Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 27, 1905, Image 3

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    metropolita ^
I Lu iiiurrt lug mbitnli,
■ llllk it ’ Mill«’ l.”«''”'| ol! llil'Sl-lH.
Hull w it ni'i’o«» Hie a«|mirg tin*
lim »<• a top, m d
III» kn--' « guv«*
M ethods .
lot Admirad by Hur»l
Drnilor Wli«
Dooou't Jlallovo lu ftps-
ftlg F'.t'ber V/h <b Cabina m H
go»*» AH Kind« i-f Iu»«<-14
li«» No 1' "ir
i t .
f H • and to hip , t fbi. fl Ightflll
poiao 'i.
If th«' intruder ia without atrik
leg diatm, '• mi l r< tuaiii» where
I"- i» ',«• is iu ]|t i m dmipi r. a» only
Wilt, mid lie fell dead wit II III«
ln*iirt liroki-n
Mm«.- I.« • •■■-■| w i»
Tl'it’i the pici tilioiM.!' i<dl"<tii'i
Hu-run .t « a •' | Imi«.'I I m hii .J • »
thrown to the.ground
Tin» sol
I III- iu'l li.i i ili.li of t h‘ ! ni 11 r
he < nine lioluu with
I" i’ll I- now u lu u« t ii' k 11 lid n»M"l.m
«.ty of l'etit «vivi ubi me um I. ti <■
tiie ‘
■ •• iimiiL'Iit. 4<#"r j
t '• in it i i t i 11
t f 11.«- limit <-r v i' h
and Liu Ii- <1
i i< ili r im tiie long pi u uey I' mi
long h tino
iií'i i it , jl, »«*U{«->
draw«, pzii'bi’illy tiie «ij <-r »«
III I mil nf the .Ma u <- ruin uti. w un li I >i J. ,M M .■ |i.. I.iin i o
Youlli'a <‘oin| .no it,'no litri! pM-'
" *:n •< n p- - I Kin of repoa«*, Kld«dr
ju«t l<’ yviir» ai*««, iilinoat to n d iv, Iraaor of boi my Ul* l dilm'oi <>
,.J, of Ill' ll 1.144«-I> from W hielt lie
it maintain» hi nil again tliront
lili l.iit.ltlle l'ill'll II. Illi» Il l'.IIU'll.
unni I I'ounn hfinael/ fft t-uhf 'in
• H' it
Bui to t| r atmk«* cntf'lwr
Mr» t‘'liter, who hud not alm ed •el tli' I’oternim-nt of l-'ruti'•• <Hi •ay » I Li l'Iiiiadi'lpliia Hi'i'oi d. 1J *
• 1» ihii.it iif the ratil«-r ia i.ut a
tlint ilit I««- pimiii-d ilirmi.li ill«* »• ' ni ' d nud brdught vv il h bini « •
III» unit.
|’l|| e lb- 1.1 I olioil'l« « .il l V Ii • I’ll ••l'ul Jarge loilei j imia uf rat" M«-rioiia di-terrepl. II«- know» ilie
•Illi id of«
“ * th»*
x#* »at
» «"
i H.I om t tlifnpa
Ilin : I
• ri'.itijr«.' • i'w »trik«. o^ly will in a
III" I' I I lien I lull 111 II pl-l . I Io-II I III
pimi!» in ilie growing »1 le ¡ li I
. (lie Will th«* »IxH'ki « J MU
- 4 -
rn 1 a» uf .: In >nr «'('*• I. ilf It a !<*ii««f h.
i |ul nf t In iiin»»i-H, who i'll no- with
piitlii'icd il large collect ion o
i, below mitk then liiuiiey uh
I! i big «irii' k i( iiiu-it reioil i«mJ
I _ .
I. ì'Iiitimm «pei iiueiiN ni,Ini: )
III Illi ill'' nf being illiolli'1' Xlipu
I..* Militi, «me <luy, troll. To«'« i iilled Itmiliiligi'r ”t’ii*
' Hi a »'-."ini liini- Ixfu. i* ii » hi
*!»’■ hill i* «,’
dill i l|' K'V l'Il WIM'k»
lung I" li'*'* of ai ’em ■•
mil it « hldeoiia lii'itd. A »IX
after a
miln oil Inn
li;n -k “
Mi r. d v
t lie new I;
a ri V'd
ke (on nt n iiinntrt
f> of ‘ 11< k »» nil ili»f ia tie '..««.irv
• Sow tli i I HI
Tur iiiiiii du'il nn exiled auii'id«* phint« Lai«- Iw-cu placed in 1!i<*
tl.-’it Iota eteri it Illg ill ||,
• 1
'Ii th- humid.ilk- anuL.«-.
»tort* !...
ill |tru»»i''»
t lir lim -r lived nil gì ' i-lilu iimi 'H in coutil'* I imi v tli
I iiih do tl vv IllllliUge
I'llnli.O:: tin- i-inl of the Mlilk III
but fell me
III hutlilil«- nidi t lull «jut it il di««d QU
biologica) halt und lire t••• * eri. g
ward tin. rcpiile, the hunter
till’ a-ilie of 11« gIVat tlKillipli.
fimn .iny alight imi! de tear 1: 1
r ktww in-tter Hinn «■>
lii-a hi» vi,ehe«-. Th«* rattier
Ml» I
muy linee r*-It.
On thè I« • < li
nttrnipt nil nriawer where num.
ia mmionli »». a» if cArved out of
a Imig " (de i li«- H.irr.u ■ mi.i a, <>r 11 u u
».is drall« d, ao ’ lie amili il und
»ton«'. ««Illy it» In ailv, im eyi'r f.'i»
|.i-t pi ’Ut» u i'olhv tii'u for wlii- .i
t«T«'«l upon the end of the »till to
Firm of Clp»i M»iiiifiu-tv«»'a Enter­
| imi I i > d Ititi lligrlil.
tic ni. v’i'ieity
fu mone
ia tic
"Wall, I’ll tfllje,1 aniil the re
aw.tit tlx- propar uimm-iit to late.
tain lhair >'.tiip|oy»a with
lai •'• leni ed bitt ti-rwm t ipinr i
V' lu-n Hint ••»uni-» then- ia a leov«'
tenivil trnieler
< ula < orili' t it), a preti y l' v rii te ber
,!. ,>
I'minda »veil it n<|
lit Ki I <|l|Hit f»«r Hie «•««• to fol
t Irture almp
tin I i 11* toMi-xii mi 1»ig», bui litt ) er­
A modern |ihiluaii|ilirr lina ex
low, at-I tie- long fnnga are ai nk
j. oka ar •II,
“ but ft'« linble tn iLlH
to rarely »i-ev ili I»H;.||Ì' ni cnli«'i-
pr» - -' it l i» iii pieliti of th«- muti
no lie gell hl» ft ¡fe a » »
into i!,r Atirk. while tiie reptile,
was un».
