Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 26, 1905, Image 3

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    1y » v»«rv rtMoriliiF *fe< vov • lu ha»« a
i • * !*»« i i ii »1» I fure nlg.i.t. But for
S(»n <• »*n «(-('GUbtablw ruftffuu Ihs old I< m k
r< II»4I| i * m |
After indorsing the door I anglcy
a n. d often sit down In one of !he corn
for!nl le ( hnlre a'lii at eurronndrd by
rnl>b( r plants and fi tns. and smoke a
tr»ist rlgiu* whl< h the voting woman hmrl
fflv» n him While !»•■ *uml.»*d th»*y would
lie couldn't help from telling her
s«>ins!Iili>i nboul Ills troiib,«
ah« waam»
And l.engley
airbed !i»!tv|!y when !hr Mine came lo
l«<ave the comfortable chair for bls own
un at tract Iva shop
Oim '1'4). however T.anfflry stayed a
I'll hour later tha ws« hlwcustom And
heforrottnalgh Wh nhaleft h rt-rd he
huiniiHul nu rrily to hlfua» If ad the f Ime
he wus swuvplug and dusting out hia
Trnd war » ven dull» r than usual that
day . but I nrirlay didn't ar. rn »• mind
il< **ven bow rd and «mll**d grn-
laly to hls old frlmdr when« Vvr be »aw
them going In or coming out the shop
I:» it door a thing ijinpley had never
done before, for Im bar! grown to look
on all who traded their as bln * n« miei<
Al. .«it three o'clnrlt that afterncjon,
when lb* r«> w isn't a soul In th«* store • i-
<• pi loiiiMt-if. Ijinglr) »aw Rockway th*
tni»f s af«?nt, cominr down th»* stre«t.
11» sto| p«d for a moment with a all«*
flvd rtulle on his far* before the shop
n« it door
Th« u bu cama on to lutng-
“Hell^.“ he cried, as he stepped In,
noting at th« same time that there wm
m t a slnglt customer In the atora
*’H'»*in»‘vA prettv mod
Bucking the
•ULwHuM. I*M. by 1*11/ ft»-*; I Nil. <ju )
ANULEY badi a cigar aure un 1 a >
rust street
11 hnd liken him two
yaarv U> raise the Uilaintaa to a pi in
where it «M»u¡d support Itself n d l.nnp
ley When it arrived at that point hl»
soie ambltlup will to ral* 11 on« n< teb
higher. III a i Is io w b«t t It could c-up: ort
Itself and I angley und at th «ame i ni
pay off » ach uiotitb part of tl »» <i« bt
which bud <»•«•* eii(|«e| upon theui durilo
the p< f lo»i <»f noni.up|M*rl
F*or a time It s««*mrd s» If Ixngley
would aurrowd un H wa* nn ent« r|!|s
In« enerK««flc young fellow, shrewd hr
yond his yeaia T’hrn «»ne «lai Mr A p
Hockway the locti repr. sa niniiv« of
the cigar trust Mr* lulo Ills »tote
He had beard that lAllgb y wa» puah
Ing a lornl brai d of cigars to the d* tri
■»•nt of th«» tru»f F' >ds
h«*r« ieAUF.ir)aaid the trust »
wan. Mtbls hns g«»t to atop
I III « you
well enough personali), but busiix hs I»
buaine«a **
langley tried to riplaln that the In
creasing demrnd for the local cigars
was not dur to any «*ffort of hia
Mockway knew beprr
••You've cot Io <nt Turner » Co *■
guo-'.s out.** he aid. "or w< II cut von
Now tanfi* v wn « not a man to hr <1 i<*
"W.n it n i,ht 1» *<>r»»." Ijinxley
lat«d to. ut d he Hr rd up right aw ny
*’lf you think you » an do It g.. ahead " *i ■».•«.«’ with»-nulla "How ar» they
bo retorted
"I’ve got the only rlgfir doing n.-xt «:,wir?"
■ «ih fit..- 1 hat llttl* woman'« <nt th*
atore In the block
Ard w’ it's r»or«*
b»»t bualnaa* h> vl on h»r «boulders I
you can’t rent a aton In thia h*»>* .
• v»r aw
And •!>"'• nilahly pri-lly, too
They're all baaed eicrpt Mias (’hild'a
the mlil nsry sl op, n« it door, ar d sh* —don't you think »o’"
"V-W7 "' r*|«ll«d 1-anKley
And hit
owns that
Now If you think you can
•ntllr l'to«d«no<!
run me out try It "
"I'm rl»«' W" x««t her to go Into that
•*Wr‘ll try It And we’ll d«» If.*’ «rapi» d
To tvll th« truth.
Ihr trust man as ho (lung bfn.Mdf out < f t.-n >. »r rvintra« !
that •
our l»»t hop*
You'd have had
leangley*» st» re
u* but for that
And «ay. Lat «I« > ;■ the
Tw <> days later !*angley wad gr«at!i
eurprlrrd and a »•• ••*! d*-al chiteri*ie<1 ut truat man want on "I heard you wert- ro­
Inr Into a uvw Luainrta
tt hat I« it tb|«
awelnF a big transfer wuron ••» 'rd uip
glass e)iow< a»« * Imit in 4rot t of th* mil
".Matrimony." rrplled U.n*i*y ]*rfc.
llnery gfor* nrvt «!« r Bvfurs r.ight tt-r
Inr hl» h. «<1 toward th» «hop next door
rs«< , hs.1 btm Installed aad
t «
"No t.i <«nr oontrai-t. Ht)«*r
•vary «>nu 4 th m. with lr«i>t cfrijr««
on.«'a for Ufa"
M't« «'hllda I . « t «o Im ger a mi ncr.
W»ll to Itorkway'a rrrdtt !rf ft be «aid
•too«' li"h':’.«1 th» rountsr. dlt| easing-
•Igsrs an 1 -n '»• In a w»y that ma».« took d.«f«at with a «nod Rr««Ht and
dat.rrd at l.ativ’")', wrddlnir wttb ••
L»r«gb v ft •« ■I. k st heart
baht a «t*p aa the iirtd« ,room hlma.lf
Paring Car -1 «v «k I.nr -’lev'» tre«!.,
full off '* ■••« r ■' «■ ! v
At <1 no wonder,
when th«* •« ■■! 1 Xt ■' •« ir was •piling i'll.
cwnt «icart tht.w f««r ten and l> n .-«tit
cigar, four fot a q«i««rt r m aav n««fh;i
Sb."it 11«. -n •■«fulwrraglvenaola
lahly with .< h i >ir«liua»
Of roura» Lsnv' -v n .1 th» rut
prlrv,, but I hr ha. f ! • art.-«! grin hr > at«
•way *•» not n arly so vs'i «1 » «. tt
■rnokrrv »• «»• !•«» rhsrn !«» rtnll.«
thvy r«r«4--r<1 next ’.«or
Th» r.a'«irn'
c<>n»rqu««r.> •• wrrr that Ijxiirlw •■rail.-
dr«u«|>»<1 off more an«1 more . a« h <!av
a»d th" tnnlr« «« -"..n foil ba< k to a
point whvrr
InM-ad of •«itqnirtln«
lt,ulf an«! I snalry l! aupporteil to lili.-i
It via Just four weeks after l4»n»
lay's defy to th« trot that llockway
again blew II.to tl.r ,tora
"llualbvua prutly , ««I tAngley'" h
•akio! aft rant» r!i «■ I!., oung man ■
•urty not! with a l«r«>a<!
