Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 15, 1904, Image 6

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    I upon the Clerks of ths District Court acting degree of International control ever offending strove«! whenever th* h«>»tlle »gwadrosa have
liars, an Increase of about • per east ewer tallty
y»ar» we siigli |»« trying ih» «ip»rlm»nt «>f
Hut the clttsenabty of
country shouht under ths direction of ths Judg»a. while ths natl«ms, it would be a w|«ke«l thing fur th* gotten within range of one an.dher*» wrap
the previous year, being thus >AWTV,4V2 3«
an slectlva l«»w*r lt«>u«e in Ih» l'hlllpplna
It io '
that we should
Thera will always be a large field of I eslslatur*
In excess of the current revenue. Included not
Governor, upon wh«Mtt thee* p«.»wers atui du
moat civilised powers, tor thoae with m«*st on*
H may l>» (hai Ih» Flllplnoa
espe« lolly of Ihs
keep high the ataiius.d of well being among ties should logically fall, has ((«'thing ape
In these expenditures waa a total approprt
■ense of Intel national obligations ami with uaefuln**» fur cruisers,
will inlau»» ibis l.eglslalur». ami ll»»y r»r •
We n*e«l to In. tea«» taliily velli mlaua» li If th«>> ai* itllsied iqr
Olton of |I1 W&4.A.1T 35 for the eontlnuation our wageworkers, and therefore we »houlj not clfic to do except to make annual report*.
keenest an«! mast generous appi»elation of m«»t* rurmldabls lyp*
admit classes of men whose standard« of I’»
and extension of
Issue Thankgiving day proclamations, an«! the dlffersnce between right am! wiung, t«> lite number of («upedo i«oat destroy at», pay
r«Htil«ii u*is«ui* hei* ai hoiii» lui«» slarilng
In« le»» heed tu their having a knot or lw«»
Ing and whose personal customs and habile appoint Indian peReemen and nolarlaa pub
•ervlce. which waa
an ggllallun («ir thelr «>«fi hidepeiMleu« e »»r
extra *p»»«| than tu their «Mpa.liy Io keep
expended for are such that the* tend to lower the level of lie.
I bail* vs it asseatlal to good guy era-
If the great civilised nations of ths pr»**iii lh* seus fur weeks and if neeeaaary, for Ini«» anv tartina» ur l»upro|i»r av<l«>n In »uch
B3T 3A
thia purpose
th» the American wageworker: and above all •»* ment in Alaska, ami therefore re«-»mmend.
day should completely disarm, th» leault month* at a time
« a«e th«y will do tii«'in«'lv r« n»« go«»»l ami
It I* wl»«> io build aul»
preceding fiscal year. •tW'uld not admit any man of an unw«xth> that the Congt*«* divest the District Judge* would mean an imm«*dlale recrud»scene* of matin* torpedo boat» as under certain «it
will »top tur 111* lliti» lielng ali tUrlhSF et •
Largs as this expendi­ type, an* man concerning whom we can say
an«! clerks of their courts of the ad minis
barbarism in one form or amHhsr
I nder cum»tan«'a» they might br vrty useful Hut («ut tu ativaii«« in« ni aii.l glv* ib*m a
ture has been th* beneficent result* attained that he will himself be a bad cltlsen. or that tiatlv* or ekecutlvs functions that they now
any «-livumsian«'** a sufficient armament most of git a* n»r«l tn ««mtlnu* building our gt«>at»r »bar» in theli «>wa g««v *i nm*iil liul
la extending th* free distribution of malls his children and grandchildren * III detract exeivlas amt east them up.»n the tlovsrnor
ir ili*' aot »Uh wisdoMi and «. if i «-H «In».
woul«l have to be kept up to serve the pur
fleet of hattl* ships, or «hip* so powet fully
to the residents of rural district* have from I net .ad of adding to ths sum of the goo.! This would not be an Innovation, it would poses of international poll«'», ami until Inter­ aimed that they van Infll»'! the maximum ••( ir lii*y show lliat ib*> ar» . ap.ihl* ut sleclls«
cKlsrnship of (he
damage upon our upp >n»n(s, ami »«» well a l.rglaialur*’ wbleh III Ita tutu i» «Apable
Justified the wisdom of th» outl*)
»imply conform the government of Alaska national cohesion ami the sense of Interna
prot*. te«l that they « «tn suff*« a severe ham
tle* brought down to October I. IthM. »how
• •r inkiiis A «an* A»d efll« l*nt pari In ih.«
to fundamental principles, making th* Guv-
tlonal duties an«l light* are far more a>l
fraudulent naturalisation, the natural
that on that date there were 2T.13A rural
ernorshlp a real instead of a merely nominal \ seed than at present, a nation desirous both meting tn return with.«nt faial Impair men! avlual woik «>r s«'x «i MMMiit, ib«> « ah r«*t
routes establish*«!, serving
approximately laatlon of Improper pers.'ns. Is a cures to our offie«», and leaving the Judge* free to give of securing re^i'oet for Itself ami of doing of thvli ability to fight an.l maneuver
a»»ui*«l (bai a full ani liivi*a»ii»g m«a»uie
and It Is the affair of »ver«
t'1 vouise, ample tn« «it* must l«e i»r«»vl«l*.1 of i *« •»gii|ll««u will |>«< giteti thciii 4l»«»v» all
12.iXMI.0O0 of people in rural district* re­ Government
their entire attention to their judicial duties gwd to other* must have a force adequate
hon«r*< voter, wherever b.M-n, to see that no
for enabling th* n*r»«*nnal *»t lb«« Nwy I«»
mat« from pvstofficea. and that there were
an«! at the same time removing them from f«ur the work which It f.el*
allotted <»» II
ib*> »bould <riiiriiib*t limi th»li prime n»»da
I»* brought to the hlah*«l p*’lni of effi« !«««’>
fraudulent voting Is allowed that no fraud In
pending at that time
petition» for the
a greAt deal of the strife that now *m
a« Its part of the »«neral world duty Th*r«»
t»ur great fighting *ldi«s an I toiprd«» boat* are molai an«i lndu»liial. n«>i politi« si II la
connection with naturalisation Is permitted
establlahment of new rural route*. Unques­
a a«»«««! tbiiig t< ti» th» **À>. i inirni <>r alv­
In th* past year the camp ^ of false, fraudu
tionably some part of the general Increase in
I also recommend that the salaries of the an«l far-seeing nation should on th* one hand in
•“ »ut
Th* «»tti.. t *> and men van ina ibeiii A lcgi«laluir. bui li I" a fa» bel-
lent An«! Improper naturnusatl«'n of alien»
receipts Is due to the Increased postal fa­
I'istrict Judge* and District Attorney* In endeavor by every mean« to aid in the de
ter Ihlng lu »Iva tb.m ». |io««i*. g«H«d ruads.
