Official Newspaper of Klamath County and Leading Journal of the Interior Oregon Country. VOL- X. BEST COUNTY IN THLW0RL1) KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. The Largest Circulation and Is the Best Medium for Reaching a Prosperous and Trading Public KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 3, 1905 NO. ¡8. 1 selves with an exceptionally strong mp- Ill I: K LA Al ATI I ||ierting company ami tbe plays which SHOULD CITY they are offering are entirely new to the IS LAUNCHED west. Th« o|«ning bill will lie n splen­ OWN PLANT? Morris B. Dudley, mansgar ol tl>e , Snell-Aldridge company, which opens a week's engagment here next Mom 1«7 I night, Is an ex news|*a;*r man, having did pioduction of tho lieautlfu) Knuth- Iwen for a numl>er <>t years identified ern comedy drsina, "Thr Heart of Ge­ with tbe editorial staff ol the New York A B Worthington Is hiterviowvd Most Important Occasion in History orgia," a play that ran for nearly a year Herald. Mr. Dudley >• lavish in his Alice Selbey Brinks Wood Alcohol 7/;e People Would Like To Know in New Yoik and also had a phenom- By An Oregonian Man After An praise of tbe beauties of our counlr; of Navigation on tho Lower Lake 1 enally succesaful ruu in th« larger cities here and said last evening: "My opin­ How Much It Would Cott to Buy With Suicidal Intent-Came To | on tbe road. Other plays to lie pre- [ttended Visit In Klamath Coun­ ion of Klamath Falls is best shown by Is Witnessed By Large Crowd- ■anted during the engagement here are: The Light and Water Company's tbe fact that I have »sleeted your de­ Klamath Falls Less Than A "Kaplio,” "Hamlet,...... l he Custer Mas­ ty and to Crater Luke. lightful little city as our only stopping Tria! Trip A Success. System. sacre,” "Dr. Jerkyll ami Mr. Hyde,” Month Ago. place between Portland and San Fran-1 "Just lielorn Dawn,” and "What Hap­ cisco. I bad beard a great deal in praise pened to Jones.” The company cornea "Klainath County, right livio In Ore. of the country and mutt say that all nil 1'i-ut tlisuthnr. 'Ll1« steamer Klamath 1s now at anch- here In its entirety and exactly the “At the expiration ol tan year» from claims have been more than suatalued." gun, Is th« greatest countv In Ilia woi I I, Alice Selvey, a waitress at the Lak«« 'inly bain ralsrel or «’ tlim Klamath J.akr Navigation same attraction will lie seen that has the completion of »aid work» and ai ilia sud Klamath Falls, th« little village side Inn came near ending her life Mon- 11« toad, and th« •'■.mpany’a wharf »»ailing the arrival l*en grewtml with crowded bouses iu all end of each five years thereafter, the Hiat laesis "f beliig ita rouiity »eat, I» 1 Jay morning shortly after 1 o’clock, by ivo showed tl.i-ir "f the !h»|mclors Inrforc being couiuils- tbe large cities of tbe west. Town, of Klamath Falla »ball have the sarvly destined to Im one of the most drinking a large quantity of wood lug (HO «< <«s <>f shmi'd. One ol the fuatures will lie tbe new option to purchase and own said water talked of Inland cities of tl,e i'acitl. 1 alcohol. nd ».I; ndi.g t|,. At v«-n and one-half mlnutrc after N. Natlian, secretary and treasurer Miss Mae Fcliorer, who rooms with moving pictures and illustrated songs work», to-grther with ita land», ma­ ('<«•! Mighty tilings are going to bap • re li t springs. o'<-l<«-k calurday morning the b*>al lietwcun the acts, thereby eliminating chinery, pijiea, outfit», rights, privileges of tbs W’eel Lumber Company, accom- Miss Selvey tells the following story 1 |iendanied by a party of prominent Fan "Alice and I bad lieen out boating and III»average Oregonian scema to know “'riy. thirty secouda lonched the waters of I'ricea 25 and &0 cents. No cbargs dition: The said town of Klamath Falla Franciscoians arrived in the city Tues walking. I came home about 12 and as liltle al-.ul tint turner of the stale 1 vow on« of ti n l-akc Knauna. Th« launching «as wit- for reserved seats. by resolution of it» Board of Trustoes, day evening on a pleasure trip. Tbe bad gone to l*d. About 1 o’clock Aiirw M Joe» Ilie rastern man and the latter «■ «ciirrrd dnan tmseed by ov«r three huwlred people In ■ball determine to purchaae and own party includes: A. L. Peyser, I.. Nath-' came in and I -aw her writing. She As this