Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 19, 1905, Image 3

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Aw« Newton fur l.lvrry.
All liuiiif talent at thu () pur a lluiiw,
Frhlay night.
TI k * |>rn|>erly >> ii Alain »trrrt, owiiih I
l>V Air,. I. E. W. ih ., h purliun <>l wliiili
la iH'ciipi«>| li, il.« W ihm I h F i I pi.« Imuiiili
AU aurvii ua aa naiial at th«* Pruahyter
aliop wHxaohi Uni Motitlay.
Ian Church next Kabhalh.
I li« coli v«) hi «« *>< iiimi I h l>y Afra.
Watch (or Prof. Muhaovcr at the Op­ " ma U» Air. Sol« ut h umili cuiialiloration
tra lloua««, E ridgy night.
<»l H. imm *. Tlm im , w |HircliaM>r will «rari
I>aiicr after th«* Hpinatur«' convention, a buNinc«» bliM’k ii | miii Hit «Bluff at ont 9.
Ptiday night, hull «»ruliffatra«
1)1 Alli ()| MRS. KF.SII R.
All winter liala at Coal al Mr«. II
(ialar iiuau'it.
Mhetiff Olaniehaln la it hie to la* up Mf
tar a Muvaru attack «»t «i< kliras.
Mra. I,. It. K**sler pmmnv *I away at bar
lining iii l*or \ alloy January H. She i*
All liida f«ir name to new atcanirr Oil *uirviv««l hy two mhin ami on«* »hiughtcr,
Mia. Cliaa. Gardner «»I that valley.
l’p|M*r lake should la* in hv Jan. 25.
New lin«* of «'iiihh*in pin« juat arrivad. Tim (iinrial l«mk pin* u al Bc<hiuld Jan-
uaty 13.
—L, Alva I a * win .
I K i nt iiiian thu sjsrial salt» of hats al
thu 14» M ih I«*. Mr«, H. P. Galarnuau
R (’. K|iiuk, ol Pallia* school, passe* I
through klnmath balia Munday (or the
'■R*»«*’' Painlur llarty Wula»r Im«« juat Wehhsxt country.
<-«»tai|«!<*I•*«I a larg«« and I m * au I i I ii I sign for
lilwhop'a big furniliiiu hoiiau.
E. It. II mumii , a sbs kman of Port Kin*
Dialh, w mh ill til# c ity thu lit at uf th«
Havu your ohl Hal made ficw Mt the
t«i M*«*lu, M is II P Calarncwti.
Marv I.. ¡M*ad«r, a l«,m hur from Kia
main Ag«uicyt lull Munday for thff ('«mat.
T«»tn Oflirld «d Merrill, was In town
yr«t«*rday. Iluaa)« .Merrill is «till in
tlo* Itold.
W. wm I lot salt* at thu GiMMlrirli l.utn
Judge Baldwin I'dt Saiur lity for Han
P»*rtlan<i and a numlM-r ui
tlw O «*t'liMit town«.
Thr Grm Cafe ami < It ill r«*otn in the
popular place l«»i dinner |»arit«*a
C«»me am! anff th»* Spinatrra trail«
form«**! into Ituauliful young noii lui*«.
V*»r Aral c I msm gooda and prompt de­
livery ar rv ire call on < irabam A O'\cil.
’Hume I7S.
C«.mr asM* the old maid cratk the nut«,
Friday night.
Itcv. ’A G. bmilh, paat«»r of the Prra-
bytriiau Chur*’!», will pn*a* li at !>*rrlla
next w«ffk( la’M'niiiiig Monday rvernng.
Jliff Circuit Court will convene March
(I, al which Um«’ a numia-r *«t im|a>rtati|
ras**s will I«’ tiled
Ju*!gu llenaoA la at
pnuM-nl watching ll»« law-mak« ra.
The |>e*«pl«’ ate congratulating the
Klama'li Fall« P«»k«*g4ma filagu line for
ita prompt d«*lltvt) ui the mail fur the
paat ten «lay«.
¡4* Iler a are pouring ui dally from thr
oufe«*le to the nrw«|»aper9, |«*alma»t«*r
am! prominent bu*in«*«s inMitutiona a-k
trip ahotll ilia womlera oi the Klamath
FOR HALE A ft rat rlaaa new flecker
A ^xi Plan«».
Eor )*arti» uiara call al
the Rapubhcan ufliee.
Twmtv one roturisncrs ws*re Ulnl in
the Clerk *• «»flic« <»n th«* Idlh of till*
ni'Hith. Clerk CfiH.lain «av« tin. «I kiw »
wliatbrr l>u«iiivaa «• inui«*«amg or not.
Bring in that ,*i h my repair ilr-
p.rliu^m > annirl |>ui hi **ril»r au«l rl.ttii
ttir liun<Br»l Joilrt* rrweiJ.
L. A<v.
!»■• i».
W T. Hliivn It»» i^<-n on th<* »1» k li.t
for » wwk linraioiiisl with ap|«-ii<ii<*il 1».
but 1» rt'porUnI mu, h Ix-lU-r and ahle to
Tl«-Flr.t Natlnnal >‘.»nk «f it!.math Fall«.
