IN THE ••GOOD OLD TIMES.“ Economy CURE GILA MONSTER'S BITE. Indians Alone Know the Secret Rses- ec’yfor the Venom. Although rattlesnakes are considered b a strong point, with dangerous from a polsouous staml- | point, they are Insignificant when com­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A pared with the dreaded glia monster of bottle lasts longer and does the mtudy deserts of the southwestern United States. Professor William .. ...... more good than any other. VVetherliee. who has been studying these desert creatures, uas made • It b the only medicine of number of very Interesting and Im­ portant discoveries aa to their nature which can truly be said ■ nd geuernl habits. This lisard shaped 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR antuial when full grown measures Ayers Don’t try cheap cough medi­ cines. Get the best. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral Mollis Tolls How Baby < »«"•• ,0’ Tbsra's no UM i— <>f — . »>•«' ms iniiis told ms so. Facts M hieh Hhow How Much llqttsr Aud if Ibsrs's any vus that doss, mj Off We Are To Dev. nisuiuia ought to know; Not until February of ISI'J did tho For sbs haa boon Io Kuropo, and •••“ l»eople of Keutueky know that Madi­ ths Pops of Bonis, son was elected Ptesidenl lu tbe pre­ Though ahs Myo thal was bsfors I rams vious November. to live with h«r it homo. In 1834 one of the leading railroads of the V lilted States printed on Its You ms , ws bad no baby, uni»»» f»“ tluie table: "The loiniuotlve will leave call me uno« the diqsit every day at 10 o’clock, if À ml I have grown so bis yo» know, 'twould bars to bs In fun. the weather Is fair.” The first typewriter was received by Wbsu I went to seo grsudin», abo«« two weeks ago, the public with suspicion. It seemed And now we've one, « little oo*» subversive of existing conditions A «quirni« and wriggle« eo- reporter who took one Into n courtrisim first proved Its real worth And mamma ssjrs an sncsl cam* d0*“ In England, some eent.irles ago. If from heaven abo*e, an ordinary workman, without permis­ And brought ibis baby to her. for »■>• and in« to luv«; sion. moved from one parish to another in search of work or better wages, he And Its got the cuniiiiigeat of fe*t* •• littl« an can be, was branded with a hot Iron. curly halts • ’“* fir*t A nd amiling eye«, and can see. Franklin When Benjamin hand« you «car»*« thought of starting a newspaper ill Philadelphia many of Ills friends ad­ Aud a bit. Uh* Mina vised against it. Iiecause there was a like me—I don’t paper published In Boston. Some of And I II III a ’I” J V»SS I them doubted that the country would For I'm ■ »irl. an I It's • bo? *uJ tic* able to sup|K>rt two new »papers I can’t emhir«, One hundred years ago. the fastest they're babies Ilk« our own. laud travel In the world was on the Unl«M they'll plagu« and tea«« you «ur« Great North Bond. In England, after It had been put Into Its liest condition. But There the York mall coach tore along nt tlie rate of ninety mile« a day. nnd Ths many persona contldently predicted Di­ vine vengeance on such unseemly Ami haste. sur When Thomas Jefferson wns elected Ami President of the United States, on Feb­ ruary 17. 1801. afier one of the most You can't tell; no I e fair­ her decision. The judge reluctantly inducements so far made have been ly mad. In a quarter of au hour or so. pronounced sentence—six dollars’ fine without results In trying to obtain though." he continued, "tbe geutlemau or nine days In the workhouse, and even the smallest portion of ibis cov­ when the session was over she eted antidote. The president of Mex­ came back, and said to me: "Porter, how long will that second Hllluwwar« Industry marched quietly with the other pris­ ico himself even went among the In­ !n ten years Maryland has Jumped oners out to the van. Nobody had ths dians and tried to secure the secret. train of yours be?” “'Twelve coaches and an engine.' I ance.” For mamma says If I am good I can from fifth to third place In the willow heart to tell her that before she came | Unlike most poison of animals, which >«ie«l,. .q>qJ... When Benjamin Franklin first took replied. kiss hint every dry, ware Industry of the United Mtatra. out of the workhouse her dogs would are generally of an acid composition, the coach from Philadelphia to New "We both laughed that time." And well kiss him now. and then (< ranking now next to New York and probably be dead; or If not, that she this exception Is alkaline In nature. Everyday Swindlers. York he spent four days on the Jour­ out and have a alee loug play; would undoubtedly be arrested again. Death soon follows the bite of the "There it goes again,” said the trol­ ney. He tells us that, a« tlie old driver And If anybody avka you bo* babies Pennsylvania. Baltimore la on« of th« After all, something might happen. In ! animal. 