ia positively the beat dramatic beve»nothing. I guess's an»., ■ '1' nd I uerv« ' pita of tlm uncertainty of the exact organization ever seen here they will no said water worka and »hall serve a cer­ an, I. F. Norris, M. L. Eupbart, II. then put out the light and I beard her el lbs tedious stage rides nei'csimty t-i is. iio|l with large crowds dur­ tified copy of such resolutions on the Nathan and C. H. Truelliuger. rvarh tbe manty seal.” I i’sl. I’ll snv that la"';crowded the bridge and the ing th« entire engagement. Tbe party was met at tbe terminus of wrong and getting up asked what grantee at least »is month» before the Tfie fieeg.'ing »latenimt «aa made bi • omli-rlullv mh «lisif an) lined the sfiores, l>e»id»s time when said town may exercise such the Weed Railroad by W. 8. Worden was the matter. She said: '1 guess that ¡■»rid II W orflilngl.iii, oditor of the 1 people-htwiiat). alsiut twenty »mall craft loaded with option. The sum of money that said and conveyed to Teeters Landing, and wi|l finish it,’ and fell on tbe bed.” ||rk>d I K Hally News, alio used i„ lino la i an»» wi men, women and children vied with town shall pay for said water work» as from there they came to Klamath Falls ■ Dr. Hargus was summoned at onco be a aeespaperuian In Kl iniath ami r< »niii Klainath | ra*'h other for places of advantsgo on a whole shall be an amount which at 8 by the launch Ewauna. They will and by the use of the stomach pump ■ Imeneo of visitad that county alter an a!wn<-s mnKins, ufi miles the waler. The Klamath Lodge No. 99 Knights per cent would produce an annual­ spend a week or so in the county and succeeded in saving the woman’s life, Il yseis. Ile I. 11 I r I ..... . II years. 'll- ll • > granted ! Tl c ticw steamer was designed by J. of Pythias, «as instituted at tbe A.O. income equal to the net income during will be entertained by Mr. W. 8. Wor- Tbe note left by Mim Selvey request- 'XX murse. tho |*ople <»f tins stale ii si »U iu nl rail IL Johnston, architect, of Portland, If. W. hall Monday night by Grand the year previous to th« serving of den. They will probably visit Spring ed her friend to burn a certain box un­ hai» beard inure or less id Cietsr lake «) ar« g-uiig to and »us pul together on the Naviga- Charicelor 1.. M. Curl, of Albany, assist­ the notice of resolution as hereinbefore Creek and points ou the Upper Lake. dor the lied and to telegraph to AV. J. us) s»«>e have visited it. Tills majee bristmases pas« I 'ion t'oin|«ny'a «barf here under the ed by O. B. rial«» and 0. C. llogue of described, with tbe coat price added for la- Issly ‘d water, comprising «piare Word was received last week by J. V. Kinney at the Rio Vieta Hotel, San Don't )„(l |tgc direction and an|>ervision of John G. thia city who ar« memliera of other any Improvements or extension made wilsa, that Ilea in th* crater ufanes Houston of tbe death of his brother-in- I Francisco, who would take the body. siv »bowing' Il f’o'ind, a shipbuilder of Portland. The lodge» in the state. during the year previous to such notice, Alice Selvey came to Klamath Faile Uart volcano,with wallslevi lugh • nd saw that taint la 75 feet long with a 16 fiad beam. The following officers were elected: upon which no revenue has been de­ law, Thomas McClaren, which occured on June 28 and has been working at the a»J »ster litat IS ÍI0O levi deep all re at Lisbon, Ohio ou July 15. Mr. Mc ­ n. tbe slu-ri > o| rhe liulu ba> a depth of four loci. It C. C.-F. M. White; Vice C.-4»eorge C. rived. . hotel riuce. She was well thought of ■sslsg silenlly in a mountain *• 0 Ini Claren spent about six years in Klam­ Isler la- d-itted draw■ three feet, two inches ol water, North; Prelalat-A. E. f’amber; K. of R. „Tho >10,000 paid for hydrant rental» by her employera and associates. It U dans sea level. pr-»lueing an effwt ath Falls and returned to his old home I tl.e «es'iliy, ai.d will carry alaiut 75 tons. The num and 8,-Jebn II. Hamilton: M. at A.- a» heretofore provided shall be th« first reported that she ia married and had •sirtrallug Niagsta >n impressiveness, ie ki-id of trans tier if passengers It will lie allowed to In-ater Kirkpatrick; M. of W.