(lolla, l’i i• irj 1 hi- ««li ti-r of broad
un ni ¡di in eoealn nr
’ It» miaI :■ k*-at olirc, ia nI
tor-inlaw or
«.prendili:., lb »by l«'iiv«'« of pi *«•
tin *■•• ad l a I 'i'll o « I.
r< ul;. coiled lip mid ugniu in a
«OOI« Sll'li to t A i ■ ft- w o
A r »•» fl tllBotl of tlx- fm t Bint gi i vii ■ ««lor ■! aria a tiow rataik Ii: lit- ig allilude,
4i»rr>r »lii| ■ for t lu­ n* k, tini
I ■' «ring u dainty r«>«y bluaaoiti.
is Hl ii |«t ovvi) In 1 M I II
ti ring» n ii uni er <>f < ««lot « <| t « UHI 4
Ib-fiH«• It
a 1 I rllie down C/Ipiea
tlu* lei««*« i.( Moli«« ni«* «Oiilid
• »mH t ¡«ms
V'ito tini i in, nini puta ’em in
I ’.«• j'oli-, | >i tilling I be long. »'I nil hi
it II v i > i I gin il i | h liuti i'll t li ligi''
li t» l< r1 fl r riniti th in of \ tii'-ri'Mii
rom« r ««’ the window with n rar«!
it .- I m|y lu tlx grouiiij, nn«l the
hvti'r digrat inari-ta. Sear il
Uian «fai tyr -.-« tu • nt' rl.nn
I. inter w ilka I o'dlv toward flic
«»ring orders mint J»- g|«
I« tin- Weal Au»t i iiliun pit'le-r
' -
mp! • •i"• whh minlit*.
h- pl'-r" on«', till I H if up rj.oac he
wert a In a<l«nn«-e, and th
En r> <* IV il ja-l'forili «T on tin* phint (cephalol na f n 11 iin In ri •> i, I nd the hi-id. win r<- th«- | o’«n I
tMlllX'** I •
guitar ntf tilla ri 11.< f.|, loi .v. a ml tlu- pit'dicr» «>f whiili ari- of rich f. nga <-.inii"t rencli him, and ptita
I1Ì11.' " ;ih<! »Hip» lo 1 I k o IrtTItllv«-», green • rimanti lylor. «putti d and hi« « aptivc into a bag.
He a r w uh « - » - • ■ ft Mall
Idei ' '-il with white ti'.irl lag«.
flu* flllltih iati «il» in n
1 li'Ti- ur«- ¿»flier wm llmda of
• li.ur .lini
fume flirt'll dl A fl |*-n«l,
Mparnb'd r«-«»
ttiruilla nut tin i up'ilnr tm-lodnW
«1. t<hing
rattle- for in
high, a» lie» are a It tira«*
grnj'l.t' allí Irrnn (li'-Elia! Indimi
uf tlx- dnv. tini» putttligthe work
Htitnre, when th«- rejtilc 1» bi it-
fuio or«» I» atHtii■ m-rl
plti'hi-i pianta, thl» Ima ulaotli-v« 1-
era In III'- I i »! uf »i rita
i- inter quartern and letluirgic an I
/■■miirr «»' hand » . «• d
o | h d I hr < 'Il imi» lull it of « at< l i.
lazy. But the manner <|e»cril»'d
turf |iiti<nn»' na if bis
und di', ■ »I iig in»* 'tx. t'Io-i'ly r>'
trmilo huir »lutti« Ina pii»itinn
1» tie wny the ]>r»f«*»»i"naI »nnke
4N| i | h sv«l tn lie •■•Hing •
Inti-d lo our native troni] <-t plani»
frmn Urie to time, ••• thnt nil the
Ci.tclier ae.'urea l.i« «]ieeimcna.
rmJ |dl!nw « and tolde < lutila, Ii
uf thè Monili I« tlie Km.limi
h.xa • iiiunler <>' G'-rnrm oilv«
piteli*» plani «ludiiimpliurn nn
til« munii'.
goda; if Ina »ign »na 'j web
tnnal, tlu* rarvM piu ni iti the ¡
Ilei r ■■ ■
1 I II tile! I Illi
Ki. uh - uf tli«- i’gnnii' A era -ire of
blah i.'»«y 1: Ofe» 1» Mel’toOi If Ever
World. Th» ti«:i»<irr w:i« u »] <■
Hpnti »Ii Idomt mid nt tiuira It
ti»«» in» flint II ¡„ile | mii < i I i •1
Biouibt t-> Futile Kotlca
i'ial gift frmu Mr. Lvii' h, cvirntfir
liapt« !'• th.it tlm ....... «’ui- »•• i u
! i *
' • ■
lc Ku««.».
of tlu* <'mnbridg.'liotaid«- gmd< ii ,
•#n<lj in it, nm! If he gh <m nut
gm»»- d in tie rr-u»|r n» to re-tai’
II n gland, mid bit hr rio lie hi» In < n
that he'« •«■Ling drill«», inn’ll fled
their w-' k
Wlu-ti till» oi'riir» th«-
Six ye.'ira ago A »ecr«-t official
tin- mili M'.i<<r«‘»»f ni cult iv i> tor uf
•eport to the «'»ar *m tit».- <lia«-ou
the<lrnwrll :’ mrd in lita < atnliilah
minati i-l pruinptly rri .ill« them
tin- ty|>«'. It w:iM (It at dlacovri-cd
-•nt in Polntid gave offlHnl extor
pent la l>ed «H|i|w*ro and I- a<1
to th«'ir dit’wa t«v "tinning mt ’’
bv om- of the brotlici» Kidionr
ion« an the main < atiae. any» V T. .
Ikin't tnlk tu me ’!»«»•»<
Th** proprietor» find th«- ht*h*
bnrgk, of Vi-iifztirlA lw»umjary
it i-oil. in Book4.'i « im .M;ig:izi:ii'.
if»» i.xltli a ' I’ve aven ’« hi , AU«1 J
hili-iv -»•
’ tit-•>•’« t’i • .-ft I d. for
fame, wlmn In- •> al«*d tli«' pn • .*»•
Hid r«-'-ommenil«-d that the »a!
it prevent« the attllenn« -» mid «Ha
lion« aid«'» of Mount lior.i.ir:',
i-miti-nf tl.it pi«”«’ d from eloar near the inei'lm-» «>f Brazil nn«l i- ¡i-a of ofli> inla ahouhl be mud«*
mill '• nt to I’ve on and that they
rmiflm tn«nt
V«-||I Zll'dn.