'three willow ware centers which only ley conductor as he rang the bell to Jogged along, he spent Ills time knit­ come and go. PROTECTION I a police court even more than in other During the professor’s experiments let off a passenger who bad only rid­ ting stockings. Tw o stage coaches and Why. , tell them it's th« anfrl«, for hare shown any actual growth In the FIRE H<»l IN MHtlHW t'Wt------- - places, sufficient unto the day Is the a Mexican assistant was caught by den for a square. buslnrus. In Maryland the center of -------- OUMftV mamma told ma BU. eight horses suffieej for all the com­ i>.|i!«t* s»’« k •»< Ht* AifMíatv»». tt *• iu UM I« •vll thereof. j the thumb by one of the animals and the willow district Iles In Howard •h| I MIMS ft SSI« t>4 lupplM 4KM gvaij» "You’d be astonished.” continued merce that was carried on betweeu ta««s>y «»»»y B ff« I*r | m M <•»>«*• t. Something did happen. A newspaper i the result was he died witbin twenty the knight of tbe bell strap, "to know Boston and New York, and in win County. In the neighborhood of Elk ­ You Can 11«t Allen's I oot-llas. I HI R. NUAW v4»l* IM hW «XI I» J«SNf n VI U. reporter got bold of the story, and It minutes, after first falling Into a stu- bow many people try to beat the trol­ ter the journey occupied a week. AHI r I IMI I X IIMM 1M1I Writ. Allen s olm.ivd, I« Boy. N. Y . toy • ridge alone the output of willow ex fre« Bam i lr u » ' t la.* U curva ceeda - iuk . s .». g»> r»»ff l«|ik *«.' t* 1 I.-«-««« th« came out In that night's paper. It was por. Another case was noted of a ley for a free ride when they want to per annum, while Anne Napoleon, at tho height of ills pow­ «wealing, hot aw ..c,- a. h ng U > «II -.'.«H 4 • > « I .* i It >• •••• told very badly, not “worked up” a‘. half-Mexican girl who 1 had beeu bit- make a call a square or two away «I4b ft«««»al k ertaln cure for Arundel County contributes |Uri».h A V lUiK r*rtUarf. 0» er. could not command our everyday sew or tight •!.< < • »••¥ all; but the American public Is quick j ten. She at first was seized with from borne. Ingrowlnf nail» at 4 ’ un'. n« UI4ruf- conveniences, such as steam heat, run­ coin«. gilt» »ell it b'.n i accept any tubaUtul*. A GUAR AM I I l> Ct HI! I OR Pll I S to read between the lines, and before paralysis. A little later she cried that "They hop on the car, wait till It ning water. l>ath aud sanitary plumti- Itrhins mind. ftlwMftm f*m4»v»4lag the next morning tlie money for the her head was splitting, Gradually the has started and then want to know If <>ur .lru«nt Builder Ah! Huw «!• do. "Find a red ear?” dogs her only friends suddenly found developments she lived about two ride for nothing and go on tbelr way which are now part of tlie dally ne­ Mr. Kichiuan? H w did thal ruwbuat " Y. s " ■ score of warm hearts at the service hours and a half after being bitten. in the belief that they have fooled the I mad« you ls«t sumiuer suit? cessities of even manual laborers “Kiss the prettiest girl?” of her need. Professor Wetherbee Intends going conductor.”