■1 Kian «th Falls, lu th« Hi at« of Oregon, at
th« «lose of busitieas January H, ifUz
Ka>u«'M* aa
laoans and Dlacounts
77 26A Of
Ov*-rdraf»s. aeeur«*l and umMcnr«g
1W 44
U H Bomia to ww**ire cireuialioti
JO.(SO 00
A circular waa aunt out after the last
Prt*mlnnis on U M Bonds
UMHie of th«* ih'pt|lili<Mii, aign«*«| by
N u « cmb , sororities, etc
Brower ann«nin«:ing that the pwja«r Im«! BaHking him««, furniture and natures >,714,40
MO ùû
p 111 *11 * I • • *« I an Mihux«.'usabl0 falaehood," Other rual «-state owned
Due from approved ressuv« axentf
I**.9<7. A
in elating that Brower, a* town reconirr
Checks and other < aah iutn» .
97 00
liM'l Inilr.l to e«»rtiiy the city tax levy to Fra«.*tional pap«r cufreiwy, uickels,
• nd cents
......... ............ ..
lli»- county clurk within time. The pub-
107 UQ
Lawful o*obc) reserve in bank, vli:
li« ution ol thu grlevoua atalement was
brought alauit in the following way:
lAMral irinlrr no*vs
24kU<JU 9,¡AKt »6
Just Itwforu going to pre«« last week K»<l**mp»<o.i fund with L’ M Trtvasur-
til«* K**pi|l«lirnu w *«» HO.«lilt* 1 that the
er (6 per cent of circulation)
.7J) UQ
Martin Brother, ■twrtwl their tlonr-
inx nail to iiiniuna la.t Monday lor the
flr.t time »HK-e the holiday».
The. re-
jMirt a large amount <d grain <»*» harel
and will eontinnr to run until late in
lire »prinit.
Born h> Mr and Mr». Mark L Burn«,
Inal Sunday nun mug. a h»l*y girl.
l^wi. A l-ell are doing the iron work
fur the new I» m ,1 under conatrneliou hv
Sol < tiandlcr. of Lakeview, b«« »<>I<1
Totten A Hanalierry on I |»|o-r Klauiath
lake. The work imlnde» »onie of the In« «.ml clip Io F. At. Miller, the Imiikcr
lieaviral hlack»n>ilhiitg ever Jrerformed tor I"'1. ct-uiH <* |H«md. It i» Himoiinced
that till» will c » im I>I i »I i the price |>ermm
In Klamath county.
Hiitn Slimmer, thia week aolrl to Hor­ iieiilh nt tmtweeii 15 and id cent» |*T
An instituir for the evo, Pr. Caatien
S|M*cialiat. I eniploy my own optiemn,
whot¡r.nd iil.t*“ » :irr*»rdi:»>.’ to tny pre-
*crip’i »n nm| >G*<*nrdiiig to the wanta oí
everv individual «*a»e.
Gla«M*«corrertlv tittr*l. Examination.
<’phthalnio'MUkpicalh and test fot* viaual
«*rtora 10 to 12 a m.
Charlie W i II hoii , the well known Hit free ? to 5 p ni. Eight yvaru Npecialiat
loon man, left ycxteiday morning
Ht California Inatitute oí Optometry.
hi» animal winter trip to l*ortland mid Or««gon isNTiTi ti oí Opluiuetry, Campa
San Lr»nel»co. He will rommn away Blurk, Aelilami.
until he tire« ol Night »ccing and will ONI; HUNDRLD DOLLARS REWARD
then rvtriru to Klamath Fall«. He will
h I ho look after Nome buNine«« inturent»
I will pay the ab»vo reward for a
w bile away.
watch that
my repair department
ace Clark of Um Angele». Calilornia. Iota
«, 5, and 6, and 25 feet "ff lot •’ »»’ Blr» k
4H, lying north of the public »eluwil for
which a i'on»i<lvialioti ot fl 50 wa» |»aid.
While M-iitfling on the aidewalk Tne.
dav, Johnnie Stout felt and threw hi»
Dr. Merryman report»
him improving.
Hettinger A Tferry have opened a »nl
Sila» Olwncbain. Frlaa Kilgore and
oon at Bonanza. Mr. Hettinger, one of
George McDonald a|>|>rm»e<I tile |>ro|>er
the proprietor», w»* here Monday and
ty in thi» county yeateidny, Imlonging
»late» that l>u»ine»H i» good at Bonanza. I
Io the George W. Irimca’ e»tHte.
J. V. IIou»ton and Fred Moore tele hnrc I h e<m»i»t of real e»tate which whh
phoned from I'nkeguma that they failed valued al $l<><h). The appraisement wn»
to reach that place in tin,« for Sunday’» made nt the Klaimlth County Bank.
tram and had to remain over in the ter
Mr» John I'erling« i» very »ick at her
minal town until Monday.
home in t)ii« city, Old age la anrigned
Mi»» Clarice K. White, who la expect-, a» thu main trouble.
Her btMband,
nd here from the Ea»t to take charge oi John Ih-rliliga, win. the lir»t brewer in
Mi»» Baldwin’» »tiulio, will probably ar I Kluiuntli I nlla and <lied a numlH-r of
rive the laat of next we'»k. She will not year« ago. They were old pioneers of
open tlm eatilldiahineiit, however, until the place.
Iler daughter from B oimt ,
February I.
Idaho, in at lior la'drude.
The Lynden, Washington. Pilot pub­
V. L. Snuffing, nimuigi'r of tlm latke­
lishes the obituary of Isaac I’. Giles, view Alercantile Company, of latkeview.
w ho recently die«!' in that state.
