r f 7llldal N«wM»P«r ol County and Leading Journal ol the Interior Oregon Country. KLAMATH VOL- X ia CESS L REPUBLICAN a Prosperous and Trading Public lauds as satlshirtoilh «. |,y „ t,,„( ,(ri) ( 'hoig I. 1., d-i ltl„| h m n.,» Ml, „„„.. f (ii ( . ilmi as MKiii ua p, r , |()1, , M ( LAND main TRUST DEEDS .The dull n-,«, ... NO. an Lompovad 'il John Latlifl mid Wm. Ikaa- KI.AM A III COUNTY’S QUBERNATORIAI ««'ll » ho e«|M*rt Io kvi p a lull supply of PROMISING FUTURE I f.esli POSSIBILITIES meal« on band with which to «up. Probabilities as Regards Coming IF YOU WANT ------- A | I'l.v their I'Ust.iUier*, 1 he faimera of thi* valley m<- prepar Henry E. Ankeny of Klamath Coun~ P-« i ara under ratUla,«urj arra^.......... ■■ Development of Resources by ing f.,r their socun-l crop of ullulfa an-l i . ua III tiu*t or Ollier d, ■-Is la i, w,|| ,, ty Again Aspiring for the Office riieii will la- v.-ry s.niic ,.* a g-wl many Miles of the Big Ditch. ■mie I* M-iv.-r||.« .| |„r |r| Projected Railroad Lines. of Governorship. have g-mu to il.e railroad to «font •t-uili I liila ■I m I«- i : i 4 m app|M, t„ U1|h a* w inter nomee on ..enfereme ■"» Allfft "*»• •*' Bli«l l**U Ct pi. j. Cl» Mr !■•». .I.etdis, ronstllllng engine,-r lk-iieliu“iit J’rovidume having pre OftlH re I I VX» « H m ' . o... I,,,,« t..........I the Baler I »er» (Tina Lair-I. r,l l_iird, Calif., wa* In • "llUllld Kf ,,„,.r "„-XL-............ ........................................ I lite He. Lnmilton 'ri vice ami lot meli» served my lib- bi ilualli, I sliali proceed IP» to th© utft«*© ol Ih» .1 ••'>* lali m in to* n laat Fatui.lav, 1 ••’,»»■,»••• » of the ."■outl,i*i 11 I’a,ulic Com to drug another ri luclant “Guber KI hiiiiii I i L h I|« or io th« lmtmi.« puldi, Guy lerrill an-l »ifo returned from "■I 11 », m idf lliv lolloumg .latriui-iit in . ............. natorial maybe'* into the calcium of « «I Ne»ell. < lihf Flig'loer. 1 11 bl Mcltlll, Ifc'liMliM Bild 1 *«iiy and k . tl," lamia and Clark Fair last Sun-lay ' • ' 1 r .1 1......1 Iniwiir'.. : publicity, to lie there iirimulated on tbe i,.|4„oii. n,i|»'»'•"•< Fngui.rr. 'I H ilo*»« iniBl dv«tU. t*' l tmi kei-p *1 I* ol 1 our »•■, ddlh'ult to predict the mid rw|s<rt ol hating u j-dly good time. altar of art and lit. rature. The life and ........ ............... I*...|. « » •"•» ■» «©»I «•( I be d<vd lit© |tM) H ' •"«», n inb-ml rii<< wind l.as, Li-.-n blowing lerribl» vt future luniingu tin* country might Im four latin unii ahm|.| ■ K ■ * laet liila to , n I I f r tr ir.*p<irt by rall, a* a r,-*,iit of for tl.« past few <1 iv*. making it very mlwnture« of Henry E. Ankeny, of .............. nd Wl.lier. '••m.uluiig * " mining ami liirautc ■■■■leliration, are now ||irrt,< n »as anmainevd tl.al III* esti « •»vtr moat of votir impr.iv« If. I 1 h* diangreeal Je nu I dusty. to unfold with thrilling realism, under l »(»••irt»I*''* "* liil©«'V« t, xoti »hmil I Hq || I I» I III«’ ' l<*U III© <1 itti The ladies ol Merrill showed great my magical ai.d immortalising pen. pl«MV )UU • m lioui at ,«|| t. , 1 la*«-r hl,« »tl. I'.ok' « "• '• 1 [ inspect to Mr. Asher Ia«t Funday and Tin. amiable and eminent gentleman Otllvt !j|>*!» aiiiiil.rr |ui n«*M w KOkti J. !