Iwnglry «'Id not
: '«-scrud to reply
Ro tha tru"f mar wrrt <>n
"H««r<! )<«u w«n:»«l to ,r|| out
IPa to rvak r «ou ar« « •*• r I it ran •t, » OU
w !tti >h<
ber «viti«
for I«««
• hr»« «'
bn« nn
Ma •» us
««rrw not to ■« ' nt. . <«n, rln It t«
for tha • hole lvr"> of lie« ntrs«t
th«' • all rl» hi I r u- *
t ‘ ew doing «
dan«lv t>'ia!n««i.,, «'at. aha« •«he it Oh.
» »11. old tallow If V< u don’t rnrr t« di.
cuaa It ta ta
I think I bcc )oui Un-
(■tv. and pretty a«« n too.**
Largley spent a fail night
were two noire I al! I, g du«- n«xt m« nth.
and he ha,l he«r<l from good authority
that they tail b««en («ought t>) Rockway
Truly Ikingl.) Tout.«! buckllu, the truul
• very i. pto’llat . <«< ijn'lon
Ni xt ir. >rn nr hr, ar • <! tor tl-e «tor«
As he w.va In tin a« t ot I as»it«»'
tha one time ni ...IK ry 11.«»! belt« r<1 io
cnergetli-bni.gli.i .«ttl.iiloor Tut inn.
ha saw a aw« i«t thinigh rather final«««.
fa«-» tn n*htig over a lock
wlitl«« two
white, dimpled luimla v> <«rr ma'ili'F vlg
urotis, yet vain effort« m turn a lay.
For a moment l.angl««) did n v«r> nn
yrnth-iiiaiiiy th.« ,
He felt glad th«'
hl« neighbor and rival »»» in troubl«
It'll thia wa« only for a nionunt. An­
other li st «nt found him saving:
"Allow m< madam." Il<-look th"key
from her hand
and after a mighty
wrsm li threw op««n the door.
Thank you, v««ry much, Mr. lang*
sml!««d lheyuung woman, who bail
now r«-<'ov r«-rl her I it ith. l ilt on v h< •
face th« blush still lln «r« «1 "I don't
believe I ever woiilil Inve open»«! It
U ill you not come in ’ Its too earl) fur
any bum net v«t aw !illt>."
l*mr»Mley sianini««r»>l nn ««xcuse for not
•«-r-spting th«- Invitation; then, strauga
to nay. wall-.-<! r« hi In.
No wonder tradt md left Langley It
wna worth the prl« «• of several cigars
Just to enter the dainty little shop
I verythlng was spick »nil span. Th« r««
wire 11<iw« rs blooming on the counter,
anti trail rubber plants and ft run setting
In the corners
Inviting leathrr-cuali-
l.«n»«l «-hairs were 11muling against tl <•
wall which was «lotted here an«l thcie
with cut«« llttl«« tiletiiren. Am! there were
riirtnlna l:i« v looking rurtalna, nt the
windows That was why l nngl-y had
never lnu«n abl< t< se, in: l«!e thl plo w
In fore
Now that he liml setn, It wna
no longer» tnystery to him why I Is cits
torn« rs. even s« me rtf the tn«.st nntl-
ti nst ones, had fors'tlten him
To tell
• he truth. I.augley did not blatua thiui,
«.I her.
"Won’t you alt down. Mr. lAngley?"
nsk»«l the young woman, after ««njoylng
his avhlunt astoiueluu«nt for a short
k «.
Ikinpley sat down. XjsrtMnlv was a
comfortable chair. And the cig ir that
she ear« h'm »»«414 «ut know V nt II e
trust mH«'«. snaiiinpo^Hurs
I 'tiRley
look throe or inti* l4tr •*«*'■<; C tn I.
"’Ml. d. TI.. i
saw '«Is k
' ,
After ihm «la.
fei nted n new
habit wt'ch w|
every ifloni .nr.^^^^
Ari ft
► trat' lo Im*
v ‘flnttir?!* "«"■
«»fti ii
IIuw Odd.
Th»» fed *• uh»» ’ want :< ■»*«• life’*
l< y « iAthi-r mi’-m; .1 m I k M
rj-.R •!«•> nt» Be«- H D)
|<ui vi-«> Ml l4|¡ht
-•1 i.I.ata!« a'hlt» i*rrM
Jmt What 14« Had Expected
Mi. lame«««
Weren't y« u surprised,
vuele. t<> hear that poor Harry bau left
u.e a widow
'Tl.n'. s a! «Ul all I expected he would
leave you." Tit-Hits.
Phtlanthioplat l>y Compulaion.
Teil In« you mink that old nilllion-
ait«- wlil Coaoy goud with Ills money?
Ned Hell have to. He has six tuar-
ria^« able daughter«
Town Topics.
8hr Knew ftlm
lie—I»l«l )«>u toll )«iur father I wfia a
|HH t?
fih«F-~ No; I didn’t have the Cerva
lie has raid your bo k»—Judge.
Becoming Kllgible.
Dette«! I laughter Diti t ask me to
la se up with that insignificant little
Mi Belici. mamma.
— Why,
Drudi-ut Mamma—
how you
lam t you I know
1. «tnureida!
email m. li ium gnttlng lo be thè re«u-
U « m ■•«.«. ima? t'hhAgo Tribuna.
T«x> Chulo».
“latok tiara!" vaclaituad tha Irate
bona« iioiuit
"bou t you know »aa
couiua out of tha fumaci« you »old me?'
"Weil, what «lo you «xpect to eoma
out of a eli.utp furnace ?" domandati the
«love duilar.
"Kieatrlc Mfchla!"—Chi-
ua<;o lMHy Newa.
Ths VolatlU Mnld.
"What t l««M««il me most," said the
nvin who hn.l been abroa«!. “was the
wuuilerful « lock al Strasburg."
"Oh. how I should love to nee It!"
gushed a young woman In pink. ", 'And
did you see the wiioh uu the Rhlua,
Uiu!"- Til Bita
A Little Too Good.
Hushnml Why uo you shop at Slogo
Si I'.«. e. Inalimi of at F ietliue's?
