Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 27, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klarnath
County and 1 ending Journal
ol the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and la
the Beat Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
anonymous letter accuses w . h .
M c C lure
NO. 4
of cattle stealing
assist us
Commercial Bodies Appoint A Prominent Rancher of Poe Valley Receives a Letter Purporting Herder With His Hands Tied
to Be From Slock Association Accusing Him of Stealing
Committee to Solicit
Watches Nine Masked
a Certain Red Steer-
Money for Bonus.
Men Shoot Sheep.
T»o representative* of lha Klsinsth
Chasihet “I <‘•-'innere-- appeared Iwlore
• «««ting "I '• e..-ntatlve* ol I I m - y«ri
Coiutn«r> 1*1 •»►lir* <>l Bgn I Mtraleeo
M* I--------
yesterday ami spi»» l»l tor «Mlatsnoe to
niar • botot* that • ill insure tlia ron-
sirarUun ol a railroad fvmu tnaaa Vai-
)sy, Or. to Klaiuath Fall*. Their rep
proiuplly *wurud an in
4sre tarnl an the ps»t “I the s«s,-mliled
•an at buon-», and a r-Hiimittr« was
Spp'iulrd. 1 nsialing "f t«aar l pl,am.
Aa<l,a* Csriif«". Il l>. Ixivwland and
) F. Courilnr, t • visti tiu.lur» inni,
till« a*rk and «e- tirv pl. Igeo of money
to I— pan! ou lb* lomiplation of lha read
•hi- li sill i-t -»k,- pi*, r rarliar than
th* last ol I AM.
dilli th« Han Fran-
lieu cMUinllter will go PrasKfrnt Bald
• in •■ I Neervlary U..rd«n of lb« Klsui
sth I ha a sr
( mmeics.
The ms«Uug «< rester,la y was made
l*l*r««ling by rr-w»H> uf ths claims
ths advamagra
Ban Franciaro in*y derive by U>- '
•«ring iba loixtru, ti-rii ul tiro rad in
A A. Wathin« and Isaac i'pham «al
in th* pr*«idii.g i-ffidrr'a ohair bv tarn«
Andr«* tarrigau wa* th« principal
•p-lkre. Hr prr-srnlcl tiro facia in a
wr *rirarti«r form
vent *11 r>»*r th-- h Imroth r.-unt-y last
•ummer ami liwrame thoroiighly ae- I
qualnle.t with il* rwMnimsa.
Il* «ai I thal ih« area w.iuld all l*e
irormancsilly tributar, io Nan Fraudar.,,
in a ira-le way .1 lina . ity Woiild hslp tu |
t>uil,i tl>e railr- «d
Vwry Ulti» waa a.k
rd troni Nati f ai,ciato In ili* prrwrnt in 1
«lance. The total suui thal waa aakrd '
,.| Klamatli roani, wa« |inu.0iM. Oli
ihi* tbe conni, had raiM.1 all boi ||5.-
(kNl. Tbe hlamalti vali«, a aa nearer,
lie aald, lo Nati Fraaci*, ■< lliau lo Port­
land. Il a a« a ridi munir, in ma",
liy privai* «»tarpila« ir rigati, o,
wotk* liavr b--. fi ornai tur ted lo poi *>,-
<*•> arie« underrullivailoa. Tl>* (Jnlle-l
Piale« govcriimrnt would ei|«ud be-
twcwn |.1,i»<n i»W and J4,(XX),UU0 la ila
grewt irrigaiion |>ropa-t
ile i lei,tali, Mr Carrigan salì Ibat
Klamath i.iiitily «a* b I mmiì tire aia* uf
tbe «mire Hate of Maaaschuawlta. He
l,a I nevrr aoeo a •«• lem thal ha i graal
«r premi««.
Tl-v taad« terrii.rsy ol Nan
Fian, levo lia,l bewn mueh mntrwelcal.
Hrm waa a hdd thal It «a« III* dui, uf
bau litui 1*0 lo l'illd lo ItM-ll.
