LOCAL NliWS. RUSH OF TRANSFERS QUIET WEDDING See Newton for I Ivcry. It. V. < «atva « am«« in from Mr. Paul llillalioro wore imirri«*! nt thè boto« <»f You g'*t the brat Photo Pilate at the ('«lunty Clrrk Gn«»rg« • Baldwin Hlii«li«». 111« corp« F. <’ o | m *, of Klamath Agency Mra. W. arv the «Ivpitli«*» of Cb««lMln nu «I bl|W|«-Nt in««ii in Klamath county. la in the city. rml The Gr hi ('ale and Grill r«H»in In the jxipulai place (ur dlnn« i parti«*«, Th« *nlg oí uiipr«*« «*«!«* nU*«l in (ho 1« »«tala county. Th«« >lbgv Meal« nt all houra First class service. rrputalion. <4 a iialur«« (hat «how that • nionwy baton« lie county iii I Mr. Dul^n.y bwsain. laipreM.«! with an* nvctiring I hr lan«la «»I rt. Kluumtli Falls, acct-pl«kliig Ma»Mjurr«ih* contuim«« for rent *, the K. lor cuin|M)ii«ation ihruitgh the law. K. K nl*»ie ( all early ami make your 11.NA BROWN Dl.AIII OI a«*l«*ctiun. <> Shutt«’ Bpring Lake pntalnra are •old on "A Mill lings llent Plan.” Price« qiiol«*d by a l«ir rasing me at Klniiiath Fall«. tf M hll’MIll Henry HHp Tailoring Co. of San Francisco El«*n«»r Boyd, l»olb were married at thia < ity Thursday evening MEN’S BOOTS 2,000 SAMPLES <»f the VATI) TO SELECT FROM home <4 Mr. ami Mr». W. O. Hmith in l>«*c4*mt»er H, |9O4, Ju«lge H. L. Benaon «»tfi< lating. The gr lx*nt you l<»rgr*t we will again remind M inn Klamath Fall«, Tha Valley l(«M*«*rk place Iasi Saturday, the which war conducted by Rev. Pepper. IhM-vAMMl Uhik nick m«»re than ag>> Iroin h.iVlng contracted bad brail to Ban a year office at luikeview. Mra. Knox a numltrr «4 year« a L. F. WILLITS for photographer at L.tkrvu-w, and 1« of one of the I m *«1 fain* ill«*« of the county and a umat ralimable woman. The Krpnbliran extendi HE CAREFUL congratula­ tion* and l«rat w iabea. a cold and DM HLIMJRLD IXII.l.AKS KtW AMD Franciaco ami other |»»liita to recover her health, hut | k » m »*I : away at her home lant w«*ek. I h* cam * I wan a I »vahlveharacter Bllil where vo.i take yuur watch fur repairs. More watches arc ruined by Incompetent watchmakers • than from any other cause. My watchmaker has $ hail 2' year» experience in lhe repair of complicated as we|) as cheap movement*. The watch does not exist that he cannot put in order. This Space is Reserved for the Lakeside Inn, well liked by all who knew her. COURT TAM'S klxLSS TIMI1FR LAN!» ACT JUNK S. 1X7«. NOTH F. t<>K Pt RIJC iTI«)N. United Rtatra land office, I akevlew Oregon The Circuit Court after ¡tassing on a Tie« rint.cr 1 IWH Noln e la lierrbv given that matleia y rater da) hi comp! anve w h the provlalona of Ibe art ! >ew unimportant < f « uiigre»a nf June T entitled An art marni tig and clearing up the dovàri ol for the »al« of limb r larida In the Stale« of < al forma Oregon Hria-la and Waddoglun | m * ik I i ng «»niera, ad joui ned until Janu­ T«*rrl'ory." a« eitended to all the Public land hate» b* art«» Augu»l « iMTJ. Emery Plumb ary 3, iVUà. ' Plat «th Fall« counit of Klamath iMatc of Oregon has thia «lay filed in thia off re hia a«a Great interrai al .Merrill ia lieing tak­ • th. F'tHF’4 -F'.'F’. Ser 9 and XW’,NW»< en in regard to the ih-'hcation «»I their Me< In Tp ( HR 11% K w M. and Mill offer I r! to »hot» that the land »ought la more new «»|*era h«»uar on l>rc. 26. Commit »aluable for Ila tindwr nr «tone than for agri I t«e# hate l«r«*n careiuily srlrclvd. Mai to «a d land before «»e<» T Baldwin. Co. Judge tin Hr««, have ordrrrd a large nuinl*ri at hia office at Klamath Falla, (hegon. on la I >’■- V -a H • ol coatutliea lor rent. Thu Klamath uainra aa wllnraaea! Archie Johnaton Wn» balín braaa Itami * ill I m * lh *re lor the l^ai> ia Ilan« N» l -on. C « W tl»on. all of K lam ath Fall« Oregon (Ml that the largrat crowd that haa ever 16th day of February. IM*». J N Watann, Register. lern in Merrill al one Ilina will l«e there on the 2*Hh. Highest ma at the Cenital restaurant. CLOUD Of* llll.t: klM(IVII). C. N. Hawkins W II Execute Deed* I rec ol Cost to I'fopcr Persons By the derr«*e hainled in down the Ciicuil Court, I hold prrfect title to the follow mg lamin in KUinatli l ai.a, Or« gon: lx«la 6, 7, R. 9 end 10, in block 106; all I. the new living an ol«i LI*cka and al«»ut 13 an«*e at Fort Klamath, who li take« place DwMMnl»cr 26 will Iw a man- Th«* |w**»plr there Plate qtirra«le. F. C. Bi«M»k« that form cloud of Forvatgra title <«( other «»wiiera I i N oth k —The train 1 jike K. on K. « ill leave Having no «leaire lu rauae Pokigama alanit 12 o'clock « hi Monday* Dae. 2*’», t«» eonnret with in time pr«»|a*rly. I will give a I Train to Fan Francisco, *»n the Hout hern ia «aid lo cloud mid which 1 will •igned w'uiihl like to correapond with n and can give tlie right home. ». •'». 7. bb i k »3. and dr«*«», George Young, Bly, Oregon. A woman’» club w mm organiard Tur« day afternoon at the Inune <4 Mr». W. S. Worden. and reading (rev Mi«a 4[i, the where lie will school at remain He Tony “Tin* Swell­ hi* hv At h Inat School Board Monday evening caused by the removal of C. 11. Withrow from the county. in i* the happiest man I the nH iiiltvr ol the boaid to Illi the vacan­ cy Natitrday Hrrive meeting of W. H. Worden waa tinaiiiiiioualy electeil w ith Bedding tn visit a of IMatrk l No. in I'rnnevlviinin and east, WedneMlay night. Mr*, ('astel who wans ineinlsir ol the |>arly, night. Life.” All welcomed. ing of Jordan.” the will D'avu«* TrrtHinent and Preaching at 7:43, anbject1 plant in grandfather, A. IL Knxle, returned Iroin ! ami New Ex|M»rience «if Physici­ Epworth WORDLN A SCHOOL DIRECTOR Alfred Cartel, accompanied uncle th«* Subject, ” The Btandard best <-<|ul|>| m - i 1 In the Blate. her Heals, aupt. Mra. in., At 7 p in. inert«. till» city, which w ill inskn it Illi, of the ■topped over in KI a. Preaching at 11, atibjrcl, “No an.” w ill piiri'lmse a contiiiuuu« earbonstli'if an extended visit C. N. H awkinr . Hnbjrct, reiiow of lant quarter'« leaaon« fur ■ Glut two wis'ks mi biiHiiiess trip. nisr'liine (nr their no.Is water 3, 0. 7. H, 9. title to Methodint < liiirrh Service«.— Sunday pro Wi'dncHihiy niurning l''riin<'iw«>, 9 l)ec«*nil«cr 14, 1904. R. A. Grnhnm, ot the flint nf Gralism tUn lota 10, block N5 ami block rr tHpiilira. M in . Oliver Gal«*», Sri relary. A O'Neil, Ivlt Iota 75, I, 2. 3, 4. 5 Iota 7tl; Evelyn Applegal«« wa« appointed Pie«idrnt tain. block 4 «»1 I*I« m k >1 , 1«»t-» •». 