KLAMATH VO! IX. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 15, 1 íh »4 NO. 37 dawn would bring tbe aoutbsid.ra up­ DOINGS IN CONGRESS. wwwwwwwwwxrrw V V -r ........................................................... on their enemy. The noitheiders were counseling one another to stand Arm to Monday, December 3. ths end. If they could only stay tbe The short session of the68th congress deetructioa of their traps until the ar­ Newsy Items Gathered from All fly PXUL DP.l.AM’.Y met at 12 o’clock. No business waa rival of the soldiers they feared no ► Parts of the World. transacted jn either hona>- excepting author ot “ Lu rd ut tho Llorar!." "Ora fua Bhatatiaa," further trouble. the usual routine w< rk of opening day and othar radilo Cuñal hturloo Willi the Hist flash of the red in the VATER ECHO LAND. SIUSLAV WORK UNFINISHED. east the .outbsiders moved out to the Of INTEREST TO OUR READERS Both houses adopt« d reeolntioua ol res­ pect to the late Senators floar, of Mas- north. They did not apprehend any wbusette, ami Quay, of Pennsylvania, Coming Season will S«c Rapid Ad­ Congress Io danger of interference from the Sol­ be Asked la Make Use diers. They left that to Gabe JaivL (renerai Review of Important Happen- and their adjournment waa a fuitl.er vance In Irrigation. of Plant Already Installed. mark of respect. Their purp'Hie waa to make the tight pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and Echo— Tbe coming reason will mark Eugene—In view of the uncompleted final tliia morning. They knew that Condensed Form. more improvements ami enterprises in I condition of tbe liar improvement at Tuesday, December 0. they possessed the numiiers and should irrigat ion for Echo and the vicinity tlie month of tbe Biualaw river, prom­ President’s message nad. they succeed in destroying tbe north- A number ol résoluti >ns have been tributary than ever before experienced. inent citizens of this county are now Tbe first snow of tbe seas«n has fall- eiders* traps and return to their homes th« «lark ar was now close at hand. and through the prejudice they expect­ month for the widows of Union sol ­ been planning project» ate beginning the proper methol of deepening the approath of tlxs l-«at that abs might . Wlills II;» breakers from tlie s, they ed the Baltic fleet not to proceed to the diers, sailors and mannes. activities Heretofore the preeent laws water on tbe bar. The plan adopted Intercept II and inform ths officers e to ­ Governor sleet Douglas will appoint litigation, and those who have been another small appropriation would ba upon the southsiders until «laylight on asked Captein Bwdlong. day This is $846,498 less thsn the es ­ only showing that the traps were de­ General Miles ss adjutant gineral of account of ths delay of some of their j **We would run her into the tsoil," structive to the tish industry but wore the Mass« buaetts militia. timate and $236,881 more than the anxious to see the betterment of Echo made. Tbe jetty was only fairly under and its splendid lands have hesitated way and just lieginning to show wbat reinforcements and hail also heard replied tlie pilot. current appropriation. also detrimental and hasardous to nav­ The School c««l mine, near Peoria, them state that Gabo Jarvi, tlie pilot "But you are running her into the igation. Platt, of New York, cause«! a at ir in in risking their all in projects that might be done, when appropriations There were 100 the senate by iotrodeucing a bill pro­ might at any time be taken into court ceased to come. on the lest to bring the *>ldisrs, would breakers," replied the sheriff. Axes, drags, arms and dynamite had lllnoia, is on tire. The Butter creak water company has Tbe business of the harbor has been keep away from them until they had > "Il is Ix-tter for het theie," coolly i>e«n provided by the eouthaidere. men at work at I tie time the flames viding for a reon the whole to were discovered, but all »reaped, Tb» sional representation of the southern purihaa»«! an elevating grader and has increasing and now amounts to consid­ j commence«! widening and strengthen­ erable, and business men of Florence Il had been agreed by Ga>«s that Its m heel. states, on the groun«i that many of the resort to bloodshed. They csrne, how­ property loss will tie heavy. ing their ditch. T* The Cold spring irri- and Eugene hope to