Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 09, 1905, Image 3

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    N'iih r
I Mill H
How S
Herman Corning
Paid the Priced
aun I» <.
> lut’ ni 11
• <( i Li
m l tur I h
MH li
..I M
ly lin­
s ftalMHi, KtfgIlUr
moD€ nnmriGiiy”
blesi Mies oni äi Si® in
into, ite mil cm» hhw
UP-C0-DHC6 DRESS indiana
Merrill, Or.
th« Auspices
C r
~r fl r~
i r •
MI IS! 5(T
J W« ("s'*
All arc Cordiali y Invited to Attend
/-Ft '■«X
W Jbr J
TICKE' rs $!.OO
Rias furnished
with or without
We ke^p the finest
lot of horses In the
IL W. STRAW, Proprietor
j Do
J* A
I luive
Horses that will please you
* Horses 4
Commercial men conveyed to all points
slew 0 >e on Him.
T'► principal >. .he » Loui waa talk-
Im situ him ab at hl» bo)
'By the «ay. Mr
W ip*«!unk»." he
«■Id. "I have mad* a discovery about
He's amble«ltrou»"
"I don't ■■» how that can be " replied
Mr H lp»«:>inl » with rlslt ? k.dlai.alloo
"He had 11 t never b»»n «<pos»d U> It
H«-sl«!<a, he wa« v ir«:li ated lost year we
bathe him reg'lar ev«ry week, and hl»
mother al way» rnak»» him wear a little
bag of asaafl'ldlty tied ar«,iin<! hl» neck
E «me of the other t«oy» has been lyin'
Mi him.”—Chicago 1 rlbuue.
The Wrong End.
'The bride, 1 understand, will not
come down the aJsie on tier father's
arm ”
"No, papa'» arm now tai ea a rest But
thire la something funny In your sug­
"How so?"
"Why, they say that when the bride- 1
gr<MU> asked papa for the bride be left !
the house on papas toot"—Mui I th»
Wanted th» Worth of Her Money.
"I have called, doctor, to »etU« that
d»rit*l Util, but I think It a a good deal
higher Uian It ought to be."
"But you will r mtnil*r madam,
that she tooth rwyutied a good deal of
treatment, and I loos the greatest care
to ma..e «.try operation pa-hlea» "
"1 remember It d.du't hurt me a
particle That » why th» bill .-teems so
ouua^eous "-Chicago Tribune.
Borue Hope.
Editor—Y»e. there ia a vacancy on
our etaff
What experience have you
Api'llcant I waa once editor of a
college weekly.
“Hun.ph! Did yoti give set la fac­
tion ?"
"No; I was kicked out"
"Take that de»k there."—N. Y.
An Appalling Suggestion.
"I wonduh why Santa Claus uses a
reindeer." said Pickaninny Jim.
"Well." answered .Mammy Brown. "I
specks tnebbe a mule would
"Yea. But goodness Lor', mammy!
S'pos'n dat mule was to take a notion
to balltt"—Washington Star.
DeuioasUAtlon Wanted.
Mr Ahtl-elo—Will you. Mlae Pae-
shunx, permit me to tell you bow
much I love you?
Miss Paeahunx—Mr.
ee-nts to me that thl* la a caae In
which actions would apeak several
tunes louder than worJa. — Puck.
One Way.
The poet was In great distress.
"If 1 cannot sell my poetry," he la­
mented. "how may I keep the wolf
from the door?"
“You might read your poetry to the
animal." delicately suggested a friend.
—Luulavtlle Cuurler-JuurnaL
Coming to 3>i Qu.te Generally **. -
ognixed tn Thia Country a*
Well aa lb Europe.
