KLAMATH I VOL. IX. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN FALLN OREGON, JANUARY which stood near one of th« parlor win­ DOINGS IN CONGRESS. dow». Although I wa» In full light, h» did not i^rrviv* me. Th* bunh. mood bi'iwtrn me and the window, which w«» Monday, January 8. wide open, and •ntlrtly coucenlrd rn» After the passage of the omnibus bill fiom any one who might bn within. I and a few mipor measures ami the fix­ heard rny master cuter the room, and • ing of January 28 for the delivery of minute nftcrwardi: he waa Joinctl by hia addresses in memory of the late Henator daughter, whom I heard eagerly salt liltn, Hoar, the senate devoted its time to LEGISLATURE MEETS. commission; to the many thousand “What he had don* had h* been auc- the stateh'xsl bill. At 4:23 the senate craaful T* acres of land in the state on which no adjourned. “He has (on* Oregon Lawmakers Now in Session taxes are lieing paid ; recommends tax­ The house spent the day in discussing In ■ ha rah ton* ation of franchises for state purposes; at Salem. “(Jone to Paris! Oh. what will be- minor matter* and at 4:23 adjourned improvement of sch'sds in rural dis­ Halem, Jan. 10. —• The senate was tricts; favors single lM>ard for nonnal com« of ma—what wlll baroni* of in*?" until tomorrow. CH A IT EH Ilf. Tha mnriay baa always b»»n .nald regu­ I heard Judith cry, in n ton» of despair. called to order by Brownell, of ( la< k- schools; more money for state game Four years hav* paas*d away sine* larly to tha day. Onca I railed upon “I lovnd him vary dearly! But he can­ amas, who wax president of the senate warden; an appropriation for enforce­ Tuesday, January 10. that October ulglit I am now eighteen Mesars F*>gl* «nd Quick; but I found not, h« will not. he »hall tint dcaert me!** at the session of 1903. He wax made ment of child labor law; further im­ 1 am tha last on* left of Mr Porter's them *tiff narked men, of bard and uure A The senate belay continued consider ­ Résumé of the Lest Important but “But hn baa dona it. Illa laat letter temjxirary president and a committee provement of roads by convict labor; old puplla; they have all been "bagged" generate heart*. Two year* ago I wrote ation of the joint statehood bill, the wa» quit» enough. And now hr’» gone Not Lest Intaretting Events by sum* grim custodian, and carried off to aay that, aa you had pa-sed b*; otid chief accomplishment lieing the accept­ on credentials appoint«l. The senate reduction of ex|a-ns«-a of state printing off to Pari», to get out of the way of I know not elilther Others hav* taken th* •< hool boy ag*, I wished for further of tha Past Week. office; placing state officers on fixed ance of most of the amendments sug­ then adjourned until 2 p. m. your raproarhaa.” their place*, but 1 am still left. I tun luetmctlon*. About ■ week after. I got At the afternisin session the cotnmit- salaries; a juvenile court. He dealt at “ Hut If ha want to tha world*» end. gested by the committee on Indian melancholy, nuxsty and dreamy My • ahort not*. **)lug that you were »till t«- on credentials reported and the length on the proper protection against affairs. rending Is limited tn a few *eml religious to remalu with me; but a* they desired ha ahould not get beyond tha raa< h of Henator Cullom report«! the legis­ new members were sworn in. A mo­ forest fires; gave much praise to those Riots are breaking out among the books How ardently I long for a copy that you should not contract ell* habit*. my rrvrnga!** »he rrtod. excitedly. “But how do you know he’» gone? Who told striking German coal miners, lative, judicial and executive appropri­ tion that the senate proceed to elect a who worked for the right of way for of Hliaks|>ear*, but not on* penny of I waa to give you *om* sort of useful you ao? Perhaps you have been pur- ation bill as amendwi by the senate president wax carried. Kuykendall, the portage road anil asked that the piwket money ha* ever been given me; employment. Why don't you *ay some­ p4»aelv deceived?** Secretary Tslt recommends annuling committee on appropriations. The to- Miller and Carter were nominal«!. On United States government la* appealed neither would th* lt*v Mr Porter bear thing. Hila*?" he cried, atrlklug th* la­ “.