Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 10, 1904, Image 1

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IO, 1904.
one worked day a (ter lay to aitalaln her
protector. Ife thought of the self-
denial, of lbw bravery and kind heart
Port Arthur Must Fall Within s Very
Presto«nt Sets AxlOc November 24
ol the girl arid then he saw the inno­
Short Time.
•S Thanksgiving Day.
cent confiding nine eves ss they tie-l wo Newsy Items Gathered from All
Cbefoo, Nov. 6 —“Port Arthur is Government Is to Have Only
Washington, Nov. 2.—Tbe president
often thanked him when he rendered
Parts of the World.
yesterday issued the Thanksgiving day
her HHsistanre at I lie traps, and a big
Four Buildings.
proclamation, ratling aside Thursday,
tear stole Into the ayes of the young
Tlie correspondent of tbe Ass<< lated
Novernlxrr 24, “to tie obeervwd as a day
athlete. In the very ilirkiiesa lie »»i OP INTtRLST TO Ol!R READERS
Pres« here lias received inhumation, MEANS A SAVING OE 412.000
ol festival and thanksgiving by all of
handsome. Ilia black hair hung about
the reliability of which is leyond ques­
the people of the United Htataaathome
Ida load In graceful wavy curia. Ilia
General Review ol Important llappen- tion, that the Japanese now oernpy po Thai for Forestry and Irrigation Is and abroad."
By Paul
broad shoulders »ereerect and Illa arms
sit ions which place the east side of the
Tbe proclamation was issued from
pcnlgs Presented in a Brief and
and ri<< k exhibited strength and I-sil­
Eliminated Money Needed for
Auttior of " I or«! of Wir Desert," "Oereoe ifcefihea,"
the slate department by Hecietary Hay.
town at tlieir mercy.
ly. lie had not a superior in physine,
em* o Mor pailfk loasf Mor lea
( ondensed Eoem.
Lighting and Incidentals.
fl follows)
Japanese arriving from lialny Palsy
courage, aelf control or popularily in
"By th« Fresi lent of the Unitail States
report that the Japanese have captured
the village.
Great Britain has orrlered two of her Kihlung mountain and Himgusliu inoun
— A Broclaniation:
“Poor Hankalalie mrirmtlred. "I
Washington. Nov. 7.—It baa been
warships Iriine from Canadian waters. tain, which lies lietween the railroad
But fortune had favored neglected the Child,
"It has piesard Almighty God to
I never really
determined that tbe government will bring tiie Amerian people in safety
me man, aa the reader already knows, helped her aa I should, Hbe waa de-
It was riecessury to call »nt troops to and Riblung mountain. They also re
Dan l aphaiii,
though hia eai'a|xr waa still by no means serving. Hhe was frail. 1 am strong, quail rioting students at an Austrian pottthat tbe Ja|«aneee have also cap­ erect only four buildings at the Lewis and h nor through another year, and
“I'lay, Nelae.’’
certain. As the l>oat had approached Hut why did 1 not think ol thia in university.
tured East Keek wan mountain.
and Clark exposition instead of five, aa in accordance with the long unbroken
No, ll la Mark's play!’*
Hie risks, Iatphain watched like a pan­ time?"
The last assault has gained for them originally planned. It was found that i tistorn handed down to us by our fore«
One hundred people went down with positions which insure their ability to
I fathers, ths time hay come when a
“No, no one will plav,
It la every- ther preparing to leap.
The «bite
lie waa too active to remain a pris­
laxly'a drink. Men we will drink to spray dash'd ii|x>n the r<>< kw with angry oner on tlie r<M'kn dur n 1 Un* (nine a steami-r sunk in a collision off the enter the main forts whenever they are the acceptance of the lowest bid, that apei'ial day shall lx- set apart in which
the nieniury of I hili I apharnl"
recoil, and the water seethed and night and yet lie did not leel wholly coast of Algeria.
ready. It ia calculated by tbe Japan­ of J. E. Bennett, of Portland, would ; to thank Hirn who holds all r,»tiona in
“I Inn Dsn la drad, Ji«-.'"
