Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 06, 1905, Image 1

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______ ___ k---------------- »St--------- —-
Official Newspaper ot Klama’h
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and 1«
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. i
Officers Elected and By-Laws Adopted. Capital Stock of the Association Increased Prom The Express’ Swan Lake Story Only
Two to Three Million Dollars With One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Shares.
Another of the Editor’s Pub-
.1. P. Churchill President of This Millionaire Corporation.
lished Falsehoods.
Raturday *»■ •
H'* •*1"* tn elect a« many «>f Ihw old memlirra a* 1 rd a right to a< quirr the taint, with the Klamath Falla, with assistants In each
l»*«ibh'. Tha '»I I conioiittra erwiaiatrd area to I hi waler«.I from the pn>|s>aed of the districts. Tin* ('<imtpi*aioner to
owners <*f Klamath Basin
receive one |*er cent of sale* and not
People tr»m all the different »••• lion» »»( i*'i tnrmla«rw féotn rack dletrlrt and system. can Im stock holder*.
Th" ownership of each share of stock ■•or* than three dollars a day for his
td Klamalh and civktv.m. < .-un'.iri i"iu that aa there w* r«* to I n * only nine <hr««o
Ing under lhe Klamath irrigailoti pro I tor», they Wotibl have to Mleet onr carries as incident thereto a ’’ght to service*. The ■■aislanl* to work with­
jrct iK-gsn arriving m Klamath Fall* i rnrtnlair from the outride dintricta and have water delivered to the owner for out coin|>etisution and were not to krmrk
aa »ally «■ Thurwiny and the stream two from KiMtiigtli Lail». He »•itfgratod the Irrigation of landa to which the against another sertion. The Associa­
tion w«i to receive two and oi e-lialf ;ier
•l*s k ia appurtenant.
ginlitincd and liurvanad until Caturday a aolr* 11«.n from tha followirg nuil«'«’
Jacob Huerfc, Elmer I. Appirgatr, (i
Every transfer of land shall tarry cent lor all sale* of land made. One
•non. Irrigation »«• the only t ipir of
Conversation on the streets. In the ho K Vanlti|*rr, ’»Vm Itulrcrta. I*. L Foun with It, whether so stated in the instru­ per cent to go to tlie land comimsioner
l»l», th«> l*a» r.-An» and In Ilia home*. tain, (i. W. White, Thor. Martin, A ment of lonvejanie or not, the transfer and the remainder to le u«»i by the
land agrncy in advertising the irrigated
!• fa. t, Klamath Falls had a Fourth of ' K«*r»bner, <’ha«. Merrill, W. F. HUI. O. >■1 stiM'k «nd water right.
The annual meeting of «t.ickliolder« evctiuria.
4*ly ot circus da* ap|"*ar«me. only the ’ A. Htrarna, Ham Padgett and J. P.
Harpold Orate*.
?rwwda were made up mainly of men i Chut« hill. .Mr. Ku}k«*nda!l atatrd that •hall I m * held al Klamath Falla on the
Attorney Knikrndall explained that
h* nbja«l ol thia big rush of pre»pln to •• * numl>er of three men had not yet first Saturday of April al 2 o’clock in
the sale of lands »«• s matter that
*<ir city wa* for Ihv port»«» <d pert«-, t. ■ignrtl lhr*r land and »ere not stock the «ftemoon.
The exercise of the corporate power» I would need consideration bit that at
fag il<« orgariitalmn «I II»» Water Use»»’ holder» tliBi the committee bad s.l.le.1
Association, and the election ol officers In their »tea«! If. If. Hurnharn, H. 8. ul the Association I* vested tn a b-.«id thia time it was cunseh.ed wise to only
tlrigthy and Fred L. Pope. The ■ .'han • if nine director*. The Board of Direc­ enitsMly in the bv laws whet was al>ao-
and direetova.
Th» luaeting »as advertised f«t on» then BpjMiint* d P L. Fountain, E I tor* i-lerta officers, via: President. Vice finely necessary to put the organisation
•’eha k but a* llmre were a la>ge num A|*|*l* gate, J. (> llrtiriAkai and W g, I’tevident, Krx-reUiry and Treasurer in working ■ rder. Mr. Harpold, how­
Imr <4 laud owners who daairvd l<i sign Klntigh •« tallera, As Mr F umlalu was The Board meet* on the first baturday ever, had oimv prepared to exploit lhe
*aler contra, to. the meeting waa J" a rami date for director, W . 0. Dalton of each month. The directors receive im |,orta(ice of lit* resoluti m and would
a« comjiei.aation *3 for each day in ac­ not I m - satisfied without delivering hie
|av*«l «.imewlial.
