Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1905)
........... Olficial N«w»papor of Klamath County and Ltadlng Journal ol the Interior Oregon Country. KLAMATH The Ur ¿ut Clrcdatlcn and 1« 1 REPUBLICAN [. 1 the Best Medium for Reaching a Proeperoue and Trading PuîU: i T VOL. X. pl-StiHT TO KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATII COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 24. 1905. BLOSSOM Whitelnke City W recently come into LARUE I. A NO DEALS |tilstence, is surely entitled to much Ü1IU15' Pardee uf California, and (Jowl >r th mt‘»»rl,ilii, of Oregon, •'.'.W.V Vongreaa. A| 0 ;1U l>'> lu> k Mofwlsy limridllg tll<- „fofpl big tx gallivi within awv«k • >» i-sll'd «•» •>,4«-r in lii» And Itoriuiu «• lb* •■«'•i" •" 1 < l,,k L»|»i sitl.ui. »I“'" ‘t'1' Irrigation ('.xigrfss « •• r»l,r'l • • <•’•!■» fur tl .- <1,1,tarulli shii ’ i - i I s«’»‘ " Till» Is wi r st ih» pr.»itl'd ill i'lsto d organisation», Nni|ii»«-I - I r»|.rr*»imaio» ui«n Irian tbruugl '• th" I'uilr 1 siat»», »»rvingin ill ijyl.l«*»»<l"»• "nd rontrlbiltlug Iti» riprii».* ol tlo-lr liavr-l «n I i.inltilrtian -» logli» I«» th«r l»'i,»fit of irxlus'rial al yaii'-rtiirnt On* l’«»t ol »liuti lin y ar» rapsii!»- f* •" tl*1' lini» I(.rat » con rrnlirll I'«1 (•»*••«» arra' ge l l<> bv bvl.l in III» »SUI» rii I ari I ori dal.» i u r Ordivi. I ) (oìlovlng i»r near II.» tixvling of ib» T*ari» Mi»»l»»ip|'i t’rrujr, , Boi h sr» » ii » i ;<*I lu tli” ■«*'>» landab!.* uixlrr Uv mJ “I liri'igiog ab- m to* t>»al ■!. ». I M.».. ( o! Ib» Uval a* I in tiu* to-*»l rapir) I »villi» mann», and n* a imtnral c.iiiMapirncr' many >4 tli» Hm» turn |vo tl 1-411» UI I. 4 'l »«•• -III 4. Thr ,\s:uial Irridanoti ('».igreta is con thiwl ui il» iip»rati n» larg»ly lo III» Ueatrru »1st»», sa io tli» otlxr, luit li |» »( a arlar chara l»r la-- ausa ih» growth »; U»<lamaiton Coticvrir» in >ro dlrrctly li,» abolir < uulry than III» iluprov» rr.rnts largely of a W»sl»rn chara, ter drniar-J.d l-y thè cornlnnrd i-fi.-rt <4 VrrUrn n.»ti tliro i(li il.» urganira'1 >ri tl.rt rn-irl.i'l»l its lalarra «n Saturday Hirn, ut.«Irr III» 4ir»cti. n o( l'rcid.-tii K-arirlt. Corigr.-aa rna tr i thn Irri' gatuo so. II.» !•»♦••;;■'» of America aa e tla4» recognise I lully f ir il.» (lui Um, Ihr Imi »Han oi app'i Ing watrr to arili buri a» a luvan» ut in.-iratlug l!.y pro ducili» arca <*f th» < ->untry. In Ih» d»!ilwr»ii ,n» ,4 III» C.vngrea* Ibi» «r»k va ili t» hrard men a hose ab j BUND PIGS PAY HUES Upon e ,niplaint aw rra to hr Chief of |*nth n ( Igin three ol th» “l.lnxl pig" « •tal-'ivlituviit« In A,Ida* 4 were brought int-i the < II* murder's r ,-irt hatorday I»» b«-.| with a cliaige <4 the unlawful sale of Int vlcatli'g liquor. One pro pri, t ., fa Je-J to n 4 • - a t-|a vr » 'u » « liar- ■ ou,. I r.l an k uv»» an I lila - aae w sa do ler re I ordii l<Ml». The other I» > atuod trial atxl were I -on I goilty tha fli a ini- p««ed In each a., la ng Alter- ne, b-iit it of t.rants I'aaa was brmiglit here bv ths defendants to look after their Interrala. There wrre three a itneaaea introducml in llwae caw», toil it ta allegai the- »er» »>> |»<r Ion» an I tin mvl prove.-’iling airiico i, a brgy * man to sun»» **( th» loL'iid.-nl» at leset. Ile i» a "B|H*ct»r" ni mi » bo»« ,ha l.o i» r.Mtly, however, a» the re. - .»«I of fines Si -I r-ets evident». Tliat tberr is sucti a man, lher» 1» nnt mm h il .u -i, o I...»» indrntity I» uncer liity ba» llirui in il.» (■ r»nx »I tain. though the,» are rumora of it, but link» nf Arnadraii rti^ r e,-ring, in »mal It is being carefully guardali, ¡I there Immigrati-n aork. r-m rr. lai enter are any riele, tivo rmpl.ivments as ad- frtae. transportation affair» and ih» »ne. j incts to the reg dsr police.