foamed alx.ut the plgce like the Ixillirig «ate In attempting to swim. 11« knew
A Flench ileputy slapped th» face of ese that U tin- Kuaaiaoa do not surren­ .‘■eve only $16,000 for wiring and light­ the hollow of His hand (or the mercies
Baring the
“ W itliout any doubt" sal<l n man w ho of a huge caldron. The pioe|HM't waa that a quarter of a mile in calm water the minister of war in the house and a der, they will tie capat Is of prolonging ing the government bnildinga aiwl for thus vouchsafed to ut.
had just entered th« place, the rain aw uninviting an death itself, but Ijip- waa no task, but the wavea m ght have free fight ensued.
their final stand at I.iaoti mountain incidental expenses, etc. This amount, ' Ontury and a quarter of oar national
dripping from fils list and clothing. am atood straight in Ills Imat, oat in doubled or even trebled thia distance
life we aa a people have Iran blessed
and on the Tiger's Tail for a month
A New York ferry boat went down
in the opinion of Hupervising Architect tieyood all others, and fcr thia we owe
"We scoured the bay and river about hand liis eyes piercing the precincts of twtween the rocks and the island.
longer, with the mere hop*- of prolong­
tlie ri-« ks. but mi lie«'« of tbe l«.y could the Irouldrrs ami hie iiitteclas standing They cut the sand like a monster sleaui in a collision caused by dense fog, but ing the stiuggle. I-orig before tlie Sec­ Taylor, is not sufficient.
bumble and heartfelt thanka to the
lx* seiri. We recovered hlaleret, which i out in knots. It was a case of a power­ shovel on such occasions, ami the dis­ no lives were lost.
The supervising architect 'lee lares it author of all blisdnga.
ond Pacific squadron ar lives the Japan­
drifted under the wharf al the life sav­ ful man looking death ill the fair, a
“Ths year that has closed has been
Britain has warned ship owrnr rs ese flag will wave over tbe wrecked cit­ ie necessary either to eliminate one,
tance waa now a matter of s|HM'ulation.
ing stalion 1st« in the altermsiii, hilt man equal to the f«-arinl emergency.
Htill the chancrH wet« aa favorable lor against allowing tlieir vessels to follow adel.
I one of peace within our own borders
n.rriy a time of han, poor Dan, th« re­
The Iroat waa hireling straight lor a fill-in ami a reduction of th« distance, the Ruxxian fleet with coal.
as well aa between us and all other na­
This will end Viceroy Alexieff's
building and alter the plans.
the base ol the group ol ris ks. To the and tlie hardy fisherman was inclined
The harvests h .ve been abund­
dream of an unconquerable city.
The man Hills, of the government board, non«
Tlie fishermen hail gathered at Hay- left of the center the Irouldarc divided to make Hie al tempt.
Japanese have not occupied the main ami tbe members of the executive board ant, and those who work, whether with
ilen'a place the night after th« storm some six (eet shove the water line.
hand or brain are prospering greatly.
forts and highest pointe of tbe east
There were many chances in his favor
and were aealisl at the tables aa usual Ixpliain saw thia at a glance ami knew for escape when once u|xin Hand island. by its purchaser for a summer resi hills, but they occupy in overwhelming in this city, today concluded the beet Reward has awaited upon honest effort.
thing to do would ue to abandon the ' We have been
___ „ enabled
plying cur.Is for III« drinks.
that if he could reach thia |Hjint he Numerous fishermen left their boats dence.
to do our duty
nu nliers positions which will enable separate building which waa to have to
1 hey had Ix-cn Interrupted by Joe would 1« safe fur a time.
Never has
A great relief ie felt at St. Peters­ tuem to drive the Russians back when­
there through the night, and even
Goldi n, who had just arrived from tlie
Quicker than worda he bulled lila though thi-xe were swept away by tlie burg that the Japanese di I not rucieed ever they desire.
there been a time when religious and
life aai mg star ion. J<x« was a utility • ■are forward with all ol hie strength.
charitable effort has been more evident.
storm there waa a probability that oth­ tn taking Pott Arthur on the mikado's
to have been hidden by the main build Much baa lieen given to us and muob
tiian alxnit the buy.