If ' ent ex I i di! ¡O1.»
ti.'iuld tla-n lrv held «tri« tly re
w m k.
to the mountain brought home a
|a»".»h Writ»« rt«'»a th» Am»tieae
ui Theaa *»f **la Own
» ■ pply "f llit* Ii' it g plant, nnd one
1t*n»flt* fr-irn Voli-ante E-uj fon»
Tin- ' .- ir’« own e*yiy of flic re
Cooki* y*
o. th«-i» now jji mi iipmit of th«1 4
«•it na» «lol'-ti f«*r th«- London
It apfiara that th«' vo|rnii|<'
unit era t .v
gir ••ul.oii»«'«.
I' in«-«, mid bore a not«- «m tb«-
i r tpl'iiii« wb' b «t«-v;«atnted I ìiia
Tb-rv »"tua I" I" ll'tl«*
pit ’h«*ri-d lent hi«« lio» . d"W n •!«r< ••!
tfi«««W l«-tw"-ti th« 1*? "pun o "f
ti ir -in in Ina hntidwril Bganyin ;: ■
I'- itala lr»wt vr.ir were
«*d h*ir» I I ia t give a aliiiggy npiwnr-
■Tlu« i« to In* dem- aa »min : im Bit*
|i!<-»«ini*n in diaguiae Tb<- < "tfcr
¡tra Y«i.k mid Inimbm.
nr.cr to tin- Interior, ami whiidi,
re.iAtiry «I ium » the iicci-««aiy
tlmn«. or plmitntmna, atifTcred
/•nrri'uti alu’p gifl. Imwever, ta
while M»»i«tiug the d'Wimed ill
’ti mH.”*
»« ««-irli, mid i.o gloomi mi» I he
S . uli. id Ilf I ■ ’ > ngliah ro ««.Il
««■< ta «ui tb” r AowtK.ir«! path,
It I na la-en rumored of latc th «t
outlook flint mani planier« aban
<he I» tint »<> Indi like mid puli'-
Uinkv return imp’ia«ild«'.
w.ir w.ir -i rmii;ht <>n to «-«iver
iv.l »I»- ia :i bund • '•! Uli* I-l’« til
ii- i U'.I t'I’UM
1 «** *M«t lieh»'V«* it,
,rl».-idi». W-e I» neither nimentie renaoR-red th« m»rlv’a
vot mu< !i of n roll i« roa»idered
if Imp, 'i'd. tlx i rupimna
>«r Inn-jiii'l
Rlw tr«it<a f’1*
i ■■ (.«<mrv f ir »tc Ii thing» in H m
u re follow!! by l«»m,' und long Vnol" "««-harluli Full« Into S*<1 Sua-
|utni r» »till n f imi ntrllr tl .it
plalpa «4 Huna ani! Slava ir
ia; 'if I it w.-i» ,H-r w ir with Tur
< i nt ItiU'd rnlt « wlii h w .iabcd
aton'd he tuet with tri ik«-in an
Fwiuayl vanta.
v w ¡neb r« veali-«l Hu* rot '«-n « on
away a I ir.*< pt "port on of the
♦ rgliah »lii'p. bet «.lie menti» im
t o-i of "•')■ !'ild"in ’o \ Ii xmider
a»li*-a .'I'd o orp"' 11i d t!»•• r«-«t of
lmèertit <-n ■■ or ' he« kitu-aa. Y on
charnefi-r in
I. mi I i*nn««»d him t«v turn to bit
t|cm with ii* »"it. Jn the r«-ai|lt
■a .nt to bn i «li' » in’ » ' o > i-' I, a nd
Rlmikvill«-. I m le Zn li.ir'ak ha»
», «i,s <i”«'iiniriiig re
tin t«"vlur<- p'wi'd of gr«-at t'«m
fnu an- i-«4i.»l. e ri '•• .toliti h'oater
fu II«-n luto a «ad nua| ii i>n of th««
ve (hat you am! I
efl tulle
. fu i « in! tin- new
fnurr, in th«- Ymkahire l'"«t.
m ,v \merican« timi coinè frmu
men m Ru»»ia
«I Op I" « lid I u be II« 1,11 g” It I'll in II • llungnry. IC« im » ìa , Ni ria and Itali,
There are
ia employe« nt
a ’ o I .tie not been bribed.”
IVanain tki-r'» pine«- in itrii.nl»ny.
rei.it« « B m * Bruoklvn Engle. Ih*
Si 'dotii if ever doe» the lln»aian
Jn »tinnii'r the I ui» are from
who «!id n«’t
t their »bar«- of Ima ali ut» i> \ »i-n*<' 'lini lie i» go
try to recover loaaex
nd«iiiiic du«t are laim-nting th«-i-.- ilig- to I h licld up and robbed. if
-right to five, wttli ii half liolidai
n pi-i-tilaIimt
in Katurd.iy ; in winter th«* howia
not killcd. by tlu-.««- atranger», mo
n.«ir erupt I'm» « »""ii na muy I»'. h<- uvoida ihcir company i > h far il»
Irr from right t->»iv with im linlf
lnlidai At nil. rii«' luweaf Wit- e»
Not long agii he |»l d
!ng«n ou» Fror^ai'.lug of n Titled ra­
f«ir ¡i girl nt th«' ootion« <•<« nit« r
i viali to n relative in l'i‘i,n»yl
Fin limriA fot iMtre-t.’er«.
ther to Secure Club M«iu-
•mile», linirpma. »tin!», odd« nn-l
vani.n. w In re (he II iiuh litui Sluv»
berwh p for Son.
Two \\ aa iingt.i« "deterliven**
•od» la 2s». a week.
