Official NewM)«P®r of Klamath unty and Leading Journal Of the Interior Oregon Country. REPUBLICAN KLAMATH VOL- X The Largest Circulation and is the Bett Medium lor Reachln« a Prosperous and Trading Public KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 21, 1505. NO. 85 BAD ACCI DENT OUR CENSUSGOOD TIMBER ONSTAGE LINE A FARCE FORGOVERNOR priver and Seven Passengers Go Report is Allowed io Be Klamath County Can Furnish Man Over Twenty Foot Embankment Filed ÀI Salem Showing To Defeat Geo. E Chamberlain But Escape Death, Decreased Population. Have Two Candidates, I Mi../-!’» i.*l*l- *!»• w,io*i»iy ini"’*1 jCTtenlV .... .. r« ■ Th. ,t«r n»«Ha.i»«*l *•**’»• ia--- - — «Ina II „Hl brlf < h. *• «lni^ ’' * kill*" . I . i I 11f 1-, t «w « 1 '' * " 7, ............. „h'iva». Il* l-‘*r ’""k" " tmf»»«*'1’1* ”"" teMU« ‘ W ‘1? )ht .ur- r " (Mitet"»» -",* ^9,1'led »nd »II‘”••J *l,e *'•'" * I'* 'th, bank <* ""* I »"* '* ’’’F ^4 k isrit' ii iw«"'’ l*M * *'• *h" ’••*" ym lln««« »•'" U‘— •• I-”'1'*- w a« the I m >t w ith the drive» and Mtm>< "i> »■ .rh ••• oVsrtUrt»CTl, «I*" and rm • tksdnra*- •• '• *'•' iMakstritt ,rl1 the ro* •« fw,<4 th* »••rein »rr» rauxlit <">•*” th* » !>. »' 'I gr. Slration *4 »'•“ Itami«"*. ■'• '1'-' uj'r-g- ah» C«*a|»*l injury, wh-» 3 Modern it wk * I I" •«.i.t it, »»¡.ing 111 h <*'>ai h lo »viri»».- lIitfM. tit * I «-r I. «. a 111. r*4>i^d and ■laili I liiiDtihg li,r « I he Invi along ■ ml » Ill' ll ha.l g'lltrn I'.'.u It w mm nl •<> ir|xi,tn| tl>4l t'l.ii < ( I),,, pn«*vi>g«H « I,n •«•Pig II"',* II frutti fn,tn III >»rr, *«. Ml»« llt",y rri r lc'l * li.’l i 'll Iti Ilio forrbr*«j »bit'll liucov rimi litt »k ill « , .'it I,,,. .iav M lolla, ¡.very town in the county Ln* in-nriy Tli«* rligDc«»« an* v • b'hl I* I in p*/|>u!atmu in the p.«**l llinm Klamath county t«> I l*h tin* next year« and every recllun baa received it« (iuvrrnur to sue**«*« d 1 Ji<*n. <¡ro. E •»harr of new citiMha. yet, ec< or« ii*ni**i« tukwn by ttie Aaa«-»a*>r I ('haiitbcrlahi. Tuu and I h « dvptiliea, k ¡Aíiinlh • omit y ca nd M m tea apok«*n of are J udg«- II« nry ' !*<■ w • « 11«•< rraM« in |iupulation of l.H. I*. Ih /1*011, wh‘> Iix< • m i k lamath i j) *im r fl % o ) care ago. an«l flon. Uenry J\ Ankeny, who i*» According to the r«.|>orl »hub heavily ltlterenl««f| ill the «'lUlity and l--«-n f .id with the Secretary <4 the In­ terior ami a copy of wliidi i « in the ■penda n great portion of hi« time here. Klaoiiith county wn«uia*j favored the • Minty Clerk • office, Klamath county • «»ntaiu 2 72 J males arpl 1010 Irutalr« l>a«l week with the presence of another <>r a total population of 3036. In 1000 «liatinguibhed man who i« favorably ih«* cenaua showed a population of 3970. mentioned •« a poaxLIe * andidate fijf Fhrie arr l*cl ivm 1 JO) and ¡200 Indi­ rio' M n. Libri «i»r t ut b I h . u I |s< r ana within th«« county and I«» j than a the Ih/publiran nominaUuD for Govern ■nd brill«. I up nlH,at Un buly. |t i. I doten of these have been enumerated. or. Hon. E. 1.» Smith, of Houd River, n* I kt>'*»n l«lti>|li*I) »hrlltrr •!,« i, A caaoal glance over the census re preaj-lent of the Oregon Stale B ard of iujutr.1 inirrually or n .t Mi llryn turns as on fl.a will ahow a jucubled up Horticulture and th** Northwest F ruit OI. .Ilot 'luv. ' I" f.i II,.tri, k on Hm vollertiou of iiatnea. will out eyalciii, ar grower« ’ Association, arriv«-*l iu the lm. « oi Ihr hrgil «n I « p.rt'r <4 th. ratigrinunl <»r rlaaaifit-aiion. Il i« «im­ city Friday evening, arid is inveatigat- »kuli ■Ixxil tl u ,"r <4 our*» th*1 u>li wu. ply a record «•! a farce prrpetraUxi upon Pine limber Dairy Now In Operation. Good