Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 10, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Nt’v*»piPeP o1 K|ama,h
County and leading Journal
Of ihe Interior Oregon Country
Th« Lazgttt Clrculatlun and I«
We Best Medium for RucMtyr
a Prosperous and Tradii« Public
NO. *9
are approved bv board
Chief Engineer Newell of tho Reclamation Service Stales
That the Plans and
for the Project
Pave Been Passed on By tho Board.
water payments
H. ttumphrry.
A m<wti"i "< ,he Direct»»» ®< ’I*»
Vil»» Cwi»’ A»«ci»tk»i »lui !bc mein
l„. J ihr Ikur.l "I Engineer», »■■
l^kl Ture.!»» emniiig at II." orti •
P» g«elim»iiou Fen*» F. II. N»w
.11 Chief Engineer •*! «»•• Ite* limaii*m
fettle». In» •lini ».hliv». I«’f”»o Ih»
n^»üii| ilale.1 !h«t Ih» B»»r>1 rwm»
g,» (or ih» purpn»» «f »tringliig »|*i I-
trooli» f«' X* eon.trucil-m of the
Ktota'lt l’i' K* •*<
I*“ ””
|4»U >ubmlll»-l bv the Knglmre»» In
lt>. «rkl. II« .»rt that they 1.4.1 hnp«<l
(n b» il'1» to I”*’ • !»•«• force in ll.e
U,|J an-l I» .prn4 the greater part ut a
irilliou JulUri hero ll.U fall.
I» »pratti.g of lite laHure nf the
Wit.r i ief.‘ Areoclatie» in gelling the
font 4eeta aigu-iJ up tor ll.e exre •
Uu>l umler the projee», M». Newell
„l4¡ "W'ebive g.U to li.vr aom»
I uv tl.ll th* «icere 11 nJ will be »lilt
.1 1 me>n»l*lc prue. I very ile.ay
».rant I-re Every hour*.‘Inlay i».. «t
i.j llu. reinmui.il » Iretn lulu.
to||k>l W.-»re »II rv.lv tu pr.weer! I
tO cent Latent
20 cent Melusine
iO cent Batiste
5 ce nts
j . q
cc nts
.Wee nts
25 cent India Linen
20 cent India Linen
15 cent India Linen
20 cents
15 conts
10 cents
INe have a large stock of Umbrellas for wet or dry weather
Jarge stock of Working Gloves just arrived
complete and up-tp-date line of Suits, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods
_ Our Hosiery and Underwear line is complete
yours for business .
a —
If you want style
I olluwlng i» n atatatnent -bowing re
Washington, D. C., July 27, IMS.
ceipts and ili»Lur»einctit» of tin- Klaui- Mr. J. IS. Lippincott,
ath Water Usara’ Association Io data,
I’. 8. Beclamution Ferric*,
including accounts of the Inigalioo
Merchants Exchange ClJg.,
I “mmltt«*» whirl acted previous to or-1
Sau I raiicisco, Calif.
gauirution >1 the Association
fk-ar ¿ir :
I'rinting and Stationery
lai) 06 I ! am in receipt of your, of th» liti.
Printing and Stationary
7«(X) iuilaol a» to the ltrn>- when payment» ¡
< »llire equipment
f'G.ll 1 -ill be required for water on «zee»» land I
Fees nnd Filing
27. M | Jmhiing».
Mata Corporation tax .
1 Ifl.W I The term of contract and agreement I —
.'alary, üecratury, tIOO.ÜG
■nVblving a tru»t deed to the Water
Halary, Attorney, LOO.bb
POO 00 (
A»»ocialiou a» given in Circular
Directors, |,er diem and
No. ZA, ha* im-en generally aigue-J up
2.«<1.5 Mid. very little dilfieully. 'Jim pro-
Tiavelirig ex|>euser
l'1-i 'i > «ide» that the land must 1« »undivided
Kent, taleplsone, light, etc
hi ”|J ' and th» title »hall be in the hand» of
• 1 - ' ptrtie» qualified to perfect a water right
AsiK-aameuta refunded.
