FIFTY YIAR8 AQO. HOPE THE SICK Faith* C m light liy a Dog. THÉ OLD YEAR AND THE NEW vtolia. “Ah. I hav, «igtiel to rvet me. deep la a silent grave,“ gvutly (rvuiblvd A i» iiiink il»h‘ «'itphihi of mi «uigl«' Last olgbt th«y had a Chrtstmu tre« 4ewa th, melody, wbll, lu a uiiuor key th« ob­ Th« Old Y«ar i'**« away; her ryes ar« by a «*« g near Ronin ns la r«*|M>r(vd sad uew church; and Means loss of vitality, vigor A lot at of th« thing« Tbs ««f vu« who hop«'« or fvsrs no lierg. they did. «ouu«hvw, I ligato «eut forth Its *alL Wvudvrfully •ad fio««d th« music from th« old vlolla. couldn't understand-— mere Th«» «*d tv in« Which has cured thousands. I rom wing point to wing point tin Un th« young leave« th« patter of «oft “I'raco on earth"—ths ben ««diet ion It didn't sound «• rav rent a« It «omehow ralu eagle meaanrrtl four Cert nine Inch«*« ought to be; asetued to strike Into every soul. Th« And violet« op«' th« New Year comes —»London Kkprvua, But when they *ang “Joy to th« World." — battle for earthly galu—ths selfish pa. Cornmeal 1« Heat Inf. again ah. thru 1 felt the glow up a cold In a single night, Corn meal prepared In any one of a That thrilled my «oui those Christmas time« skme. the heartaches and sins—all. all So with this mortal lift; uow young, now wards off bronchitis, prevents of fifty yrara ago I’ lso a Cure (X « flircnugha, rolds I were forgotten — psacs, peace on earth. half doien palatable and digestible old con.iinipiuui. Try it. I'riea'.*■> eaula, pneumonia. Physicians ad­ A spring which never dreams of frost and and ways has been demonstrated to t»e And through that r<*od old anthem 1 «eemed Fainter aud fainter trembled tbe last si druggUi» glad note«. sn«»w. taken back once mor« vise parents to keep lion hand. richer In heat unit« than aliuoat any To w here Rummer _____ ___________ and autumn then ___ ___ the tale 1« told; my aoul could •«« acrott, clear to The snowy old head rested against the ” Th« !•*•» Cough m*ord la Com«! I-ot loved Amati. The face was as white as «'hll«ir»u Ut>«lilii|i otttihl ]•<»«• I!>lv »>• I>«ll«t ” “Y«‘s.” wild \lr Siortiiliigtun Unni«. table. In a bulletin Imiutd by tbe I joined tbe Christmas suow without—but the lljw shore» Earth Receive Her Klug! JAc«»ti M mi i l . Naralof«. Ititl. U here the lost you ’ b and Joy come« bach *‘w<» «lid well In tin* \Vt*»t. At n one Michigan Agricultural College the fuel Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room, and smiled. Peace on earth peace. l‘e«<‘e to tv., mm .fli j <*. « vm m. ottce UBM» Heaveu and Nature fllug’“ the soul that «lumber».—New York H tr­ night »I mih I In Arlgunn we plnyetl tu n value of corn meal acarvely can find Mary «Jorges yio.issi I i «» iim ' ” apace on a page of the pamphlet for Ita Ah. ’twas a «eng to swell the heart! Th« aid. organ thundered loud “Hay. whnt aro you giving in«*?” expression In a long black line that haa Aud carried grandly heaveuward the voices MUSIC OF THE YULETIDE. «lucri«»I Mr. Walker Th*'« to double back upon itself twice in of the crowd; “Ends,” niiMW«»r«'d the g rea I footanrt* order to «how the &.000 calories that My «ouI looked out beyond th« earth and •aw the fleam and glow Ayer’s Pills greatly aid the Cherry Beat Talents of Compeeere Devoted to lrng«*«llnn. “Tin» one num wliu «'«»in are in five pounds of the substance. Aero«« the walk at jasper where th« living Portomi In breaking up • cold. tbe Occasions. H.vtuu« for waters flow. prlav«l th«* midh'iH«» was said lu be Eggs, sirloin steak, beef ribs, milk, ORF. than any other worth fullv Unit amount." cheese, and even the vaunted bean take And ovw all I heard a rede« rtsa high, and season. Christinas H ER be, now, wv ar« all ready for ever higbrr - place far back from the aide of corn has its own distinc­ Chrtotmaa,” «aid Mr«. Hlkkerby, aa A gtrl’a aw^et vole« angelic floatlug down­ — oini'si hoi xp in Nokiiiwi af ■■■■■ meal In nutritive value when the coat tive music. Com- aha