-C. B. payment upon the purchaae price of about a year ago. He received a stroke left her husband, but nothing definite ia u ths tuaiu Jewel In the county set of paralysis while in Klamath Falls and • * ■ .. ..... — • •■-'carry will Im determined u|»iti by the Clendenuing; M. of E.- If. J. Winter»; »aid waler worka.” | known aa to her former life. wtlh su many scenic branties The inspector«. M oll.-C.T. Bonner; I. <>.-Jaa. Ral­ 1» there anyone in the town of Klam­ it was the second attack that caused ■podsuun knows there is some don Mr. bound stated that to his knowl­ eigh ; O. G.-O. E. Hurst; Truslecs-J. ath Falla who baa tbe faintest idea what his death. Bom—To Mr. and Mr?. F. II. Jacob­ hasting d >wn the ». and the angler baa edge this was the only boat on the coast Rcolt Taylor, J. L. Yadcu and G. 11. it would cost the town to own the water son, of Bisbee, Arizona, on July 30, lfrOfi, Tlie town of Merrill was the seen» of a l.rsr’t tint W illlamaon river Is thr uuwt built after tills pattern, with a tunnel. Merryman. system? We would venture to »ay, no, number of fights during tbe past week an eight pound boy. Mrs. Jacobson fswoui tr-ul silvani ou tbe rs.ntlnsnl Tim wheel Is set up in III» hull <>f the Besides tho al»v» the following are and yet It would be a good thing to according to report. Bill Forra, who was formerly Mias Lida Sigler of thia Thseisv ai«n 1« arti«*! lh«l i » Ih« «Multi­ ta-al tlnis enabling It tn run In «hallow charter members of the lodge making a know. It would also lie well to know was prosecuted by Tom Offield for pass­ city- li • ••• . waler, total of 18: Oscar F. North, A. W. Milks, wetber the town would get title to the ing counterfeit money, attempted to get 1 Died—Mrs. Emma Oden, daughter of Liv pin» an i ft» an i (hofn. A trial trip was uiadn Fundar to A. E. Gale, C. I.. Noel and H. W. Gia water supply in case they should buy even with Tom Sunday. It is said that Mr. and Mrs. ¡1. J. Gardner, died at h ■»>! I»««* hinted (Lal hlttimih Teters landing, a number of prominent tier. The Lodge will meet every Mon­ tbe plant. There are many other things Mr. Offield was injured quite badly. ; Wimer, Oregon. Wednesday morning, fiJBUtV ha> Olli! <»( (hr I4’Iti I uI in ritizens ffoing along m guest« of (he day night at lhe A. O. t' W. hall and I that tbe people do not know, for in­ i July 26, of quick consumption. The |« b 4 Ubi* in dir I m(r«i M«(<-«. that II Mr. and Mrs. Arch Engle and child, • iw tiers, Captain Wooer» of other K. of P. lodges are . stance, there ia no record showing when funeral occurred Thursday. Misa Lula iMtvrrd' «airi ai >1 that ll con* who have been visiting their cousins, The trip proved a perfect invited to attend. Wilkins, the plant was completed. Gardner, of Klamath Falls, a sister of teaae «It»'«! *M>un*Hrr« traila <<( uira l success and a great del ght to those for- The franchise provided that tbe water Mr. and Mrs. A. Caatel, left Monday the deceased left to attend the funeral. 0« an«! agi. illtiral Uf< la morning for their borne at Spruce, Pa., lunate enough to Im along. Fourteen works should be completed by Beautiful new rings. L. Alva Lewis. L ba L h Unly kailruad«. after a month's visitbere. miles an hour was made, although only 6, 1890, but later the time was extended •*!1 you grant that Ih**^* thing« ctht IdO p-uii.ds of Stenin was used. It is triune 30, 1896. At the September K bargs load of 31 hogs belonging to —«ad vr it that said that the Imai can make '*0 miles an Jack Kimball »as dumped into KlamJ .affecting following the Board refuted to (heydo- yuu n>n«t <*a«ily tl at th« hour. atli lake Friday afternoon rerultiug in accept the plant. ■ ,— ••ly rrarm that enunlry ha« n<»l fw>ur*«l three being drowned. It is not known if the town wants to eat iu rkb«?B i« «imply I m *« aua«> «4 !