i'-1-i0 iat or »ubiequent to the time when the
Inciden tai expenses
-'^•15 jSecretary of the Interior »hall announce
——— that winter ii ready fur delivery for such
|.'/384l | lands. Jt provides further that the »ale
Amount collect»«! form
of the land» put in tiu»l with the Water
Aiieasinent No. 1
Uaera* Asxiciation »hall be made at the I
Amount collected ly
■iirectien of the Mucretar v oi the Inter­
Irrigation Comiuittee
49 7.5
combined with wearing qualities
---- BUY A------
All the Latest Styles in Black Tan
Angeles $2.50 Shoes for the Ladies
New and com-
Fancy China
plete lines of tin
crockery and
f glassware
and graniteware
F'jrult Jr«© íoh I Stone Crocks
It will
*een from this that the land
I wiU not lx? »old until the Secretary
give» direction for such rale and that 1
| 141.89 the time fur such auction will not ar­
Assessment No. 2, just levied, will in rive until the Government ¡a ready to
all probability, carry the Arwt-iatlon furni»h water.
through its fiist year, making a total of
Therefore eu.h e*L.-»i land will not
five ceuIf per share, as was tires r-ati- 1» subject to »ale until the Government <
Elmer I. Applegate, Sec.
it ready to furni.b water for the parti­
cular trarta and at in the ease of the <
Snell-Aldridge Company. Klamath l’r< jeet the dev -lopment of the j
area to be Irrigate ) will lie gradual, ’
To-night, "Dr. Jcykll and Mr. Hyde," there »reins to be no reason to appre- j
Ross Boyd Marriçd.
will lw ihe bill. This is a dramatisation hind any hardship or any recrificu oi
of Rolwrt fxnns Mteven»<>n’s famous nov-1 laud values.
A quiet »adding iw 'iirred at »Le rc»i- 11 sml the play has prove«] equnlly »» • When the canal aystein ¡»extended!
put a. .«'it ». you <!•* lour |-»rl. Ur
I. -uca- <1 51 r. and Mrs I I!. YaUan Aun- ‘ popular a« the Ixmlr Ru bard Mana- to cover a particular tract and announce­
lay morning, a han Dr. W It“»» Boyd ! field found Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydJ ment is ruade that the Government ia
•K) >1 tin» city and Mias Amt« Farrar, of one of Ina most »ucceasful starring ve­ ready to receive water right» for »nch !
Will 5uon Have Necessary
Vl ' Portland, ware united in marnage Ly hicle. and th" noted actor claimed that land., the excess holding» under auch
, l>is only ri-»».in for eliminating the play
II. e I,er 5f. C. Rtarr.
canal »hall 1« in the hand» of partie»
The rercm .ny occurred at 7 :BJ o'clock from Ina repertoire was the tremendous • qualified to apply fur the water and if
OfljHif'iH f.rtt Ä3 1 («©r ernt «4 the Total uii.ulaciU<«l
I’J. 7|4 and iiuWivdiaU-Jy after the wed.lmg mental and physical taxation of the not
will then be aiibject to »ale if the
hffi-l In privi!» ©wnrrehlp urvlrr th»
I braakfaat, the young couple left for Fort j role. Mr Aldridge essays the dual J Secretary of the Interior ao require». , |
L'l’f p.u^©cl Ita*J Ixwn »»gitr I. Thia ir
and his |e>rtrayal has won the 1
The quaation of payment for a waler f
l air and Races This Fall. Klsiuath and ilia iM-nutiful Wool river character
• fi in U i I |«©r cfiit ’it»c© July IS
country, share they »ill s|wtid their highest praise of the press of all the rggl.t doe» not concern the partie« having
T >«rv arv |lJ9 7<)f Acrra uf privat* 14ml
large cities.
i Ilia siidlen change« and wonderful cxecia holding» as no money» will be
Th© L amath ('«»unti Af ri4*uhiiral
nrwkf th< Inarrr |»r»’jevt. (M thia
The tuule ia a charming and ac
hm from them to the Government.