—Philadelphia Press. Mr. Kt< huian Perfectly! When tbe first two tons of anthra­ "Nope. Didn't dare. All ths pret ­ It Is a pretty story and a not un­ among the Iluallpis and trying to se­ “Ah! I'm glad to hear It. I always cite coal were brought into Philadel ­ ty girls were engaged to husky farm l>k« to give «stufactiun. Huit«d perfect common one. It Is safe to say that cure. by fair or unfair means, the se­ TO AWAKEN WHEN YOU WISH. phia. In lfkKl, the good people of thnt ers.” no case of need is ever made known cret of this tribe as regards the antl- ly. gbF 81mpt. Plan Which Requires No Alarm ■ytty. so tbe records state, “tried to "IVhnt did you do?" “Yea. I left It In front of my boat to the public that help Is not Imme­ dote. Clock to Be Set. burn the stuff; but. at length, disgust­ h<>UM all «iHiitiur, and «very a^alawag "KlMed the homeliest girl." diately and eagerly offered. But re We bear it frequently asserted that ed. they broke it up and made a walk w ho tried tu «teal it got upset or drown "i>hi that give gal •' ' (too porters are not always at hand, and He Learned to Sing. if persona will Impress the thought "Not a bit of It. Each of the husky rd." A professor at the head of the de­ firmly upon their minds and continue of it” Fourteen years later, Colonel sometimes the friendless ones come to our very door. Are we as quick to partment of music, in one of our col- thlnkln« «bout it until thev have fallen George Shoemaker sold eight or ter farmers felt that For coujrh« and cold« th* re la no ballar wagon loads of It In the same city, but snubbed ills best wrxff lslIUf ’ • -e» medicine than 1‘iau a Cura fur Cuuiuuip- in to point the way to us?—Youth ! ago. at a rehearsal, in which the whole asleep that they desire to awake at a . warrants were soon Issued for ills ar­ liun. Frit « 23 cents. Plain Dealer. Companion. college took part, why he did not Join certain hour in the morning, they will rest for taking money under false pre it without fail, says a writer in the do Thratnr*G<>lng Under 1>Iffirullle«. tenses.—Success Magazine. In the singing. Russia's Lack of Statesmen. CITO r.rm.i ' ■ . nr n.rvoMMss Patron—I «re y«>u bar« a node« out ill« .n.r» ■ ... f r g . “I cannot sing,” the young man an­ St Louis Globe-Democrat But bow As a matter of fact, there has not WUNbF.WFUL lloatort-r ".ml ’..r I r.r « ! Ir:«. I ■ . »,.4 tr. many people have tried this method of «idr, saying that tickets bought of spec­ 8AY3 TEACH BLIND BY EAfl been a statesman of the first class In swered; “I have no voice.” Dr. K. U Kiln., Ud .Hl Ar t> st. riululriphiq, |- a HI MB ulators ou th« street will b« refused at insuring a prompt awakening at a “Shout, then." replied the professor; Russia since Peter the Great and none the door. Dr. Heller Declare« Touch Hyatem la TREAT MEN T of the second class unless Nesselrode “make a noise with the others, for we given hour In the morning only to find Not Beet for Th m. Htie Let Him Off Theater Ticket Seller—Yrs, sir, that is their rest throughout the night dis­ It»’» 4 hl and the first Emperor Nicholas are to need it” Wife- My dear. 1 iic.-d a little more of our rule. Dr. Heller, director of the Jewish 4.. lOf a rabiad turbed and uneasy? • • r « «• e be excepted. To consider Prince Gort- “I was studying once. In Berlin,” he tliia stuff. and some trimming to match. “Well, PH take a ticket fur to-night, Institute for Blind Children, describes » ihmii op« Ths brain will usually respond to chakoff a great chancellor on account continued, to the students, “and we t i«.n lh«4 «r« ( te-. some highly Interesting nnd Important I wish you would drop iuto Bigg, Sala A parfjiirtte----- “ ir* 4>* )<• lufM « “Very sorry, sir, but all th« tickets of his elaborate dispatches is absurd. were drilled in some of the great ora­ the will and awaken one in the morn­ observations which he has made In re­ Co.'» and get it. '•»•■Ws • il«»FU4 « Husband (a smart fellow)—I»et me see. hav« been bought up by speculators!" To call him a great statesman, in the torio choruses every noon by Herr ing near the desired hour under any cent years, says the Vienna correspond­ ' ’ ' • • I a i ••••!•< ¡«a Ob, 1 know. That's the »tor. where time of Cavour, Bismarck, Lincoln and H----- , one of the finest directors in circumstances, but to prevent the un­ ent of the New York World. Mother» w III fin l Mr«. Wlnsiuw*« Moo thing ha» ata «olir«;« they have so many pretty girb, iau't it? Byrup th« be»t r«f?ie«!jr !