Preateleiit Ha latri <4 ti,« Klamaih
Clramto-r and otiroi* «|«>kw.
T. C.
Fr lollan ter
mVt< I r,-«olottona thal
cn iurawl tir* Klamath railruwd prnprrt,
and lh.-ae wee* adop'Wil witfrout diasent.
- Pan Franciaro Cali.
I) E L A V
Wuhinft’n The KnrUmaHnn Hrr
vice» Lae a trl«-^*att» If tw the IkverJ of
CeeMilÜM F
In «»rrgoti «aun<
tb** haie r haTT*tnr*1 thè KlaoiAlh Itti
gstion pr->H l
l'tgb'v pleared
• ilh tl> altra. Uvr lesi'irr* Tlir Klan,
alti Canal Company, which »land« in
th* vs* of ths government «or*, ha*
r*ls«*l tosali out st a reasoosbie figmv.
»hub »rm* that thsy will
sat by ths Government.
This may
nwan * y*ar
mure •>< liiigatiou lirlwrv
th* tierrrnn ent ran I »-win
bri* It
Sot lot litis <>t«to Is, work ■ mid begin
st «ne*
Tb* *hov* l.*psl. h. whl< h appeared
la lb* Oregonian and other r<>a*t paper*
Ubi iftrset r> nlradi- ti«i> tn tl»« state-
I, the undorsigned, now have deposited in the Klarnath County Bank $50 for
the person or peraooa who wrote the above letter.
Dated Klarnath Falla, April 25, 1905.
W. n. M o C lürk .
Re,»«t* have >«e-n coming in from th*
Eastern fan »1 tlm county of the steal­ i
ing of cattle In that city.
raids rustling has l*o>ine a yearly oc- ,
•urrsnee In thi* section and while !<>••••* |
have lircn reported every once in a
while, Il has t>ecii impusaible to fit. l tbs
guilty parties.
The above letter waa
handed the Republican for publication
by Mr. McClure, who *tales that II wa*
Government Determined
to Proceed With Work
on Klamath Project.
Washington. April 23 —Hoonnr nt later
the Kleins til Canal Cotn|>any, O|M-r«ting
I near Klamath Fall*, must *t«p s*ldu and
mak* way tor a bigKovernuirnt irrigation
project. It Is lor this private enterprise
to say • bather it will go voluntarily or
whether tt a ill be torrwl out. The tart
tvinaino that the government ts going to
aleorb private Irrigation works in Klam­
ath Basin, and is going ahead with the
runalttirtioo ol its own project i»n a
grand *raln.
There are several private enterprise*
in Klamath Rosin, but «II except the
Klsinath Canal Coui)uiny have made
terms with the government and are
roady atxl »tiling to vacate. Tbi* con-
errn, ovned by California interests, is
unwilling to move unl,-*s it can name
its own price, and sell out on its own
terms. The government dies not do
The Novelty h*a just reosivtai a new
bu.ineas that way.
That Is why the
•tuck of ladies underwear.
Klamath Csnsl Con>|«*ny will prul«bly
!»• forced to vacate.
l-a*t [^member, when the government
first rntered Into negotiations with this
company, the officials of the Re<'lsma-
lion Nervice med* a liberal offer. They
were willing to pay |2.V1000 for the
works and property of ths company,
and to grant them navigation right* on
the government canals.
Rut the com
pany held out for IhOO.Ooo.
lion* failed. The Rwlamation Nervice
wt) Mtlwlatrr with ihr a i>r| of the
f'Wanimriit and we «k» r»<»t Itrlirv* timi
UlOtMulung B «ani of Khftliierre after
Utting hr tv, w«ni|.| rvporl that tlx*
*•»1 woulf lie hebt up fur a y rar ur
waa satisfied that the Klamath canal
pro|«,rly a a* not worth |2fi0.000, rough
estimates placed tlie actual value at
nearer (AO.0O0; but being aniious to
build the larger Klamath project and
Quality” Dress Skirts
Linen and Crash Skirts,
Silk* Satine and
Silkolene Underskirts
Fancy Silk Shirt Waists
Wrappers, Kimonas,
Huslia Underwear.
can find out who did it.