Mr. i pa»»e<l thiollgh ell route home the tiral
Giles will he remembered a« having of the week, after a month’« vit.il at Port­
live<l at Fort Klamath in thia county, i land mid Monmouth. Ilia two daught­
cannot put in order.
L. Alva l«ewii.
We desire to expresa our heartfelt
gratitude to all dear irienda ami neigh-
iKira. who so kindly assisted ns during
the sickness mid death of our lieloved
Emma K. Gardner,
Charles H. Kester,
Frank B. Kester.
Xntini! i» hereby given that there are
(unde in the County Treasury lor the
icileinptioii of all Klamath county war­
rant« proteHteil on anil prior to Decem­
ber IS, 1000. Intereat on game will
ceaae from thia date.
Dated at Klamath Falla. Oregon, thio
Government engineer T. H. Hiimphe ,
ry, returned Irom Portland ami Salem
♦ Im fir»t of (lie week, when’ lie had gone
in tlm Interest of government irrigation.
I Io reporta tlie result» »atisfactery and
Sneiika of a plea-ant trip. He left again
•JVtli day of Deeemla'r, 1IMM.
L. Alva lewis,
er« are attending the Monmouth Normal
County Treasurer.
School, and Mr». Snelling ia there with
them. They all »twntChriatmaa in Port­
Town Treasurer'« Notice.
land. The olde»t daugliter will graduate
Notice iw hereby given that there are
Illi» term and the youngeat will gradu­ lutili« in the town treitaury for the re-
ate in another year. They are two of demption of the following warrant»:
the yoiingcRt pupil« in thu inatilution.
1135, IBM; 1137, I I’M, 1131». ll-W. mi­
for a niiiiilvr of year».
ll 12. Intereat will e< are from this dale.
Dated nt Klamath Fall». Or., this 12th
on bnaiimsH yesterday morning.
Don J. Zumwalt, civil engineer, form­
erly with the Klamath Canal Company,
has hiealed hero ami ha» otHues w ith the
Klamath Aliatrmt Company.
propaietl to <l<> all kind» of »urveying
and platting, preparing plans anil »peel-
leatlon* for bridges, flume», ditehes etc.
au I all other kimls of engineering work.
We are now ready to
talk footwear with you
A full line of men’s«
womens and childrens
boots, shoes, rubber
goods and winter foot
Contest Notice.
United Blates l.and Office, Lakeview. Ore­
gon le « emin r 20. 1'XM
A suffi« .ent Contest
Mirelavit having ie-en filed lu thia office by
. I’barl«« E Worden of Klamath Fail*. <*re, con
U**tant, ar» rut llomeaU «d entry No 2454
made Novemiier 12 19U1, for hW1. 4er JO Tp
R It ♦» 1*. W M. by John Smith < «mteale«, in
w hl<*u It is aHe«^d that John emith ba* whol-
I) abandon«'*! said land am! bu changed hi*
re« <1* uce iben from for more »han «!« month*
•Ince making «aid entry, aud lias wholly fail­
ed »o cultivate or Improve said land am! ha*
failed to eatablinh bis reNfdrnc« on -aid land
during the hr»t aix mo ito* after makirtg aa»d
•ntr) , and lhai ^tid ai/audoiiiif-nt ami ail <>f
•ahi failure« .till «-flat and still «•ootinue.
that aal<l allege«! ab«*«-m<- from XAld land
not due to hl* -m ploy merit in th* Army !
or Marine t <»rf*« «»f the Cntied grate« a» a
I vat to. Her, ofJ»<-«-r, seaman or r .ano-, du.
the war with -« am. or during any other war
i in
which the United Htate« may be enK<ff»d
**ald parties ax*. bew«Hy fiutifi*-*) to appakir re­
spond and offer evtdem«- tn«vhh»g «aid allega­
tion at lu o'clock a tn on Fehr .ar*- 11, 19»16, b.*
fore <»eo. T. Ba id win, County Judge ol Klam
• th County. Orcg««n, and that filial h«*aring
will !*♦ held a« 10 o < I« n k a m on e* urday, F* h
Ik, 1906 b* lotc the R.-giaier and Receiver at the
United Hiau-» Lai-d (dfice in Igikeview, Oreg
The «ah! coutualeiii bavin*/, in a proper a»fi
davit, fil* «! D* <-4-i » m r loth, 19M. te*i forth facts
which show that after due «lihgenc« personal
service *»f th'« none«- «-an not be ma*!e, it is
hereby ordered aud direc ted that »uch notice
be given due aud proffer pubh' Aiion
J. N, Wat»ou. Register.
Mt up.
All ol th«» bn.hic.» mm who nw ice
now I'lattn tln*i th»-» h.,*r .noujh put up
for the coming »r»»oii. Tbov »»y there
will not bu » »lioit*ne ilii» year.
hip out <>t place.
Report uf the Condition ot
1 two year old bay lmr»o branded HP day of January, lift).».
(cimiieetixl) on right »Imulder, and ent­
J. NV. Siemen», Town Treasurer.
itle branded III' (connected) on right
Highest market piiee paid for chick­
I hip. »plit in right ear, upper »lope off
¡left. Expense and trouble ui recovery ens at the Central restanriint.
Vp to data dressmaking at the Ln
will he gladly paid for by
II. N. WtiiTt.t.'tt.
Mrs. IL P. <lalainciui.