•»•> '*’•« • IU'"*«"*'1 b' 11, .ith lull«, th<* ctHinly i j I <»( • k-v-irated In* grave with flower«, (or ’ alighted ii|>on tlda rotating orb al that H ub rauhot thru l N « p««| ( | IM| ,| .„„rl. Th.y al» now rr«-ty to ad Kh ti lth Im© at the pr' ent w bleli Mr. A Id, iylge extends Ids th.inka. . point known as Ik-aver Cieek, Virginia . ........................................... .mt of the W«k • Ir« I thiif n pnpnlrtHfiti S.l tlir pop t'ur City Marshal. Chas. A lanis, in Die year lkt > ladield the momentous Th© tirai thiir («» ©«-II |©r . „„.ling "I 'h* ••i’”“'1* "*4’ Clamali. ulmini) «4 the GUttnly |w ulwiiil alwaya on duty aud Kiida tbe bad tuen 1 even*. After getting his breath, hr de- 1,1!« .»J th* lb»1 ’’H............. "* ‘'“'h •'“* * hili’ lh«* I nhi N i *«f ( «iti»! t m 1 |lt|) 1 I m It 1« m | pt”) vt, An now plNhh«*<l • O It lb. ■ ided that the tune waa rijte to dieeover lilla- I'h’l*'' »»»•«•<•'"••hl* «"I**' while ll»r i’X. B id Ihr cuiintry mv , • ’Utt iMphtt«*« U h * (»1 ‘J'dl Dr. I‘alt«-r»on. our city physician, has ( Oregon. To think that war to act with „lh r> frienee Io Und. contra» I. Klatnalh Hn»ln. an ! ©!.»’«• th,» p i urie * • I ¡411*1, Nit :tr«*K «¡rilv t .ijaLh- <¿1 purelias* I a li-'tne ami has moved in. our intrepid expiuier, »0 in the Hummer hfihBwiwk w© I m lp».l»l« I« tuetti I» a-lwitir 1,/ (hr prop 11. '•I’l ¡• 1 «Hing t roinniHuil) ol 5V«O>>. Fhr ■ of | • ',) we find him taking Horace Gn-e- lie is very cosily fixed. „•tk ai'l •* »• '"""y 1 "" •*"' I*liit«il Mair» and ihr tailr* « 1« ill, Iniida I viith irrU'ittlun, art* I l> y's advice, lin route, being oblige-1 to I"' „■ -pel Iri-»« *b* * 'T '*•’■ rid» »silli* I a ui'i (»ien ip, potting tnohr lii owning of Clarence Aahcr. ti'.btiu’ - I tb«» bttiihur fruit», gr.iiu change car« at i>t. I j C w I s , lie was elec- Io Ihr Oiihlt) nii'l Lilli! Util M <'¡arene-, Aaher and tarn C. Bell, two |t af the »elk M'-i e*|h« lalll th- III' I li I I .dfil-rt, ul.ilv tin* Ntrainp I hik I b , tritied by a rumor that Anneueer Huech -d liiu show i-e-iple of toe Snell Aldridge iJyvanbe l"iHl lui'i'g'!••' *' 1 tilghr»! Vdhi4lb I. U I CO tl.r I ... 11 • " ft . hi . hm I, h ill opcti up rb h till©- was about to establish a brewery at that < • uipany, tia-k a »troll down the river Bollir* hai bo I mh !< I air! th>o«rk I.C tkss|*1MV **11 *'* •' "ul^ u**r I a .in •, ndiiiiiably B'iaptrd to truck place. Willi great presence ol mind be ^titilli of t lie < <i ui( rv (hr rtiBU •*. hi Siinda) an-l Mr. Bell being a go<»d aw im- Il 4 pnalfwl|-M‘"< ”"* l**H>- Liinmig mitt |<i « tthurc ol the vaiit.u» decided to ictnaiii in Missouri and con- in,-r went in to lathe, nn-l Asher, who II... V«...... I si -I Tr.ist D" . I •• pro. a Urgr l it of Im I |«> «,-|| n(|| j I »’ -*,'•• pLiiitP r«’.»