.»ming to the attentton of the
cilities which the rural service has afforded
velopment of th* various movements w hl» h leu» practice on th* Idsh »»a*
rallroa«!» wbl«h will »nai>i« tlie ih tu g»( litalr
In tit» »vent
hran«-hro of the Goveramejnt have Inervased Alawk a be Increased »o a* to make them
The revenues have also been aided great!»
equal to those receive«! by corresponding of -
tend to provide substitutes fur ear. which i •»f wai It w.’uld be far better in have no pr««duct» lu market. hoii*at ««»uri», an l«un»st
to an alarm 'ng «legree
by amendment* in th* classification of mall forged certtficatra of naturallxatlon have been fleers In the I'nited State* aftei deducting tend I«» render nation* in their actions toward ships at nil than to have »hip* of a poor «m4 «ffii leni r«>n«labulai > ami all thal tenda
matter, and the curtailment of abuse* of discovered. «« wel! aa many «'*»*» of natuta'i
to i>i«olu»r urt|»r, psat
r«ir deallng ss be-
the difference In the c«'»t of living, lhat the »n* anoihsr. am! Indeed toward their own Al»«l Ineffective type nr ship» which, how
the second-class mailing privilege. The aver­ xatten secured b> I’erjury an.l fraud and. tn District Attorneys should be prohibited from people», niore r*npun*lve t«v th* general sen , *»er *•««»,(, w«r» »et mamrvnl by untn»ln«*i
tw*«-h man gnd man. «*nd babll* uf lnt*lll-
The bs*< ulhoors and s”•»« lndu»iry «n.l inno
|f i|i*> »r* «afe-
age increase in th« volume of mail matter addltkm, inxtanros have accumulated shewing engaging In private practice, that I'nited tlnient of humane ait«I rivlllged mankind, and un«l*|||*'l ci*w*
for the period beginning with 1002 and end
Statr* Commissioners be api»olnt«Mi by the an«! on the wthar hand that it «h««ui«l keep m« n in a p«»«»r ship . <uthl du tmtidng again*! guardeti agallisi «»p|>tea»|on. «nd ir Girli i«>al
that many rourta lMn»e cerllllcatea of natural
fairly g»»Hl opponenti i. an«l on th* ulhe* ha fid asina, mairi lai and »plHtuai, are atudied In-
Ing June.
»that portion for ISOS being Ixatb'n carelessly and upon inaufficient avl
Governor nf the territory instead of by the prepare«! while scrupulously av««hlin» wrong
a mudetn warship I i u»*lr»s ufi|e«a the offi
estimate«!', is 40 4« per cent, as compared dear*.
District Judges, sad that a fixe«! »alary be doing Itself, to repel any wioiix am! in »a
telila« ntly and In a «pirli «>f ttlesdly »> in
m»n el«
ab««ard h*r Itav»«
with 25 4fi per cent for the perhxl Immedi­
provide«! for them to take the pls»* of th* ceptional cases to take action which In ai ««•is and turn
I •»«’»'
•»•»»« h mi. g«> >.| will i». «i. i..- th*n»
Under the Constitution It Is In the (Hvwer
»«lepta lh their dull«*»
The ma» ksmanshlp Ihan by «n «fi 11 tu gtv» tli*m politi, al
ately preceding, and 15.S2 for the four-year the (Xvngresa "to e«tab i*h a uniform rule of discredited "fee system." which should b* mor* advanced stage of ini»rnall«mal tela 1
in «»ur Navy Its« intprove.l in an eairaui
perh>d Immediately preceding that.
ih.mah thl* rffoit may In li» «»wt»
Gon* woul«t come und»r ths head ot the «Unary •Irtfiee dnrlt»g tire lav! thr«* year«, i p*iw«r
naturalisation,** and numcrou» laws ha'* from abolished in all office.’«, that a mountsd con
In IIWT theie will b« held at Hampton time to time U-«n enact»«! for t!Ut punxro-
exervlse of the international polk*
A great an»! «in the whole the type* of our hatll«' | pi.qni lime ami pia«« b* pruper enough
stabulary be create«! to italics the ternitory
Meatia lille «tur «»w n pnopi* «n >ui«| i»in*m-
Roads the trlcentennlal celebration of the which have been supplemente«I in a few «tat*» outside the limits of invorrorated towns u fie* people ow ••• It to lt«»eir and t<» ail IH.lH ! •hip* ar« improving, but mu« h r«-main* 1.»
kind not to sink Into helplessness before the I b* d.me
settlement at Jamee- h« mate la«» havtrg ¡»peclal apnMrotb'n
The vast section n«-w wholly without police pro
H .oner or Inter w* »hall have I«» I bat II iaì th*r* l» neeil tur ili» lilglieat alanti-
town. Va.. with which Federal statute« permit naturalisation by an*
provide f.
tection; and that »on»» provision be made power* of evil.
a«'tnr m*tho«| by wltl.h there will , ai .I •>( • ’olitili» t «io»ina ih* American» »»li!
