tuie of 200 mlllbm». Yd II will tie obiter l ed Hut till’ wording of KLAMA1H ‘ SQUIBS'■ M j MILI.AN, Prop’r. MRS. M. 9 (tdi'in iiii|iruvoino»t». 73 rcxHiis unti »uites. S ihii I'I” R' khih . Bur Room, I’urlurs. Two ( |tib Rooms, I'tc., Etc. , ’ SPECiAI RESOR F FOR KAURIS I S BUICK'S FEED AND SALE STABLE CAST FND KLAMATH FALLS ||orsi«H boarded by ilio * are prohibited Now 1» tin* limo for I In* funner» lo truth of tills become» manifest to the within the stale at all times. get their exhibit» ready for Hie Fall Limit -Five lit er In any one open fair. There la no batter way to ad most unthinking upon a little re- »■•aaon. Elk Cloned until Sept. 15, 1Ö07, vcrllae the country than to »how In- drciiiHi. The government haa n >w ti-ndiyg settler» what the country under ronslde-atlon one is already then cliMt-d between (>:t. 15 of each year and Sept. 15 of the following will glow. completed seven great Irrigation yea r. Limit One Kik during each open Some people cannot sec Hint Klam- projects In the west Involving the rec­ season. ••h i-.tlls wl!l be much larger, but II lamation of Mime million and a It 1» unlawful to sell or hare In put- I« hard for tome people lo wp any- quarter acre» of d<-s -rl land, at a cost session for »ale, any elk meat at any time. thing, a thousand more famllh-s of about 30 mil cm dollars. A half It is unlawful at any time to hunt, cuitnuUrig Ihr soil in the Klamath dozen more are In the course of hUI pursue, take, kill, Injure, destroy oi Basin would easily support .1 town ten have In possession any Deer, Klk. vey and ciimim-tn'-nient of work. time» Ihr *lxr ,,t Klamath Fall*. Mo «*, M mntaln Sheep or Spotted The fund tor this wor» Is constant Fawn, for tin' purpose of obtaining Th« Agricultural Association the skin, bide, ¡torn», ham» or other ly growing from the receipt* of all fl'-all of such animals, fjr Hie purptaw should receive the luppoli ut cn-ry farmer In the county. The in<*mbera •he sales of publlr land»; moreover as of sale, barter, exchange or trade except u|M>n permiaaiou from the State of the Association do not make am every dollar expended by the govern­ Gaine or Forestry Warden. im nev on Hie proposition. It I» Ilio ment must tie returned to the fund Silver Grey Squirrel—Cloaed from farmer who reap« the benefit, and on by the act Het* taking the Ian.I, the Jan. 1 lo Oct. 1 of each year. the lol.-r.-st taken by every farmer Ducks, Geese, Swan-Cloved between fund becomes a revolving one ami Is the first day of February and the firsi l-pcnda the succi m. <>r failure Of the , capable of use over and over again for day of September. Limited to 50 in fair. one week. I building new works. •Water Hill and Upland Plover— Frank Adams Is now ready to re It is officially estimated that there Clrmed between the first d jy of Janu­ ■civi* a proposal from th» people of ary and th<- first day of August. W o h | river to rein ire hl* dredge to are ovi r 70 million acres of Irrigable Pheaaxnt - Kant of the Cascade j . Hilt phi'.*. If tin’ p!*<.plc of that I land In the west and It Is admitted Mountain—Closed at all season». Sage Hen, sage cock, grouse, or na- | Valley think limy hive »util'lent i that an Intensively cultivated irri­ work to warrant the moving of the gated agricultural community will live pheasant—Clow-d In:tween the I Mist day rtf Ireccmher and Hie fifteenth ! dredge they should open negulalions support a population of one person to day of August of the following year with Mr. A lam» al o;ise before H Is Quail-Closed except between the I the acre, which would people the too late. second .Saturday and the third Tues- i w »tern half of the United States day of the month of September. The “Tourists Delight" and with nearly the present population of I Limited to six quail in one day