Wifi« Fistime» has some new sort
of cl««« trical contrivance which brings
your chntiRS so quick you don't have
time to change your mind.—N. Y. Week­
On the Hotel Veranda.
Rhe You Impertinent man! Of course
I won't let you kiss me! I've ouly known
you an hour!
He Well, bow long must you know
m<> before 1 vau kies you?—Yonkers
Bard Sine« they have appointed a
wuiiiaii editor of that niaraxltie ■<> many
ot my po««ii>x don't come back,
I'risnd No; I h> ard her-ay she Used
them for curl paper». Chicago Dally
'loieffiffifikUI Milliner
trouble itr'or'Ir ;- »»«• *6« r
laugh«) had to atop and h« Ip her
kli>» i.tiv.t Do you tlnnk tnat min­
erai • iter .« |«xx. fot the health Jongs?
Jocas Oh, ya* m Wheu some gera­
ni« n tuât et airs hvKh. nullin' don't «at-
t«f> '• ni at. at de end oh a week d< > 's
fornbor fellin' me to kiep de cbauge.—
Century Magasins
■ ...
of Transstlaot'c
thlug Ahead of Slaain Amer­
ican Millionaire.
A »jo« » r »»Id fr|h«w In ;«»!», m' n • 'rdrs;
Hr >* ' v« (•« ?t. ,
1 n.itufed ./««Jer of
f j ks,
Jf. »ifiK Htff h«* whl*«.»n al out ths- work
Ad f>i ’ t.ijy
sver Iiown
■ Llrk.
And t.
h , k.« you ihlak, with Lift bUtt)«
good 4‘hrer,
<>f tl- fotitji bi«'kblrds when sprin< »•
The* clM«M|cnl <•««t»fl<• •• intrick
Illi« I h - i - ii lie.illy pliiyrtl oil it would
lie «wind «-r by hi* intend« d vie'
If tt-y
lo Urn w!»h n 4'. »ful fol*
tiny. The latter, n < <>ok on a trim» Of
-,?• fi
r*y t.wftys fell
Rllutllic liner, hltd l»-en dotw lillli Ta FfjuM»- Mttf-r.lior (*> what they tell
At au h a tilg.« hv c..
< o t Lear vary wall;
»«•If l» fore, Mild wu« too old n turd I’’ll If flirjr prat»* B up u nr I k hbor it en
to be caught iiguin He»tru«k up II« L*ID hvai xa Ww«. nA t.» ! » st i,l IMtl.
nn n<>piHintnnee witli nil «‘iii'ag H« >l,»i ln«1or,v, it. rood thlr.r* ■•14
• tri. r>., ,,r i « 4vin» •■«•«>. us tr.«
ing but obviously »hnin Allieri« ail by I «iva
iiiillionairc in the train to Pnria. If
. .het what I.« tl.lr.au «.f a man
confiding to him that he hud fx.iHitt He'll pn«iA» ' poti • H In 1 :■ rhvvrfu! ■ n«.
in hi« I'Ug, nn«l hi « mt to imiiiHc And •«> ”1 Iti • •-rr) bui O.vrv muut i.v
Bom», guild lo Lia i < tb«:a. It »«urna tu mu."
liiliiMelf on the IntuU-Vurd«, »ays
”1 haven’t tlm« t
the London Tclegrnpti.
**Of ti«*- AN I thlr.g
n. >«f h ■et*
<‘11 met, irnj< ««J," »aid t he mil
If 1 w .
•ck t
littnnirc; "1 have* al»o mad«* mv To »Mil rr.,
pile, mid intern! »< eing th«« m< rrv And «ve i. A 4”^
Ai.u 1 tih-. 4 .Ul ot
»¡«le of life in I’aree.” They «tart
a wttj « buying •»'ind-thirg to *lo
e<! the pvetipig with mi ex|»«li»ive
Ql ( f To tl <
nd ?
i. *’f too.
dinner, paid for by the Ain«*ri an
■ k to my L’.wii ► • m I ret I cnn.
k *•»•(> oil K uud •
• ulth my fe.:vw-
miPionaire. At co.Tt-t* t h<* hit ter
i • ’
»«r I ft« it him. If «• <rrr s to ms.
exclaimed: “Hullo, 1 bare not
bttiier u,y t«f..«/w n..tn irtusis u»«.**
miy cigara; flilppitfle you go unti
luiy MOlll«*. You can It-uit- your A tint » r o'.fj ft-How if •« «ojomon Oaks,
Wit/, i.ia merry ixugt and i.la p.*»H«A.nt
bag here, where it will be quite
l i * f. i»? jr hia f* ws. «Hid or sung
»nfe. Biit iin von might It«« «mtpi Ai
Ii-- a a f'mt f rrf» r. !« an tig idnrdyouiig
mem by an i.e
eioilN, here’» my po«'ket lto«tk. K««ep tiv m.tg.« ti to and •. «
arm song.
it till you Join me a pa in ” A» »«»on And ti.«
14 u.at ha.pa us whar. thlnga go
a» th»« cook'» Itjtek wa» turned the
millionaire of course tmlted w iti.
r < > v« to ILc Lud, (Hi the g ud
the tmg. tmt the latter only eon
( r n,
kalncd ol<! new«pF|»«r» m><! the
. c !.. rrful, ind *dm to nftke
* i «Î « • « r f- r lov <• « ••*«••: Mftke
cook’« <ar«| with th»« words
W *1, It rr »y I **, L'.t this I say;
have t»«en here Itefor««; vmi have
» r
i ucAs we ne«d lo-úwy.
T i ibuoe.
met your match thia timv.”
the would I m * Hwimller'« |»>< Vet
Look waa a »urn of f I'.’o, w hich the WHY THE CROWD GATHERED
cook took to tlie police »tation.
Thought the Sin with a Stiff Neck
««king the officer to whom he told
\A> imi Lo.kli . (jp n t Bjo.etnlug
his title with understmidalile rel
of 1 areal.
i»li to give the money to the poor.
' M
T H S F 1
FI’R ! IH' I» ATI'
lrmt*'d Mtate« I and Offir» ¡. a a« vi»' v, <»retron,
Novemtier *, I1MK Molte*- ia h- . ••by given tliaf
hi < iimpilainT' » ilh thè proviAl o»»« rd Ute or»
0! < !ona re «a of Imi • .4. l’-’M. on »ìf <1 "An Aft for
li« tale ot Un.ber « »nrt« in »»»«• F Ale« of <’all-
lumia. Oregon,
vada an i Wa-* li*ni»iv>n T*»r
ril«»ry,” aa rsiended H> »11 Ibr Pttmir I,Mtid
Mia'es ìf. ai" >•( a en- 1 1- •
1 KMh w H«.r>
erta nf Ih'dff« o!, > «>uwty of Kl«> rtiii, »»a|r •»!