«tin I for <t|kirjF ilitvn'B!», I firm, if possible, this «‘artling intel could i .it swim a «troke, wan told to tic |uMd III the R- l.im Ill-Ill Sen. e «I I 4g4iti»( tl. Your oatt itile*««- *.« to ■th h ! u *! iv vbirli h*iB pi » wii .*■» biahh ligence. Hu« farcwrll to MeMora. I-rwia a IHJ4-mi.-ind In. | .*fy and he (Bell/ t, |.n,Ji«l».-( in 'he o d uh i » "I •I*’- a »alt* uithm lh«* imit’ ail<*««d i «< un p» tfitaLle in ihu bill- jiu Irtii’K <J ihv and Clark ami Jerne Applegate, who, I w-Hild tea. h him to »»»till, which lie did, pj,,.an la»« <• • • k ■»•'"•■ ' " 1,11 *'*• dvf l|«r tniat •! < «I to p« || k .»* • an «Mito ;iii«l P hh J*m<piih Valley* neglected to .tale, had accompanied him ©•'old I» g n « l I v I .1 r / ’.o nriiug. tv *•• rather -b»*li.- l ut on • n vt ctihtiir al»o | |o Le^utu© Hh l»ul thu rope- leing very ah-irt, only km particularly touchiug. ulaiut i ighl ini he* in h-nglli alter bring II toil waflt to arr «ifrt ft* l»*t i«» Hl"* • x*< iifiv© ih<hi»try hi thin Banin. ^b-r«ti<« i' »til sp|s-»r Ihst the r m- It wu. livre that he secured tho cele tie-l aroun-1 hts Issiy, did not leave very Ji,»ai« »ill n it I«' l,»'d «Hi th" rm e»* 0h«a »igtl Ihr Irti»! dv«*d ail«l urge i our lilt*« t(«’ii»irt* bill pMtltlt.i^«« uffor.lttl brated whisker rwi|>o which ha. con- I ft » •• a,alt ral-esl l-y all tbal nrlghlMtra U> loakr holr. hc’u, rnnk<*a thia an «•<<■< !lent *t< < k much <»( a hand hold for Mr. Fell to g,-t tnbuted »0 much U> Missouri’, lair fame In.l'l of ami wlien lie loat the r»|e, it «-mH I«- iwv-my I“ cut d-.»n in < *>uh!ty, and lln rv 1« mm L«*iitg *hip|n*d Mini has made lain at once the admir .loilmi b 4.llhg» I«| US' «era» ami the Bought Business at Bly h> 111 llii" di»h h t »ollie ’.5.DUO h« id uf I Asher went down to tile laittoin of Ilin ation and despair of the entire North- river an-l did not tamic up until Ed. owl devi |Jsn i« Ila- only «»•,•(•»«'or» • it th« |4*r Riiiiiiiii, With Ihv large in west. The Barbera* I'idoii, bowrever, Lynch, who emci-.nfully usud a grab „-•i-yens’ I •• ••« im-p-w- d lo» lusu,dug cr»’R»« tn (<»■ tg<- <’rt»|Ni (or winter (<•«•»|n.g lias sworn to knife him should lie run H. C. !l«inakr'r. o| t|,,. ,n Vi book in bringing liim to shore about one .laJ, irl* 'I'MI and al ll«r «ami lime al iltMi mil 1 «ult (r »tn irrigaliuii, ihi* in- hour after he went down. There were | I for the Guvernoraliip. b-e the e» I ••• tn e- otrol the -H«|«*|ilon G iiihb I Irwsw • Itu.ineM liip in FI41u.il tlu*lry willvkpaiid «n I u wuro In It was along alsjut ’51 that Ankeny siveral nun who dove alter the body' (Ol 4Ih» "»osa ian-la-luill*g lite |« il>aj id enuuly, « Ini.- «I...- < |... nr< • hi» 01,<• <»( til© (hied <*l»*invhtN of 11.« made liis advent into tliia Mate. At bill could not get it, iliu water being rqotf uelt-ai. It«" oam-r baa I It" «'• lite II sii» lit,,» g"t>»r.| ntviclmielise hil'ir« nvalth of th© rutintry*. that time there wasn't much doing. alsi'rt lb t.-et ilcvp. '11,<- Snell-Aldridge .. |,( <‘40 ., ,U,le ivy*“ lo I,alali«- Io« Iniwl- aa lie ■»•■reel Hl» At, I ». ’ I !.»• tinintvrrMw «4 <!»