chuibetl «tlffly down (roiu th« ward fnxu th« choir; I rtfgr Htil • - H>|>l> ta> •«<>< h uf Fit« A|p»r*oi«. II< m « I»Vparliti*'til M u | i |»|. m t>«r g>»*4a ai« hi UW I« for centuries chair on which ah«* hail b«*en «landing to la considered. A table from thia dem­ Its mvlotly »«tft tangled 1 In my tender iHuily i %«*tt » r* tH I'atnair-nl. heart -string» so tkx k the chan«l«li**r with holly. “Row have devoted their onstration is particularly interesting, Thera came to me a vUion from that Christ Ill AV Y vor I W O J«HN|«. ttl'U- RurpriatHi Joaiab will bo when h« c«>ni«*« best taleuts to the AKI I* I IMI! I \ IINtll IHIII W* based upon the expenditure of 10 cents mas long ago. in. «'«»hl and tirod, to find th« place look ­ production of ■It«**. ... k» “ » • |iv. *«. h ! ti< *•> ar«> lbw at the market prices of the commodi­ Ah. they were blu« as summer aktea - ''luiida <1 I *llug iloltrira < « muiiuhi • ing «o Ilk« holiday tiui«'«. I dwlarv, I hyiuus. odes, rsuta- with Ht wird Mnl". *** "««'h A L. I 0fla«v him. ho kept ««king Founds for I ov.-’a aun that «hone for m« alone straight Christina« spirit. In ‘ I Rih Nt . Los Angeles, CaLt President (or it «u long “thougli, coiu«» to think of 10 vests. ont of paradise it. he haan’t mentioned it lately, though Euglaud the Christ­ Coro meal .................... The paradise that lay within my Woman’s Benevolent Aes’n, write«: Entire wheat flour .... I alwaya told him It only made a u»o for their children And love In those old Christmas time« of ancient of tht'se carols is the Pro« de »taadily improving. Round steak known it fi«»tu a telephon« if «he had. ” seeks I was fully reatqud, and 1 am fifty years ago during the teething period. 1‘Ane. and it was sung as part of a He«*f rib ... Rhe pauaed, with her hand» on her hip«, glad that I gave that truly great rein- Birlóla steak I felt her hand upon my arm; I beard the alar festival calle«! the “Fete de I’Ane.” Clrricnl Jult. iu w hich ceremonial a richly caparisouvd •dy a trial. 1 will never be without to admire the rvwult of her labors “Yro, sleigh l»ells ring: Sho sui woallli.v «mi »‘«»nvf ad vi »or, “tu tabe pica auro in Im vlng —That Dood’a Kidney Pills aie doing Again I felt my sweetheart's kiss of fifty memoration of the flight into Egypt. the efficacy of Peruna qoaetioned. W« year» ago. fur« thia Christmas. Joaiuh i» a good a great work in curing the more terri­ Both in Germany and in England the still use it. I traveled through Ken- man. but he la aa cl«»ae when It ecinm to p<*<>plo cali un* beautiful Y* ble forme of Kidney Diet see, such aa Sing on for aye. O triumph song! My spirit custom prevails among young choristers “Of eouro«» lt 1«. mjr rhlhl.” n'plhhl tucky and Tennessee three year« • go, a question of money aa a potato 1» to it« soars above of going through the streets in bands Bright's Disease, Dropsy and Diabete«, thè u < hh I ohi parsoti. “lt la al way a And -foin« an anthem slid!vine, a «o ng of early on Christmas morning and singing '«here I found Peruna doing its good »kin.” everybody knows. But it must also purest love. Kh« wa« buttling about a» »hr talked, wlckod to enr. Hartman, President of in th« brilllautly polished «tova. “There, of cases of the earlier stages of Kidney wreath« and climb. I decline,** »he cried, a» »he open«*«l th«' boy, singing in the streets at Christmas ' r’ ' Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Disease. Take for instance Mrs. Peter dodr. “If J«»«lah hasn’t got this atov« dawn. Several of the most familiar Ger­ 0hi>. ali filled up with paper« aud tranh. after Barteau, of this place. She says: The song wa« done. The lights were out. man Christmas hymn« wen* harmoniutl The echoes all were still— all my talking; It doe« «eetn a« If you **I have been subject to pains in try early in the seventeenth century by Jacob Th« blue eye« once mor« sleeping on the can’t teach a man to be careful about a vaca« back and knees for