Investment. J. I Kelly, of the Booth Kelly l/im- la r Company, and th«« (‘oinpany'a rep H»rniBiiH*. U i« Mink. «4 Ijikwvicar. aar » »ha •»•«• were in tlm ritj la«i wm-k The iLotb g. C. Nni'.h, of Albany, who |"i' Kelly C' jfa—i p,o|x-rt» in tlaa illy a iwail*«,," with the intonilo« of alar» of tlllilar ai. i other lamia <>n the Klaiu- InftaaxJrrn da"», arrivi I tee last •th |nd| ii l{«*»«-t\a'.i-’ii, whnli they ar ,wk aliti '*0 brad nt » ». ■• r. •’itf 1 • * I >'*l «|uirel I :n tl «* < alifurma A * l<"'a(<*l iti I tintir» (hr pati two inonlha and working in addite- wlien* Mr bmil.'i u>i< ha. roiijunction w tlh guv««. nm«*nt cruiawra, bm at «"»k pulling Op .lafdra and In apprwiae the land. The titk« i • th«« militatv r«*ad grant battila.• for b J *»»• •■ lie ho. I. dairy an 1 that favor of thv r<*< I < ompatiy. Ill the it .ill t» .«> )»•! to iti,|w ti ti at tin n»r«utime f.«»w<*vrr. th< government tte. The «VI all >»• »tail fed and I*ad g »ne ahead an«! ma*!«* all *(im-nta <»n •ill to furnished will* puro bel and l*oriii«r* in «ir al h* pii* e for ine land, or to give them l*««U lan«! I «< ( 14I value «ne*eoplw now l»4i r lare milk and cream nt « Uniform n»en going * ver tin* land. Mr. Kelly, who 1« a Well p»atrr tim- /. K. Ballard while bunting da k» ♦ *rr I*« ing hitiitr«l in thia section, there ahy L««n n » r**tab!i«b«*d vai ema eaek ago met with wn a- ,i lent L - 1 a vftiakMy rau»e him to I om * th«« a.r* t ne |»I. u « m | 4 Mary««« Ht ihot at < dark w hen the cap * \ lx vii la light l«»r rpi illation an i (be |Ma>l eaeeing the firing pm to blow ' prue lia« landed Iroiu titty to arv**ntv- A quantity of th«* jiowdrr «*ii!«- i .| I live celila |x-r tlimirand. The tendency H* CT, .n keep it opment of thw county, Il is ex|ircied I Mirrwl up, |„,t |,o ,||() ,1(lt |hM| that the tnii!a*r l>u*in«*«a will liven up. *tow would I m , b „ j , tr.ult. For «lian hh * a , «I)»vntcry, cholera Ate he returne l lioma the e>e I am,. **”* **• Kt Friday morning lor in<*r* na ur miiiini«*r complainl, tak«* ¡ ■* rr,n* iw <, t„ have it treated l*v a ll!a«*kl>ern (’< * l«al an i Jamaría Gin^ur |in*|>an*«l at t Imw«»*!». •tad« lui. KUmaik Falla “®* ateysd. rw»' a lull» -rial V» Ballard flnv Lose Eye. *|M*rly arranged and no doubt aliowa the a< tuil population of l»oih the town of Merrill and Tulc luike precinct. Thia is the only instance, with the ci ■ eption of Klamath Falla, where the triieua of the town and the precinct arv er pa rated. Smith—Glendenning. sult < f t he work <4 his friend*, and on his own initative. Ikn* i>n, the Vote Getter. It i« <*'>ner«Jed that < hamlierlain will l»v a Lui I man to la*at. Hu ia popular, a nu mber of many societies and a goo«! talker. A» the time draws nearer it lje< ■ me* • vi lent that if lie is to bo beat­ en, i! uill have to i/c on liia own ground and at bis own garn«*. ft is acknowl­ edged t>«nt no one is butter equipp&l m do this than Judge lojnson. Benson La* a reputation a« a vote getter, and when it conies to making *(M*ecbus, it is admitted tliat he is the man to meet ( hnriiljerla'n ou the stump, an I there a*«* many who contend that Benson is by far the supeiior. Judgt* Bensun still Las five y»*ars to serve as ju«igu of the First Judicial District and Lis friends have urge! him to resign. It is be­ lieved that in case he should declare himself a* a candidate for Governor he ing the fruit conditions here. .Mr. would have no trouble in getting the Smith stated tun Republican r«presrn- nomination. Ankeny iq Favor. tative that he was not a candidate fur Henry li. Ankeny is another candi­ Governor, bat that no matter how many time« bo deni«-d