We ar* In every way endeavoring to help J be proti
the history of what court of re«>'rd in the United ateten haying to at least lessen the oppressive delay* and
motion* for mrtlt a* well a* f> r *enl i 1.« (he rtilllpflti* Islan.l», imi only anmtia tliU
has now become the romwk'n-law jurlsdicUoa and a
eqgts that now at ten«! the p^«»*ecu<lot^
ap I on. with cordial goo«! will, etwty nrov *m»nt ority. • or *1«»' retirement «»t all thoae who ; pillili«- ««rvatit» but atnong Ih«« ptlvai* In­
of <
United States really • xoevt th» I'oMoe C«*urt of the
peals from the District v'ourt of ‘Alavka 1
to after a I cettalw eg* have not advau«r«| l.e- I dividuai» Wliu g* tu. (A« ni
li l*J-« <AU*e I
which* will
whit* no eff».rl inu«t : t**l thla •«• d»*!>ty tbat In Ih» «ommiatra
sgervise | Thers should be a «1 tv Bion of th* existing
begt nx
I commend this to your favorable lumbla. an.1 nearly all these
Arbilrall«»«» Troatiea. l iiu»
Into more yon«! a i <«i fain grad*
«par. »l tu make the servlt e attra* live to ll«n «>r Ihrar l«land* I bave poalllvely re»
It results that where judicial district*, and All Increase in the ‘
consider a tion. It is an event of prime his
this Important
friendly relation* with be spur-
- enlisted
tortc slgnlfi«-an re. tn which all ths people so many courts of ___
haw t ! number of ju«lge*.
ru«r.l t.i vrimlt all) di«« rimliistoii ».pAt«»'
X varying fades
th* rest of mankind
In pui«uan«e of this the rhll«t<xl men In u»«|*r that they ma*
l»e kept a* long a* (»•»«•Iblr In It !<*•*« v all.«n
of the United States should feel, and should »uri.wtletlon. there
la lack of uniformity h1
Alaska should have a l>el»gat* In the Con
policy I shall shortly lay before the Hen
publie *«'ti»'ois *h.»uhi be provided whsravwr
the rule«« applied In conferring naturalisation ' gross,
Show, great and general inter*»t
Where possible,
ate treaties of arbitral! >n with all powers
Our Consular system needs improvement
Seme courts are strict and other* lax.
An aid In the construction of needed wagon which are willing to enter into the»* treatl*. th«ro aro uavy yards
Even whet* It Is not p«»»«lble to secure In
Salarle* should be substituted for fees, and alien who nu> secure naturalisatkvn In «*ne road#
Additional lighthouses should be pro
with us
It is not p«»MMible al this p«rl-»«1
other nations ihs obs«-ivan«'e of th* ptln .
Place might be denied It In another, an.l the vided.
the proper claslfication. grading, and lean*
In my judgment. It Is **p*«-ialtv Im
of the world's development to agr»«»
agree to ar­
«iples which we accept as a»l«Mttat|«' II I* |
f»r of Consular officer» Intent of the constitutional provision 1« In portant to aid In such manner as seems just bitrate all matters, but th»i»
Ill th«
theie ar* mail)
neveaxNgry f«»r us firm
Furthermore, the certificates of and feasible in the construction of a trunk matter* of possible differ*!!«
Consular Herxice.
should be provided. I fact defeated
\\ right
* between u«
Hllhl. ot »«i.rk«. 11
'■•»•« «»*-’" ">•
not prepared to naturalisation tarued by the courts differ wide | line of railway to connect the Gulf of Alaska and «'ther nations
hlch can be thus arid
rights of «»ur «.wnrltl
!y In wording and appearance, and when they , with the Yukon River through American ter
say that a competitive system of examine
Kurt her tncre. at the r»«|U««t of th*
t rated.
tlons for appointment would work well, but are bnu’ght Into u«e tn f 'reign rountrle*. ar* ritory
This would be most b.»n*fi«'lal to the Inlet parliamentary Union, an eminent b«»d>
theti « reed
«»r rave,
by law it should be provided that Consul«
I development of the resources of the territory.
composed of practical
without regaiv! to whether they were born!
The*e eb 'u!d be a comprehensive revision of I
be familiar,
to places
an»l to the comfort and welfare of Its people
for which they apply, with the French,
Salmon hatcheries should be established In
pourer to natural!»» should be definitely named |
!ir’'-ul? to ■.»(>»* Cl..in liuaolA the tight for j
German, or Spanish languages, and should
many different streams, so a* to seeufa the
asked th* powers to
pos»*»!* acquaintance with the re#»urces of
preservation of this valuable food Bsh
join w Ith thl» G«n »rn
purls and travel through Russian territory I
the United States
| ment tn a »ec.»n«t Hague conference, at which
con 'erred nton fisheries and canneries should be pro­
Su« h conduct I* n«»t only unjust and Irrl- '
The collection of objects of art contem­
NaxturallxAtion Lasra .
hibited on certain of the rivers where the It 1» h«q*ed that th* work already ao happily
uld be definitely pro-
latlng toward us, but it is dim. ult io »*»
plated in section 5380 of the revised stat­
mass of those Indians dwell who 11 vs almost
begun at The Hague may I»«« . arried »««me
Should lie Revised
«wrd: pub* feat km of
It* w I m .I' iu fium Russia's stiut«lp*»lni
N«> 1
utes should be deaig-
exclusively on fish.
step» further toward completion
ihl* ear
conceivable g»-«'«l la ae«-ompl|ehe«i by It
Natkmnl C.alWv
*n ’ establish, d
National (.allery
a Nat
tion application should be required in advance
iieth'xa Jew or an Aiuetl--«n t'hrlsllan
gent, anxious to learn, and willing to work
Hague Conference itsvlt
of the r hearirr tn court: the f rm and won!
it«««« hliuself In Itusela he van al and
of Art.
Art anJ thr Smith-
ing <»f al! certificates Imiued should be uniform
> diiven <>ut, but the oi<!lsary Aiucri
• s o n i a n
Institution I
any Ian«! hunger oi entertain» any pr »j»«i>.
throughout the couatry, and the courts should of civilisation, even for a limited period,
"W. Ilk* ili* oi«lhtat> American t'hrl«-
Should be authorised to accept any additions
be required to make returns to the Secretary <*f have prove«! their capability of be«-.’minx aa retcar.la tit* other nation« of th* Western
«oui»! behaxe Ju«t about as he behaves
to said collection that ma> be revived by
Hemisphere save such a* are fur their «el
State at stated periods of all nx:urall*M a.m* self-supporting, self-respecting cltlsen-» and
that 1«, i-rhaxe a« anj g«»«»«l chlaen
gift, request, or de'i«»
« tu.isl
ask only Cor the just enforcement of law
t«» behaxe, an«! whei* this I* the
< he«.I
It Is desirable to enact a proper National Í
and intelligent instruction and supervision
I'ulk-y Towxnl Other
untry d*»lir» 1« to
re’atlng to naturalisa
t Is a wr«»ng agaliiet ghivh w* ar*
quarantine law
It Is m«vst undesirable lhat lion now defective, but those relating to citl- Others living In more remote region«, prim
I a
. __ •**
nelght .H It'ii
«t to protest t«» ie(u«e him hl* pass
ItaMMB -t
. ,
a state should on its ren-hlp of th* Uniteli Stat*«* ought also to t>
Itlvs. simple hunters and Asher folk, who
elihout legar«! lo iti» «<oulu«t a«t«l
own Initiative enforce ¡
an.t pi
p.t u.