prevail upon coo- wotiM run al>out tlie river until «lay- The boat l*gan to rock an«l leap like ever, determined to win. They ex- Tbe house < ommitlee on rivers and citiswns of theses states are deprived of gation company is preparing to extend _ ____ tbe __ ______ . . _ J gross to _ go ahead and finish work light, pietemllng to he hunting f ir the a wild animal which fount! iteelf sud- pected to do this through intimidation harbors has decided to arnd for some ol the right to vote. fisher,uen, when in fa« t he woubl I* ■ lenly in the clutches of an enemy. It and overwhelming numtiers. Senator Hale introduced a bill to re­ the company's ditch aen.es to their now well begun. The government has tbs district eng users, as they detire to lands on the north side of the Umatilla a plant with which to work and could studiously avoiding them. Ill the was but a shell, on y intend*i for the But theie were those among them hear from them on the nee«ix of rivers quire the employment of venseis of the rankness of bls tnachsry he bed prom I smooth waters of the liver, and could who are always found in a mob organ­ and harbors in their respective dis­ United Mates in the transportation by nver and a company has been formed in a abort time deepen the channel __ < -11 ....._' rO huibl a smal I ditch to watar a tract MVerai fw»t bv th« mnflnino rd fka la*I to take the b<«t aa near tlie bar as not l«e ei;«ect*! to live on lheix-ean and isation, that preferred bhsidehi d to any sea of al) supplies of every deerription o ouild a small ditch to water a tract several feet by tbe confining of ths tr icte. he dare«! to approach where ths sea especially on the river liar, one of the other feature ol the fight tietween the for uee of the Panama «anal commis­ of land of 160 acres adjoining Echo, water to the channel, Many shells sent to the Russians at sion or the contractors in tbe construc­ now in sagebrush. Tbe Maxwell ditcb j waa rough end ouhl U|>set ths stoiu- ' roughest places known to seamen. The two factions. people are improving and enlarging! Mukden have proved defective. ache ol ths ritiaen soldiers. meti dinsn stairs fell about tlie «let k tion of tbe Panama canal. QUIT WOOD TOR COAL. The southsiders moved along like so Hankals bad r*ap«d Irom ths ol«l like drunkards an«! while some became many shadows to tlie attack. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, de­ ttieir ditcb until it will reclaim nearly A son of Geneial Nogi was killed in A cou­ 8,000 acres of land. ' . , shark while the men were oat on the «leslhly sick, others were alarmed. ple of launches uaed for towing in the the attack on 203 Meter hill at Port clares be will oppoae to bis a’moat Besides these ditches smaller ones ^or Pucl Getting Scarce Iwacli artaiiglng for the a.teck ami had Hankala cotihl conceal her fears I no Orbing boats on other occasions had Arthur. ! the propiwed change in tbe Panama About Pendleton, watched for the coming ol the boat. longer. “That man," she said, “is I wen secured, and sailboats had been I « anal from a lock to a sea level canal. are constantly being built, and in a The Japanese have sunk ail tbe Rus- I He save it is a s< heme of the trans- few years the entire section of waste Pendleton—Fuel dealers of ths In­ Hhe knew that it would go on the *«utli taking ns to our doom. The boat i can- converted into rowhoata for the mom- lian battleships and cruisers at ^or continental alile of the islarnl in outer to avohl an not live in this sea. He could have trig attack. ---- .—. — I railways to delay tbe con­ land will be homes for turners. Thia ; land empire are of tbe opinion that ths These wen manned by Arthur. season a large number of land holders «lay ol wood burning is sixm doomed, encounter witli the fishermen who were passe«l the point of the ialand without large forces and formed a line for the struction of an isthtn a i waterway. aie clearing laige tiacts of land vary- as coal is rapidly replacing it. The lined up on the north side, and when corning Into the breakers. The watei main encounter. Japan has signified her willingness ing in size from 20 to 60 acres, and r>e«t of coal from the Wyoming beds Is she saw the light of the vessel far up le deep there. Thursday, December 3. to participate in a second Hague peace Old Headog had assembled his men nold at this place for $8.60 a ton, and