Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 26, 1905, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and Is
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. 43
Whether or not Bill Passes
Congress Federal Pro
ject Will go Ahead.
“('niigrewaman »Momieir«« »»tan! will
not retard litigation work 111 Klimath
Comity,” aal‘1 Government
Hmnphery yraU tday.
“ i he opposition of Mondell, of
Wyoming, will not Interfere with
government Irrigation In Klamath
lounty. liven It llie bill should
not pass the house It would not
atop the woik. the bill only af­
fetta the swamp lands of the low­
er Iskra, llie lipper Kinmath lake
nn<l arid lands of the valley* form­
ing tile great Klamath Basin are
nut allei ltd by the bill. Should
ft lad to pare, only the swamp
lands would be tut off from th.*
people. The source of water sup­
ple and the landa to be reclaimed
by water ate In no way Involved
in the bill.
••llie plan of reclaiming the lands
now above wator will go right on
In i.pfte of Monde!! and the ons­
tage of the bill. But I am reliably
Inforuird that MoriJell cannot
block the passage ot the bill."--
I. ft. Iluinphcry.
“One of the most promising of western localities that during the past few years hat lx*en prominently
fuming Into notice Is Klamath count) In On-gon. It ja an Immense county, as large. In fact, anal) the New
England '.tales combined, and contains several million acres of rich land and equally as great an area of
fcli;»ar and yellow pine forests. Besides ita foresta and prairies, this favoriti county han many large lakes
anti rivers, anti scenery which cannot <>e surpassed on th-- continent. It Is a country of health and enjoyable
climate where the riversare filled wiili trout and the foresta ¿bound In game. Therefore it U a delightful
locality tint onlv for ranchmen and speculators but for hunters and tiehermcn.
“There Is tme great lake, thirty miles long ami from ten to fifteen miles wide, which overlooks a valley of
loo.ooi) acres of choice larxl. The lake la sixty-five feet above the valley, and in order to turn the water
ii|M>n tin land a tunnel his I «-tn cut through a mountain and thia year the whole of the valley land will
recti.'1 Ute lameflt of eutticlcrit irrigation. Two r.*l roads are building into the county am! before long will
furnish adequate transput*atl<>ii facilities, arid on (Uè lakes and rivers »eve.al sLeautenv have already been
built. Klamath Fall«, lite county «eat. Is growing rupldly and wiil within a few years become the largest
ami most pr>«peroua city In southern Oregon. Its Immense water power, great foreste and fertile plains
prophesy an Import ant future.
•■I1, is to the Klamath country that a number of the leading citizens of Wayne and Dixon counties expect
to go next spring, some for pleasure anti others to hx.k for desirable investment». They are rnen of capital
ami energy an I will dr.tibtltum h<* made welcome by the progressive citizens of that country.”—E. W. Muse,
once editor of K. nnaih Republican In Wayne (Nebraska) Herald.
other I mh I) ol WMt«*r coiioecUxl with BMid
i Uk«*«.”
The hill which han
the Oregon
I l»’|*|-«U lUI V IN KN lolloUMi
non I. That f<«r tin* purpAo t»f
Miditij! of the <»!•«• nitioh* of irrigation
mid r«M !atnution. <'«»ti«lu te ! I*y the rec
I a in niton N««r vice tjl the t’nitvd Male*,
"Even if Mon»!« II ab *nl I t«*m|»orarih » «1 ahli» hr-l by th«’ act u! rongrraw, ap­
block lefialation In the H ouk «« it wouM proved June 17, 1102, <32 Mat. 3KM)
not rHecl our work,** r»anl the engineer kh«*wii kn th«* K«n lamation Act, the
Ano’her mu.inft railroad mevting w«. 1 of President Baldwin, who is in Port- 1 railroad ** delayed on account of con-
"The bill I imh pa• e<*.I th«- I’nitrd NlaltMt I m burvhy auliiuHsad to Ii.l.t Moixiay night.
