»« <H>« will, th*- Is
that Ihsr m«sn bualncvs ami that Ho--
IS no .urli thing as im)«x»,l*h*
••Where Arc We At
Irrigation Project Notes
h» tf.a
first »vellon "I
are -igr.ili.-d I heir
• •
- hi i ri,< I. . I
tn.ids I a Hi
1 «Aiiipat > u id
Il Slid
e ta> 1
hr ihr
> < aliL-r.il«
S'l-l loC
; Is-.d- 1.1
Leaders Wa.it To See
the Party in Oregon
"Harmony" 1« the watrhward among
tha trader« <d th« |(e}»uhhcan party in
Orr*g<»n. The colutna ut tha Itoptibbcan
pre«« throughout th« state contain in*
irrvivaa with prominent republicans
who arr a IvtM Mtiiig harmony. It if lie
h«vr«l that much will I a» »room pl b bed
al th« hig gathering which will las held
m r«>rtland un Octolwr 12th, toward
unbittg Ilia party. Ex-Uovarnor T. T.
Gwr, of Salem. baa the following to
• ay in the Oregonian :
“I ran »«« no rca«*»na hie objection to
th« Kepublirun reunion, and, ■ince the
movement hue been act on foot, 1 truat
It may rvaull in much g<a»d. I am per-
auaded that many Republican« who al
ftr»t were doubtful uf the expediaucy of
the prop>aition look with greater favor
upon it «nice your out-«f>oken declara­
tion that ita ohjsKt will I m ? not only not
tn Ai.ivrh* «* a i«n I he fulleal working uf
fl < i • •• i ,.n nan law, l«it rather to aa
*i*t in vso r i> g uoi th« intentions ul
tint I ma io evert a ay possible.
•'l‘re-iiiiiii.g that you u«e the word
' iinjH i’* io the aciiM» to "induce" the
ethfl <i
ri-v i a
l«e U«.» It many liinwa over lite
n :i
lit f*qtsi" . *i-it p ihr |mlifiral
I.|r; it
! h”'... i ' i i i,iit«l M,it«*» lia- I
i» , i -* m - ce «>f a similar fact
iot.M h
. «kith 'Hi r « n*< ol UXCUre a-
• bat w
'I h.* » nt ihc R« pflbliran
••><■. cu.ing lile pM-t iü
luirti i
• • »<«-#. ■ ha* in»! raM n« eht t*na! I
r»»U- I« » m P tiM« i«iic < au fidate i<»r
We happened to i-verh* al a very rl|l-
iuui rouv«*r»atu>«i the other dat l«’twr«*ii
t«u Kiamaih Fa 11« riiHetsa
We were
nvither d <tng nor alreping, s*> wc have
giM-l ira«on to Indietr that it erluaHv
«xcurrd. The <*vxivrr»ati«>n waa publir
and we do nut think the ritiarna w « ha I«I
have Urn Lorrihr*! «»r alwiahnl if ail the
l>rw»| ajArrnirti tn town were pr«*».ut.
It w.unded gosal and •« !«a>k i|»c
whole thing down vvriwiii<n and thia i*
• hai they weld:
First Citifen—"!>id you read that
pw< e of Ta) lore in th« Klpet*«s* ai»»nt
U mi two old < iliwin <lia<'U«ring the new
fuwn charter."
Secund (’iUfon—"V«e where ore of
Ifsrrv Wrlw-r. the artist » rlh th«
thrrn waa a i familiar with the c harter
l«nni brusii, 1rs» lawn devoting hi«»um«
that be roukl repeat a«< thm alter arc-
iirrr «veiling« to th« cultivation of cal«
tion. What do y<»u think <d IlV
l-agr and lie now ha» «one prise win­
I 0
I think it ia a I > I M
ners » hich Ii« will exhibit al the Fair.
"N, d-. I ••
Mr. Belrer lias a |<air of twin cabtmges
groan <>n one stalk »Indi weigh fifteen
ami twenty pounds respectively.
Blue Luncheon.
A "lllu* I.iinclie--n*’ was glv«n I.»
Mrs. <’. |>. Willson to a I«« i>( Iwr
fri.nd. Fridav mrwning at her home on
Congo Avenue. The china and all tlie
decoraiion» »«.« in blue. Songs, inuur
ao I ■ hot n«rw th« entertainments of
tl,» Mening.