«• country The pristine silence was unbroken save Com|iany t.aia it very bard an they |4,, mh vi |t*«Ht S* ll,«' I'mtvd Siale» Is rettgt' hl. I 1.tn*-,. ,n,lt. Lete, he »» l . 4r<» highly valuable through 4 if h lx*lt lor the echo of the woodman's ax punc the of «vB >w pin« Ht>d irt! flr. The country* could not hardly give up one of their «vsrsd I Wat • l«*»i itr- ■»!»* i«a>h I» go Iw. k Io l»ly !.. Isle < h.ry• tuated occasionally by the «brill war la-st urii*ts, as Asher was the leading' Ln.lurss ai.d cuielncl It. Their main b I hmiii !* in tiitturpaMed plcn«iir© rr*<>rl», |»h<»op<d tbe sanguinary savage. The ga« Üw taiat • |«er»-a. -pi*-iU«.l lu |*t |*f S «»tri fight *1*1 I* tl i le lea l» Io ftlrmla livre Mill Ϋ£U| h> 1 bv «* Mr »ill« A b I iiiij . limiting, bitting mil the man. Tin- |,eo)'le of Merrill encourage»! the' busy hum of commerce was several laps Bpf-ty It «1* *•■ tier ha» i. -I n.a *u I, ll«rn.k*r «od f.miS Irsi Adilatiil, Utit p’oaiuiity «•( Crater I akr, to n«akc it in i in the future. The enchanted wand of •msye-Hieiil* at ll.al IMU«- Ilo-*•-<’-•'a » they retain ron.idcr.l.lr pn»|*-t< u, riitaLI««© )!»•»*• * for th© rummer p!ra- coni|•aux 1-. give an cufmtaiiiMcOt on civilization had not yet conjured |iopu- sf tl* Inlrri-r ma) du« • I the Water t. real. h. re. atei will I»., linked With lite •uirNvkt«i, Th«*rv »•xi-l’i h««r© hydrt»- S . iii lay night .»a a l-cuetil U» buiy the lous cities from out the raylesa depth of )ouug man aa n ■ definite wold could lie last, tn s l».-rti*v and »vll the lai.d, but eh» Io that n .» Tiding* **U*«tiic p m « r p >«Nilnliiirs to .«•»j-l in an illimitable forest. had from Im brother in Portland »nd itu) time up I«» «',« h.air <( sale the th general ilcv<4»op(n«*iit of th© country Henry took advantage of the absence he wa* Lu ! to real in the Merrill come r-tMi«n „.ii,*h niak" a »ala l>. .«Hal u ’ * nt<* of th*’*© nro iw»w being <»x , of coiri|ietitii>n and established a couple /7r;f vcc M m Located. tary. liol (,-re-o« *n l «t-ip lite «ale pl U*l. >i tranks, whi. h, in conjunction with a I a v Oliver of t)ic Mascot staid«-* nt ; Prbae a sale un I* m-Ivied their * U Urn 11 tn full agiuunlurai pua* gol I mine that gut in bis way, are re- »V S. V, »«Ien retin,ie I l\ nine-'ay • B iht........ . Ibu Civntry u ill hat© Irt ti Klamath Fall-, »» ho is kno»»it all over sp-t.sible for lite ap|iellalion of "Bonan mt*tl*r--1‘ v-t«-l a«' hi mi It -• pa t <>l llgSccrrtai) and th" Wale, t'sei* A- «Venin« freni ttwJ, < si s< inpHn-,,| hr|-h‘Vr*«| i**fTp »rtn. ;t l* lw».evwl, will this county t.a.k tin- pan of Mr. Asher za King" that he «0 modestly supports. a ill, this noted tro< p and did very well wuilrai »i I neither -- uld haw ai-» I,» A II. Nafltg- r II . A gi . «' Bgc t-g’4?*’ ho! h *« thnn <•«»* of As »11 iiistancc of Ilia remarkable -bar« !-••»-r»!l. e the Intc.e»«* uf any, JI« <■>»«■ ne.-trd »11I1 lbs t ali: imi borili In :gbt |w«r nnnnm. nn<t m«Mt <»( it will mid ail gave him gieal credit lor ma business sagacity I would here note that w oi k. Mwr. Th- Kr-lamalbm br.vna de raklern tlallr<-4-l ('«»tupani, and •»»■ !