the river she launched a Ixiat which Khe had come from her place of con­ near the center of tbe largest group of conference. The senate held only a short session will sow to alfalfa. ------------- the coal from British Columbia and was eome distance Bom the plotting cealment ami spoke with all of the traps and took active command at this and adjoined until Monday. Bo far in the Far Eastern war Rus­ Turns Out Many Bricks. Washington beds is fast becoming gern- fishermen and struck out to intercept earnestness of a woman, and the cool­ 1 point. It meant more for him than An attempt to secure consideration sia has lost 23 warships ol sll classes Weeton—Clark Nelson, manager of Uied> ,M>U1 O'*««“ »“d Wash- the big craft that she u ight inform th«- ness of a man. of the pnie food law by Senator Hey- for all the other northeiders combined and the Japanese four. officers. Mie ha.I l«een successful, as Jarvi looked arouml at her with a end he iutereeted himself accordingly. the Weston brickyard, las returned birn was defeated. ttie trader knows, but a dilemma now ghostly smile of contempt, but did not Tiilman brought tbe case of ______ William Dallea, ___________ where he haa been on an'^ Meacham, from ___________ ____________ __ from The _______ Roosevelt has altandoned tbe ides ol lie poser sa r d an iion nerve and this _„ea vu..»™ «.«.uuev.eu w.cu ui.y.iu. The »here W al la W alia an J Pc ndleton draw confronted the officers that waadifficult budge the wheel. was wrought up to the highest tension. a special session of congress in the j D. Crum, the colored man nominated , business connected with bis yard. ..cs.vu, 8. w D*w I- O. O. F. Umple, for which he 1 8reater part of their wood, there to solve. "Uonanler youiself a prisoner,’’ said It was the critical point of the long spring to consider tariff revision. for w»we..«w..w. collector .. at Charleston, C., , into i Neither of the ««fibers knew snytlnng Captain Bmllorg. prominence by asking for a report from . furnished brick, has just been complet- to I* immense quantities stacked struggle and should he lose, thousand« - - — a ' — 1» - - v. - A bill will be introduced in congress the ¡cd and will — be dedicated at — an • — early ''tke ,, for shipment, slxiut the river ami none of the men “All right," repli*! the pilot. Then of dollars Worth of property would psss the iaih. 'be committee on judic ar/ as to luri- --------------- — ■ -- ..j , . . , - .. \ but . „ competent . • to connect the canal tone on t„_ ..— -tatus of recess appointments. date. Four hundred thousand bricks judges of fuel sey that but about 26 had the alighirst i«i*ta about naviga he released the wheel and walked out from bis bands. With bis traps de­ mus with the United States by cable. In the bouse tbe civil service com- »er« used in its construction. While P*r of *• clear« dry, green-cut Hon. Hankala tol«l them that the b.«at of the pilot bouse. The Ixxrt leaped etroyed his cannrey would 1« useless; waa heading stialght for the ocean and I and reeled. The profiling wheel al­ commands the high Becretaiy Shaw will urge cotigrees to I mission was attacked because ol a pro in The Dalles Mr. Nelson cloeed a con- with traps and cannery both out of uas «--- —- ot XS employee to con- vswea tov vtw vmlw soo ixxi brick to be ’ tensely nee the timber sup- that they had ;>eaeed all of the fiahsr- ternately rose atrave and sank ip al the bead ol the water revolving as uselessly as and could not pay their bills at his coma public building Irom $400,000 to stitute tbe rural examining board. ' used — in the — construction ------------------ ----------- Tbe the island lor the early moeuiaa artaek Is , a-tv~—III. lbs Tessa I was left to store; neither could they pay their $800,000. The pay of stenographers to tbe bouse bank to be erected at Condon. -—-« t*,u'e *re being . - ma«ie from back in the committee» has been roluced from $5,- ________________ brick will not be delivered until the six aml eight mi lee. ____ __ ____ __ mountains ______________ _ _. Al- “This fellow Jarvi ia a very mean the mercy of the breakers. rent. The traps were tbe life of tbe The handwriting experts in tbe Den­ railrnad. which rune from Arlington, 'bough spurs from the main line back wian. " said Hankala. “He is now The last extremity had been reached. town and the town was owned by Bea- ver election