KLAMATH VOL. IX KLAMATH FAI IX, REPUBLICAN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER M, 1901 NO. 86« the veaaai broks the al It nee of th« CZAU FOB PEA4E. night. Whan once out into Ihs river the la Krady Io Rrtclve 5u< h Proposal pilot gradually turned ths nose of the rrom Japan. craft In * southwesterly direction. Newsy Items tethered from All St. Petersburg, Dm-. 8. — A report The Colnbima widens her channel as I which comes from an unini|>eai liable Parts of the World. ■lie approaches ths ocean until sha AAAAS. source lias re*u had the Publlaiiera* reai lies tlie width ot over fifteen miles. LIBRARIES row PUBLIC SCHOOLS* I'rens correspomieiit that Russia la not PLAN TO RAISE PORTAGE FUND. It appeared as a wills sea to the offi­ Or INTEREST TO OUR READERS only ready to receive any peace pro- cers and soldiers ami tlie flickering p<.a«ls Japan may have to make, but Light Tax Not Burdensome In Ore­ Prominent UmallHa Men on Commit­ lights on tlie north ami south shores By Paul De Laney looked Ilke so many stars lining the General Review of Important Happen- that witii tlie fall of Port Arthui she gon Convention of Otfkcra. tee to Canvass the County. will I ni ready to sue hit peace. That Is distant liorison. penlgs Presented In a Brief and MulWoc Ot -lore or me esasrt." "Orceoe Mekkas.' Haleui—Two departures In public Pendleton—At a mass meeting of An hour site* midnight lia«l lieen th« situation today, notwithstanding •nd other Pocifk Sferica Condensed Form. the swashbuckling sltilule of those School work are proving very successful business men and prominent farmers readied. Tlie officers had ascended to who profess to frame the empire’s pol­ wherever tritel ami promise to become the subject of raising *5,000 as Umatil­ tlie pilot house aud aake«l impatient quest ions. Bristow urges that the postage rate icy, ami will lie the situation right ¡■ermaneii! features of ths public school la county's portion aske«l by the Open CHAITKR XVIII—Continued. railroad tiiat «-rosase from north to "I cannot lie responsible fur the de- on packag«s be is«luearlwx Hl. I’eleieburg lias almost given up come stein, owing io tlie fact that Hehl good. The library law baa now been the entire county can lie « fur Pott Altliur. The Itnaaiaiis Marshal tlie Marquis Oyama haa l«een few days and lhe desire«! amount raised a lurch and tremlde«l as If (rightenmi Hiidtlenly a fishing lx«t waa diacov- lieve lumie several unsuccessful at- compelled to part with large bteliea of in operation two years ami haa given Hlie expecte«! to awaken tie tore dawn without difficulty. A large portion of at living disturbed while aw inging a«> eroi In front of the vessel Tlie oc­ leuipta t> retake 293 Meter hill. While the lite men in order to hasten the fall ol complete slat isfact ion. whan she hoped the storm would hsve the amount ask«-«! for has already been quietly tu Its mooting*. cupant of the little emit waa waving Port Arthur, But Russia haa Far subsided and she might find Dan about amount that some ot the small districts donated. “I will giv« th see aaaaaaia« a liip an <«r frantically overhead to attract File which Is believe«! to have lieen Eastern interests of muili greater im­ ths island. get is small, yet It is in proportion to for their money tonight, ” muttered the pilot. ■ if Imemliary origin, desHoyem tie Japan, if the plane of bxlay do not trail structure with an appalling noiae. Conventions of school officers have ma«le of the release of the forest lands A coni|«ny of the stat« national deck to aaceitaln the cause of the I hk I At they approached nearer ami nearer lieen equalled at thia season ol the miscarry. The battles ol today are to guard filetl off th« train al the com­ coming to a halt. They so«in diacov- been lieM thia year at Baker City, of Houthein Oregon, which were with- aba knew that aha waa about to have )e.ir, I lie crops have lieen damageil tie followetl by close ties of commercial mand of their office*, Captain Bud- a re« I the figure in the fishing hoat and Dallas snd McMinnville, at each of helit from entry several yean ago, but ■ ml p’llitical union toororio*. viaitoia. lolly 59 ;>er egan to enter tlie Imp««vallile to obtain tlie actual rm-vlpls cars. were p«x*rly drilled. It require*! more portion of them ia cover*<1 with fir and A ro|«e la«l«ler was thmwn ove* the tie- Re|K>rts have reached the state place from all direction*. Thsy had ami rspeudilurr« of the loulaiana Pur ­ than an boor to get their baggage aide of the large vessel ami tlie foim pal Imeni of a very unsettled state <>l