—Tidings. vwhil ar- atpliebment ot (he laak al siaking hiaeriaut liar«r»ta gr»,w ahrr» CET YOUR LICENSE. brfur» 441 Iioly drwrt a site gwltig •»* ersi .Irgrr. I I. . I.i] n • n - ( • mnkirig D-fUtv "tate G um Warden H. E. !•«* lw-4.1.« »4 * - - ,4 „ It rig! t i» I *ving a busy ». »»on ol It n» '4 Cut gres i» vlr now marniamo g th» digiti* <-( th» He left for Doug- tvt ths lea 'mg game law» >1 tins las county la-t ■«»* k m re»p »n»» to ra I A S tv ■* w L •» »at Ml »•niui !>!• he»t> cvl.«.»:•* 4 :i < ri ports t! »1 Ca'iLirnin ! lint» • *»»e hunt ,'nii-i ■' ol ths grest irrt item prop . I» ing dr f in '1. . » regi r « w rtlimit liSVll g that ! i . • • ,5i n a J e »m-r’ie I » ilii ttm liar which requires ■ t, l > , a 11,' tee ol (14 »rv In’e constr il-tr i out of tl.e Innd n -n »»• Srlsc'el fr -iu tbs sale <4 pi|bt,c land» each. lie louiwl three 1-w Angl ica men during Uir |-a*t threw- years. The official al trier.4»!» filling out for a huntu g neler of tl.e r.rgai.ltati >n I» rrnia, kable trip ami H wa» with ccwi»i*lerable reluct- k-r lbs prominence ami elan ling of the a nr» they vivide*! to th» advi<» oí tl.e sm s|, *.<* hi 0 and rfit'fl lias Irren deputy w »r.|en to contri'.')'» 110 each go -n t<> title great prob!» „ ot lire age. l .i li e privilegv ol cLsalug Link« in I Irey-on,-- Tiring» •Qtegnman. The sama thing happened in K lamath county but the l<- » « ha I to put up. E. E. IIUSE SAYS mis It's Iwk l-i the old j-*b with »very. I»ly is < o> office frotw the rlevil Io the fnrsman veiling (ot enpv We had a prell» j.»,I tim» ami saw j i»t a httln Ut ■ I tbl» lug country rd mire, and alter itisallmer we .tr» mor» In love than sr»r ailb go-I obi Nr-I.ra»ka with her green fiel !» of »t.lemli I c 'tn and her broa I i-a-turi-s III!,*.! w ith sleek kine, folb-*g«anl vl gant h-n»e». Y ut can talk to ii> ol the g'»at and boiinrll**» amt with its ;->a»il'i!i!l<-». but ao are mut» than ever con incel that it i» p*»Uy hard to h»al the broad prairiea id lh»st¿t»s of th» mi l lie we»t, and liiat tlisav.-ragr man lu« r<*a! v srnnll In- rlneenn-nt» to change bis »li.» le with thsri|»-ctatii,n ul Irettering Ids finan cial condition, e»|»*cin!ly if li» i« a la-tn er. A lii|»thruugli the w< »t convince« tu cl an uber thing, and that I», the •!ay ul ilu-ap lands In tlx* I'nito-I Stete» I» |ia»l, because in every litth’ valley whsr» it i4 po»»ible for agriciilturv Io le malí» prolltalih* there are men ncctl- Viil it it and alaint all that is left is Irartcn plains that can only Ire tiiiliaiwi ny lii.* ai I of irrigation, and this is of D0IV5 COSINESS. 11-re.lit lor the eitensivs advertising Abner Meed, Railroad Man, Makes 1 Klamatli I’oiinty has received from east Heavy Investments In Klamath to west. No man is so short sighted as County Property. to Ihiuk lie can “f.'M k alone," no town , ran lie so lacking in wisdom as to hope to prosper without the aid of her slater Mayor C. K Wordi n and Abner Weed cities ecaltere-l throiiglmut the land. went to Fort Klauisth Kmolay on Ilio Fcarce three months ago the town»it» Mratnar Wlnstua. 1 bey ware accolti- ol Whilelake City was covered with paiiird by f red »nd Gus Mellone of heavy sage brush: today it ba» many Wixxl Itlvt-r valley. hatur-lay the deal thousands of dollars expend«! there and «»«closed twit Ween Mr. Weed and the many more will soon l*e in evidence. ■lillia»« Iiroa (or 4737 acre» of land the The fires from tmrning sage brush price living |IO |*r acre. Mr. Weed al light up the sky «very night showing so took the Melba»« cattle numlreiing llis disposition of the cilizens of the shoot 7(M) brad and a number of lioise« town «nd surrournlii.g country to bs Th» anioni paid In full ••• I'-O.OOO. On prepared for Hint which is soon to cause fmlay Mr. W< m -I siso eloani the aalo of th» desert to change its garb from 4&UU acres known as tbs Bush tract ly brow n to green. ing aoiill, ol Klamath Falls, consisting Wldtelake City has cause to congra of 4UM »errs, the price paid living be tulate itself on Its location as from the tween (14 am! *1V |e»r acre. These are present Indications it will I* the first the laig»»l »alv» ot land made ia ll.