frauds found evidences of 000 to $3,000 per annum. Umler btm«l for the murder of his ag*l The sheriff drew Ins revolver, and, dog. A proposition to increase the salary to Condon, is completed, which °wiH in the mountains might easily be built, repeating for both tbe Democratic and they will probaily never be built, as tai her and is said to t«e the most brutal pointing It at Jarvi, said of tbe secretary of tbe civil service be early in tbe spring. ilia dark flotilla rose and fell with Republican ticket». j coal will be much cheaper than tbe of the ignorant Finlanders on the south j “Go back to that wheel and take us the swells of the bay like a school ol con.m ssion w«u defeated. Senator Mitchell has a fight on bis construction of a road. sied Into the Throughout the session today the from the Kies of government land in *n nion«y- There is no clew as to the The suspense waa finally relieved. Liberal appropriations for Columbia replied the county oflh lai. foaming Io eskers below. policy of retrenchment held full sway, Oregon. The yeai 1903 was a bumper 'hi«*«*- evcept that a crowbar and otb- In the shadows of the slowly approcah- river jetty are assured. "But who would laae care of the Hankala, keenly alive to the impend­ ing morn could l>e seen the boats of the and all attempts to increase salaries nne in public l«n«l business in Oiegon, er 'n effecting an entraneo Russians have lost 3,000 men trying failed. boat?" inquire«! the captain. ing trisis, lisle hrmd*i and liars armed southsiders stretching up and down due in a latge degree no doubt to the cam<* from the railroad shops here. On to tetake 2C3-Meter hill. The two men weut out on deck. Han- f sprang to the wheel. Hhe glanced the river like a great black wave. The house passed a resolution to ad­ activity of men who were securing tim- discovering hie loss Postmaster Yates kale fol lowed them They could ere down into the angry sea. and hutrimlly Their numiiers looked as ominous ar Cooos county will spend $100,00 on journ December 21 until January 4 for ber land through the mediumship of ’""■«diately wired the postal inspect- the breakers now leaping high In the examined the shore line to the north; did their dark line of advance. the usual Christmas holiday. I swis and Clark fair exhibit. people who fought it and soon there- or9 at Portland, who will make efforts air far away to the front of the vessel, then w lib distended muscles she bore “Men, to your arms and oars!'* after transferred it to tbe men who i to apprehend the culprits. Common A grand jury has been empanelled to and knew that this was ebere the river down on the lever that governed the hissed old Seadog. And Ibis command NO OrrCNDCR TO DE SPARED. furnished the money for tbe deal. bl,ck P«»der »»« in cracking the investigate the Denver election frauds. met the waves of the ocean. rudder, an«l rang the engineer to turn war taken up and passed down the line. safe dooi. One or two persons sleeping "The sroundrel seems to l»e carrying on the steam. Taft acknowledges Le made a mis­ Hitchcock VIII d kept the nose ol the vessel point­ ami we can't hold out much longer the long run. This was the sentiment found five of the defendants gnilty as of five persons for Isnd frauds, which the best agticultural properties in something over 21,000 tons of beets, charged, but cleared M im Marie Ware 1 which yielded over 55,100 pounds of ing townril the bicakers. Hankals had againat them." will be followed next week by the trial | Union county. on both sides though many bad brought Thus S|H>ke Ohl Beadog. A hand to followed the officers and sttxx! behind sugar. Tbe entire season's run was Japanese from 203 Meter hill are of several others indicted for the same along rifles and revolvers to uee in the tbr smoki-atatk where ehe availed her­ hand fight had just taken place on the direst extremities. War on Scabby Sheep. made without a bitch, much to the sat- shelling Russian fleet and have sunk offense, is but another step toward the me lino* water an«l while the encounter was a self of Its warmth and at the Engene—County Stock Inspector A. isfaction ot all concerned, and the many one battleship and set a number of consummation of the policy entered up­ coul«l listen to the interview with the draw the northeiders knew that their other ships on file. on by the secretary of the interior