Or*F*»n. ha» thl« day fi 1« <| in (bla oft**? M«
«aorli «tatei>>ent N o
for »hr f.-irrtiatr of
| tbe
•<■ 15. Tp _ ih rt K
K W M and
wire fe mce
I a ili off«*r prò*»! io *lioa Ihar
__t ihr It*nd M»ut<ht
rn « . «*• » v ahiRhif
>!>■■».!<■ f»,
f,.r r i»«
< t a niyj,
« . .
la • r»i«>r»*
r or *<••».•• ilinn
b»r MgrirulliiiMl purfHi«*«, aim ! to ••«iitbluli h »
Plan uf Halidin« That H am H*»n Triad c aim to *»atd land b**l«»re (,<•<» i Ritidwin <’•»
Jiidff*' •» hl« f m« t nt K lABiAt h F ai !', ‘»f»?»;/» »
iwr Year« and Alwar« Gira«
on M a ’ urda? th Meh *1 at of ¡■»•ti.-o«*» .
Gooi Mallafacttua.
n» m*' f . » Mltni'..»-» Jtr- T a or Martin Rob
• ■ I» of K lainAf ti Falla, Or H H. Kob<*rt« an<i
Take a line with rings on »ach end;
Anj and all p<.*raoBa rialnilng adversely th**
have line Just so long that from center a»Noa*dt*M*rihrd land* arr i**|ii««t**d to dlr
rialm» in thia off • e on or lx-(ore «aid
to center of rings 1» one rod Slake off. ih"ir
IM h d«) ot F» bruary. I**
this la all right for a horse and cattle
J. N Wataon. Retri* er.
fence, for sheep and hogs set ths posts
half a rod apart. By having the posts a rlMIO.K LAND ACT II S'K 1. I«7X XOTICE
t'OH l«t HIK' a TIOS
rod or half rod apart It mal • ■ It nice
Cnl’cd Hl«’»** I nad
Lak**» lew Or* g<»f.
about calculating the amount of land 5( vs-mber »S HSM. Nt,» . h - h»*rc‘ y given
f-r'.vision* «dll.»-
in field.
ac! of I ongr*-•« of June 3. 1x7*. rf.titled " \n
The snd post« should be hedge or mul­ a« » I» r ihr «al* of » in« >e*r * a fids in ’he Mf m « « of
berry with root« or Ir.rge knot or pieces f aliforniA <»r«-rnn. Nevada and Washington
Trrffory,” a* <•» side . :o ¿I
l‘oo‘ •• f. i .
• pH ed on lower end of post so that Siate* b* »•( of A'>»r*i«t 4. 1**»2 Berths E H«tw-
• h n vet and the dfrt well tan.ped io >«-r. of Klamath Fati*, «ouuty ot K imria !»,
-Iafe of Or**«*».»», !•«* fhi* dftv file»! iu ’hl« office
foilr f< .it deep It will be perefectly solid. her »wore <’«»errt*nr No
t.r »I.«« , c.r- !• i* ■
Where the fence crosses a low pl«‘ H I f ll -■ S W»/4 r W' , s. •• l S',**E‘ , and -W ' tMF.' *
“♦*• 4, Tp .‘IN. m It 4 E V» if.an(| Mill off r pr»»- i
posi* «hould be us'd that hate rtxiti, o !»l»o that »he land nmi/ht im n.orr valuable
l»r6n knots or piece* spiked on them ■ of Hs ’It..te r o- «»on»- i»,«» for avr.ruìtural
■ urj-o---« and m r«rabll«h lt»»r citan to aid
Ian»! te f-
Geo. / Ba -I a n. » •» Judge o’
Klama’h <o Or ai Klan ath F »il-* or. ou
Monda* the 13»b dav »>< F»*b',u«ry. I**«5 She
m.iuesa wltDr««*** I FOnell ,- \l;> . J Go* Her
W alter temnox. Ly»iia l*eintvA. ail oí K.Minatb
I Falls, Or.
kny and all tx r*<»m» claiming adversely the
above «1-»cnl*rd land ar** rrqtir ed to file
ih»*ir claims In Ih office on or te-'-.»re ahí Utu
day ( f February, !»
J. N Wa on, ftegi-»er
Rl 1»' tTIOfi
Untied M»»’»*•• I.Alni 4>,Har, t^kkrvle^ «IregoR
Ntavemhsr l‘>. 1004
Notice is hereby <iv”U
H im . in »-«»rnpliftn-'e with the pr<»vi»l«»f» • of ’ha
f | ii » i t, pc»«, ntlfl’d "An a» t <»r tha
«aI- .»f ii »••». is i t< i i «!»•’ ** »te« nt <’aub*r » a
Or« i(i» N- m Hila «r»«1 Wvyhlwxffon Ter lUirv.’
a - . X»«' >d»* t ».» «II th- P iMir Land H ia I*« by
A." of I" »*’ I I**»/, lb- foll«»'»'ng |»*’r«*»’*a
li»ve thl« -Mv filed In this tfflw their «w«vn
-1 «irmt-iil», KbWli:
Will A»n < R.»«*’ m *»f Mount V'-nmi. county
«»I.-<krt.It, wlAt*. of Wltahlnftim. *»<»»» *»«»*•
meat No ."»vi for i hr pun ii-iM* of t hr MF? ,N £
N’yMk,* . MWtyRRi. *** <-ii Tn W R R II K « I.
Asa H Fhipp« t Mnunt Vernon, * m * ml) •»<
Rkagi» Mtats of WsNhlnglon. sworn ¿•»•rmrul
.V.» ’»» kiä for ’hr purehaM* of the MB*A ***’<‘
37 « R 11 F. W M
Ths» they wil. offer proof tn «how that the
land «(»light I« more vslnabl*» for Its tlioher nr
»io» . U»sn for sericultural purposes and io
rw?Abli«li thrir clsini t<> MAid lan*i I»-fore Get».
RftMwfn Co Judge of Klamath Un. al
K lAuiAth Fail«, Or. ou Haiurday, Ihr lllh day
ot February. IWjfi
They nsmr am wl’ dckvci * : A II Fhlpps, Wil-
I am < Rt<**r« of .Mount Vernon, Wann. M H
booner. T if Shannon of Klamath Falla, Ur,
B-r» Rfitai) of Bonansa. Or.
Aii) aim ! h I i p.-r-xotirt c’ftlming adversely rho
«*1 m . v < «P ^ ci ib-d l«»iid are re<pirS*od to f\i0
th»* rrlsi irtiu th’s office on or before saltl
l Ith .lay of hebruary, I'JOfi.
