^^♦♦w**** ****** ****************** ** 'W $000.00 In Premiums For Order in I. »cheat. GAME LAWS. Ih the < 1» nil i ourf of th» total» of Oregng«»M, I'lalnuff. vs K It Doer Saaton Opent on August 15 I «•auira, adininlairatnr of the •atate of i Joseph Pennig. dec« aMHl, ««woife i ba'tain LIVE KTiM K-DKAFT IRHIhj:.-». Spotted Fawn «'I<« m I at all linns. •• < •unity f h i a of Klaiaalh tUiunty, Ore f Huck D<*r, Moos»*, Mountain Sheep MTALI.!<»«». gon, and all other p-r«uiis claiming io I h * f heirs <»f Jo»< ph p« iiiiig. de<-«’ase _____ _ ____j »«■limit* peer CJ om -'I from Novell»- utihg histrh t id Oregon and II W. <*l>i«« tnarn and ati« kin< I xt 1 of ••a»Ui year to Sept. 1.» of the Modern iiii|HO\i'iin'itH. 73 I-IIOIIIH nmt Huitoa. hreste assiwriai and ad«lllioiae| I aninsel fur roll . , ................. )<>.<«> •aid Plate, a la 4 II appearing from such In follow ing ye ir. Cl.i«» ft -v- lU'-’t two yrai <»l l ft 1X1 furmaiion iliat the sum of Sight hunting ami uv <>f d >gx In lawful mon (*I a » m C. Kt»»l uu» x«*Ar old ft IX) e) <>i the I mud Mlates. now III the < «i«t«el) bunting D<>*r. or .Mixxw- are prohibited ami |Ni«»ea«|nn of Deh*ndaiil George i i . a tain, within the xtate at all times. OF ALL WOKK as • uuht) < 1« rk ol K lams th < oum> , Urrgon Limit Five J>crr In any one open ► TAM4<»a. !»»• lor r< «arm» tel furl It in said In lornaa I ion M'ilMOn. ( ’ la»« 7. Hf«t llifiM* year vid and ¿<0,0%******************** *****■%«/$ era heated the toiate td Oregon, and it furth­ Elk -t'loaed until Kept. 1*», 1907. oirrr 10.00 er »pi'varing from mid ] Information that on»* then i-loked between Oct. 1.1 of each < U»« M. 1U-»1 two year uhi ft IX> Joseph Prniiig lai« of K Imnatti Count), (X) iiiM/te:i kludird «apable ol fnhtrltlux «aid vhx I oii fur xale, any elk meal at any sum of n.our) , ami that ou the Uih «lay of time. I JA< kk August, law«, ihv Daleii'laut L It Jtrau.es was CA3T END KLAMATH FALLS It lx unlawful at any time tu hunt, Cln.« 11 lirut th lev leur old and duly appunued a«imihlstrator of lb« t-staie of pursue, tak*. kill. Injure. destrov or th<* «lily, "t'l’k nr month. over 1ft h PennIg. dterased and that »aid have In possession ar the purp<>se debts agamal in« csiaie ol Jumrpli l vnnig.de* ot »ale, barter, exchange or trade, «eased, bake been lull) »atl«f;«Mj aud paid, except upon perinlMtlon frum the State Cla«« I ft— lirst three year old and w and au rap« DM-« ul aUmiiiuiratiun also itfliy over .......... . . I5.ÍK) paid. *lli»l upon Ilia srlliriueut «H the dual Gallic or Forestry Warden. Silver Grey squirrel — (/lowed from <’!*»• |H—|U*«t two vrai old 7.ftn a< count in «aid e«iait* there was foumf io l»e « • lavs 17 Heat oh* year old 7 .fio baiaii«-«- ot fl»*4i yrj b» lufigiuM io sai«s • «tale, on- Jan. 1 to Oct. 1 of each year. Ducks, Geese. Swan I'lowd between « «aim« uf Jul), lay», depmntril with the then one week. < L or IU I'.iuit Iwu year old. 7 »M* < ouM) < i« ih ui »ai«i i utility, by »a d deleu administrator, and I ('U m » -i*- - lh*«t mm x cat «»1<1 ft uu X'cr r II,« •• »aid lime ha* bet n jti the |*uaaes*iun I (T omm I between the first day of Janu­ liiiniauiU)«—Itf'LUl. 1 ol sui U clerk anjl now «a in the and i ary and the first day of August. Pheax.inl-- East of ttie Cascade C!a»e 31 — tv»t three yuar old aud J custody ol l*elrndaut George Cbaataip, >• 16.00 ’ uyniy Clerk «4 said Cut:nt). and by virtue ol Mountain—Closed at all seasons. Sage Hen, sage cock, grouse, or na­ I wo v imr
id order baa never been revuked. aud that First day of December and Ibe fifteenth < -own. in ««»tiMqurn« r thsreul said sutn of |l»u w La* in r>CT day <>f August of tlie fullowing year. Cl«.. .4 •'•cheated tu the btata ol Oregon and said! three > rar old and ¡tent a complete and up to date line of Ijinil Closed except between the ovwr 10.UU <«••• baa a light by law lu aaid mouey aud al» second Aatdniay and the third Tues­ * tbci«uf. Inal me defrndaut to. K Kearnes I two v rar old I’I abb 2’» I 7 60 has nu right, title or interest in ur lu »aid sum day of the month of September. ( uhm I n , (’¡a»« ?t>— Br»l one year old ft. 00 ( of mouc) or any part thereof. Thai defeud- Limited to Mix quail in one day ur JKMMKT- Itt I LA. ant cjrurge c’haataiu has no right, title or lu twclv** In one week. teresi in or to aaid *um «»I money or auv part Cl««. 