< town in the county to >•» reached, with county in the pa»t few years. in the year, "Try the railroad on its way The above saleo were made through through the Great Klamath Basin. Major ('. E. Worden. Major Worilrn With Government irrigation, an aaanred ha» sold IIMtOttO worth of Klamath fart, and the railroad a certainty, U hile- county property since the sixth day of lake City will Ire a busy place in the August. All of this, with the exception tirar future. ol |2t»<U, l.aa Iwwu to California people. Th» elegant store building of Messrs McN»R A Hall is nearing completion 5 7 OP KNOCKING. ami when finiehed will be one of the fli.est Mr» k* in the county ami will too« tre filie! With a large General Merchan I! a »trangrr should happen into thia dise stock. Here is a line opening for a t- wo, and make arrangements to por. live bu»inw« man. ' cliaav a piece <4 land, or some businrsa. The officers of the McCloud railroad it 1» the duty ol the citisena toencourage visited WhitehkeCity last week inspect that man to make the purchase, and lo ing the grade for their railroad through st», ratlirr tlisn to lisilrn Io tell him the valley. that h» is |>ayuig too much, or that the William Davis andesifa «*•* visitors . uiintry is no gooil and has scan its best in the city Monday. Mr. Davis is the lays, and that a g-»>«e can't live on th» promoter o! the much talked of wagon ■ wsitip aithnut an overcoat, or aome road from the end of the railroad to other “talc >4-woa." If your neigld>or lairds landing and is mtere»ted in tnakea a go.») sale, it will increaae the Wldtelake City property. ' ralue of property, and enable you |*o»- Messrs Sheets A Murphy are adding •ib’y Io niakr a belter one. Just now mor» turniture to their »lock every i> when thr people of Klamath county week and so great ia the demand from •houlJ Im» up tn a hand to Land march, ths farmers, who teem to appreciate the and work for the »«liters of our town, fact that there ia a furnitare store in and rich country surrounding us, now the southern part of the county, that •in th» eve of a great dewlopment. This they are already negotiating tor a larger Klamath country is fast coming te the building. front as a great farming territory. It B F Clark received a shipment of ; lias !«»n proven time and again, that groceries this wsek. Mr.Clark drove .o.intry with irrigation will produce over to Ashland last week lor a load of ant thing that gr-.w a in tlie ground, when Iruil. it is pmimrly planter I, and car». I (or. J. W. Hawxhurst and family arrive! | However, ae will admit, that the soil thia week and he will open a meat mar bor» will not produce successtuly, with ket in the near future. I ho "h<-rsi I ack method of farming.” James Evans will soon erect a resi loit a lirn it is pro|>»rly irrigated and dence on Oklahoma Avenue. cultivated, a Illi grain alfalfa, or gardens Mr N< f! A Hall, the real estate men, : iaiitr-.l at ill» re<| nred time, this region report burin*»« g*M>d »nd a vast amount of ours. I, see< n I to none in the stain nt of c'*rrr»pmi*ienee regarding opportnni , Orrg-n Wo have got a country, which ties for bnsinsss in Klamath County. in tire near future, will be developed in School will o|>en alrorit Sept. 15, with to a much greater one, tor where sage an