», Otiltol .U-w^pei oi Klamath KLAMATH County «nd Leasing Journal of th« Interior Oregon Country. REPUBLICAN. ----- _—.—„ — iM CUbUitliun und it the fee**, kedium tor f>«..ch:ng »Prosperous arJ Trading Pub.it NO. 16 KLAMATH FALL», KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JULY so, 1905 VOI. X FIVE hundred dollars will improve wood river I i MODERM dairy to f urnish THE BAPTISTS OE THIS CITY The Klamath Chamber of Commerce Will Assist In CREAM AND MILK POR CITY WILL BUILD NEW CHURCH Opening Wood River and Thus Secure This Im p C. Smith, of th« Albany Dairy, Haa Purchased Three Thousand Dollar Church Building And Par portant Trade For Our Town. property In Klamath Falls Prelimlncry to Es­ tablishing Plant. KUmaihrNtoiatohavearnud-rnup ‘Uy*'2b. of Albany. <>w«- ••• ,„.tadty i»«‘ ••*'* -,ut» lu» ‘be tataldisliluí ««< • »" ilsuutb Fall» Io. lurnlshln« pure milk ,,.d eroam ta »ur eilisenä. A. a pre- . ........ stvp Mr .Huili, h« P- »••- '« (’ha« K..................... U»** 3» •n‘* ® ll-sk 3 block 12 Tat.- s Idilio" Mr ^mltl1|l«•>»*"•’l*,•,,"• 'b« Al'-a dai.» I«» ”*• past Iwo year«, whirl, y. ta, had leased. Hl. Irose will e» . .............. .rt lima «ml he ie Ihrrelme , maklng atrangeniMI« tr, «n Into Inisln^s frrr biinsr II. M». Huili h ia Ml I tulva Uiointigl, l.u.iun.a anj un lerstands tila Ludrireo. Ile ail| lartr,« hio rIBII e..we, «1,1.1, «lii lv ,4 the lwst brerrlut,. lainairl.r |o» dairy purprvea The bulld- Inga «ill he cniiolrurled «long aanltary II ihto Tha r„». «Ill «Il lv .tali lvi and «III nol 1— run lu paature. The tlalry hiiaiuees ia no« la-corne a orienca, and the ■•pe ator maat know the pr.iper aIuas.nl of teeri, drltik and rie,ciee n«reea«ry for the 1»»l reaulla. Tlila ia the himl of Im.lnra. thai KlM.alh Falls slnruld «ehmne Want Something Open Season For l-bh In Crater Lake For Nothing IVtereaa. the H«n. Secretary «I the jhisrios lias in tule 7. R-le» and Keg ibti.ns N tl» Crater lebe National park Is'egsteil to the supertnlen-knt |J.V authority to regulate fishing m any oi ihe aalers of the Park, and Whereas, Crater t-abe having In years jnsr-1 hren stirknl e lib trout, and it ■ pearing that the sai l fish having now l.nvns siilficionlly numerous in the |jbr Io lustily such aeikrn, I nr * ibrrvl.xe declare an o|«n sea ron lor tnHit aal ri'g m Crater Mb- with hook a .1 line only, th" catr h o| an, one per a* Io not v*< erd fi.» fl-b In any rmv rl.y, to rn Itw IWlreutli dev rd July In |lw fillxnlh rte< ol Seplrmlmr. I’kto. I. Ui inrlu.lve, and lo» a lib» sees-n >4 rack aeercmliug year t he rea 11-r until , ntlM-reiw orlrred Tl.» riales sat I pruviimua regulating . II. » rl.Oed and OpvO ava—rri I *r ttu’lt kshlirg. aa fise-l by the sialutea "I Ore pn «hah appi» In all other «atara ot Ita Crater l^ike National Cark. W. F. Aaaa,. Ku pt. Mason & 5loiigh Offer Prize.» For Exhibits TV Iroin» that the truest and liaat s«y al shoeing the merus »I our rutin try It tn rthllut llw preditele of "S’ e .l, «e h«v* Irvid'd to offer prti-e of |! 0l) carl, lor the Iwsl aaiuplns of llw- I llosit.g ;4ai la. brought Ui >H.r office mi or b» lore I P. M., August >1. on «hirh day awards will Im mad«-. via "heat, oats, rye, barley, alfalfa and Inaothy. Thr urr[Jw should be pulled up by ths ruota and should be no larger titan may he easily grasped by on« hand F.Mbilors are asked to prepare their »trennen« aa nicely aa may be before StbildUnn, but thia testura will rod filer li, o the awarding of premiums Tin- I-lie. shall I* a«ar.|<*| by r a com- I I «.III»» seleelnl by the riblbihua. Ths runs, of (he successful contestants w ill l>" prii.lial,ml in the county |oi|«*ra. Also wv offer the same prises on the |.4loeing producta brought I« our office '■» or before I P. J|_, (K-tobar 14, luo.',. Viat The liest, one eg, h, squash, pump- La.cabbage, |wtt M1 tl| J(<( tstovs, !»