\'»»t auch n fool. They’ll have to get the l‘a< itic mail contract with the Pan­ the first ballot the vote stixxi Kuyken­ of auch a book being brought Into hla id* sharply with hl* flat tai carried ia »29,192,962, a net in­ dall 14, Carter 9, Miller 4, Pierce 1, to to purchase the canal ami locks at up betimes to deceive me! In the fir»t ama ra I road. house Every Image of that on* break "What what do you want m* to aay, place. I never made any Inqulrie» my- Willamette falls. He favors whatever crease of »434,772 over the amount ap­ In my monotonous *«l*t*nc* Is Indelibly air?" I atammared. The president repe*<'t cally the same for 39 ballots, when, at lived upon my memory; aud I can never "Th* truth what you know " government in the reclamation of arid did that for me 11« left ten daya ago.** tion iri nuinlx-r of Panama canal com- house. dlaassoclat* that mysterious child that 4 :.3O, the senate adjourn«! until 7:30. lands ami closed with the hope that the "I don't know anythlug Indeed. I do The sr-twion of the house was given “What »hall I do whnt ahnll I do?” Inixeifinerx to three memlx-rx. 1 met under th* old Norman gateway not." In the evening 16 ballots were taken “Ami what ahnll I do?” hr cried, iu a with ths Juliet of th* play What a It has develop«! that Port Arthur over almost entirely todiscussion of the with no change except ax the I»emo- legislature would see the advisability Th*r* wa* a aavag* look almut him. a* atrang* memory eh* ha* left upon my though h* would hav* liked to haV* ■at age tone. And I heard him amaah had provisions for tao months and dia- bill on banking and currency “to im­ cratx xhift«l their votes from one to of an early adjournment and not to put -iff the to last the passage of iin|s>rtant prove currency conditions.” brain, ah* la ever with m* In my dreams ■queexetl aomethlng more out of niy hie flat down upon the table, and ro.ild xenxionx caux«i the surrender. another. Adjournment wax taken until measures. Hhall I *v*r a*« her again? I am ever throat. Then h* took out of a dc»k be almost fancy I heard the grimling of hi» The impeachment charges on which 10 o’clock Tuesday morning. The president has apJHiiolit«! Ve*|>a- Judge Charles Hwayne will be tries! Both branches of the legislature ad­ nskltig myself Yes; 1 frei ■**iir*'l 1 ■ lenBe« of the army and navy were se ­ young woman of about twenty year* of Hh* wor* a front nt dark brown hair, complete and a further recess wax taken material aid to the various county coast of the I'niteii States ami of Eur- ag*. When I c*a**d to attend th* achool dreaaed In email flat curl*, and bound all <|e|»ends upon you whether you’ll act ojie and to determine the beet policy of verely criticized by several members. until 5. At that hour the senators courts of the state in the building and room 1 wa* consigned to th* kitchen, and roiiml th* forehead by a band of nsirow upon It.’* Attention wax call«! to the large re­ took their seats and the first roll call repairing of roads,” remarked County manageing the Panama railroad. lie paused, aa though eipectlng an nn- h*lp»d In th* household work Martha black valval; *b* wa* dressed In black tir«! list of officers, which includes 236 gave Kuykendall the entire Republi­ • nd I aoon became faat friends. Hh* •Ilk. • nd «or» a muslin haudkerrhisf »wer; but none came. After a moment, A naval liattle in the Indian ocean iii brigadier generals. An effot was made can vote, electing him. Adjournment Judge Ryan. ho resumed, in a somewhat hesitating “I have great faith in the eminent used to *«y that had It U>>1 >>e«li for in* ernaaad upon her bosom.” expected. to reduce the pay of retired officers was then taken and the Republicans tone, “You’ll stare when 1 tell you what all* would not hav* remained a mollili domain theory which ia being indorsed While h* *|x>k*. a v*ll seemed lifted it la; but for your own pence of mind, above the rank of major when assigned went into caucus to select clerks. The miners' strike in Germany ia In tha winter evasine*, from tny memory; th* woman seemed to In th* hou*« to duty with the militia of the several spreading. The house was called to order by by the different counties of the state,” after sh* bad finiahrd her work, w h*u stand lie for* me. 1 had trembled be­ ii well aa mine, you must I h » married.'