Ila waa town Ils blorked tlie way of hia craft and
ers had lodged u | hjii the beach. Thera birthday.
ing, its elimination will not alter tbe will tie expected from us.
marshal when such an officer was uee«l- spun it around like * top. Then he waa always wreckage of all aorta found-
The bombardment of Port Arthur har
general appearance of tbe gronp on tbe
rxl. 11« was an extra at the III« sta­ threw liri sidewise to the rebounding
“We apeak of what has lieen done by
on Hand island after a storm, and usu­ ceaw-d. Tlie Japanese ca|itnred a uum- Witnesses In the North Sea Incident peninaula. Tbe board ia of the opin­
tion, a tlslu-r man, i ar|«'iit«r, Irartendei, waters whcli III led het almost to the
thia nation in no spirit of boastfulness
ally there were many boa'a.
ber of important p<>aitions, but were
Confer with Diplomats.
ion that with thia building eliminated or vainglory, bat with full and reverent
rlerk, deliveryman, nr whatever he waa top. Hui the heavy undercurrent tip-
The water was cold, it was true, '
The losses on
cal led ripiin to de.
on which he rial« struck the rucks deep tint Dan waa also cold. He had re­ unable to hold them.
Paris, Nov. 6 —Three officers of the there will etill be euffi.ient apace re­ realisation that our strength iaas noth­
Ixith sides were heavy.
11« bad lieen called to the life raving down toward the lx«d of the bay and
ing unless we are helped from above.
Russian squadron, including Cai tain maining for all purposes.
mained cramped U|>on the nx-ka until
station that day and hail worked rose up like a living thing
lepham any kind of action would lw a relief tn
The Oregon building at Ht. f-ouis han Clado, who are tbe principal witnesses
Hitherto we have been given the heart­
thrniigiiout tiro etorm.
lie had wit- found himself op|x»lta Hie coveted o|>-
iest strength to do the tasks allotted to
in the North sea incident, arrived to­
one so accustomed Ur exercise, lie de­ been sold.
neaaiKl all of Hie disasters aud came in snlng in the rurks aud lra|>eiL lie
us aa they severally aroee.
We are
scended to the waters' edge and ¡.eered
Th« Mukden situation remains un- day from Vigo and went immediately
to report them.
caught his footing ami ciawled hr a out over the eurface toward the stretch
to the Russian embassy, where they Committee Named by Hitchcock VIII thankful for all that has been done for
l>an Ixpham was one of the m«>et place of tem|H>rary safety.
held a long conference.
us in tbe past, and we pray that in the
of rand,
Selecting what ha thought
Begin Work Immediately.
popular men In tlie village.
lie was
Pope Pius has almost completely re-
Ills boat was let down aa rapidly as waa lire nrarrat point of the bland,
1 future we may be strengthened in the
Captain Clado was on board the flag­
young, strong, even tenqiered, could it had t>evri hoisted up by the swell he took a
Ht. Louis, Nov 7.—The members of unending struggle to do our duty fesr-
ship with V>ce Admiral Rojestvensky,
mountain )«ak far to the coiered bis health.
pull a b.«l with au|ierior skill to any ami he saw it no more
Ills ¡mailion «outbeast an a guide, and eaaed himself
In the Canadian elections just held and was entrusted with tbe task of the commitU e selected by the Interior lessly and honestly, with charity and
other man, lalki««l but little and waa as was such that he could not see what into the water.
drafting the official account.
After department to select tbe exhibits from good will, with respect for varselvee
tbe Liberals won a great victory
II« knew not the was going <m atouixl him.
brave as a lion,
His vision
the conference tbe officers declined to tbe Alaskan building for the Lewie and and with love toward our fellow-man.
There is no danger along thia shore
The Amerian arbitration treaty with make any public statement relative to Clark Centent.ial exposition in Port­ '
meaning ol fear. II« wee a Ixxiti com- only covered a narrow line of the
“In this great republic the effort to
to a man in the water except the ale-
Italy will be ready for signatures in a tbe affair until tbe report is delivered land next year are expected to arrive at combine national strength with person­
|ianioii on land or sea. Ile waa a lav- water to the east and west but along
ments themselves.