27—lie. 1 three year old and I'nlawful to Irtmt without license thereof rXWpl a right to lhe posst'asiuli an»l over A license must Im obtained from the vuatod) ihvrvof. under and by xirtue of the Chi»» |lr-t order ot ibe < aunt) ( <>urt of K.amatu Couut) county clerk and carried with party while hunting. Resident fee fur Li­ <’!a»» IN Beat Oregon. brret«>ture mentioned. ll aiau appears from said Information that cense »1, non-resident >10. Trout Closed during months of ti.« Co»« riiur uf the totaie uf Ur» gun directed i the rani District Allornt ) to flic mid fnioriua- Novemlx'r. December, January Feb­ Uun Bi» behalf ul the aiate of Oregon, aud that ruary and .March. I'nlawful to keep two year old »a.d GuXt-rnor also appointed II. XX Keesee. trout less than five Ini'hes In length. Atiurnr) at I aw rr*i«iing at Klamath Fall», Night tlsbing prohibited. Limit 125 ■ • <>reg—- |k*»t I and litter ¿avll hat Ing filed In thi« uffice by Georg* tilled lu th«- pu*M***iun thereof. PollTKY. i It is ther« n>re ordered that all persona Inter- It M>er* conf extent, a the title, ownership and right uf p 2.00 B) the Court. HENRY L. BEN9ON, JVDGB. marine corp« of the United States, either as a »allor. Mildier or other officer in the marine hall Lushrl pota marine corps or in any war in which the son« k kik rrnt.ii'ATiox. t*r|«rimrni Of The taierior. l-an.t oftiec at I'nitrd Mate* mar have t-een encaged, and I that he has wholly abandoned said tract with lakrtli w. Orr.on. Srtrml>i-r I.', lav. Nolle. I. hereby (Iren that the folio« in« out any just cauM* or excuse, said parties are , nanu’.l .elder ba. Hied notice of hl. Intent Ion he-tby ttofltied to appear, respond and offer cs idepce touching said allegation al 10 o’clock 2 (V> lo make filial |>tuo| lu ,up|>ori ot In. claim,’ a ni. uu October U. l*k> before Geo. Chastain, ' an I lhat »aid proof will be inabe before i.txi. van- Chaaialn. ('ouulya ierji al hl» olB.-e al Klam­ Co. Clerk of Kiainath County, Oregon, and ath I all,, ure.on, on Korewber I. lfn*> via: that final hearing will he held at 10 o'clock c.vorge u Thlrlb). II K No. XI*. Tul. I.ake. a. m. on October 20. 1905, before the Register , I.U.I irl .Mau- and Receiver at the lulled States land office; 2 Oo Oregon, for Ike NK',, *». M. • fl s . K 13 E in Lakeview. Oregon. The *aid contestant W M burlivi ►ugar lie namwi the foflowlna wltneaaea to prove having, iu a proj»er affidavit, hied August 26. . 2.00 hla conliu.iua r.tldenee upon and cullhauon HMV». wet forth facta which show tha\ after due diligence jwrsonal service of this notice van ol «aid land, tit; bushel tur William <><» Rooms. -Elf., Etc. » L—_______ _____________________ ______ .„f SPEC1AI Rl >' >R I ! > » I ( N bi I re > ; H. W. STRAW, Proprietor : ICIC’S FEED AND SALE STABLE City Meat Market Ihw-xiw bourd.-d by Corrals for Teamsters. Free Camping Grounds and Wood. WEISS & ARMANO PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, Country Produce taken in exchange for Hoods TT/L- I I f i I SALT j AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS EXCELSIOR For Klamath Creamery Buttei Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes. ****** *%■*••%■*%■% *■ ***W** yW***W ****** I $ Pure Bred Stallions } Buff Cochin Chickens; titillile.’ O/VEGON DAIRY. I. F. DAVIES, IR YOU BNJOY I A GOOD CUP OF TEA ie It 11 'l'e^v n 1 The Finest Japan Drinking Tea, The Best the World Produces al any Price t For sale in Klamath Falls only by L F. Willits and Hie Brick Store THOROUGHBRED STALLION PILOT Will make the season .it Buesing A- Bennett’s Stables in Klanuth Falls, Oregon. Will be here Saturdays and Sun­ day» and balance of the time will lx* at the ranch. Terms—Sio to insure and pavable when mare proves to Utt ITS. Cl»«« M —H,—t ten |«>nn< hi mia, WITH JUNE i»th MASCOT !! LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES t > KLAMATH FALLS AND MERRILL ♦ Largest and Best Equipped Stables in Southern Oregon J --------------------------------------------------- TOURIST'S TRADE A SPECIALTY C. T. OLIVER, Proprietor, Successor to W. W. Hazen. »eve** WSSVkt*! The Oregon Stage Company IN CONNECTION WITH Klamath Cake Railroad Company » OWn a Home DOMESTIC. Class GO— All kinds fancy work, preserved fruits, jellies, etc .. . ......................... M m Itibisin TIMIO.K MNI>. An«rcaa of June J. 1S7S. entitled "An act for the »ale ot limber landa In lhe matea ot cal Uornla. or«fon. Nevada.and Wsahli>|lon Ter­ ritory.” a, extended to all Ihn Public Land Stale, by act ot Augnai 4. isti, Emory Plumb, <>( Klamath Kalla, County ol Klamath. Ríate ol Oregon, ha, thia day Äleft In thia »nice hla aworn vtatement No. -XM». for the ptirvhaee of •hr F',HE',. XK'.NK'. See ».SW'.NW,. M.-C 10. Tp37 s It II', K W M. and will offer proof to ■how thai the land »ungili la more valuable for IU timber or atone than lor agricultural purpoaea. and <•> calabllah hla claim to aald land btrforo fleo T. Baldwin, Judge Of Klam­ I ath tonnty. Oregon. athla ofDeo al Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Saturday, the »th day of I October. ISO.' Ho natura aa wltncaaea; W. Q. I Smith. Hagry Pelt». Jack l.ogan. Arabie Job aion,allot Klamath Kall», (ire. Auy and paranna claiming advciaely tli« above I wrlis-d landa aro req mistad to flic their claim in thia office ou ur helor« aatd Alb day ol oe aHwr.JVIV J N. «atann Rog I »let. , You can do it much easier than the expense of paying rent and moving For further particulars, prices anil terms, write, or call on me at my resilience—second house east of Klamath Hotel. c* A rm ngi'inentH have been completeil and Tickets 1 W|llbeon walo within a few daya to Portland, San Fran- and all »Southern Pacitic points. They will likewise «ale from all »Southern Pacilic points to Klamath Till«. CCUre aeat^ aud further information from R. 1. HAMMOND, Agent. *•* •? •? 1 have for sale at rgain, on easy terms, several choice lots in North Klamath Falls Ad­ dition, within three-fourths of a mile from the business portion of Klamath Falls, and one-half mile from Upper Klamath Lake. An ideal location for residences A cash prire of fifty |>er oent of above amounts will lie Rivan for second liesi exhibits in all < I the alsive classes. Cash prixes «ill also lie given for liibite of special merit. AND UNTIL ANNUAL FAI Will Hold a Fair at Klamath Falls September 28, 29 and 30, 1905. FIRST DAY. repeat, free for all, purse................. $10» free for all. purse............................... ice free for all mules, purse................... Ú0 Klamath county horses, purse......... 100 SECOND DAY. mile and repeat, Klamath county horses, purse 7Û mile dash Klamath county roadsters to ordinary double buggy, top may be re­ • 6 moved............................................................. 100 mile dash and repeat, free for all, purse 100 100 yard footrace, free for all, purse........ 5B 1 mile and repeat, trot or pace, free for all, purse 200 THIRD DAY. 3 mile and repeat, Klamath county horses, purse 100 A mile dash. Klamath county saddle horses, “ 50 1^ mile dash, free for all, purse............................. 125 3 mile relay free for all saddle horses, riders to change horses every mile; horses must be sad- tiled ami bridled ready for the change; all must ride stock saddles, catch weights; purse............. JÖ TERMS: All races will be run under Pacific Coast rules as nca- as possible. Four to enter, three to start, ten pbr cent entrance fee. Seventy per cent of purse goes to winner and thirty r^r cent to second. Admission, 50 ets at gate; children under 8 years froe. Admission to Grand Stand: Ladies and children froe. gentlemen 25 ets. Music by Klamath Falls Brass Band. Several Hundred Dollars will be disbursed in Cash exhibits of Horses, (.'attic. Hogs, Grain. GraMos, Fam. Poultry and general products of the County. For information address the Secretary. B. ST. GEO. BISHOP, GEO. T. BALDWIN, Pjtzrwrsr- mile ami mile dash, mile dash, mile dash. ('Uss Ail—Heat variety of wheat, fifty |>nuniinf TREE TEA ounce ounce 3 ’2 ounce 16 ounce i * GEORGE B1EHN Klamath Falls, Oregon N xZ Ki N/ * * * * ■*