* states. This was aimed at General “Married to whom?” she naked, drear Mr. Porter did uol require our prearm-a fore those cold, atony eyes. That por A bill will 1« intnsluc«! in the sen­ Miles as secretary general of Massa­ Chief Clek Thompson, Hpeaker Mills continued the Clackamas county judge. at Llltl* Bethlehem, or at religious *i trait, too—my heart told m* It wa* my Uy. being abeent. Bailey of Multnomah “The enacting of such a law will give chusetts. “Rupgxwe I were to tell you that I had ate to restore the army canteen. •rrlaes, w* used to «It by th* fir* and tnnther'a, and a shadowy remembrance was elected speaker pro tern. The to the county court of each county the talk Hha had but llttla education; but cam* upon m* that I had been at *>me a husband in my eye? What du you say The Colorado legislature has expelled usual resolutions for supplies of stamps, right to condemn property for the es­ Thursday, January 12. to Hilaa (’arwton?” h*r alirewd mind was a l>ett*r tutor for time fondled by auch * far*. two aenatora in connection with the codes and insp«-tion of state offices and tablishment of a new road, or the I could scarcely reprma the cry that election frauds. m* at that tlm* than would hava Iren The legislative, executive and judi­ institutions, for printing the calendar propriation of additional property The Rev. Obadiah Porter wa* evident rose to my lipa at the sound of my uame a more learned, sedentary companion cial bills were read at length in the ly disappointed at the result of hl* rev* Russia has enter«) a protest to the senate and there was considerable dis­ and for obtaining newspapers were the improvement of roads already ee- Th* aecond person of whom I mull latlon* II* snatched th* locket out of •o strangely associated. tabiished, the rights conferred being “What!” she crietj. Impetuously. ’’I powers, claiming that Japan is organ­ cussion of the civil service question offer«!. spesk conjures up a very different •«•t nt my hand, and then locked It up In the Fifty bills were introduced and read identical to those already enjoyed by marry that puny, contemptible, anrak'ng izing Chinese troops against her. Itunge* I remember th* flrat Ilin* I **w deak again. and the provision for an investigation the first time. They will be referred railroad corporations.” It is also the buy! You are mad!” him was th* very evening after luy ni.m “Wall, well. If ynu can't remember, Oyama has received a large numlier, of foreign trade conditions by the de­ after Speaker Mills shall have an­ purpose of the Clackamas county court “lie would make a very good bus-” orsbl* escaped*, We were at prajera, "But band.” of reinforcements and Kuriqmtkin will partment of commerce. there wa* a loud, ImpeHoue knock at the yon can't." ha aald, Irritably. nounced the committees. to have passed a law regulating the use The house devoted it eentire session make a supreme effort to crush hi tn street do«r Th* lt«v Mr. Porter peut- when you are alone, or In bed. try and to which all roads shall lie placed in Among the bills intnxluced were: To * ’ A very meek one, no doubt, ” she said to the discussion of impeachment cede Klamath lake lands to the Unit«! the matter of heavy traffic, and still ed and signed to the serva nt to answer think. Who know*? -you might bw the acorn fully. before more arrive. child of *om* great or rich people,” he charges against Judge Charles Swayne, th* knock. States; to create Jefferson connty from another measure that will place some “Listen to me. Worm as he ia. It may Appropriations, though small, will Th* next moment there enter«! th* added, cunningly. "Think what an ad­ bo n iwtter match than you suspect, I I m - ma«i for the Columbia jetty and of the Northern district of Florida. parts of Crook and Wasco counties ; restrictions as to the use of automobiles parlor • tall, elegantly dressed man, with vantage It would ba If you could And thought I would call u|s>u Fogle and channel, and Fulton has joined in the fixing salaries of state officers, and a on the public highways. • remarkably pal* far*, the pallor of this out! But wa won't talk any more Friday, Jan. 13. I hav* something Quirk. In th* first place. Io endeavor fight for the Celilo canal. large number amending town charters. which waa greatly anhancad by a full, of thia at present. to get the mouey Increased. In conaid- Further consideration was given in glossy black l>*ard. black curling hair, ala* to (peak tn you about. Hilaa. It has Douglas Men Demand Good Roads. erntion of bis age; and in th* aexond Two Santa Fe trains collided head on the house today of the impeachment • nd large black *yea. tine of thoa* much troubled ma. for aoma tlm*. to are Sxlem, Jan. 11.