From an artl«-l« beer.«« tbe ab.«v<
title, which appears lu CneuM«, wd
(earn that the new f.'hlnn of golv*
without * hat Is not llm'led In this
Acrordltig to the writer it
has everythinir. hyglealrally, tn Ila
fav«yr, ar.4 th« arituuients ax* <>«< it
need only be r.tat''d to be refuted, aaye
the LBersry Dl("et
He says:
"The mu« pf hair th.u covers the 1
of the head Is A foarure of the h itr 11
rare in Iwtth *» xm *, and appear* to bj
one of |ta moe. s'vhl* physical char
Nevi rthialese. b>ng ob»erv»
tlon la unnecessary to pr >va that thl«
characteristic Is weakening, end tf
the vigor of the hair la d< creasing fn
man. Now a question presents Its
Is this due to a transf« rniatlon of t>
apecle» or must we at'rlbutr the f.-t
'o man's habits This sn <>ad folu .« •
iprears to b# correct, which la eoc»
«nine since It «.lows us tn hope that
the evil may be cheeked. This lo>* » •
hair that has become more atrlkln.t
from rzne generation to another bv
heredity, fa due. according !r» some
-Ttentlacs, to the habit of covering the
"Tlila habit qiqst affect the ha'r tn-
liiriouely in thier ways:
(1) By de­
riving It of the life giving light of the
«tin. of free ventilation, and of tba
novement of the hairs by alr-cnrren»
31 by pressure on the *tn*ll artyrl»*
>f the scalp, which bring nourishment
•o ths hair; (1) finally, because
head-coverings are an excellent enj-
ure-medlum for r ler«>bee, and fuclil-
ate their development.
In fact, >J*e
hat. since It prevents the s'ermlcld'’
xrtlon of the sun's rays ard the mev«
RIVAL RIGHTS IN VOLCANO. ment of the air. and retains on tbe
head th» heat an«' moisture of the e- •
Four Commune« Near Mount Vesuvius
loe«d eld. offers all ihe moat fvv««/ ' >
Assert Proprietary Powers
•oidlt'ons f«w ob'alnlng a culture
Over the Domairn
ml ro-« rganiwms.
Furthermore It f*
well recognized that the »h!»f a
Vesuvius, with
its erupt:0B. has
/ baldnee* are the mtcrobian m?e -
done more than provide magi I firent
tlons of the «cejp, which destroy Hr»
tirework* to at ract tbe foretgt er*, it
sebaceous gland*.
has set four communes—Reams Torre
We may. then, suppose that W Is tbe
Del Greco. B ««-otr^ase and Otta.ano
custom of rovering the head that di­
—by the ear*. Each claims t’-at Uie
minishes. little by.little, the vigor •
volcano stand* wl'hln Its confine*, if
the hair
Although this Is hot abeo-
n«H all. tbe greater part of it, *t.d Uiai
!••♦»!» proved. It I* Infinitely pr« LtMe,
H ttbe commune) can thus claim the
and In si» ease It w v>|ff «vwt noth
taxes ot the gutuea. Cook * rauway | to try a chance In the pre-wm' fashlo
and the one hundred and one other ' This change is aheolut»!» desirable, *3-
things whlrh yield money
Tb» quar­ ! perla'lv for men for with wnm-n, few
rt! la a pretty on» and blds ran to be
side* the fart that their he's rover
unending as io sooner have «be con-
only part of the hair they are g»«»r-
fine* been »s'abltahed and a »ompara-
«11» lighter, the tweeervat'on of •• »
tt»e. if d:aront«-nted. peace parch*d up,
hair for the specie* fa dne tn th-
than tbe volcano oelcbee forth new
women alone, the men counting fc”
i«-a forma new bill* and vaile/s and
nothing in the mat'er
Obliterates the coniines.
dince tbe
“The proniogem of this reform »•*
late eruption feeling ba* risen to auch
m»»t!rr. *t hbe ou'set wi«h certain ch•
heights that tbe people of no» com­
Tn qneov»r «he hr- 1
mune throw «ton»» at thoee ot the
may bring on eolde. neuralgia, r «t*
others, and refuse to apeak aa they
rheumatism. They answer tha* c»! ! •,
pas* by
Each declares that >t ha* an­
catarrh, etc., ar«» of mlcroblan. c-'»..*
cient documents to prove its nguts be­
and »an not eome 'c*n the s«m!p
yond dispute, but when the moment
As for r<xtra’r1a ard rhenm»tlrm. tL’v
come* fur exhibiting them they sotne-
»re e«mv!nr«»d that If the babl of I •
bow have mtaplsced there.
