Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 27, 1904, Image 5

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    Supplement to the Klamath Republican, Thursday, October .7, 1904
M.igiiiticcnt DUpl.ii of Products
Nou on Exhibition .11 iht
Kl.iniaili Count y Promo
(ion Club's Rooms
'I bis yvara crup ol appi»-« and fruit
ha« Irceli the largest und
ami Gut ••ver
kirow ri in Klnmalh County
tnd the
•linplay of apple« grown in Klamath
lounly which •’Mil le ►•••n nt the Pro
inotion < lub rooms, Wf i>< I . ., , rtn
har«llv I h * «*<|U4led Mliywhen III Oregon.
Searlv all ol thè fruita ami *<*g< lMl»le«
bave l»«*eii gioiti mi dry lami wj II hmi I
iingahon. The largati vxhibiiL Ml**
O. A. SI* urli«, Mr. and Mrg.
11Hinakar ami N. S. Merrill
W» HI I*
unable to giv«* l I h * entire lisi bui
j tin*
<rl III«* I h rt exliihil« are a« b»How** :
By W. I . Arant appo » l’ i.g,
Ohleiiburg, Y» Il *w \« wt«»n an i Ihtin
By N. S. Merriil Grime« Colden
Pippni. King ol Thornt«kins Whlt«-
Waxeri Wintvr
Grvvn l’ippii.»J *|«»rm Mifirdi MmfK’mth
• in spv.
>.f 1
««<1 4 «II
Golden Hiibbard l»v Henry Jimseen.
lamg Blue Huhl»ani R«imrn*-r H«|tia«h,
Miimiiioth Bbfe Hiihbard an*l Mrip-d
S«|uanh hy A. Turner. 7^> |»ouml Chili
Mf|inuib hy Frank Arm-troog. 43 potimi
•Mpiaah hy o. A. Stearns, 37 pound
' iMpiagh l»y Billn* Pankey ami ahn exhrb
ifs hy Rol»t Ì' hm - v and John Short.
Olh* r evliihil» oi veg« tabh’S are W hit**
lU-igiMii ami Uuig
vllow <’arroti« an I
lamg Red Radi«h l»y N’ S Merrill
Tornato#« by Henry Jan«M ii. < ’ucurn-
lier hy Mr« Frank Ward and J, W.
Then* wan turine very cvvllciit echib
its ot wheat. barley, onta, rye, alfalfa,
br««im grass l*eiH*ill4ria.
ll.iriH, un
Mill i Billion
l’olla» gras«. The exhibitor« wer«*: B.
S. Grigsby. N. S Merrill, A. I>. I! *r-
|«dd, Kolit. CiWM-y, Frank Ko»—. II. II
Van Valkvnburg and Ge«/. Pun < »
\. S. Merrill eUiibil<*«l 4 bunch «»I Tur*
kÌNtan alfalfa, 5 II -I iih I i **« hi/hwbr h
na« sow n in May P mi I. \. I >. 11 ar p»l I
-liow»*d rotno oat« which yivl«l«*l l2'»
bushels to tin* acre Aith oiir irrigation.
I’op-orn l»y A. Tinner. <*omm*»n ami
Sugar corn by 1 rank Armstrong
p « '« Golden Baret.iin, Early >w*-» t
C»in. Bur I m m Fitly Corev **w«*«-t •••rn.
Whit«- Evergreen «w*wl corn by Mr- I.
T. Henley»
Other «-xbibil' w»-ro*. Aliali« H«»n*-y
by II A K rttenhorii <»l Merrill
• li«»k«*« l»y Mr«. J.'I . Ih-nl* , au I -urn*-
tin*« «i*r<,Hii«*n■* ui hop«.
By Mr urei Mr», J. W ll.imaitar»*-20
oline«* l'ippir»
Gloria Móndi fcJiitrh
Mignon and SibeiHUrf i»b*<
* «•
• • By O. A. Siearic-
blu- Whiter ' 4
^varmain, l’mh«-«« «3 r r l<l» h I hh |, yy. I*'
ghiia Gi«*riimg.
Snm*«h *«, I v ’pu*
K|»iiA**nLurg, Itlimle l*l.ni>l Grv*'MUlg. Is
‘■miti» ’ ibi f. in* -ap, < tl»»r
Sorti. « ih Spy and Y*dh»w
B* Mr»».
H. Carrick 2*> oui.»y L***
pii» and Sm»w Apple«.
B\ .1. I. Ilaiik»- Svvvral vurietic««.
By I . 1/ trmstrong Link llithw*, Fall
Pippur, Kl«tiuith >• « lling. Straw tM-rry
l’ipiiin ami Klamath Pippur.
iiy Mrs J.T l!» i»l« \ Ben !>aVt* and
\\ hit«? I’»« Ufb»w« 1
By M um k Bf.*. Bell l’aVi«.