J. N Waf«nn Register.
I’nlt* <1 H’ate« Land Ofiic*. Lakeview, Oree on
> 1904
Notice 1« hereby ffUm
ti»al in »’t»mj l.a.ii with 'hr provision» ot the
l, »>7-S. cukiued "At» act f»»r tl.«»
• il»* of 11 in (»er land« ¡nth B'af'*a of < ah fort» ¡a
Oregon N ada an I Waahinfflon Twrrltor
H' ••x’« n<?»’d f«» all tii»? Public l.and Stat« « by
A« t of Align«-; I isr2, h ;« 1« Uo-vlng pemnn«
have tn -« day flkd »u this office thulr sworn
:•> a '
Charley bahimAti of Silver Lake, county of
>\ a , /. •»«»»• of Wa«hlngf'«n, sworn «tat«*m<-nt
*he pure isae oi ihe fc,«_ O! E'w. ScC
ri.iH < R il K W M
G <,»<e (’ Price ••» »liver !*ake county off’ow-
Illa, Ntatc of washinfft«»n, sworn’«tat.* »ent N<».
292N lor Q: • pure .a«e of the W. of W‘w, Sec 2*5
fp 17 X K 11 K w n
E li'ti w I m je of Silver l,ake. county of Cow-
hli. Sin • of Wellington, «Aorn xtafenieut No
290U tor the pureha-e of the M!4NW(|r, N1^ 8wt|r,
•*- • F2. Tp rf. 8 R II K w w
I’ha’ Li*, a ill
t proof to show that the
lau 1 •»•■ahi 1« moi • valuable for its timber or
Nf»>ne than tor Agricultural purvo-ex and to
* i»tabli'b their claim to oaid land before Uee.
<'tin<a n
.erk <A Klamath Co, at Klamath
kails. Or, on Friday the loth day ot February,
They name as witDeaaea: Charley w.
Dal.iniai: Eh't. w»*htj»», Georg«* C. Price of
- iver fake. w«*.h, M. ha. i Doober, Thoa It
Shannon of Klaina'h Falls, Or.
Any and ail per»onx claiming adversely tho
*•.'>■«. •!»• i bed -tt.id* are r {<ic»ied to file
th. r eta rn- n (hi. office on or before said
loco .lav »! February. 1906
J. N Watson. Register.
FGIl IM Bl.I< A H' »N
T’nlt- *1 Htsfc - luxi.d <
!..*À •• vl • » Oregon
December-S. I**r2. jsoV<-*» ;• h.-r t»y given tl»*t
in compliance with th«* provis. ■>* of the a t
<»f < ongre*« of Jun** 3, li?1*
I •• A ■ «cf
for th* -ale of tm.bvr anti-, in • *»•• -late* of
» aliforniA. Oregon, m .- »d« snd w
T-r-i’.i.ry,” a* extended to a tne Fubh* Ijjnd
Blates by act o’ A'.gu-* I I’Tj. I.uth»*r H Itiir-
tha* they may not puli up Havetheend ion of Keno, county of Klainslb. *’Ste of Or»-
har th'.* day filed in fit.« ffje** ht-, - .»uro
post« well brae«! with a strong red elm von,
• «airmen! g4._ 29| h for the pur» •«*■♦ of th ww',
•ole and a No. 12 wire like this. The See 7. Tp 41 S F. s F w w and »HI ff.-r i r<« <f
show that the laud ->• ii‘G 1 .*D4»re vs u«b •
race pole ah« uld be off the ground a to
r Mtrfciiltursi
f«»r its limber or rt-.ne »han
'«■w lnch«-s at the second poet that it may puri-Mw?« and to e«»abh**h h. ■ «a;m ;o >a «1
Clerk st hi*
not rot off and wcaien the fence. With ».ff •« at Klamath FnHa on Tiit.rr.lAy
aji iron rod twin the brace wires togeth­ day of February. 100.*» H- name«
m ciiApiuMi:. R::.
a 1 *■-.«. o. Mor
Fn : ! H* •(. • Cnnd OJier, faikevtew. Oregi ron
er above and below the brace. Should
gau. E-ll Morgan, all of Keno, <»-• goti
preemher «(. !'M Notice is h«*rt*bj giv.-n that
•he fence be 40 rods or mere long put Any and all pcr«on« da .n.ng ad r-ely the ..i M.ophaucr with Ihc provision!* oi the a. I
A man in a long gray overcoat • rtrea in the middle of fence like Fig 2. ab*.ve-describ< 1 land» arc r« ¡nested to fl!-* of Congi-v <•( Jucr 3. 1S7S. entitled "An set
their claim* in tL - <»ff:c on or before »aid for ine «Sir of timb*r lands in tne Stales of
BOY WON OVER THE MEN h 1«>P jh «1 al th«- Mfct-t corner and
To unwind the sp«>ol of barbed wire I’JtL day oi February
• hi f ¿ruin.. Or-goa, Nevada and WuMhingloit
T-rrifory,” «•> extended to ail ;t»r Public l.and
J s. Wa?»on, Register.
He Knew of Soniethlng Better Tiran looke«! rjt' iit.i upwind. iiiHgaze or ro! of woven wire a! “ ar. trot shaft
.•»’air* by n '
Augu“t 4. IffW. Kmrry PtUDib
—an old b"ggy axle will do--«nd rin TIMBER T AX'D ACT .IENE. IS7M.
nth Ffth-. -«.»inly oi Klarnacb. Blate ot
Hpptirenily m-««med directed at tht-
Persuasive Word« to Move
I Orc*, *r
.. nas this day hied in Ibis off.ee b’4
it through the spool and let axie rest
otice e k pcblh awn
• ’T -.n-rr N . r»?9 for th** purchase of
a Balky Horae.
roof of a tali buUdiug directly' op
I theEl^BE1, "E’j'E'* B**c 9. and 8W-.NW,_(,
on wagon bed Just in front of the hind
Vailed *:•> e» L»n«t Odi«-«*,
». r* >K ll‘j E W M. and will off-r
standards of wagon. Kun a amai! wire
JCotice i< hereby k vrn that in <-ompi»atice 1 pr««<»t to how tua' th»’ land M>ught is mo»,e
Flw- men, threv wemen, two
1 wo men s!op|«ed an«l begun fo aro-md each standard and the buggy
■ he i«r««« .' • 4 «*i ■ u M
' ■ . ■ Ml «’ ksu-ab e f-r it* timber or »»tone ihsn for arri-
ji.u.al p«.rpoM*«, and fo cAiabiish his rjatm
3 1M7 m roiitled " \!» net for <hr -a»«* o(
|tolicemeii an«! ¡1 1«.irking «log trie«l look in the flame direction.
A axie and that will keep spool of wire Jone
limber lands in lb«* Hate» ot <’a«;f<»rn a, Ore- to -*id la.;«i te*:<jr- <o.-o T Baldwin, <’o. Judge
t<> imluce 11 balky lmr»e to get «>tf moment Inter several other« from bcuncing about too much. Take g<»n, Nevada an«! Wawbinjrtun Territory,** a* nt his --ff e s’ Klamath Falls, Oi»*gon, oil
ex tended to all the Public Lumi
(.and Htatr* by act rhursday the iff*h day of February, lwfi He
the car trn< k on on«« of I'hiladcl joined them. Ilu«im hh men bur the end gate out of wagon and run out Of
.arn.-s a- witnt'-cs; Archie John «ton. Wiu.
