Hood’s Saruparilla is unquestiona­ bly the greatest blood and liver medicine known. lb positively and permanently cures every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It» is the Best, marra r J^hofpqraphtj v Ayer’s : -Humorous Grad«—Ohl Stealing Jaui! I’m going to tell tuatuuia! Freddy—Wouldn't you rather have eouie jam?— Harper's 2£ Ita *ar. Khe—How Is It that widows gener­ ally uiauage to marry again? lie Bo- cause dead men tell no tales Ally Sloper. Bpartlctis IN m - s that fountain pen of yours leak that way all the time? Ml’ltnary Botany. Biuartlcue No, only when 1 have ink Cherry Pectoral. Ask your Mise Jobnsou was an excellent In It. Baltimore American an Illustration of tbe very few elements contained In a successful teacher, but her taste In dress, espe- own doctor if this is not so. “I see you advertise piano covers." dally bead dress, was so peculiar that picture I will say that a simple landscape containing the aide of a hill He uses it. He understands said the man with a «qilllnt. "Yes. we eve« her adoring pupils could not fail divided Into agreeable spaces by a tiny stream or a road, a footpath or a why it soothes and heals. to notice it The venture which ap- ravine. wt.l give you only two apacse tn your foreground. It should be have all kinds," eald the clerk. "Let -1 hsJ s terrible eougb h»r vsek, Tb,e 1 loob Srsr*» <-b,r,r rsel«r«l sad swly ess praml upon Misa Johnson's hat one remembered that the road, stream or footpatb should not divide the land me look at some that are hermetically beols eon, i , i , .-.o^l m, " Mee J. A tu,reeve. St. Jo,,|>b. Mk-b. •eaaon was so gaudy that several won- ecape luto bortsontal spaces which are parallel with the base line of the sealed, then." Youkera Statesman. Ms Me.fl.SK J < «visco. dering commeDta were made by the picture, nor should it be divided Into triangular space« which are equal to "I've met several other jieopli from I 1 M ..« rocb other. Nature seems to have abolished the exact rules of measure­ boys. for your city." said the lloatonlan. "and uient In the arrangement of her beauties, and we cannot do bettar than "I'm going to ask her what that every one of them said: 'Where Is It green stuff la," eahl one boy. valiantly. to accent of this hint from nature. The sky »pace Is divided Into unequal at’?" "Where Is what at?" demanded In spite of the vigorous objections of parts by the roof of a dwelling outlined against the sky. or by a tree, oue the New Yorker. Kansas City Inde­ his companions. "She won't mind, and of the ordinary kind, and as unobtrusive as the landscape; and with these You will hasten recovery by tak­ pendent. next nature-study class I'm going to simple elements we have all of tbe material needed for a picture which will ing one of Ayer's Pilla at bedtime. Klldey Slats Please, mum. but we're have sufficient strength so that It will appeal to all by Ita simplicity In line ask her. and see who's right" a couple uv shipwrecked sailor«---------- and Its close and intimate relation to those simple bits of nature which are Bo. red In the face but stubborn, he Proper ClaMlfioatloM. Lady—What! You never was near the rose at the end of a lesson ou wayside appreciated by all who have the true art loving spirit within them. Itastua—What kiu* ob er dug am dat, water. Slldey Slate t'uffickly right, I am aware that there is always a tendency to Introduce a figure wher­ H im S iiow I mi II? flowers. In response to Mlsa Johnson’s mum. puffickly right. W« wus on a general request for any questions ever a road Is found, and this may be well where the other elements of the M im Buuwball — Dat am a sxpectore- alrahlp Judge. which might have come up sines the arrangement are so very plain that they contain no natural beauty In them­ ahun dog. Hastua — What do vo' all menu by dat? "Do you mean to say you dou't bavs last lesson. selves. and the figure Is needed ho give interest