The Klamath County Stock Asaocia-
tion wa* organised a numl«r of year*
ago but for tbe past two years ha* prac­
tically been dasd.
It waa reported a
flembers Can Have Choice
Of Several Different
Fratcrn.il benoficiary insurance ia a
subject in which the great majority of
people are inlereated, and the following
statement in regard to the change in
rates and plans of insurance in the A.
O. V. W., in this state, one of the eld­
est and liest of the beneficiary orders,
a ill fro of general interest. Especially
ia thia so in Klamath county where over
3tM) of the leading eilisens are members
recognising the equities of the case, they of the order.
The new Insnranea plan provides for
Hied w hat they ter me, I a very lilreral
offer. No auch price will ever again be a reserve fund, a guaranty fund from
offoNtd. It i* more than the facts justify. which a part of the death loss as well aa
Reclamation snginoera have tamn eat- the assessments of members over 56
isfied from the alert that the Klamath tnav be paid, and the optional aaaeae-
Canal Company, in playing for lime, ment plans from which new members
ha* been endanvoting to force the gov­ may choose that which ls-st meets their
A new member may lake the
ernment to buy them out at an unrea i need».
I lew weeks ago that they had reorgsniaed
I but we rlo not know if thia is so. It is
also unknown whether lira a I rove letter
area sent out with the knowlege of tbs
Association or not.
The matter ha* created quite a sense
tion a* Mr. McClure i* well known
throughout the county aud owna one of
li,a moat valuable ranches in Poe
level rate plan, which fixes his ass e ss
uient at the same rate thmaghout tbe
period ol bu insurance, or he may take
ths dasstfied rata, undar which he ad­
vances every five years to aa older dam
with a corresponding increase ia the
amount of hi* aaaeaau,eot. There are
various combination rata plans made
up from feature« of both the level and
daasified rates, and under these Combi­
nation* the members may make the cowl
of hie insurance suit bit circuinstances.
He can pay the current cost un-ier the
classified rate plan aa long aa he pleases,
•nd al any lime he can transfer to ths
level plan, at such age and oust aa be
A member at 60 years may take the
40 year rate of aaevsanieat by paying in­
to lire order an amount equal to the re­
serve fund his certificate would have sc-
cumnlsted had lie joined the order at
the age of 40 on the level rate plan. As
trot ween the claasifiud, level rate and
combination plans, it is simply a ques­
tion with tbe inemlmr whether lie de-
•ires to pa, an increasing coat from year
to year, in accordance with the death
rule of bis class, or whether he is will­
ing to pay more than ths mortality cost
while young in order that he may bare
the benefit of paying Ires than lh«< mor­
tality coats when he gets old. All tuem-
la-rs pay a percentage into the guaranty
fund until thsy have reached the age of
M, after which they |-ay ouly the mor­
tality cost.
The new plan will result ia increasing
the aa«e**ments against older members
of tbe order who continue to carry tiro
full amount of tbeit certitieates of insur­
ance, and there are provisions to enable
any member to reduce tbe amount oi
Ina policy, or take a half cash payment
option, or a paid-up certificate option.
In several ways he can keep hie aaeeaa-
ment down, but in each of these propo­
sitions he is bound to make up the
amount of natural accumulation that
would have accrued to hie policy had he
yrovi.l in a reserve jiercOnlage from the
The new plan ie said to be baaed on
strictly scientific insurance principals.
Ils advocate» in the lodge are enthusias­
tic over its adoption. They say tiro Or­
egon grand lodge, which in recent years
ha* been anablt, to make progress in se­
curing new memhera, will put a large
force of agenta in the field and greatly
increase the membership in this state.