kn>w only the life of the *oo»li and the
made the subject of ataitlfk* lrqul-v wit* s
'1er, merely ua ra< lai ami religious
quarantine regulations i
w h.»se
View to probable fur­ waters, ar«» daily bring confronted with 20th-
tn Turkey uur tliffi«ulll»s arise
which are in effect a
th er
leg halation.
By century civilisation. with all of its complexi­ people conduct themselv** well «an count
Lain Concerning
r«»m the *•) In which our «Bisen*
restriction upon inter­
Their country Is being overrun by upon our hearty fri*n<t»hlp
If a nation
a hat acts expatriation ties
treat*-«! than from the iti'lla
Ci ti* en ship.
state and International
to strangers, the game slaught«-re«t and driven ahows that it know» how to act with rea
Inevitably rs«ite<! In seeing su« h
question should properly be assumed by the
accora- away, the streams depiete«t of flsh. an.I »•maids efficiency an«! decency in »«»« I a I and
a» ha« l»r« n « Il nr .»««»<t both
Government alone
The Surgeon-General of pllshed.
hitherto unknown and fatal diseases brought p«> 1111 ■ • a I matters, if it keeps order and pay*
in« nis and Ma *«tuni«i
the National
Public Health and
Marine restde abrr-aJ and receive the protecthas of to them, all of which c«>mbtne to produce a Ita obligatI.»ns. It n*ed fear n»> Interferon- *
ihrv* years the United
Hospital Service has repeatedly and con­ our passport, wether any degree of protection <tats of abject poverty and want which must
from the Unite«! States.
Chronl«- wtungdo
ha« set *n example In di «ar mam«'nt
vincingly set Zorth the need of such legis­ «h>u!d be ext<rd«*d to one who has made the result in their extinction
Action in their ing. or an impotence whl«'h results In a gen
pro per y
decisrat \ hj of in ten :lon to become a citlxen o* interest is demande*! by every consideration eral l«>.'»ening of th* tie* uf civilised
ur A» iny i» fi**«! *t a msxlmuni of
I call your attention to the gr
ex­ the United State«» but ha.» n t secured natu
of justice and humanity
clety, may In Ain*ri»a a* sisswhere, ulti­
travagance in printing *u<! binding Gov­ ral xatlon. are queMt«»* of serkHiw Import. In
The need« of these people are
mately require Intervention by s«»m« civil
rhe Army.
mum uf u«i.iMM> men
ernment publications, and especially to the volvtng persona! rights and often producing
The abolition of the present fee system,
ised nation, an«! In th» W*»tern Hemisphere
Whrn there was In
fact that altogether 3*o many of these pub­ friction betw<-en thia Government and foreign
whereby the native is degraded. Imposed the adherence of the United Ntat*» <«> th»
lion in the Philippines we kept (he
lications are printed.
There I» a constant g'lvernments
Tet upon these question* our upon, and taught the injustice of law
fur. «
Peace renie In the
tendency to increase their number and vol- law* are client.
I recommend that an ex*m
The establishment of hospitals at central States,
r*lu< tantly. It»
pin«*. an«l n«»w uur Army has bee«»
it Is an understatement to say that lnstlon be made Into the subjects of cltixen
points, so that contagious diseases that are cases of such wrong«! ung or Impotence, to
«1 to th* minimum at whl< h II I* p*>*
no appreciable harm whip, «xpatrlatton and protection of American* brought to them continually by incoming
the exercise of an Internati 'tial p«»U.« power
u keep It with due legar»! to It* effi
would be causird by. abroad, with a view to appropriate legola
whites may be localise«! and not allow»«! to If every country waahe«! by the Caribbean
Extra vacance
The gun* now tn»>unt«MÌ requit» Sa
and substantial bene-1 tlon
become epidemic, to spread death and desti­ Sea would shew the progr*«» in stable an«i
in Printing.
rn. If th* «-oa*l Í- rtlfi. atb-n* ar* to be
fit would accrue from.
The rower of the Government to protect the tution over great areas.
Just civilisation whl«-h with the al«l of th*
itely manned
Relatively to the Na-
•de«-reasing the amount integrity of the elect.one of Its own »fficiah
The development of the ««ducatlonal system Platt amendment t'ub« ha* sh.'wn »In« • our
t is not n«»w *o large a* the polire
Is inherent,
of printing now- done by at least one-half
and has been recognised and
In the form of practical training in such troops left the Island, and which ■«> many
of New York ur Uhl ago relatively to
Probably the great majority of the Gov­ affirmed by repeated declarations of the Su
industries as will assure the Indians self­ of the republic» In both Americas are con
pulatloh of either city
We nr»-d more
There la no enemy of free guv-
ernment reports and the like now printed are nreme Court
supp«>rt under ths chang>-d conditions In »tantly and brilliantly showing, all qu*«
i. ther* ar* n«»t enough to pef«>rm
never read at all. and furthermore the print­ -rnment more dangerous and none »o insldloun
which they will have to live
No one
[ular Army w-»rk
It I* very ipipurlant
the corruption of the electorate
ing of much of the material contained in
If in AiuFrican wlah«*A to rcaiua
The duties of the office of the Governor their affair* would be at an end
our In
defend* or excuses cor.
hr i»ffi»er* of (he Army »h<>ul«l l>* a*
many of the remaining ones serve* no useful
should b« extended to Include the supervi­ tereats an«! those of «»ur Southern neighbors
ruption, and It would
»rd to handle lh«lr men In ma»**». what Li* uutive toilgut* -• < Apablo of,
purpose _»
Protection of
sion of Indian affairs, with n»res»ary assist­ are in reality Identlenl
I» al»o Important that th* National
The attention of ths Congress should be
he xbutiht leave bH own «otinirjr and
He should be natural riches, and if within their border»
none would oppose vig­ ants in different districts.
of th* »evsral «tate* *h«>uld be ar-
•specially given to the currency question. ‘
provided with the means and the power to the reign of law and Juatlce obtain*, proa
orous method» to emd
go ea*t or west.