<> um fvr their ah 114r«a • i * . w ' at am .lit J Seward, is preposterous. Whatever the world. I had never sung a note broken, uneasy sleep the adoption of He Insists thnt the educators of the “Y-e-s.” t-ra th » ou >«lffff 11»' lg<, •• during th« leethlng ¡«rlml. growth Russia has made In the last In my life, and refrained from taking only a very simple device is necessary. blind are wrong in assuming from the •- • M i. , « “Yea, I remember. That blond girl «•■ ••»I« ,.r ,,wer tu» (| ,, k •forty years has been mainly In spite part because I was afraid of putting The last thing before getting Into bed. first that the mind of the blind is at the trimming counter known your Natural Prrft-renoe. e. ir« Wbiefc tir • I. « •••'.>.. f SM«« ,t take a watch or clock and turn the of the men who have posed before the the others out of pitch. '>'» • • ,rs . • Mias Violet had made u rapid tour awakened and instructed by tlie sense taMes and will doubtless select just the " • « • AS world as her statesmen: the atmos­ “After three rehearsals be came to bands to the hour at which one wish«* of touch. He says that the progres­ tort of trimming you want—I mean tha of the European continent and found • • * S to rise and gaze at this just long '•< ■ m • • < baffgog fl, _)«,*.« a phere of Russian autocracy Is fatal to me, saying: 'Young man, why do you girl with the gulden hair, nlabn*4t<*r akin, little to Impress her, either favorably »<• . • ' - ,r w. enough to fix the hour firmly on the sive phenomena of a blind child's de­ blue eyes and sweet little——“ greatness In her public men.—Century. not sing?' or other wise. i «f*«««n4< » i Mnd a. smp loNULU velopment are so minute as to be 1 4 I ¡ m N »MILK AIU'H a 4A “There are a number of thing« I want “ 'Oh,' I replied. ‘I cannot sing a retentive memory. Then, If no other microscopical. But closest study has "You say you saw all you wsntm] to Are Visiting Lists Too Long? downtown. Never mind, dear, ITI gout It,” said Dr. Heller lays down the law that K. W Mrs. De Fashion—Plesas band her my will find one s self released from sleep look for you at the next rehearsal.’ Mlsa Violet, briskly. "I'd rather have card when she returns. schools for the blind of the future Orov«', Signatur« t. ou eq, h box. 3S.-. and wide awake. "So, you see,” he said, “that when Servant—She won’t return, madam. a good dlsb of plain American ma< a There la no need to keep thinking of must teach them to recognize by the H:i<1 .Memories. we work togetfier, every one counts, She was buried • month ago. ronl baked with cbeeM any time!” ear what they have learned to conceive Many people complain of having a and the man who does not take part the hour continually for a number of by touching—material, dimensions, The Water Clock. Is either over-modest or lazy, both very minutes, no need to repeat it over and form, numbers and so on. He says,' bad memory, as If it were something About 150 B. C. there was a water over in the mind; all that makes the they could not help, like a headache, j/AAkg » I X XI XIIITTTTTTTT Clock in use in Italy, Greece and Egypt. bad faults.”—Success Magazine. brain uneasy and results in the dis­ too. that In teaching them great atten­ or some similar ailment; yet even that Th. water escaped from a jar and fell tion must be devoted to changing the turbed slumber. Simply look at the can be helped nowadays by the appli­ Into a receptacle beneath, in which float­ They Play Tennis. watch or clock, as I have indicated, pasalve imagination of the blind into cation of a little common sense. After ed a small oar, which, by its rising on Japanese women, for all their pret­ active Imagination, a process very slow and the influence of the mind over the water, pointed out the hours. all, there 1» no reason why nnylsaly ty listlessness of carriage and manner, matter will be clearly demonstrated In because the blind are nearly enthralled should have a bad memory. It Is mere­ are beginning to take an interest In the morning. Try It some night and by passive imagination. But it Is this ly a matter of training and is. more athletic sports. An American woman ■nd observe how smoothly this phsycho- change to active imagination which tells how she played tennis in Japan logical fact works. awakens the creative [xiwer In them. over, a matter In which It Is never too with native women. For The change can be effected slowly, late to attend to Its training. "It is wonderful how agile they are,” Sign ortho Three Balia. very slowly, by