7, H, 7. H, 9, 10 bl.M k H4 • maintenance of a room. 10 lota which, I am ailviaed, io clouded by nth The «»l»j«*cl «4 the club i» the eatabliidimriit m H M, 9, 10 block 74. I«»t M block Ahj«*et 1« matrimony, convey All «4 bl a g«««! w *» iiiaii ami a aim* ¡a drM'ribed a« follow«: My ranch home i« at Bly, and liav«* a go«»nt out in MUSIC Hee that I FLACKUS BY BROTHERSt U MRS. M- McMILLAN, Prop’r. HFREFOHDS FOR SALE. We «»ffvr for aal? at a gr«*at aacriAce the f«»llowing full I i |< mm I Hereford«, grand animal»» aud grand (dock. Aim*«tir Gr*»ve (Lull) So. 149,MO— calv«wl May 21. 1902. wire. Mack, No. Ml‘i5, dam. Sara, No. 104,609. Fl«»rt*nce (row) No. 127.449, calved May 16, l’.KJl, wire, Lord Lytton, No I 67.420. «lam, Fioraie, No. 444 42. Pear lena (c«»wj No. 137.Hl 4, calved Nov. H, 1901, «ire. Lord Lytton. No. 67320, dam. Pearl. No. 74063. Them* animala were **e* ure«l by na at th» Mvadow Brook Farm. W<»odstock lllin«u«, and «hipjied in )a«t year, and would prove a great a«*qui«ition tn any fieni. We al*» have «*ne Berkshire f»«»ar IIMBEIt LAND ACT JUNE. 1*7«.— <4 the famous fxivejoy «train, al««» «hip- ¡•»•d in from llliimi«. For term« and notice fob publication ami oilier information a«ldrv»r the United Mt ate* I .a nd Ofbc«- l4ltei'f*« «» *-•«»« Or'nhrr 7 l «M owner», Bagiev Improvement Go., Notice i• hereby givcit that Incompliance WfMMlville. Oregon« • «th the |»r<*v|aioti« of ths act of Cungre«« of • «me X. 1*7« entllled •An act for Ihr »ale *»f TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 137».— ■ i • I-. 11..* Miaiea •■« Cai fo< a ■1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. gon. »va*1a and Wa«hingfnn Territory.** a» « *'en«led t<> all the |*ubli<- Ixind Htatea by ecl United State» l^and Other, laakevfo*. Or of Ang«i»t 4. I«W Fret Km li ofMtayton, <* «in October A iWM. ty ol Marion Ntatr of Oregon ha« thl« da* Bled Notice 1« hereby given that in compliance • «« lb la oilier hi« *u or n m » i « in r.' S ITJS.ior t hr wiib the pruvKiouv « f the M't ot «'ongrraaoi | iir<’ha*r of the «r'.nw', r*^ 2. and June 1 ¡«7«. eatilb-d "An act for the «air of i»r‘ » S K 9 K W M . and In* and all p«-r«on« claiming adteracly the will offer proof !• »how that the land «ought abotr dr»« r 1 twd land» are rrq*i«-«t>- more * aluable f«»r Ita llnkror atone than heir claim« In Ibis office on ur before said for agricultural purpoaea. and to catabl »h hia 5*lh «lay of January, l«**5 claim to »aid lan«l before Gr<» Chaataln, Clerk J N Wal»on. RegOtrr. of Klamath < n at Klamath Falla, Or. «>n Sat­ urday lh* » inher 17th, IWM Hr name*» a« »if- ncaaara: A M Jamiatin, 'I \ Robert» J. E ilMHKR l.ixn. K-Tirm 1ST* NOTh’K i.orler, J w Hamakar. all of Klamath Fall», or I FOR Pt RLIt AT1ON. Any «nd all person» claim ng a>Kvr«**ljr the United Blates Mnd Office. Ixtkevlew. Oregon above lemribvd land» are rr<|urste«t to fl’e \o*« uibrr ift. lklM. Notice In brrrby given their claim» in thia »fhev on or before »aid 17tb •hat In com pl lance with the provision« of the day ot Daccmbar, * wm J. N Wataon Register. art of Uongre«» of June ». la's, entitled •• tn art for lb* *«h* of Umber land« In the Hta esof « allforni« Or«*M«»n. Nevada and Washington TIMBER LAND, ACT JI NE3. IH7H.— I crrltor) an vs tended to all the Pubi c Land N MICE EOR PUBLICATION. Mat* • I * net of Auru«t 4. IBertha K Raw I'lnteii Mate. Ijtnd Otliee, *er. ol Klnmaih Fail« county of Klamath, Ijikeview , Oregon Octolier 8, 1!AM talc of Or>-gon. ha« Ih 1« «la* hie.! in thl« offl* her «worn «talrmrnt No .Nit, for the porch»««* Notice ia hereby given that in com* .