aboct three years, Htudenta Broke Thera Cp. Praetorins to melodies comp«*e«l about long-forgotteu hill; h<-use any mor« than you can teach a hen but since I have been taking ikidd'a And I am old—ah. very old! and yet my the middle of the sixteenth by Luther. There are very few things that ee- to play checker«! Never mind. I II juat dimming eyes bu«f Kidney Pills I have been entirely Haro caught a gleam prophetic from the One of the greatest masters of German cape tbe notice of college students lay mjr kindling« on top of th« trash and ba* « cured.” music. Johann Sebastian Bach. wh«*n a j when they appear eti masse. This was gates of paradise. not «cold—Christina« 1« not th« time fut Others here tel) similar stories. In "Joy to the Worldf 1 quaver o’er the pupil at the choir and rrammar sch*M)l of demonstrated nt an uptown theater the •voiding, anyhow—though when you’ve St. Michael’s, in Luneberg. walked the fact, in thia part of Missouri there are haunting old refrain other evening when a stirring melo­ got to liv« with a man It’s beat to tax« scores of people who have cured the And smile on through the lonely tears that streets early Christmas morning singing drama was being enacted, nays tbe every opportunity to teach hitu what*b fall like summer ralu; these “ waits. ” as they were called in right.” early symptoms of Kidney Disease with For every year that bows my head bat England, with his fellow choristers, be­ Philadelphia Record. A group of ten nearer brings. 1 know. A» the fire began to crackle cheerfully, Itodd’s Kidney Pills. The nse Of the My love of those old Christmas times of tween whom and those of another school ¡ students occupied tbe front row of the «he left it and went over to the old- Great American Kidney Remedy thus N<» Fh.wrr«. fifty years ago. the musical rivalry was so intense that ' balcony. Just below them sat a party fashioned cupboard In the corner, reached saved not only the live« of Kidney Dis­ —Lowell Otua Reese, tn Leslie's Weekly. A lliy Coutil). MI.-■ tiri, man bel the authorities were oblig«Hj to map out i of young women. It wan when tbe carefully tu the top nhelf and took down ease victims, but thousands of other separate routes for them in order to pre­ beautiful heroine was about to be a bundle. flint he could twist thè tuli <>f a dilli Americans from years of sufferings. vent their meeting and coming to blows. * i thrust out on the mercy of a pitiless “I’ll juat take a last p«*ep at Josiah'» colvn-d mule and c«< j | m - Utowathed. Iti Of modern Christmas compositions the ¡ P. N. U. world that tragedy was turued Into present,” ahe aaid. “I tell you. there rvply to a telcgrani from thè curouer most widely known undoubtedly is the Splitting Hairs. comedy. True to feminine emotional wan a lot of work in the knitting of that bla tatlier, In tbe Essi, wìrod: "Bnry II». N writing to ad verilear« |»I Cautique de Noel (Christmas song) by nfghan, and if he doesn’t give me th*»«« thè ——— foul wlivrv he III.“- Denver A somewhat elderly gentleman, with tnanilo« Ihl« panar. Adolph Adam. Adam is a French com- nature, tbe feelings of the group of fur» he’ll feel a good deal a «ha inn! every • merry twinkle In his eye. went Into l ’ ost. poeer. The Cautique is as famoiia uut- women aforesaid were so wrought up time he put» It over hi» knee« in the ■ hairdresser's the other day to have side of France aa within ita border». It that tears began to flow. There was a huggy thin winter—and the fur» ar« not bia hair cut. E was old and feeble and poor—just is most widely used at the midnight a* r- hasty struggle for handkerchiefs, a in the hoti«e, I know that, for I’ve l»een one of those examples of a man who “Excuse me. sir," said the hairdress­ vices and is the subject of a famous cere­ deep dive Into pockets and bags and over every square inch of it In hope» haa Used too long. Slowly he wend- monial at the Paris Oi»era !!