Coaaolidatiou <>f schools ami school pine, with considerable sugar pine. tieen driven ashore by the storm ami chase exposition compari) lurfoie the tlisl i icts was one ot the principal topics aboard tlie twat. The man in th« pilot left Hie fishing bowl and glide«I up tlie affairs In Venesuela. naturally took refuge in the camp. middle of^Deeeruher, Hecretary WaHer «iiMU-eed at these conventions and the houa« watch««! them patiently. He frail stairway like a ahadow. They aoon had a crackling tire in the Hammond (ompanv's Title Clear. i It Htevrtis. of the World's fair, made memhera of arbool tioarde Icainetl the did not care how long the) were kept “Why. it's a woman—a girl1" aald The Northern Pacific and Great fireplace, and tiegan discussing tlie Astoria—A deed has been filed for there. He waa out for delay an«l ('■plain Budlong as she step|«e«l on the Northern railromls are conslileiing a the following statement to the Asameiat* plan ami purpose ol this latest move tor days' events ia loud voices. Hankala plan to electrify the mads through the «■I Pírea tonlgllt the improvement of «he rural schools. record w hereby the Seaside Spruce would just as lief bare It at on« point deck. was thus snanled to learn what had "From rr|Hiria that have l«en aule as another. “Yea, It is Rgnkaia! * said the sheriff Cascade mountain district. Lumber company sells to the Hammond taken place on their aids of tlie fight. milled of thr a« I misa lone to thrgrrt of the chief Briggs Strikes II Rich Again. But what ahe wished to know above all Lumber company 2,184.67 acres of tim- wr estimate that the atteudame ou is universally called “captain." lie ot surgeons of the Philippines shows other things was not spoken. The Grants Pass—I lav id Briggs and boys, lier lands in the Necanicum river dis­ J "Francis day" will be a few thousand ia acquaint««! will* th« river as on« ie that lhe health of the troops in ths Is­ ' In escess of 209.909, an i that the at- (To (• conllnuodi name ot Dan Lapham was not men­ who were mads rich in a day by the trict. The price is not made public acquainted with hia own neighbor­ lands is exceptionally gou>l. tioned. trndan««« lor tlie Ripositi«* prrhxl will fabulous eurface wealth of the Wound­ hood. lie kn«iwa every snag iu tl*« The Glrth of Man Inoreaslng. and the consi«leration named in the Tha storm continued throughout the James It. Young, of Phllmlelphla, tie in the neighborhood of 18,800,009, riv«r an«l etery point, as ia re«;oired An etcellenl illustrstlou of thè rslus ed Buck claim, on Upper Rucker creek, deed is *1. The transfer is understood entire night. The men talked, sang lias tieen sp|wilnle«l rupe* inlamlenl ol “ In room! nointierv tlie Kx posi lion of a river pilot. of records bai lievu alforded lately re- and swore. Some tried to sleep, while have located a claim on Upper Chetco, to have l«en made in connection with When th« aoldtera we*« aboard It ■ srdlng Ibe quesllon of pbyeh al degeu- the rlntemlent of tjie life saving service r.a.lo la total of »9,900,000. come calm enough for the small flailing recently assayed here, and, while they leased, so that It can resume operations a*men were aiieembled. lo ahow thut diesi and hip messore allows that during Hie year assistance receipts aline the opening day, Apri1 boats until late in the afternoon. It do not give the returns the Wounde«! at once, aftei a shut down lasting for :to, liare amounted to about (lo.ooO.- "Thia ia strange," remark««! the Olenti are now tbrve Inchrs on thè av- waa remlenxl to 1,0*11 vessels, involv­ waa then that the men iiegan to leave sheriff to Captain Budlong. “I eg­ eriga more Ihan they were ilxty yeara ing the lives of more than 3,499 persona ¡ 900, conaiating of admiaeiona ami con­ Buck quart! haa given, the propiaition srveral months. the place for another attack upon the pecte«! a man here to give us th« appears very promising, and the lucky in- ago The sanie concluslon le resili ed and proveity to ths value of »7,009,- cession royalties, in addition Io three traps. receipts were tlie funde, amounting to family will move their scene of opera­ Trappist Cokmv In Linn. formation as we should proceed, We by thè ei|«erlen«-e of thè ready made 900 Hankala had heard their plana. will go aloft and in«|uire ot Ilia n, ^numlier of there Trappist < ommlssioncr Yerkes Reports an In­ were on the alert and seeing the move­ as tha long arms from th« rngine-(oom thè teatimoii/ regardlng thè uufitnrsa with the county recorder from W. A. ment of the enemy came like an ava­ play««! on the crank at Its axis. crease at 82,163,07« per Year. Partim* I« working for a latheis have come to the United States, Governor Houston to the United States for 100 of rvcrulti and progressive lack of lanche to meet them. Washington, Dec 3.