I land. The miuutes of the prt vjous I f demnatirin or injunction *uits, ffix.ls,
Unites! Htafre Senate, a bill ba«* pie ••<! lower the water level ul I pj»er Klauiath
Step l-y *trp the preliminnrv arrange ! meeting, were read by becretarv W. B. | lab.r strike«, or unavoidable accident*,
the Oregon !>*gxJ.utirr and one ul«<» iutku, utuAtcd in K lamatli county, Ore. rn- nla are t.-ii g made lor tl-e iron horoe Worden and duly approved. The con then the time for the completion of said
the I ’ a ’ iforn a l«-,.-i lut • v »ter and to lower the w.«l< r level of, or to to enter Klamath Falla.
trai t, or promise which the Klamath I ' railroad herein provided, shall be ami is
day or will | v* n n dnv 01 two. I l.nvr • iiaiii any or all ol tue following lnk*'>i:
Th«- people have now enlizted in ear- Improvement Company requested the I 1 hereby extended tor a period equal to
poaitivr mformaUon that th rr will bv Lrifi or | title K I AM»' II, An I the Tub* lieal in the work of rai-ing tl-e »100.U00 l-eople Co sign was then read and 32- ' such delay.
or Khell l^ike, ailualed in Klamath Iv-nu* and that it all that reinain» U> in- ¡•eroon. immediately affixed their signa- ' “All subscriptions or donations of lam]
no «>|»| m »aiiioii in Cahfortiia.
(.' iitnlv, and <»«■»•*•* t.ake, »il<iau.*d in •ore the l-iiiLiing of the road.
turn» to duplicate copies of the same. ' or right, of way shall ’-e mado by the
•’An»l Mon«|rll*a w >k rm« m * hurt !!•
Lak«’ County, On-gon. and to uwe any
“We realize that tl.e road will not ¡>«y ' < >ne copy was delivered to Mr. Holahird rntbserther or donor conveving tbe land
I do not believe he can bl«* k th«’ |
part of ail of the I n Iw of aai«l lake«« (or it* maintenance and running expenw. 1 and the other was retained by Secretary to be given, unincumbered to a trustee
»»«<«- <>f the bill ami if 1m »l ><il<|, aw I
th«» wtoiMge ol waler in connvcliuu with for tl-e tli.t few veara. hut if the people Wor-len, of tbe Chamber of Commerce. agreed upon, who ehall hold the same
Mid I«rtorr, wr nh<il go right along an I
■ucli operation«.
Mr. Ilolalur-I then addressed the in trust for the benefit of the grantor
<-f Klamath county wi1! rai.e the atilwi-
tbr bill Will wooll I m pi • I.
■ uuu 2. That thereby, an<l hrtc-
•‘(lirgon i* entitled to the n| propu.i bv 13 <« lo»l to the (’lilted bluUM nil the <ly we will complete the road within the meeting. He review«) the pre-xint con- | i an-l said Klamath Ttevelopment Cotnpa-
lion, K'» a «»«^*L «ouuiy n» m favorable right, title, inti-rvrt 01 claim of the «tale • ime at-p(il«t«*<i.'* »aid W. H. Holat-ird, dition - f the rood and stated that the ’ ny, its successors and assigns, and if
] said railroad is completed and in opera-
Held and the fund will I m * applnd to It." t«> any lan-iii uncovered by th«* l«»wentig reprc-ei.ting III" Klamath ftuprovc'iienl men behind tbe present enterprise are
The rngin«M»r then gave the Reputili of the water levala, or by the drainage (*otnj>any. “W«aee great possi In lit ¡es • worth over »1,300,000, and thoroughly ; tion to the town or city of Klamath
in the future <>f Klamath county. Ton , able to carry out all of tiieir un-lertak Falls within the time above mentioned,
ran a ropy«»! the bill whltdl ha. ;<a.*ed <»l any or all of »»Mid lake«, m*t Ahead«
a—i»t ua in tin* loa.c» of ths initiatory :ngs. He referred to tire commercial then said trustee shall convey said lands
the United Htalra N«matr. It reads a. • L n of I>y t!»e I nit«*d HUfctr«. free of
to Mid Klamath Development Company
-l<-|.x 111 railroad building anil a- will agencies for their ratings.
any rlaim <>n (lie part of tho« ntale. in I ' all ahare in the pr- tit* ax llie road de-
Tbe road i» now completed from Weed its succeseors or assigns; and if it ia not
an\ manner that may l«e d«*viHed advia- vel--|ie the country.”