or twelve In one week. '•S|MirtMni*n'» Paradlae" are ann>« <4 the entire country. Unlawful to hunt without license- tin* term» •wing applied tn Klamath The cost of t bis great work would A licenv must be obtained from the t'.iiinty. Nuwhere are there mure amount to two billion dollars—a work c-iuntv clerk and carried with party beautiful »Igbta and historic pla e»or while hunting. Resident fee for Li­ iwtter nabltig and hunting than here. • the vastest ever entered Into by any cense 11. non-resident SI0. Trout-Closed during m mlhs ot I hna<* who have tired ,>t Niagara Fall» country in any time, yet costing the November, December, January Feb­ • in aee «. mething aa equally wi nder- government not one dollar, for every i ruary and March. Unlawful to keep ful by taking a trip to Crater Lake. dain and every canal constructed Is trout less than five inches in length. Night fhlilng prohibited. Limit 125 Wonderful hare taken paid for by eagei settlers who flock In one day. place in Klamath County during thr upon the rich, Irilgateil desert lands. paat few year«. Former rrxidrnts of Guy Elliott Mitchell. CONTEST NOTICE. 'hr county «Im h ive returned for a United btatew Land Office. Lakeview, Ore visit alate that, a» they drive through K’ n. At guat 30. 1905. A sufficient content affi FROM OUR EXCHANGES. da\ t ha« tng been filed in thia office by Genpfe the miles of green alfalfa land». H|*y ft Mxerr. contestant. agatn«t homestead entry innol realise that It It the aatue Xo. SHIB. made October 1, IMS for I.akev ew Examiner. ■untry that four or fire year» ago and Sec IS. Tp » H R * Mr. Sh.imp.iign. the Koseburg mut­ F. W M by William Morriaon, contaatee, In *iu covered with sagebrush and ton buyer, Informed an Examiner re­ which it 1« alleged that the contestant know* not considered fit fur a jack ml bit lo porter tint he bad bought ch*.* to the prer ni condition of the fame, a I mo that the aa>d Wfibam Morrlaou has wholly aban live on. Equally a» great if not 14.000 head of sheep (lie past week doned «aid tiact: that he has change 1 bit rea- .’rralrr change» w ill lie seen In Ibe from the following aheep raisers: idcncc Irora K iamath county; that said tract next two year», as there are »till I Front H>*nry I.e ham. 1500 dry sheep; Is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as is rrqutred by law. and that no Talld luuiaands of acic» of sage brush land. from C. E Sherlock. 1300 head of dry settlement has or waa ever made u; on said »Iilch only nerd» the application of slteei]; front II. C. Whitworth, 1400 tract aa require«! by law by the said William waler and I hl* will soon lie supplied head of dry sheep; from Frank Bloom- Morrison, and that he has been absent there by I lie government Irrigation system. . Ingcanip, 6400 head, 1600 of which from for more than six months since making MAMMOTH STABLES \ K f I > $ H. W. STRAW, Proprietor City Meat Market • MEISS g ARMAND { PROPRIETORS I ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS Fort Klamath Creamery Buttei Pure Bred Stallions $ Buff Cochin Chickens * 5 Phone Main 14 $ ' LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES KLAMATH FALLS AND MERRILL Largest and Best Equipped Stables in Southern Oregon TOURISTS TRADE A SPECIALTY C. T. OLIVER, Proprietor. Successor to W. W. Hazen. ANNUAL FAIR ounce packige 25 cents ounce package 30 cents ounce package 50 cents ounce package bO cents were wethers and the rest ewes and lambs; from E. Casebcer, 2900 head, ewes and lautbs. FROM WHITELAKE CITY. For sale in Klamath Falls only by said entry. that his absence thereirom la not due lo his employrnent In the army, navy or r. arlne corps of the United States, either as s » a lor. soldier or other officer in the marine marine corps or in any war in which the United Stales may have been engaged, and that he has wholly abandoned said tract with­ out any jusi came or excuse, »aid parties are hereby notified to a; pear, respond and olei « i touching «aid allegation at 10 o'clock a m. <»n Ocu ber U. 1906 before Geo, Chastain. Co. Clerk of K.amath County, Oregon, and that final hearing will he held at 10 o clock a. in on October 20, 1905, boiore the Register and Receiver at the United States land office In LakWiew, Oregon. The said contestant 1 tiring, in a proper affidavit, filed Auguat 26. 