—This was the first Roseburg—A delegation of represen- place, to try and glean a little informa­ near lavs Vegas, New Mexico, and three charges against Judge Swayne. There a youth of your appearance and pmba arrange ahuddere. at which tha auperstl day ot teal w-ork in the senate, and 37 tativ men from a majority of the road tion. Just as I got within sight of the persona were kill«l and a number of Ida prnapects doing menial work. I've was a noticeable lack of interest in the bills were introduced as a starter. The tloua cry out that soma ona la walking door, who should i see coming out but others injur«!, two fatally. over their grave, ran through me sa I long been thinking whether I couldn't case except among a few memliers. The usual resolutions were offered concurr­ districts in Douglas county called upon the identical old woman thnt brought the more profitably employ you; and, after a lk*d up at him. II* atood In th* door- The Japanes war office has notified defense charg«! that the whole thing ing with those of the house for sundry the county court in a body and present­ boy here. There was no mistaking her; way. aud ea*t upon th* (roup a (lane* talk with my daughter. I've com* to the the seemed to hnve on the very same Minister Griscom that it will lie wan a cane of private vengeance. conclusion that you shall, henceforth, expenses and inspecting various state ed their petition and resolutions asking of Infinite •corn. The house concurred in the senate institutions. Probably the most im­ that the court take the necessary steps drraa that she wore thirteen yean» ago; pleased to permit General MacArthur "When you have flnlahrd your devo- aaalat her In th« care of the boya.” My duties a* tutor were to commence and as to her face, it in one of th<»M* ¡rou to accompany the army of Japan in amendment« to the Philippine govern­ portant of the bills was that by Brown­ to provide this county with three seU tlona," lie aald. with a an**r, addressing which years »rein to have no Manchuria. ment bill and sent the bill to confer­ ell of Clackamas, providing for a con­ of modern roadbuilding machinery, in­ on th* next day. I really felt very prate- faces my tutor, "1 hav* *oni*thli>( to say to to him for what appeared, to my unao- power. ‘Here's my chance,* I thought; ence. you." stitutional convention to lie held on cluding that number of rock crushers, The National Livestock association is phlatlcated mind, a great klndneaa; ami ’I don't lone sight of you till yuu’r« The senate today pase«l the legisla­ the second Monday in September, 1905. rollers, engines, etc. Enthusiastic Tha R*v Obadiah l’ort*r colored, heal so I told Martha when I went back to earthed.* Ho, instead of calling upon in session at Denver. tive, executive and judicial appropria­ tate mor* to night." tha most interesting. I lost the thread. I ing act of 1903, and to regulate use of ed, however, that the court will act Japanese cruisers await the Russian Mias With an etclamstlon of contemptuous master's serving hla own turn. Hear Evidence in Public. favorably upon the matter and that a I wo pleanure vans, full of peaople who fl«-t in the Indian ocean oil Borneo., water from Oregon streams. Judith's getting very tired of tha work; Impatleuc*, th* stranger threw himself large amount of good road building will Paris, Jan. 14.