A gm« I
are «-mplovcd in Inrge numbi-r»,
wer«- returning frmu itimi with a an<! h«- w in |»-ri.'e|itibly ri-lii-vi-d
«.I »«iiiunli .of I I|»-r|en«*e will
Tlw «on of I 'lHHtt — latrlf np-
Imr««* tlm-f ili i|i»tody nud |iei niit wheii tbr timi •»» over, and he
pt Lt. Tin- xtH-n. tin- «-minier
v'ied for a<lmix»imi to one of tlu*
tv-'l tlu-ir mali lv>«-»<a|»* by Jump i
|«*prro, Avi-rnge .‘»'•»
or fit a
w:i» back in Vermcnf. A m he en
■ rincipal Italian cluF>a whre aev-
ititi t firmigli u i ur w ludo*
Th«*' I
•aefc. Tina ia nlmw- flu- I ngl.»h
tered hi» nativi- «tate thè traili •rill i aiidiilati-a <«<• be«-n black
•tandnrd. blit after working mil
«1op]M'd al a wom| and water ata
•ailed, relate»
!i Loudon ex
l'iomptlv rri'-ivi-v!
iiih I ructioti« |
a*alrulnt iena bnae«| on the in
•■un for a minute, u d l'm-l» Za« ;,
Imi lo return Ullh-«» tlw-v brmighl uriah pnt hi» li«-ad mit of thè var
ritta«-«! mat of living, 1 am e«>n
Hi» father, /intnrnlly anximin
their priaom-r with tliem. Timi window. A railroad »ectlon l»o»a
vinrrd that flu- Attu-rirnn «Imp
ta to tlu- reaiilf of th«- applies-
ia th«- vvnv to talk. If iv»n m«-n, wau iiiMtriu ling il couple of tracie
worki-r i». In the end. mi I» t ter o’f
ion, mail«* a |ter»onnl ennva«» of
tlnaniialk than the I ngliah.
wi-ll arme«! aw«i Amine thè mi liniiil» wlmt In do with a pile of
•iicli member of tl.e club, and
thority to ahackh-a priaoncr, rnn ' Bruì, and imidentnlly he w i» rip
Wh err the A tiu-ri- nn i» li«-"i t«*r «i’T
aid in an oil’ band »ort of way:
li'it bring him a<roaa tlu* conti ping Bie Engli»h Inngungv int«>
•• thnt he And ahe have m<-r<-
"I ani greatly nnnoyed nt th«*
mut in ii raitway tram il ia tino- piecea, hi» remnrk».la-ing nioMily
tbolrtomc fm it nml plenty of It
tep my boy him takeu; he in al-
for tbem lo «<«ek ».uni«- other o<- unprintuble. I m le Zaclmrin li ha
The t-miipi'i-r uf tin- giri whom
no»l certaiii t-e be blackb.-Ble«l.”
eiipnfiiiti und forfeit thè timmint li-ned with wide.em'M. and mi ex
ton «¡ii are in a London A IL
"Why mu ?" w . ih tit*' invariable
of fh< ir ofTIt'inl bemd’«. Tlu- tronld«- preaaion n» of a |M*rnon inlialing
piare making i lujuli of a «up nf
•i'|dy, given more out of courteay
ia timi wc Imld rii * li olii* i.il <]«• a ileli' ioii» perfum«’. *‘A li !" h«-1 x
ha miri ,i pi. «-«- of «-nite fur four
han i ' oiii ii t ion
limplem-ii-a foo bglillv
To |»T ' laimed, "it’» good lo he back in
I*««*, you will are In one of
"I don’t know,", observed th«*
mit n criminal to etu-atw» i» a« (Ind'a coutilry.”
Vhild » many reatniirnnt* in New
mu] parent, "but i have a kind of
twk having a ••quick lum h" of
great a wrong agninat the pillili.-
iivM iitiiiu'iit
in fact 1 am pre-
il» lo abneoml w ih public fumi«, TO CATTURE RATTLESNAKES.
melon, ««mp, rhnat lu-ef and an h e
iiired to w.iger that lie will la-
and piiiiialinictit for thè ofTemu
treath for two «liillinpa.
Not Su-h • Vi Itimi |t Feat Whnn Ou» ihickba lied."
xhoulil I h - a» certnm in om* c»«c a»
"I ll wager he won'!*"
Oo«a Atout ìt thè K.glit
il i» in tlie.tither. l'ortland lite
Tie» «i-i-nc vvna p<»n»’ throur’»
Forni«« Chnrg.ir «if O»n. BnulAngar
It i»n't Avffrybody* w'i<> know.» villi each metnlier..of the club,
D. m in Mint Tingle
Trnln««l Korne » Tricka.
how tu catch a rutile ni.ikc, elei v it h the re» ii 11 I Ii m I be «oil of th«’
limi», file pi-rforming l-or«o,
»hoiild In* have »mlilen o«'c;i«iou omit «.-I» unanimously »'locted.
vv'lii« h müde a «i-naation in Berlin
A rnlumn <d tror p« marched
10 put Milch knowledge ill pl'ili I ici . !ut it cost a nii1«’ flgttrx*.
for a fi vv «lava hi-cauio- it veri»
a . i . im the t 'hii'itgo < 'hrotiii lc.
T. e
/l'H»t Hu- Alaiu-e «tiliimn In tin’
A J«>n< Rind'
Place dr In Cmx ord«-, Puri«, the tlliiuel't he COUhl coutil, »|M'II, Cti-.. lit'Nl indication of the |iie»eiice <’!
In hi« in mi eritiinl eMM.-iv» Mr.
lui« tii-i-n provt-d n finud. or l i»
11 rattler ia tlu* aluirp, iiiimi»taka
V "tin r d i V. ii h drum» l-i il in;.- ■>nd
Andrew Lang bn» frequently com
owiirr lia». Hi» groom lira roti
«Mi-» pl.tying, anta n reretit
Ide rat ll<*. Tiie reptile is Ilie fair
i*llfi.« feaxed.
menled on the ipia'ity of Ana-ri
To» «.-*
< »t lighter of all living i rentur«-»
emi hiriior. mid irieil to fathom it»
long un l he gfuom kepi In» evea mi
A broken down old Idm k tl
never falling to give dm- warning
Nothing could lie more
ur»«« Ile
*lt’«WÍf|j¡ ii curt lu-npid up with
of its lioHt lie intent. Beiiilili" Io«
the way in which Mr.
«t''itn|iing vv itti il luxif A a «non a» nml gazing mnong III« m I ii u I’ m , the
'•■gftabli'«. Iieiird the
I.mig direited a friend to III"
niiiKu amt fl.e groom lochi d liti lim ho"»«'
tin- Miihliern.
<1 ingeroiiM on*’ Ilia i beeMpied. lie
l'eiiMed tu »lamp. All hi.« triikn
In th«- Mi-llt of Ihr
i.< ciii'li-d on him»' If like tl rpirnl lion««*.
"t Jo up th iimxell road," he »a Id,
fnrt, half wert- dotie by airnal
Hlt't'p in th«- bln?mg
»pi-lug. bin head tin I and trimigti
"till you <!iop. nnd then tu.n to
Mnic. I.i-i <M i|, who had I h - i 'II to
Ini'. mil n fotirt h uf Ilia body raided
O-’rm D»»trey»ra.
the light "
'■o""i’’i I'onipanion
l’wrin mm ki t t«. Iwy «oppili » f,,f
mil of tin i ii-« lea of eoils mid belli
Freni h bm ti-i-io'ogi-f di'
her grocery «Urne
into Hie •lisia* of a horizontal S.