when G. Mathews is now engaged in an at-j persons who embarked in tbe raising (To te continued) strength was l«eing exhausted while pilot. it became known nearly three years tempt at purifying the sheep of tbe of sugar beets expiess themselves aa her military Germsny is doubling “You hsve brought ns past the fish- that of their enemy was being in­ Opal Fossil of a Rhark. ago that frauds weie being perpetrate«! county, reports having been received weH satisfied with their venture, the German strength at Kiaonchou, ermen and are taking us toward the creased by force of numtiers. Bluer they were first discovered tbs in connection with tbe public lands, to from some sections that scab has been The only ho|>e of ths northsiders was famous opal fields at White Cliffs, N. ;>ott on the Shan Tnng peninsula, and run down and prosecute tbe guilty ones observed. Mathews went out to the ocean," said Captain Budlong. Insures a Good Crop, The 8. W.. have yielded many curious fos­ sending there an experienced officer to the full extent of the law without district northwest of Junction to in vex- The pilot Ignored him in the accua- tbe arrival of the state troops. Pendleton—The rains that have fall- militia wax not ordered out for the pur­ sils, particularly thoee of prehistoric from the Admiralty staff. tomed manner of steamboat men. regard to their position tn life.” tigate reports of stockmen driving d.s- en the past few days have proved of in- “We want an explanation,” demand­ pose of taking part In the fight, if it marine life. Rut the latest discovery eased sheep on the county road in vio- estimable benefit to the wheat growers Eighteeen persons were injured, some could lie avoided, but to patrol the Is a moot extraordinary one. and will ed Bild long. lati< n of the law, and expects to make of the country, although not a great Experts Examining Ballots. of them seriously, in a New Yotk fire. "Yea, ami «e want It at once," spoke river an«l prevent bloodshed. prove of tbe deepest Interest to tbe What Itenver, Dec. 9.— The ballot box s line arrests. One a nest and convic­ amount of water has fallen. The state maintained the right of its scientific world. tbe aheilff, who waa a man of personal Simon Ijtke, an inventor, is building from precinct 6 ward 5, was opened tion for this offense hee been made. rain has fallen has dampened tbe courage and accustomed to the nature citizens to flah to the middle of the ground sufficiently to insure the sprout­ It le that of a foaelllsed, or rather a submarine torpedo boat at Newport today by order of the supreme court, in of the rough men at the mouth of the stream wherever that might be determ­ opnllxml. luemlier of the shark family, News in which he expects to cross the the contempt proceedings against offi­ ing of the grains ami and heavy rains later Will Chop the Alfalfa. in« 1 I rnaiim a t.rxextl L a AxvtMina ined to lie, and claimed the right to river. Echo—Robert Btanfield. who resides u-i wiH 'nBUte • K00*1 nvon CI0P frt» ,or 4 ,he coming which waa found on block Na tl. at a Atlantic. The new vessel is to be 83 cials of that precinct, and its contents “I am running thia boat," repl ier«1 w«‘k" «8° >• •*»» >7'0« in the It waa a question of boundary line epevliuont measures 3 feet 6 Inches “But you are running her In the the ballots and report their findings to alfalfa hav for winter feeding. A ga1- «found uneprouted. It is aaid the large shipment of beef an«l aa is usual where there are disputes from tbe snout to the tip of tbe tall. wrong direction,” sal«l the captain. the court tomorrow. The court ad­ oline engine supplies the power. In "You had better run her yourself alxiut such matters, each side constant­ The body Is |n seven sections, the cir­ from Omaha (or the Russian aimv will journed until tomorrow without its de­ feeding the hay ttnehopped the large Indians In Better Health. go by way of the Puget sound instead ly encroached on the rights of the oth ­ then, sines you know so much about cision on the question of lejecting the stems remain uneaten and are wasted, Fendleton—Dr. T. M. Henderson, cumference of the largest of which ol Portland. er. The first bloodshed hail brought It," retort»«! the pilot scornfully. entire vote of precincts in which its in­ but by chopping the stock eat the hay who has been in attendance upon tbe (the head and