•I the NIV4NW> ..«Arc I. N^NE’- and SW'.KK'. - ■ « 11 i.GllKWM and • 111 **ff**r pro* f pliance with the prnvi.ionr <>t the act ol ('■ingrew o( June 3, 1878, entitled ‘-.An to «liow that th«- land «ought 1« mare \nlunbl«* ..*r It» t mber or «lone titan fot agricultural act tor the rale of titnlar land, in the t»urpo«e«, and to establish her claim tn »aid land before G*-o. T. Haida tn. Co Judge ol State, of California. Oregon, Nevada Klamath « ■• Or at Klamath Fall«. Or. on and Washington Territory,” a. extend- Monday the Ltth «lav of February, Ift'» She e.( to all the Public l.and state» hy act ,*m. » a- uttnr«-**« I F Goeller. Aller J (««teller n niter Mnn«»i, Lydia Lrnnvfl. all of K lam«th <>l Angnat 4, IM*2. Charlea M Corl>ettof Traverse City, county of Grand Traverae i alia, «■. tny «ml ail nrrwvnn cla'mlng adversely the Mate <>l Mh lii.-aii, haa thia day tile.I in abova dsscrilMMi laud« are requested tn file this office hia aworn atateincnt No 292t. heir cla ms in tin* oiBcv *»u ur before »aid 1.41(1 for the putchaae of the s'.SE1,. Sec 22. «lay ul Fvbruarv. I9u5. J. N. Watson, Register. NW'.NWL,, See 2»i. NE'4NE‘4. Sec 27 Tp 37 S, K fl E W M, and will offer IIMItKK LAND ACT JI NK X, 147» NOTICK proof to allow that the land sought ia KOH PUHl.tCATlON more valuable for ita timber or stone United State« l and Offlre. I.akrvfrw, Oregon. than for agricultural purposes, and to No« rm I m * r 2», IWd Notice 1» hereby given that establish his claim to said land before in compliance w illi ihr ¡»rnvlaion« of the act of Congrra» of June g, taTM. enIW|«*«| -An art for Geo. Chastain Clerk of Klamnth Co, Or. tin* *>ale of limb* r land** in the Slate« nt Cali­ at Klamath Falla, Or, on T itemi a y the fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Wa«hlngt«*n T«*r He name* aa 3rd day of January, ItfOfi. ritory," a» eatended to all the Public land stair* l»v art of Align«! 4. INTO. Kligah W Rob- witnesses: I'I om . Shannon, Geo G liiiil- rr t n ot Bed Held, county of Klamath, »tale of by, A M White, William Good, all of Oregon, ha» Hila day riled in thia office hi* Klamath Falls, Oregon. «worn «tatrmrnt N«» -*‘12 for tin* ptircba**e of Any and all persons claiming adverse­ the SW^NW'«. *rr 15. Ip .«SR 9 K W M. and williiffri proof to allow ilia* (hr land »ought ly the almvr deserilied lands are request m * mor«* valuable fur ita timber or atoue than ed to tile their claims in this office on or (or agi iculiiiral purpoMC«. and lo rwtabliah hia e aim to -aid land tM'fore tiro. I Baldwin Co. before said 3rd .lay of Jauuarv, 1905. Judge, at Ilia office at K laiuaUt Fall*, Oregon, J. N. Watson, Register. on Saturday th«* IMlh day 4of «<*4 of aec 21 tp 40 m r » e w tn He namen the following wllueam*« to prove hi» conltnuoua reMdrnce ni»«»u and cultivation of aai l’\K R. IH7M. NOTICE made Iha culla i 10, 1’102. lor the FOR I l’HLIUATION. NW, ol SK1,. SE1, ol NW. aud lots 1 and », ' Vnlh «1 *t«te* I.Mti'l off!