A in.ng tilv gneata wo«: Mr. and
Mt*. Ihinhsm, Mrs. Kapp, .Mrs. K. It
Rsainrs. Mrs. F. IV. Jenniugs. Mt. and
«b». J. I„ leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. F. O.
Kraum and Mias«a Boris Uallsnl and
Bs-rtha Hammanil and .Mr. E. Itiinliaiu.
t'lau-l Kirkpatrick cam« in Tueedav
from Fokegama with a new planer,
•ticker an I other machinery ( r a ne«
sash an I door ls< turi, whi«h ITitdielt
A Son are erecting on the property re­
cently pnrdiased in the Rirhn additiun.
Tire plant sill lar run by steam power.
'Ipo Kir
I. gl 1/IIV.
■ I.-4
I. •*!
ill I. ».
New Halt House.
Klini4th Idi-1* to hare a nrw malt
houi*« a lagfcr ”cvr brewery and a
buttling work*.
Tony Cartel, *>f tu« Klama’h Falla
Brewcty. recently returned from Kan
F runc i’V", w here he hi vcm >gated piatita
and placed an order lor the machinery.
Mr. Caedri «tale« lht«l he ia planning
to tortile hi« own ta-er and that he will
pr«d»ahly u«e tlie new aluminum tM»ltlra
which have been recently pa lenirti.
Clinton Is Located on South Bank
of Lost River Opposite town
of Merrill.
Klamath County has Mother new
Th« plat for the town of Clinton
war filed and approved try the County
Commlaaioaari at their adjourned meet­
ing Katurday.
Tfi« naw town is located on the aouth
hank of L>«t river and directly opposite
the town of Merrill, in the southern
part nt lhe county. In reality it ia only
an addition to Merrill, but on account
of til« streets not coiiforiaiiig to those
in Merrill, according to th« new law, it
waa found necessary to plat it as a aep-
•rate town.
Th« town consists of 11 bl<«-ki. one of
«Inch ia not supdivided, and contain«
72 lota no 1 120 feel. The streets are HO
feet wide. The town war platted by
Clinton I). Van Brimmer and w ife.
Direct Primary Law.
a Prosperous and Trading Public |
A petition iw being circulated
week and ia being generally signed by
the biumeMinen of thia city, which will
lie presented at the neit regular meet­
ing of the city Council on the first Mon­
day in next month.
The petition asks that the franchise
asked lor by the langell Valley Tele­
phone Company Ire granted by the
Council and that the original ordinance
l>e |«eee<l without any chaug« or amend­
ment. It is a care of conjecture as to
what effect thia [»tition will have on
the action of the City Council in regard
to the telephone franchise. At their
last meeting the majority of the mem­
bers expressed themselves opposed
the ordinsuce in its present form.
and Up-tO‘Date Line of J
Fall and Winter ::
Ever Shown in. Klamath County
he took up the work of teaching. In
ISSti he united with the United Breth­
ren Church. Two years later he went
to South Dakota where he taught for
. .May
several yesra. In
1HH7 . he came to
join ilia sister, Mrs. A. D. ilarpoltl, then
rvsiiling at Bonanza, Klamath County,
Ore. and the following year waa united
in marriage to Mies Jessie B. Patterson,
of which union two children were born,
a little girl who did in infancy, and
Clifford S. Puuiui, who survives him.
Nelson was a loving son, and an
aCntton.te husband and father. He
depatlrMl this life after a brief illness,
Sept f tfit, 19d5, aged 39 years, 3 months
and ton days. He leaves a wife, and
rttll' too. • («tlier and mother, (our
•iMers ami one brother, and a host of
warm friends to mourn his loea.
lbs luueral services were conducted
M hi. late residence, by Kev. W. G.
•«I th of Hamath Falla, in the pres­
ts th of a large company of friends and
neighbors at 1:30 P. M. Friday, Sept.
Mndf 1905.
Ia Klsmsth Falls, Sept. IS, 1005.
Charlie, infant son of Charles and
Mlaais Vetlerlein, age 7 months.
A prrriou* one from ua has gone.
A voice we loved ia all lied.
A place it vac.nl In our home.