Tbe man eatrng
■ ■rite partner in the gain«« and a gixxl this line lie saw nothing but whiteca|>a
few days.
in St. Petersburg. However, it can tie the Alaskan building and begin their al freedom is being tried on a scale
shark so much feared in southern wat­
player. 11« waa iuisms I tonight tor ami surging waters.
Great Britian may ask Admiral Dew­ Hated that their visit more than ever labors today. Tbe committee is com- more gigantic than ever before in the
ers never makes his appearance at this
the first time in many weeks and the
Thioiighout the evening he !>•<! point. It ia only Hie extreme low tem- ey to represent it on the North sea eatisflee the Russian authorities that poeed of the following: Assistant Sec­ world's history. Our success will mean
txiya at Hayden's a rial« to a man at the cliuilied inch by inch up the slick aide
tbe presem e of two Japanese torpedo retary of tbe Interior Judge Thomas much not rnly for onrseiver, but for
¡■erature of the water that endangers commission.
Invitation of Jo« Golden to drink to his of the smooth I khi liters, clinging here
boats was a positive fact, eye witnesses Ryan, Edward M. Dawson, chief e'erk the future of all mankind; and every
the lives of those who are subjected to
President Roosevilt narrowly eai aped maintaining that their identification of tbe Department of Interior, B. F. min or woman in our land should feel
and there to bumps and slight project­ it and of this Dan was not ignorant.
death while out tiding by being thrown was unmistakable.
Tlu* men resumed their games, but ing bits like a liasard, as the tide
Peters, chief clerk of the Navy depart- the grave responsibility resting upon
He knew that he <ould swim an unlim­
from his horse.
| him oi her, for in the last analysis this
they did not diop the name of l*an roar and drove him txifore it. The
There continues to be an understand­ ment, and 8. R. Burr ha.
ited distance should the water not
Ixplianr from
couveraation. < Storm ragi~l throughout the day and
In addition to selecting the exhibits, success must depend upon the high
The coroner's jury at Hull finds that ing in Russian diplomatic circles that
cause hia linitie to cramp.
I tret one would s|x-ak of worn« gv«xl the rain l*at down upon him in tor-
Hut the distance was made without the Russian ships fired on tbe trawlers two reports will be sent separately, one the committee will also determine the average of our individual citiiensbip,
trait nl tlie Ixiy end then another would rente, drenching him to tlie akin.
from Hull and the other from St amount of space to be allotted to Alas­ upon ths way In which each of us does
Incident. Tbe shores of rhe island bail without provocation.
The i.e weavers had Been him strike not >x-en materially changed, and when
recall an incident in which Dan was
I'eteisburg, to The Hague fol final ka. It has been stated that the Citi­ bis duty by himself and hie neighbor.
America and France will 1« asked to
concvrnril. All of the Usbaruien knew Hie roeks through the early morning the young fisherman rose up in the
zens ol tbe rations cities and towns in
“Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roose­
of aomethlng gixal and none epoke ill miat and spray and had seen him no shallow water at the approach of the
Alaska are being awakened to toe fact velt, president of the United States, do
id the yMag
wb® Single I.an lc l more.
that tbe United States government is hereby appoint and set apart Thursday,
island and waded aahore, he felt that
bad rowed a l«Mt an«l tended a trap for
But at the hour when J'* Golden bis troubles were coming to an end.
doing everything in rts power to aid the 24th day of tbia November, to ha
Twenty-one British sailors ship­
bad re|H>rtad Illa death ami hia friemla
more than a year.
them in tbe development of the terri­ obsered as a day of festival atid thanks­
Hut he waa destined to be surprised, wrecked on Massira island, near the
"No one has ever Ix-en mlsat«<l as we ' were drinking to hie memory, Dan lie little suspected that waa tn Ire en­ entrance to the Red eea, wire maaaa- Swindling Employment Agent Is Ar- tory and to induce people to go to Alas- giving ov
by an
all or
of me
the people or
of me
rested In St. Louis.
ehall miss Dan,” eaid old Hayden, * lapham was still dinging to the nx-ka countered farther up the island.
ka and lorate, and they will do every- United States at home or abroad, and
cred by the natives.
who had broken bis rule and called Ila hail ascended as far a* he could,
St. Louis, Nov. 6.—George E. Hall, thing in their power to aid the com- do recommend that on that day they
Ilia Aral thought waa to find a boat.