Feed Store
rr Brown
and Fancy Collars and Ties,
Belts, Hand Bags, Veils, Parasols,
____ Ha,r Ornaments, Etc., Etc.
JneCelebrated ‘American Lady Shoe’
V- New Lines—Up to the Times 3^
•ent to him by mall.
Mr. McClure is
very indignant at the chargee in tbs
letter snd offer* a reward of |50 for the
parties who wrote the letter.
He says
that he will make it hot for them if be
•»»able price. Three officer* are aatie-
fied. and bare ao slated, that the Klam-
«th Canal Company appear* to be hold­
ing it* property not so much with a
view to irrigating certain land* a* with
a view to making a big profit and a
quick profit out ul the government.
Tli« Canal Company made a grave tuia-
tak« whoo it lurn.-d down the offer last
• inter.
Tbe prubabilltic* art- that if the gov­
ernment |nm• this company out of the
field It will reimburse them lor m<wry
actually expended, and will make a
■mall allowance (or (rowsible earning*
from their canal, and will deny them all
rightion the government canala. Al-
ready, by direction of the attorney gen­
eral. the Klamath Canal Company ha*
had it* water supply aliut off. thereby
rendering it* work valaelaaa to the pre*
•nt owner*.
It i* «nttciiutu-d that
there may bn prolonged litigation Irofore
tiro Klamath basin i* left to th* govern­
ment. But no matter how long or how
coatly. tlie government is going to clear
mil thia country and irrigate it accord-
mg to it* o»u plan* and lu it* own way.
Ths garbled refM»rta being *snl oat
Ir .rti Washington in regard Io liis Klam
• III Irrigation projet I. ar* *urs to reault
in a great harm to our county.
!<• < lamaii -n officiala are reported
making «tateinenta in direct contrarile-
Itou to what l.aa been Void the people
h< re.
■Sill male by th* engineers while
bsr* |l **• stated I» Mtlvelv that the
Klar »•lb Canal <’ iiijiany could iM»t tfi
on •rr<»unl of not bring aide lo
" •ktadeal with the Canal Company.
Mi*« RI-di« MH’artv. who won an un-
envía Me reputation in th* famous Here­
ford breach »4 promt*« *uit last eutp-
■ne*. I* again beard from.
Thi* tuns
•h« fro* rained tbe ar real of Edward
Marshall, at Mrplu -neon, IVaah., fur
threat* mog lu r suit a tVin<l.»*ier rtfiw.
On I ridai M>*a M. Carty and George
How land w< ul to a , «l-in on a home-
Stead in th* Rig llamu crounwi by them,
and I-«¡nd Marshall tn prareei-n, Words
pasar-1 between Mar-hall and hl* visitors
snd Marshall laid hold -4 hi* rido.
raiMwl II to hi* ahoul-lsr, and it is al
i*g*d, pul Is-1 l-arb th* trigger. Hs or­
dered tbiin off the claim, threatening
Itroiu with II.«laut death if they tarried.
Thsy Went, rslurniog to Nlephcnaoti,
where tbsy *rcuisrt a warrant lor Mar­
shall'* ar real
B onanza , April 20, 1905.
"i think you I» h »1 bettor Settle for a certain Red Steer wich was traced to
your place about nix weeks ago. they are on to you and will endict you at next
term of court, i can if not Nettled, Hettle it for you now i know what i aui about
you killed a certain Steer wich will be a costly one for you.
•'thia theifing buHinegH mu hi be «topped, we will get the whole lot
•Secretary Klamath Stock atfsociation
"you can Send the an.ount 35 dollars to C. Horten the President”
R. P. Breitenstien
Sheep klttlag seems to ba still in pro- ported by Chas iMgo, sod also coaflrms
grass. This time it is reported to have th* report of the burning of one of Dave
occurred in Klamath County neat tbe Edler’s camps.
county line. Silty three sheep belong-
Tbe scene of this slaughtering is in
ing to Owen McKendree were slaaght- Klamath county cloee to the Lake county
errnl and one of I>eve Edler’s camps was line.