<»«••. O» 1 then a pause er, as he began operatlona. “but your only one nr me UTT tn nnd awn ninnerr ’«m a«> tn «where. ■B his way down thwWmwded street un the stroke of midnight every I»ec. 24 hair 13 very coarse.” Hhe had unfolded a wonderful combina­ til he reached that sign which marks the the performance of the opera, at what­ girls had had the foresight to provide tion of color» in wool which would have “Of course,” ejaculated the gentle border line of hope and despair for so ever point it may be in the representa­ herself with a handkerchief. made Joseph’s coat a somber garment by man. With a nyuiiiathetic glance of com­ many human hearts—ths three balls. tion. immediately ia interrupted, the bari­ comparison, and looked at It w-Rh greet The hairdresser looked rsther pnx- Poverty shone from his threadbare coat tone steps to the footlights and. while prehension she wiped the tears from admiration. Then «he carefully replaced sled. and said: “I mean lt won’t lie and worn shoes, it trembled in his old the audience reverently stand or kneel, her own eyes and then passed tbe bit It. ”1 don’t know a« It'« ju«t nrceaanry straight, sir.” hand, it quivered in his thin lips and intones the words of the carol. of linen along. One by one the weep­ to keep It away up there—he wouldn't “N'o; you see lt can't lie straight, or looked from his great, thoughtful, hungry ing maidens t>ed their eyes with the nee it If It wan right under hi« none. even tell the truth, because lt can't eyes. FEEDING THE BIRDS. handkerchief and then It was smug­ Hear me, I certainly small something Proud blond flushed the pallid feature« talk.” smiled the gentleman. gled back to tbe owner and tbe game burning. I wonder if It can be my cake The hairdresser, who began to sus of the old man as he approached the A Happy Christmas Custom Among In th« oven. 1 had a I mon t forgotten it, 11«- num ion 11..XIU1I5» limitili lia« iMiriir the » I u na­ of progressive handkerchief was ln>gun with all these other things on my mind.” ture <>t < ha». II. i'lrU'hvr, unii Ima berti umile under lila pect that be was being played with, broker. More years than man has yet Swedish PeaMnto. again. Tbe students saw all thia, and lived seemed weighing upon the bowed IM Toonal »iipcriialoii lor over .'IO year*. Allow no onn “There cotnea Josiah now!” ahe cried Christmas is celebrated in Sweden to felt mad, and said, abruptly: “Bear's head, and not only the deep set, hungry an extent unknown in oar country, and one of them took a handkerchief from ten minutes later, an «he heard the door to ilcciivc you in dii«, ('oiiiitrrfi-il,, I in 11111 loti, unit grease?” eyes, but every feature of that patrician his pocket to wl[>e away Imaginary of the sitting room open. “I'll stay out •• .lii'U-n-.-iroo.l'• arc hut Experiment», nuil emhiiiirer tho “Ob. year exclaimed the gentleman; old face expressed the humility of de­ the celebrotiou is not over until Jan. 13, neulth ot Children—Exprricnco nifninat E*|»erliiirut. tears and passed lt along tbe line. laiud here and nee what he does. Well, surely “it bears grease, or oil, or fat of any spair. He was facing the hardest trial or “twentiech day Yule.” A very pretty "sobs” drew attention to them. In a he must be pleased with the decorations description; in fact. I should say it that comes to the children of men—the feature of the festivities is thus describ­ ed by a writer who has visited that moment tbe house was convulsed with and the fire in the stove. It sounds an would bear anything, or It wouldn’t .self-confession of failure. country: One wintry afternoon, at Jul- laughter, and It was only after mana­ if h« was doing s jig all «»ver the room— CilMorhl ia u luirtnle.