The sinking of the Js|«anese tiattle- of Kansas City, was today arrested by
upon all present to drink at hia ex­ however, and the water was biting at He started along the north shore of the
mittee by forming clubs and exposition reave from their ordinary occupations,
"Here's to Ibm latpliam's hia uncertain footing, while hia Ire- rand spit looking closely for boats,
a deputy United States marshal on the societies to make a concentrated effort and gather in their several places of
health—memory I" raid the veteran num lied fingers clung, bhxxl-staineil, to either on the lx«ach or on the sands.
charge of having obtained a fee of $2 to display the advantages of Alaska at, wo ship or in their homes, devoutly to
the Tok io government
rum seller a» tlie crowd arose and drank the narrow crevlea in the Imuider*.
each from 200 laborers for se- uring Poitland in the very beet possible man­ : give thinks to Almighty God for the
The island was a mile in length and
But the tide had leached its highest a quarter to a half mile in width.
by rounds.
Rusria fears that Biitain may yet them employment ami then sending ner.
benefits He has conferred upon ns as
Hut old Hayden was wasting his point and throughout Hu< remainder of
them to Alaska at their own ex|>enseto
individuals and as a nation, and to
Il« had reached the east point of the stop the Baltic fleet.
liquor, so far as sacrificing It to the
work for a conn ruction company that
beseech Him that in tbe future His
island without success and was alxiut
The California airship has made an­
memory ol a dead man waa concerned. the ocean's depths.
Tbe specific ibarge
divine laver may be continued on us.
Ur round the point for the purpose ol other successful flight at the Ht. louis did not exist.
If Dan lapham's strength would hold examining the south shore.
And the fishermen, while growing gen-
against him is that he used the mails San Francisco Man and His Wife Lose
“In witness whereof, I have here­
Hut he
er mis over the memory of one they con- out, their might 1« ho|>e for him yet. suddenly atopjied in astonishment. Hei fair.
to dehand. ft is alleged that Hall rep­
unto set my hand and caused the seal
$2.500 Worth of Jewelry.
sidered dead, were extolling the vir-
Great activity prevails in naval cir­ resented himsell to be an employer of
of tbe United States to be affixed.
saw a splash in the water tot*.e south
San Francisco, Nov. 7.—Arnold Gnn-
tuee of a man who was living at that
“Done at the city of Washington,
and then he heard a number of muffled cles at Gibraltar, but Britain will not labor for the Alaska Yukon construc­ delfinger, a retired merchant, and his
very hour.
tion company, that he secured 200 la­
this let dav of November, in the year
oars. It waa now after midnight and explain its meaning.
Hia life, however, was not
of our lord, one thousand nine hundred
he did not understand such a prtx-eed-1 The Rns-ian squadron on the way to borers to go to Valdes, Alaska, and af­
at the Hotel Dorchester tonight and
time assured and hia position waa not
The storm went out with the tide. ing from that quarter.
and four, and of the independence of
The young the Orient carries, liesides its tegular ter collecting $27 from each, $2 as his
one of ease, but Dan larphain still lived , The wind lulled with every receding fisherman immediately secreted himsell
complement, a large number of lands­ fee and $26 as transportation, it is According to Mr. Gundelfinger *s story, the United States the one hundred and
and was planning to live a gieat deal wave. Inch by inch Dail Iapliam de- among the driftwood so abundant on
said he sent them to Alaska.
i scended the ro-ks. It would tie a relief this island and awaited developments, i
oi Bennett declares that when the he and hi- wife were dressing in their
He heard a knock on the door
He waa at that hour clinging to the once more to secure good footing where It waa too early for fishermen to Ix-gin
It is claimed that Kuropatkin will laborers reached their destination they room.