<• a chip* U> y I’. ld *ubf*lNhtl.«l tanfl» he caller! 11. TV. Go-ide's attention to )© b 4< on pul4)< <ipihi*>n and H »i the Arti anello,1 ot lami» lulle« o| the <h»<« o’lii-r inaitrr w«»rthy of mcnti'in 1» tile possibilities of tbe Oregon City falls •th- 4<’hr in thia prnj«« if «mild H»- new low-1 this .ide ot lir.iss Lake ha« tb«* adrantagetMia ratlcm oulfet for any Death of Mrs. IM. 0. Smith. for supplying power to an electric light nnp>MiBiL.«* I«»r Uirn» L» grl l«,n l«wate.l by the *urv, • »rs at.-I that lh>«« of railroad built info tl v KlmuAtli plant as early as 'f>2. The fact that thr li tuki «(>< pw fl«-* lirrv lv va» ««iM-ratr t-l-ls will «omi tm called for fr uì ron- Country. Lying m a ©rnrral north* electricity had not as yet liecn discover Mr» I’-, (i Smith died at the home of »in. i I h - wi in tl««« r »n«f rii ii-it| «>! 4f»ot|»«*r trai'tor« Tor road will I,.* fi,«t ra«tvrly dirr< n-»n from Klamath L.tlla ed should not be allowed to interfere Iff parent« Tuee.lay afternoon, August Xi»© Jhii-s»!«»»« (il dir \X an i wm ivS rtc.-«d a u,e | m - i rent g,a I«- thetv 1« a «<*> t«**i ot if i i »n prrjrrtk, with the course of legitimate biography. 1», BAiXj from complu-ations, arising l’irta l ••»VIHI. «I» arr rl«<Âd l»J tlir ctnLr.vmg jn tin* Ji/grt“pitf« nb«»nt Ki*» OXI Mr. Ankeny has never held public of I from tin-premature birth of her child lt»d(>«urr» a :*»! arr r«*»|M»nai1'lr Inthl'iu acicB ui land .Sun© of tbc’M- arc now fice. He ha« a brother in the United Farm HoJsa Burned. Sunday inondng. The fiineral was livid I’fil»* pr«'|n«r «i I ru : ii i • f r a 11 iti nf llitir lh i/ «v! I »’’.»I t <-AtrS’ler.“! b\* 11;»* C»lri i«| State« Senate, but says lie can't help nt the residence i the deceased’« par IHMI. Mv»t Ilf thrill Rte thrm-rlv* » rI (iovi'rnimuit and «lutibtlct- nil nr© dew* that.—(«regonian, by Harry Murphy. ent«. Mr. atel Mrs. I D. Applegate. Ibis Ml land oaitria and would <« ri4U«l) tjnv«|, f jiu * «lav, to I«* built, when Th«* rv»i*Un<M ol Mr Krllry nt Pin© morning at L> o'el.x k. interment being doXrthinf ti injur«* tlirirnun in!©r»*»t* Mrs. Reid Insane. tr.»n-p »1 t.itlon nnd othvi ♦•hun<*nl.'». liriiVv Uli «Ir»! rot c»i by fin» Tue» I:«’ made In the Klamath Falls cemetery. ••***»• ilJl 1 • H* 1 1 ihvrd»'d to !.-© |»*»»fildl .<!!• > '. .11/ '.In it «• *•»!, funk«* ihvni feiiaH»!«*.** T|irrr * . ia linone m I h’tnr at ihr Uine Jessie Applegate was born in this l*»f tinm I»» betray th© tniat «if ihr »•I lite tire, 1 'It tin* nri^htwir» L aj Mrs. Geo. Reid was brought down count» at Alkali Valley on the IStli of l«f» I«» t!t© tinnir» m l a »f«tr.l ihrrr tliul From Our Merrill Correspondent, April, ISSu, ami »¡-cut the »arlier years from Paisley last week suffering from an >««r h»> Iren --iprsme.i t.y -omi that I **iv« i^pMMil ot ihr Ilii »« Imi* g »I«, hili of her life there and at Edgewood ranch aberration of the mind. She was taken **•»"'■'»*• -4 tau t a o,il*| la, tt.rww n lhr»r wcrr ©ft«*rt»tnl< lyirur l rt« Iho before the board of insanity on Saturday T .1. Oll.vld nnd M. Il.vit stat ted for in Swan Like Valley, moving to Klam Ib- ii »’bet at sms l.ut at the con * in«l » -urn» <| thr Nparbt ftliich and a commitment to the a-yhini issued, !"’