attendance ol twenty-five pupils. brush now stands, wheat ao.l alfalfa Geo Dvson and sou Vsrn, were visi fields will li» lnst»a I. and hundreds of tors in Whilelak« City U»t ,<>’k' them Now let us get into the hand mg over their interests her* and ex a agon ami ride. Il will not only Imnefil pressed tlirmselvaa as w.l) pleased with tour own interest, but will help the the pros;>cct». county anti your town alcng the path ot Transportattonds now open for pas advancement and pr>m|>erHy. The time sengers a» well »« freight by w»y ol the has couiv alien nothing vise than pure McCloud railr-ad by stage and boat into h'isinrM piinapals will win out in any the various towns of the county, and country. this route bids lair to see much travel in the near future. AT CITY People looking for investments should visit th« southern part ”1 Klamath conntv and •*« <<* v'* much talked of ami be able Whitelaker .«ends Some Interesting wbil-h i« McCloud Ml ver Hallroad la Expected To Reach Mlrda Landing Uy the Middle ot January. Klamath Falls will have direct com- munlcation with the out aldo world much aor.nar than was cxpeeU»l. The ; McCloud River Rallroail is expected to reach I^irda, on the Lower Klamath Lake, shortly after Christmas. H. O. Johnson, Manager of the Mc Cloud row I ami a son ol l’reai.lent John son, arrived in Klamatli Falls Friday evening in company with Vice-Freaidenl J. H. Queal and Chief Engineer C. G. Vander Horck. They came by private conveyance from the terminus of the road at Bartle by way of Laird's land ing. The object of the trip wav to make ia personal examination of the route and to confer with the business men here as to the prospect of future busioem for their load. Mr. Johnson stated that they had de termined to have the road completed arid in operation to Lairds by July next but. 1.» said, “You needn’t be »ur- prived if we should Ire there much Irefure that time. If the snow does not stop the work there will probably not 1« wore than ten wile» of a wagon haul by Christmas. The McCloud road is coming as fast ax men and money can bring it. We are pounding away as fast as we can. and have purchased 50 miles < of 60 pound rail for September and Oc tober shipment and have put on 100 ad ditional men to hurry the grade. "We already have about 400 men at work. Forty of these are building bridges and trestles. Ws would not b» spending (300,000 for steel rail if wa did not intend to lay it.” The engineering corp» under Chief Vander Horck ha» reached Lairds and the permanent survey was completed Friday. It is reported that 40 teams and men were started to work this week on the grade between lairds and Hartl». The steamer Klamath, tie longing to the. Klamath lake Navigation Company, which is to connoct with tha McCloud road, will be put in commission in a lew days, as soon as the necessary papeis are returned from Portland. The steam er was examined Saturday by Captains E. 8. Edwards and George G. Fuller, who arrived Friday evening from Port land. Items from That Thriving Little to judge for themselvea regarding the City on Lower Klamath Lake. future of this county. "WittTXLAKra. Now is the T ime, This is the Place, We are the Firm .jMn niitl uD-to-dato stock floods ot That tako especial pains to carry a < "»'1'' hintr Clothing, Ladies' and ^^¿¡„^and Curtains. • Hats, Shoes, Blankets, Beddi g One shipment ol (,olhin* - h a'rrivo immediately here, and several more ' • B. STF.TSON hat* Just received a la ge order of the ^ell kn0^n I(adies’ fancy embroidery We make a specialty of Laces, Ribbons, ’ rA we carry a full and up-to-date •nd lace collars. In our exclusive Shoe epa wear and style, line of shoes for men, women and children, »»r ,.r00t form shape" Packard