a um »<ll I »hl n« annual Fair
I’fti I ava I «©Th ».flirti ÄftJ 19, *| I St rrw
comph«h.-d v»ung lady of I’urtland and transitions from one character to tbe Pai :u< nts will be rec"ivtd only upon ,
rriBit urun 11 r ,1»*!. Th«« h«t nf ottbtif •n«l !(••<'• on (I»© '«ti »eg u ip
I.«« .ilrnu ly »o« many warm friends in other hsa l«-cn characterised us nothing aater right application» duly filed, and
•nd aatrig© with I» «rv uu»ul«w» HI k M I» | i
l.lanntb Hall». Dr. B vd was raisnd in . short of wonderful and one oi the most they will not become due until after a
Tl.e "flirt’» of th© AaA'M'iatiMi met in,
m lUluwa:
Klamath Falla ami has been practuing remarkable features, is the fact that full season’s water supply has been fur-
h F. Kerne. Chun,
4701 Klamath Fallt M u I (I a \ arul drri-lrd to dentistry here fur tlie past year with n each charge ia made in full view of lhe
. nislied, assuming that the practice here­
IWi l’rrultt tract
5.500 ! hold litre© tUr© mera ami lair b«»plrn*L«r very flattering patronage, ll<' |g u audience. The piece while grew some I
tofore adopted in the Truckee Project
Mr«. Miller, fan J««w©, (aid.
. I MW
gradual» of the North Pacific I tenta! and uncanny in many respect», never I ! will be followed.
Hlfl.M satat«
r«’'h day Inchi ling a r« lay and muir
fulls to hold the elo»ert interest of the I
College, of l’or (lauti.
It is therefore evident that only those
»a«© Th© K|«©r»l program ha« not been
audience and vhould prove one of the
II. Il Fel-oiii, Juii. au AI«.k <
wbo hold lands not in exec»» of 160 acre» j
m.vl© out jrt Lot uil| I.© attended to as
lisiar ne» n»
(’. h fimita, principal oi the Yreka most popular plays tn the entire | »nd w bo have made due application for
ao’ti aw Mr (¡rrltrr ndtirna from Port­
‘Hrerl.iv» M,, k Cv».
Grammar .*-<Imo!, trturned last Friday f repertoire.
' a water right will Ire required to make
ia« d. ft i« ©t|xs«r-l |<i l*c r< ady fur
" Il .turman
from Sin Jure wbaru lie I.a» lu'sn at-
( payments therefor.
|»ublicatE>n H th© ¿Slid of thia m<»n(h. trading thr •ninrnrr •«••»um of the Slap-
15right. H K and T.oruaite
This view of the situation ia especially
Th© A rui ;«n »ill jf’.te •« x ©ral blin­
V I’. Bmnli, A laaka
Normal Fchool. The summer tension
applicable to the title lanJs as it is as­
de© i dollar* in preti iliim fur < ihibita
K. W Helvite
lagnunl r lhe benefit nf teacher» and
sumed that no application for water
Th© premiums a ill I© fir draft and
I fislrd. Etna. Callf.
principals who desire tn keep apace with
right will be accepted for them until the
«hiving Luraea, tnulea, l*©l calti©, dairy the l»-»t educational thought and meth­
Carrick Estate
lands ajns in condition to bo cultivated.
rattle, liuga. puultry aud all farm pro­ od». Tlii» year the attendance was
Mr». M. A. Wieatuari
Your idea that we should decline to
A. C. Isa is ... .
ducía. The alate appropnatiun of
much lai.-er than rxpcctad, nearly (our
construct any portion oi a project until
M. Ka k»
has l*c©n ««rnrrd and tl is mil I© u««-«l huu ire--! teacher» lietng present. Dur­
35 ,-er cent of land« tn be put under •
II G>nn, Roaeburg
aa awards for ril.ii ita It is imp -»riant ing hie attendance there. Mi. Ftnith
, canal have been .igned is in accordance
hara erta t»
lh.it lb© farmers >«’giii now in saving visited the Lick Ob*ervalory on Mount
i with the policy deemed proper by this
Kirr» retsiv, Yreka
and aehH’iinj» Ii«vir Iwst r©mplra ul ail Hamilton, the L.-land .Stanford, Jr., Un-
J L. Fieeland, Malein
fami products as t!»i* is th© l*©«t oppor­ iter.il) at I’alo Alto, the "Dig Trees”
Before construction ¡«coma».-need the !