“JOHN HAY, Secretary of State.
rocks near the dead line at the lower he could stand or sit with east«.
He to stir and the Ixiata were not coming retreat when Ovatna again attacks, hav­ learned that there was no such com­
“By the President.”
end of the l>ay.
IIIn benumbed feet , had clung to the ride of the upright from the right direction anyway.
ing tbe smaller number of men and pany as the one named, ami they made mer bell boy of the hotel, James Gates,
were eet upon the slight shelving that ■ ixiuldera until hie fingers were worn to
their way back as best they could, after at the door. Gates said he had been China Refuses to Let Russians Sail.
lie did not have long to wait. Ihtrk guns.
sent up to look at tbe plumbing. He
jetted out just above the watvie* edge ¡the quick. Ilia toes ached under the objects noon a'p|«eated moving cautious­
Bandits held up the Cody, Wyo., much suffering and hardship.
Chefoo, Nov. 3.—The officers and
waste Id that Mrs. Gundelfinger was
at that very moment, while hie fingers . continual strain and the (cones of his ly on the water in every direction from
nank and killed the cashier. “Buffalo
dressing and that he could not came crew of the Ryeshitelni, the Russian
were deeply clinched in crevaaeMabove, ' body seemed torn from the flesh so the south. Htnall Ixiats fairly dotted
Bill'' will take the trail in pursuit of Ex-Legislator Convicted of Bribery. in. He insisted and was allowed to totpedo boat destroyer, which was cut
lie had climl«ed to tin« highest point long had he lieen in contact with the the river and there waa a silence in the
St. Louis, Nov. 5.—John A. Sheri­ enter tbe room. He then drew a re­ out of thia harbor August 12 last by the
l hem.
that could I* reached, luit lie also re­ rocks.
muffling of the oars and the upright
United States Minister Tearson, to dan, an ex-member of the bouse of del­ volver and demanded that Mrs. Gundel­ Japanese, went on board the German
membered that the tide had reached Its
When once tbe tide was out he found tigniea in the craft that was orninone,
Persia, has emphatically reiterated hie egates, who was indicted on a bribery finger surrender her jewels. Mrs. Gun­ stean er Vorwaerts tonight, bound iot
himself upon a laige nest of rocks.
Every boat contained four or more
charge, convicted and sentenced to the delfinger said they were in another Shanghai, where they were to join the
lie had dragged himself ahead of it Thia he knew would lie the case for he persona and aa they liegan to land on demand for the just ami proper pun
penitentiary foi five years, is dead at room, and at the piatol’a point Gates officers and crew of the Russian cruiser
like a balf-diowlied rer|x-nt throughout was acquainted with the l«y and river the south shore of the island Ihm dia- ishu ent of those responsible for I J"
the Jefferson hospital, from tubercu­ compelled Gundelfinger and hie wife to Askold.
Before the vessel, sailed,
the aHcrmxiii and he now
as one ia acquainted with his home ajul covered that the men weie armed.
losis. Sheridan was not taken to the go into the other room. Mrs. Gundel- however, tbe Russians suddenly re­
the fact that it waa time for the water the landmarks about the place.
Th< problem was now simple to Dan
penitentiary, as his case was appealed
turned on shore, the government at Pe­
to recede.
At high tide Chinook rocka were sub- Ixpliam. It was the advance guard of
The railing of the Russian squadron to the supreme court. Another indict­ flnger then handed over a bag contain­
ing the jewela. Gatea then—made hia kin having at tbe last moment rescind­
When lie reached hie tiapthat iiiotn- merged, save that one spur near tbe the aouthside fishermen. The clash waa from Vigo led the British public to be-
ment, however, was pending against escape.
ed the permission which had been
Ing lie found that he lia«l iniaaeil Han- center of the group extended above the now nt hand. The war had long been I lieve tire time waa at hand for war.
him, and his case had been set for
granted them to proceed to Shanghai.
lie high water mark. It waa to thia that threatened between the southside and The foreign office explained that Russia
kala and Ringwold on the way.
trial on November 10.
Eleven weeks
realised that the young girl would lie Dan had clung throughout the day.