By J. I
<»«s-llrr-—Bablwm«.’ Earlv
Grav» «leni ai» * 2 ’ uiilic«- Pi)»t»iii. *
Then* 1* also hi » exhibit 4 4d a*»pl«*«
» 41 In» I h -
w Idrh w« «• grown on 4
Ilamakar have
Italniti Prone«,
Wfilt«* Willow Peachei lata Crawlord
Peach«--. I • f « • II < »Mg«- Plnnil* .m l Putter
Iking Built Fur the I pper
kl.11n.il 1| Like Engines .111!
Boilers Expecteil I ih I. iv .
^.1. T. Totten ami II E. ILoml’erry,
two well kiiouii MtH| rxp-riemx-d ( <•!•
iimbia River >ti-aml«.at men will build
4 hog«* pn*M i.g«-i ami height i-u-ani-
Iw-ut to 1» run wn th*- upper Klamii’h
Uk, w Ln h limy « xi*« < t I<» have com*
pl«-l*«l by the middle «»I Maoli. The
• t*-inner will !«• a thr»* -«I* • let. Ids tert
lol g, 21 I-*»t In-ain and 4b. !»•■ I hole. fl
will I«- built with a <1 iiblc c.*I in. Th*-
pa««cngvr cabin« will seat »'«> l*w*pl<*
ihd the b«»a’. will I <* able tu tarri ab<*ut
75 inn« 3 height. The »p v’l will bv
lr .in Id to 12 iiiih’» J • r hour.
fhe l«»ih.r is l«mg brought from th*-
railroad by J •«. M«»orr and 1« exj*ert»-»l
Fw-rr to «lay. 11 >* 4 »«*»lch marinv l*ml-
« r -*» by 12 ami will pa< k 2tW pHiml« of
steal.1 Two 7 by •engines will I«-
u«*-*l. The ls»4t will I«* «-«pitp|»«*«i will)
loin «*.4t«-r<»oiu« for the a«*«« m<Mlation ot
tl « « n»u . Th<* l*oai will I«« built at th**
hra*i «»I Link River, aliovv
Th«* construction work will
ritliiiiit ln »■ Mlxmt the tir-t «•! the we«-k
and whl l>* under th»- «up rviM«»n «»f
Georg«* W. Walker, on«« <1 the Iw-st
«)»*p builder* <>i Portland
Th** cost 1-
t*«liUM*.«* I at over |5,O O
W. A. W light ha* «orni* tin«? i*pe«*i-
imrnn of I'. M k Walnut» grown uu bn*
Mr». E
<|i«pl4) an « vliiiiit of /mil, Mr«. B F
Van Briminri Pelite 1‘iiiiie«. J. L.
1 ■
lai” 1 rawl*»rd Pea« lie*.
\ ii *--
strung C«»ticoi*l < » rat«—
r»»T %T«»i »»
. »W M
By <f.
St»’4rtis I aih >ix Wwk».
K hm II u . I’.trl} R*»m-.
Mark Manna,
Good Time«. Klamath Beauty, an I im*
proved Burbank. Mr. strain«* also I uh G
an exhibit <*l •»* lotah«-« which urr<*
giown in *u»v lull, with a t< i;il Wright •>< prptiLir Young Couple of Alkali
•g2‘v |«»und«
Palici Arc I'nitcd in Mar­
(Hhri rxh.bitoik ot |»*t4(«M-« «r|»i \
>. Merrill, (• Slmrt, d I. Parta* « «aod
11. W. An ler m » h .
Bonansa, <h t. 25.—La«’ Sunday at
Two bta*t* weighing 21 |ruun<k*nv J. the home ot Mr. ami Mr* Cha«. Horton
L. Padgett. Sugi* berla bt E. S’. Phil­ in P«*e Valley, the Rev. Starr officiating,
lips, A. Turner, ami R »bevr (’a««*\. Mr. Patrick J «Mr ph Col I a han and Mix-
Early Turnip bl<s*J l»rel by J. W. Bry­ ‘»erti«* Clanton were united in the holy
\ III pound 1« i I»' Mik • Rue k, G»nd« of matrimony. The groom it a
and a I” pound Strop lad Iuitrip bv nativo won ol Klamath county, whom?
parenti« were among the oldest and
H« nix Jansson.
must respected peMieer* of Alkali Vai-
IA MH %<•>:
\ 21 pound » abli.igv l>y Mi «»k Bros. lev. Th«* bride li 4 charming young
The voting couple will make their
4»l . .1 !’• P « i l «•.ibh.lje by Mike RlHS-k. lady
Iiome in the np|»er end of Alkali Valley.
Aller the «uri-mony all partook of the
weddihg dinner winch va im * pre|*ared
under the mpvrviMon of Mrs. Chas.
