Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1905)
KLAMATH I AKK R AH-RQAD q ) MARK L. BURNS per acre and unlnproved (5 to (10 per aero. There Is very little gov- more of the blush. Fui appearance, einment land left, and practically none under llio Irrigation system ex W. O. SHITH, Editor and Proprietor. cuioiing.hd Klamath Falls, Oregon. * hard to beat. The same tree has ap cept several thousand acres of the ples on now, but not nearly an many marsh lands, which have been with last year. Thia is the 8th day of drawn from entry, and when they are DR. WM. MARTIN restored they will probably come in „a „„ be kept until those on the tree shall like the “Riwebud Agency," tn Dako TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADVANCE become ripe. I have heard of the ta. Also according to the irrigation DENTIST .soundness of the apples here, and act, tlie -Secretary of the Interior I their freedom from worms remarked may cut down the amount of each Klamath Falls, Ore., Thursday, August 17 1905. Klamath Falls. Oregon upon and I speak of these at length entry under any Irrigation project to — ------ — -------------------- —-—L.L . I .. J. in order tu show that in this case al not ¡ cm than 40 acien. Under Irriga ' least there is truth in It. It seems to tion here one does not need so much and'oats »0, without Irrigation and be confidently expected here, that land as (lie farming will lie more In- the crop now on the same land looks when the valley shall have been all tenalve, and It sceina to me that the well. 1 have seen rye which I am t irrigated, the danger from frost will . Intelligent, Industrious faruiet In told is volunteer and the slxtli crop ! these valleys will within a very few p be materially decreased. J. B. Massa Writes Entertainingly • since sowing, 1 have also seen voiun-| Some of the sage brush land can be years occupy a very enviable position. KLAMATH FALLS SOO A WATER i leer wheat which promises a fair I of Klamath County. The hills and mountains abound In | light crop and with more rain lt|f plowed without doing anything to It. The linger sage brush will cost from the flheat saw timber awaiting the the most i would have been good. Also volun- , While REFRESHING SUMMER DRINK 1 (2.00 to (5.00 per acre to hire it mllla to turn It into lumber. leer potatoes which promise a fairly - (The Eureka. K m ., Ilrrstd.) cleared. There are machines hero to all kinds of stuck do well, 1 am con goori crop, I am told that potatoes ~ i which 4, 6, orS horses are hitched and vinced especially since seeing what Manufactured In all Flavors Klamath Falls, Or., July 3, 1005. on the slopes of the hills and moun | Il takes a swath 6 or 8 feel wide. : blue grass ami white clover will do, Hear Editor—Having promised tains next tu the valley without irrl- ■ with no inld-suminer drouth to cut several of my Greenwood County 'gallon, yield well, but not heavily, I Then the brush in raked with a re- It short, that this locality isundoubt- My Solicitor Will Call on You '•r' i volvlng rake and then burned. The friends, that 1 would write them a and that very little cultivation is re e land be put in perfect order . the; I.UIM ean mu-A ...» edlv adapted lo a dairy business of a ■ o — description of this part of the country, quired. This much 1 know, that ‘ first plowing. Irrigation was begun very high order. This also seems to and finding that a description [which there are plenty of lust year’s pota ( here some twentv years ago. and wliat tie the home of the bee. Certainly would give anythinglikc an intelligent toes here now, and the quality 1 hate I it will do on these sage brush lands ia the quality of honey produced here idea of what Is to be found here, never seen excelled. I mil informed I ! well known to these people. There Is cannot be excelled. would require such lengthy letters, 1 that the yield can be largely Inereas-1 wc,“ K"°W ' ’pbc people here are of an Intelll- — cent .. of .... ----- i lands —i_i_| W. B. McLaughlin but mrless indi- O,,1-V « »'»al per these In nave concluded to ask The Herald to ed ed bv by irrigation, irrigation, but unless it it he be judi cultlvation however. j gent euterprlslng and kind hearted publish a letter which they all and ciously done, it will be at the ex The tule marsh lands are low level class, most of whom are Americana, many more may see. 1 have waited pense of lhe quality. lands along the river and lakes In with a few English, German and in artier tn get better aeqnalntrxl with The cereals