•<■« meni naiivi alai» e aMiirwnv.- Was Mi>i>l»v-o<. last Mon.la»- inortimg. Mr. ath Falla with her |M»ri-nts nlxiut six til* l<>«« a g asi suba. I Ipllofl W.tH i'he authorities at the asylum were no '•di. I I will bring Miss Alice Niles, »ears ago. After attending the acliools pria that til • pi.qa.-t would t* in ii raised and pryarnlol t-> litem by tb«’ tified and two wardens arrived here Sun l4l.iMl.tvr <>l E. L. Nslea, lii.me with huu, here .«lie »»ent to Monmouth and Aah- Mrdttvd an-l rvten i-'-l juat aa Inat -»y a« people. day and left with her last Monday noon. 'Hgaa tbr land ownvis un<l«r tlo- pro- who l.a- la'i n employed in a tclepliom- land Normal schools, anil to an docu- Mr«. Reid is al«>ut sixty years oi age jm’i’iir.- That ia plain and amglH to nllii c at -.u i imvi.to lor several rioutha. timary M-hool al Jam Angeles, Califor Big Loads for the Falls. and it is said that the affliction was nia. • s lie was married to Mr. \V. O. l»4nnia i >g. Mr. Unit will go on to I'orllaiiil to meet ea-ise I bv worrying. The many friends of **ia« a* bran learn.-I non»narut ho uiotlirr, whom he has not seen (or a smith the latter ¡art oi l.»’t year, anti the family wish for a speedy recovery— hvr untimely thalli bungs unusual sor la.-h has an fat. after , miai.lwra Grotgv Clid»v " «• in !•»*!> >A;ur«!ny long lime. row to her liurband. (talents and other Lakeview Herald. H-*, rah,* i ,|)f„ (t|1. tr|li| 1(iw.J M|1|1 Iroin hip rAttrh down the Ktanmlh. Hr J-din t'olwell,w ho Is a Merrill ram her. relativesand friends, who mourn that »h- hate rx presM-d n »illu gm -s r«*|M>r(» (lint everything i» guing idvng hi. jus« r< luiiied (rvlu the Klamath i ' the inscriitslile plans of providence May Buy Klamath Lake R. R. “y* " I'ldr the owner* id Ihr la,- pin«H»thlv tn liia »«rti *n >•( tluv untVy, nmrsli where he h ts lievn looking after I ' »liotild find it necessary to take one ro (M tra-i, nn.lrf t|1(. Let us but hv «loru not like th© I itf l«'tula of stia k, and rejMirt« q good trip, voting and happy from the circle of Iter A San Francisco new s report is to the j delav th. pr..J.-> i any longer by rr freight (hut !hc»v fonmalera art* hauling I I. l.-rwiiHgcr wc it t , Klamath relatives and fiietids. . She She leaves lea»es a a hns- hue- effect that Frederick Weyerhauser, the! U*»S to nn»kv our word nm thry lake four h»»rpea an 1 I*' g-s*l when I ■ " i.iy t<. tak- Ida wile's ► t ■ a#j f h..r p.,,,-rts and Minneapolis timlier capitalist, is nego-! •»4 ll.xa • • Would cut our holdings to out, Liing ih<*ir to hi« piner utnl Ml". Timni. «. of Scotts VaU. v, Calif., tWo sialers and onu brother to mourn tinting for a vast tract ol valuable tim IWVcrsa. g<» hm k nftui tn<»n* mid |hm double Io t<-lake the st.igc lor «*,«' railmml. w le. |,er !