At.KU'l 4. 1892 Fred Koch *-f Stsyuiu. couu
a little of tbs wire (wire should be ty 0» Mkf 01 ** sir of Or»>V(iii,bs- this -tev fi!»*<* !.A»hua Han» Nelton, U U Wilson, all ot Klam
phia'» bu»ie«t thoroughfan n . but ryittg along the pavemeul on the placed ot axle ro that It will unwind in tiiia oftiv«' his »wurn »tat- met.I 5ol7'¿5.íor U»e i b ►<.;•.<»’»-ron.
of 111»* -M '..;v . - :3 »'*4 *
Any and uh p«'i' hi * claiming adversely tho
the animal ha<! mad«* up his mimi way to their ot!bx«s w.-re a« ized from under side) ar.d fasten «e'-ur'-ljr to purcou-H-
u»' 4nw*4<i*r il
p fr.- - 9»-. » n; au*» will offe I •-D >w it'cr .ed land» are requested to tile
:..i..- m '.h.x off.ee on or before said
I hut it woiilij rviuir«« some other with curioflity, and stopit-d whort Oi.e of your end posts. Now drive dong proof to »how tnat iba lau«l * ’Otigni i» mor
xaluabtc for it« timber or »1 me (fian lor az 16»ii day oi reb.uary, FAX».
¡igrncv to move him, and he won to gaxe with the others, relates uu your line ot p«>»ts aod the wire wi.l uu- ricnitural purp*. -e>, au ! to * 'tabi.'i* i. -t-iairn
J N. Watson, Register.
U> «aid land iM i-.re Rrgj-fer
Rig -ter ai.d receiver •?
out. «ay« a rvcvnt report. The exchange.
Lakeview, Ore on Saturday, January 2X(!.. IMi»
He Dfuit’ a» wiiutranev. ».nie T. i .- mas , -> i 8«a.>
recipe, discovered by a Inti of
“W hat's tlx« matter?” "Whitt is
ton Ur., Koger .*«uuiamQvry, »V . U Suiilii* vi
Fall« Ore.
fn R^or ler’s Cnurt f >r the Town of Merrill
II year», wn» a handful of <>m» it?"
hat's the excitement?”
Any «.. d -.1 »«er* hi * c*.aimin< adversely the <’e nty of X!nm.’'h, State of Oregou
above-describr t lanit«* are requested to hi«'
«ml crucke«! corn. Th»* hor»«* was These questions Hew front lip to
Vain r.inrnEr, plaintiff, vs. James
their claim* in this office on or b« b»re stuJ Hornes, d .en'iant. Civil actiou for the re­
hitched to a wagon. It waaacuri lip. but nobody »«-euied able to an­
2Slh day oi January, to -
covery ■ f money.
J N. WatMsU, Register.
Tn JameM Huhnes,defendant.
oua crowd that wntehvd the ef swer.
h. :li-■ i; m< - th * sin e ol Oregon, you a-e
appear al the office of S. E, Martin,
forts of the men. women, |»>li«e
!»7»-X0Tl< E K*- .»r«*er to
"Move on. there,” exclnimetl .1 cet one wheel. I prefer a hind wheel, in VIMBEK LAND.
in and ’ »r said T-»wn. County and
aie .-n he 2nd «lay of FeUuary. 1906, nt the
men and mongrel to »tnrt th«* polit'emnn.
hnt tire you block­ ilbe with where you want to stretch the
Cn’te.| States tjued or.«-«-. Lukeriev*. Ove- h »ur of 10 .’t ck in the forenoon ot said day
g«*n. (‘••»•emt’AT 'A'
N’««»•»•** i» hei* Sirven
' ' »
of the p a ntiff; an»i
horse. Two men want»-«! toapplv ing the pavement for?”
wire, brace and chunk your wheels all »hat In enmp'.ianre «i’h me ptob i»»>»i.i> o( the
if yon fail to so appear an«j answer «aid com-
act of < ongrcA!» of Jun»’ 8.
»•nfitle'l "An ; Irtint, judgment iwr wan’ thereof will •»*•
the whip, tmt the women were not
But tile crowd w is too big tn be but the one you intend to stretch the art
for (hr ««»« of timber ¡Aud« >u (Uv Htaif» of taken against you for the sum oi One Hund­
wire with. Take a strong chain with a
in favor of auch tnensurva. (»nr dispersed by a single policeman.
('•|if««rn»a. Oregon.
»n«l Wnsh'ngton red dollars wuh interest and the coat«., aud
ring cn one end and a hook on the other T’‘rr!t«»ry," a * **xseinKd I uh .1
Public I•*•*»<! d;*burs'.meui» ui thu action.
woman «tep|w«! up to fb,. horae
"Look here," said the officer, (a rtay ch'in will do>, run the chain S ibu '9 by Act of Aug.'s! ( W9J. fan Ryan of (Jiven under n?y band this 20th dav ot De­
■: Monta’.]* cember, A. D. FAH.
B. £ MufiM,
ami wlrspercd something in his forcing his way to the center of around wagon spoke and through the ha» ih'.rda’. filed in tbi»-»Sice hiaswurn
N!ie then eaid, "Come, the throng and grabbing the man ring and hook in the bolt hole of a tnent No 2M*>,,for the pnrcha-M? of the N ^S'
Sec 22 Tp .Y7 > K 1 i E W M. an.! will offer proof
horary,” tmt “horsey” «hook his in the gray overcoat,“what are you sic! le g'lerd of binder or mower; houk to Miuu that the land nought is more valuable
Tnited Htrttes Land Office. Lakeview, Oregon
•he guard (which tits Just right ov«r the for its timlx-r or *r*»n** ‘hnn for A/r'cu1t«,< «1
I k u .1 in an eaaterly am! westerly looking at?"
fiijriM’S»'. and io e'labliwh
• aun to *ak! Januftry 12. 1905. A sufficient contest affMa.-
barbed wire) and cow you are ready to
kii ! befo,-«« Gm. T Bi.lt win, <’o. Judge a ! ■t h«v ng h*** n filed in this off ve by u i a
«lire, lion. 1 be jHiiieenien auggeat 1 "I’m not looking at anything,”
stretch the wire. Turn the wagon wheel K iNiiiaih t allw, Or. on r ;«'«la’. ’n- *4>h day i‘ «n.i'i« hl of Hv.i;ie. I. Or. Conte-taut agaiQat
i» » He name' a* witn »«*• * Harry Honifst Ad entry N»> 2050, made July 2t’. 1890,
ed lh.it the crowd push the wagon. ' replied the other, without lower­ by band and as you turn the chain winds Ac March,
> ley, W o Sni.’ h Wm ’V • arnuchael, Bert (or Ix-is .2 Ai d 13 of »» h ; 2, an»! I aj I s m and
U ¡throw, all of Klamath I’all*. or.
but effort« Io pu»h the horse with ing bis bend. "I've got a »tif? neck, up on the bub of the wheel.