■»ta, turnipe, onions, errtota. H”*>pa. lomatnaa, apples, peers | also ths he>t box of honey, All aainplee offered in eomiMtitl.m are '".nT""’* ',Ur P,"l-r‘)'. anli|Oi, purpoaea. Very respectfully, Maana a Klamath Falla, There is aims question as Io «lien, il at all. the water covered atoa ul laiwi-r Klamath lai.- will I« m is mr,| The lie, lsii.atK.il Herrne has In lor nini th* Waler t sers' Areiaiahen liiat tins work will null»« undertaken until the Kerns and Miller tract* hare been sign ed up Of the sigried swamp lands, the Klamath lami Company owns H'«1O acres. J. I* Churrliill almut *»M) arres; Alwd Ad) ah,ut fiUOO acres ¡ J F Adnms a'u-it 2 «M acres; ami the Mo.ree, Alex. Martin Mr. K p. McCornack and oth­ ers bold tracts ranging fr ,m HO u, 400 acres. These r»« tiers are ve*y anxious Io lisce the lami drained amt irrigated bv tlie govi rtimrnt. It appears that the g-oernnieril cannot reclaim land • Ithor't draining that I—l.mgirig Io Mr Kerne and thia they will pellivrly not ■io utile*» he eigne up ami bear« bls share <4 the esjwnae. Mr Kern* knows that his land ia prarlirally «orUdeas aa it is, yet he enema to In- holding out with the hu;w that he «ill reap the liem-fit at the ex­ pense ol othera. It is staled liiat he figure« that it the n clear­ ly In tills reapivt, but the result «ill pro* ably I» that all <4 the real ol the swamp land owners «ill bar* to suffer !••» his gr re-11 ueas. Mr Kerns owns alami *<■*> sirre and Mo Mil , r sivut 2‘4H o. r> ■ <4 '»smp 4 the slluatiun, up un the ground, «ill result in *>n>r sat- lefmtori arrangement as to tbe*r lamia. bnoiild the Knena ami Miller tracia not lie subacrilsed, the swamp land asn­ era « ill dmibtlrea organise a drainage district unrlrr the law* ol tlregn*. and with the r>>n*enl of the Krclamation Merrli-e, « ha-h controls all the water. Ill th* stamp lamia will lie equally aa- er**ed This «III probably i-oat aGiut flj an arre, and a* the water for irriga- Hon m ist still lie purchased. Il will make the entire «ual ol reclamation about ♦*' |>rr acre, and the |I2 will have to I« paid in caeh, not on long time without intereet Thia of course, is more eSfwmsite than the goVernmei'l syelom aa offered, but it insures an early reclamaiioii ot lands that arc trow pract­ ically Va'ui.'rss Of ciñiese the government might decide i to institute eondsmuaiion proceedings against the niiauliai'aihad swamp lands, but It has not aa yet iudicsteil such a purpose, ft is tin dersfnml that a qtrea- Ilonas to the title nt the Kerns' land I l as been rgtee-l, and Kiste land Agent Oawrld West's presence in the city laat «is k may I* «ccoanted lor tn that way How ever, It is re|»>rted that the stale and frilled Míales officiais are quietly Investigatiti« thia matter sonage Will Be Ready For D_d:ca*>nn By Tho Coming Christinas. Wood River valley lies north of I’ppnr Klamath Lake and is «bout twelve miles Hqtiare. It slopes very gently toward« the »outli «nd is wonderfully well watered by creeks mid Wood river. Owing to the general topographical characteriatioB a lurge amount of the valley is naturally irrigated and is graits land, from which thousands of tons of hay are put up for winter feeding. At present this valley is devoted almost ex­ clusively to stock raising, and thousands of head of the choicest beef that enters the California market each year comes from the Wood river country in Klamath county. With shipping facilities this valley is destined to become one of the best creamery sec­ tions in the state. The natural grass meadows and the abundance of pure cold run­ ning wafer makes it an ideal place for dairy cattle. A new Baptiet Church fur Klam- ■ ath Falls. Rev. Triplet, a Baptist miniatorr, who i cam•• here recently from He*», Oregon, : and Iras lawn conducting services at the Opera Hoose, stated to a Republican J representative that the Baptists would , build a church and parsonage in tala i city in the Fail. will be two entrance* from the front. 