shoe. We have the exclusive handling of the cole »r.t < THE BOSTON STORE you M o „„ rAe Sfore ,hnt Save» RAILROAD COMING WHITELAKE LETTER TO LANDOWOERS No State in the west is attracting more attention at the present time than Oregon. No county in th» state has a brighter future than Klamath County «uh its unlimited resources. No mnn Look Here. could travel tli» Irugili and breadth of tlii» great area of land known as Klam ath County ami l>e deceived as to its know that von can bur any future. Not man* years hrnce, we will th» line of l'ian.i». I'isnolat »ee prosperous towns scattered through I'lan*'», I'ianola I’ianos and out the eoiinty. Tin» will of a neces We al><> have Some bargains sity come with the advent of the Gov- eri irn-nl Irrigation, and the railroads, which w» have every assurance, will * onnect this grand county with the out si.le world within a year. Klamath County lias I wen advertised l.u II’ 1 near and tlie new town "| L. JACOBS & CO. your intention to attend to this matter. Good intentions will not dig ditches, (lease n.ske it a p- int to drop into this office early. The officials of the reclamation service from the chief engineer down have posi tively stated to us that they are now rea-ly to advertise lor bids for the con struction of a section of the project, and have given us their word that as soon as 75 per cent of the excess land, in any part of the project, are c ivered by deed» of trust or otherwise disposed of, such bids will lx* immediately advertised for. We are tired of the oft repeated state ment of the officials of the reclamation service that we are delaying the project. Let us see if we can not reverse the situ- atiou so that we can say to Uncle Bam. “It is up to you now, get in and dig!” Your«, very respectfully, Eutxa I. A htlkiate I rnngement we are'able to make with J the government. At first sight this de<*d seems rather drastic, but on con sideration you will see that the condi tions are not hard. You have absolute control of the disposition ol your land during the period of construction, which will l>e the best time to sell. Bliould your excess land not lie disposed of in some way w hen the water is ready for it, the Secretary of the Interior may di rect the Water Users' Association to »<*11 to persons who are qualified to acquire a water right. Neither tha secretary nor the association could have any de sire to sacrifice the interests of any owner. Public opinion will not admit ol any injustice in this matter. The practicability of tho Reclamation Act ia at stake. Tlie success of thia project ! dec idea the fate of future ones, lujita- j lice hero would put the service out of I busineaa. Moat of the directors of the association are excess holders. They are not going to hurt themselves. H you deed part of your land to members of your family, p!Aa«e do so at once and report same to this office. This plan is Of Men’s, Youths and Boys’ CLOTHING Has Arrived Some Elegant Patterns in Grays, Browns, and Mixed Effect« ALL STYLE COATS Two and Three Piece Schoo! Suits SPECIAL All Summer Dress Goods at One-Half Regular Price KKK Store In Consequence of Delay in Transportation The Klamath Falls STEAM LAUNDRY Will Not Open Till About September ist W. NEVE, Prop’r and Manager Sad the Masdea to the Man. "I'D efisdoae to you a plan How to win my hand and Jest shake those clothes—they're shams Get the land that's made by 'Lamms' And as one we'll then depart.” He did as she commanded And when coming back thus "BRAND"-ed He was greeted with sweet laughter: She said —" Much to me you're worth Clothed with THE BEST ON EARTH” Since the statement published in the Rxri'niicax on August 10th the follow ing landowner» have signod tha sub scription contract of the Klamath Water Users’ Association. Acres. The following letter has been mailci 11. H. Folsom ......................................... 