Interior Oregon has been tbe
burne-1. The Lakeview Herald has ths scene of several of these *langhteriug*,
following report of the killing:
: and not a single tuoa has been arrested
last Friday night Chas. Heign. a sheep- for complicity in this dastardly deetruc-
herder in the employ of Dave Edler, ar- (tion of property. What will be the en-1
rived in town and reported that nine of
masked men shot sixly-lhrse of Creed tore, if you rus, men pierced by rifle
McKendree's sheep Thursday evening balls, lying dead upon the ranges of oar
alnut twenty miles South of Bly, and , country. Imagine, if you can, the form
that he heard «hooting in the neighbor- of a human being dangling from the
hood of Mr. Elder's sheep when be left bough of a juniper, I* it nol a borntde
there Friday morning.
eight? Terrible indead1 But ia it not
.Mr. Elder was in Warner valley and a to be expected that this sight may sorus
runoer waa st ones sent out to advise day be wsen tn a country where the law­
bun 'if tbe reported sheep killing. Hs leas destruction of property is permitted
arrived in town the following day aod to go unpunished? The State set aside
lell lor tire arene of tbe reported killing
to ferret out the perpetrator* of
Monday morniog.
these crimes.
It ihonld have appro­
Owen McKendree, the owner of the priated I5U.OOO, but let them use th«
sheep that were r*ported killed, arriv-d amount at their commaod, and at least
in town Monday night and reported that one conviction should follow. It {stime
about 100 of his sheep were killed a* re- to act and the state should do the acting.
The reports that have been circulated
here and seat to tbs outside papers as
facta, to tbe effect that a big range war
ia tn progreaa In Klamath county and
that a number ol men have already
besn killed, have proven a* false a*
many at the other so-called reporta tn-
mating from the same source,
trouble of this nature the facta are al­
ways had enough without being enlarged
Sheriff Obenchain, who went to the
acene of the sheep killing Saturday to
make an investigation returned last eve­
ning . He stated to a Republican repre­
sentative that no men had been »hot or
•ven harmed. He viaited all the camp*
and at McKendree'* be counted about
75 head ol sheep that had been killed.
The herder stated that Thursday even
ing. April IS, nine maiked men came to
the eamp.
They tied hi* band* and
then used the dog to round up th* »beep
to that they could shoot them better,
The men only had lour or five guns
with them. The herder I* a stranger
in thia part <4 the country and did not
recognise any of the men.
He stated
that they did not attempt to mistreat
him in any way, and he did not consid­
er it good policy, under the dream-
•tance*. to make any effort to interfere
with tbetr work.
The sheriff stated that be went to tbe
scene to make an investigation and as
the «heepmen did not make any Oom-
plainta there waa nothing farther tor
him to do. McKendree has moved his
sheep bock across the line.
Tbe difficulty between the cattle sad
sheep men is a very serious question and
unless something is done to define the
rights of the two, it is impossible to tell
what the results msy be. It Is claimed
that the country invaded by the sheep
men has always been used as a range
for horses and the stockmen. who own
land In that section, have lived there so
long that they feel that the range be­
longs to them. It is evident that they
have certain rights and when ootsMw
parties bring sheep on to tbe ground
•nd practically spoil tbe range for any
other purpose it appears that they are
justified in being incensed.
However nothing will justify the
breaking of the laws or the destraction
ol property, but it is believed that if the
•heap men were as reasonable and careful
to avoid trouble as tbe cattle men, that
everything would go along smoothly.
There is no law that will allow one man
to use a range aud forbid another, but
there should be a law that would pre­
vent any mau from destroying the
Complete New Stock of Goods
for the
Spring and summer Trade
Percales, Rajah Cloth, Veronels,
Champagne Novelties, sum­
merset Lawns, Silk Zephyrs
Kyoto Crepe, Dotells, Mar-
montel, Dotted Swiss,
India Linens, Etc.
A Full Line of Staple Cottons
L. F. Willits, Prop’r