Ing the head «inmvered Is »«Jopr-d
would have been tbe most useful of
youth, these troubles will not fin'?,- •
the council of state, to where they
In fact, they say. the uncovered pa- •
have appealed, but they car.rot
be 1 nf f « heed are not »iib'»rt to th»
Meanwhile, unui the quarrel I any more than the cover-nl part -?•»-
la settled. Resina baa decldtlly the
perhaps (3) 3o far se the Inccu'e
best of It. as. while the others were
b!» danger of exn<T*'ng the b-»»»
terror-stricken, she boldly Axed her
fn the sen la concern»«’, tii»re ar» (••*■
confines by herself taking tn the
way* of avoiding thl* without emo»he
whole mountain.
Ing the scalp, (ft Th» fear t*-» —■»-
la Mnaktgoo. « ukl . aalt la ua*d la
aau, iUl.Mtq>!«liUj , tu«
W«. « mow »«» ol toe Ulto» u »*«, i « b .u IV
a* • u«yw^.vM» ««.ougu u> «.y, • » » ay a
cote»»««»« «w,e aa.p«/, »«/• lechtaicm
Ae «a *«,, tSV»*, sait, on ac
coauv ol io «tuna? lor waver, 1» a auu
eutace iltal a*« « leauenty to uaiuett «Uv
ca..e «beu p,,»d »««y auy tenais 01
Um«, ano «oute oí me cenara «nere li
M Ho«»«j con ist u in.« ol it sv leel bigi,
attU »0 neid inai bui Imi« Impression
csn be ma«.» upob tuetu «ven with la«
pica or ax
? or tu.» > eaaoo a sotutwnai
curious tMrVIce bae oeeb nrouabl «uto ut«
lo .ocean the material »0 that il cab
reautty 0« secured
3 bis ,» a «arge Po:
Ina tool, or augur, «hieb 1» uperuieU b.
cuutprtMseu au. 3 h» augur is mount*«,
on a wheeled truck, which I* guided lo
band.es pi»««- to g trum in» resi of tn
lramswork. The rear end ot tbe augu<
icone» in a » ch set sited into the tram»
work. wL.le lúe air la admitted to u
eucael irom tbe hoe which »upplie» it
tv hen operated me boring tool l»pu»ht
»gainai lue m^æ of aalt and the augu
la act 10 utuiiun and in a inmute or two
so rapidly does me tool wore, a bo:
about uve Inches in diameter >s made ,1.
the format.on th» »htlre i»r glh of ib
augur. Theo another bole 1» «.rll.ed pai
anal with me brat, and aooiber. uni
tbe pH* baa been ucdertnlred so 1
«pea», when its connota can easily L
broken out Tbe advautag» of thl» m»tb
od Is »een when ll Is *a,d that two m*.
can get out a* much salt by tbe powe<
method a* two duaeu men by using picke
and »hovels
Famous English Judge Finds Himself
Pacing a Perplexing Prob­
lem Ln Court.
Extreme Casa.
Òwllllam*—How are you thl* morn­
ing. old man?
Sflint—How am I? If you were a*
badly off ib your pocket aa 1 am In
my digestive apparatus you'd be In
bankruptcy— that a how I am.—Chi­
cago Tribune.
A Hero.
Uncle (to nep .« w playing a war ram»
with a chum of hit ow u agei If you lake
the fortress within a quarter of an hour
I II give you »lap«io «
Youngster (a minute later*—Uncle, i
the fortress 1» taken, now let me have
toe sixpence.
Unci»- How did yoa manage It so
Youngster—I offered the b»»leg»d
threepence, and they capitulated.—311-
Jinks—When burglars were !ft your
house the other night did Mr* Filkins
look under the tied for a man?
Filkins—Yes. and found one. too.
Jinks—On» of the burglars?
Fllaina—No; me!—Royal Magazine.
Coinprseaed Air Fumiate« the Power
Io» wuraiug tue uovi»« wb.cb
When doe* courtship begin? At the
moment wbec a man fifet nieeis his
atfihity? At tbe time when be real­
ize* mat "the only girl In the world"
U hie affinity? Or kt the Ume when
he determines to let ter gueee hla
views on the subject? asas th« Chl-
cago Tri buna
This delicate question waa »alswd fn
the tungi.sb probate and divorce court,
3 he president, Str krancta Jeute. waa
compelled to admit that the aolutiou
Waa beyond him.