Frnplc in Brttlrb South A fr'ca,
elitre" tlr't li-mo'i ide, i-di'", triti
At the »mind <>f th«' drntna nnd « r and ehnilar drink« « Il kill ty
reiitly tp m ( i ike with Ii jliftiie*;
< eiiMU» H'turuMsbow that (hero
Htr aight of flu- red legged *’d phoid gelili», wltilr nlcohol iti ‘Jà i. pldify. Th«’ eicM glare Id r I. m e 1,L!5,Hlti while nml 5,l!bs,| ¡5
<i*ra in tlu- Place <l<- la t’om-ord«* IMTii'iif ib »lriiv»mici'"be», and ut and cold aa the v i|»-r i- poiMed like colored people in British Nftuth
♦he old hora«' «-nine hi life.
H" '? per ci tit pri'vcnia Iheir dcvi'lop ( a tonne Mining, alert nml ready tw A fi lea.
»tnn««d ftnd t»ott« d at the lit ad of
bury ita long, nmdli iike p<d»ot:
tut nf.
hod ■lieti! n Week in
«W --G.
|e( «» • “.x,tr r»k. i.on.puh.
” <*•
K p
•rt . *Ì*/d . h* «a«tl«M •'»«'•
t ■ ,. i .i • i«< •
0UY3 L'jtT
Southern BepuLJle F'ircti.seW« Threa-
Flfthe nf |<«T I m <> -.rted O. -ids
from (jgiited ÌMA*«a
r»f «il 'b» vi» d» tfeateo b'-y» «bro»’
»1 • i -*i» ll.f e Atti:» t* -,x I, ■ ! tilt*
Elil' t Uf 1(1 'tu . io '.he -• ‘1« »b-inr
• t.r
• <!» ).*»<■ oi.nH«, . t ,
• t'i.lt'<
• It
T-> be ►» le- «h» pi 0/ («« pr. por
II » 'h< ’ -»« rr j tab. u'«iu|
'M «• -pat-
C ir • «e» *9 |>er «nt «e4 /e, p«r re-.«
Il e rriu».*
T» • U.ip fl«*** W'.' h*wrl<* «f
e-«r Hi»> Ttl»r» • no«»«!ier e«,ur try
n l. 11 n. -lU« fl.»
■< , f nad». *'.latt h jya-uiai4> a pari
ft | ah
. 01 h*e laits.rts 1 »1 u- a-.d It er» 1« ao
•j i I
k -I • * /f»*t a J''«'< ’’ wT *r< J
utuer eo-va'ry, « nw.rt jJuba, tuo. « »v.U
a ! xr ft;
>j ,
-, rf > n Ind go •* If’ > t uM • 4
i-i ir .<■ j j r. <,! i,> r «? jor» -.-'a Ih»
l ® - wr.i » !
i fi’t
g n’Ir '.si» *itn'»e<4 a
'Wr* arili lu V«n4» I u««d to
r '1 ’
r w: ‘ ih’« ir»
»y-r • «, r «
io *■!'-- >. »*it-‘ in tb» I-*» •e»! year
lilt k Li • V i .u
L;*« i t > I '»/
v - r>- in ruoti m». ha*' Fii.<-' .' 'JO bav
Lal. A to
f*‘ * • f f
SA »
!i«i'iu.«<l U rto ar.'. a ! ?it tu« « slt.ee
U» «»• •'
oornt h OMinpdb." vt
l4.' . ai d,ver i;
,ri> wl.lc.-i w-r Issi
je«« è ! j.j'O.vOd. t
prfu tl APy i« li­
T’ »l ft .•>”» M-** pH k* ,r*>
n‘^ bi
Ititi« »«! 1 ¡Inlr.g |s thè great
f' r 'he to>v
T- •ri • fi 11’»
II « (| « .f . 4 Hltlr.« f 4 hf * t t •• n.i *«
U i . h
i' oHerUr/.aaaB
h«»» --1 ea our mrectsiii« aó*ar ••»•
who-h ui«welM«fs of ir h r eoi.ni.--» x un
I hot, ’ ’ *hir» Im < m * *<i
nut t>.» •-.••» » i o x «» « « ii. >a> u.. tu
W!Y • ”>». H lw MUT h- uu ir. our tram trita l.» l'.nlral Au.erl
la b.' •'.* mr' Jia ;*»t ra»U«« *<;«<■•., '♦>• ca . »'a - "I he M: >. -sr «il r. fi
0'1 vent h «if o r ■-< »1 and in- ea-ne
n uaic
•moHni nf ont i iw co ,i>n »
V • i gv M m CM! -Oumprth. uM^pa^»
fj,r »nr
». f
al .ut |
>.««. «Wi f.r» olir < ars
-J »1 tAwl» fc filtri» r<*t
a .4 *r>. «g> s. M muu . w 4 -a». u.*io r J1 ai.d
I »*.» aul«. uos ab. 11. -U r Hill • tli-
F.c;fttr. AMONG IMyOFT/. .3 due du. «r* or 1 « re <4 inelr u ■ uey is
p i d no f r w. - n !Pr |. v -u.-.i«.- ’ -. tot
Prof ■<a!on«l Puf’llrt of FnrUnd t itrlot m«r*.n»-ry fu» buiuor-. t,a;d
ware. for «'trine; rrs-hine« and ine lur-
U’li r«« Rema n» Li» In W »l-
r.'uve. Kit*- bar deer*e«1 tbat wl - are
miuktar A'obty,
osti) U» bave twoiminuLi «:• u» 411.bora un
tue >>ut u«u. M. uu »i>u Cuaas.«. Le.lj
That a pr'zo f. 'h’cr I» hurt»«’ in 01 tiMM»
g> « a . >ei,UÌA rs. cuo.n.sr
W«.«:aiinx'rr nblay 1« wld-ly known «-.aily aun ulLir. . •- ì'*e n.ort ue.gb-
I c.-v’-«.- it hipie-”« to li» m-’niior-d Io buiuy th«y g't tb* bstlar.
t' e etr. lit <1»xn»ry k Ida «»hK-h rv ry
v »ttor buy«, and «. iny ara fb-- •ja«*ll-
Ht:nx of !>• ia» honor yhai h«v« b-*-n
utter«'! over »*!• h a«*aw«l4.o*ia daaterx- All Ar* Fan.tl.ar aiti jjelat na al One
tlon of this miai (am mm of »11 •vae”l-
to ttia Other—»scia sud
• ri<-» '4 tb” diw<! it ii Juliu Uro'ifiti-
» Igares.
