KLAMUT3 REPUBLICAN i<.|>iibltv.n In Pollile*, and dei-oiaO u, the Timber. Airtsulinr*!,IKoek and ««I I alarsela ol the greal bl.mall* Couni,. PublUhrd Wvery Thursday by WESLEY O. SMITH, Eniwa *!«n Paorairroa. rtmceiptiow iàtmi KI.À5UTH RAILROAD EXTENSION KEflmACb eouncY balk Kl.im.ilh Fall*. Orifton LAND FRAUD TRIAI CAPITALISTS VISIT IS CONCLUDED PROJECED ROUTE Absolute Safely Every Indication Points to the Early Only the Woman Escaped Conviction and That By Special Instruction Completion of the Long Looked to the Jury By the Court for Improvement Oi-fVNir (in advance)...................... _ _ __J_____________ Is the policy ol this bank, and it is rigidly adherred to. Safety first. Liberality next. I Hervey Lindley, of the Klamath tion by the Weeil railroad representa (Special to the Republican.) I-ake railroad, was a visitor in Klamath lives. Portland, Dec. 8.—The jury brought in a verdict in the It was statvd bv one in :» position to - Fall* the first of the week a»vompani<*d know that the last named |M»rty wa* ■ by Secretary McCormack and I'acitic n< t here alone b-oking alter the timl>er Federal court convicting all defendants fraud I Coast Manager Long, of the Weyer- industry. It is said they feared the A verdict of acquittal was ■ hoiiser Lumber Company, one of the visit of the W«*e I railroad p»»ople meant cases, except Miss Ware. largest in the world, with headquarters an encroachment on the contemplate»! brought in in her case under the order of the Court. Sen- in Wisconsin. territory of the Lindley railroad, and The pur|xi*e of the visit was not mad«* the Eastern concern *ee* something else tences have not yet tven passed. Cases will be appealed. : public blit prominent persons »in the good in this sect: n Issides the timl*vr inside claim that the visit was very sig- l»elt. But at the same time tliev cotthl i niticant to Klamath Falls ami Klamath kill two bird* with one stone by aiding ; county. 'in extending ifie IJhdley road ami at The party before arriving in this city th»* same time fasten their title on a spent several d*vs in the tiuils-r l*elt portion of the greatest Umber belt iu ly ing between Pokegama ami Klamath the world, tails. During their Slav here they Klamath county ia willing for just aa visited th»* upper lake and examined all many railroader* to enter her territory of tin* approaches into Klamath Falls. as mav desire. She has resource* am­ Linkville Lixlge Xo. 110 A. O. V. IV. slao present and delivered an impressive It is claimed that tin« party was ple to supply everyone that will come, prompted in visiting Klamath county and her product* are increasing and bid held an initiation meeting Tuesday night addre**. A I’mmlwr of spreche* were made and by the recent interest taken in this tec- fair to leap to incalculable proportion*. at which Id new memtiers were initiat­ some tine selections of music were rend­ ed. After tin* initiations were over a ered. It will lie retnembered as one of l*an*|iiet was spread at which were seat­ the gioat occasion* »I the order in this ed 100 person*. Tw»i Grand l.wlge offi­ citv." Another initiation ol alauit tin* Mr. Weslev O. Smith anti Miss Jessi»* The Lakeview Examiner alate* that cer* were present, D-pnty Grand Mas­ same numkier will follow in a short time M. Applegate. b»uh of this city, were G«*orgt> Ager ha* gone to California to ter M. G. Wilkins and Grand Guard as s.am as the Grand Metileni Advisor quietly married at the residence of Dr. get a practical mining man to expert Geo. T. Baldwin. Nupreme Foreman can |uiss upon the ccrtithales of the ap­ »nd Mr*. Hargils on Conger Avenue in the Sagehen mine* ami at tlie Mine William Culvig, of Jackson»die, was plicants. Klamath Falls, last Sunday evening al time look into the copper pro*p»*cu in 8 o’clix-k. lhe Hon. H. 1. Bendon per- Modoc county, California. | formed the ceremony. Only a few close relatives of the bri*le were present. SILVER LAKE ÜROWISÜ Mr. Smith is the etlitor and proprie­ tor of the Klamath Republican, a native Within the past six months Silver of Wim-onsin