At I *5 Mr. N. H. m a» a|»p«*4nte*H in lo» piner.
Thu*. Martin «laird that he did not tual attendance, and actual expenees- apv*ch.
»e, viti «all».I tlie Hireling lo order. On
He lannrhe<l forth in a tirade Agni net
the railing of th» roll there were about wi«h to I»« n cairdklate and asked that The directors n-uat lie stockholder* and
laud sharks, the real estate agents,
170 sl»> klioldevs piareol, rep rec nt in*
Ila-vennes for conducting the associa­ who were g >ing over therountry getting
tetwmrn SO.fSJU and &*■(**> ■hare* irt for hie. Til« I II iwing additional lioMii
Acres 'd land Th» meeting then pro ntt|on«i a«rr made- It A Emmitt by tion shall be raised by aseeumenta on people to rign up ir >n clad contracts
<**eO*»l tu lhe electiou ul a trin ;«>rary J. P. l/rr; F l Terwilliger by I ieorge the shareholder* and no atoch subscrip­ with fit* per cent Commission arid then
received unless accompani­ • hen a sale was made com[>ei the land
vbai'msn and Mcrntary. J G, Hwan I (Hheld and h B. Nich'd» by J. 0. Ham tion shall
■tmel that Mr N R. Merrill *rt as alter. Ilohart <>hr»r «•« also nomi- ed by lull pavrnont of all subscription* owner to pay that commission. He
com pared tlie real estate agent to “tlie
The previuualy ’»'ltd.
Miairnian. The motion was earrted and nau««l to represent California.
At all election* each elector shall hr alligator in the sunny south lying on
kl> Meirlll «as elected as tcnip.raiy iMemlarra thgn pr-rw led U> ballot.
re»»loUon MR* '’ffrrrd Increaaing cnllthd lo one vote lor each share of the tiank* of the river with life mouth
<hi motiuu «d l’rolessor
ftlsagll, J. Hcutl Taylor «»• »lected leu» the capital utorb to |< OUO.iW with IB".. stock united by huu not to exceed in open slid the flies and insects entering
l‘r,,»y voting ««-.'king the juicy saliva, and alien bi.
porary aecrelary. Elmer (. Applegat» (V> »hare« at IJD v»*h. Tlie re»»luli<-n the aggregate IUD acres,
inoulli was lull be would c I« km * his jawe
thsn moied thaï lhe numlicr ol dire*' wee ed<»nt«*<l. The eoumiiltre on by lawo is not permitted.
Most of the other important provia and thus obtaiu a rich meal." A story
nine and thaï tl.s meetiug pro thru .•f!.-r.’«l it« rr|-»rl and lhe »rrrrlary
Ceed iintiK 'lialely to llioir eleillon. Tin- «ni inatrweted to read the draft of the ion* are contained in the form of stock 1« told on Mr Harpold by lii> neighbor,
•ubactiplion with which nearly every* lu the effc-t that he has tmen heard day
by la«« lo be IM’l4*<l u)M>n
motion wa* carrled.
one is tauiiliar.
after day for the jwiet week, in a room
Attorney Kujkrndall then *tat»d
Alter the l>v law* ha>l twee read, A. above In« store, ni ¡ting aloud a speech
in arr«irdance * ill* the in*
thM UkaJuCfU f >4 vruiiiciil nltl lais lia-l mr lion«
candi •trqrtn n« of the ^rrrrtary rf the Inter I> Harpold, of Bonanaa, aulimitted ■ he hail prr|iared and even going to the
)èrp! at>l* toi lieu, ior an«l contained provisions which were resolution fur the addition of another • »tent of encoring Imnself. We do not
mty bad baule-l in»i«t4NÍ u|M>n by ti>at ollh ial. The by- artiile lo the aluve, providing for the know if thia is true lint Ins speech was
Mm* ______________ MftMi'h b» W iruld law» aeie approved and adopted a. sale .J U.S surplus lands which Would certainly well preparisi and well deliv­
I have lo be sold Indore the waler could ered
The meeting however laid t**e
read. Ma Hum|diery »U1 t In ••«.« l r« ad.
be obtained. The article pnivi led that ■natter on the table. The electiou re­
thaï a» lhe o|d evwnruillen Ira I dune
w|i'» BÎB uwoora of Ian I or tlisre aliuuhi I k * a Uumunsa oner of turns not jet being in and there being
g «si «oit arvl tiad a. 1« I l.arm- ni.i'lsl) ,
no fui tiler busmees the meetiug ad-
thaï bc l«.lmv»l thaï II n-uild l" Lest iKiupAiit» of public linda IiAVH.g initial* ( l^i.da, wfio should liavu Ina office in
Tlierv ia no »titWify for the st*te- depends npor, a ¿r.ota thorough *K»«ï-
•oorti*! unt ¡1 7 n'clock. . .. ,
Officers Llected.
nent that Hwan l.»ke valley has lieeo nation which will Be made.