« mii I i M Unte for ( a.tor Oil, Pare­ bavs borne your remarks about it” There, on the pawnbroker’s ledger, tide (as the season is called*. I had been gerial Interference that the by play and him a professing Christian, too!” goric, I»ropa mid Soothlnu- Nyrtipa. It la PlrwMint. It which, like tbe roll of the recording an­ Five minutes later she opened the sit* «katlng on a pretty lake three miles was stopped and the six maidens with contain* neither Opium, *lorphinn nor oilier Ñnrcotio gel. marks the downfall of many a aoul ting room dour and stood transfixed on New Pave for Roller Skates. from Gotbenberg. On my way home I Hiib.tmicc, ItHiiL-ei, ita guuntiitrie. It «lestroya Worniv ' Little Johnny—Say. pa, will you buy and suffering enough to redeem it, was noticed that at every farmer’s house tbe one handkerchief were spared fur­ the threshold. “Why, Josiah Slickerby, nml allay* FeverhlincHS. It cure-» Dlarrliwn ami Wlml writ the name of this oid man, and over what on earth Is the matter? ” «he shriek ­ ther mortification. there was erected, in the middle of the me a pair of roller skates? ened a harder heart A Good Riddance. fir* In It now we’ve got a furnace, and I than the keeper of the shop beneath the When the New Year In at the front hid ’em In It, bo ’ s 1 could surprise you three golden balls. peeps. for Christmas!” Ths night had grown old. and it lacked And out at the bark door tbe “Well, goodness knokra you have sur­ < r» « ps less than an hour of the day which was I hope be will carry away nn bls prised me!" to bring peace to the world. The old A load aa big an a's park; “Yes, and when I came Into thin room musician shivered; it was the cold of the And we’ll stow away In bia baggsse It was all full of smoke, and flam**» were world without and the chill of a heart Home thing« that we never «ball bursting out of the stove door, It was so again. within that quivered from hit very soul. We will put In the pnrkery little pout Columbns, Ohio, May 19, laoj. full, and if I hadn’t kept my presence The touch of s loved one brings to life That drives all th»* merrj* nerrv dimples out, Some four years ago I was suffering again all the glory of our dead selves. And tbe of mind and hunted out that old thing _ _____ cr»-aay , b »* ow Is U that .. up and d<»wn from impure blood and a general run­ Y’outh to old age—strength to weakness Fold nice to smother the flame* with, the whole little foreheads right Into a ...................... ‘ down condition of the system. I had no frown; place might have been burned!” And — light to dull aching eyes — courage, am ­ And the little quarrels that »poll the plays, appetite, was losing flesh, and had an all- he held up the afghnn, which was a/ nree- tbe little grumbles on rainy days. gone tired feeling that made me misera­ bition. love, lauahter—all lt awaken*. And ly in better condition than the furs! And the bent ’ p plus, and the teasing jo^es ble. I began the use of S . S. S., and Gently tha aacred pria» ... lift«!—rar­ That never seem funny to other folks; after taking aer.uor eight Lottlea my skin erently ità keya and atriuga ware touch- And the atones that are tossed be aure of What Willie Want«, thè bow that — was cleared of all eruptions and took on a ed, as tha old violinlat drewr __ redbreaat and pusay rat. luvly Mister Manta Claws, ruddy, healthy glow that assured me that that wna so perfectly wedded to his mas­ At robin we II throw hi tbe bag some cross lit­ Plea«« won't you bring to me my blood had been restored to ita nor­ ter hand. The look in the deep set eyes And tle "don'ts," A savin* bank with money In - mal, healthy condition. My appetite was was less hungry now and the hand was And most of tbe “can ts'' and all of the The kind wot has a key; wonts,” An’ nen I want a trumpet, too— restored, as I could eat anything put be­ steady again. The hoary old head was grumpy words that should not be Th' kind wot you kin blow; W rite for Catalogue and Prices fore me, and as I regained my appetite no longer bowed In grief and shame, but And the said Yea. an’ a pair uv rubber boots Many women are denied the I increased in weight, and that “tired feel­ drooped to touch the bosom of his love. When mamma