Which never can be filled.
A Friend.
Winter Knight, oi Fort Klamath,
mgWod in th. city Wednesday svsning
We are telling Candy these
days one would think it was
“the staff of life.” Such whole­
some confectionery, it is hard
to find anywhere.
“Strictly in It:" He «fishes that, like fifa
father, and his big brother, he could «»•>* •
ots 11>-
Stetson Ha l
City Drug Store
The Boston S îgm
all th« latest style«
la SUi ar.d Derby
We all know the place in commerce
occupied by the Sugar Beet, The bng-
ar B-et King of Colorado tells us there
are no Iwtter conditions in the world
lor the growth «( this neceaaary article
than exists her. in Klamath county,
and thi» in destined to lie one of the
leading enterprises of Southern Oregon.
The» again, pay a visit to the fruit farm
ol Mr. Elsy. northeast ol town and see
with what success ins effort« have l«en
rewarded. Peaches, pears, plums, cher-
riea, »n.all fruits and melons are grown
in abundance, and “what man has dune,
u-an may du" certainly can well be ap­
plied to this region.
'Trade Mark;
WIU Set the Fashion Thia Season. Next week
We Will Tell Nou Where It Can Be Seen
Throughout the crowded east the peo­
ple are ciamlwring for a newer country
where they can spread out on a 11»0 acre
i»uu, and win out or luae in tlie great
struggle (or existence. The we»t is the
place lor the man with limited means
and plenty ol energy to make a home
and surround himself with comforts.
ln'Lwwhule category ol enterprises
you coul-l nut meutiuu one which would
not v ield a handsome profit to the mat.
with nerve em-ugli to begin before tins
great Government Irrigation scheme has
Ireeu completed ami Klamath county,
like the east has become over crowded
and the opportunity of the investor
with limited means is lost.
If currant reports are true we will
s<sui see the first ten miles of the Gov­
ernment canal construction work begun.
Although this has been a long weary,
uncertain wait, yet now that the doubt
has cleared away and we see our hopes
about to be realised we caD but think
“t tide Bam” is a fine old fellow even if
he does move slowly.
Strangers continue to appear on the
streets ol Whitelake City, ail with the
same comment, “what an opportunity
for business.”
SÁPMJB puauj jnoA
Miao Brookins. the Christian Science
lecturer, held a reception in the parlors
o, (|ie
jnu Friday evening at
which there were about twenty ladies uf
the city present. The doctrine of the
Christian Scientists was explained and
many questions answered.
Prof, and Mis. Ford and daughter
left Tuesday morning for Gold Hill.
Prof. Ford will later go to Weed, Calif­
ornia, where be has leased a hall for
two months and will conduct a dancing
school. He may return her. later in
the season.
s2poq Ävg treoyp j sip psraj HAVH
I ‘sÄrp Maj r tn adrqs in aq jjias . ;nq
mon ±snr
UMOQ apisdn ||B 9JB
8 S T E H M *■
?L_A U N D R Y
All kinds of laundry finished in a
.« ■O-O-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O- •Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O
J. L. Jones, who has been logging for
C. S. <k R. S. Moore, has been on the
lake for the past three weeks trying to
sail a raft of 300,000 feet of logs to the
lower end of the lake. He ie expected
to get down sometime this fall.
W. B. McLaughlin
Mason and Contractor
Estimates Furnished
Main & Iitti Straits.
KlMath Fails, Oregon
It =4
*H *i
5061 '8 JaqojoQ 'Aepuns no 3W 33s pue ||B
Whitelake City School District No.33
is the title ths district bears which has
iu,t been cr**1’*1
the District Bsun-
d,ry Board uP°n the petition of the leg-
al v°ters of Whitelak. City and vicinity,
Chas. Shuck has sold his ranch and
Indiana, where he completed the course was in town ia t week to purchas« lum-
in the common schools, and the Craw- her and hardware for his new home-
fordsville Business College, after which j stead near town.
Many strangers have been within
gale» during the past few months
alter a careful survey of our favored
Klamath basin
predicted ita creat
It is not often a town in its infancy
can boMt of such a building as is just
getting ita finishing touches of paint.
This new building would be a credit to
i any town in the state and when filled
with a stock of gensral merchandise
I will bs appreciated by the farmers as
well as by the towns people.