8- me time ago tbe Hwkn Lake peuple
At the meeting in the evening th. -limi»sled from the government irriga­
tion project. In answer lo an inquiry were advised, through Mr. Elmer Ap-
tellers reputed lhe Vide as follows:
Jacol. Knock . .................
........ 4A.03* is to thia matter the reclamation offi-, piegate, tliat owing to th« uncertainty
Elmer I. Applegate ........ ...
47.». isle stated that Bwsn Lak* valley is in ii waa hardly worth while lor them to
J. P. Churchill...................... ........ 43,47: ’be same position it ha* l«en since pre- join the Water Users’ Association at
iminary survey* were concluded. It is present.
They wer» informed later
O. A . Htearns........................ ........ 41,03-’
<nown that irrigation will cost more that it waa perfectly proper for them to
M. F. Orr. ... .................... ........ 3», 63’
here than for tbe other lands, hut join if they to cared, u>4 tiuhl xtrutiH
Ci. K. VanRiper........ .... ........ 37,437
W. F. Hill .......................... ........ 37,1ST « hethnr the work can be done at a fig- perhap« he well for tl.e^to have a rep­
re which the land owner* care to pay, resentative on the boari of director*.
P. L. Fountain...................... ____ 34.92-
------------------------- -——X___ —
B. 8 Grigsby ...................... ____ 33,98
G. W. White..........................
E. 8. Terwilliger ................ ........ 163?
Washington, D. C-, March 31.—The
H. If. Burnliatn.................... ........ 9.017
Duri: g the coming week many mat­
cioae and eenate committee* and offi-
K. A. Emmitt .................... ........ 7.02-
ters of groat import in relation to irri­
B. L. Pope........................... ........ 5,Ml •era of the reclamation service tolar ar- gation will proliably be considered, amt
The nine men receiving the larges -anged the itinerary of the visit to be
virte were dtudared elected aa director* nade during the coming summer to it will not lie many day* before the peo­
he governor, ph t irrigation enterprise* ple will knew deAnftely fat what th*
rd th* Klamath Water User*' Aaaocia
lion. The Directoy* then held a privet, hronghout the wee?.
prospects are for irrigation.
All project’ now under way and thoee
meeting and selected the following
All of the representative« of the *ev-
jropoaed will be visited.
The entire oral irrigation systems will Ire here to­
officers: J. P. Churchill, president
P. L. Fountain, vice president; Eime* month of June will he occupied by the morrow. Supervising Engineer J. B.
I. Applegate, secretary, and G. W nip, which will eminence at Kansas Lippencott and consulting Bngineers
ity, June 1, and end at Denver on July 'Quintan, Wisner and Sanders, whocoe-
White, treasurer. Mr. Kuykendall wa«
engag,*d a« attorney for the Ase.ciati.in 2.
poee the arlviebryr board of lhe reclama­
Visit* will lie made to the Klamath tion service, win be here to-day. En­
Committee« were appointed and A few
«nd Malhenr project», the Umatilla ar.d gineer Ifum^bery will meet them at
other matter* attended to.
It i* the general opinion that fbe other irrigation project* in Oregon, a* Keno with tbe boat. C. 5*. Hawkins
stock hoi Irra made a very wise selection well aa thoae in central and eastern president of the Klamath Canal Com-
of director* and it would have been itn Washington.
pany arrived l.i*t evening from Hollis­
possible to have secured better offi«»>r»
ter, Cal. H om . H. E. Ankeny, of the
than those selected. J. P. ChurebiU 1»
Ankeny A Henley ditch has been bore
a man of recog nixed busirleM ability, a
for several days. J. F. A lams, of tiie
The wire ’’irtv been ordered snd a* soon Little Klamath Water Ditch Company
large land owner and a man who ha«
made a success. P. L. Fountain, the as it arrives work will commence on the arrived in the city ye-terday, and J. C.’
vice-president upon whom moat of the establishment of a en bur ban telephone Franks and W. C. Dilton, of the Carr
work will fall on account ol hi* resi •vstem by the Midway Telephone A Iaind A Livestock Company, wbi-h
Each of these company owns the land surrounding
dence in Klamath Falls, ia a man who Telegraph Company.
is known to everyone in the county, lines will contain 20 phone* and will and controls tbe reservoir site at Clear
having held »-veial imporUut public have direct connection with Central lake, are also in the city. .