Experts Do Not Expect Battle.
nortliside fishermen and the soutliaiders was only to detain officers having know­ ago he was taken to the hospital where
Cone of Crater rails In.
helpless against the strong undeituw
Finding himself again able to walk had taken the initiatory steps.
ledge of the trawler incident.
Berlin, Nov. 7. — The Lokal Anzei-
he died.
Naples, Nov. 3.—The cone of the
and slatteil out to render such asaiat- about he liegan to plan for escape. He
The men diew their boats upon the
ger ’* Mukden correspondent claims tbe
The greatest battle of the war is at
crater of Mount Vesuvius, which
ance as might I h < within his* power. had hopes that ho might Lxiil some sand and waited, aa it were, upon their hand near Mukden.
most trustworthy authority for the
Bandits Cornered.
formed during the late eruption, fell
He beat back toward the shore dropping early morning fisherman by picking a guns. Dan's eyes and ears wete open.
The Japanese are tightening the lines
Cody, Wyo., Nov. 5.—The different
into the crater today with a tremendous
lowei and lower into tho bay, for he conspicuous place on the rocks from He was not long in learning their loca­
bands of men hunting the men who
roar. There immediately issued ex­
knew that the receding waters would which point he could view the river tions. They formed a circle obscured around Port Aithur.
The Russian warships at Vgo ei|>ect kiled the cashier of tbe First National
plosions which shook ths whole moun­
draw them that way.
and l«y, but he waa anxious to leave from view by the drift wood, a few
bank have the robbers practically sur­ Raedl-e, the Tageblatt's correspondent tain, followed by the emission of a
Day had barely dawned when he raw hia place of imprisonment earlier if yards south of Dan's place of conceal­ to remain for two weeks.
rounded in the foothills of the Owl with the Russian army, telegraphs that black column which gradually spread,
the boat of his companions Iwing car- possible
A Memphis. Tenn, building collaps­
mountains, 60 miles from here. the Russian positions on the Shskhe falling in the form of ashes over the
rinl toward Disappointment rocka al a
lln |>eered into the water at the foot
He gathered fiom their conversation, ed, burying a number of persons.
It is reported that a Urge force of their rivet are daily becoming stronger. The surrounding country within a tadiiis of
rapid rate of speed.
lie cut acinus of the rocks and examined every nook cariied on in low but distinct tones,
possibility of a Japanese attack, he
The jury in the Ames case has again friends are coming to their assiltance says, is constantly diminishing, and 26 miles. The disturbance lasted but
from the point of discovery w ith all of and corner, with the hope Hint he that the northsidera would arrive about
a short time.
hie might to intercept them.
But might find his boat or some other craft daylight, and that their purpose was to I disagreed, and Minneaplis ex-mavor,
many experts do not expect a decisive
even the strong and vigorous young that might have drifted to the place capture their opponents, take them ' inditced for grafting, is likely to go a number of men have left here to re­ engagement before spring.
Caught Trying to Smuggle In Drug.
inforce the pursuers.
“Buffalo Bill,’’
null over estimated his skill, lie was and lodged.
back and land them on their own free.
with Indian scouts and cowboys, has
New York, Nov. 3.—Cuetom agenta
caught in the undertow like the grip of
A few lights in the village to the ehore; then hurry their boats to sea,
Massacred by Natives.
Rothschild has guaranteed the suc­ taken the trail, and a lively time may
in Hoboken have ar rented a longahore-
a cable car and curried ria inercilcasly north showed that some of the inhabl scuttle them, destroying tlieir traps
cess of the entire loan of $270.000,000 be anticipated.
tnan in the act of removing from a
toward the iircitkers as wore Ilia friends tanta were yet awake. He noticed one during the day.
formation from the island of Peiim, dock a bag containing 380 ounces of a
to be floated by Russia the first of the
whom he would have rescued.
light with whirh he and all the fisher-1
“We will stop these men from de­ year.
at the entrance to the Red sea, an it • drug used in the treatment of consump-
Polson Placed In Pudding.