grown are wheat, oats, ' places, which are covered a part of Scandinavians. the c intry and conditions here, be barley and rye. I have been told of the time, and some of them all lhe Tlie sparsely settled state of the fore writing, and still hesitate, as 1 some very large yields of these grains * ! time, with water from a few inches i¡community has necessarily rendered never like to pass Jon a ease until the under irrigation, the truth of which ! to a few feet deep, and have grown schools and churches somewhat scarce evidence is all in. I have no reason todouht. the largest ' up in tules—gigantic brushes. These i but tlie fact that, In spite of ditflcul- Realizing In this case however, that i being 63 bushels of wheat to the acre. immense crops of vegetation decaying : ties Incidtsil to lack of transportation, the evidence will continue, and in ! Corn is not grown at all except the aud mixing with the silt which is be there is now under construction, In deed not cease to accumulate, I w ill sweet corn, which seems to do well. ing continuallv carried In from the > tlie county seat, a county lilgli school therefore now try to tell as neailv as In dry farming, i e., without trri i- " . . . _•..... ......... ...... ___ mountains by the water, together ■ building at a coat of (29.500 and a 1 can what tills section of Oountry lias gation, stockmen grow a great deal of I with the myriads of water fowl, , building for the grades at a cost o( to offer the immigrant, as I see It on rye for hay, as it is easily produced. ' which have for ages at certain times /(18,000 speaks well for the people this short acquaintance. growing a volunteer crop’ year after k " « I In the year literally swarm in these here from an educational standpoint. It is passible that I may make some year. \if„ir. ,......... nXTd ' . There is a Presbyterian church and PHONE MAIN 18» .'T ?*! marshes,’ combine, it would seem lo mistakes, but I do not mean to. and on Irrigated rated lands producing In two to ! > to |1)a|cc tl)e8C land„ xs rlcb as SüU a Methodist church which have regu- if anyone shall come from there here three cuttings from four to six tons : i lar preaching, and I am told that, the and will bring the paper containing per acre according to best reports ob- ! can get. The testsof the government soli ex | Baptists are getting ready to organ this letter with him. 1 tliink he will tamable, and lhe feeding quality Is pert show the marsh soli to be eight ' Ixe and build. Other towns in lhe ' tiad It to be substantially correct. So i of a very high order: Timothy Is! een feet in depth in many places and i valley arc Merrill, Whitelake City.' far at least as the statement of facts ' also excellent in these valleys, pro nowhere it is shallow. It Is believed . Bonanza and Dairy. I am sorry to i is concerned. Klamath County is 72 ducing, it is said, two to four tons to that these lands will excel in the pro say that all of the towns here seem to1 ,ics wide from cast to west in the . the acre. duction of timothy hay, red clover, ! think it necessary for them to have . central and southern part, by one Blue grass and white clover have oats, cabbage, celery, asparagus and saloons, but I hope to sec the lime! hundred miles north and south only been grown on lawns and in1 I when they will realize tiieir mistake , RATES REASONABLE i root crops including sugar beets. through the central part. , small patches w here they got started i ! and be willing to correct It. laui The roads are quite dusty and I am It is more than four times the size apparently by accident, nt. ’ but out where wncre I |d h |n lhe w„,ur and ear| ! told that a majority of tne country »4 the state of Rhode Island. Itjcon- 1 irrigated I have seen I the _ _________ tallest and spring . ......... ............ ............. ' people are in favor of tills change they get . very muddy. Furnished Rooms with or tains within Its borders a marvelous I think the heaviest growth of both There are mosquitoes here, but no One of the great needs of this valley variety of mountains and valleys, of especially the white clover, that I for all these years has been transpor chiggers nor chinch bugs. There are without board kikes and streams, of hot springs and ever saw anywheae. I showed this but few flies as yet, but I am told tation. Now that Government Irrl- springs that are ice cold, of sage blue grass and white clover, to three i they will be quite plentiful l iter in i gation is assured, there sre two rail- .bh. plains