—The text of the pro- and If she was to go away, what would had l»een out holiday keeping fur the In the house legislation was asked upon tha sofa, hla head still cover«!. We Seven more vessels have arriv«! at cedure of the international commission for the protection of forests against fire; be done in this county this year. •lay. were returning to the town; the ha do? It wouhln't suit him to have a wer* quickly huatled out of the room, occupants were singing, shouting mid the Suez canal on the wav to join the appointed to inquire into the North sea for new irrigation code; fixing riparian and th* tutor and hla daughter were left •traugtr In the house. Now don't you laughing, in a moat vocifenma strain. To Baltic aqua iron. aee that ha couldu't do without you — incident was given out today. It regu­ rights on the Columpia, and amending Gets Lower Rates. alon* with their Irreverent visitor. make the matter worse, just an they i that you're tha very thing he wants?" Dallas—A promise from the board ot Sixteen degrees below zero has been lates the hearing of witnesses and vari­ general school laws. Altogether 25 Mor* than ■ twelvemonth passed got beyond the lioune, a delay of some Martha's worldly view of the matter away before h* came again to th* house recorded on the Great lakes and in the ous other details. The most important bills were introduced in the house to­ underwriters at San Francisco that it ■omeivhat dashed my exalted feelings of kind occurred; either something was points are as follows: Then, llttl* by llttl*, h* became a fre­ Mississippi valley. will immediately make a new rating day. wrong with the carriage* or the horses. quent visitor. Mies Judith and h* ware gratitude; vat, for all that. I atiU felt Whatever it might have been, it detained The official language of the commis­ The two houses w ill meet in joint for Dallas patrons, and allow rebate« very thankful for tha change. Russia intends to lie tietter prepared very frequently together. I used often sion will be French. Witnesses testi­ them for two or three minute», during on the old premiums dating from the than fying in other languages will have convention tomorrow at 11 o’clock to to see them «troll down th* road arm which the bawling aud shouting contin­ for a siege against Vladivostok acceptance of the new city water works listen to the reading of Governor Cham ­ CHAPTER IV. she wax at Port Arthur. In arm; and by and by I began to ob their testimony translated into French. berlain’s message. last June, has caused the Dallas coun­ In leaa than a week I found myself ued so loudly that I could not catch a serve how Rtixlonaly *h* watched fur word thnt waa spoken in the parlor. The commissioners will deliberate in While removing mines in Port Ar­ cil to suspend for two weeks its purpose hla coming Martha soon comprehended sola tutor to the Rev. Obadiah Porter’« When at Inst the noisy crew drove away thur harlxir, one wax accidentally il is- secret and will hear the witnesses in puplla. Martha was right; Mias Judith Salem. Jan. 12. Governor Cham­ of charging all insurance companies how matter* atood. the revelation that I ao eagerly desirod charged, killing 20 Japanese. public. berlain read his biennial message to doing business here a license fee. The “I don't Ilk* that Mr Rod well,” aha had grown tired of the work. and. aris­ to hear had paased. The British claims will be first need to aay; "and if Judith waan't quite ing tha opportunity of my Initiation, re the legislature today, Indore the two license ordinance resulted from a fail­ “May be he would not have me.” were T. C. Powell, of Portland, has been sen ted and the Russian reply will ure of the companies to make a reduc­ *<> high In her manner I should taka th* llnqulshed It altogether. 1 now dine.! In the first words that fell upon tny ear». houses in joint assembly. appoint«! Unit«! Stab's marshal at th* parlor, but t«x>k th* rest of n>y meals low. Counsel for both sides will pre- liberty of telling her ao." tion in rates promised when the new Eighteen new bills were introduced “ How could he help himself, if I were Nome. Alaska, by the president. sent final arguments. Una evening I waa summoned from the In the kitchan. where I also spent my determined upon it? Brnidcs. you could water works should be completed. in the senate and 19 in the house. klti lien tn attend Mr. Porter In his evening*. By and by Martha called my soon make him a puppet in your hands.” Russian troops are losing confidence The commissioners will deliberate in Among those of the senate were: "atudy." When I entered the room he attention to a great alteration that had in Kuropatkin. There is constant secret upon their final report. “Don't let us talk any more now*.” Surveying Ended for Season. Making eight hours a day’s work; to bad» in* 't_„ .... ahnt III* door, and tak* a «caí. taken place In her mistress. Th er* wna “Very well. And here