1105, M*t forth facta which show that aftez du? dii.gence personal service of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby ordered and direct­ ed that such notice be given by due and proper publ.cation. C. U. Snider, Receiver. C. JI. McCttniber and his partner, The ciliten« of Southern Klamath ••’iiiitr, in Ihr vii-inity of Whitclake tlmlicr cruisers and locators, were City, air nearing a broad »milu there •here from Klamath county first of lav», owing to the luet that the McClon I the week. They came here with the Itailroa-I atirveyors extruded their mr expectation of Investigating the min­ rev aero»» the California line into ing excitement. Klaii ath county lart week. We under­ hand « large forre of uoikmen have Violiniti Munirti Instrument« limi a-'.le-l to pitali this ro» I over the <*> Tuned and Repaired Will ma’it? the season at Buesing & Bennett’s Stables in •ummit before anew ttira. Thia, with PROF. W. B. FOSTER the ri couragiug reporla from the Hecla- Klamath Falls, Oregon. Will lv here Saturdays and Sun­ mation l.un-au. strengthens the conti- ORNAMENTAL PAINTING lence of all interrateli |>ailir« iti the fu­ Re pat pine of Klamath Falla day« and balance of the tunc will lv at the ranch. Old a Specialty Oregon tute piiwprrity of Klamath county. Terms—$io to insure and payable when mare proves to I Eine« thco|M*ning of lhe du k sca«on ma- y aporlanirn have virited W Intelaile k be with foal. T. F. N J. L S hort Diev report water fowl plentiful and 4* 4- 4- 4- • •? -4« * •> •? 4- 4- • r 40000-: the »|Mirt excellent, The bird« gather * tn such mimliera on tin, lake that their * noiae in the atillneaa of night rmrmblra 4- 'f. th* Mghing of the wind through the 4- pine». Surely thia is the spott»uien*i paradiae. E. I.. Pope, of the Tide lake precinct, aiT.ini|Minit*. N. Collins, of Texas, w«« in the * I cilV a few days looking after property * M PUR THER NOTICE I interests here. The gentleman was so * 1 well pleased with the future prospects * tlint he will return in the near future ami engage in business. * fept.0. WwiTBt.*B«n. * L. F. Willits and The Brick Store THOROUGHBRED STALLION PILOT Lewis § Clark Fair Home regon Stage Company IN CONNECTION WITH Klamath Cake Railroad Company 'yill Bell Excursion Round Trip Tickets From Klnmath to Ihrall, Calif,, (and return) for $8.00, good for 30 day» from dato of sale. You can do it much easier * than the expense of paying * * rent and moving Ilie Panama Canal Irrigation Ditches 4- W.islilngtnn, 1». C.—Thu Panama la conceded to I m the giant under­ For further particulars, prices and terms, write, or call on mo at my residence—seconil house east of Klamath Hotel. taking of the age, a project upon which the French fail’d, the United I'E-— Arrnngt'tnent.H havo been completed and Ticket»- States will now lake hold and build. Wc will construct the Panama Canal Will L * ®mi Salo within n few days to Portland, San Frnn- beyond a peradventure of a doubt and l,C(> and all Southern Pacific points. They will likewise It will become the greatest and moat Important waterway In the 11 sale from all Southern Pacific points to Klamath. with untold »’«Ils. i GEORGE BIEHN world, poKKlhllit les to commerce and the strategy of potuilble warfare. * ,CUre Sva,M «>•