4 tower will be constructed over tha maul ■ntrance. There will tie two «hurett parlors or class rooms in the rear oi Vie pulpit. Rev. Triplet stated that ft »u planned to have the building ready f.»r rxcupnn- cy by Christmas. All the money R um U- ble for the construction will be raire.1 here and the balance will I m > loaned by the church Board. Th* ground has not The plana have already liven drawn . by Architect A. B. Mead, and provide ireen purchased vet but they have sev­ i ior a modern «difle« with a seating ca­ eral sites in view from which they will W. H. Worden, Secretary <>( the Klaln- everyone in the valley would give their | down to «bout 30 leet, but the banka are pacity .4 between 30) and 40). There , make a selection. alh Chand». of Coirmu-rr*, accoui sup|">rt to thia work, As very often turi solid and constat of a sort of sod and panlrd by hta wile, went to Fort Kiam- l>ap|»na In work ol thia kind, I found a grave which projects out over the water alh Snr.dav to investigate the matter of few |«oplr «bo were suspicions and for several fevt and floats on top. I Iw- the opening ol Wood Khar to aaviga* thought that there ««» a m hem» to liev* that m,-n could gu along with hay thin. On Ins return Tuesday evening atari a new town along the river, p>*e- knives and cat thia off and these chunks i 1 aaaurari • would settle to the bottom and would ire informed a representative of the Re­ aibly at the Melhaae bridge ¡ publican that the people <»l Wood River thatii, how«ver, that the Klatualh Falla not need U> I* taken nut. As the re>ult of a < Utting affair at the The Elka of Ashland Ixatge, No. 1*4 4, valley want boat cartrnrelloa and will fieople would not stand for anything "It, however, would *>e an easy job Brautlachl's hum* in Lakeijew Monday were greatly rey.jice.1 to receive the news | like that ami II.«', our ui.it to would be aland by anythin« we do. lor a dredger to cut off the projecting a'»on. J. S. Fail«» lies in b's room at by wire late Thursday evening from Ila sai l, “The boys are all in line and ‘Fort Klamath or boat.* banka and throw the earth up along the the Hotel Lakeview fearfully wounded 4 tbeir rep-evniative at the grand lodge “The troys are acquainted with the abura. ready to assist ua. They are reedy to Alter looking the river over by a knlie that was in the hand« ot L. in ae»*iot> at Buffalo, Hon. E. V. Carter, put up money or will turn out and work river alnvv tlie brnlg* and know prac­ can fully, we conclpdrd that fifiOO ex­ N. Brautiacht, and Mrs. Brauilacht is at that a charter for the local lodge i.ad tically a list it will take Ui pat II In to help cut out the channel. I was all panded will put the rrver io shape to ber home in Meal Lakeview «1th a been granted by the gr-uid lodge. It 1 wanted to satisfy ruysalf that a boat can run up as far a« the over lire valley and everyone is busy ahap«. severe gash in her breast. The victim seems that opposition to th« g-snting uf ami prosperous. Ths whole valley l'*>k* about tha river below the bridge, and Melhasa bridge. of Brautlacht'e knife ia in a precariou* the charter from certain neighboring green and It is the prettiest country iu Gue Mdhase and myself came down in "I am informed that in Washington, coodition. several of the wounds inflicted «.lurces had carried the flght to Buffalo, lbs world. as everyone knows. All ol a skiff. i> C., this river l* not known as naviga­ being alnioat mortal, two of them pierc­ but to no «vail. The Ashland lod.e, “1 found that there is plenty of water ble and in fact it baa been reported aa the ranchers are