<»f Kono, c«»unty ,»f Klamath, state of Ore­
gon, l»a« thia day filed in tins office his sworn
■ Ml
! ! \ . -*1
O e BW , '
S« ...........
< 7 Ti>
M. am! will r.
", 41 H R fi E • _ w
__ • — ».. . — ... -_•
- ,— i.'.«»>in
i... *.t^
<*r Its tinilv
, r or • stone
, , than for agricultural i
to <-l.bli.il
*»' l
mirp**** »„d
. ......................
"- ! >« « •<om
tun 1 twtorv Ceo. ( hautain Co Clerk at his
erfi <•*• st K «insili Falls on Thursday the Ifith
dax of Fcbrua \ 19A» H<* nam**» a« witness»**!
Henrv s < !»apman. Rllrv w Tower. Gw. Mor-
itsn Pali Morgan, all <»! Reno. Oregon.
\t.\ ami all persons clainrng adversely the
alsive d«'*crlbe«l lam!» are requested to file
their claims m this off'ev on or before said
16th day ol February 1ÄV»
J. M. Watson. Register.
Also seaviceable and Dressy
shoes for ladies, misses and
M rs . M. M c M illan , Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
C Klamath Falls, Or. $
<mx »nop
fill iOS Of RfMIIO
is the place to save money. Call and see my stock
" sending
- — out for your goods. I will take pleas­
ure in showing you around and will give you prices
that will justify you in buying at home. Complete
line of iron and wood beds, springs and mattresses,
chairs, tables, etc, etc, etc.
* * *
* *
Fresh ' walnuts, filberts, pecans,
Brazil, almonds, peanuts.
Fresli Popcorn
Klamath Falls, Oregon
For the next Thirty days, to
make room for new stock, all
goods reduced one-fourth at
J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor.
Cleanliness and Good Work
A/so Agent for LONDON AND
Meals at all Hours
Day or Night > >
I c
Unliv'd StMtf'« Land Ofiice. lAkeviev. Oregon
. November
o*»vein» mt 15.
» j , aww
1W*4. . .soiivc
Notice is uvrvuj
hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of June it, 1<X. entitled “An act for the
-I...... ton^-r
Oregon Nrvada
>rva*ia an<t
and Washington
yya>mng»*»n Territory.
lerruvry. ”
,.1:, i,d.-.l toull
Slates by
...... “ lh.
a**t of Augtuit 4.... IS92. the following person«
have thia day filed in this oil ice their «worn
Male inc 11 I m , tO-wit:
Charley PabituAU of Silver Lake, county of
CouHt«, state of Washington, sworn statement
N 2VJ4 for the purchase of the K’j ol Kv>, Sec
•A». Tp 87 S K 11 I W M
George ( Price <»f M’lver I^tke. county of Cow-
ills. State oi WAshiiitc.on, sworn stateinotit No.
2929. for the purchase of the W‘B oi W’,. Sec 25
1 P .57 S K 11 K w m .
K*iith Wchije of Silver Lake, county of Cow- ,
L ia , Sian of u audiing toil. » .* <*rn statement No
■Jtoo for the purchase of the Sl,NWqr, N’a Swqr,
Unllett Htate* Land Office,
See 22, Tn 37. S K 11 B w M.
l4ikevlew. O.eiion, Ociober.7, 19(M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
Notice is lu rch) iclvvn that incompliance land »ought is more valuable for its timber or ,
with the •r<»vi«i<»n* of tlie act of Congress of stone than for agricultural purposes aud to I
.hint I, 1M7H, enlitlod
An act for the aale of establish their clafth to said land before Geo.
11 tn I m * r lan*!« in the States of California, Ore- Chastain, Clerk of Klatnatb Co, at Klamath
H«>n, N* NH-ia anti Wash inxton Territory," as Falls. Or, tin Friday the 10th day of February.,
ax. n lc«! to a!! the I’-ibbc l.and State« by act 1905.
They name as witnesses: Charley w
of August 4. I**1 ’ Ere*! Rocli of Stayton, conn
hahlrnai’ Edith wehtjv, George C. Price oi ‘
t\ of Msrion.siate ul Gregon.ba* this dav tiled Silver Lake, wash. Michael Dovhar, Thot H
in thisotlicc his sworn statement N<»1725,for the Shannon oi Klamath Falls. Or.
purchase of the se‘.nw‘.,e’* sw‘4a«*c 2. and
Anj am! all p ersons <*laiming adversely the
ne,4nwl4’**c 11 tp :t7*> i 9e, w m an*! will offer above describe«! lands are requested to file
proof to show that the land sought is more their claims m this office on or before »aid
valuable for it« timber or sum« than for ag
loth day of February, 1906.
rtculiural purposes, au-l to establish his claim
J. N. Watson, Register.
tO'H’dland b*f*»re Register and receiver at
l.akex lew . Ore on Saturday. January ifith, 1HV».
lie name** a* witnesses; l ate Thoma«, ot Stay­ TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S. 1878.-NOTICK
ton Or., Roger Montgomery. \V. 0. Smith- of
Klamath Falls. Ore.
United States Lan.i Office, lAikevlew, Oregon
Anv am! all persons claiming adversely the December 3. l‘XM. Notice is hereby given that
above .leseribetl '.amis are requested to file in compliance with the provisions of the act
their clalum in thia offloe on or before said of Congress of June 3, 1873, entitle«! *An act
Jfith «lav of .lauuary, l*»fi.
for the sale of timber lands in the 8’ates ot
J N. Walton, Register.