shoulder portion) le “We understand nothing about out the worst element of the southside This tip clean, saving a large per cent of the cases of diphtheria among the Indiana eighteen inches; each section is six J a men M. Tyner, poetmaater general junctive order was violated. sleainboating, but we do know that end they determined to drive back or at the mission on the reservation, re­ Inches iu length. under President Grant and assistant would change the result ol the election. hitherto waste. you are going in the wrong direction," «leetroy, even to the line of the north ports that no others have taken tbe dls- Hie deeply Indented eye-sockets attornefy general until forced to resign shore. repli*! the sheriff. Govd Roads Bill Is Reported. New Shipping Point for Coal Mine ea«*e, and that thoee affected are rapid­ show plainly, "and thin velus of pur­ under the recent poetai fraud investiga­ The boat came slowly down the river. "Well, if you know nothing almut Washington, Dec. 10.— Senator Lati­ Coquille—The Coquille Coal the ¿mount annual installmentsof $8,000,000 each working a five-fixit vein of coal of good I Poultry shows—Salem, December 16- sent to London these ond other mat­ of $6,001 was secured. maml that you turn back and proceed a eouthxide leader to hie companion. for road building in the states. Under quality. A large contract formachin-, 17; Portland, December 20-26; New- It did contain the soldiers, and the ters of Interest will soon Its deter­ to the head of ths island.” The effect of prevailing bail times the provisions of the bill states are to ery has been let. Delivery will occur oerg, January 10-13; Albany, January It was pure hast'd from the reader already knows of its movements, mined. "I can't do it,” replied Jarvi. throughout England will tend towards do the work and pay one-half of the in tbe spring. 18-21. finders by sn opal buyer. and the treachery of its pilot. “Why" asketl the captain. a lean Christmas coat, the national government paying Oregon Good Roads convention, After ths boat passed away to the “I am in the south channel anil will Worse and Wona the other half. Salem, Itecember 13-16. Eugene to Springfield. now tie compell»«! to round ths west south ol the Island, the northsiders re­ The Portland Ministers’ association "My wifs and I went to call on the Oregon Htate Dairymen's association, Eugene—A project is on foot to con­ point of ths ialan.l and ratuin on ths laxed into a feeling almost hopeless. Duuileys last night. I can't Imagine is msking a strong effort to have the Will Prevent Running Blockade. nect Eugene with the bustling little Decern tier 20-21. The night was cool and csltn, but an anything more tiresome thau spending aa Lewis and Clark fair closed on Bun­ north aide," said the pilot. Inland Empire Bunday Bchool insti­ Berlin, Dec. 10.—According to a die­ city of Springfield by a six-foot si«le- "Why did you come so far out of the unusual darkness settled down upon evening with them.” days. patch from Tokio to the Lokal Anzdg walk. The distance between the two tute, Pendleton, January 3b. “You can't? Wait till they rome to the waters. The stare shown out and way?” asked the sheriff. Ths supervising architect will re­ er. the placing of heavy cannon on 208- cities is three miles, but only a little “rwapt into the old south channel gavs forth shadows that darkened the spend tn evening with you.”—Philadel­ commend appropriations of $100 000 Meter hill will enable the Japanese to over a mile of sidewalk will have to be Northwest Wheat Markets. A black veil phia Press. by act blent and couldn’t get out," re­ surface of the water. and $85,000 respectively for Federal fire on and eink junks and other craft built to connect them. Portland—Walla Walla, 83c; blue- Thia walk, if hung above It like a mantle. The plied Jarvi, doggsdly. It la generally mor. profitable to reck­ buildings at Oregon City and Baker bringing supplies for Port Arthur from built, will be a great convenience to stem, 88c; valley, 87H<- The boat continued to head for the contending fishermen lay upon their on up our detects than to boast of our at­ Cty. Tacoma—Bluestem, 86c; club, 68c. Cbefoo. bicyclists and pedestrians. The first blush of tainments.—Carlyle, breakers. Jarvi looked coolly out Into oars and arms. Toilers of the Golumbia WEEK’S DOINGS i OREGON NEWS 0E INTEREST |