«’«*. L*ke»1ew, Oregon see 7 tp 41 s i 10 h W M, by l.eoll C Pauli Con­ | tesile, m which II Is alleged lhal said Leon C I Det’vmber 5, HMcj. Notice 1» hereby given il»«i Pauli lias never made any settlement, Im­ i In compliance with tlo* provisions of the act provement or <’ u 111 v a 11 » n i thereon, nor estab­ I of Congre«« *4 Jnne R. IM«*, eniltlett "An act lished any residence on said iraeij that he haa for the sale of liintxT land« In th»» States of ahaented biniseli from and wholly abandoned Uallfornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington the said Irani tor more Ilian si« niontha last Territory,” «•* extvndv«! I*» all the Public Land past, said parties are herehv nol’ffed to appear . Staten I»» a**t of Angu«l 4. 1X92. Luther II Bur­ respond ami otter evidence touchinx said alle ■ ton ol Ken«», count* of Klatnath, state of Ore­ gallon »1 Hi o'clock a in on Decomber 17, l’k>4, gon, ha*» lh1»da* filed in this office his sworn . ................o f fluid» III. Co. Iildgeol KI.malli statement no .IMO tor the purchase of the >*w . Co. residing ill Klamalli Falls, Oregon, and Hee 7. Tp II R R N K w M. and will offer pr* >»f lhai linai hearing will he held ai liio’viiH'k a to show that the land nought is more vnluab.v in. on December 24. I’kH before lhe R glstcr for ita timber or stone than for agricultural and Receiver al lhe United States Land Office purposes and to establish hi« claim to »aid land before Geo t lia-tain Co. Clerk st bls In Lakeview, Oregon. The said eoniesiant having, In a proiier all! office at Klamath Falls on Thursday the Kith davll, tiled November 7. ”«u. set forth facts day *»( Feb uai y. 19U6. lie name» as witness**»: which that alter due diligence personal scr llenry H Uhaptnan, Rile* w. Tower, Geo. Mor vice ol Oils indice can not be made, It is here­ gan, E-li Morgan, all of K«»no. Oregon. by ordered and directed that such notice be Any and all persons claiming adversely the given by due and proper publication, be made above nuove deseribvd „vs, io.... lands^are ........ — re«|uusted .......~.r., to file ...v In Ih. Klamath Republican, published al Him their VIMIIH" claims ••• in ••••- ibis office «raw on or wvawxv before «••»■»! said ‘ Iflth tilth «lay oi February 1WVI. 1*«. .................... ■ 'gon. * day ol Ki«n.atb f . u «.or«*j* J, N. Watson, Register I J. N. Wa».on, Register. . price |>aid (or chick market FAMOUS Co. of Chicago, /// r city tlii-ii bouiv iu future, rii rm 'A YADEN—BoYD— Mr. Lynn B. Yad- turn«»d Iroin han Fran« is**> lant evening roach«*« already. Continental Tailoring lauuwruua Blamca Cattle Inapcctor. Mr. ami Mra AGENTS FOR a tiira «4 th«* county. W' mc I for »ale at the G«>, that l*M»k«*«l We can dress you up per- II. L. lU*ni»on, of thè Circuii court, foiming thè «wremony. The w«*«iding wa« a qulel one, tin th«»i and uew»paperman, w Itilo bride coni«)« lr«»m uno of ihe Iteri fattiti fora way huliind with ihv work. We are now ready to talk footwear with you A full line of men’s, womens and childrens boots, shoes, rubber goods and winter foot wear WELL! ami Mr. Main Htruet in f«*w friend« lieing prc«riit. rrcoid lh«*m u« lh«*y c«»u»«* an4 arvthvra New ,ch*dce Christina* g< mm In al Mra. caleielarn Mra. W.O. Hmith on Lily that ihv pn*««*nl l*>r«e la unabl«* lo her aunt, Mra. I . W Ihirrina of thin «ity. I9U6 ELECTRIC CASH STORE. No Tailor in Town? Portland an I Mi»-« !)