and tule marshes, of pine strangers from California and Colora ! roads preparing to build In here. One the season. forests abounding in wild game, and do. Men who understand Irrigation, As toclimate, the people here claim ! of these the California northeastern! •kes and streams teaming with fish. and 1 asked them if this land seeded it is not subject to sudden changes, ■ has purchased land for an addition to in the north west part oft lie county like that would not support one good and thus far. __________ I h3ve found that to be the town, and announced a few day» Corne Main and llth Sts. is Crater Lake National Park. Crater dairy cow to the acre, during the pas the (’«ISC. The summer weather is de-1 since that It is now ready to begin T ake is one of the wonders of the i ture season. They said “It will sup lightful. Just now wc are having ! the work of constluction. This road Klimslh Fall«, Oregon i ificslop*. The lake is said to be' port more than two.” Cows seem to some hot days, but It is pleasant in ‘ comes from Weed, about 80 miles •it>',i- t;u miles across and the water. do exceedingly well here on the native the shade and the nights are cool. It I »“Ulh of here on the Southern Pacific, Phone Main 186 :. ; 2100 feet deep, tlie rim fiom grass, and thè milk and butter is tine. is said that the snow fall is somewhat1 The McCloud road is now under con- louO to 2000 feet above tlie water, i All stock seem to do well. Horses in larger here than in Kansas and for. struction and has shout 40 miles to and 9400 feet above the sea.Klam- ! a general way seem livelier than they the last two winters the mercury has ¡build, to reach Lairds, at the lower ith Falls, the county scat, is situated do elsewhere that I have been. It is not fallen below zero, and to that J end of the lower lake, where it will in the south west part of the county chaimed by some that they can stand point on two or three mornings onlv, i meet transportation by water. If this is ' true It is but it has been known to be as low as [ about one and a half miles below the more work. These are some of the facts as I see ver end of Upper Klamath Lake, on doubtless due both to climatic condi- ! eighteen below. I have seen no hard; them, and as they have been reported Link River and the beautiful little tions and feed. They have the finest storms here and it is claimed there | to me from what seem to be reliable Lake Ewauna. Link River flows from and cleanest threshed’oats that I ever are none, and very little thunder and ' sources. This country and climate Upper Klamath lake Into this lake, saw. Stock is said lodo well on the lightning. The country is claimed to *•» not ««¡t everybody, but here is Summer Novelties, Lawns, Dim- while the outlet of this lake is Klam range seven to nine months in the be and seems to be quite healthful, ! rich soil very productive, with an ath river. year. Poultry does very w-eii indeed. The doctors say that children are very abundance of water to irrigate It, at dies, Percales, Shambrays. In The town has a population of about ! Now let no reader conclude from free from summer complaints. It I Tcry reasonable prices. 12u0 and it has a beautiful location, ! the foregoing that the writer means | would seem that the marshes would! The f«ct that the government is would seem that the marshes would I The fact that the government Is dia Linens, Linens, Calicoes, nestling as it does in a covt of the foot to convey the idea that here is lo be I j produce __ i__ __ — » 1 — I... a tk... — willincr ha«a voilera malaria, but there seems a to willing to evnenrl expend In In t these valleys hills, which are “rock ribbed and found a place of perfection, or even <------------ --------- The absence of ! »■*,400,000 shows the confidence it scarcely any of it. Laces. Embroideries. Stockings ancient as the sun,” while in the dis approaching it.. The more I see of ! be In these lands and waters after a it thought to be due lo the elevation. has in tance are to be 6een mountains, some | this world, the more I am impressed ! which is 4086 feet. An abundance of year's thorough investigation by a and a fine line of Gloves of which are snow capped, the most j with its beauties and wondcis, _____ _____ and i good soft water is very easily obtained, corps of competent engineers. Peo prominent Mount Shasta about one tli« ample provision made in it by “the ! uiany wells being only from 10 to 20 ple are coming In every day by stage hundred miles to the south of us, in Giver