Official Newspaper of Klamath County and Leading Journal ol the Interior Oregon Country. KLAMATH VOL. X. REPUBLICAN the Best Medium for Reaching a Prosperous and Trading Public' KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. TOO MUCH IS ENOUGH” SAYS THE MAYOR are warned NOI TO BUY Rooks of the Water Users Asiocia. tion May Be Closed October 15, Will Be Left Out. * nell Motolav . hepli inG r Iti, no Uatrr I re'» Ass-a lallon wlll lw a- .. pi ►1 by tl-r relatv of thè Amm alloli mdr.« *ceonipat.h«l I y full amouni u(*ll a.sesrn.villa pievi-usli I. VI.-.I, sud ,n rarolling lev of 8* i*u'« l«” ••'*'» ,m| Sltrr Gì tol« M cent* per aliare, Tlu- . hi. I in(iscsr of lite Re< l*maG'’ti .eivl. e h*s rrevlMtnemUil Ihel »he sul*, r Iplloli houli <>l thè A.»«» talioii Iw ■ lo.od l»ct •F«F-F4-4*4*4**F4*4**F 4*4* .♦ FH.f'HF'HF'H K. K. K Submits A Communication To the Directors of Water Users Asso It lakes (lie City Council Two Nights to Dispose of its Monthly Business—Bishop Introduces New Street i and Side Walk Ordinance the Trust Deed. Citizen.* lake Action Bought Mutton. Whitelake Wants School Complete up-to-date Unes of Dry Goods Ladies' and Gents Fprnishings, Telling Why Ho Does Not Sign To the Director* of th» KUrnuth W*t- er U»»ra A mm iation—In Justice to all, 1 believe a full and true statement sl.o i’d t>e made regarding certain lam)*, which trwr* saluons, north si-le of High to flth Ht, along Alli Kt wtfr for a ship on the west aid« of the have not been *igneeen given to the a ill op- would be I.«ated at Hchallock A Dag- description was rousidered defective Water L’sers Association, iu order that government might commence tlitlik He gel’s store 1 lie Couipatiy agrees to eon- Mr. Hchallock was askel to submit an- the work on this project. nr have.” struct a téléphona system rnd have it in other deed, Not knowing the condition* that operation from I.angeli valley to Klam-‘ Die l. ingrll \alley Telephone Com­ ■ th Falls within one year from the date pany franchise raw,« up lor diestteeion would prevail upon the completion of of the passage of the the ordinance. On ■ nd it w** moved and carried that when the government system and the putting ubrr 13. motion of Coutu liman Heballock it was tlie Council adjourn, they adjourn until ol water un these lands, 1 made an effort All <>l Ih» abnvr *p| lira noi >->>li lo passed to its sei ond reading. Monday evening Septemlier 11, when todi«|>o«eo( my excess land slavery III* prese"1 ",hr,i "* «'■slglx'd Urids, I As there were several other matters tide Iranchiae will be made tliu first or­ low figure so ae not to lie in the way of bui lo f'ilure «I aneli laol*. the enterprise and not Ire required to ol importance to lw> a-led ii|»m the der <>l busine*». In He« «I «•»«• <*• '• '• «<»«W »»I1 sign any more land than a resnlent Council ailpiurnml until Tuesday even ­ Mr. Janie, William, naked that he lie Ihos» who rorili-mplatv porci.asing ing. heptvmiier 5, allowed to withdraw the petition of could liirlJ and obtain water for irriga­ land, m »•••»'• airi froui Ih* Secretarv ni The adj iurne.1 meeting on Tuesday John E. Garnol-i taking for ■ saloon li­ tion. In doing this I gave a Imnd for a l)„ A ms - >S" '11 wl'i'thcr or md sur li evening sai called to order at H o’clock, cense, which we* presented al the meet­ deed to Mr. Holabird and Major C. E. landa are pru|»th rlgn*>l it|» fot ,- i«-rti there being present Ales. Martin Jr., ing Monday evening. The petition was Woolen, which 1 understand Ims since meni irrigjlton. Nonne rari aff- rd to la-en transferred to tim Klamath Devc-L president and Trusters Willits, Hehal* allowed to lie withdrawn. bny lsn>ls Iliti <«« up) a d lllillui |or| , opment Company, agreeing to make a I ’ M k and Bishop, Recorder C. C. Brower Ordinance No. 7l) was