rail«, “It Is time for bed.” To wade out in th’ »now; Out on the night air floated tbe joyous If we get all the««* In the Old Year's pack, happiness of children through ing” which worried me so much disap. An* nen I want a train uv rars; A kit« wot flies with wings, peared, and I was once again my old self. notes of the “Hosanna, Hosanna to the And shut ft so tight that they ran t come back. 1 want ■ ark with Noey In, derangement o! the generative I heartily recommend S. S. S. as tlie Highest.” Ixmdly they rang—and then To-morrow morning we'll surely see Au* annvoilles an’ thluga, best blood purifier and tonic made, and the echo, soft and silvery, quivered a mo­ A Happy New Year f» r you and rne. organs. Mrs. Beyer advises A jumpin' jack Inside a box, 1 strongly advise its use to all thossfn need ment. It was the pulse of the soul ..irob­ — Youth’s Compaufon. An' a nice rubl>er snake, women to use Lydia E. Pink* I want th’ rubber snake to keep of such medicine. Vicro« S tubbikj . bing in one magnificent blending of har­ Our hired gurl awake mony. All the hunger and want and Cor. Barthman and Washington Area. Inherited Mistrust. ham’s Vegetable Compound. I want a airgun wot will «boot; mortifying failure were forgotten, and “Bessie, have you written your letter A pair uv skates an' sled; Wheeling, W, V.. May »8, 1903. the soul, young and strong in its glory, Oh. yea, an' a blue solgvr rap ” D xar M rs . P imkiiai «: —I suffered My system was rundown and my joints soared out in the tones of the Christmas to Santa Claus?” To wear upon n»y head, “Yes, ma; but don’t you go an* *iv« with atoma<'h complaint for years. I I want 1st Iota uv or an ana, ached and pained meconaiderably. I had anthem. got so bad that I could not carry my it to pa to mail. ” An ’ wun l>lg popcorn bail; used S. S. S before and knew what it children but five mouths, then would ( want a lot ov randy, too, Then for a moment came the shadow was, so I purchased a bottle of it and have An* I guess that la all! have a miscarriage. The last time I taken several bottles and the aches and of the present. The face became white Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New. became pregnant, rnv husband pot me Yours trul WIL pains ore gone, my blood haa been cleas- again and tbe old hungry light shone to take Lydia I). I'lnk B ihii ' m Vego- —Ohio Mtate Journal. ed and mv general health built up. I can from the eyes anew. Ah, how could he table Compound. After taking tho testify to it as a blood purifier and tonic. ever have parted with this companion of first bottle I was relieved of the Kick- his aoul tried hours? Food purchased A Christina« I-ove Story, «533 Market St. Joan C. S tbim . ness of stomach, and beran to feel bet­ at this price would choke him now, but The prettiaat Christmas tale of all la ter in every way. I continued its use If you have any hunger is a persistent foe. It will wring and was enabled to carry my baby to that of the blessed HeniMiin Joseph, the symptoms of dis­ from the heart almost any loved object. maturity. I now have a nice baby Utile clockinaker of Germany. Ile was ordered blood You who know luxnry or comfort, who girl, and can work better than I ever a very poor lad, who loved to go to write ua and our have never felt poverty’s heaviest curse could before. I am liken new woman." church better than anything elee In the physicians will -rteal, desperate, despairing, aching hun­ — M rs . F rank B byer , 22 S. Second St, world. One Christinas eve he entered advise you free. ger—may not see this truth, but there Meriden, Conn. — f'.ooo forft't If »rlqlnal at the cathedral with • little gift for the Our book on is nothing under God’s heaven that twists htttr proving gonumtnou cannot ba propuetd. Christ Child, It was nil he hnd—a rosy blood and akin the heart into distorted shapes, destroys apple which aomeone hnd given him. He FBEE MEDICAL ADVICE TO nent up to the image of Mary an