••He it enac4r«l by th«*
to Grass Valley, a distance of 25 miles completed within tbe said time, then
at»le by it« autfioiiitd a*aHiK-ieN, m pur-
llmiar of liepre«*vnt wtivea «»(
“ Wc have long kn-iwn that our prewl- and within a distance of 50 miles of this said trustee shall reconvey the lands to
Kt air»* of A merit's lit Cong r< *1
MtiNUC« of the proviaioua of the raid <-at te-vd ie a railroad, and we ehoul-l uae city. He states that it is iree from the several grantors thereof, or to their
It whim Milon A<*U’
That tlm Secretary of th«' I
heirs or assigns.
every endeavor to raire the req-iire-1 debts an<l liens.
Mr lliimphery. who recently returned nm - ini." h :»-I Vice 1‘reaidvut \V. A.
an«i hr ia hereby, auth »ir«
“The undersigned believe that they
H-* paid Klamath county a beautiful
from I’urlland ami Sahm rtut«-'t that Wright.
puwcr«M to conr»trn« t m v 11
tribute and thinks there is ample room can obtain gixx] and valid subscriptions
reclamation work* w I■«« h miv ; - louml ill«» ¡N ople h< I«* who have m»t l«e 11 «»ut
“W« ar»* going to rai»<- it.” Mid tin- in the gieat Klamath Basin for 100.000 of money and lands, aggr<-gating io vid
a'!vi»>ahlr und* r th«« pn>vr i n»» of th«’ rude)« i Miiiiol on.«gum tmw mue.a atten­ people hh a ah >le by their enthu.iMiu pros|>eronesoul, and that Klamath Falls n. not less than on» hundred thousand
MtliMi t mr fr»»m ahtoa«l. an-l with their eignatiire«.
re< lamalion A« t "I J me «*v« ntrentli. tion hlMiiintli
will become a corumcr\.ial center with a dollars (»100,000) the lands to be esti-
nineteen Lun li« -l and tw«» 11 m l along Hr nav «« tliai li«-r irrigation projv't and
J nia»ed s) the actual cs«h value thereof.
At !ca-t ’>0 pcraoua aaaeiublud at Bi.h- population of 20,000.
th» j»liote«* of th«» h >»| « of wai««r L”it bright oiitliM k air the talk oi rv«-i v I mw I v op'. ator< <arlv in the evening and
“Sutiscriptions or donations of lands
He emphasized the fact that the com­
inaftor nn i.« I, !<• *•> mt th«' level« thrr«- rxui vwhrte. he Wa* A«xxMHr»i by inter |vcrfe-*t« -l t'nal -rgai'ixalion for the work pany would get the whole of tbe bonus 1 herein provided for shall l-e in tracts of
of t » any exlei.t iliat n»av I ♦ nr«-» mhi y. rMt<nl | m vroti’» at the hotel»» nil the tiainr ol rat ing the ► |>- dv to »■•cure what i. should it lx* raised, stating that no one not less than twenty <20) acres each, or
and to utiiia«« t ir »41111« for the Mtoiagr, ami wht'irvrr hr went. Hr prtw’x't« known »• the We<«l railroad to th* con would share in this for any services ren­ tow n or city lots of regulation sixe.
dialr 1 billion, rrAtraiiiing, or pnmpi >g of tnat th«» local a« c'inmotiauonB ««ill I m * •tru< tel Io the Klamath Improvement' dered, as the work of the people in
“This memorandum is not to be con­
derunnd* (’oni| anv from it. p’v.enl terniintia in Klamath county is entirely gratuitous.
watar: l>>w r or Littl«« Klamath Lake, inadeipiatr to meet the
strued to mean that the undersigned
«xminig aprmg when ¡»e<»plr G ih .- Valley, California, to Klamath
Tula or Rhett latke, m I (¡«.oar latke. m H th«»
undertake or agree to obtain such sub­
The Promise.
lying ii|M«n th»* boiimlAtv lN’tw'r«*n (Ore­ u In* air planning l<» come begin to ar­ Falla, a distance nt Ik) tnilea.
The persons present then signed the scriptions to the amount alxive men­
gon aod Uahlornia, and any riv. r «>r rive.
tioned, but the undersigned hereby
Thoee prceent repreacr.tod the Imai- fellowing instrument in writing:
agree to use their best endeavors to ob­
ne«. and monied interval* of the town.