Provided hr tra y
i*d tu a«iu*l Hehl maneuvering, ••
and that the standing
protect and advise the native people, to fur­ perity ia sure to come to them
Whlls they
el* fur enough In «-liber dlractlon. ba
nish medical treatment in time of epidem­ thus «»bey the prlmaty law« of -I.!1!«
two law directed against bribery and corruption In
ics. and to extend material relief In periods sty they may rest assured that they will b*
The detail*» of imch a law
will get maiiy new Meas from ibe lit«
houses charged with the duty, take up the Federal elections.
of famine and extreme destitution.
treated by us In a spirit <>f coidlal and
matter of our currency and »e* whether It may be safely left to the wise discreti-m- O.’
eraturw put forth bjr persona who ^tter
Ths Alaskan natives should be given th* helpful sympathy,
We would Interfere with
. is not possible u> secure v* agreement in the
fight to acquire, bold, and 4tapa»e of prop­
them only in th* last r< urt. and than only
to Engtlab apeitklng people. Here, for
buxines« world for bettering the system, the the Cbnatttutlon it is poNflble to go. an I erty upon the same conditions as given other
if it became stldent that their Inability «»r
committees should consider the question of should include o»v>re penahtea again*! him
ir.stanee, I* s fW«clnaKn< ph ltii«* of a
who give* or receives a bribe Intended to in ■ inhabitants, and the privilege of clUsenship unwillingness to do Juatlc« at h«*m* and
the retirement of the greenbacks and the
t-» abroad had violated the rights of the i'nited
Co nil urn tat bcrtrl, a* Its proprietor
problem of securing In our currency such fluence his act or oplnl«*n a* an elector, and
such as may be able State* or had invited foreign aggression to
provisions for ths publication n«at only of the
elasticity as is consistent with safety Every
palliti It in English:
to meet certain defl- the detriment of the entire body of Ameri­
expenditures for nominations and elections of
silver dollar should be made by law redeem­
nits requirements
la can nation*.
, all candidates, but also of al! contributions
It la a mere truism to say
’’The old botri, former proprietor.
able in gold at the < ptlon of the holder
received and expenditures ma«ie by potlticai
that every nation, whether In America or
I especially commend to your immediate
should give ths Governor power to remov e anywhere else, which desires to maintain
was a great nimbi ng r<l fleo, <¡u tr tin-
attention the encour-
appointed under him.
Th» Ita freedom. Ila independence, must ulti­
No subject is better worthy the attention
Millrtlable to the r« t ip luu of gtirata,
Mercbant Marine,
agement of our m*r- | of the Congress than that portion of th* ' harbor of Honolulu should be dredged
mately realise that th* right of su« h ln«l*
chxmt marine by ap­
but It I a nothing to the modern new
report of the Attorney-General dealing with ' Marine Hospital Service should be smpow- pendenee cannot be separated from ths re-
propriate legislation
1 ask
the long delays and the great obstruction ered to study leprosy In the Island».
■ponslbllity of making g<>«»d us* of It.
Attached to the hotel Is a r«^
The growing importance of the Orient as a
to justice experienced
In aMerting the Munroe Doctrine. In tab
field for American exports drew from my
pa r work «’hop f< r atit«>m«d»||e*. I’r«»-»i
ommendations of the Governor of Porto Rico.
Ing such steps as we have taken In regard
Delays In Criminal in the cases of Beav­
predecessor. President McKinley, an urgent
ers, Green and Gay-
to Cuba. Veneauela, an«l Panama, an«! tn
the dining room terrace tbr I r.iuHftil
request for its special
nor. and Benson Were attitude that this great Nation should as- , endeavoring to clr-un>*crlb* the theater of
Oriental .Market*.
consideration by the
view can be eern a< far at the eyw
and ■ume in the world at large. It Is absolutely ' war In th* Far East, and to secure th*
Congress. In hia me«- special cases cases,
I should not call your necessary to consider the Army and the j open door In China, we have acted in our I
ran reach. A lurgr ato k of or.glnal
aace of 1908 he stated
Navy, and the Congreas, through which th* 1 own Interest a* well a* in th» interest of
attention to th*m; but the difficulties en-
“In this relation, as showing the peculiar
and «'harming metnor r< of the tvwu.
thought of th* Nation | humanity at larg*
countered as regards these men who have
There are. however ,
volume and value of our trade with China
Foreign Polley.
expression, caaea In which, while our own Interests are |
been indicted for criminal practices ar* not
of proper Invention and production.
and the peculiarly
should keep ever viv­ i not greatly Involved, strong appeal I* mad*
exceptional, they are precisely similar in
which asist for their expansion in the
idly In mind th* fundamental fa«-t that it is : to our sympathies.