•< k Jack Kmitiall and Floyd lin'd win were purchase tbe plant, but if the Trustees d mb'«’! t :« h »| mji union. And VIHI moving »'tut hogs from Bear to Buck I of our town should allow the people they n>tt*t mmfDiic. tn*>unrr it« iru der water and the hogs (lading it more its water system, therefore it is Just shake those clothes—they’re shame- portanrr hait «UHitnrr. Tm «utumrr« MI •» Ruby I’eilr e Hation, of Hai- easy I- go down an iuclme than up were esary that ome action should be taken Get the land that's made by ’Lamm«' laUnt will have a p»puln of (r<»m wards, and Mr Ih-tijsntiu I Metho, forced into the water It may be they within the next two months, as five 10.000 to |S. (XX I, which nit'Aua it wilt of Berkley, Is!., were marcel at bl. And as one we'll then depart.” «ere adverso to leaving thsir rooting years will be a long time to wait. We « tnorv rapai, l<*é>*itimat«' growth . Luke'a Eptac.qwl t hindi on \ an Nv •» grounds (or they iiniuoiiatedly struck expect to have a population of from 11*411 any other Inland town chi thia Wvniie In ball Francisco, on Wedi esday out lor the island, all arriving there safe­ live to ten thousand people by the end Ihal will help the wlmle w’atr. July 2'1 1905. Thr ceremony «a» per­ ly with the exception of three. of five years, and now is lhe time to for I baran’t a dollar*« inlrreat •!« wn then former! by Itrv. Burr M. Moisien, in the tbe town to own its water system. Religious »er vice* Isotli morning and aiuch to m* r *4rrt. prv-cncrol only lhe immediate relative». evening at tlio Opera House by Her. ‘*Tl* patient rancher an I (hr villas'* The c< remoti? « aa a wry pn-lly and Triplett. Mataprr*« time haa < m»o. The clink impressive one, ami th«* bride looked He did as she commanded d tba 4<>lhr « ill drown «»ut the pi nrer ’• handsome In a light g •» »"It silk gown And when coming back thus "BRAND'-ed Special Opening Sale in Klamath Mart <•( thr S1'*>!( (he mountain white gb'Vi-s. Tbe groom ia a graduate He was greeted with sweet laughter: County for 1905. who came here from BenJ, Oregon «nd strihr down on the other »nh«, for of the California I'mveisily and veri She said—"Much to me you're worth going to put in a steam laundry at tbpitalaml the While Hhiit haa lii allv highly esteemed in the ndhge town Clothed with THE BEST ON EARTH” And I am glad to say that we are here place. <"••• into L a preaerrefl. «liero be grew to niaidiiual. Hela in They have purchased property from f again with the latest and best that our And they lived happy ever after. **t nde Kam hasn't iaano»! the procla lhe employ ol tfie Electric Light A Gas old established factories put out. You J. IV. llainakar and have commenced Mm yet, I hk nrvorlbd«*»« he ia going Com|>any of Betklcy. At Houston’s Opera House next N know that the Coss Piano House always building their plant. The machinery ^•paii'l I4.4OUJMM) on « uiuttHer irriga- Every man who seeks to clothe himself with the’ After tin- «i-d-hug dinner which «a. day evening, th» Bnell-Aldri.1 lias the latest styles aud the most up-to- and engine of the sunken steamer Jesse boa pmjn i m Klamath that will malte satisfactory kind of made-to-measure apparel should cter- date and reliable pianos made. has been securer! from J. F. Goeller and •lijoyed at Johnston's Cale, where I hr pany's dramatic organisation ch MWX) acres • cut quaintanceship of tho young |>eople lle­ mate off of the railroad lietween Port- Pianola, the wonder of the world, which spinto ItKFacro trai*la. as tbe Govern- haven't ordered your Spring attire yet, put us to the test by calling at Hoti» Miss enables anyone to have music in their Rcauieeof thio citv, died at Reno on gan while Mise Hatton was attending land and San Francisco. siasi cannot afford to do this great Tuesday August 1, 1905. Corinne Snell and Alfred Aldridge, who “THE BEST OH EARTH” CLOTHES SHOP Buell Seminary. Tliry are l»>lh very borne and l>e able to play without the sort lor the few. The labor «ill re- Tho deceased was born and raised in are beading the company. are well and knowledge of music. Come and play it You’ll find there a large and superb line of Spring and Summer materials to select |sipular young p<-opls id their respective <|»it» about lour years, ami 1500 men low ns ami have n h iat of (i ien I» in 11 sy­ favorably known throughout the weal yourself and t>e convinced. We will al­ Jackson County. Later he was Principle from and courteous treatment-buy. or no buy., »ill bs eoti'lantly employed. < ertain li a rd < ami Berkeley. Miss Hatton was and have In'en starring with their own so display a good line of reliable makes of the public schools of Lakeview for a ptwitions required by the Government very |«ii>u|ar and had many friend» in attraction for the past four or five years. number of years. He was a law partner of Pianos, guaranteed not only by their wh