to the picture; but tn a Mias Snowball—Why. he atu a aplta. any trouble tn keeping your wlfs "I'd like to know about that green composition where the few simple elements worked with are in themselves dressed In ths height of fashion ]*' stuff on your hat" he eald. bluntly. beautiful, the introduction of a figure Is an experiment attended with a con­ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY "John Aken, be say a it's beach grass, siderable danger of weakening the composition by the Introduction of an­ Tab, taiallvv Brunn, quintan Tablvlk All drug “That's what 1 said, My trouble cornea but I say it*« onion sprouts." other element of only ordinary Importance. And yet I bavs known artists gista remind I ba nioney if It fall» to euro. I. W when I don't keep her dressed that way."—Philadelphia I'resa. who have been considered famous, and whose picture« commanded high Urovv*« alguaturv la on »ach bit*. Mv. Greatest In the World. prices, to till a road from near foreground to dtstaitce with groups of figures "I suppose you have made It a rule Tbs Grand Duke Constantin la one of Arlington, Ind., Dec. Sth.—(Special) haring no possible relation to each other, and then, as if thia was not suffi­ Russia's favorite poets, lie won a rec­ In politic« never to forget a friend." —Mi. W. A. Hysong, tbe photograph­ cient. to Introduce as a aide Issue in the right foreground, at some distance ord as a fine soldier before be begau to “There's no danger of that." answered i “D bar M bs . P inkham : — There are but few wives and mothers who er, who moved here recently from from the road, a pair of lovers under a tree, apparently unconscious that write verse. , Senator Sorphum; 'If a man has done Sapp, Ky., is firmly of tbeopinion that the world contained others than themselves.—Chas. E. Fairman, tn Camera ?♦ Is not wealth nor anceatry. but hon­ anything friendly for you tn politics be have not nt times endured agonies and such jxtln iw only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable orable conduct and a uot>.e dispoaiuou Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the greatest and Dark Room. never lets you forget It."—Ex. Compound. It Is a remarkable medicine, diilerent in action from any that malt« men grMt -Ovid. Kidney Remedy the world has ever Crabshaw—He baa tbe Inventive fats 1 ever knew and thoroughly reliable. known. Now's This? A SHIP THAT FLIES. ulty very highly developed!. Crawford The aeronaut baa a seat and conning “ I have seen cases where women doctored for years without jrnna- “In th« years 1901 and 1902,*' says We offer One Hundred Ikjllara Reward fvi platform about 12 or 13 feet further fin? cue of l aterrh that can no l be cured b) —What bae he luvented? t'rabahaw — nent benefit, who went cured in less than three months after taking yotur Mr. Hysong, “and for some time before Drsan« of Agee Ha, Been Attained by Nothin*, eo far as I know. But when Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic anti lncumble back, and be can move from one end Hall s Catarrh < ure. I was afflicted with Kidney Trouble. F J. < HhSKY A CO., l’ropa.. Toledo. O American Genina. to tbe other of tbe car at will, though We, th« under signet!, have known F J bls wife goes out ba can tblnk of things camo out cured,happy,ami in perfect health after a thorough treatment My joints were sore and stiff and I finally A spectacle which aroused unbound­ a change of position of less than two Cheney tor the laat 15 years, and believe hits to keep the baby amused by the hour." with this medicine. I h ive never used it myself without gaining great got so bad I could not turn in bed with­ Erfectly honorable in all business transao benefit A few tloees restores my strength ami appetite, «nil tone« up out aasistance. In the spring of 1903 I ed enthusiasm among tbe vast con­ feet la sufficient to cause the craft to >na and financially able to carry