<»». Iwsnhm very many other I«.v- ber in Northern California, which also 5»njt land <>wn«ra have Intrmlrd to get to thu Fit II» I. », l e.ui »i-iung here for tbe past two , ,n d, ,u„| relativer. •ucludes the property of the Klamath to < • •<-> « « >-t«r b ot . . 1‘BttR of imu laud »»» pecks. Lake Railroad Company of which Her Tim Sl-aimr W invni.i will give au ex "W fmiHirs .nd Where >m h iiiteiilum Mr. nnd Mr« A. Ferrlll me cooking at vey Lindley is president and comprises cur »ion Sunday I.» lite l.-*lir" irt I’rhe ttt 11 »IR should tie carriol out Mt One More Flower Plucked. (lie lliveisido Hotel of thi- plus. a large belt of tine timber in Jackson Hay. Tlit'iw will he n dauce nul flic l* I'l.ui will fflrp i... the excoae and Klamath counties.—Ashland Tid The new butcher firm of lliig city ia Ford family will furnish the mude. I Hath Ims clniiued nnothor jewel, but ings. — -- ------------—--------------- V S "1 !!■ ■ In»« she »lied? No, she has gone todwcll where | am an-l sortvw never enters. Look Here. Gone from ewrlhly cw.cs and sot rows, but her spirit w ill never die, it w ill live. T>o you know that you can buy any Mrs. Je*«ie Smith was known and re-1 FIRST CLASS IT TO HATE SHOK funnel Work and First Ten Now is .the Time, This is the Place, We are the Firm That tdkt» PNpocinl pniits to curry it complete un<l iip-to'diite slock of Clothing, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Blankets, Bedding and Curtains. Ono Hliipniont of Clothing in new fall patterns is here, and Roverttl more will arrive iinnicdhitely Just received a la'ge order ot the well known JOHN B. SI LI SON hats a NpoeiaHy of [4„eeM, IlibboitH Embroidery tin«! IditlieH fancy embroidery • ••«I lino luce “,!‘; cullar <ol,a,H H. ' ,n our «Xi’IuHive Shoe Deportment we carry a lull and up-to-date •'IIP R Of *" Hh, shoes for mon, women nnd children, for comfort, wear anti style. "»‘Vt) the exclusive handling of the celebrated "loot form shape Packard shoe. auA I n.s, the Best Medium for teaching KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 17, 1905 fitady to Advertise for Bids laud e The Lirccst Circulation end « the BOSTON STORE (°re that Saves You looney. L. JACOBS & CO. ■qiccted by every g* ml citizen ot Klam ath Falls and her death i.« a «orrow to all »»ho kimw her, but none will ever mi«» her ao much as the little babe who cost )iis mother’s life. No friend nor relative can »ver take th« place of a mother, no hand can soothe the little aching heart like a mother's gentle str ke, and although lie will never see liia mother on earth there will ever la> that yearningdor her. His kind father has the sympathy of everyone, na also the bereaved family. No words of sym pathy can heal the gelling hearts, noth ing but time will wear away the sorrow to a certain extent, liut wo must re- member that "lie that giveth also tak «•th away,*' and we must bow our heads to Ilia reverence and remember that Ho death all things well. Fniaxus. thing in the line of Pianos. Pianola*, Electric Piano*, Pianola Pianoa and Organs. Wo also have some bargains in slightly used Organs w hlch have l»een taken in exchange for Piano*. Call and see ua at the City Drug Store and yon will see that we have the right goods at the right prices.