giving blind children grown-ups many methods are advo From cold, hard labor or exercise, The three balls used by pawnbrokers freedom in their play, by letting them cated, all of them, no doubt, based on she said, “and it certainly Is a most relaxes the atiflneaa and Iho auro­ extraordinary sight to see them play­ are the symbol of St. Nicholas. There is represent in their own way what they the principle of mental concentration. ne a a dlaappear«. ing In the regular Japanese dress, the a legend to the effect that the saint once grasp of nature and of life ami by In a young child the faculty can be The Old Monk Cure pretty, soft silk robe so associated offered three purses of gold to three placing at their dls|>oaal materials and cultivated by making the child de­ Price, 25c. mid 5Oc. women to enable them to marry. The everything It has seen In Its 1 I am compelled by a sense of gratitude with reclining ease, and the thick-soled purses of those days were small bags, tools and leaving to them what they scribe walk, taking care that no fact ** * * ” *** *111 ^^^^-TTTIT XIIXIXXX X xxx ^IXIXIXXXXXXTIIX¿ to tell you the great good your remedy sandals, 1 which when tied at the top to keep In the will make with them and how they morning has done me in a case of Contagious Blood Is exaggerated, but that strict atten­ “You can't imagine the effect of the coins somewhat resembled balls. will set about It. Polson. Among other symptoms I was se­ sunlight on the sheen and gorgeous Is paid to truth In every detail. But Dr. Heller says with emphasis tion 1 verely afflicted with Rheumatism, and got hues of the silken dress. L_ A great deal of sympathy is given a that their teachers should never forget In the matter of memorizing It Is an << Of _____ course, , almost past going. The disease got a firm preacher because he doesn't always get plan to let tho child learn is the organ excellent —-I the hand of the blind Is ' hold upon my system; my blood was thor­ the serve and return of the balls sends his salary. Transfer it to his wife who that Of Our Method of Extract­ the gayly-costumed little ladles into oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in works twice as hard, and 1» not suppos­ that at once understand and executes, one line of poetry a day. which It weight, was run down, had sore throat, the prettiest of posturing. They look ed to get anything but board and clothes, and that if they are rightly taught to should repent the following morning, ing Teeth. eruptions, splotches and other evidences like flowers lightly blowing about the • nd a chance to praise the Lord perceive their manual capacity must and at the end of a week It will be i,.,,|.rfO”r wh’n »••ms nr lalkl of the disease. I was truly in a bad shape court. t’V Ii.lns mil <»« ers, sincerely believing if it is taken ac­ set up a strong enough game to play to express a preference for each candi­ ”WI. St.sms. Uli . , u, , For the Study of cording to directions, and given a fair * nona Main date, and thus in theory favors "split- with their husbands, who enjoyed the trials it will thoroughly eliminate every ticket” voting, says the New York BOOKKEEPING Imported game Immensely." amks C uman . 204'2U Faffing Bldg , Third md Washington OK World. It has another curious quality __________ __________ PORTLAND OREGON ’urg, Pa. SHORTHAND Congratulation. Anyway. —the number of blank ballots it pro- duces. Caller — Speaking of babies, madam, .ST69N-TWU«« Painful swellings in the groius, redernn" i* important. We Parker, for President, had lO.flOil Hons ons upon the .&u>, skin, sure» sores in tne the mouth that’s a fine youngster. Allow me to can show results, and loss of hair and eyebrows, are some of congratulate you. plurality In Boston, but nhoiit 8,000 for every one of Young woman—Sir, that baby la not the symptoms of this vile disease. 8.8. a ballots cast were not marked for tills our graduates are is an antidote for the awful virus that mine. office at all. Douglas' plurality was attacks and destroys even the bones. employed. Caller—I repeat, madam, allow me B-i.OTq In the largest vote cast, but even 8. S. S. contain* no Mercury, Potash or to congratulate you.—Tit-Bits. for Governor there wer