No connection with any Infer or »hop
kind to what occurs again and again In
Ordinarily It la very
normal course of trade. 1 Yefcr to the
the case of criminals who have sufficient impossible to treat our foreign policy, wheth­
much wiser and more useful for us to con
bating the aaiur aiylr. Etom our own
communication addressed to the Speaker of means to enable them to take advantage er this policy takes shape in the effort to ' earn ourselve* with striving for our own
the House of Representatives by the Secre­
wln«*yardA w«* are unique proprietors
of a system of procedure which has grown ••cur« Justice for other» or Justice fur our­ moral and material betterment her« at home
tary of the Treasury on the 14th of last
up In the Federal courts and which amounts selves. save as conditl-.Qsd upon ths altitude , chan to concern uur»*lv*a with trying to bet-
of thcar brat tltitagia ”
June, with it» accompany Ing letter of the
in effect to making the law easy of enforce­ we ar* willing to tak* toward our Army, and ter the <«>n<1ltl<>n of thing« In »»ther nation«
Secretary of State, recommending an appro­
It is not merely We have plenty <»f «In» <»f ,ur own t.. n»r
This remind* a contributor to Tit-
ment against the man who has no money, especially toward our Navy
priation for a commission to »tudy the in- and difficult of enforcement, even to the unwise, it Is contemptible, for a Nation, as
> against, and under ordinary clrcum«tanrr» gres« to the nre«| of Ain*ndlng ih» »»‘»I
Ulta of an advertisement hr *nw n
dust rial and commercial condition» in the point of sometimes securing immunity, as for an individual, to use high-sounding lan­
1 we can do more for th* general uplifting of Ing law relating to th* award <>f Congre«
Chinese Empire and to report aa to the op­
year or two ago lu a newspaper of
regards the man who has money. In crim­ guage to proclaim its purp..»wi, or to tak* I humanity by striving with heart and soul
oiunal medals of honor In the Navy »<> a*
portunitleg for and the obstacles to the en­
inal cases the writ of the United States positions which are ridiculous If unsupported i to put a stop to civic corruption, to brutal
It ran:
to provide that they Item, Nwitaer'and.
largement of markets tn China for the raw _______ ______ ...______ _ _____ ________________
____ by potential force, and then to refuse to ' lawleaaneae and violent race prejudice* here
should run throughout Its borders.
products and manufactures of the United wheel* of Justice should not be clogged, as provide this force
•*Thr — Hotel I a h favorite resort
If there la no intention at home than by passing resolutions about
C”ht n»i«*l<»n«MÌ
Action was not tak*n thereon dur­
they have been clogged in the cases above
providing and of keeping the force nac- | wrongdoing elsewhere
Nevertheless there
lu Ine Navy.
Bfuj warrant
officers of those who are fond of solitude.
ing the last session.
I cordially urge that mentloned. where It has proved absolutely___________
'■•«ary *
“ * back
• up a strong attitude, then It | are occasional crime* commute«! on so vast
a* wall as to •nli«l*«l 'I linac who are hi srarrh of louMI«
the recommendation receive at your hand«
Impossible to bring the accused to the place is far better not to assume such an attitude.
a scale an«! of su«-h peculiar horror as to m»n
the consideration which its importance and
appointed by the Constitution for his trial.
The steady aim of this Nation, as of all make u* doubt whether It Is not our rnanl-
n«'»w are. In fart, «’omtantly flocking
In th* Army alike to th* offi« • rs and the *n
timeliness merit.’*
Of recent years there has been grave and
enlightened nations, should be
i«e to strive to I fest duty to endeavor at least to show our
Hated men. an«l it Is most unjust that th« to this botri from tbr fon* quarters of
In his annual message of lfliW *» again
Increasing complaint of the difficulty of bring ever nearer th> » day when.there shall disapproval of th* deed and our sympathy
' ornrnl«Ml< n*«l officer* and w «tirant uffi<*t* of
called attention to this recommendation, bringing to Justice those criminals whose
prevail throughout the world the ¡ear» of with thoea who have suffer««! by it
Th« the Navy should not In tills respect have th« tin* glotn*.*'
quoting It. and stated further.
criminality, instead of being against one Justice,
There are kinds of peace which are cases must be extreme In which such a «ani* tights a* their brethren in th* Army
"I now renew this recommendation, as the
Hut tblw drllrfotts sample of English
person In the Republic, |» against all person* highly undesirable, which are In the long course I* Justifiable.
There muat be no ef­ an*l a* th* *nil»l*4 m»n of th» Navy.
Importance of tbs subject has steadily grown In th* Republic
because It is against the run as destructive as any war.
Tyrants and
fort made to remove the mote from our
In th« Philippin* leían«!« there lia* bean must yield the palm to tbr foLoprlng
since it was first submitted to you. and no Republic itself,
Under any circumstance oppressors have many times made a wilder­
brother's eye If w* refuse to remove th*1 during th* paat y«ar a « <>niinuallon «>f th*
time should be lost in studying for ourselves
and from the very nature of the case It is ness and called . it peace. _________
Many times peo-
beam from <»ur own
Hut In extreme rases] ■lead y progrMN whl<h ha* obtained sv*r noth*«*#, tbr flmt of which wm
the resources of this great field for American often exceedingly difficult to secure proper I pies who were slothful or timid
• »r short­ action may be justifiable and proper What
*ln< * our troops d«-finll*ly got th« upper r«l In the bedrooms of a large/hot«*!
trade and enterprise "
punishment of those who have been guilty sighted.
‘ ‘ who
had ' ' been enervated by ease or form th« action »hall take must depend upon hand of the Insurgent»
Th* Philippine p*«»- In the Juma, while the other *'•> 1<1
The important e of securing proper In­
of wrongdoing against the Government. By by luxury, or mlsl»«! by false teachings, have the circumstance» of th» rase; that ia. upon {
pl*. or. lu speak m«>r»
formation and data with a view
to the
the time the offender *an be brought Into shrunk in unmanly fashion from «ioIng duty the degree of the atrority and upon our I
accurately, the many dressed by tbr proprietor of un Alpine
enlargement of our trade with Asia la undi-
court the popular wrath against him ha»» that was stern and that n»»d-4 self-sacrifice, power to remedy It.
tribes, and »*»n rar»», hotel to his clients:
n i.nished
Our Consular representatives In
The cases In whlrh we route! Interfere bj |
generally subsided; and there is In most and have sought tn hide from their own
sun«!»re«i from one another mura
ur I«»**
China have strongly urged a place for per­
Instance» very slight danger Indeed of any minds their shortcomings, their Ignoble mo- force of arms a* we Interfered to put a »top ] • liarply. wh<> go to
“Ntrnnge gentlemen will pfraxe not
make up the p*»»pls of
manent display of American products In
prejudice existing In the mind» of the Jury lives, by calling them love of peace
Th« to Intolerable condition» In Cuba are n*<»» I 1 ths Philippine • Island«, contain many el»-
some prominent trade center of that em­
dr«q«A for dinner, ns this costume flut­
against him.