comes Martha bickering among the officers at the The closing session of the commis­ provide corporal punishment for wife­ Pendleton —The last surveying party, a worn, anxious look In her face; and I obeyed him, wondering what waa com Manchurian headquarters. sion, which will publish the result, beaters; authorizing employes to bring which has lieen making further tests in ah* seldom quitted her own room. Then with the dinner.” in«. And ao the conversation •ndetl. I will be public. we began to notice that Mr. Ilodwell'a action against either the enjphiyer or the Echo irrigation project during the President Roosevelt will call an ci­ ; "Hilaa,” ha began, fixing hla «mail, visits grew mor* Infrequent, and at last heard Martha come and cloao th«* win I an insurance company insuring the past year, susjiended work January 1 dow. and draw down the blind—and then tra session of congress to revise tile lharp ayea upon ma, and brushing back ceased altogether. Bids for Armor Plate Opened. employer against loss, and to raise the and came in. This ends the work this tariff and calls on congress to pass rail­ tbs rebellious hair from hla low fora O m day Mr. I’orter Informed me that I crept from my hiding place, and got Washington, Jan. 14. — Bids were limit of damages for taking human life season. Engineer John T. Whistler Iliead, "can you remember anything of ha was going to Ixmdon for a few days. round to the back garden. For a time road rate law and navy appropriation open«! today at the Navy Department from »5,000 to »10,000. says work may lie resumed again in the 'your life previous to th« time that Provi­ Ruch an event had never happenwl In I could not go into the house; etery bill. 1 felt like on* for 7,829 tons of armor plate for the The party which has been dence entriiated you to my keeping? my memory; It waa to in* th* climax of nerve was trembling. Among the house bills were: To cre­ spring. Eilwanl Wallace Hock is now gov­ battleship New Hampshire and the ar­ ate state tax commission; for girls’ an­ conducting the drilling in the Malheur surrounded by a circi* of fire—the victim .Don’t hatch a Ila,” ha aald, aharply; “re all tha chaugea. of some foul plot, the exact nature of ernor of Kansas. tlivniber the fate of Anatilaa.” mored cruisers Montana and North nex to state reform school; to raise project has been transferred to the "To you, Hilaa,” h* said, "I commit which I could not understand, but from "Indeed, air, I have no auch thought,’’ Washtucna district and is making testa A great socialist conspiracy lias been Carolina. The aggregate bid of the marriage license fee to »5. tha cTra of th* preclou* lambs of my which I could perceive mi escape. J anssvercil meekly. "Remember how Carnegie and Bethlehem companies was discover«! in Russia. After calling attention to the general of the reservoir sites. fold, and you must also give an ey* to IT* ba cantini'«!, i 'young I must hsve been whan 1 first identical, »3,204,700, the first delivery prosperity of the state, the governor in household affair«, as my daughter's ^Canie to you, and------ ” Charles 8. Deneen has been inaugu­ to !«• made in six months. The lowest his message called the attention of the Coat of Running a Creamery. To Freeze Rogue River Fish. health la not strong at present. It h a • "Don’t bent about tha huah," ha cried, The total cost of running a creamery rated governor of Illinois. bidder was the Midvale Stoel company, legislature to the need of a state tax | Astoria — The schooner Chetco has yet more sharply. "You are concealing great truat, but you will prove worthy The president urges improvement of of Philadelphia, who«e aggregate bid gone to Rogue river fitted with a cold ’something: you can't deceive me." Then of IL You ar* almost Ilk« a son to me. and marketing the product. Including Interest on the Investment am! provi­ the army medical amljordnance service. was »31,28,781, delivery to begin Au­ .Suddenly changing hla tone to hla usual Hilaa." New Phone Line in Field. storage plant of a capacity of 225 tons, lie paused upon the last words like sion for a sinking fund, ought not to gust 15, at the rate of 500 tons a :«na of nhuflllng hypoerlay, he added. "HI to collect Chinook salmon for German Silverton — An independent telephone one struck with a sudden