—The annual re­ feet square on the corner of Main street and six of them located in Jordan val­ The sheriff an«! military commander stamina In town, and esperlally menu Cnlifornls slste building st ths Lewis Hankala waa compelled to remain in ■fcende«l the little iron stairway which and Clark fait. port ot Commissioner Yerkes, ol the and Auburn avenue. This waa the site ley, about three months ago, with the facturlng. populatlons «-annoi be diere concealment, though aba could see what le«l to tlie roof of the boat and ap­ Internal Revenue bureau, shows that selected for the government building ultimate object in view of founding a garded The glrth of uian inay be In Whites in Garman Hoothwest Africa waa going on through a crack in tba di­ proached the pilot house They recently The Trappist colony there. ersaalng. but. Ilke a fading hog. la not ■ re leportml to lie in gn-at danger of lor the fiscal year ending June 30, soon to 1« erected in thia city. lapidated loof. Rhe saw tha men scat­ purchaseil considerable land, and are 1904, the receipts ol the bureau were “Horry, gentlemen, but you can't corpulency brlnglng clumalnesa) deed calls for *4,800, the amount ap- Imi ng massacred. ter on both aidee and realised the plan enter," aai«i the pilot. »232.994,001, an increase of »2,1 «3,079 piopriat tl for the purchare of a site, preparing to make extensive improve­ of attack, and the manne* ol defense, All exhibltora from foreign countries over the collections lor the next year while, as a matter of fact, the property ments, in anticifiation of the arrival of “But thia ie th« commander of th« 1.1ml* of liaalneea. The aootheidera ha«i divided into militia ami he wiahe« to direct the may now send their wares to Portlsnd The coet ot collections brought over double that amount, the more than 50 of the same order from Two darkles lay sprawled on th« forthe 1905 fair without paying any prvceeding. equada, as they had planne«l to destroy course of the ixiat when the acme of waa 1.98 |ier cent, as against 2 07 lot lialancv having lieen raise.I by adjacent France next spring. the traps at one fell swoop, while the th« trouble ie reached," aai«l the sher­ levee on a hot day. Moses drsw a long duty. the year 1903, ami 2.83 pet cent, the property owners. sigh and said, "Heey a i*4i! Ab wish northalidara divined their purpoee ami iff. Heavy Rains Loggers' Boon. Davl«l M. Parry, president of the average ciat of collection since the At* lisd s hundred wstermelllons!** met them accordingly. "The government regulation« pro­ Citiiena* Indoatiial association, says formation ot the bureau. Elee Irk Companies Consolidated. Astoria —The severe storms recently, Tom's eyes lighter! dimly "Hum Strain her eyas as ahe would the girl hibit all persons except the captain Tl.e estimated receipts from all lhe “open shop" movement is gaining, Iw Grande—The la Grande electric with the accompanying large rainfall, could not distinguish one from another from riding in the pilot houae," aai«i ya b! Dat would sullenly be fine An sources of internal revenue lor the fiscal ef yo* had a bun'ed watermellloni as la also his organisation. company lias consolidated with the has had lieneflti that many do not real­ among her frienda. They were so far the pilot. “Beside«, there is no year ending June 30, 1905, are »230,- ft has been a boon for the log­ away that they looked Ilka specks upon necessity for it. 1 know where the would yo' gib me fifty?" The 31st national convention of the 1)00,000. In 1903 lhe total production Cove I'ower company, and they have ise. incorporate«! under the name of the gers, and logs have been floated out of "No. Ab wouldn't gib yo* no fifty W. C. T. U. ia in session in Philadel­ tha water. fishermen are and will take you to of distilled spirits was 148,208,875 gal­ Tlie some streams that have lieen on their The aun went down upon the contest­ them. phia. Five hundred ilelisgates, repre­ lons; in HMM, 139,606,214 gallons. In Grand Ronde electnc company, They are a harmlraa, hard­ watermelllons." How "Wouldn't yo' gib me twenty fiveF' ants with honors divide«! almost equal­ working set of fallows like myaelf and senting every state and territory, are 1903, in rouml numbers. 