I'ractiiallv every bnaineaa institution in velopment Company, a corporation, that tain such subscriptions for the purpose
town wa< rvpreaented. The jicople arc it contemplates creating a railroad com­ aforesaid, the understanding being that
in earnest over the matter. They reel pany for the purpose of constructing a if valid subscriptions for not less than t
ire the ncceaait) of a railroad lor the de standard gauge railroad, from a point on the anio-.int above mentioned, to-wit.j
velopnient of the Klamath country. and llie .Southern Pacific Railroad at or near one hundred thousand dollars (»100,000)
will do al) that is rearonably within Weed station, in Siskiyou county, state are obtained on or before March 31st,
their pimcr to bring about the building of California, thence in a northeasterly 1905. the said Klamatli Development 1
direction by the most practicable route Company will undertake on its part to i
•■I the road,
Gue hundred thon.-.-ind dollar« is a to the tow n or city of Klamath Falls, in construct or cause to be constructed,
large sum, it is true, but since lamia are 1 Klamatli County, State of Oregon, and the railroad hereinlx-fore mention.-d.
available as suliecriptiona at theil ap­ the undersigned, being interested in the
"We also hereby agree to use our best
praised value, and when the great bene- construction of ruch a railroad, are will­ endeavors to secure tor the Klamath
lit* to ln< derive<l from a railroad are ing. and do hereby agree, to act as a Development Company, or its succes­
considered, the task does hot look so committee for the pnr}»-se of securing sors and assigns, a free right of wav.
donations of money and conveyances of not less than 100 feet in width, for the
It is not a question of s|>cculation, ei- lands and rights of wav for the benefit contemplated railroad, from the State
tber. If the road is not built they d<> of the parties building said railroad, line between the States of California
not hove to pay one cent. It is only up­ said eiilxtcriptions of money to lx* made and Oregon, to the Town or City of
on the completion of the road that tbe due and payable to the Klamath Devel­ Klamath Falls, in Klamath County, Or­
suluiidv la due. The amount ia required opment Company, or its successors or egon ; and we agree to undertake the
to be auliacribed, however, and placed assigns, when the said railroad is com­ securing of subscriptions and rights of
in escrow on or la-fore March 31, of this pleted and in operation to the Town or way alxive referred to at a veiy early
year ami is to lie delivered upon the Cilv of Klamath Falls, provided tbe date, and to complete the same on or
completion of the road to Klamath Falls same is completed on or tiefore the 31st before March 31st, 1905, if possible.
on ot lx,fore March 31, 190*.
The day of March, 190*. In the event sail The service we herein undertake to ren­
company make* no resv. vat ion for ex­ railroad is not completed to said Klam­ der being entirely voluntary on our
tension ol time except the happening of ath Falls on or Iwfore the 31st dav of part, no charge shall be made by us
March 190", then all subscriptions .hall against the Klamath
the extraordinary and unforeseen.
The meeting wait called to order by l>e void; provided, however, that should Company, nor its successors or assigns,
Vice I'li-aidont Wright in the absence the construction and completion of said therefor.”
THE $loo,ooo SUBSIDY
•'You may »»tAtr poailiv«’ly,M couth tied
the engineer, “t’lat nothing will atav
gotrrnmeiil irrigation in Una cnrintv.
The governin' nt nmana I ’lNine“** , it I. a *
laid its plana and work will go right
rmo ic. ic. ic.
Lakeside inn,
£ « mone micemEicr
SW oui Newest Sheees in
Wes, Misses giiü cento’s Heofweor
Do your ryes blur at times?
Do they hurt after reading?
Are there frequent headaches?
re the muscles around the
eyes drawing wrinkles and
crow’s feet?
Only when sight is gone is tbe
terrible danger realized. I ex­
amine the eyes in the most intel­
ligent and careful manner with­
out cliatgo. If glasses are need­
ed I can supply the correct lenses
mounted in any manner desired.
------ -------------------------------------------- - ---- --------
Réalité that half of the
«ickueM with which man-
kind is atHicted 1« traced to
the Rtomach. It in alzo
true that in mo»t caeca the
alouiach is affected by the
condition of the teeth.
The tieni ('ufe and (Trill room is the
)M>|>ular place lor dinner partiva.
Private Ctjrporalioa Says
It Will Continue Regard­
less of Federal Project
It would now appear that what ha
fern considered a fight betw«i?n th«
government irrigation project and tha
Klamath Canal Company has about ad­
Between the Russian revolution and justed itself. It would also appear that
the Oregon land fraads the (.oast news­ neither enterprise is reriomdv hurt amt
that the people are to be the winner«.
papers have plenty of scare-heads.