They will not
positions. The fact that he has served same aa the town lines.
Now that the Water Users' .^ssocia
so well on the irrigation committee is 1« toll hoes but will be charged for by tion is completely organized and ready
Ten aubveribrre have al­ for business, it will be able to wotk i:
proof that in tbe absence of the presi­ i th« month.
dent the Association will be in good ready been received for the first system conjunction with the govagpmaalNoffi
hands. Elmer I. Applegate will make which will be established between here ciale, and it is hoped that n*w *ti«
a g<s>l secretary, as he is an energetic and Olene Livestock Cornj-any'* ranch. factory arrangement cad bJ made will
If thia proves a snece*» another system
ami earnest worker and has already will probably be put in between here all the private companies *o m Mnfiv
done good service for the association.
and Keno.
the government a Jcsr ft*Mf
Th* Weed l.iimlrr Omriany. which
*vm a larga* trae! of uml«r and J4
mils* o| hilly equipped railruad and
bttnher milla «**.. ill the n.iriliern pati
rtf I'eld irnla. »U aul-f lavi week io It. A
Ix>n», a inllhonairc lumlwrms'i of Kan
sea City and • num Sor ut offirers aiel
directors ■>( til" Kla'uelh Daveh.ptnrtit
Company, which company ha* agreed
t>' attend the Weed railroad ml > Klam
About % or 40 ni«<HPw*vfl of the Meth
Odiai Church <lrop|x*«1 in lait Fri far eve
Amg and gavr Rev. Marr ami wile a d<»
nation party.
A meeting was held Friday night at I Once th" channel wa« ojienod, with Re had talked with the Carr people and
•111 rmuity ami tn the city limito of
at which were present mem- daily travel, it would remain so. The lieliered they would be willinc' if Mr.
Klamath l all«.
lhe purchasers have organi»« I W«th bers ol the Klafiicth Fall« and Fort chiof obstacle »a* the short bends in Mrlhaee waa. Mr. Melhaae eaid that
the river and this could only be reme­ he waa rare that th "re would be enough
a rspt’al •«■«** *1 SJ.lWO.'AN, and eliKted I
Klamath Boards of Trade, Messrs. Tot­ died by dredging.
work to keep the dredge busy for two
the following o®ewr»,i
George XI
Mr. Melhaee, who owns a greater por- years, once it got started.
Wendling, president, Charles Hand«, ten A Hansf» rrv, owner* of the new
Mr. Totten eaid that the new steam­
vi* e president ; II biatlian, s«» relarv j stesmboat on the upper lake, and J. F ti >n of the river front, stated that if a
dredge coul'f he aecurvd, he would be boat would eoon lie ready and that they
and treasurer.
Director*: George E. Adam*, who own* tlie big dredge.
wi ling to pvy for throwing up a dyke were out for litisine*» and that they
Hu Umor, W. 8. Davi«, W. E, Balmer
The object of the meeting was lo con­
along his land He further stated that were willing to go to any point on the
• ml E 8. Moulton-
sider plana for the opening of Wood he believed that tho Carr people, who lake or nver that was poeeible.
From the statement* of all thoee in­
Matk L. Bum», the real estate broker, river to navigation. Those present from own a large tract of »wnmp land along
retornad the first of th» week from the Fort ••■re, las. Wheeler, Jas. Em-, the river, would be willing to have terested it appear* that the prospect«
are very favorable for the opening of
their land dyked also.
Grant» Pa»« where he haa b*en on • cry, slid Fred Mclhaso.
J. F. Adams, when asked if he would Wood river and it it believed that be­
.hmt visit tu hi» parente.
It was shown by the Fort people that
lhe <>l>stac)«* tn the way of running a move Id* dredge to wool river to do tlie fore many months boats will be running
boat up WiKxf river, war* the liar at the work, stated that he had already been Between here and Fort Klamath.
mouth of the river ami a few »hrftp cor­ considering I lie matter. It would he Klamath Falla Hoard of Trade* are in­
ners and liends in the river itself. Mr. | necessary to build another boat for hit terested and the mem here have ex
Wheeler stated that the bar was not a machín*, as it was impracticable to pressed themselves as willing to render
serious matter as he believed that a move lhe old one. lie would l«e willing all the assistance possible. Thia ia only
__ ________
could ______
work _____________
itself through. «» it to do tlaiw however, if he could be sure right as Fort Klamath came tc our as­
was cvmpo«ed of very light pumice, of »«’curing enough work to make it pay. | sistance on the railroad bonus.