busy cutting hay al ing the lungs. Fuller *111 iu all prob which has been organised and working present and It will not be |sresible to all the way. Th* steamer has Imen up not navigable. I lieHeve the beat thing ability recover bnt is not entirely out of under a dispensation fur s>-veral months start the aork until lbs haying is fln- m far as th* mouth ol Crooked (’reek «e could do is to get tha boat running danger. Jealousy was the cause of th« past, has been remarkably auuces*ful , From there up we counted about 12 to the bridge, and to the Fort it possi­ lahel. «•naationai affray. Brauilacht ia held and hae grown rapidly. point* that would have U> be cut off to '•Frank Butler, Secretary of the Fort ble. and then let our < hamiier of Com­ to answer for assault to kill Fuller. It i* understood that the Ashland Klatualb Chamber ol Couimarcv, and J. straighten the river ao that IxiaU, could merce take the matter up with the Ore­ The story ol th* affair ia simply thia: lodge contemplates celebrating the go up. Ale.vu Crooked Cruek lor a uule W. McCoy, the president, staled that gon delegation and get an appropriation Fuller went to the Brauilacht home to granting of titair charter in a fitting there a as alreolutely no doubt but that I or a mile ami a half the river narrows for more permauvtit improvements.** h«'e some washing done. Brantlacht manner in a short time.—Tidings. was working at the brewery and saw i SETTLE UP NOTICE. him going there. Bhortlv after Fuller Applegate—Wilhelms entered the house he notisx-i the curtain I have leased the Klamath Hotel to of one of the up-stairs window« being pulled down. His suspicion was aroused Mr. A. IL Engie, who will continue the A jovrwrs • adding <•( much interest Ur The marriage of Mr. Frank Lindsay and ma ne io me ms he wem went to the nouse house io to nn.i find his many friawda la that of Miss Nelli« A. bueineea. All those knowing them­ Applegate to Misa Lida Wilhelms took ’ wife closeted in the room with Fuller, Maihewa cl Fort Ji.m a. and Harrv W selves indebted to me will please call at ’ He broke in th« door and the knife plat Klamath Falls. Or., Julv 13, 1905. pla.-e yesterday at the home of the Miuliell ui Gaselle. which look place ooeeand settle. Mr*. L. Dkbn. lc Mowed. Klamath Water Veers' Association, bride's parents in Medlord. The bride last Momlav evening at the residence of Klamath Falls. Oregon. is the daughter of Mr. and Mr«. Thomas Mr*. rh, G. Steele jcct). show» that of the water-covered » number el year». The groom i* the ai led aa l«at man. The hn-la is a beau- area of Lower Klamath l>ke, two tracts, eldest son of Capi, «nd Mr«. O. C. Ap­ tifol ami accomplished young lady of th« Kerns tract and tlie Miller tra t. ag plegate. Scott Valiev, who hae a bust ol Iriends, Mr. and Mrs. Appiattata will be at grey at mg otter 7R»1 scree, have not been and Nr. Mltchrll ia a popular, well . subscribed. Tin» la about 10 |>er cent of home al Klamath Falls after beptetn- known young busirirM man of lliecoun­ ' the total area and 23 per cent of the pri­ ber first. ty. Th« young couple «ill make their vate Imldinge. Intitre home in A.hland. Or., ami their Lower Klamatb Lake cannot 1» many friends unite ui wishing them a T ourlât Season Opens. drained Without draining these tr«cte, I >ng and happy life.