an*i has resided in Klam- I-ake has realised a quivt. hut steady , ath county ahont two years. grow th. During this time several new The bride is the beautiful and ac- business establishment* have been ad»l- ' complished »laughter of Ivan D. Apple ed to the list. Th»* increase in the resi­ OOOOOO OOO O(X>£>O i gate, one of the best known citiaens ami lient portion of the city ha» ndvanc«-,! : pioneers of Klamath county. Limiaey rapidly. Three new public bui1 ling** IViuielies Ftiicl Town Applegate, the grandfather of the bride, w ill without doubt lie <*»tal>Iisl>ed in Sil­ was one of the m»x»t honored pioneters of ver Lake early next year.—Central Ore­ > L* IV <> !• 10 IV 'F Y > the state. He was a pathfinder in the gonian. t ; »»nntry and for many years at the head I LOCATED AT ASHLAXD. I have thousands of acres of choice alfalfa land of the Indian service for the govern- ' ment in this portion of Oregon. He An institute for the eye. Dr. Castien ami stock ranches near the Town of Merrill. also had a reputation as an Indian Specialist. I employ mv own optician, Write me for informalion who grinds glasses according to my pre­ i fighter in times of outbreaks. scription and acixinliug to the want* of The bride was educated in the local every individual case. A JOHN T. KING, schools and alterwards attended the Glasses corrv*Tly tilted. Examination, O MERRILL - - OREGON ophthalinoM-opwally and test for visual Monmouth Xnrmal school and taught I in that institution. She is also a grad- error* l<> to 12 am. $-5. Examination kkx x k xx x xx free 2 to A p m. Eight year* Specialist ' uate of elocution from one of Califor- at California fnsiitnte of Optometry. | nia’« foremost institutiime. Oregon ixstitux ui Optometry, Camps Block, Ashland. , ... — Mr. Ed. Looeley and Miss lleesie Bnt ElTPHAnc DEMAL ler were marrirx! at the resilience of W. H. WAMPLER, Proprietor. Judge L. F. Willits last Sundav after­ Reports having been circulate I in var­ noon. Rev. Father Hendrieh |>erformin, ious ways aud iu the public press, in I the ceremony. The bride is the ¥’ »fr »fr and get part of that <300.00 ><>< >< OREGON DAIRY, •*!«• 4V ’Wj < u <»O<1M u *Xe TT ► »1* TV" “X^ • "T" w*f-w ’X" •fr »fr QUICK MEAL »e Subsctribe for the Republican :< >< ><>< FACT IN LAKE COUNTY UNES (>< Alex M.irtin Jr, Cashier E. M. Bubb, Asst. Cashier A'ex Martin, President, E. R. Reames, Vice-Prcs’t, I »fr »fr STEEL RANCIES 4» »fr ♦ »fr »fr »fr BALDWIN’S »fr »fr »fr Hardware Store. »fr w.t _a k 4» > a Le - L . 'l* . 'I* 4* 4» 4* »fr »fr 4* 4* MAMMOTH STABLES T CITY MEAT MARKET A complete line of pure drugs. Ev­ Choice Be.5, Pork, Mutton, Chickens, Game, Salt Pork, Dried Beef. eryth Ing fresh. Special attention given to prescrip­ tions by experts. CATTLE IX GOO m CONDITION. CITY DRUG STORE W. M. Duncan, the liveryman, re- •urned Tuesday from Klamath marsh where he went to move his cattle, which have bran on pasture there dur- ' mg the summer out for the winter. He report* that cattle are coming off the I marsh this fall in better condition, than ! tor a numt>er of year*. From present indications regarding the outlook, th< : loss will lie light in this auction during the winter.—Central Oregonian. EAST END L- M * M >. *. HLRTON THE ICE. BIG STOCK -OF- — AT— CHITWOOD’S. —o Xntas Presents FOR Everybody. Donald Worden, son of Mr. and Mr» W. 8. Wonlen, while «kating near Goel er'B planing mill Tuesday evening, met with an acciilent which laid him up ii. lied. He and other boys had just qui' -katingaind he was removing his skate*. While in this act, a long 2 by 12 evant ling was accidentally knocked down irom a pile of lumber above the ice pond, which fell on young Worden and crushed him against the ice. He wai- taken np and carritxl home wlurre » physician was called. It was thought at first that his back was broken but it has since developed that only a severe shock and a few bad brui*es were re ceived. H^is improving. lamation service, we most emphatically deny that any false statement*. have leen made by any member of this Com­ pany to