it they kept in date who would receive strong support • luting on brir*girig his name up He from »Sjiitbern Oregon. Mr. Ankeny's mm «imply making a trip over the state iiomu ¡s in Eugene, but he haa property I to investigate the fruit condition« interests in b«>th Jackson and Klamath Klamath county had become ►> highly , Countie», and b(«enda much of bis time adverti*»c«l that he had det ided to COlDc traveling and l«»oking after hit interests, lie h |**rh*mally known throughout the over here. While Mr Smith is no doubt sincere entire state and ha« a large fu'lowing. in stating he in not a candidate, Mt It will I m - remembcriM tliat his friend« after a talk with him. the impresión put up a fight for him three y«*ara ago, remain» that he is not • lt< gelber ‘lih­ hut lie was la*aU*n by Furnish. There ph*a»ed with the honor oi l»eing une of are many who say that Geo. E. the po««ibiliiies. If Mr. Smith liecotnes i Chamliurlain would n<»t have l»een • Gov- a candidate, however, it will In« thu re­ ernor if Ai>k**ny baJ been oominateii. K. K. K STORE I Mr. Imepli C. Bmith. of thm city, and Mi-« ('« arri«xi in Ashland at the home of the bride'« »»*•- ter. Mra. E. A. Bcullen. <»n Turaday afternoon September 12, 11*06. The ceremony war performed by Kry. F. X. Baker <4 the Paptiat Church in the presence »4 immediate metnl>era of the family. The bride in wrll known in Klimaih county, having recently proved up on a hnmretrad near Bly Bhe has Iw-rn «pending the wimmer with her aiater in Ashland. The gr<*'ni rarnr here from •Michigan an«! hat Ixwn in- tereale«l in tha timl«er buainera in Klam­ ath county f«»r •rveml war». Hr 1» at ¡ rt vriil city uiarahal of Klamath Falla, having l**«*n appointed by the Council tilnMii two months ago. Immediately after th« ceremony Mr. •nd Mrs. bmith left for Portland where they will visit the Exposition. after which they will return to Klamath Falla where they will make their future home. Bues ing—Sluter. Mr. Aiiitn.i Hue.ln« and Mi«. T x .I m hlat.r, Ixtlh <>f lln. l it». «<-»* married nt Merrill on Tueaday, Septen»l>er III. Il»)k. The ceremony * u« performed by Iter. John M. Ferguaon. Mr. Rueting I.a. purchaned the Haren residence on ■ nil Main .Heel and the young couple hare gone to hoii.elceeping. bilvrrware, cut g’.ta«, clock«. novel- tie«, etc. The finest line in Klamath County. L. Alva Lewi«. Once tried alwraya uaed. (.’tuiir hqaora at the Bank Exchange f«»r » • sirular |M*opl««. Kt ore Chocolate!. City Drug 4444*U444444444-’<44444444444444444444444X The Most Complete 4 4 f ind Up-to-Date Line of + Fall and Winter 4 I 4 4 Bring in Samples Water from Klamath of Sugar Beets. Lake Enriches Soil ft i.eipnutel fh,t ,*l»ert¡dement, f *r bill, for the first section <>f the east «i*ie canal »ill lie ftdlnwcd Mntn af­ ter by ■ilrertiseinenti* fur the extension ,outh of Merrill. Right, of way for this exlen«ii>ii »ill l*e <*l taineii a, Moon ■■ the rights ul wav fur thv first nine unlra are in shape. <>» in« Io the press ol other matter, it haa nut teen |H «»i'’le to interview ull the l«n. I'. Sum- racr, have granted the right of way over their property without charge a, have Mr. Ankenv and Mr. Cantrell. The canal traverses a large portion of the Innils owned by these last naunai an*l it is all cultivated. The canal cuts diag- onally across the .