out any oh —Judge. ligations made by their hrtu the entire system. Your medicine has Isen tried and found true, hence was induced, by a friend, to try Dodd's course of people who witnessed It was ascend or descend In ths air by raising W 8he--Jack played an awfully heart b » t A T b V a X. W holcaale brunisU. Toledo. O Kidney Pills and after using one and the successful flight of Thomas 8. or lowerl g the elevation of the beak. W aldino , K innan A M amvin , H holeaale l’rug lees trick on Flossie II«—How's that? I fully endorse it"— M ka It X A ndkhsom , 225 Washington bt_ Jack­ Toledo, O. sonville, Fla. one-half boxes I was and am still com­ Baldwin's great airship at tbe World's Al tbe rear there la a rudder of 6x10 gists. Hall g < aiarrh Cure ta taken internally, arl- She—Why. they were engaged, you pletely cured. Several of my neigh­ Fair grounds In St Louis. The airship, feet, made of light canvas stretched tn< directly upon the blood and '. v ’. oub sur know, and laat night, at th« t-al Mr*. Heed, 242S E. Cumberland HL, Philadelphia, Pa., aayei faces of the ay stein. Price 75c. j-er bo tile, bors, too, used Dodd's Kidney Pills which Is called tbe "California Arnow,” on a bamboo frame. Tbe total weight hold by all Drug«lata. Testimonials free. masque. Jack made up eo that Floasie “D kah Mna. 1‘ inkiiam :—I feel it my duty and in every case they did as recom­ was navigated by A. Roy Knabenabue. of the whole apparatus la only about Hall s Family Fills are th« best. ils proposed and to write and tell you the good I have received didn't know him. of Toledo. 22ii pounds The maximum speed thus mended.” Questionable. from I.ydla E. Pinkham'« Vegetable Com­ was accepted again!—Puck. The California Arrow, as the Bald­ far attained, by means of Ita own en­ Cure the early symptoms of Kidney pound. Miss Del'uyster—Just think. I cat "Now that you are wealthy, Mr. Disease, such as Backache, with Dodd’s win airship is called, is tbe result of 30 gines. not taking tbe wind Into account trace my ancestors back to the Reforms “I have been a great sufferer with female man who deals In pedl- C„" aald tbe Kidney Pills and you will never have tion. trouble, trying different doctoni and medicines Bright's Disease. Jack Dashing—-That’s nothing, ! cat greee and tbe like, "you really should w ith no U-netlt Tw o years ago 1 went under trace mine back years and years beton begin to adopt a coat of arms." “I'll an op-ration, and it left me in a very weak any reform was uecessary. do just as I please.'' retorted Mr. C., condition. I had stomach trouble, Imckai-lic, hotly. "If I like to go about In my Mother, wltl find Mrs. Winetow'« roothlng headache, palpitation of the heart, and was very shirt sleeve«, that ain't none o' your Syrup ths be«t remedy louse tor thslr children nervous; in fact, I ached all over. I find during the teething period. bualneaar* A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES yours is the only medicine that roaches Itchln<. Blind. Rl«*edln< or Protruding Pile*. "Whan you first sntsred politico," such troubles, anr k !. r>. « « .rrat \.rv< tbs dstermlnatlon to win at any oostF' Let Cl Hope Not, When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weak­ r* “ L"T. r 'Hal bMll.ai.du-.nw. Nell—According to this paper girls "No." answered Senator Sorghum, "I ness. leucorrh.na, displacement or ulearetlon of the womb, that beariag-down IV. K It. Kiln«. Lia .Ml ArvbMi. l-bllndrlpbla. I*«. are now wearing collars aud cuffs set out with the determination to win feeling, Inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, grneral debility. Her Opportunity. mstln«ni»h>-ro you ba­ You cam imagine how offensive it was. lleve what la to be will be?" "Wall, For twelve years I was afflicted with this yea, to a certain extent I believe, for trouble. At night it was a case of scratch k CLOTHING Instance, when I draw my salary that and many times no rest at all. Seeing the Tn* r^aaon W. T». P od fl M |S «hoe« «r» th«« rrp»te«t 1er« In th* world Is h«rtniMl nf th«rfr •«<■•!