But he was not even granted the men were familiar. It wan a light in stroying the aalmon run!"
said the
New York, Nov. 6.—Two persons vestigation of the Massira island made tion, which ia said to be worth in tbia
privilege of following the course their an isolated cabin far lip the beach.
leader emphatically, which sentiment
Rnadan papers are warning the pub­
by the sultan of Muscat shows that the country $160 an ounce.
The prisoner
boat hail taken. He bail crossed the
This light tonight waa a source of was quietly applauded by his followers lic not to be too sanguine of an entire­ who ate a part of a puoding sent to a
theatrical boarding house in West captain and a boat’a crew of 21 men, declared the bag as handed to him over
dividing line ol the receding undercur­ mystery to Dan. It shone from the
Dan Lapham had no time to lose. ly satisfactory settlement of the trawler Forty-third street are dying in Roose­ which left the British steamer Baron,
the aide of a ateamer just in from Eor-
rent and hie bout was diagged away to­ cabin of Ringwold and Hankala.
He While the men were completing their affair.
velt hospital, a third is in a critical which lan ashore at the Kuria Muse ope, and that he was told to carry jit
ward Chinook rocks.
lie could no had seen them going to their doom arrangemets for the early morning at­
China will allow no more contraband condition and the police are scouring islands, reached Massira islands and immediately to an addreea in Manhat­
.linger battle against the inevtiable, that mottling. He did not lielieve any tack,the young northsider silently stole
Nine tan, where he would be well paid.
that part of the city in an effort to lo­ were massacred by tbe natives.
but In* could influence the boat to some earthly power could Have them.
His from hia hiding place, drew one of tlieir to pass through het ports.
cate the messenger who left the package of the murderers have been arrested
extent in the course it took to ruin. final conclusion was that lhev had left boats which had been anchored at the
The St. Ixtuis fair has reduced the
and the reat will soon be taken.
Depot Contract Has Been Let.
The bleak locks were preferable to the the light burning in the early hour of north point of Hie island, out into the balance due upon the United States at the door. It is believed that the
Heattie, Nov. 3.—J. D. Farrell, as­
white-capped bieakers and the deean morning when they went out into the deep water, and rowed away to the government loan of $4,800,000 to
of the entire household, with an idea rincd for Bringing In Consumptive. sistant to Piesident Hill of tbe Gieat
beyond, and lie steered the beat he storm or that their bodies had been re­ north without so much ss cresting the $191,861.
of revenge for some unknown cause.
S.cn Francisco, Nov. 7. — Secretary Northern railroad, returned from Hi.
could for them.
covered by the life saversand neighbors noise of a ripple upon the bay.
With troth employers and employer
Victor H. Metcalf, ol the department Paul today with the news that tbe cos-
There was one chalice in a thousand of who were sitting Up w ith the deud.
lie took the light in Hankala's cabin confident of victory, engineers in Illi­
Coal Prices Go Up.
of commerce and labor, today imposed tracts for the union depot in thia city
escaping doalli there, by clinging to
Poor Hankala I Dan sat down upon foi a guide and he found It a true one. nois coal mines have gone on a strike
Pithburg, Nov. 6.—Prices of all a tine of $100 upon the Pacific Coaat and extensive improvements Io the
the rocka that would destroy him, but the rocka and rellected. I la thought of
agsinst a reduction in wages. Fifty gradea of coal have been advanced 36 steamship company for bringing to thia Great Northern’s docks had lieen let.
(To bo continued)
once in th« breakers, no
earthly the flail girl whom he had so often ns
thousand men are affected.
cents a ton as a result of the increased port on September 28, as a passenger He refused to give out the contract
hope was left.
They had never yet aisled ill fishing her net while her aged
True friendship ia like found benlth,
John W. Hates Ims made $4,000,000 demand for coal and the strike of en­ on the ateamer Umatilla, from Vic­ price. The depot will be bpilt by a
surrendered a victim alive in all the companion sat helpless in the b mil the value of it ia aeldorn kuowu until it
in four months dealing in stocks.
Chicago firm.
gineers in Illinois.
toria, B. C., s consumptive.
story of disasters ut the month of tlie He thought of how cheerio! the little I lie lost.—Cotton.