—Cos« Piano House. Headquarters, Medford, Oregon. Grand Alfalfa Ball. The grandest time of the season is as sured. A grand Alfalfa flail, at Houston's Opera House, Wednesday evening, August 23. Given by the em ployes of the Cantrall and Summers ranches. The floor managers will tie Tom Kinney, Elmar Smith and I’an Lovelady. Music will be furnished by 50 I'ltir mens trousers, SH to 42 waist. the Eord family. Tickets |1.00. Rrgttlar value »2 50 to »4—Special for Saturday |Lf»O K. K. K, Store. All service« as usual at the Presby terian church next Sunday. Infinite announcement concerning the picnic w ill be made on Sunday. Just arrived, another ahipment oi the Silverware, cut glass, clocks, novel- Ctlebralcd i’ackardAbow at tbe Boatun ties, etc. Thu ducat line in Klamath ' Shoe Store. • Couutv. L. Aha Lewis, New line of Modern Woodmen and Knights of I'ythum emblem pina A charms at Winters Jowlery Store. \ ----- BUY A----- 2Í WALKOVER *f. If you want style combined with iwearing qualities ---- BUY A----- WALKOVER &C All the Latest Styles in Black Tait Angeles $2.50 Shoes for the Eadie- New and com- Fancy China crockery and plete lines of tin glassware and graniteware Fruit Jikv« nnd Stone Crocks K K K STORE 11 tl>o f Äee ’[ ivagon ffeififlxt lo riel sb » of St ? Hlrthop * « i “The Maiden and the Man" Said the Mairlrn Maiden tn to thr the M.in. Man, “IT disclose to you a plan How to wm my hand and heart:— Just shake those clothes—they're sham« Get the kind that's made by 'Lamms' And as one we’ll then depart- He did as she commanded And when coming back thus "BRAND -ed He was greeted with sweet laughter: She said— “Much to me you're worth Ootlied with THE BEST ON EARTH" And they lived happy ever after. Every man who seeks to clothe himself with the satisfactory kind of made-to measure apparel should follow the maiden’s injunction The "LUMIIM” kind from “Start to Finish” mako* good Its labol ”THE BEST ON EARTH” That means material, trimming, workmanship and fit; and they’re mide strictly for you —not for the other fellow. They’re money saving clothes became of their lasting qualities. Never get out of shape and always have a smart a-d natty appearance Price« are right, too. “Seeing is believing’’ and if you haven't ordered your Spring attire yet. put us to the test by calling at “THE BEST OH EARTH” CLOTHES SHOP You'll find there a large and superb line of Spring and Summer materials to select from and courteous treatment—buy or no buy. IT'S WORTH LOOKING INTO. ASK TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS for tlie NBXT SIXtfY fiAYS will give extra bargains in all lines of Clothing, Dry and Fancy Goods, Hosery, as well as Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Wall Paper for Lyamm £: Company Tailor Made Best on Earth Clothing