California Oregon, Nevada an t Washington
Territory.” a«» extended to al! th«* Public Land
Hlate« by act Of Augusl I 1392. Emery Plumb
of Klamath Falls, county of Kiamath, State ot
Oregon, has this la) file I in thia office bls
sworn stateineut N*» 2«» tor tin* purenaae «»f
theE’.'b , HE ,\F. \ S* *’ 9, ami HU.N!V4*
SeelV,Tp37 8K II1, E \\ M, and will offer
prtH)i to show that the land sought i» ni«»re
valmsbie for its timber orstoue than for agri­
cultural puritoitea, ami to caiablish his claim
to said land before Geo T Baldwin, Vo. Judge
at his office at Klauiath Falls, Oiegon, on I
Thursday the Ifith day of February. 19u5. He
names as witnv«sea: Archie Johnston. Mm
Lashua, Hans Nelson, V C Wilson, all of Klam
•th Falls, Oregon.
Any an.I all persons claiming adversely tne
above described landa are re«|ne» ted to tile
hvirchkitbs ih this office on or before said
16lh day of February, 199«»
.1 N. WaBan, Register.
t niññññiJ0B pSIN'ER ’
A lull I ih « I h - cii luumluccl IwLirc th«
Icgl.laturi for th« rebel of th« county
clerk nnd «li.riff of KlnioHtli Crrimly.
1 I'm Ini tin* pr««mu11 I mw th«« clerk ie al*
I*> w « m | IlMno a your. Out of thia num he
i«i <,<nup«lh*il to pay hi« an» iMitut ami
wh**n thin in >l<»nr hw *• atuiN that lit* ha»
m»l m rtnaaunabh) eularv left in r«»rn|4irt |
eon with U m * r««a|»uiiaibh* |»* nut lull wlmh
hr Ofifftipiea.
Illi* ahrriif'M prvs«*n* nil ary i«
bul,h<* I inn to pay his«Ivpulir« ami •Xpen- city W’ul’l have no current exj^nar fund
M*a over Um County out of Ui in , mii <I h«* hir dn* pretk’iit year by reason of the
IX«l J.AM«
claime that aiu*r doing thia lie haw hut <*«>Ui»cil liax ing Irtilud U> ruak»* a levy as «*ap*tal stuck paid in .......
fn B«eord* r‘s <’<mrt for th** Town of Merrill
* uuq . ìjo
state *>( Or*-gon.
re»|iiirs*<| by law. A Republican reprw- l'íi‘11 Vde-i profits, less expenses aud
very little left.
Vanl.rlinmr-t. plaintiff, v«. James
tax vs paid
1 or>* 96 Holme» d* b-ndant. Civil a^-tlon for the re-
A large numlwr of pr*i|M«rty ow ner« in •M-ntativ«* rush«« I to ( ily Attorney K xlr
National Bank not*-» outstanding ....... 1UUU0ÜU covert of m' -:»-’
the county, irrrN|M*olivv of political ntlil nl«-’« offiuu lo M**< «*r!ain ths* lacte, but the line to other National flanks
To Javi*» Holme« defendant.
1 019 94
In the name of th Hta*» *»» Oregon, you ar«
lailun, signed the petition to the l«-gi«la o||>« «*r was not in Mt th«* linn*, ('ouucil- Due lo blata Bank» and Banker«
1.0/7.47 required to appear at th- office of H. K. Martin.
>>«*'*t to check
?7.Ab7 M j Re< order In and for said Town County arid
lure to have I Im «alarioe in<*r«*AN«,*i an*l man iiidiop hum then «ought, but h<* fndivKiual drpuaits
at th«
4,(Ml U0 Htate on th*-2nd dav of February.
*4» abaeiil from hia plan* of buainr««. Demand ccrlihcates of det*o«il.
th«* I ii II n w ill «h»uhlh*aa l»e panaml.
b«»ur of 10 o'cloc k in »b** forenoon of sa d dav
Judge jJiMke was then viaited am! up­
The bill will »**«-k U> give the clerk an 1
frx.fe5.17 if you fail t<* m > apjwar and au*»wer «aid **om-
of a faduie to
additional sum ui p*» a inontli tor eilra on lw*ing ask«**! the
Flair of Oriigun, County of Kiamnih. «s:
taken against you for the sum of One Hund­
I, G W White. President of the above red dollars with interest and th« costa aud
clerk hire, whll<* th«* nh«*rifY expect* l<> make a levy within lime, Assistant
of this action.
get mii m 'I'I ilioiiai
a umnlh lor depu­ l*romM*iiliug Attorney Kmreee, who waa nkiord bank, <io solemnly swear that the above disbursements
! sta rinr.it is true to the best of my kilos ledge Given unde* my hand this JfXh dav ot De­
cember, A D l'AH.
h . t MaariM.
pivsvnl, atat«*d that the levy **s made
ty »alary.
and bt-liel.
G. W. WMITS. Frcsidvni.
in Ilin«*, but the clerk < w ho 1« Mr. Brow
Lorreet Alteat:
LM à I g. WoftUO,
er; fnilml to certify it in time. Judge
F. M. W hit «.
The Junior Mtimi* (*1uL gavr* iti BMond llrakr then stated that the failure ot an
rnitod Mates '.4»nd Office, I4»x» v1ew. Oreg«»n
Nnvruiber 15, IWM.