introduced by li n in tlu» n»|»xt. deed to the land at any time within two and Marshal J C. Sonili. Councilman Bishop providing (or the The petition of O. It. ( streets and »ide walks, and re- j the privilege of entering upon tire land structed along the east aide ol Fourth pealing all ordinances conflicting. The and disposing of same, and in ea»e tlie (W tòte rat Ir («turi,* la« l«<*«fi street from Main to Washington, was ord.nance provides that a curb line may land wa* not sold within the two year* it ws* to revert to nre. I lielieVed that ih* r«**i I»- «<• «f klnnith f*’.I« rt Klamaili atrtwl. lì» to sin- that side walks were constructed for the eoiiatruction of H foot side walks. to dia|a>»e of the land in a much shorter time than 1 could have dune. djlr Ihat ni» Ihr < i » ii ii|» lati («Il h) according to the ordinance. <>n streets 50 feet wi le the side walk The contract provi.lea that they should (ha pr«»|»*tV* *’Wt»rr« »huta « ut all Ih* The petition of rii.« Obouchain and shall be 6 feet wide and on all other Hrainaifr h» thè lakr an i lu»« fcttmrd * Others asking that striet lights la- placed streets I he curb line shall be 10 feet and Iwgin advertising and selling the land bf * ht h I» » rn fav<>;*hl*’ |«> ||*t at the corner of Fourth ami Wimhington the akie walks tl feet wide, The abut* within So day*. Vp to this date they brredtef of liplmhl Th* citi streets, and at the corner ol Fourth and ting pro’ierty owners shall construct have not »old eny of the laud and we far as I know no effort has been mnde to do BH'IxHlllv« K a V* («krh I» » acll"!» I«> High, was gratile.). walk, when ordered to do ao by the •o. 1 received |500 as fwrt payment rvwirUjr Ibi* »»• i *tt< * lo ih* hrallli <»l A resol ut i' m waa passeri authorising Council and U|x>n failure the «aika and the balance wa* to be («id as the thr (t-a , mii ! » f»!«-r ii» i hi itn! trv «>l the purchase from tien. It. llura oí a shall lie built under the supervision of I land wa* *old. I du not lielieve 1 could atout àftr«*ti <»f th* t'U«itH*»« ni« n strip 55 leet by ÏÜ0 feet between Pini* the Marshal, and the cost shall be make * trust deed to this land to the f*rm*»l, wtth Ihr Intentigli »»f tnktnA' and High street to be usci as the con Water User* Association aa I have riiiHTrl« «il i t«|.riiiH< np tlm «|% k«’ an>l I tinuation of Fourth street. The pur- charged to and »«come a lien upon the lioiind niysell to make a good and law­ •llovh’f tl»*a p«til t<> «Iraln» Il I* chase price to lw A deed was al- property.* The ordinance was fiasaed to ful decl at any time within two year*. •ta*ni tliét Hi* pond )■ frolli 12 t<> l‘» so submitted by Fred N-hallock and its second reading. There are restriction* regarding cer­ inchrfl hi^hrr tban thv lak* ati«l iLal il tain land* a* to the minimum price al laoprnin; ‘»»a I- Il w-ni! I tlrain which they may lie »old, but no restric­ Iteri! ('poti bvaring «»f ti»e ac|»on, tion* a* to how high a price may be Coen«*iIman Hi«h<»p, «me «if ti»«* ttrr«’i Mr an I Mr.. W. W. MrN.-fl, <-amc ' Mr. John E. Pelton and Mis* Myrtle asked. Now, in ca»c they should place I. E WeM, b’i.rr tor th* (‘arHrrt maini«la «I thal lh<* ritv I a prohibitive price un the land or for fmt torri to wnrk at onr« tn tn*k* n IV It h I# I’nm^ny «»I I » vn>» ha« been 11;{(roni Wbitrlake Clt v ve»t< rdav to peti- Grainger, both of Jackson county, were any reason not sell it, all this valuable ti>>n the t'omniiavimirr'* Court for a di ­ United in marriage at R:30 Thursday hi Kleinalh r«tit» gì v? ihr «I»* n« « k» biM • g •to» k l.»r ahipmrni to Ta vision «<( tlir «• I khi I district Iti their *ec- evening at the Lakeside Inn by Rev. O. land would be used np in the two year* ti<>n of the county. Wliitelakr City has W. Triplett of the Baptist church. Mrs. roma. U ««»I can. * here lr«»m t jke ai» uppnr lilhiiy b*it th«'V itilrnttrrha«**l «ft.OUO hra»-.