of every good and perfeet gift,’' feet In depth and no rock. The Gov loads to look at the country and a California, towering aloft in his white for the sustenance and development ernment has decided to put in a sys large Immigration is confidently ex mantle 14400 feet high and reminding of man, but he who expects to find tem of irrigation in these valleys, lo-, pected. The vast amount of money one of ghostly sentinel keeping guard perfection in country or people, this here by the govern- cally known as Klamath Basin, ern- to be expended . ... is* doomed to! over all around him. side of the millennium, is to bracing about 250,000 acres at a cost ment and the railroads and by pen- Then there is the lake and the val- disappointment. PHONE 10« The project, project ein- ein- . r P<e -r~ opening •ri ’ .___ u * , , . , . of (4,400,000,00. hue —-w up ~v farms will -••• undoubted- - ■ I ! I IT — rrluba finTA» lieolrr linra ley in front. Across the valley to cast ‘ ‘ ' k‘ 7 * h CV 2 ? !___ aTe bracrs »l#o U1P drainage of A -I the marsh fmes lively here. The /»/.« gov- about twelve miles distant, wecan see , been able to to find find here«« hereso far far n.rrtr aside from from i . bndg an(J en able |rrlgatloo of lhen) The eminent engineers arc now making Lost river gap. where Lost river flows I drouths, which are to be over-come by I | whole cost Is estimated to be (18. 60 ! »urveys for the permanent location of through between the mountains on j Government irrigation, are late! ! per acre payable in annua) payments canals, and it is expected that nearly-the same level as this valley. ; springs and liability to frost. The without interest. This will amount they will noon soon be ready to let the This is the gap where Captain Jack in late spring of course shortens the to less per acie, per year than is paid contracts for the work of construc- time of the Modoc War, after having growing season, but I am told the by farmers in many localities to ir- tiun. Possibly I have omitted the scourged the valleys above, brought autumn is fine. The frost seems to rigation companies as water rent; rery thing which someone desires to his warriors through and, skirting vary with different localities, and one whereas in this case at the end of the kn«*- I shall be very glad to answer around the foot of Stukel mountain time it will affect one place and at an ten years, when all have paid up, the "ny inquiries the best I ean. Please skurried away down the valley to the other time another place. Some bear tn mind the fact that if I am lava beJs, wtiere there are great caves people say that it is useless to try to farmers will own the system. The away out here at the edge of the Government builds it in the best and with springs in them and where these raise garden stuff on account of frost, earth, 1 am not forgetting the dear Indians had cached food, and were while others say they are mistaken. most substantial manner and the far friends In Kansas. So long as I live mers have to pay back only what it able to hold out indefinitely. While these do not deny but that they will always have a warm place “ To the southeast the valley is a sometimes some-things are injured, cost, without interest. These waters in my heart. With kind regards and being interstate waters, the Govern comparitively level plain across which they say that Industry and persever best wishes for everybody, 1 am we can see for about twenty-five ance In this direction, is usually well ment has appropriated the use of these Yours Very Truly, streams, and the immense water power miles. On cither side are bills and rewarded. One thing I have noticed J. B. M ason . mountains rising abruptly from the wherever I have been, and that is, in them becomes a part of this enter plains, and back of which open out people who do not plant things are prise, so that the owners of the land A GOOD INVESTMENT. from this, other valleys as beautiful not apt to grow them. There are a under this irrigation system, will also And fertile as this one anil all comb few gardens here and there and in own the water power. The fall of Link river from the Upper lake to this ing in a scene which for beauty and some of them, the growth of vege picturesque.ness is really charming. tables would, I think, satisfy the town, lj miles is 65 feet, and the fall Best equipped saw mill In the coun But for Klatnath river these valleys most exacting. They are simply im In Klamath river from where it leaves ty. Capacity feet per day Fine the