—Yreka Journal. arid it would be manifestly unfair to re­ claim these tracts without cost to their A* will he hotieed elsewhere ih thia To and From tha Klamath Retort* owner*, and at the expense of the other swampland owners. It can lie defin­ p«l*r, the announcement la made that itely stated that the reclamation service trout fishing Will be another attraction will nut undertake the work of reclaim- at Crater Lake thia year. A number of Fred Frbal- Mrs Dr. White and Mrs. | ing the water-covered area of Lower veers ago trout was put into the lake as lock returned Munday from The I*afg* Klamath Lake unless and bntil, the an experiment to see if they would live. at Pelican Bay, where they have been tracts mentioned have been siibecril*d Each year they have been Increasing, enjoying a ten day«’ ramping trip. to your aasoeiatiou and th« rlpariun until now they are quite plentiful. Mrs Walter Ixnnni and children and rights incident thereto waived, fibould Bnperintandent Arant also announces Mrs. Walter Marple left Bunday lor the Kerns and Miller tracts remain un­ that the new road on the south side of Odessa for a two wreka camp. subscribed indetiintrly. the work of re­ the mountain is no* open for travel. Mrs. C. If. Withrow and daughter claiming fziwer Klamath latke would I He uvi that the snow is now about all Winnie, returned Bunday from Odessa have tn twr indefinitely postponed. This gone and that there are quite a good Mrs. B. St. Geo. Bishop and her guest would lie a regteiable situation but one many visitora coming in. Mrs. Thwaites arrived h.itn« Bunday Iwyotid the control of the Kervic«. Yours very respectfully, from an outing at Odense. (Bd.) J. B, Lirnircott, A Roosevelt Family. < ary Hamahy and family, Mr. and KufierViaitig Engineer, Mrs. Fred I,. Houston, Mr. fxivelaro of Use« Knife on The Ashland Elk« Wife’s Visitor Get Their Charter ••Kelly" Mitchell Married Kerns Holding Up Recla­ mation of Swamp l^ands i Balvm, and Mias idly Atnett sent to freksurkr'a Nolle«. Odessa the first of ths week lot «h out­ ing. They will hypnotise the lish and game with music from their mandolins Notice 1» hereby given that there «re and guitar«. fund* in tha County Treasury for the redemption of all Klamath County War­ If yoq have beauty come «nd we'll rants protested on and prior to April take It, If you have none come and we'll 21, 1902. Interest on aanie will cease make it.—Baldwin Studio. from this date. Rated at Klamath Falla, Oregon, thia 13th day vf July, 1900. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WELCOME L. Alva Lewi», County Treasurer. Wanted—A cook at the Pioneer Hotel, at Bly, Oregon. Wager $50 a month. Apply at once. W. F. Reed. nt th® Mr. and Mr«. P. B. McCollum family of Keno are registered at lakeside Inn to-day. Mr. McCollum is HS year« old «nd in perfect health and hi« family ia one that would please our President. It consist* of the following ten children! Mr«. E. H. Cooper, Mr». W. A. Preston, Mr«. 8. P. Oliver, Mrs. J. A. they, Mr*. C. W. Wilson, Mis« McCollum, C. J. McCollum and Wm. McCollum, of Keno and Mr*. Morton, of Phoenix, Oregon, and Mr«. Charles Wright, of Haaon, California. L- Alv« Lewis. Fine new jewelry. TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS for tlxo NE&X'T SIXTY ÖÄYjS FRUIT JARS, JELLY GLASSES, EXTRA RUBBERS AND CAPS Where you will always find a complete and up to-date line of Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Ladies and (¡eats Furnishings Beautiful line of Men’s Fancy Vests just arrived 35 per cent reduction sale on all Shirt Waifts, Kimonos and ready to w«ar Hats. L Jacobs de Co. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY • Black and Dark Blue Alpaca, regular price 50 cts per yard SATURDAY, 35 cents per yard Light and Dark effects in Wool Summer Suitings, regular, 40, 50, and 60 cents per yard SATURDAY, 25 cents per yard 50 Ladies Lace Collars, regular values 35 to 60 cts SATURDAY, ¡0 cents Come In and get our prist* examine our goods Yours for busine««, THE BOSTON STORE. . . . - - I__________________________________________________________ " . ................. . ■■■■■■■ I will give extra bargains in all lines of Clothing, Dry and Fancy Goods, Hosery, as well as Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Wall Paper