At present the interests of the peace of tyrannous terror, the peace of cra- •arily very few
Y*t it i* n*>i » ■ bs *«
, ami some *i*m*nt« which w*
m*nta of
pire, under Government control and man­
Innpcent man are amply safeguarded, but
un weakness, the peace of Injustice,
. . -
.all pecte«j that a people like ours, whlrh, In I have a right t< lo h«>p* stand fur progrsa# At ters f!i<» hearts of tbr maid folk, and
agement, as an effective means of advanc­
the interests of the Government, that Is. the these should be shunned as we shun unright­ spite of certain very obvious ahortrornlngs. j
I present they ar< utterly Int-npable uf exial -
ing our export trade therein.
I call the at­
Interests of honest administration, that 1« eous war.
neverthel*-»» a» a whole shows by Its con ! ing In in«l*p*n<l*nr» at all ur uf building no work is scrotupllMied.'
tention of the Congress to the desirability the interests of the people, are not recog­
The goal to set before us as a nation, the sistent practice Its belief in th* principles of I up a civilisation of th»lr <»wn I firmly be­
"Misters the venerable ’ voyng ra are
of carrying out these suggestions.
nised as they should be.
No subject bstter goal which should be set before all mankind, civil and religious liberty nnd of orderly I | ll»vs that we tan help them to
rla» higher earnestly rrquest«Ml not to tHkr til«
In dealing with the question* uf immigra­
warrants the attention of the Congress. In­ is the attainment of the peace of justice, of freedom, a people among whom even ths I and higher In the seal*
of clvlllsaton and uf
tion an: naturalisation it i* indispenxab • to
deed, no subject better warrant» the atten­
the pagee which com*« when each nation lx worst crime, like the crime »»f lynching. Is ' rapacity for »»if government, and I moil clothe* of the bed to see tbr min rl»-.
k*ep certain fact» ever before the mind« of
tion of the bench and the bar throughout the not merely safeguarded In Its own rights, but never mor* than sporadic, so that Individu­
thoae who share in enu t.lng the law*.
earnestly hope that In the end they will be for the eolour change«.**
United States.
recognises and performs its duty als and not classea are molested in their
and fur«*mo!#, let us re.
able to »tan«!. If not entirely •lune, yet In
Alaska, like all our territorial acquisition«, ' toward others.
Generally peace fell» for fundamental righto—It Is inevitable that
"Though so ritensive.*’
member that the ques- ,
some sti'-li relation to th* United Mtstes M* » '
righteousness; but If there i* conflict be­ such a Nation should desire eagerly to glv« <*uba now slan«ls.
tion of b* Ing a r exl ha» proved r»»ourceful beyond the expecta­
This end Is not yet In advertisement of anothi^r
American ha* nothing tion» of those who made the purchase. It tween the two, then our fealty Is due first expression to it» horror on an occasion Ilk* sight, and it may b* indefinitely post pori ml
to the cause of rlghteon«n<M»s
Unrighteous that of the masaers of the Jews In Ki»hin*f
whatever to do wltn a has become ths home- of many hardy, in­
if *>ur people are foolish enough Io turn the hotel, "th<> ex I h bl IK h n>c o I tiilall« no
dustrious, »rid tht'fty wars are common, «ml unHghtamMk peace is or when It wltn*»»M »^ch systematic and
man's birthplace any more than it has to do I
attention <>t
lh* Fill'dnos
>f |hs
Tintillos av»ay
ae«y I from th« stairs •■cent II»« dwtrlcal
lift *n-
American e I t I s e ns. rare; but both should be shunned
The right long-»xtended cruelty «nd oppression as »h« pro! • -rn* <>i
with hie creed.
In every generation from the
>t l
s< X
‘- ,~w tndroi and
Towns of a permanent of freedom and the reeponsibillty for the cruelty and oppression of which th« Ar-
time thia Government was founded men of for­
prosperity, of working for a stable, orderly, Aiding visitor« to gain quickly even
The extent of its exercise of that right cannot be divorced.
menlans have been the victims, and whlrh an<1 Just government, and toward foolish am!
eign birth ha^e stood in the very foremost character have been built.
the hlgherrnoat apartments or fail
One of our great poets has well arid finely have won for them the Ind'gnant pity of the dangerous Intrigue« for a c<rn»p|*te Ind»-
rank of good citlsenahlp. and that not merely wealth In minerals, timber, fisheries, and
while great. Is probably not «aid that freedom Is not a gift that tarries civilised world.
Ho runs tbr tai«* of ab«
in one. but in every field of American activ­ agriculture,
pertdenca for whlrh they ar* as yet totally down ugaln.**
ity; while to try to draw a distinction between
! long in the hands of cowards.
Neither does
The strong arm of the Government In en­
surdities; but these examples would
the man whose parent« came to thia country our people. We do know, however, that from It tarry long In the hands of those too sloth­ forcing respect for It* just rights In latar-
t>n the other hMnd, nur people must keep
and the man whose an-.eators came to it ««ev- a very small beginning its products have ful, too dishonest, or too unintelligent to national matters Is th« Navy of the United steadily before their minds the fact thal ths probably
eral generations back is a mere absurdity. grown until they are a steady and material exercise ft.
The eternal vigilance which Is states.
I most earnestly recommend that
Justification for our stay In the Philippines matched, ex they caxlly could be, with
Good Americanism is a matter of heart, of
there be no halt In th*
i the price of liberty must be exercised, some-
must ultimately rest chiefly upon the good
work of upbuilding th«
conscience, of lofty aspiration, of ejund com­ O »Ing to the Immensity of Alaska and Ita time» to guard against outside foes, although
The Navy.
w* are able to do In th* Islands. I do not a collection of the French nnd Ger-
location In the far north, it Is a difficult I of course far more often to guard against
American Navy, There
mon een*e, but not of birthplace or of creed.
overlook the fact that In the development of man theme« perpetrnlxl by our own
The medal of honor, the highMt prise to be matter to provide many things essential to 1 our own selfish or thoughtless shortcom- Is no more patriotic duty before ua as a our Interest^» In th» Pacific Ocean nnd along
people than to keep th* Navy adequate to
won by those who nerve In the Army and Ita growth and to th# happiness and com I Ings.
aclmolboy ».
the needs of this country's position We have
Navy of the United States, decorates men fort of Its people by private enterprise alone.
