Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 13, 1905, Image 3

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    what to wear and Where to Buy it
Don’t buy your Spring and Summer Suit until you see our new and up-to-date line of Men’s and
Boy’s Clothing, in all the Latest Patterns and Styles
Walkover Shoes
$13 50 up
Fit Guaranteed
new line extra trousers
$1.50 TO $6.00
Walkover Shoe;
Klamath Falls Toggery Shop.
such a c-ilamlty and no pen tssion on
the part >f the young man could Indue,
her to relent
At the elitnas the mother Instinct
s ..rt-d Itself St d Mm Fie e allot
■ya.ly by the son and won fro ■> f in,
•1 aff> it n tuat the had nevrr before
. a)v < d Hui the father a as bim
■ ■ an' showed h’s moral obliqui', jy
O PUT 4 wh»d« t»’ *«i into • t“Hi
u ’••It., the sovernraa. who had re
la » pissirn ub
al«t.the Mluvtwi pressor« 10 Ciirc
Ing. but ft can ■< aiettiues b< d.'tit »
ltd *u» «III She < vl<|enr«4 her eon
ratlin» o il <,..»crlpil»ua. i.tiuu.«nt» «fed
ratl.it .» deur of chancier by go
tl.r pretty SB} Inge tl.ai the writ»- ■ : g '» >r and i* Hng mure than anyone
thia*» .. lid 1»: bu ,.ic .»«■
- ■»••• I
•» > btlng Mrs Flak» through a crit­
Foe U.e asks >>t lb i»' who now de­ ical lllneee
serve om it'mt blit < tuu r ,,lat. .1 tiler •
After the manner of such hot head
1» an adt pt <>n of
rd young mm. Jud tunte.. the tab >■»
the reel b.-mg
l.v disowning bl» fslhtr and »erv.n ;
notice that he would never touch a
J.iilson FIs' • had rows through Yale
■nt <■< money made. o«n»d or dis-
Ilia ch.i-i» all calh-d him Jud." sr<!
n<d Ity lb< head of the 1. tut e Tarn
H is nut an-ls» to follow the riatnp'e •n* , ft.-d bm bitter youth started for
He ini from an old
of bl* trfei >1»
h, • at It search of anyth nr that
family of wealth III« allowaniv was
.light a.d him to forget
Th« «nil
fi.o.ishly 1».
and ar., streak would
niertor of rlvlilsailoo was too fern«
mm. nearer than any other one sytn
tor mtn He wmt to the frontier at. I
bo! to char irterlr'ng hla College ca
plumed into the esceases which It of
reer l!< > mo many a night feast amt land Illa mblIn* mania w stim­
thn mt»: f th« bills was lar-e» tLsn tllaied arci hl« bid luck clvnjt to hlrn
that of many a pr.spir .ua f’tnlly
The prof »aflnnals looked upon him
He loved rami. Ing and hai gulch He as the (•nd»»rest of tcndsrfsst and
loaned * great deal of money that was
a irLutd U iui fcu o^auly that ©\co U®
never re'urnod
In ahori, ho
*y àstsi'tsd ibeir mmiiods. Tbsit
good fallow and plucked all
ere two im.’.Temouiuua funerals tbs
.u.oi.ung aud Jud was uu-.aiu.u4.
After grndtiatli g
Jud a vs sent .miu«n> i.«> u* hau taruat lauie upon
abroad and for two year» helped 10 en
aiuoo.il ••• lloiu l..«U ou ®ut a aquare
liven the o|., wor d at the a»in« time weal.
i-** ■ .ii>.
»Maria i>
acquiring coi «l.teriit.le know Ir. re. for .»upruie hi» > triuuietanivs. Thu if .uu.e
be was one of It, »« chap* who come «„a that hr did uol Uke uien of a leeaer
very n>ar to lunrnlng by absorption
neuerai iniaihgence us set the better ui
Through lorn, mysterious gift or .n
mm, »ml biil.ed m* l»sue. wiumut spe­
aplrnilon he was frequently enabled cial rvganl to thn value of hia hand».