Jas. Carolin, H. F.
tunity to a Iwrtise th© resource« <f the al Santa Crus and other place» of inter­ i
Water t’ser»’ Association will l>e ex-!
TMruii lxiv»».,., Ashland
<*»unlr. Itroidcnt« <>( ©very sc« tion of est in that »eclion of the Mate, securing
pected to enter into a contract with the
II-A. Miller, Oregim 1'ity
th© cotin tv sh.Hild take an active interest much valuable and interesting informa­
Secretary of the Interior guaranteeing
R- M»||IMU i pa. KUusatb
in thia and see that their aretina la well tion and Collecting instructive and at­
the payments of tiie charges for water
J-S Msiney, Ashland
tractive view», which can lie made use-
levied upon the lands of its shareholders
John Bilpln
It la ex¡M*ctcd that thia will l»c th© (ul tn the rcbool room. Mr. Smith ex­
! bv the Secretary of the Interior. Thia,
C’nwA. Palmer
l©*al alien led Fair ©ver held in Klamath pects to attend the Lewis and Clark
ofcourse does not require the Areociation
'*•». Uvis
County ami the crowds of strangers Exposition at Portland, tbia month, and
to guarantee any charges but those levied
d. Kstlanliorn
c«»ming here l*> locate Mill form their return In time tn o|-cn th« Yreka school
by the Secretary of the Interior and ac­
'*lo. A Ore. Tu« naita Co
Opinion id what th© country can glow on Tncedsv, Septeml>cr Stli. With such
cordingly the A spoliation will l>e re-
lirlscae •
hy th© exhibita at th© Fair.
I a progressive prmcip.il, supported ar he
ro morrow night BhakmpMre’a M» sp-nfible for th »«" charges only as the
ta by all II '-lliei«iit corps id under teach­ lime tragedy. -Hamlet,” «>11 lie the •-'"«««* ■’ e»|x»nde,l from timq. tp Um».
IF Parrish
\ ery Bespectfully,
1'resident I*. Ritner. nf Ilie Ashland ers. all of whom Mr. Smith speaks in ..ffering, Mr. Aldridge app<-a.ing in the | ..
L. W. ItolNirt» (.19 9)
Com moreta I Colli ge is in the cilv thla highest praise, we m.iy snfi-ly expect title role and Bliaa Snell aa the unhappy |
’•“s itili»
Acting Chief Engineer,
week in the intricat <4 his school l’rol. the Yreka Grammar »School to maintain Ophulia. The Eureka l imes ha. the I
Kitner w 1II rnmiim here severa! weoka its present standard of excellency.— following to ray of the pioduction by
<•**. Treuer
Siskiyou New».
vtsttiiig illffvienl parta id the counlv.
the company of Hamlet:
— buy
o .1
T*enty-five Cent» An Acre After Financial Condition of The Klam-
Excess Land Not Subject To Safe
September 10 and Fifty Cent»\
ath Water Users' Association
Until Government Is Beady
After October /.
By Secretary
Furnish Wafer.
GfWu-of Waler L'aera* Assiu ia'ion.
Klamath Fallí, Or., Aug. 7, 1806.
Drar Fir Your attention I» called to
thv following reaululiufl, properly adopt
•’ll by the Hoard
Directors id the
1 Klamath Waler Caere* Animation, at
the regular meeting of the Bowr.1. at the
olhee» <■( the Allot laliuH oil Aug tilt 5,
”ME IT RRKOf.VID, By th.- B-.ird
"I Directors of the Klamath Water
I »er»‘ Association : That uu aubscription
I »lotII of the Association offer«.1 after
.'‘eptember 10, 180b, will la- approved by
•nl I Board utile»» aceompamuil by full
amount <4 all airesameriti previously
li i i. J. and by lull pay*Mt ul an eu-
rolling ie» of twenty five cent» per «bar»,
■ hat alter October first. 1WKI the amount
..I »aid cntulliug fe» «> irqtilred to lie
iwi-l, »ball I* filly cent» f*r »hare , that
thebeeretary of the Association i» hero
by direct«.I to refuse any and all sub-
* upborn oQt-red alter such dates Utilosa
-ai-i aul sei iptl'in» are accuuipuuivU by
menta indicated
’l'K<J\IDEM, However, that the
I .mal application ot th» guardian of
mm.., children to auliscrilw lands owned
bv sai l minor» »hall lor all the purposes
of Ibis resolution bu deemed and held a
»ola» r i pt tun ul »in h land» : and the Pec-
rotary is hereby directed to mail to
••miera ul non-»tib»erihnif lands under
ib» pro|sw«i| reclamation aystum. a copy
iteli©« « ii < I this resolution.”