Nolire is hereby given
conrvrt m Ihw h«»in«*
Alvi. Martin Jr. officer Di |>eiiortn hia duty in auch a
li'ibvcribM and »worn to befura me tat« 17lii that in compilan -«! with «h* ¡*r «vi«innt of th.*
lavi Fri'lay, lo «liuli a numlwr of « a*M* would n«»l violalu Hie levy, and the
m t of June k, >s7w. .-ntitl***! -An act for the
day of Januar), 1M5.
*1U M. W' q KDKM,
sale of timber laud« in the Ktatea of California
(rimila werv invitaci. Kei»id«w tha aplvn* Bcpublican ao published.
Notary Publie.
Oregon. Nevada and Washing! *n Territory.”
<li«l program, rvfnwhmenta nere
Thia ia where Mr. Brower f«»nnd cause TIM BEK LAND A* T JUNE «. ’.MTS.—NoTlUK a» extended tn all th«- Public l and States by
act uf Angtx«t. 4 IW2, the following persons I
Fullowmg a a» (he program:
for c««inplaiiit. lie state« that th« levy
have th!» day filed in -this uffic« tbtir sworn
Untied Blate* Land OtBcc, Lakevir«, Oregon, •tatemviitA, to-wit:
Frank Hilx *R’ not in a* I m by the «'«lUiii'il tinlil nine
1. l'aatoi«I op. |74
William C Rogers of Mount Vernon, county
November X. I äh s <>!;< e is her«1 j g , m that
Agite« Marpie.
<>’< lock on the night ui January 3, long m ftimprianrr w uh lb* provisions of the art uf Mkagit. »'st*- of Wn«hingt'> ti . »worn state­
ment N<».29U (or the parcha»- oí the HE .NE‘¿
2a. Valor ................. .
after th« county clerk, who clores hia
land« >u the
.« «tesotiaiv
slew <,f <*Bjv NS-T < HW’tHF? H»-e 14, Tp 37 8 R 11 E. W M
•• •
i,.- k- » ■ Hube*
i. i..i»
. !
A»a If Phipps «*f M<> int Vernon, county of
’L. <>r* r-n. .\* va *.» and Washtn|rton Ter |
b. Evriiii'g miiir
ofh« <* ai ft «»’«luck in the afternoon, I h- I f 1 ivfb
rtory .” M CAUU Jed to ail the public Land Hkagit, state ot Washington, «worn st*'**in<*nt
f«,r the purchase oi the NE\ Sec 23 Tp
Akxr.i.Joi Martin.
gone home, ai*d it » m iinpoeeiblc foi MAl. B hv a* t «»i Aurfti«. 4 1W. Lligah W Kob- S7 fi K a.<6
i I K W M
of HedBeri * • ul) of
**•< ul
3. Conimi tucul op. 72. No,
Warrvn him to certily the levy legally at that erts
wil. offer proof to show that the
<>r* K«»n. ha« this day flh-d in this office bit
N«UÌt* ( *iRhM »«11.
hour and within the lune prescribed by sworn statement No ZLU !> r the aurchaae of »ton«- than for sgriciltursl purposes and to'
tn* BU\NW'4. arc 15. Tpnhg » fc \\ M. and
their « ,M.:n «o «MSI»! land before Geo. i
4. Iguve'a N*rvna«!ff op. 2!ti
'aw, I hm ' m 'I m * th«* law provide« that thr Will offer proof fo show that lb«* Is nd souKht estai>ii»l*
T. Baldwin Co Judge uf Klamath Co. at ’
is m**rr valuable for its timber *>r stone than
J« m . S’Imix Wei*ia levy shall U* made and ceililitwl Janua
Klanatb Falla. Or, on .Saturday, the lltb day
(or agricultural purpose«, «nd to establlsb hl« of
February, 1905.
r:a in Io mii *I land before Geo T H«ldwiu. Co.
I rone Rutrnic.
ry 1, o! every year.
T! «V name a * witnas«rs- A H Phipps. Wil­
Judk* . at his ••ffjev at Klauiath Fall«. Oregon, liam C Rogers uf Mount Vernon, V*a»b. M H
< «uatav l^»gc
&•. liarvevl op. 243.
A* January I ia a legal holiday and it on Nat u rd ay t ba Itth day of February IMS He Doo her T H Shannon of Klamath Falls. Or, <
b. b|«titig*a Uotning
ftuatav 1 «mge full on Sunday this year, thu following names «s w ltn<-MM«s Jo* Taylor. Martin Hoh
vrt» of Klaniafh Falls. Or. M H BoberUl aud Bert Rag*«« of Ronanaa. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
W Hilt» 1 1 urn
day. Monday 2nd, uua the lt-Kal holiday, Turn Fisher of Bedfleld. Or.
Any and all p< r>ons claiming a*lver»ely the abov«*-de«*ribe<1 lands are requested to file
<1. H«*atli«*r Roar up. 7K
Gustav («ange amt Tuetwlay thu 3rd., ii|*un which ll*e abvvr d«-M*ribtMt lands arc requested to file their claim« in this off!«-« on or before said
1 Ith day ot February, 19u».
claims in this
on or before «aid
Vera Houston.
levy whs made wan th«* F irrt day of thrir
J.N. Watson. Register. I
IMth day of February, .IMS.