to Illuminate a subject o'.er whit h In
tinu aiiernoon it »as whispered
striiciora hbi. dlffi red for years Among about mill billed breath that the bad
bls deceptive peculiar!.!«« was a fa.« man of a UMghboiing «amp »a» com
as fair as a woman's, silken brow 11 liM down lu clean up on the deaUi
hair that waved In a way to ma! « ilialir of the uamp with which Jud
many a lady envious, unsiuillid grace was Ideutided. The visitor who wu»
and small, white hands H it he bad cuuiu.g upon hl» own invnailon, bad
muscle« of steel, cou.U rom«nir»ie all
a l .lying record cuvetlug must ut
his strength In a single euort, had « the uulliuee of civilisation in this
tlgsi :.b .xiilcknoaa of i.iuvimvnt and
'll»« con»».,ueuce «11» that
»ai J|ond«rfillly skilled In the ways of
to» proposal victim rode uwa> that
Ltd 4* .nd defers« Dining hla visit lo
night »nd the town weul Into ths
the continent he pink».! t saucy young
depth» of humiliation. The situation
(ierr.ian officer who reaent<d thn fact
.Luimended li»«lt to Jud. He went to
that Jud would not saline In n cafe
». aaluou with the biggest red ugUt
when ordered to do so; dla irme.l n
■'.’i <out. 1 r«d with the proprietor. Il
Jealous Italian youth »iiljuno ur».| th«
tan he epitomized.
sword nrm of a frenchman who qu«»
asi.etl If the altarklr.g cham­
tlomd American bravery, (in hla wny
pion ku^w the local talee alarm who
home he was I11 Lindon long enough
to knock out a bully who provoked a had di»a| ptared. 11» did not; never »aw
quarrel Just because Jud luo»ed »o ef­ him.
"Thcii I'm hs." smiled Jud.
feminate ami easy
''Want to die?"
After returning he hnd not bean with
"Not at all particular, thank you. I
the family two weeke before ho win happen to belong here al piesint an.
fathoms deep In love with the pretty have « whole lot of municipal pride
governei.». In a month he proposed 10 That blood letter must not come b’'ie
her and was accepted with the pro­
and go a«»y to tell that he could not
viso that parental consent was glvea
get n rise out of the whole burg I'm
io the marriage. Then ratna the fire­
•Harp Wilk Ins' Uli the thing's over
works. Ills proud mother had been a
“hop girl and hla proud father had In­ Undsrstand ?"
The lura.li'r came with becoming
herited the uulk of hla fortune. Th. re
was no chance to deny that the gov- cl alt r »nd display of his horse, hl»
hors narahlp and armament.
1 h.
srntas was a better woman than Jud
*as a man. but the prejudice ot caste rm i’h chivalry of the day and eu-
vlrminu-ni gave him right of way until
lakes root in strange soil and the pa
he laced the one he w»s alter. He
terual illilnia'uin was that If the non
1 >di stru.ght to thn man with whom
took the governess for hla bride ho
would bo disowned and disinherited. Jud han conferred, swaggered in mid
. nlfetl fr»r a drink to nil hnnds After
an »s. han«« of like coi
Inquired It (here was nc
of Miltie feme lu those pa
as Harp W ilkins "I ve bvu
th« b s d mm «ent on. *'
I o'rtsr 1 ay tnr rssj.e ks
I'm loo'In' s' him*' sa he
tb" sas.mblrd rr» «4
The proprietor caili-d the guest arida
and »•» seen to point down the
•treet Tbsiv was Jud «lib bln hands
crossed beu'.ud h.s bvk walking slow-
}y as hl- •>»• sl'idlrd lb. siot.ud.
"What i r >er glvla' mtT* und the
Invader «Icred "That there la a worn-
an tn dlsgutss. B. t I reckon 1 • he ■
S<M'd enough fur tils outfit. Hl 1 Jest
etep down there and stank her and
I'll wait 'round here Ions 'm-mtli fur
to »«««rtsin ret tain whether you got
auytblnK »1» stro- »er or n.orr blttn' '
I Away went the bulky <!»»('• rado an.!
taiftd J ml on the shoulder
tin nad slowly and the alien grabbed
It » ns the game Just as the
h tin
you n a f»!h w had plannrd IL He
kicked a Colt's out ef the oidi r man •
hand» I nocked him down faster than
he co :ld »••( up. ritr> ved hfs <art-
rid ire belt, twls'ed hla ears, tweaked
hi» n< ie and rrdxl by kicking him to
the -amp limits 11 was the moat dis-
gratvful th 1 ua ths
a sun s«uk <11 the frontier, and
may te »ure that he ncrer went
lo his 0« n cros d to fell !be story.