If the present statue of the two pro­
Klamath Falla is the nrnat orderly live
jects as outlined by tbe engineer« on
town in Oregon. A violation of tbe law
both sides is correct, and there «-ems
and an arrest are so far apart that the
to tie no cause for doubting it, the two.
officer» get out of praatice between jobs.
projects will be install«! without delay
Fome of the rancher« who iiwe in tbe and independent of each other, and the,
Merrill country and were expecting a work of irrigation in Klauiath County
railroad down there are not runhiug ia will begin on a large scale the present
with their subscription« to the Klamath vear, and within two years two of th»
Falls bonus.
largest systems in tbe world will be in
operation here.
Tbe government engineers have re­
peatedly stated that no pat t of the,
A state of riot and bloodshed has be­ Klamath Canal Company’s work waa
gun in Russia and that country is threat­ needed for the Federal project and that
ened with the greatest revolution of mod­ this company was by no means ia th»
ern times.
way of the big proj ct.
The people demand aconstitntion sim­
Tbe Klamath Canal Company also
ilar to that of the United States and de­ states that the government is not in it*
clare they will force one from llie gov­ way and tbet it will pursue its original
ernment, if their request is refused.
plan as if the government bad never
entered the held. When seen the first
of the week Manager Brown, ot tbe
Klamath Canal Company said:
“The prospects of our Cotnj-any never-
Four bold outlaws boarded the “Spok­
ane Flyer” out of Portland Saturday looked better. None of the laws patuw-d
night and robbed the passengers on a either by congress nor the state legist»,
lure has affected our right« in the least.
sleeping car while in the city limits.
Alter securing money, watches and a We haw changed our plans in no way.
check for several hundred dollars they The contracts are already rigne«’ with
compelled the conductor to stop tbe our patrons, we have secured all tbe
rights necessary and we will rultill our
taain, while they made their escape.
Suspects were arrested at The Dalles, obligations to our customers to the dot.
“Our plan of irrigation will not lute-«,
but it is believed that Portland crooks
fere with the navigation of any of tho
did the work.
lakes and we do not fear any trouble
with tbe government on this point.
shall simply go right along with our
The Register and Receiver of the work and give the people jus» as goM
Lakeview land office have received no­ an irrigation system at* can be given by
tice from Commeestoner Richards, to any other institution.”
Russian Revolution
Portland Train Robbery
Reservation Thrown Open
the effect that the temporary withdraw­
als made May 16, July 31 and August 24
1903 and April 14, 1904, for the proposed
Fremont and Goose Lake forest reserves
from settlement, have been revoked, but
that 90 days notice will have to be given
before the order goes into effect.
r nntvnniN J 0 B nRINTER 4
i faOtfDOH« sigh rtlNIER ?
C Klamath Falls, Or. $
All around manipulator of
tb. Paint and Pasta Brnsk
Estimates Furnished
Klamath Falls, Oregon
We are now ready to
talk footwear with you
A full line of men’s,
womens and childrens
boots, shoes* rubber
goods and winter foot
A complete line of
pure drugs. Ev­
eryth I tt g fresh.
Special attention
given to prescrip­
tions by experts.
Graduate of North Pacific
Dental College.
Coyote hides wanted -- Thus, Newtoiu,
la the reason why you
should consult me and have
your teeth examined regu­
larly. Defective teeth are
a mar to beauty and a men­
ace to health. Bridge and
crown work a specialty.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
(Imduntt O/MA’Aui
up-co duce DRessiminn«
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
The Klamath Basin, Including val­
leys, mounUlni, lakes anti rivers,
are to be placed on exhibit at the
Lewi« and Clark Fair In Portland
the present year.
The location of the government
canal, dams, syphons. Irrigable
area« and principal division work«
of the entire Klamath Irrigation
acherne of the government will be
presented to tbe people of the
Prof. A. M. Thompson, geologi­
cal survey expert has aent to the
local engineers tor data to prepare
a small model of the entire
wiH be made
of plaster parts and painted the
colors of the original objects, so
that the people may behold a
complete fac.lrntte of tbe great
Klamath country.
A similar exhibit of the Tuma pro­
ject was made at the St. Louis.
See Newton for Uvery.
Hood Rubber Goods
Also seaviceable and Dressy
shoes for ladies« misses anu