W tn. Carmichael, th« limiter cruiser,
returned Saturday from the Klamath
tfeservation, wh«re Ire Iras been engag­
ed the past two months by the govern­
Nelson Wells Dunim was born on
_ a
it. II V»n Valkenburg and wife, left farm near Stoutsville, Ohio. June 11th.1
ment relin-sling the (unter lairds on
the military roa-l grant t*l mging to the this morning tor Portland to attend tlie IHS6. He lived there with his parents
l-em» A Clark Fair.
Hrvih-Kelly Company.
till 1870, when he removed with them to |
Citizens Want Langel Val
ley Company to Hâve
Phone Franchise.
NO. 2Ö
The new primary law will i»e gener­
ally a tpli« i in the ’late of Oregon in
the »«lerlion id oth« rra i»rit year and
alau in making nomination" for the city
otlr r« in tlie «u*uing elections in cities
having 2000 nr rm»re inhaiatanla.
All nomination« will !>« inadr bv the
dtre< t primary m«t|i**d. including th«»««
for <h'Vrrnor. tlie J«i-gi*la?nr« and other
oltice* in itie «late, and for county ofti
(••*« 11) rutighout ‘ Hvgon
The nomina­
ting •dint Ion will
the tirst general
fe*t of *h« dtrrct primary law
’ Miulidfitea for a givei. f«»minaiion
uniat have their name* placed mi the
primary ballot, <*n gk*-titi< n of at leaM 2
per c«nt uf tneir re"p»«cli\r |*arty vote
la«t cm * t for Ilepre«p|itntive in Cong»e««
in their el«« tonal <li*«trict. and lhe one
wh«» «hail receive lhe high««! nuii«l*vr of
vrrtew in th« primary will la? the nomi­
nee <»f In* |mrty for th« office, and will
’»r vote I t*n in lhe in* tai manner tn the
Iunc election.
The nnmlxei «>■ rtg •e,w req lire ’ nil a
Fit | ubliran primary i>«*titioh tor a «fate
ii -tninati i w .11 in* idOU. lhe maximum
requi'« l by law ; on a lkm«»cratic ¡»eti-
t]on, .'»W
Candidates for a Republican
nomination ill lhe F'tral ('ongre^aioiial
Pi-:n« t niriat each "ecure 479 «ignature«
arid in the Second l)i-tri<*t M3. Carxii*
tlate« for the Th'iiMM'ratic nomination
muni each obtain 343 pignattire« in the
Find Dial riel and 255 in the Second,
rhrwe nuin’aTi« an* lm»ed on the vote ol
each partv a veer ago for i rpreaenta
live hi Cotigreaa.
Th«* aignera oi a «fate petition mu«t
r« prc-«*n» at leaet one tenth of the pre*
ciiictr* in «acti of m lca»i "even countiea
in the alate, and the aignera of a ('on
grr-aional ¡»etition tunnl represent at
leant one tenth of lhe precinct! in each
uf at lea«t one-fourth of lhe countiea in
the diatriet. A petition for a county
nomination tnuat contain elector! reaid­
ing in at leant one fifth of the precinct!
in lhe county. In a dietriet comprising
more than one county, lhe eignera must
represent at lea«t one eight of lhe pre­
cinct! in each of al least two counties
in lhe district.
ll will be seen, therefore, that the
circulation of nominating petitions for
state nominations will lie no small task,
j l^su.e they will have to he circulated
Th«' inrtnl»rrM <»f the Woman*! Chrin-
tain Trm|**iMiicv Union will hold their
regular meeting at the residence of Mrs.
Nredt, Friday, hep». 29lh. at 2:30 p. m.
A Memorial Service will l»r held in the
Preebvtrriati « htirctr on Sunday, at 7 :3U
p. ui .. in mem-ry .,( our promoted lead-
er, France« b'. Willard
Songs and re­ in a number of counties and in
citation« by th« L. T. I., and an address precincts.
by the I’aatnr Rev. W. G. Smith. All
are cordially invited.
Emma Grigsby,
Recording Secretary.
The Most Complete
the Best Medium for Reach'
The Largest Circulation and Is
«ee tlio fret «lit
wagon loads of
new furniture
arriving dally
13 I» 11 Op