Idea, am! while The oath of office has been adminis­ month. da a, I am aaklug then« queatlona for your exceed 3 cents for every pound of shipment for delivery frozen. This is company has been formed to connect h* atood gaxing at me. a strange look „ good— for tha saka of thoaa carnal In- butter made. Under favorable condi­ tered to Governor lkiuglas, of Massa­ Silverton with the adjoining towns, the first of a fleet being equipped by tcresta that muat be looked to while we stole acroa* bls face. For the first time tions thia «vat ought to l>e reduced to chusetts. More Submarine* for Japan. P. L. Brown is the company’s local Captain E. B. Bums and a Seattle com­ nl his life he took my hand; hla cluap was re sojourner« ’ • are aojonrnera In thia world of aln. aln." 3 or even as low as lty cents. Ihe Minneapolis, Jan. 14.—Another con­ representative, The old company is pany, anil the first time fish frozen on Govenror Pealuidy announces that he '• r.............................................. He leaned forward with hla anna upon cold and clammy; he meant to be kind I the table, and fixing hla anake like ay ea and careasing, but I hail never felt so re­ amalleat practical creamery cannot is* will contest the Colorado election and signment of submarine torpedo (mats working hard to keep the new one from leaving water will be delivered fresh to was handed from the Burlington road getting a start, but more than 20 Euro|>ean breakfast tables. 4 upon me, aa though to read my very pelled against him. 1 shuddered, with operated for less than »4 or »5 per unseat Adams if possible. to the Great Northern railroad at Ham­ phones have already lieen subscribed day. It becomes evident then that thu •A»riiapa that will PORTLAND MARKETS. Many advantages v help your memory. Thirteen years sgo. all h*r meals In her own room. Thun IHvundx ax a safe minimum. Conse­ heli ve by Chinese spies that General today. It was identical in nature with are dlaimed by the new company, a middle aged woman, looking like a can- the honx* waa almost entirely under the quently no creamery should be put Into Kurokatpin was marching south to re­ the shipment of boat« which passai among which are large exchanges an promise of alamt 300 cows.—Oscar Erf, retreat from Liao Yang until after his shipments of war supplies have become company will lie known as the Inter­ Oat*—No. 1 whit«, »1 ... ■•'12.36; for taking charge of a child of five at 5 In the evening, Mr. Porter returned. so numerous as to excite little attention urban Telephone company. j years old. Hha had aeru my advertise I waa In the front garden. Now this University of Illinois, In Orange Judd surrender. gray, »1.3591.40 per cental at the transfer station. They consist of I ment, ajid thought ft would suit the pur­ ground was kept sacred to him ami his Farmer. Hay—Timothy, »14916 pe< t>>ai Witte is to succeed Mirsky as min­ ammunition, guns, beef and medicine«. I pose she had In view. Hlie waa moat daughter, but hnving a great love of Tillamook at Exposition. clover, »11912; grain, »11'*I2; cl.eut, ister of the interior in Russia. The bodies of men who have per ­ particular In her Injunctions that you flowers, and having acquired some Tillamook—There was a public meet­ »12918. i shoulcl be feared strictly sud religiously. knowledge of gardening, I hail of late tain'd In samly deserts become so thor­ W. J. Bryan attendis! the inaugura­ Stoeuel Had 60,000 Men. Potatoes — Oi-ngori faucy, 76986e£ ing at the opera house a few days ago < Two er pound. • next four years. a little more hiforinntlon; but »lie wna come through the gate. I was busily rm- to the prisoners already reported, about Wool — Valley, 19920c; Epatqrn He who desires Is always poor. — | Missouri may appropriate »200,000 13,000 wounded combatants will event­ tion to ask for »2,000 carried. Judge •very cloaa, and awfully atern, and 1 ployed In cutting away the dead bio«- Cornier was authorized to appoint a Oregon, 10917c; mohair, 25926c pe.- could got got «van an addrass out of liar. ■om* from a very tine rhododendrou bush Claudianu«. fo the Lewis and Clark fair. ually be brought to Japan. committee to take charge. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Cundeiised Form for Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS Of TWO CONTINENTS pound.