valley, is 1800 feet in twelve miles would be a lake. Upper Klamath mense. While there have been cases location. Good market for all lumber lake is some twenty-five miles long In which there was material damage to say nothing of the rapids in other sawed. See or write and two to twelve miles wide. Lower done by frost, I have asked several old streams. As a matter of fact, the amount of Fitch * Spencer, Merrill, Or. Klamath lake is about 12 miles south resident farmers, if they have ever of Klamath Falls and is part in Ore known in the fifteen or twenty years electrical energy which may be devel We have perfected arrangements with gon and part In California and some In which they have lived here, any oped from this water power and the 15 or 20 miles long. There is a thing like a failure from frost, and possibilities as to what may be done the Kidenour Brothers, of Pendleton, with It are so vast that one fails to steamboat on the upper lake large i they have each said they have not. Oregon, expert abstractors, by which we enough to carry 200 passengers or I have seen no effect of the frost on appreciate them. And this Is all se expect to build up a complete and re more and there Is another now being grain so far In this Immediate vicinity, cured by the Government to the own liable set of abstracts on the Cal>inet built here for the lower lake and the but some fifteen or twenty miles from ers of land under this system of irri gation. No one person can get a Index Filing System, These gentlemen nver between. here I saw three or four fields of rye The lands in these valleys are of about the 28th of May In which there water right for more than 160 acres, are now at work npon the set and we two classes, viz., sage brush lands were perhaps ten per cent of the beads as the intention of the Government In hope to F»e ready for business in the and tule marshes. The soil of the turned white by having been frosted. this Irrigation law, Is to prepare land near futnre. We solicit a fair share of for homes and not for speculation. your patronage—Mason A Slough. sage brush lands is a sandy loam, We arrived here on the 18th of May varying from a darker heavier soil and after that time saw frost which Therefore men who have large tracts For Sale—160 acres of fine farm land with net much sand to a soil lighter seemed to me must kill all garden of land may deed 160 acres to their nine miles from town ; 160 acres near wives, and 160 acres to each child, ” color and more sandy. Some places stuff and fruit, and I beletve it would town of Dairy, and 80 acres of timber ‘ ting quite sandy. It works as fine have done so In some other places, but they must agree to sell the bal ance before the government will pro land four miles from Klamath Falla. iu >ue could wish. but here, so far as I have seen, fruit Prof. tV. S. Slough, who was form only was damaged. The people here ceed with the work of construction. The above property lor sale cheap. Jos. Koeael, Klamath Falls. erly Supt. of public schools of Green- say that the fruit crop is short, much At least 95 per cent of the land under ■>d County, Kansas, and myself shorter than last year, but notwith the project must be subject to such Strayed — A team of horses, one blue I have engaged in the real estate busi- standing this, I have seen several, an agreement. Improved irrigated roan and the other black. The black I n» 'toget her and as 1 had much to apple and cherry trees which were, land is held at from 150 to 180 per baa white hind feet. Strayed from my ,<_arn about these lands we got a two very full and a few pears, peaches and acre. Unimproved sage brush land, <.>-h auger and had a shank put on it other fruits. The raspberries, black Irrigable by government project is place Sunday night. A liberal reward I<> feet long and I take it with me berries, gooseberries and red currents selling at from (12 to 130 per acre ac will be given for return or information cording to quality and location. —M. L. Burns. -he. ’ go to show land to anyone nearly all I have seen are very full. These can be put In first class con -oi'l we bore down into the soil. Usu- The people are by the fruit like dition for crops at once. There are 200 cords of dry wood, mostly fir, 18 • <bera is very little change in the they are by the garden, many have inch length, at 12.00 per cord. Inquire some marsh lands to be bad at 110.00 s-„. far 1' wn ns that will reach, It been afraid to plant trees on account WILLIAMSON RIVER o. . .owing lighter in