Horton, ami l!.<* g«**) things of life
which were on the I a bl»* w«*dld have
done jiiMtice to th»* appetite of a King.
Ill the evening there wa- a grand «er*
enad*», which hi-t* d until midnight.
All wished Mr. and Mr«. CoBahan all
kinds of luck and di**|*er«4*d lor their
res|»eclive liomes. tin- only regret Is ing
that there could not *«• more such |«»p-
ular wedding«.
I am now locat»1«! in my
ii »* w
stori* next to
I have the limuit line of
Watch*-«, ('lock*. Jewelry «iii'l •
cal (ns«lA in the county.
The Roman Catholics Will Build
xh I m at Ri^rht Pri«’«*«
Church and School In Klamath
arid mu - me te-fore buying <-I m •
Falls—Have Also Secur­
where for I ran save you money.
ed 3 Site at Merrill.
Watchmaker and Optkian.
J. OReiliy, Roman Catholic*
Repairing i specialty.
l’i-h« p of Baker < iiy arrived in th»- city
Sator ay to join Father Hendricks who
haw Ix-en her«? so ne timo making ar­
rangement« for the •*«tabli*«hmvnt of a
»M*h<H>| and <hur< h in Klamath county.
Bishop ORrilly addressed a very large
ai;<!i«»nei* of our prominent citizens at
the Opera Hour** on Sunday even mg
ah I rp -k»- to th«* people of Merrill on
Mon.Jay evening, He i» a verv «*ai 1 < *t
and Broad minded man and mach* a la.it-
mg impression on hi« audieiicc. Bef.»re
leaving for the railroad W*-Im*-lay
morning, he *r«»ke Very highly of the
kihd 'ami courteous treatment lie re-
cerve» i from ihe |«?ople o' Kla>iu«tb (*<>.
gild also of 1 heir <»v m 1< nt drsir»-lor i I m *
establish# ent
l a rhur* h and >»*bool
hr re. Block .’> in Fairview h < diti 11
ha« le***u MSCnrcd of Major W<»r t ri and
Mrs. Sargent and the Bishop *’at»<l
that tiny would probably commence
building in lh<* spring. After t he • «-
Ijiblishmvnt of a h I hmi I and church,
tlie/ may ah » ad*l a li* Fpital if cin nm
Mances will warrant it. N’.S. Merrill
lias d<»UMt4**i 3 l»|»M-k in the town < î
Merrill to tfie church there.
H«*ndri«*h will 1« ..:am m Klamath coun-
ty i*»r th«- present.
We Lavr two m**«sages for th»* peo­ i
ple thia unk. One for the ladle*
ami the other for the men. Every'
lad}’ should lx? particularly choice
in the «election of the «tai ion*-ry she
line« in writing to her friend*, Huo’t
destroy a good impression by ti -mu
cheap or improper writing papir.
Stvh*«* change in f*tatg>nerv
a« in other thing«. There is a size
and wh#|ie which is pru|«*r for ladies
and al«*» a distinct style gmi run-
proper for men. Ix*t uh «how you*
what i- pro|»er thin year. We have
a complete line in all the latest tint*
<3 stationery, papeteries, box good*
and tablet**.
Large and Enthusiastic Audience
Greets Capt- Stone at Fcrt
Last Saturday
Fort Klamath, Oct. 24— T»r the Re
piihliccn. Idle first political «|»**vch »»i
U h * Campaign wa« given here !a*t .-a’.-
UT'lay wh«*nCgpt. O. C. Hone a hire*-rd
the resident* of W«««l River <*ountrv.
I*»4itb« ha.*« created little interest here
*0 tar but <‘apl. Stone’s (-ntho-iasm
han aroused to new life the apathy ot
t' r Repuldh aim of thin vicinity, and a
strong effort will lx* made to ¡*»11 as
large a vote an )>osidble for Wood River
PrveiiH t next Vivetnber.
Mr. Stone
h.«w proven Lirn*elf a strong speaker and
a stanch Republican. ami bn* common
sense arguiiient« were iiatcnril to with
<*nlhii*ia»iii »tnd w ».***• favorably received
by the large audience present.
Thu arrangement* for the meeting
were ...under the Mipervision »H Ja#.
Whrvh*r and I’.cil. Crohrbiiih-r.
There will In* a w|>et*ial meeting of
tiic Klamath County Pr«»motion Club
at their r«»»rn corner of Main and sixth
streels. next Monday evening at 7:30
o’clock. A talk on the objects and op-
j «» i lunitiv
of the Club will be given.
’Die addition ot handiwork, such a« la*
die«» fancy work, to the present exhibit
1« contemplated, tin I the public both
ladies and gentlemen, is invited k » tn*
C. C. Br«»w**r. secretary.
Livery, Feed and Sale
1 51-, ICS»
Caleb T. Oliver. Proo r