-n here a short and II. V. Mitchell as liest man. tote lo «I«» thè H«»rk thetnarlte« according to the trust deed, to allow the tune tliev have no Vote ami it waa nec- The is the eldest daughter ol Ifotigbl |(W from I P Applegate r.«ary to have voters un the petition. M«. and Mrs. F. M. Grainger of Ash­ Association to sell the land at auction •4«t w««k taring |3.U0 a hea l. and would have to accept whatever was Mi, Weal ha« not bought any rattle Maliy <4 the ranchers who live nearer land and is very popular in that city, offered. here tri but rt|*rrt« t«> •!«• to. On bring t<> Wlnt. lake City Ilian to the Lune where she has followed the vocation of «*■ If It Compv.ti, ( .rnirrli In the If the holders of the contract would Mr. A*k»-t| I » a rrp rarntative «»( the Itepnh, I'u c school have rign.*d the potition and book keeping for several years. Inlien Service at Klamath tgrncv and make a *uffiuient payment so that 1 hratt IniM t.v I < mi nd »lock conditions are anxious to have the district divi-leil. Pelton is a widely known and successful llrigadier llenera) cl I hr Oregon uni ilia County Superintendent Wight will ar­ stockman ami an ck sheriff id Jackson would know that they intended to take Loir Mr. Wc«t «aid, * | helivvr ymihat* died in P-rtland, Thursday nmrnitig, the land, I would be willing to sign on Ixlter 1 at’h* hvfr 11 an ar have in the rive tiwiay from flonanta and Mr. ami county, lie is at present a member ol ■ hrrr lie Im, rrsidol lur WVrral years. I same conditions as others, or if the Mrs M. X.fl w til aw ait his arrival. Mrs. the I'elton Neil Cattle Company, Laving north I I th* at» k ad in g<»>*d Con • Thr dc-vea.n! wit aril known In Kmili- Water User* Association will give me to plenty of M< Nefl rays «lie will have to stay here large herds of stock ill the Wood river vrn Oregon until the Court grants them a m -I i < m >I as country in Klamath county and in Cali- two vrara to dispose of my land after rattle. r «portal I v in the • ••uthrrn part of thia contract expires I am aleo willing II» rams to Oregon In IIIAI. In r barge the county and iitihu the line hi ('al* rhe a III not daic Io go lux k to U lute­ forma. to eign, provided the holder* will con­ <4 the flirt |M»tslcar that reached limit- lake City tinier* rhe am-i-e.da. Mr. and Mrs. Pelton will make their tfornia There are not umny sheep laglon over the • »rv-g< n Hlmrl Un». A Mr. Mi Ncft slate* that they have the home at Fort Klamath for some time sent. I am also ready to return the here, ar buy nt'»«I oi our« tn lake con il­ y»v Mil a hall later he a a, ap|wm>te.l fitiert dm k hunting in the norhbru-ar am) later will go to Fruto, California for money paid for the bond (or deed and ly. take the land back, and would then im­ Ihmagli (I m * inll'ienvc id Governor Pen- ••< >»ir price tor l»cr( ia cwmlroled by the their city. < *n account <>f the lack of the winter. mediately sign all tny land to the gov­ •oyer, to the position of Fnp*rinlrn>leiit wat.-r in the «» am|M., millions ol ducks Chiragn marheta, while the San Fran- ernment. •Í Instruction of tl.c Klamath Indian arc feeding around the lower lake. Mr. Harty E. Pointer and MiaaCorrie < int'o pri< va var) t<> a certain ritrnt ar- I feel that I have done everything in NNtvalion A llct aards li» a as, |,y the It. St. Geo. Bishop ami wife, Mrs. I A. Merchant, rrsidenta of Klamath r«»rrted. the contract, a* it was the general un­ daring t|,e |a*t thrve terms of tliat laaly. in th* Vakiina valley and otherdiatrirta William Lathrvp and Miaa Nora Moore I derstanding that sufficient time would («»r three to three and onr*nali a ton, UtnrgeCha** arrived tn town Mon- ivflMlcra cannot a (Turd to ¡»ay the dollar* Word was