*) acres owned by C. N. Meyer anti through cultivated I land the entire distance taking a por- lion of the orchard. It will lie neees- sary for Mr. Meyer to move hi, house, but lie asks no damages except enough to cover the ex|wnse of moving the buildings. Mr. J. W. Bryant and H. L. Arant will grant the right of way Ever Shown in Klamath County ARRIVING DAILY AT The BOSTON STORE ^^*44444444444444444444444444*444444444*1 Ix'et from the patch having its form as nearly as possible in accordance with , the alove description of a typical beet., Lio not select one which is set abovu the ground, but one which is well covered ¡ mil in topping lie sure to remove all leaves to tbe root. Wrap the Ix'et in oil< 1 paper to prevent drying in transit. May Build New Hotel. *7* -j- »J. J- *F, They ' B »ill Ixt adiirussed an*l sent to! Washington for analysis the result cf1 which will l*u secured during early win-1 Mr- «■>♦ » X ? f •i‘ I »'’» SHOES, HATS. BLANKETS, a Tinware, Crockery, Etc Agents CONTINENTAL and HENRY HILP Tailoring Co’s WALK OVER and NAPA TAN Shoes Only first-class up-to-dat merchandise carried KLAMATH KOMMERCIAL KOMPANY Klamath Falls may have another irn- poring structure to testify to the grow- ing im|>ortance of our town as a busi- ness center. Rumor say a that a R'O.UOO hotel building is being contemplated. The first of the week Abner Weed, capitalist, railroad man and lumber king, purchased of Major Worden a one- half interest in the Worden property on 1 Main (tract lying lietween the Lakeride Inn and the Navigation Company's of-1 tlee at the east end of the britige. It is i rcjiorted that it is tho intention of Mes- srs. Wied and Worden to put up a dup- lieate of the famous Weed Hotel al Dunsmuir, California, through their propertfe«, the ..tber _ owners have not vet been ,*cn, but there is every reason to l«*lieve that they will betislila'ral a- their neighbors. East End Phone Main o î KLÏÏMATH FALLS P' S T B H M «f ? LR U N D R Y CKD-O- 0-0-0-0-00 ® Will be ready for business Monday, September 25. MERRILL HEMS. 0 WHLTSR NEVE, PROPRIETOR («) 00-00-0-0 O-O-O-O-O-O O> The new high echool building il near­ ing compleliun and in n credit to the town. Mrs. Mister, formerly of Klnmath 1 Full», »bo- ba* been conducting the1 Goods Those peraon, who receive I and plant­ ed Ix'et r -i-d last spring will lx> kind enough to provitle a sample ami bring the same to the Reclamation Office as soon a« it is convenient. The following instructions should be followed a, clotty as it is practicable: A typical sugar beet which nuy la- less than five |x>unds ave,age six«, or, small­ er, will generally produce more sugar titan the larger irregular shaped ones. Generally speaking, the best sort of Iteet should be nearly triangular in shape. 1 ^» rather flat on top, tapering uniformly j from top to tip. When collecting! L -aui| lcH it is well to select an average' J* Complete up*to-date lines of Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents Furnishings, Merrill Ifotel for Mivernl tnontlia, has relume I to the Fell». 4 E. L Niles, formerly clerk at the River»i to Hotel, ha« leiwed the Merrill Hotel and will conduct the s»me. Met W. W llrimdon has opened ft tnWteeeJi e«t,ibli»hment in this city. Tht «. J. Otlield I im gone into tlm pig buairoM m a side iiMu. D. M. Whitney of the Whitney Mcr- WD'ito CftmpHny. t *tock rniser anti thn hlng niaehim- m»n, set in town tiM fore pa 't of the week looking lor a «Nk for th« machine crew. Z F(>« RENT —300 acres <4 farming | land with or without seed, feed or farm, tf ing implement,. I.. P. Ward. Ma«,rine»! at Chitwoods. Get under a Stetson Hat These hats are worn by the men who demand high-grade 'quality, beauty of finish, and standard styles. All The Latest Style» aro Here W« have a completa line cf tha Stet­ son Soft and Dor by Hat*. The Boston Store J «W trio fre I *5111 ’W'tigioix I ofh I n of new furniture nrriviny; titillar JElisbop