Jud was new a hero, but the very
'act Hat I' l’ Klil’ n had been 1 wl| > d
out made him tired, Hr took the back
track aa far as Ibmer rnd there ha I
a yearning that fuduced him to write
lo hla mother, iben l.e ptunged train
lost hla money. 11a usual, sent clear to
the lowest stratum, and while trying to
live ol'. h <»ltt»iu bufoisg.ug tluui with
As a financial crisis approached h*
rented rooms over a Gert.iau saloon,
aud ».is nevsr trowi'»d for raiment
becaise hla alnyine. atory-telllng,
genial was» and ability to quiet dls-
nrdrrly patrons made hltn worth more
than he cost. On« day he made the
discovery that the Wes ern Vnion tele­
graph wires cro'S'd the roof over hla
head He tapped them, with the as-
alaisn«« of a practical man whom ho bad
cultivated in the saloon. Having ad
vanec Information on every race he
coined mi liev and sained the reputation
>f a man whose Judgment It was good
to foliow.
Ono nfeht the tapped wire rave him
Ill's: "Drura la dm «erously sick an J
b«i.a that vou corns al once."
The telegram was signed by hl«
mother and a.ldrs. red to hlui In hl.t
own name, ahleh he had not used for
mon’lia ll'td It gone to tiie iiiiiin offi ■ •
he would never hsv» called for It and
could not Lave been 'ound Drnra w ,is
the govrttiesa and the only woman he
It ass a call from the past; a
call that he mint answer. The Interim
of d«»i crate and riotous [Ivins scenie.1
wiped out He bent e nil of th« newer
and wo «>• connactions, "leak" a Ira in­
Jud reached home In the aherfest
time possible Ills stro: r presence«»«
the medicine needed by the loyal rov
| ernes», and she mended from the mo
mint of his coming The atetn father
| multi hold nut no lotiver The joins
twain wore made one amid gorgeous
festivities and have been deeervsdl/
happy ever since.
I should have mpyrlgh’ed this veri­ Odd Phase of School Daye That Illus­
trates the Larger Business
table tala for melodramatic purposea, I
but elect to delicate It to the public_
of Life.
I Detroit Free Press.
Th* Yean Art Flowers
Out f e'ernltv
TWc flow«rvear« b ddlnr. b!o««otnin<;
(p«f. r.« 1 «‘¡.!rF ik# th« rose.
The Young Year biowa
Th« >
Rre n weri of «hiu*« and gga.
A »»,..*• >t- • w!t>«*r ••rijf not on«,
’ >
The < >.'1 Y« «r M • ■
—John Vauc« < ber.ey. fa Youth’■ Cbm-
In Another Wny.
She—Mrs Sparser has dons nothing
1st ly but run down her neighbors.
Ho—-I had no Idea she w as such a
ghe—Who said anything about gos­
sip* She Is learning to drive her new
motor-car —C.inseirB.
Hal Wide Kaperisnee.
Rutts Do you really think man th«
nobl< st wi-ri of G ih I?
Cults—Indeed I do.
Butts What's your business?
(bitts- Me? Oh. 1 am a ladles'tailor.
—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Have you seen Milli« sine«
she carni: b ick to tow n?
Noodles Y ims .
Mainiti’ How did she look?
Noodles The other way.
yirM a
.1 d (ten a tracie,
You S I t. »rent'd and slip
At.,, !. . 1 haw on top <>f thesa.
Aliti then a < »<■ of grip.
— W aid 1 ...tin Slur
Willing to Oblige.
Penman -H»'» you read tuy latest
Brokley No. lend me »2 and I'll go
out and buy one.—Yonkers Statesman.
The Time for Chloroform.
"I hear he refused to take chloro­
form when he was operated on?"
"Yes; he raid he d rather take it
When he r tl«l hie bill -Tlt-DlLs,
After Facts.
"How obi did jour sister say she l*r*
"llow ..Id t she?”
■..n foim
which comes from Marysville.
Cal., says Youth’s Companion, is
quite new in its details. A heavy
forest fire was raging near the line
between Butte ard Yuba counties.
With the opening of the schools A rancher named Rogers left his
after the long summer vacation little daughter. Florence, in care
it always seems queer to see such of Brnno. a great Dane, and with
small bays in the back seats, says his wife hastened across the
Youth's Companion. Those who woods to assist a neighbor a mile
went in .lune appeared consider- away to fight the fire that was
nbly Inrpor than the class that|threatenin# hia barn.
now take their placsre. Kot only
In h'*H than an hour the wind
art* these highest grade boys anil shifted sa as to menace the Rog-
girls of September younger than era premises. Realizing the dan-
their predecessors of June, but ger. Rogers, hia wife and three
they seem less prepared for the neighbors started on the run. but
they could not keep pace with the
studies before them.
It is much the same in life, flames.