i n i- nail; u.ii- h mor» worthy f
F'erybody la fati.iliar wjtb thè f»ct
••irh honor tb.iu many who are In-
t« i»d thrra.
a London rorr«- thai msva'.na g..<».u> u»« c..n.a,e. iu
u .ui._a.u» are
■|4>n<' nt of the L«iii» 11.’.- temtrli-r- Cablarli.a
He « a« a great-mah In h!< iiuu s»xp*s, in
J. s-h^lc ,n ite
II» feuiebi hm way to th«r too pui. a uii-’W •». •» r-ddniu taJL* In th»
But how
i.f til» pr /»« in awt
rl'ich a d q , . c al wea:!er ot sir.ter
r» ean te’l at Whai rate ele­
l.ai 1 im.lux luaJut iln-'t hiiu*e l Aliar«’ 1 . ...j r»
(or ai ver d yrax». H* IvvrU.to a grvin vai lon prorfueus a*a .«e e.f t<n.|*r»
old a,« aa ! e>a» •tr’ i «uip o; J a* » f ife? Ir. ilreper'» »resi werk ol “in-
verger lu th- at- <ay ,4^f >re h« di-d .u In».II»«.usi l>ev 10 pine ni ot Kun,«.
17X9. Ho wi’h-d io bave ila wor<’i. lui l. P4«,e 2» rt^err-.pg :o -be.xLcral
"Ch«mt • 'n Friz«- k'lgh’er of
‘ «uvvauub ut burcpe *...c. thè teiiiary
wh’ch rnn»'Jtv'*«d M» rl’lm tn (Aiwa penod ot more t.'.an ” -*'-t f«et h« re-
Ir. rib-'l n hi» tom'ni-a'- Jltit th« m'rk« t!i«t ■ an elera-M. «rf .U? t*-et is
then d a*i of the abb v would n-it per­ «q-iai to ore d»ari.e et celli in tb« um MI u
mit It. »rd <>n th* i»bl"t to hi» men- r. bnuai lerupera.are, or 1* t» • luebsa on
i r> In Hi» V/»i <UÌ*ier Hrourhma I, thè suri»«'* Lijrth* t-d." At thii. rate
ter Li* 1
«-«.«» turn‘ad w vba rvnuarbran a of tiie top ol a u.- Jbo. n 1C.I
v.oulc le a.nic.-t 43 degre«« eolder thxn
I’os'arlty no rely u a "k ronin’i uf lb
tluaru." V» han the lima come», as * thè »«eira! «ievvlo-- at thè bsse; end
mil»«, vrh-a tl»«y »IL b ive to beg'n SowteGth- tb--eiorr-’er rh< w» a •• n-
removing boi«-’ fenpi tb« »b ty to 1 rrxt M-e of 6f> •!<»/•(» il thè base It
male ro--*n for t^oaa »-ho aya rrwtt'- wpaM t»- ten ¿•¿r**» *» i<iw th« freez
<L»rrvlng of m«',rm«nt there, bon»«’ imt loint at un« top ur 23 degreea Fabr-
John l.m vhfon'« «'loal'l uu( be t»« en'teit WMh llie lem» -raiure a*. 10* un
; liu: | aie«, il w.-uid be uuly
yvt ti.e top
I.ret to ba iiUiurbcd
Prize Hyhivry aie «*»*-«i topnlar ut -.1«- u.i"U.U;-i- Th*. «-sur-rati-te a
Idol», li’i; li auuld t»” vLtli.ult lu t~u- r io'rrtain rewrts ir.xy eeslly be rtet- r-
cetve of a-iy «x'cu,-ate-’i* iurte rem-’i» n.inc-l In *11* way ff th'« elevati« n ir
fr inì th- p the tliaj b id to g! >ry tbv * 1 « boww . »« Tfr red «liti thal oi Lx>s
that of a p umber Yet In the h.vly Angt.es ter exjimpie.
qu’et of one of th« rloIXtera of th!
'ample of fam* » plam^T I» b’irf‘‘d
on» > tulip CWttw—ior no nlh*r res
of Instane* Wh-r-e Olita
a.m than rliK Ke flx«<! p!"*» ’n<*
Were Foeted Brlnrs Ab .ut a
■oldered up lea’» for W<-»'ioln«'-»r
Mnch-Needed Heforin.
•chool. Put no memorial w‘.l! be f rm
in the abbey o* ihxl »•!«1!«r arti Am
Il is Dot suc.rialng tbat 2 '-00 Parta
whom ih» «wri'l c’D never foraat. the
wg.Lqui 4I» -uìd -meet a-.d adort resolu-
luiiuurtar tlukv, Juim Bunyan.
ti a» a!u: « Tur thv abendoffbf tfpptng
PAID SMOKERS OF PIPES. sa: s i?f- New Tork Snti Th- reni vig­
li ms f tb» tlpp'ne yy» ten» «re thoaa» ho
Fart» Tt'ba’X» H-iwe« TTire Mnr.y re .-♦»• th* ai. The bai-Seiary is thè
man w I to Jr»x » thè restaurant thè hotel
Men te Cc!or The«»
1 jr iteri er abup when» tl.e tip Is »iv«n
1» sn»thi- y mv r» abaivd t..an {pr a m.'.n
whu po«» i!.-«> 1 bsitt-r «h >t * av rg tr>
■'With the growth of the h<**hy ot pai Ì5 cedts ' r tl.e abave. g've thè 1 ar
• tnokiny inee«»cl»aum pipe* aaid Ik« b« r t- n re: t» > «-««ut: v. «wd ■ m" a rlck«l
Halenttorfer, of Fb.la4e.pbia, rt.-oc-» iato th» opefi psitr. of tba boy who
the Louisville Herald, "ibvre bav« uauces arour.d blu. w:ià a br-ieb' 1 he
sprung up concerns which nia.j» • recet t Carì'oa hotel ’»¿e. In L* nC-m.
business of coloring these pipes.
show d h< w there thè rii » w, re p- i le!
“How do they do It? K ell. In th« ■o tilt wb.n n guest thorghf he »It
«•oat natural way Imaginable
By paylng tnr » tre litil» per«<.n.»l s-rvi-e
Muoking th«m In Paris there are twe •>y a psrticnlsr empl-'ye h» wn» really
Arms which rniptoy al-JUl l.OVV imn W. helpiBg t«> psy thè » ig*-y of » «tot er or
ùo nothin» bui smoke. They are paid rock whom he bvd n-ver aevui R lly.