J. N Wataort. M«-w**»er
I'riilr l‘*»lka
1 a nd on January for tlx* transaction nt legal bua-
TI M BER LA N I» ACT Jt**fiFx. 1«7». -»OTli« .
Nrlhr ( <»g»wffil and I .itair Houatoti.
inesa, hrn«v the levy was mad«* in time.
United States l^and office l^akeview. Oregon,
l)uri>tli) Old Engliali Hance) ...
N*»vember 1* 19*4 N<*tice !• hereby given 1
Bi.t tin* ceriitiraU* could not have lieen
that tn compliance with the provisions of the
. . .
N»ymore Smith tlle«l in time unless it w«»uld have I mn * ii I United State* I aiu ! Office, l^keyiew. Oregon ac* of ’nni 3, i‘*“< entitled “An act for the
Nov« mber 1«. 19tM.
Not re is hereby
sale of timber iaues >n the State» of Cal'forma 1 1
E.*iiUi Ilutenic.
lege* for Recorder Blower to have placed ttist tn compliant*« with *h» provision« of the «iregon.
Neva la and Wa«hinxtnn Territory .“as
m < i <>f < • • ,g*f June •>. Is"*, cnc.lltd •• \n
E«*l|owing w«»tt* among iho»«» prwiwiit: « cerfiti«’ate under the <loor«»( the clerk’s act
the Public l and States by act
f«»r th*- sale of timber Ian*!« In the Sta cs oi uf August toa!!
4. 1«92. the following person» have
\«-ra Houatou, l.icfir H*>u*t«if>, Ailw-tr of!ic«* and Mtrv**d a «luplnuitt« <»»4 the clerk < allfornia. Oregon Nevada a'»*! Washington thf< dar flee 1 in this ofiice their sworu stale-
T* rritiTN .** as extended to all the Public Land
M« »rv. Jerry Martin, Roxa Khtve. I l«»ra at hia home in |H»r<*on hitinodiatdy u | k > u States t v act of Aucuat 4. IffW. R«*r*.ha E Saw- invnis. to-wit:
Harry Slavton of Harrison, county of Koo- ,
\«r ol Klmiath Falls, county of Klamath,
Khivr, U mu r \\ ail.pier, Orpha S ha’- the adjoin unit nt of the council.
»•ate of Or< goti, ha» this ds» f led tn this office truai, stale of Idaho, sworn statement No.
tne purchase of the N^NE1«, BE’*
her -worn statement No " < for the purchase NK'v for
I* m K, Ruth U hit«*. Rudi *"440.1», Agin*
See 19ani 8WUNW‘<. Bev JO.Tp J7 3 R ,
rhecareiul lawyer would have taken *»f
th*» NV4 • .*W‘ !4.-c 3 Nk^K tand
Marple, Harry Gnlamrau, Harry Goel this pr« caul ion for hia client, though h *. 4 Tp > HR9 E W M. and * III offer proof U W K illiam
Youngberg of Harrlaon, connty of 1
to show that the land »ought is more valuable Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn statement No. 1
irr, Edmund Goucn, Manor lioyd, Wil- Mr. Ki >w«*r ia not a '»•gal adviser for the fox
it* timber or »tone than lot agricultural 2927 for the purchase of the NW1 «SE1«. NEW
hr Hum, B.trhata Goeller, H am * I Goel* co’in*'il, hia t«»*ition Itcing only a cleric­ i. ir j* -*’» and to es’.abhali her claim to said NW>4. and WU NEqr. Sec H, Tp 37 9 R 11 K W M
land licfure Geo. T Baldwin. Co. Judge of
Georg** E Turret of Harrinon. county of 1
ler, Ihmald W«»i Im, Nelli« (kxRgwrll, al one. Anvway. the levy ia a valid one Klam «th Co Or. at Kla-nath Falls Or. on I Kootenai,
state of Idaho, sworn statement
M. nday the l:llb day of >«*bruarv. ir«5. She No 2925 for th« purchase of the SEqrNWqr,
Haiti«* While», Mark H liall«* It, E*liih
nam* » a* witness« « IFU«*
r. Alice J Goeller BWqr N Eqr, W .^HKqr. Sec 20. Tp 37 B R11 K W M
Ruleiiic Carl Wlight an«l Irene Rutriiir.
That they will "offer proof tn ah«»w that the
Th« Case <»f the Warner Valley set­ Falls.
land »ought 1» in or»* valúale for its timber or ,
M«*s*!aine« Guam, Hclialhfck, Marple,
Xu» and all nrraona claiming adversely the stone
than for agricultural purposes and to
above d* -cribed lands arc r*'que«ttfd to file «»stabli.sh tbeir cla.m to -»aid land before Geo.
Hitiniiioiid, Lrnox, GatM, Cogawril,
their rla.m« in th * office on or before said IScb C hastain. Clerk of Klamath (’«», Or. at Klam­
day ui February . 19(*S.
Chitwood an«l Martin and M inm * s Apple­
ath Fall*. Or. ’ti Thursday, the 9th day of Feb
J.N Uataon. Register.
derailment but which was recently ta-j
ruary, 19U5. They name a« witnesses; William
gate and Gallow mj .
I Youngberg, Harry Slayton. G»*o. E Turner «4
ken int«» the state court has again been ! TIMBER LAND. ICT JUNE 8. 1X7».—NOTICI Herrteoa. Idaho. William Carmichael, W o
I Smith u Klamath Fails. Or.
decided against them.