“Buster Brown" and Fancy Collars and Ties,
Belts, Hand Bags, Veils, Parasols,
Hair Ornaments, Eto., Etc.
The Celebrated ‘American Lady Shoe’
Si New Lines—Up to the Times 3Í
for fixe
Spring and summer Trade
Percales, Rajah Cloth, Veronel
Champagne Novelties, Sum
merset Lawns, Silk Zephyrs
Kyoto Crepe, Dotells, Mar
montel, Dotted Swiss
India Linens, Etc
Ä Full Line Of Staple Cottoi
E. C. Lynch
Attorney and Own sei or at Law
Examining AhalrucU a Specialty
Orrn c—Faw Worden Building
Klamath Falls
L. Alva Lew.a.
Complete New Stock of Goods
For Sale—Four year old Percheron
Stallion, r»*i«U'ied.
Stock Farm. Box JtW, Ashhind, Oregon.
Cut glass.
Notice is herehy given thAl there are
fumi* in the County Treaeury for the
redemption of all Klamath Couaty Gen­
eral Fund warrant* protest*d on and
prior to Jan. 15, 1902. Interest on larue
will cease from this date.
Dated at Klamath Fall*, Oregon, this
6th day of f ’ml, 1905.
L. A lva Lavri*,
County Treasurer.
H. 0. Spink, who has a position with
the ChdinmiWa Indian school neat
Salem, arrived in the city the first o'
the week on his wav to Yaiimx. Mr.
4pink formerly ran tbs rattler's «tore st
Yainak, but it now ii in charge of hl*
Tom Balis and wife, of Merrill, we
in the city Saturday and Sunday. -V
Balis was here to attend the meeting
the Water Veers’ Association. He s>
that he had sold bis internet in t
Riverside saloon to Tom Otfield a
that he w ill build a hotel and sal<
building on hi* lots opposite the Riv
side hotel. He expects to have
building reedy for occupation by
first of July. While here he placed
order fur the furnitute for the new ii
with B. St. Geo. Bishop.
As I am going to use my land for
pasture the next two years, I will either
sell or trad«* my entire farming outfit,
consisting of 5 wagons, hay nets, 9 sets
of harness. 4 mowing machines, 3 rake*,
a 12 foot spring-tooth harrow, drills,
disc*, rollers, etc. A complete outfit
for use on a first-class ranch ; also cook­
ing outfit. See me at once. Will sell
for cash or trade for horses, cattle,
mules or marbles.
iloitAcB. V. Mttrtiau., Klamath Falls.
Mr. A. T.incSick mi'T wife are now in
Klamath Falla representing Allen Gil­
bert Ramaker Company Piano House of
Portland, Oregon.
Mr. Ltneback has
apartment* at Mr. bhivea’ residence.
They expect to make their home with
the people of Klatuath Fall* during the
summer. Mr. Linebeck thinks of put­
ting in a branch music store at this
this place. He handh*s a large and fine
selection of Plano* and Organ*, sells on
esay payments, vearly payment* and in­
stallment*. Any waj to suit the people
i>f Klamath county. Also take* second
hand instruments tn exchange.
who want instruments please talk with
him and save money. He has branch
stores in Silverton and (Sheridan. Ore­
gon. For further information call 01
Mr*. F. E. Boyd of
A. Linelmck.
Quality” Dress Skirts,
Linen and Crash Skirts
Silk, Saline and
Silkolene Underskirts
Fancy Silk Shirt Waists
Wrappers, Kimonas,
Muslin Underwear.
The Klamath Lake Navigation ? !5t-
pans have carpenters at work enlarging
their wharf at the eaat end of the bridge
on Main street. The Company owns
300 feet of water front at thia point, 240
feet long by 60 feet wide. This will all
lie covered with a wharf and building.
A two story building, for ware-house
and office*, will be constructed facing
the bridge. This building will extend
over twenty feet ont into the river. The
rear of the property will be used for a
wharf and dock and also for a yard on
which the new sieatnlioat will lie built
Work is expected to commence on the
boat as soon as the wharf is completed.
Le F. Willits, Proper