Tbe po-n'
raised in thU way:
young mza
named George Whitehead wa» asking
tbe court to deciare that tbe Scotch
marriage betwyeu hla parable waa
Hla mother, .Mrs W it. ehead,
was cal,ad a» a witness In support ot
hts case, and gave evidence tbout her
cuurtsb.p, which began, she said. In
the gar a« ns mat ttaua Princes stieet
iu Edinburgh. “How long uad your
husband been courting you when he
proposed to ycu?" aa»ed counse, Mr*
Whitehead hesitated, finding be query
hard to auswer, and the p'-esideni
cauie to her rescue. "Can anyone say
that?" he remarked.
“1 doubt 'J *
man know* himself wheu he first be­
gins to court a girL"
Japan a Imperial Mini
The Football- Meet me on the field
In an hour.
One 01 uie earnest western Institu­
The Plumpudding—Nonsense!
tions established ib Japan was the im­
perial mint at Osaka, and It has been
ha* a previous appointment with me!
oue of the moat successful and useful
—Royal Magazine.
In the convention which was signed at
Came His Way.
YeJdo. lu 18tt>, between rep rest htatives
He tk* her skatlac oh th» pond
of tbe Japaueae government and those
And longed to speak, »he was »0 nice!
of the foreigu powers the establishment
Hut dared not till tl.ey did collide
ot a m«ut was stipulated Tbe Japan­
And both tell down; that broke the Ice.
—Houston Post.
ese government purchased frAffi the
' British government a mint, which had
A Marriageable Daughter.
1 bitn established at Hong Kong, but
'"j-nini», is it true that Mr. Millions
which ths latter had resolved to discon­
tinue. Tbe mint la uow managed entire­
"I don't know, but I hop» to good­
ly by Japanese.
ness If he does he'll squint* your way.”
—Houston Poet.
Gloomy View of Eo.
James y.oouey. attached to theSmllh-
Between Frieuds.
sonian bureau ot ethnology. Sees a hope­
Borem Ha. ha, ha! Now, isn't that
less future for the Indians among whom
a good story?
he ha* spent the greater portion of bi*
Haranierton—Sure, I like It better
life. He believes that It la practically
•very time you tell It.—Chicago New*.
Ini possible to civilize the ludiau. that,
having no ambition for Improvement or
Wot Considered Lucky.
progress, they will contlnus fn their
Bacon—Do you think there's any luck
present state, dying out In number* till
In having a rabbit'» foot?
they become simply roving banda.
Egbert—No; nor a hare-lip, either.—
Yonkers Statesman.
tic bodies may be dep«w«l’rd cm th-
covered par»». eeyec|»!!v In cl»'-«. - r-
talnly deserve* consideration; bn» » ri
in the toilet w!j| enable ne to »«■
the consequence« (S) F!na!’». th
leet the hair should be Injured by a n,
wind, or cold, has no w-toos be«'«,
since unprotected oarta of »be h"*" ara
covered with vlgorrme hair."
Bich Woman Patient Who la AJra:d
She May Be Mck Xa the
"Capt. John Rest, the physician who
has proved that common »alt Is rn rg-
celent remedy for cancer, baa a btrsqu'»
unexpected sort of wit." salt! a surf, o.,
of New York, according »0 the Titre».
"Capt. R wt was for a time In p
practice. He rttd well: he effected .-■< ne
rcmer'-ab!e cures; but he ha<' no pa­
tience with th* Imaglnarv alln c ta e»
a certain type of rich person, and.
escape treating people who were no'
really »lek, he turned to original r-
"A matron of Wealth was one of Cz"*.
Rott's eerly patients
She wa* nex .'
111. but eternally she feared that eo«!-
dreadful disease was about to attack b- r.
“One afternoon she »ent f« r Pt-
posthaste. He found her In fiist-o'- .
health She was only afra'd that, on ?<
count of the dampness ft might be in.
wise for her to go to the theater thr >
•' 'Go hr all means. It won’t hurt you,'
said Dr. Host.
"Then he took his leave. But. a" ‘ ••
w-s putting on his gloves In the ha 1 a
servant called him back. Tbe worn»»
wanted to see Ulm again.