received here Monday that were married in Klamath Falls Thurs­ lie given to dispose of all excess land. with two »i, |„a,|, (1) nig for it hero. I'd,hop O'Riley would arrive in th* hall* day, Septet»tier 31, 1905, by Justice S. It is only recently that the condition thitney for the new Kinmath Fall» '’There are plenty nt cattle in Calif- Saturday and dedication services would C. Graves. | has I wen known that excess land must laundry. Mr. Neve, the pro ornta this tear a« nearly all the cattle I m > held Sunday in the new Catholic 1« sold by the time the water is ready READY FOR SUBSCRIBERS L'tstor, .at, that he will he ready for from thin ae< lion were taken there Inal church ail I Ilia evening lecture rervicu I for delivery. I am willing to do what Hill l>e held in the Opera House. nO<>CKX)0-0-0-C> • Í KLHMATH FALLS Pelton—Grainger. Dead. • When you visit a clothing store you like to feel that there lire plenty of patterns to choose from, that the price is within the limit prudence dictate«, and that you can have absolute confidence in what is said to you about the quality of the cloth. You can have that ”at. home” feeling if you visit the Boston Store, ’tropin and see our new fall styles and pat­ terns. You will bo surprised to see what a good suit we sell for $15. Good as others charge $20 lor. II A large line in up-to-date patterns and styles of men’s pants just reeeivtbl. •| With the opening of the school season wo would especially call your vour attention Io to our line of children’s suits, for we cull guarantee Io save you money and give you satisfaction. H We have received • new line of the famous Ruben’s in- fant undershirts. II At all limos you will find a complete and up-to-dato lino of Indies ami gents furnishing goods, dry goods., hats, caps, trunks, and valises Satisfaction guaranteed. Here is the place to save money. THB BOSTON STORE L. JACOBS A CO and ready for the subscribers. Messrs. Fred Stahlruan, the genial merchant Allen A Salcido haie been engaged upon this liook for the past two months, doing at Bly arrived in town Monday and has the mechanical work in the Republican 1 I teen visiting hi* numerous friend* be­ job office. The directory is a most val­ side* attending to other business. uable aquisition for Klamath county ami is creditable alike to the publishers and this seel ion generally. It will be found a first-class advertising volume to semi to Eastern friends, as, besides a list of the voters of the county, the book contains a full and interesting descrip­ tion of the county and its resources. The l ook« are now on sale at the Repub­ lican office—75 cents per copy—6 or more at the rate of 50 cents per copy. Arriving öaily Dry Goods, Ladies Fancy Goods and a fine line of Ladies Cloaks. Agency for Perciville B. Palmer’s made-to-order Suits for Ladies, also Skirts, Shirt Waists, etc. The most complete line ever of­ fered on this coast will be here in a very few days j * We are going to give away FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS worth of Crockery, Dinner Sets, etc. Look for our an nouncement later Notice to the Public. Thinking there might be tome were not up-to-date regarding* the ioug movement* going on in the city of Klamath Fall«, the city of destiny, for the benefit of such I wish to Announce that I have eitablivhed a Tin and Plumb« ing busines« on Klamath Avenuo in rear of the American Hotel. I wish to an« bounce that anyone needing material In my line will be treated right. In fact, f have decided Io make my price* very conservative considering the market, and I guarantee all work both in Tin and Plumbing to lie thoroughly done ami satisfaction rendered. R. E. Dyer. Get a bum cigar? Not nt the City Drug Store. « J See ttxe XVCIJEOIA loricis» of new ftirnltnre arriving dally