If these self-evident truths are kept be­
will play im Important part, and that our
bom here, and It also decorates men born in It should, therefore, receive reasonable aid fore u*. *nd only If they ar« so kept before undertaken to build th* Isthmian ('anal We
have undertaken to secure for our»e|«,*a our Interest* hsve been served In m«»r« than one
The Government has (
Great Britain and Ireland, In Germany, in from the Government
A Common Of.currence.
us, we shall have a clear Idea of what our Just »hare In the tra«j«- of the Orlen! We
way by the poNseeslon of th» Islands, (tut
Scandinavia, in France, and doubtless In other already done excellent work for
Alaska foreign policy In Its larger aspects should
nave undertaken to protect our cltlxena from our chief reason for continuing to hold them
Wife That « « pretty legend about
countries also.
In the field of rat*«manship, in laying rabies and building telegraph lines.
It Is our duty to r*fn*mber that * na­ improper treatment in foreign land«
We must b» that w«t ought In floral fsllh to try to
tn the field of business, in the field of philan­ This work has been done In the most eco­
tion has no more right to do Injustice to continue steadily to Insist on th* application do our share of the world's work, «nd tills launder being drowned while trying
thropic endeavor, It le equally true that among nomical and efficient way by the Signal
to the Western
another nation, strong or weak, than an of the Monroe
particular pl. < * of work has !»*••»> Imposed to KWlin till» UPlIospODt to Hero, Isn’t
the men of whom we are most proud *• Artur- Corps of the Army.
Unless our attitude In these upon on by the results of the war with Hpain. «•?
Individual has to do Injustice to another Hemisphere
leans no distinction whatever can be drawn
In some respects it has outgrown Its pres­ Individual; that th* same moral law applies and all similar matter* I* to be a mere The problem presented to uh In Hie Philip , 11 f
between those who themaelvea or whose parent* ent laws, while in others those laws have
In one case as In the other.
But we must
pine Islands Is akin to, but not exactly like,
lIiiKtmnd Dupllrnted continually in
came over in sailing ship or steamer from been found to be inadequate.
don our naval programme.
Our vo! -e Is now
In order to
the problems presented to the other great
across the water and tho*e who* ancesor* obtain information upon which I could rely also r«m*ml»*r that it is as much the duty potent for peace, and is no potent be« a use we
nuxlrrn life, n>y ilenr.
stepped ashore into the wooded wilderness at I caused an official of the Department nt of the Nation to guard Ita own rights and are not afraid of war.
But our pre
Its own interests as It is the duty of the upon behalf of pea* e would nail hi.. .
There ar* points of irrn mldnni n |
Wife I don't uiKleratnnd.
Plymouth or at the mouth of the Hudson, the Justice, In whose Judgment I have con­
»er receive the Orient
Individual so to do.
Within the Nation the nor deserve the slightest attention If we In our work to the work which Is being dune
Delaware or the James nearly three centuries
Iliiaband Every day I lienr of aoma
fidence, to visit Alaska during the past Hum­
by the British In India nnd Egypt, by th«'
were Impotent to make them good.
No fellow-dtlsen of oar» la entitled to mer for the purpose of ascertaining how
the state, that la, to the representative of all
_ under be<*RUao lie attempt-
any peculiar regard because of the way In
The war which now unfortunately reare French In Algiers, by (lie Dufrh In Java, l»y mmi _
government 1« administered there and what the individuals, and it Is a maxim of the
which he worship«« hl* Maker, or because of
In the Far East has emphasised In strik
iiV1?:.""“."“.1?. 1k*’?«i*7i
<•<! to 'coin, arro««' In reapon«* to hta
legislation Is actually needed at present. A
law that for every wrong there ia a remedy
Ing fashion the new poNNlhlllt les <4 ______
In Formosa, i»ut mor* distinctly than any of
the birthplace of himself or his parents, nor
statement of the conditions found to exist, But in International law we have not ad­ warfare. The lessons taught are both str«
these powers we are «-odesvoring to develop wife'*
# Orleans
x -«
should be be In any way discriminated against
Each must stand on hia worth as a together with some recommendations nnd the vanced by any means as far as we have teglc and tactical, and are political as well the natives themselves so that they shall
man, and each Is entitled to bs judged solely
tak« an ever Increasing share In fh«’lr own
cur, will be found in the annual report of no Judicial way of enforcing a right In Inter­ have shown In conclusive fashion that while government, and as far mn I s prudent w» are
In some Instances I national law
When one nation wrong« an­ sea going and sea keeping torpedo destroyers already admitting th«lr r» presentai I ves to M
There ia no danger of having too many im­ the Attorney-General.
Alio ut one plrim ppla In 20.000 hag
other, or wrongs many others, there Is no are Indispensable, and fast lightly armed
migrant* of the right kind
It makes no dif­
governmental equality with our own.
ference from what country they c/ms«-
If Imperatively needed that I am moved briefly tribunal before which the wrongdoer ran be and armored cruisers very useful, yet that
There are < 'ommlssloners, Judges, and Gov­ aerila In it. anti it la from illesa aeadg
they ar* sound In body and In mind
and, to emphasise the Attorney-General'» pro­
Either It ia necessary supinely to
ernors In the Islands who are Filipinos and that new varieties are producati.
above all, if they are of good character so posals.
acquiesce in the wrong, *f*d thus put * pre­ any navy worthy the name must be the
who have exactly th* same share In the
Under the code of Alaska as It now stands mium upon brutality and aggression, or else great battleships, heavily armored and heav­ government of the Islands as have their col
that we can rest assured that thMir children
ily gunner!
Not a Husslan or Japanese bat
A mnn ranoot ht va «n Mm of _____
and grandchildren will be worthy fellow-cltl- many purely administrative
and it Is necessary for the aggrieved nation val- ,
leagues who are Americans, while In the
fleahlo has been sunk by a torpedo-boat, or
the most___
xens of our children and grandchildren, then duties, Including
lantly to stand up for Ita rights.
Until some by gunfire, while among the less protected
...r of tion In another which he was never etnei'
lower ranks, of routs», the ________
great majority
*• should welcome them with cordial hoopl- portant, devolve upon the District Judges or method ia devised by which there shall ba a ships, cruiser after cruiser has been de-
the public servants ars Filipinos. Within two | bit of in hiniMelf.—Steele.