- lent fftyl«, ra*y fitti rif arici ■ii|.rrior w»nrln< «iiinlltle*. If I r»mld nl»<»*■ iitadfi in niy far t<>ry and th<»«a of othpr make« and th» high lr.ithrrauaed,you would undar at a nd why W. L. Ilouglaa fio ahoea mat inora to tnake. why ihry hold llirir aha|>r, fit hotter, wraf who wm taking it for Eczema, I com­ the grocer and the milkman, and ths loii««r, and ar* of treatwr Im rinato valu« than any other n m aL<»o on th« market loda y, and why lb« menced it, and as a result the eruption be­ •ai*« f «» r tl«« year ending July I. 1*4, war« tJMo.nO . , rest of tbe people who make It their W. L. I»<>iigl»« guantnteea thrlr valu« by atAtnning hla nam« and price on th« bottom. Look for IV— gan to dry up and diMppear, and to-day take no aub«tftut«b Bold by aim« daalera «varywlier«. business to get my money away from 1 am practically a well man. Only two .Iffy J. me. are going to 1fh ahto/ult where once tbe whole body was affected. the sun In ntire to rtne to morrow morn­ tatit/arhon. I find thrin luneru» in fit. rotnf 11 it»>t irt-o hx.tfirtt retina Ji urn Ajxwa caita» hamuia >1 M to N. Ct E, l^pt. f'otl., (f. A. Ini. /6< An». »./, 1«. I have every confidence in the medicine, ing. ” — Chicago Record Hern Id. nnaaw4Ljm*.miM W. f„ I> the flneat relent Leather inailo, keel Color Ky«-I«>ta tia« <| /**« luaivrly. A farmer and his wife called at a two remaining spots will disappear. W. L. UOUOLAt, Droofitf", photograph gallery to order some pho­ 8. 3. 8. is certainly a great blood puri­ tographs of her, and while the oper­ fier, and has done me a world of good. TI«'P<-<«•tillV Eitlnri'ciTEditioti of I I am grateful for what it has accom- ator was getting ready, the husband plished, and trust that what I have Mid gave the wife a little advice ns to how will lead others who are similarly afflict­ she must act. "Fasten your mind on ed to take the remedy and obtain the something,” eald he, "or else you'll same good result, that I have. laugh, and spile tbe job. Think about 1x5 Bast Fifth Ave. J ohm F. L kax . early days; how your father got in jail, and your mother was an old scold­ While washes, soaps, salves and powders relieve temporarily, they do not reach the er, ami what you'd have been If I CONTAINS real cause of the disease. The blood must hadn't pitied you. Jest fasten your 29,000 NEW WORDS, Etc. ba purified before tbe cure is permanent. mind on to thnt!" Hbe didn't have any 8.8.8. contains no potash, arsenic or min­ New Gazetteer of the World photographs taken. New Biographical Dictionary eral of any description, but is guaranteed UlitaO QutarSw Pug*» purely vegetable. New Plate«. pxM 111 ustratl'/aa Mudas'y of Erin's Daughter. Send for our bk THE English Lady to Irish Girl How Is » Should be in Every on the skin and ita It that you never speak of belonging Home, School, and Office diseases, which is to the Irish race, my dear? mailed free. Our Itav. I.yman Ablmtl, >>.!>., Editor of USES ph ysicians will Irish Girl—Because It Is sinful to The Outlook, keys; Webster has always been /Ae/ov ieitrilrutorw^ j j Wife—Yeo, but It’s for you, just the P. N. U. No. SO 1904 same. It's from my dressmaker. Blood Medicine. For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any­ thing better than Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral Coughs,Colds Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. FIRE PROTECTION! RUSSELL enginebsoilers SAW mills FERRY& SEEDS High Grade Machinery The A. H. Averill Machinery Co. ’Ä' WEBSTER S INTERNATIONAL Oec But nr its Good DICTIONARY sss verdict OF EVERY ONE WHO DIAMOND W” 1 HEN writing to ad »artisan písese mention this papar. Why Is tbe tough mug behind th > bar called a bartender] It NOT carried by local grocers, writ« Wadhama A l’«., who will advise where obtainable.