20 ceni» an hour. They »moke tu Id thè hotel nvperl all thè bcretlt. It 1«
lottano in order that they can smo « go.’d for thè flrsf rrs-i w’o t'-p«x* *b»'
a great length oi time without gelling be !» to-«*ay b, von.’ thè reach « f thè
a headache.
ll’pe-s and tfpp«er nn »hi hi he ha»
wronght so mnrh er*l. The Paris welt­
"1 have seen these fren st w«rk
They are a queer set. Some of meni er« are to be eorr.meriled
are persons of high ed icstmnal at-
The Ferth < New O>«4le.
ta.time. ta. »tw being out of oth« r »in
ploynient, do not object to silling in a
The eomnìet'on is*t May of thè ttete»-
cool spot, reading an ! stuoeiug. It « mlnaiion uf tbt ilil’-r-tioe-.ot bingllmi»
be’ween ?»n b'cnrc'rco and armila, by
a snap for them.
"Others of these Ntr'c smeihers A»» n-ern« of thè new PleITc. càh>» f Ishrs
Irnnrsnt Mimes, who have ne«et 'he "loneftiide gtrdle' ofth* ••srtb. I In
achieved »ucce»» tn anything
bui ither wonls. thè wl-ole gl^he he» i n»
been clrcled wtib elactr^c.'wq» s'gnsl».
•mo' Ing.
"A few women are In the gathering, by n-eansof wh|ch thè exact lungito-fe»
but they arc all sorry ioouing wreck«. ot itnportant po'at» round ita entire ctr-
c-imfi rene- «re t n«>xrn
The accuracr
"Some of the smokers are diseased
of thè wor« la »1» crear thit tic .'Ht-inc-
Many of them have consumption But
befwcc. th» observa’ory fi (1ree»wlch.
this does not endanger the person whv
Fni-tand and thè dome «f thè cathedrr.l
buy» the fnc nwerschaum pipe l»t»t
In Manila nieasurirg acro»« thè Aliar­
on for the pitx-s arc boiled and bakeJ
ne ocean. th» American cunUDert ar i
to eliminate all germ«
thè Pavide oqaan. is know u wimiu a poa-
"The otncialsjn Paris are trrlng tc siùle «rror of abunt fio feet,.
break up this buslne«». clumiiie that
tt endangers the bialih of the hlrv-
He U'i» "Off and On " ,
Miniati r Vati Jts-inCercn. of thè N^th
7i , . .. ; i. ... 41. «•r.»U.H.',»l «> ■ f*"‘>
I 4 II
I ■ J »1 L* -1 I- "«' ’ ’ ' * ■*' *■ ,
k«> ■ « i« . r .1”«' •«•’ •”-! M " •
A. ix
HIM" I , O.'»
‘ ■ •• ■*■ *“*
/.Id. i
f u » • • **al r> ID UM it
Alum.num Horse Shoe».
tn the Russian army «tnm'n-im
horseshoe« are said Io, hive been tried
with p»"«i reaui »
A tew horses in
the Finland draco’ll.» , «ere
choaen. and shod with one ai nutunin
shoe and thro«« Iren ahiws e' -h. Tie
experiments showed th *t th-* alumi­
num shoes preserved the 1> ol Let­
ter than the Iron ones
11 s Suggestion.
"The wages of ».u," s.vid the speak­
er. ’ Is death ’
•Tin in favor of atsrtin’ a «trike to
have ’em raise«!." yel ni the wat' lng
delegste mdilenly waging up -Onka-
go Record-Heraid
Tlio«« Onia Again.
Ti «« \\ liai du you ih.in if my new
alines? Quite notiti. , acni ilei ?
Ji'-s ! i s. tljcy up- rxilier l ni bbv
but I think any fir»i class chlrrmodisi
conili remove It»« guobs Ptllladclpb.a
O’a go v a Waste Faper.
The city of Glasgow malte» 17 5 ' a
year prodi o-it of wa-ie paper collect­
ed In lhe street». Liverpool has now
decidad to adit to Ils iiicuuie in the
mnit tnann-r.
rr’A"<Is. I» an- carelli m horserr.an and
If r all exretlent heiwernen he i» spt re»
c-itlcl«e irei clt.i.tlv lh.se w lui coi et
rfd- sith s i i. 'ta mu-i "leni \\asti­
imi.u: «he «>t.:er cxy tt,e.^iu.-ter. iu thè
i- ir.-i of -. ai ».- «t'ei w .1 . -• 1 «ter s
»de saie.: "I nw ycui.-'. tllank at
Cile»» C a«-' thls n-ornlng " "V as he
m ho-sebscl
thè lady sske«L "Weil.
off and or." » -w thè « « ply
Carri«« Mirro« in State.
A niirr r. a irystal ami 4 si ori are
carr «,. b i re th«. « n-.pt r. r >1 .1 i|.,.i, i n
all state ,c l’ioiis "Know tb'iilf'-is
thè lliessage q | tl" l'ftrror; Bepureaid
•bine. Is il-.« . .--.s. s injurct'i'», whlle
Qs» »word '• u r- inliii.er to "Le airoug.”
"S’-y in H:i,.ie-s," Says Judge.
"b.ay in u •< bari». <s and ih« a avi id
cr'-wing rusty. is thè inolio <u Jcdg-i
John J. .lacksun. ot |he < > .t d Finti-
comi (or Uie 1. " ilier* dialrlct ri M e«*
Virginia He • 11 .-< >« iti* u.suix t.. . v.
l-eii.g thè oiuiat irsi- ier of thi ('ri
JIKUci-ry .Hit ha« Ilu .ong'»: r*ei-ri;'>'
riT'ie-i. Ile wss appninted in IM’.I b
Pr« sfd’ nt l.incoia'and he Is now MA ye.ir-
oid And ne isrh’j»"iny- to r-»ign "1(1
|.’ft thè Tcneh «fa! wouM tv Gietnd ot
me," he sa;*
K»*'-44la. tit . once the pet|X>y**Mff
ha» l>s«u alToat «w»U4»»-u u*p
M tti* rtver
Tb» I miì 4 s ul JenesvlU*. Wta» refutad
' «1 -ar In -hurí al irfs In (la Fornii»
' f J >1. 1 -rada, and ’•ud*vlH*«l»l»lrw»»
<’ ic. .0 uad tu t>u »«ut for to tA»« tb»W
li.:' rlerr.bc«¿ ’ F tT/ Rrttlah ho«m«
nf ' ,nini- us *o far bave ylgnlfled their
I- «•• -to«- «o '¿in tp h >» oropoaed parila’
li «ntary visit to «h.i l.'nit'-d State» In IL»
A hotel 1 • e-:-*-» m the C|ty.«rf Mexico
t - . b en rtitidemai-d to a
s Hnpfl«-
■” "t ar.d has /w»n pn»d |33 t'i for
x!i:ii- «rum tt e electeic tight rofnpany
l -e ecrtent with «hieb hla botet «a*
« I.«- ■ x immatlon of the physical eosi-
,f th" 1 ?■"' street sweeper» »n»-
! t.s »' w York efty «hows that FM
** f'v* with ttb»rrulo»fa. rontrmt-
i r.i.g the - ourse of their «ora by
ltii.au g
,«as«-la*.»a uiul.