“ 'Oh, doctor,' »he said on hla ret . it
'I wanted to ask you If 1 might eat sou
oysters after the theater ’
“ ‘Yes, madam.' be answer'd yraiely.
'•hell* and all.' ”
Otherwise Uaelese.
"We need a drnwer or something •
put these cuts away In." «aid the for.
man of the country weelly.
"Haven't got any drawer now that
not In use." replied the editor.
"But. hold on! Yes. we have. T*
the cash drawer.”—Philadelphia Led,
Hla Sixth Sense.
"Blffler illtt'"' out a goo4 u >
doesn't he?"
"I should say he did. Why. thit
man can tell an oyster fork from .
game fork with hla eyes blindfold»■>
and hl* hands tfed."—CleveUna Pte "
West Side J*«it t »Í»les
wavon and give mv aom< "dt.g
|3t«> io p it Into stock. That alu i qui*«
«ao'.i, ti. ti ll you will trust me for two
or tnr>e buiuir«d mor« on my outfl '
"\S hal aie you going to do?" aa. «4
ll « n eri-bant.
"I'vit'l a." replied Harman aenteatl-
ourly ' until I < au mak* enough to buy
a *iore."
"Oh. com« now, you ar« doing better
«Jtopjrrfltf M,1 •*. hy iMUJf M-»jr I'wb. Cb j
than <uiy young man w« have evtr
had." ««postulated Hope "lion’t make
ERMAN CORNING made up hl«
a fleti of yourself. You will b« head
mind whan a mere boy that be
of a department In a f«-w years."
would boroni« a su< < »»fc' il bunlneaa
"Thank you, sir," replied l<»rm*n.
man and th« possoeeor of great rlcliea
"I wouldn't »lay for a Job aa general
From hla uarliaat memory lie bad u«te<|
I am going In fol myaelf
j the narrow village Ilf. and ihecr m;> .1
I hxvM Irarned all I can as a Subordi­
I born« »llsuaco, where ev«ry i> nn> nad
to be watched In order to ma • both
And that waa all there waa to It.
ends meat
I’n <’»»»n.v<l of rr«at *s
Herman *tart«<) out with hl« wagon
labllehmcnte with hundr.de of liu-y
lie In«'!« ?<««d ««lection» of mer han-
Wor • ra. all pliable to ble will, a. *x
diae and hl* sale« were beyond bl*
I pr"»»ed from th« Inner office
l,op< i Within two year* he had pll<-d
<:r«*rued of rnteilng tbe greatest and
up | ,<i<io Then he ran across a store
liioel powerful men of affair, and d c-
In a ani-vll town which wa* for *al«.
lalti.g l> i me or b.ri In? tluin to com
I he owner bail mad» a failure, but
prom.ei with him
Herman thought he saw why. Me
Amu k all hl* playmate» at aehool
bought It. laying part down
In P*o
Lit ot.e eympathi <1 with hie amid
y< ir» he wa* out of debt and d< Ing a
Ileus or believed In him
That on*
b r ln-.H that wa* 'he wonder of til the
waa Hannah Curtin, the gra-a ey«d giri
country about
The town had only
with the high forehead. who always
Inhabitant* and ll-rman chaf> d
ainod at the head of her c I jm All the
a- th<- lluil'a'ion*
He found a pur-
It it derid« <1 him
cha»' r at a fancy price and at 23 w--nt
“I believe you will surreed. Her­
back to the city with |b),uou In hl«
man," «aid aha, a>rloualy, "and when
you do I will inarry you."
He then started a Jobbing bo»*ne»e
"Will you?" axled Herman, eagerly
In a small way and by bl* Indefatlg-
And then he added with a Stubborn
abl« energy and application began io
eel of hla square Jaw, "You may have
make i-iroads In the business of the
to wait • long time Hannah, because If
I Isrger h<>-.*< a
He did well from the
1 don't au<. ecd at Aral 1 will keep on
I firs', but hla reeourc»« wore so limited
that h« could not m >v* fait »rough to
So the eomfiact waa aeidid aid one
suit hie anient spirit. Then Norrie.
fin, day. when Herman »a* 15, he ful-
Hnp« • partner, died and Hope sent for
f. led the worst prophealve of the vll-
I. /» g< Ml) a by going away to th' great
"Coming, you are a wonder.” he
city. He waa able to scrape together
■ al'!