114,(88)0*8) directors are Waller Pierce, J. A. lianks for a couple of years. Thomson. T. 11 and Clarence Craw­ many feet of logs have come out of ly. They bad practically abandoned will give you no trouble. They will "No. Ab wouldn't gib yo' no twen in attendance. gallons of tax-|iaid apiiita were with- ford ami T. R. Berry. The consolida­ these streams Io tidewater cannot yet their Are arms, and ware engagr«i in a disperse as a«x>n as they see ua com­ ty five." ilrawn; in 1904, 117,900,(88) Tin re The New York atate court of apprala tion was effected bei ause the I.a Grande be estimated with any definiteness, but hand-to-hand fight with their oars. ing." "Reems ter me youae powshful has lieen a «lecraeae in the amount cf has declared unconstitutional the labor plant needed more power. The power it is fully 20,(8)0,188) feet, and it may Thera waa murder in the hearts of Why have the owners of the boat •tlngy. Mose Wouldn't yo'- wouldn't tobaccn manufactured and an increase law which prohiblta a contractor from from Cove will have a fall of 890 feet lie double this amount in the Lower only a few on either side, and but few which we have charters«! through the yo’ gib me oneT' in snuff. Tlie-e waa an increase it* the ■mi will require 3,7(8) feet of pipe to Columbia river district. ■hots were exchanged. The casualties state sent a aouthaider as a pilot" "No. Ab wouldn't gib yo' one. T-oob employing Ilia men more than eight production of beer. convey it to the power station. The ware light in the afternoon engagement. inquired the sheriff. a hyah, niggsb, are yo* so good-fer-nuf houra a day on city, county or elate work. force will «reale 809 horse power. As darkness closed in, Hankala waa Epidemic Among lhe Chickens. “Because there ia not a man on ths fin laxy dat yo' calbn't wish fo* yo President Did Not Say It. ■bout to come from her hiding place north side of the river whom the own- own watermelllonar Japanese are making pr«igraa in the Albany — Several different citisene Washington, l>ec. 3.—It waa author­ Wind Puts Crops In Danger. ■nd attempt an eeca;ie from the island. era would risk with tiie imat," waa tlie of Albany and vicinity have lost a aaaault on Port Arthur. itatively stateli at the White house to- But aha heard a number of the aouth- quick reply. How Celluloid Is Mads. Weeton — “lhe grain ie inaiate niimlier of chickens recently, they hav­ Russia lias aceeptexl the invitation of «lay that tlie president listi no recoil*c- condition yet, hut If the high winds ing diet! rmldenly (tom some uniuovn aider« returning to tlie shack, and aoon Celluloid, tire chemical compound Tlie Mcretary of state ha«l wired a tion of a visit from John Beatile, tlie learne«l from their talk that they ha«l big company at Portland to supply tlie which bears so cluse a resemblance to America to negotiate for an arbitration representative of the Master Painters' continue blowing it will tiiy out what cause. One Albany citixen lost all bis been strongly reinforced, and that oth­ militia with a boat to convey it to tlie ivory, la a mixture of collodion mid treaty. chickens in a few hours, ami a farmer ■ nd Decorators' association, who, at moisture there is in the soil, anti, un­ er! were coming. seat of tiie trouble between the fish­ camphor, invented In 1855 by Perke- Pau) Morton, now secretary of the the convention of the Citiiena* Indus­ less rain comes stwm, would seriously named Cary living near this city, a few The news of tha number wounded in ermen of tiie two state« anil which tlie sine, of Birmingham, whose name for interfere with the gram that is sown,” weeks ago lost 90 < hickens in a short the former day«' engagement had nortliaide state chartered tor an in­ a time It bore, The proceaa of ninni­ navy, may succeed Secretary Shaw, of trial aiMN-iation in New York today says James Kirkpatrick. “There is time. The fact that only a few flocks the treasury department, if the lath r declared that the president hail indors ­ reached tha south shore and the fisher­ definite time. The steamboat men all facture Is li followa: Cigarette paper always a temlency Ui raise a cry of dis­ lu-longing to citixens living far apart does not remain in the cabinet. ed ■ proposition Io put upon lalior un ­ men rose up in their fury, joined by live«! on tiie aontli side of the river, is soaked In a mixture of nitric ami ions the responsibility for paralysing tress as to the future outlook of the have died, and that where any diet! many outaida frienda, an«i swore that the seaports all lining on that aitle. sulphuric acida until It become! nitro- Russia anil Britain both want an crops, anil, in truth, we have never almost all the flock diet!, leads to the they woul