>. *• 3 Tp W s R U F. W M by W W Ker^y Cvu-
Any and all persons ela ining adversely th»* tesiee. ;i *» hicn it is allex 1 that wai ! entry-
When you have stretched your wire above described land» are re «guested io hie mau, W W Kenuey. d:e«l on or about August 6
it fail<*d. A Ityslamler hiased a ami 1 alwnys carry my head thin
(heir claims in this office on ur before said 189S, lea; mg neither wife nor child surviving
dirty looking mongrel dog on th I** way. I »tot.t««tl here to rest a min­ as tight as you want It brace your wheel Uth day of March. 19o>.
him ; that Dt> rnltivation of said tract or re- -
J. N. Wat.-on. R gia'.er.
ience (hereon hi* h-*en made bv any heir of
Hllilllill, but the «log barked an<l ute. I don't know what these idi­ well and then staple wire to posts. If
-aid einryman since date of his death; thivt
ou wunt to stretch woven wire after
than eight years have elapsed since date
then di«ap|a*ared.
Finallv the ots are doing hew.”
having unwound it staple secur.ly a
oi said entry and uo final proof has been «oa <j
Cuffed States i.a ••! Office, I.ikeview, Or»*- .-r 4»ff« -ed thereunder by any heir or heirs ati t
boy, who had been looking on. se
And the crowd melted silently
goii. I>«-cetuber 2»' FAM
A iufficieut Contest
absence from the land and failuretec n-
is htgh. leave the guard off and listen «ff 1avj( bavir'g been filed in thm office by that
cured the corn and oats and stood away.
tivate same by »aid heirs was not due U j
chum to middie of slick ar.u then stretch Charles E Worden *»i Klan.a(h Falls, O. e. con- pi*o uieut in the army, navy or marine caftw
in front of the horse. The horse
(vstAiit. «gains’ H«-i;ie*.tt a 1 entry No 24M
- i
-aid parties are her t>y
as you would barbeu wire. 1 have tried made Novembv» 12. 190!.
1901. lor flW',
SWl . S e 20Tp :» not ti' d to appear. re«i><jnd and offer ev:d **••
Spied the food ami started up the
Human and Bovine Tuberculosis.
’ «uitest e. in touching said allrga'ion at 10 o'clock a. tn. uu
»hit Smith V,
this plan ot building fence for a number *. H .« E W M. by !<»hn
ch it isall- ged ?iis( John ^ini’h ha-whol­ M^rcti 8ib. 1906 Lelore Geo T Baldwiu, CouutV
• trn t aU«r the boy, while the i
In regard to the disputed ques­ it years and it has given gtxxl sat ¡»tac­ wh
ly abandoned -aid land and ha? chang- d In* Judge, Kiamath Fall«, Oregon, an»! the final
(!<ervfrom for in *r-* than six inotrh-
crowd cheered.
• nr .g ni l t-e held at ¡0 o’clock a, m. on
tion of the connection between tu­
(since making -«id entry. a»>d ha' wholly fail­ March 21«. 1906, before the Register and R»>
ed to culiivafe <>r impfNivv .»aid laud nti>1ha* . . ver at the Culled States Laud Oihce 1U
berculosis in cattle and in man, Farmer.
fai ted »o ••«tabli-h hi-r**-:«l
on «xi ! Ian»! La kev ;vw, Or.
tin- British royal commission, of
Flic *a I con’esfAnt bavin?, in a proper sffi-
during (he fir*( six n.oullis alter making -a.d lav t. ti t*»i Jan ary 9, ¡906, set forth ia»'tfi
Au Hlustrstivs Instance of the Trial« which Sir Michael Foster is chair-
entr' an 1 th«’ -aid aban uu;' at an•! all o’ t*i ici; • Low ibat fi ler du** ddigvnce oeraoiiai
said failur •« >t;.* * x
u< I *cii: «■.•ntci'i-*, and I ser ice of th s n« ti-e cannot be made, it is
Opportunities are often hand-mada.
ni'in. has presented .an ad interim
to Which a Butcher I«
by • rJered -ui l directod that
c*h notice
thar said alleged Ab- nev i an a ..| land wa
The small tree often bears the best not-lue (<» bi-cinplt vincnt in flic Army, N«v\ be g.v- u ’ y due and proper publica ion.
report. This report shows that
tuberculosis which develops in fruit
vat -«»Idler, ofi.ecr. -* aman or t lannv. during
No Job is Impossible to a willing the war w ith S:«ain. «>r diifing at* »(her war
“What is it, children?” asked cattle as a result of inoculation
in which the I aited Slate*- may be engag d. IIMBKR L.'ND, KCT JC n E 3, UTff.-aoTI« K
wor er.
<ai*l t-artie? are hereby not fie-t to a.'l‘,‘i'r rc
th«» butcher.
from human |iatients is in detail
It'« too late to spare when the gran­ spoil-» aioi offer *vidvi:e ' t-mcli ng said aih gn
United States Lau«! office. Lakeview, Oregon
la?.nary 16. IKK)
Notice i> itcrvby given that
lau. at 10 o'clock a m <ui ¡ »'bruary U. IW-G, ’•«
"Please, mister, we want a five identical with tuberculosis which ary is bare.
•. <’«»!■.¡»liavce with rhe provision* o. them-? i
(*-re <0*0. T Baitiwi'*. Coiin-.y J nige ot Klam­
If you want to get at the kernel first ath County. Or* g n. and that tbs I h*Arint» CongrcwM of J,me ,3, U7H, entitled *‘Au act for
relit head of enbbage.”
originates in cattle. The investi­
Alli be held «• hi .'k-vl a m
Sa»»ir«-ay. F* b ibv sale oi timber lands in th.* H?at-'s of Cali-
I “All out of fixe cent heads, but i gation is not finished, but the com crack the shell.
f.»rn?a. Ore^oi.. Nevada ard Wa^hingtou Ter­
1905 lelore l«.t K- glister and Kvcvi .cr Altb-
If all work was as easy as lying ev­ !•*,
nt» ry,” as extended io ail the Pubuc Land
Vn.tvd bat - Land Oft'»
hi Lakeview. Oreg
here's an eight cent head I'll |(«t mission deems the results thus ery lx« dy would be kept busy.
au-w by a t of August 4. l’iti, W, Uam V
The sal I * »uu*-.ant bavins, n a pr*»Fvr nfli-
u HI mhi of K lamatii . ails, county of Klamath,
filed I> *een;te r 10th, 19«'L set ’<»rth fact
you have for a nickel, this being far secured to be so striking that
The beat time to read a note or a divit,
rtiiich show (hat niter due diligence persona siu»e of Oie*,««n, i.a-> this day filed m thii
• -rtie ■ hi-» -»worn Matoment No. 2945, for he
service of thi» notice can not in u»a<ie, it i
Naturdn.v night.”
it is a duty to make them known mortgage is before you sign it
ot I be N L -N W»4, of Sec 14 I d » s R
To stand nt right a man. like a sack, hereby ord* red and <1»re«*i d that such notice purchaae
lie w ra|i|H (l up the cabbage and without delay.—Medical Journal.