"I need such a man as you Ha­
barely money rnou -h to ret him thire,
sid»» you are rutilo? Into our business.
bit he ftar<d nothing
He had heard
I will take you In and «»II you a quar­
Hie expri «•»Ion "m rrhart prince" and
ti r lntere»t at whatever the b isinr »
It attracted hM Imaglnail'.n
He re
Inveì torn-«, take over your »lock at
Solved to enter u>»rean:lle life
what It inventore u part payment
t'l'on rearblng the cl y lie went dl-
ai.d your note for tic balance
rirtlj to he bigg, at wholesale h ma»
can pay out of the profl'»
You can
III th« city. Hot* Norris & Co. ard
handle the buelnee* aa manager and I
sturdily walked In'o th« office yf the
, will look after the inance» "
bead of the concern
Till» »u a great lift but It only f. d
lie w va a trill» pt rturbed at the vast-
Corning'» ambition Still he was not *
ties* of th» In.’ltu Ion and the ea lalve-
dominating fa« i t In thebuslness world
!»• ■» of the offi. < of the great .Mr Ifope
and he found after a year or »o that
H it he rallied In a moment
he must n-tnaln subordinate to Hope,
"Am not I aiao to be a great mer­
whoa* conservative methods drove him
chant." )e raid to lilniaelf “lie la no
tn die'ractlon
He wanted to lead.
bitter ihvn I am only older"
1101» waa c< nt»nt to run a'««ns »m otb-
Ho Herman walked boldly Into th»
ly on the old ll:ea
H«al«!ee he »as
presence of the g»eal man,
1 not 111,1. ing mon« y faet enough to »ult
frowned at tin- Intm. on
him To be sure hla share of the year­
"Well?" he demaj>de«l.
ly profits ran way up In the thousands,
Herman looked him 'q’larely In the
b-.it he could not see how he ever could
eye Hla momentary timidity had van
Leeoni* a power In the financial world
He waa In lit» very Inner ease
at the rale he was going
tuary. which waa I he home of hla
While he waa »'Higgling with the-.*
He f, t fully confident
prol ;<-m ». Hope'» health failed. Kuo»-
“My name la ihimui Corning," he
Ing Corning's daring disposition he did
raid Steadily
"I have decided to be­
not tir» go away, aa the physhfans
en«-.# a merchant. That la why I cam«
ordered, and leave the yo-ing min In
to the city
I want to learn the b-i»i-
charge of the entire business Finally,
h'«e and get a Mart
T! at 1» why I
threatened with death, he offered to
rime here
1 am not afraid of hard
s- II his interest at a vrry reasonable
work and 1 can live on email wage*.
» .m if Oirning oo-ild find a barker,
Will you give me a trial*"
While the sum was reasonable cons! I-
T! a merchant hot turned away with
ering the value of 'be b itin-ss, ft was
an ltn| atlent g< alure when Harm in be­
a visi amount for a young man to
gan The odd way of putting the pn p
ralee A of (’orning'» profits had go: e
«•a ilon .irrwafcd hla attcr.tlen and the
Into paying for hl» quarter InU-iest.
Intease <amealn*aa of the boy attract­
In the meantime Corning had made
ed him
on, or two acciai connections One was
’ Why did yon mm. tn me?" he avid
Peter lloh'brool., a wealthy re;-ill mer­
e'-arply. ' Ikon't yon know that depart-
chant, with wh>m he had come Into
r it hr oli h re the employe«*"
bualti'■» relation« an«', who had ad-
"I want, J to tall t«» the h>-ad of the
m'.red li e young min for hla b.i»l.n »a
b<> •«." rei l< I H rmar atn.ply
H« hail invl'ed Corning to hti
The merchant pushtd a button and
‘ horn« several time* an«! had presented
a man appeared InttanUy
hi» daui-hter. a fiali, rather pretty girl,
"Ta’ e
whose strength of character, if she
ecmtr ar.ded Hope, "and tall him tc
to r hi.l any, had b«o-n e'fminated by
tei him to work."
her father » dominant metho:«.