V»rv Bespectlully Your»,
\\ hen the
Elmer I. Applegate, Nt',
Iha ptena and
#IUi lor O» I uwif Klamath
■^[ert wer« «»amlnrd and pasa-
,j upon lu«sday by th« Board
al t-.aitncaro, consisting of »■. It.
FWwsll. CBM ti"«'"«*'- ol *<••
»"<> 5M’”r
vising Engineer». J. »■ Ltpi’fn-
<«tt. <>>”<• «•
J.,o»s. «nd Project l.nglnr«r. T.
Total receipt*
“One of tlm most appreciative and
enthusiastic audiences ever assembled
in the Ingomsr .vitnessed the perform­
ance ot Hamlet by the Suell-Aldiidge,
Company last evening. I he production ;
throughout wa> excellent and ran with I
a smoothnea« that would have done
credit to any high-ptieed metropolitan,
production. As Hamlet, Mr. Aldridge
displayed a splendid conception of the
role and his reading of the lines was
easy, natural and thoroughly enjoyable
The part is » mo»t difficult one, and
the absence of the usual overacting ao
frequently seen in delineations of the
character was a delightful treat. Mias
Snell, as the unhappy Ophelia, did
some splendid work. Her mail scene
deserves particular com men da lion and
was excellently rendered. Air. Gunn,
as loiertas, Mr. Cogley, as Pulonius Mr.
Hell. a> the king, Mire Jocelyn as the
queen mother and Mr. ¿hear as Horatio,1 -'I-n.lay nights. This will be their last
all deserve »pwial mention.”
’"»X *• they ofc.i August
Saturday the Klamath Fall» engage- 21,1 in Sacramento, Cal., for a week’»
close with
splendid prodne-
mem will
win» a aqinuuiu
puuw ; •’’»©©«*•»<-________________
tion of the comedy-drama, ’ Just Before
Dawu.” This play is founded on the
great labor strike in the coal regions of
rennsylvania and is said to be one of
the most interesting dramas of the
modern stage.
The company will go from here to
M vit IH. -t-vro Hw.w-plajwUiJvlay and
W v L s
W ä -W
If vou don’t use a Bain or a Studebaker
When you buy a wagon get one that is uni­
versali admired. The best mountain wagon
We also are agents for the
rr ee of five drawer drop head Singer, 140.
other makes of Fewing Machines, |25.
4» 4* 4* 4-
Said the Maiden to the Mar..
"I’ll disclose to you a plan
How to win my hand and heart:—
Just shake those clothes—they're shams
Get the land that's made by Lamini’
And as one we'll then depart.'
He did as she commanded
And when coming back thus "BRAND "-ed
He was greeted with sweet laughter:
She »aid—"Much to me you're worth
Clothed with THE BEST ON EARTH"
And they lived happy ever after.
Every man who seeks to clothe himself, with the
satisfactory kind of made-to measure apparel should
follow the maiden’s injunction.
The **LAMM** kind from “Start to Finish**
makes good Ata label “THE BEST ON EARTH
That means material, trimming, workmanship and fit? and they’re made strictly
for you -not for the other fellow. They’re money saving ckxh&s because rf
thair lasting qualities.
Never get out of shape and always have a ». tv * and
natty appearance. Price* are right, too. “Steing is believing” and it you
haven’t ordered your Spring attire yet. put us to the test by calling at
You'll find there a large and superb line of Spring and Summer materials to select
from and courteous treatment—buy or no buy
Ed Lovelady brought in hst with
from I’okegama the largest load of
freight over hauled to Klamath Falls. The
load weighed 17,000 pounds and ba used
eight horses and four w agons. A photo­
graph of the teams and wagons While
loaded was taken and is higMy pristC
by .'Jr Le" <4ady.