Judge Benson I
*-- a ad -**
.-»—■------- a*1ver«ely
»-------- •*-- the
Unite«! Ria»«*-« lam! <>ffir«*. Ijikrview Oregon
ail --------------
persons claiming
Alc«l. nt all hour« «1 the Gem Calc.
rendered the last <h*cisi<»n a few «lay** De* eml»e* 5 HkV. Noti» hereby given that abote-dearribed landa are requested to tile
I n«l claim «eivice.
tn compliance with the provisions of »he act thrir cla m* n this office on or before said
I ago. It iff slated that the set tiers will of
« *»ngr*-*• of June 3. 1.C*. entitled
An act 9tb day of February, 1905.
The HtHti'inrnt <>l the Fir»t National
J. N Watson. Register.
app* al tu tlu* Supr«»in«* < *ourl of the Matt. I for th* *al< of timber lat !» in the states of I
« alif««rnlH Oregon. B**vada amt wasl ington
lt«nk of KI hiuh U i l‘«ll» publi.hed intliir
Teriitorv." *- <*xtended to all the Public Land TIMHEtt LAND. Ai r Jt sr. S. 1ST«,—NOTICE
|M>ue niakci n g’«*l «bowing.
States by act of August 4. l’VJ. Luther H. Bur-
l»ayii>g up rapidly.
•rr A W imm I Company.
Mam 10ft.
f'vrforinance here and the «econ*l at
fJuring thwir alaiencn on the preeent
trip they will visit Kaleni, wheve U.ey
will f , n
houae for a few daya.
Th«* ahrrif!*n olll« «« is kt pl huav coll«*ct
Ing deliiupiutit takes.
I Im Iniya are
Joint Re proa« il la live John ». Eln.ok
Wille, the Republican a letter in which
h« eaplain. los Lil« Hriival nt III« that
meeting i>l th« caucus In ralani. Tin- dai­
ly |«|«ir« pulihaiiiil a jok« to the effect
that the man Irom Klamath bad bean
Air. Shook atHtea In Ida letter that ha
wan out with Judge Benson and Senator
Howe at th« time, and *u only alxrnt
It) iiilniitea lain.
Ile ulao «talea Hint he and Dr. Steiner
ar« In harness ami will do all they can
for tlndr home count i « h . aa well mi for
goml leglalation gi nerally,
.Mr. Shook announces that the new
charter hill nini the bill for increasing
the pay of th« rherif! and clerk ot Kia
malli County have I hh - h Introduced.
4« f Jl V 4. I «74 NiFIK K
t*mte«| Mlales 14» n«1 <>lfl/«* fxxkevlew, Ora-
g<»M. I>«•< «■ mfMir <• |*H
N >t|«w 1s herebv given
tliar In rornphaio v with th«- provisions of th«
a* t of < • r»gr> «s of Jun* 1, tr ■ «r.Hlh-d ’'An
act for the *»• of tln>iH-r lauds In the ‘»tat«-« < f
California. Oreg»»». Nevada aid W asii irigfou
M« s*»a J. V, lioii«t«»n an«] Frui Vfo«xrit | Territory ,” *•*« ♦*<U n f»-«1 toallth** Puhi* Lan f
by art of A mm 4 IW'. Dan Ryan of
left hut.«fay morning (or Pan Harn'inCo Fuat.'«
Ml«*4»'ila. County of M« aso ilk, «tala of Montana
and P u HI mih I to l>a alffMmt four wc«*k««l ha- this da* H'e«| In till« off!«*»» his sworn s*atw-
inent No 2*41. for the purcha»« of the N'W*1*.
Mia, Houston an«! Mr«. Moore Bccom* *»■«• ¿2 Tp 47 - K I t F. W M. and will uff;( proof
to show that Ilia laud woffht Is more valuable
pani«!<) their buahaiMj«. iB sidwa taking for its timber or «too«* than for a*rieafterfl
and to establish his r.iafin to sa»d
a va< ition an<j eight-Mw»ing it la the pur- l/orp.
land befora Geo. T Hall «tn. c<, Ja-lfr- at
| mjou uf .Mr. M<Mxre, with Mr. H > u «U hi ’« Klarnalh f alls. Or. on Tuesdav, »he jfih day
of Mar«*h, 1V»> • He nam* s a* wltm^su»« H^rrjr
naaiatani u to organize a 'Irarnalic com­ Ackley, W O Mrnlth Wrn W <'arioicbael, Bert
pany. Mr. Moure vaya he will at-1 (Mt W ithrow, ail <»f Klamath Fulls, Or.
Any and all persons < lairnln« a/fvers**|y th«
borne of thu !>rat talent in the country above dewr|lM«d lands are reqn«sl«*d to flle
rialms in this uftoe on or befuro said
fur the coming iM-aaou End will if ait out Hlh day
of March, i*>'
J N Watson, Register.
from Klamath Fails, giving the flrat
Oysters, any Style
Realize that half of the
«icknesa with which man­
kind is afflicted 1« traced to
the «tomach. It i« »Iso
true that in must caaes the
stomuch is »Ifected by the
condition of the teeth
I a the reaaon why yeu
should consult me and Lav*
vour teeth examined r-”l-
Defective teeth are
a mar to beauty and n mei
aee to health. Bridge »••1
crown work a aped« •/.