And in He m»n Corning found him-
Just »!>o-it this time Peter Holdbmok
eelf launched In mrrrhantile Ilf. na aa
dim! ani hl* «laugher had ca'.hd on
e-atant ato, »1 e«i>er at ala dollars p«t
Herman for jdvnv. knowing that her
He wor'cd hard and gav, nr
father had trusted him
The girl was
thought to anything outside the bus!«
the < le relative and heir and the re-
nee* of the department
He did ar
sponsibllity of the great »stale fright*
m.i h work that hla fellow employe!
! ened her.
«llsllLcd him
Pop! inn noted the Im-
To ll« rman c»mc a great Inspiration.
| roved condition of the stock. how­
He would merry Hite pale-faced girl,
ever, and after a few month* Herman
who would lie putty In hla hand*. This
had hla wa :ea ralrrd to eight d.d ar*
would give him money enough to buy
He carol little for thia
He was p> r-
out Hope beside* making hi.n mas’er
fe.-tlng hla knowlrdge of the stock and
of the gr< at Holilbroo» store He would
of prices
Meanwhile he watched th<
combine the two businesses and make
salesmen and customer* III e a cat.
There war a whole ah« Ifful of but. 1 himself the great-st factor In the busl-
lu i world Th«r<- wa* a sincere pang
Iona of ancient vintage, which Herman
at '.he thought of Hannah, bevati*-, be­
m il ,'d wire never called for One day
ai.!,'» having a r< Al affection for her,
llo-ieton, a aaleaman, wa* trying to at­
Herman had made her a part of hi*
tend to two cua'omera
*« heme of life and hl* nature revolted
"Here, boy,” he aald to Herman,
at changing hl* plans But he saw no
“pull down some button* for Mr Park­
other way anti within two month* he
l.'ll I h - right back and give him
hail married IJIli.m Holdbrook, and
.on afl«r became absolute master of
Parkin* was from a crossroads town
two great store«, one wholesale and one
llerninn pulled down the button* that
never Bold. He knew the prints«. Pitt- I retail.
The rest the business world knows
malely Parkin« bought half the entire :
well how he reversed the old politica
Thia transaction ao pleased Hopkln* | and struck out Into new methods with
a daring which stunned al! observers;
that Herman wa* called on frequently
how the business grow until Herman
to take a customer when the aalcainen
were busy. Two years after Herman > Corning was recognised the world over
emend the place lie was made a regu i as oue of the greatest
lar salesman nt >20 per week. He al- I trincee, how he branched fn:o other
lima of business and flnarce until his
way* soli the thing« that stuck on the
name was on the (lire<-tnrates of many
ahnives Mr Hope learned of this ai d
banks and eorporitioi.R and hla real
complimented him on thia point.
"Wouldn’t It be easier and cheaper estate holdings became the despair of
assess irs.
to have a buyer who did not load dead
Wh«n Hormsn Turning waa 35 his
Block on u ?" asked Herman gravely.
wife died A few months later he went
A week later lie was mole a* Utant
manager of the department and en­ back to his old town for the first time
trusted with a con«l.l< rnble i hare of since h« left It. He fout.d Hinnah Cur­
tin still unmarried. To her he told
the buy' g.
Shortly ,,e» P Is. when Pt rman was the -tory of hla success and the reason
for tils marriage
He told her It had
Jtiat turned If he wen
o Mr Hope
been without sentiment, as his heart
"I am g-.ing to resign,” ?“'? he.
“What's the tr b’ •”
mniandod belon -cd to her but had been neces­
sary in order to achieve success.
Hope. "Ain't you getti..,, enough?"
"1 knew you would come back," aald
part Is all right everything. In fact. I« 1’ ntvih. quietly. ' That is why I nev­
all right, but I want to n
nto buaincss er married Men must Work and wom­
en must wait."
for rny-elf."
Just a year and a day after the death
"Go In for yourselfT" exclalmml the
merchant. "Have you got any capl- of his first wife Herman 'orulng sud
llnnn th Curtin w»re married. It Is to
"About |‘>00 'hat I've saved," replied ( be presumed they lived happy ever
Heiunn. "That will buy a team a..d af! 'reard. If not nobody else kucw It.