• E. W M. and will offer proof to -«how tnr»t the
be gtveu du*.* a**d prop . p . »i »m ion.
must have something tn him.
land »-ought 1» more valuable for its timo.r • -
J. N. WaiM.ni, Register.
hnnded it to the youugsters, sa^s
i*7». notice alone '.bau for agricult'..ral purposes, audio
It'« a thrifty farmer who drives hi« T imber land , m r icne
establish his claim to said lain! bofore Ger
Source of Supplies.
the Newark New«.
work and Is not driven by It.
( has am. County Clerk at hi« office at Klam­
Vnifrd St ate« Land off <•«• Lakeview. Or»‘ir<»n.
"Please, mister, gixe us n piece
Mrs. Wetlderly This
The man who thinks every other November 1.». I'Ad. Notice »*• iu-reby give?! ath Falls Oregon, on Thursday the Wth day
n March, iVk‘». lie natiKM as witnnasea: J h.
m compliance with the prorisdou« of rhe i a lard, < b Willson, Archie Johnstou, J G
o' bologny," said the three chil says the original calendar was ar­ man la a liar la moat generally a liar that
act of ’fine 3. 1N7H entitle«! "Au act for the Pierce, all of Klaiuath Falls, Oregou.
salt of (labor Uui..........
■ • •' ♦ ■ ’ • i
•Iren, in one voice.
ranged in the far east.
Any a.id all ¡«criti'.is claiming adversely 'he
It's a crackin’ good hand that stick« Oregon, Ne\ a la and Washington territory .”a>
»le.'cribvd lauds are requested to file
The obliging butcher cut three ‘
Wedderlv — Yes; 1 suppose to his work like ■ pig to a rough fence extended to all the Public 1 •»»»«! Mate« by «»• a(»o\e
’heirc ami- hi .bis office on or before said
of August 4. If<92. the following per-...is. have IMKU day oi March, Ilk».
slices <xf snusngt* and the little some enterprising fruit grower in Ilea time.
11»i«» Any ff»led in this off .ee their «worn state­
J N Watson, Register.
ments, lowit:
ones departed eat ing,
In searching for knowledge a man
j in tbnt section wanted to create a
Harry Nlavton of HarriAon. counts of Koo­
tenai, state of Idaho, sworn .«tatement No
"That's th«* way it goes," sighed demand for his dates.—Chicago frequently find« out «omethlng he 292H,
for tne putch«*»’ of the N,xNE‘t. >E'|
didn't care to know.
NF’.. Sec Wand SW.NW ,
the butcher; "eight cents' worth of Daily New»,
it's the fln<1ln' out of some things we 11 EW M
William Ywngherg of II irrison. county of
cabbage and three cents'worth of
don’t want to know that makes the get- Kootenai,
state of Iitaho. rtw..« ii statement No.
7 A. M.
Lcava Laird
Keel Sufferer«.
I bologna, al! for five eenta.”
Hn' of knowledge disagreeable.—Farm '2927 lor i be purcba e oi the NW’,*-F. , \ F' .
7:20 A. M
Arrive Bogus
Kodrick—They nay automobilea Lite.
As he spoke the door opened,
7:ffi '•
•• Steel Bridge
Georg.« K. Tnri er of Harrison, county oi
Kootenai state of Idaho, sworn -lai.'nicnt
are terrible ou the uervous sys­
R:1Q ••
Fall Creek
am! the children reap|»«ared.
A Cheap Wire Stretehee.
No 292.» for the pur» ha-e of the SEqrNW'ir,
fi:® ••
’* . K Inm&th Springs
j i. St e A». Tp
B R i I E \V 4
"I’leaae, mister,” said they, tem.
A cheap and very serviceable wire SWqiX Kqt, W ’
9:20 ••
That they wilt offer proof lo show that the
Van Albert—I believe it.
stretch« r can be made as follows: Take land MMBglil is more \aluaie for its timber or
"mamma wants a trading stamp
9:® ••
••But you have no automobile.” i five-sixteenths inch ro| e about seven establish their clai m ’•> said I ai H before Geo.
8 P. M.
Leave Pukegnmn
for that cabbage.”
«¡tor M,
CliA'iain. Cl* rk o’ Khinmth <’•» • r. at Klam­ Arrive Dixie
“No. but I cross the street oc­ feet long, ou one «’nd put a clevis and ath
F«l!<. Or, ou rhur-tiAv, the ’.»‘Ii day of Feb­
fasten to a spoke lu a rear wagon
»;■» ••
K laiimlh Spriu«»
Getting the Money Anyway,
casionally.” — Chicago
Daily niteel; brace the wagon so that it can­
4;04 “
Pall ci k
\ . liigb' it. Harry S. ton. ' eo. L Tamer of
Baxter—They »ay your uncle News.
4:15 "
not run back.
On the other «nd of llftiTi?on. Idal o. William Cirmichael, W o
Steel nrid«e
ot Klamath Falls, «»r.
4:40 •'
the rope put a mower guard and put Smith
I iiih cut you out of his will?
Any and all person* claiming adversely the
5:01 ••
Motor-Car for the Pope.
wire in this; if it should slip put a alkov*• dr-»etibe*i lauds mv i« ,’u ’ d o file
t'arter -Ye»; but it won't make
their rl« Hi* »n this odice on or beiore aahl
Ktiunsth l ake K. K. «'n.
According to the Giornale dltaila,
Claw hammer on wire in front of the 9th
day «1 February. if*
any ditrereuce it I . an only get him the pope has docided to purchase a
J. N. Watson. Register.
t iard and behind a barb; now turn
to keep on playing bridge with me motor i-r for u«e in the shady grove«
Families can be atipplied now with
he wh«el and the hub will act as a
a few weeks longer.—Boston of the Vatican gardens in place of me windlass, anil the wire van be stretched
’s Best” at tile Central Dinlufc
New line of on bl.-in júns just arrived.
tradltlcnnl light carriage drawn by
very tightly and
quickly.—M. dland
Parline with or without incala.
—L. Alva Lewi«.
funereal loo!.ing horses.