480 during the early part of the week, to every excess land owner under the lower Wrn Barks............................................... 240 Jas. Carolen ........................................... 160 project. Mr». A. Kattenhorn............................ 132 Klamath Falls, Or., Aug. 19. 5« Dear Fir: In the matter of excess Miss Lillie Btilta.................................... lauds, all have understood from the Allen E. Gale......................................... 160 first that it would Ire mre-Mary to re Mrs. Kose A. liarpold ...................... 160 duce their holdings to 180 acres, and 0. J . l-aird............................................... 261 unless iho-'lr-l to other members of the , land r-»"" then li'«" included incruueu but oui eines since deter c family, the trust deed is the only ar-' niiued to be non-irrigable.. 280 I NO. a» Total gain.. 1829 The total area of land unsubscribed in the lower project is now 19,204 ont of a total of 109,422 acres. Recent sales to parties who have expressed an intention to sign indicate largo gains during the coming week. And they lived happy ever after. Every man who seeks to clothe himself with the' satisfaetcry kind of made-to measure apparel should follow the maiden's injunction. The "LAMM** kind from “Start to Finish** makes good Its label “THE BEST ON EARTH That means mMerial, trimming, workmanship and fit; and they’re made strictly for you -not for the other fellow. They’re money saving clothes because of their lasting qualities. Never get out of shape and always have a »mart and natty appearance Prices are right, too. “Seeing is believing ’ ar.d if you haven't ordered your Spring attire yet put us to the test by calling at “THE BEST ON EARTH** CLOTHES SHOP I I You’ll find there a large and superb line of Spring and Summer materia to ».k .. from and courteous treatment—buy or no buy. IT'S WORTH LOCK* G IHlfi. ASK YACHTING PARTY. last Sunday the yachting club of Klamath Fall» took their launches and with invited friends with row boats went to what it now known as Woodbury isl and, for an outing. The boat» were loaded with ladies, gentlemen and beet of all, baskets of good provision». The party petroled the island looking for big game but it was not there. Those in the parly wore : Mr. and Mr». Geo. T. Baldwin, Mr. and Mr». B. St. Geo. Bishop, Mr, and Mr». J. V. Houston, Mrs. J. A. Houl ton. Mrs. Edns McMillan. Misses Mauri E. Baldwin, Anna Margrietar, Bessie Hammond, Meesrs. Will Baldwin and Will E. Bowdoin, M aatisfactorv aa hv tmat deed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Don’t loao any lima In attending fo thia matter. Come to thia office If ynfl W. T. Shive to W. O. Robert» of Ash can and we will fix von nn. If von can land, Or., lot 9 and south half of lot 10, not do thl» go to a notary public who la Shire’s addition, |2fi0. provided with blanks. Yon can keen D. W. Anderton to F. Wentworth, one i ont of the deoil the 160 acre* vntt wish acre at the Gap. The consideration was J to reserve, or If not decided on thia 1100 and sale made by Mason A 81ougb. point, put in all your land »nd make ' your selection later. City Drug Store has the most complete 1 Most of you hare already rlpiificd line of drug-« and chemical» in town. To* TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GODS J for tlxe NSXtf SIXtfY MYjS will give extra bargains in all lines of Clothing, Dry and Fancy Goods, Hosery, as well as Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Wall Paper w for tamm £; Company Tailor Made Best on Earth Clothing