•>. - ix «n w .mnn of Bennington,
Vt t. « • t
'. Le. one cf which wa» fer­
r great 1 ««» 'mother'» and la
ti • f n ..y tot Júj y-sni .The other was
f..-11. r y h<-T e<M>dmother » «nd I» JuO
> i-er* ni l li.xt *;,* ':r***e<1 In the «oa*
tur e incident P» frnYir dotta, tb« oiúeSt
t«4 .-.g on the t asnei suit in which JÍ
t ■ ■ -Gti.a'lf ajtlred
Th«- hanreom-.wi privai rar» Ja tW
▼ -*4-re «.weed by Adc.lpUn» fttacb and
C-I»rb M .'-hwab. nuseh reoetvqd btk
■s 1 pve«Hnt ir- in friends Mr richwati'«
Is tie» bnllt at a ecat ot |5o «MX), acd If
• t th- in •’ lmur oua thir-s 00
w •’ei», (t j» 70 feet long, including an
-er atton r.,mpartment of JO t««l
The <e' - ff» hat 4 palnfsd The furnlj
ture whu h lll e the general appoaiwn«»
ot 1 e ar 1.- in Louis XV. period, 1/^»?,
ban u.v u. Each o( the brasa bedstead«
lui!.’ wo»'«’ rooms eoet J! .000.
?.? hr.
m has 1.224 deaeoneaeea.
Ear.gel.-aJ eburch coon ell at
T’-ir-irv has «Iv«p taxpaying aromea
the right to »«rfc
In England Irfdy 1 w»»^m baa been ap-
p->i* t. .. ■ chwrcli w«ru«« <rf A4*.«ts-«a
church la C nutrir ai*»
J!-.- Pt t- .Macljueen. pertor of the
F :sl Pa. .1 church, in Cbarleetowa,
:» th* union of all Proxee-
U..t denomlnxttonx.
/••i”ra!.a has 210 ehnrehea to every
I«»- v ' pnopl». a larger number per eap-
ita than any ot0»r country EuglaadbM
144 and k »»"ias.n)y about If
The .act rvpcrft tttoar» that.the Woe;
eeu-f musts >a«e half lhe churihgo«re
in F.or ard and more than half the fus­
il vi-' re,i pupt's tl« taat y«wr brlrg-
Ir.r tti- m an lncreare<rf8.000n>mmtMl-
cat.is and S3.o»? scholars TbeAarUcaa
church pcisease» 7.127.934 eburch »It-
tli i
with about S.Cf'O.OU) atteadaata
T c free < b ireh”s bave xeno 000 slltlnga.
w it 1 about ú V'o.100 attendante. ,
l agene Sr.ilriioff ehaplaia of the
Rutsiaa ea.bese» In Xxiacon. saya that
tb. Ru-Han eburqb ju^iiLCaJaa floerlab-
ieg mia»kuM Lu Japan and .Cblsm- Hee
Jupsn mieelou b««au ia IsM. The heed
of it is Bish'.p .A.ch- las and It num
b< rs JC 311 -(.averts and 34 ecclesiastica
Ail Its ¿'ergj but one priest and oa<-
deneon are Japanese and tbe nMset'-n m
perfect.y .uyal to ibe country, asm
laiche» the Japanese tbal It la UteC
cut) to fight for ím A ü :
Man proposes, bul after timi tM
won an tases charge
- i. ■> e 1 .
k rm I pg • «rv.rl barster la betXer
th in reform nc a trod one.
The man who gives « trifte meeinly
io always ny-yp-qr Lbaia tbe trille
N't a f«w mvi. love their sweet;
be-<-(4 I d Mik. aud ibetf wtveo ta
Time and tide wait for no mao. but
they know belter than lo aak a wom­
an to Lurry
Money makes the mare go. and
sometimes proves. In consequence, that
she is spavined and baa the •griag-
When yon hear A man say: "Thia la
my honest opinion." does It noi ma*:«
>1 .1 wonder bo* many Oiaboneet opin­
ions he has?
M. re opportunities . are , vaated
through the wrong people seising
them, than through the right people
neglecting them
Tbe German g- ver iment operate»
15.200 tel. phone stations.
N.ig'.ra Is w >rth ft.0’0.000,000 aa a*
retiree of electrical power
Marconi s I3o-foot masts at trlrsl«en
teiepriphy cost £40 apiece.
The nisirufacture of hlgb-pqxfgf,Jn-
-indcMccnl tight» ia tuaX.ng prograea
st Uoviuiry.
The elec.rfc wyld ia becoming a
more and more important factor, In
many industries
During recent years
the ex.elision of Its application haj
bern seidy. and each year has xnt-
mesed Its entran e Into new Aelita.
1 r* ?
<• 1
*» YH
Chftrlottenh irK Is t|ie first Orman
enunune 10 a, point « wotuan school
At the 1’n’ver-ity 0/ Heidelberg tbs
fits, wotnxn stii«:i-nt trf.'he do y was
r«gu ?.r y ma r cu.ated i hi» year
Doth nt Bonn and al Breslan new
coil g .i lor i.i 1« ha e be n "pened. of-
(«H-g 1 a x ears' co'trse sfter grad-
ua mu from the high a< h -ol
In liu'li only t,bo it thp-e rj.r cent
ol t'-e gi Is .a terd pu61i’-^cboql. bi»'
lEc government of In«! a In I s edu<a-
ti'inl ic n'i-ton a a es that ID try-
n ■ 'o promote 'h- ed icitlon of girl«
a (..r uii''t r , ro ortlonal impulse ii
Ipipirt'd It the ««tuctional and more
tune of lhe* p>*o le than by the edti
cation of the men.
------- T* A*
, ,
Marked Ik-ww
, ,
*1 Arltne is to tnarry the duller*.,
Rut he was A treat bargalB-
"He wanted flo/ion.PCO. but th*
finally got him for »9 198 998 91"—Fue!
The Glory of Rome.
"And what was the moat IntereaUr
thli g yon **w tn Rome?”
••|,»t me see! On. ya»! Tbat m
where we m^l the mxr
of Mlggla
world "—Calcago RecrfN. JI ha M
. ' js