♦ Ila (’«morii, «d Wm-dlaixl, (‘ahf. yerturday. for !h*Laney of K< t JUNE J, 1ST«,—NOTICE for PUBLICATION I nlted mate« Ian I Office, Takeview. Oregon November 15 qofice u hereby flven that in eomplfa *with the provision» of th.« act of Jun* 3, I-'-* . tititbd - An act for the of ttmfo-r lau 1« in the mate* ,»f Cal forma orrgnii. N«»a>!a «ml Washington Territory," as esrendv l to all th- Public land mates by set of August. 4 the following person» havcthi«>?«y iq this office their sworn statement» to-wit: William c Rogers of Mmnt Vernon, county of Nka»it. «fate of n«*hiugton. sworn state­ ment No jyo for the pureha*r of th1« HE .NEl. u Tp 37 M R 11 E. W M Asa If Phipps of Mount Vernon, county ol HKag:t. state of ashtngton. «worn »tatrmer* No for the purchase of the Ml'. H*c 23 Tp si * iv r. w m * That they «»41 offer proof to show that the land sought f* more valuable for its timber or stone than h r aartcuitural purposes and to establish their claim to «aid !a:>d before Geo. T. Baldwin Co Judge of Klamath Co. at Klamath Fall« <>r. on Saturday, the 11th dav of February. 19b.». The* name a« wiineasr*! A H Phipps. W||- liain <'Rogers of Mount Vernon. Wash M II ...... her T H Miannou of Kiamath Falls. Or. Bert Ragan of Ronsnu. Or. Any «. I all persons claiming adversely the above-desert bed lands are requested to file their cla m» in th.» office on or before said I lib day of February. 19u> J. N. Watson. Register. TIMBER LAND TIMBER LAND ACT JUNK X. 1«78.-NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION. United mates Land office Lakeview. Oregon. November 15 1*04 Notice In hereby given ihat tn compliance with lhe provisions of the net of lune X. in TH entr. I d "An act for tlie sale ot timber lanes in the Btatrs of California Oregon. Neva Is and Washington Territory."a* mended to all the Public Land State» by act ut August 4. U*2. the following person« have this day Ailed in this office their sworn state- MCI •«. to wn : Harry mayton of Harrison, county of Ko*>- tenai, state of Idaho, aworn statem* nt No. JWR, for tne purchase of the N’.NE'., SF'4 NE 4 ^cl9audS*V .NW . dec JO, Tp KS K Il E W M. William Youngberg of Harrison, county of Kootcn*».. state <>. Idaho, su rn statement’Nu. .*9.. for the purchase of the NW‘4SE' NE‘4 N W 4 and W». N Eqr. See 1». Tp 37 S R 11 E W M George K Turner of Harrison, county of Kovtenai, state of Idaho, sworn statement lor th" purchase ot the NEq-\ NWqrNEqr. W UREqr. Hoc JO. Tp :<7 H R II E W M That they will offer proof to show that the land «ought is more vaiuale for its timber or ■tone than for agricultural purpoaee and to vMabli-h their claim tn «ant land before Geo. Cha-.am. Clerk of Klamath Co. Or. at Klam ath Fall», or. on Thursday, the *» h day of Feb- tuary. 19M. They name as witnesses: William Youngberg. Harry Nla\ton. Geo E Turner of tlarrison Idaho, William Carmichael, W o Smith ot Klamatli Falls, Or. Any an. J. N. Watson. Register, ( Formerly The Linkville Hotel. BISHOPS EXCLUSIVE FURN1TURS STORE is the place to save money. Call and see my stock before sending out for your goods. I will take pleas­ ure in showing you around and will give you prices that will justify you in buying at home. Complete line of iron and wood beds, springs and mattresses, chairs, tables, etc, etc, etc. ■$ • ••••••••••'•••a •••••• a y Í Koesel & McDonald ft) Everything Fresh and Clean * * * R ■. er raTT.XM txt TIMBFR LAND. ACT JUNES, 187».— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vniti'd State. Land Offlcc. takeview. Or. October 6. 1904. Notice 1« herebr given that tn compliance with the provialon. of the act ot Congreaa of June S, 1S7S. entitled "An act tor the sale of Umber lands In the States o( California. Ore-’ oon. Nevada, and Ws-hineton Territory." as extended to all the Public Laud State, by act of Allgll-t 4. 1*^2, Alvins S. Merrithew. of Sisson county of Sis­ kiyou. State of California, has tiled In thia office her sworn statement Noiaw. for the pur- I cha-e of the SK’.-i K',. E'.SE’,. NlV>,SE,|r. of See It Tp 87 s K 10 K IV M and wili offer proof to 1 -how that the land souxht is more valuable 'or its tlmlier or stone than lor agricultural pur- iwise*. snd to e.tnbh-h her claim to said land nefore Resister and Receiver at Lakeview. Or­ egon, on Thursday. December 15th, 1904. She names as witnesses; Robert Lute, and Ber­ nice Sackvllle, of Sis-on, Calif. Any and atl persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this officeon or before said 15th , day ot December, l*M. J. N. Watson Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT Jt’SK S. 1S7S,-NOTICE FOR PIBI.ICATtON. Vnltrd Rtatra Land Ofll«. l.akevlrw. Oregon November 15, 1WM. Notice Ia hereby given that In coninllanee with the provision, of the set ol June S, IM7S. untitled ‘An act for the -ale ot limber Intuís In the state, ol California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," a. extended to all ths Public Land States by act of August 4. law. lbs following parsons lisve this day Sled In this otllee their sworn statement-, to-wlt: Charley Dalilman of Silver Lake, county of Cowlita, state ot Washington, worn statement N 2VJX for the purchase ot the E’, ot Kt., Sec Tp .17 S R II K W M tieotge C Price of Silver take, county otCow- lit», state ol Washington, sworn statement No. 2V.1i. for the purchase of the W, of WJ^, Sec 25 Tp 37 S R 11 E w m Kdllh Wehlle ol Silver Lake, county of Cow- lit». Slate of Washington, sworn stateni 'ni No .lino tor the purchase ol the S^swur. N>, Swqr, S. 0 22, Tp 37. S R II K w X That they a ill offer proof lo show that the land sought Is more valuable for its tit iber or stone than lor agricutlnral purposes and lo establish their rlaini to said land before fleo. Chastain, Cierk ot Klamatli Co, at Klamath i'alls. Or. on Friday the loth day of February, 19M&. They name as witnesses: Charley w. Dahlman, Kdllh wehlle. Ueorge C. Price of Sliver lake. wash. Michael Dooher, Tho. H Shannon of Klamath Falls. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the shove described lands are requested to til. their claims in this office on or before Mid loth dav of February, IW'S. . J. N. Watson, Register. : MANNING’S KANDY KITCHEN * * A CHRISTMAS CANDIES and NUTS Fresh walnuts, filberts, pecans, Brazil, almonds, peanuts. Fresh Popcorn A. J. MANNING * Bon Ton Millinery. > > > > > > > LATEST IN LADIES AND CHILDREN’S HATS and IT iii - ix I sa I v I iiic Goods Hats Trimmed and Made to Order. MRS. G.W. FISH, MILLINER. For the next Thirty days, to make room for new stock, all goods reduced one-fourth at THE LA MODE MILLINERY PARLORS * MRS. H. P. GALARNEAU. J