Mrs Rogers fainted before mm
Whenever new men come to the
front to take places which hnve ing in sight of the house, When
been long filled by their elders, it the men reached the edge of th. k*
seems as if the v"orld were falling clearing the flames were all al out
into the hnnds of a younger gen­ it, the stables on fire, and the
eration. The lieutenants who be­ house was just beginning to blaze.
Rogers, now frantic, was pre
come enptains appear younger
than ever to the colonels »bo paring to dash through the circle
of flantes to rescue his child. But
look on.
In new countries, where promo­ before he ccrfd reach his house,
tion in civil life is most rapid, it out burst big Brnno through the
often seems ns if youngsters were kitchen window, holding the lit­
wholly in control. They do get tle girl in his great jaws.
When he landed with a bo«n«e
ahead faster in the places which
do not attract the men that have Brnno dropjted Florence for an
passed middle life. Yet taking instant; but jvicking her up agnirr
the world as a whole, the figures he came bounding on across the
would doubtless show that each clearing, the weeds of which were
decade was using about the same then on fire. He ran straight to
proportion of the vonng, the mid Rogers and gently deposited the
die aged and the old. The new oc frightened child nt his feet,
cnpnnt of any position who at­
Bruno seemed to have realized
tracts attention because of fiis hisown peril as well as Florence's.
youthfulness soon loses this din- He was in a closed room, and so
tiuction. People forget that he made a bold dash thrcugli a win
ever had it.
dew with his little charge. Flor
‘This college has been waiting ence’s face and hands were pain­
25 years for us‘” was the inscrip­ fully cut with glass and her cloth­
tion on the banner which the ing scoreheik. The dog was also
freshmen class of l'larvirrt!college gashed, and bis hrfir burned off in
carried in a procession at the time places.
that institution was celebrating
Don't Be Too Strong.
the completion of two and a half
living creature, by
centuries of life. There was deep
powers on a sin
truth in this bit of waggishness.
The world is waiting all the time jle object, can accomplish some­
for the small boys in tin* back thing. The strougest. by diapoa
si'ats, whether the seats be in the I ng of his orermany, may fail to
| iceornplish anything. The drop,
schoolroom, the court house, the ¡by continually falling, bores its
pulpit, the counting room, or ou
wav through the hardest rock,
the farm.
rhe hasty torrent rushes over m !
with hideous roar and leaves no
trace behind.—Carlyle.
How One Health Officer MatMlA ■
Immune Himself fr'vA Savagwa
of Small poi.
J. K. Stuart, assistant het*
commissioner, is now thorcc1
from small] ox. say- ' f <
Denver iJepuMk.1 w. Through »
lowing the prescription o< on*
the deputies in the health
«¡oner’s oftii-e, he has ren*.
himself impervious to Mie at-t;
of the loathsome disease, liir
of being grateful Sfiart sr
dire revenge on his fellow
Health Commissioner Sha
the othi r day informed Si
that he would have to hand!
the smallpox cases, The ’
immediately began to in.
among tl:e clerks how he oouk
t ■ t Mnself against all poaai
of contagion.
"1 know just one thir
one. “Get ».»me bisulphil
carbon. Take a long smell
every three hours. After a
there w ill be absolutely nod
of your < ontractlng small]»,
matter hew virulent the di
may be.”
Now, friiirlpfi ide
smells like the coneentratei
of t*ggs decayed for gvneri
back. But Stuart did not
that. He bought a bottle <
stuff and ■ nacientionnly t
Ion" sniff o* it every three
Finally the treatment lw*cn)
severe. lie dashed the bo
the floor and shouted:
“I'd rather have all the
pox in rhe world than take a
smell of that stuff.”
The In ugh that follow
vealed the joke to the it
health commissioner,
swears he will got even,
“The first thing some
practical jokers know,”
I “they will find their
st tilled with limburges che
Pearls of Sula.
Rome years a go the sulfai
I11 learned that the ¡«nrl fig^
were reaping big profits, j
plied his revenue collect#»
sieves and ordered that ui
found near Huln must 1 m > ft
these sieves. Those that <
Daughter at California Rancher Car­
were to tie reta
Vital Spot.
ried from Burning Building
the fishermen; those t
by Great Daus.
Among the wounded nf Liao-
mained in the sieves wer
vang was a war correspondent.
Stories of tlogw which hnvo res­ He was probably hit in th* imagiu'. lotig 'o the sultan for t>*^
nearly ruined the pearl t>
cued |ieo]ile from fire or water are ition>—Chicago* Chronicle - *
uni oinmnn.