Mr Kewell or anybody connect­ ed with the Reclamation servie* or to any Cnited States Senator or t’ongre-s man. Klamath Canal Company. By C. X. Hawkins, Pres. DID YOU EVER Realize that half of the aickiieb* with which man­ kind is afflicted ib traced to the Btomach. It is alao t*1ie that in mo*t ca*en the Btomach is affected by the condition of the teeth. THIS Is the reason why you ahould consult me and have your teeth examined regu- laily. Defective teeth are a mar to beauty and a men­ ace to health. Bridge and crown work a specialty. W. R. BOYD, DENTIST Graduate of North Pacific Dental College. IJEEIVEUY. THOS. W. NEWTON, Pzop’r e HURN S HARDWARE SÎORE IÇ Klamath Falls, Or. STABLES W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, V EAST Ç. C. F. Merrill - ADAMS. - - Prop. Unsurpassed Lines Klamath Falls, Oregon. RANCHERS ATTENTION. Í *■ We are receiving many letters from Eastern people wishing ranches in Oregon. We shall be glad to have all who wish U> sell, list their property with us. Worden & Son. Real Estate, West End. Complete Line of Hardware, Paints, Cils, Guns, Ammunition, Etc a J GEO. I Ball and Banquet Tickets for Sale $ 1 u ▲ 1’ ?CI IV. iiirivrc 4» Hardware Dealer Klamalh Falls 4* X4»4i4»4w4‘4»4‘4*4«4‘4‘4‘4*4>'r4*4*4>4*4‘4»4‘4»4‘X 0 : t You * » AND GROCERIES STILL AT COST. BARB WIRE AND NAILS Diss and walking plows, harrows, wagons, buggies. 4» Cuffs, Ties, Full Dress Shirt Sets, Fancy Socks, Dancing Pumps, Patent Leather Shoes, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs. J. W. SIBMB>IS. Pn?'r. &■ LarsMhlre Fire Inn Co. f # KZ.A MATM BARBER SHOP. London «. n FOR GENTHEMEN—Black Clothing, While Shirts. Collars, t SEVERAL TONS : Gloves, Fans, Slippers, Handkerchiefs?! WO SMITH AGENT FOE THE 4» Etamine, Albatross, Crepe de Chine, Mulls, Silks, Satins Henriettes, Crepe de Poplin Silk Dot, Mousseline de Soie Trimmings, Laces, Ribbons. BROKER ■■ »-fra -*-6.» — i — — I — -.1 — — I——I— -.1—- ♦ —. — i — — -I.- »1^ —l— -.Ì— — 1— — A— o» “ T* “ “ “ t “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ r “ “ “ “ Evening Dress Good MARK L. BURNS CleanliDess, Good Work. OREGON. ■■■■ - - IAI - - HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Balha and Massage. FALLS, Telephone Connection Between Stable «and Hotel Linkville. Phone Main 14 Oregan ! REAL ESTATE j TOWN LUTS ON M0NT1ILÏ PAYMENTS. AGENT fi F.re Assonatimi of I’hiLidelpbh. KLAMATH Horse» bonrded by day, week or month. Hay mid firnin litmglif and sold. PaHNongerH conveyed to all parts of Southern Oregon ami Northern x lilornia at the very lowest rates. I am prepared to do all kinds kinds of wagon and wood repair work. J I END, Livery. Nffliii Bittmiia shop KLAMATH OFFERS SOMETHING In the farooua land fraud ca»e which ha* occupied the time of the Court in Portland for the paat week,Judge O’I»ay in his addre** to the jury raid : “There are no public land». They are gone What have we to offer to the home­ steader from the East other than a bar­ ren stretch of rock on the tops of our mountain range*? There are no public lands since the great railroad* have se­ cured the passage of the lien »election act* of I8»l. They are gone.” Without diacuHsing the merits of Judge O’Day'* statement, it i* rate to »ay that Klamath county offers the east­ ern settler a better lay out than a bar­ ren ejxit of ground either in the hills or valleys. She offer» him the richest val­ leys on earth under prospect* that will assure him water for all time to «ome lietter than even thone which fall from the heavens. These lands will grow anything that springs from the earth, and th»*y can be had on such easy terms that any xerious home»eeker with brawn and muscle and brain willing Jo put them to use for. a reasonable nurnlwr of hours a day, may carry out right here, the ideal ambition of the honest bome- 1 builder and useful citizen. IMVKrj EXCHAXi Mt BETTER. 4- BACON I * 4 * $ I¿¡ 1 ljLX tip Main 193 I llfkAFO Like Horses that will please you Fast 4 Horses Í With or without drivers * Commercial men conveyed to all points I 4L VVe«t $41