color as we of frost and also lack of rainfall. Now per acre but they will probably not of Al. Carlson at Moore Bros, saw 10 . - ,u. A small per cent of this many of them wish they had planted last long at that price. The marsh mill. CAMPING GROUND rind is now being farmed and has years ago. As I write, there are ap lands will require mure time to pre Wise, Orem A Maxwell have started I am now prepared to taka care ol pare them for crops as they contain V ”ven Itself to be exceedingly pro- ples on my desk, grown last year by a new saw mill eight miles west of Keno -ilve In favorable seasons, and I Mr. Slough, on the onlv tree he had, such a mass of tule roots except where and would be glad to have a share of people who deeire to camp on William iuve been told of wheat making 15 which Is about eight Inches in diam the water Is deep enough so that son river. Will keep a boarding house your patronage. tf ' ishels per acre with no rain after it eter and from which he gathered ten there are no tules, In that case they and will have pasture and hay lor horses. can be seeded to crops as soon as they T'milies can be supplied now with , started In the spring. Grain bushels. Four bushels of these be •ie is almost all spring sowing except wrapped in paper and put in the cel are drained. “Tony’s Beat" at the Central Dining Boats will I* kept for rent. Beet of treat Ranches for dry farming and stock- -.jc. 1 know a farm 4 miles from lar and says he has found only one de Parlors with ur without meals. ment to all. Will carry mail for town on which I am told the wheat cayed apple among them. I do not raising, with plenty of outside range •ra to and from Agency. Big line of watches st popular prices. can tie had for, improved (10 to (20! U3t year make 35 bushels to the acre know what variety tiny arc. They | I.. Alva Lewie. Fiat»« Kltvss KLAMA TH REPUBLICAN inniNG LEADING NFWSPAPFR NEWSPAPER OF OF MESSAGE FROM THE WEST I m i * m broker INTFRIilR ftRFCHN INTERIOR OREGON. i an •* H *•*« •« « im . »« • ■ H . •• . 10 •* 4. M ••U« » 11« . II« « *1« » ■•«»< 11« . & FALB SODA WATER "f «UAL • »»«, nsurance “••»»» Lladhr ESPY, the Soda Wafer Man Farm, City and HFTER 1rs. W. B. McLaughlin Big Discount Sale At the Novelty Stilts Co. Drugs Stationery Musical Instruments Books Magazines Toilet Articles Druggists Sundries Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens Prescriptions Properly Prepared Chitwood’s Drug and Stationery Store HLL for sale locate you on a It's the Movement. Homestead or a Timber I’mUr th « »Hal that tinkci th« Un». pi<c« all watch«« l(»>k pretty mark alike from the dial « h I«( but thvrr 1« a ¥««t diflrrene« ig the Interior cunatrwrtion Conatanilv rrpaùhig «aldi«« «4 «| kind« gut« uà a bno«lr<lg« of thè luti ivate rnrchanittn. can PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE • » • I u • Business property Mason and Contractor Estimates Furnished Main & llth Streets. Klamath Falls, Oregon » n • ' i« • • « • * «»e. ■ u»M Claim We have some That is worth something ti ya and of which luu M»l lb« rrgtat il 11 y«« good homestead n»w ai»l ««ich «<>u Ibis won't ial coaira Irua relinquishments Winters Jewelry Store where the quality I« a!wave right Sfe nnr «in«9<«w« for sale. C. T. BONNEY. To close estate Fine improved farm, 16o ac res good house, barns and outbuildings this is a snap Attorney and Counselor at Law Eurninlng Almlrari» • .Specially NOTARY PUBLIC Orn« ■ New Wor dm llaitdlnj Klnmnth Falls. Or. V-OV-OO«.- 120 acres timber land near Klam ath Falls—cheap. HARRY WEBER F» A I IV TE H All ar»«««4 m«ni^wl«<»r «4 lb« P«l«l Ml Estimates Fum'shed This is a Snap. DID YOU EVER We have several good farms, im proved. Now is the time to get in on the ground floor. XealiM lliat half of the ■irkne*a with which man kind ie afllicled is traced to the «tn mac h. It ie •I’” true that in moat ceaea tba atntnach ia aff«-t»l by Ibe condition ol the laelh. THIS Is the reason why too •horrid run.ull tur ami have vonr teeth riaminrd regu larly. Ih-frrlive teeth ate » mar to lieaiity and a men- ace to health- Bridge and crown When you wish to work a »|rerl»lty« W. R. BOYD. DENTIST Graduate of North I'acific [Irritai College. pay you to con suit us, as you will be assured of a square deal a- o. qrizzlb K lamath palla orboon We have bought the Hol abird Company real es tate and insurance busi ness INQUIRIES BY AT A IL. I KLAMATH BARBER SHOP J. W. SIEMENS, Propriety. ____ Cleanliness and Good Work GIVEN Guaranteed. PROIP T ATTE N TIO N rÆ Ä*