Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 27, 1904, Image 4

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    An VnAwtunate Cholen.
Mrs Black, with a family of eight,
could keep a iwk. but Mrs Greeu,
| who paid the aauie wage« aud whose
family numbered only two. expert-
eUs'ed the greatest difficulty lu per­
suading one to slay with her. Mra
Green was troublM about It. and nat
tirall.v sought augg»*«t|ona wherever
■he could get them. One day the two
women happenetl to meet at a news
dealer's stand.
"I’m buyltig.” explained Mrs. Black
“a Swedish newspaper for my cook
She likes to read, and I take one home
to her oecsstomtlly.”
"Why!” exclaimed Mra (Irtvo
wonder If that's the teaaon you're ■o
sUcceMftll III keeping a girl. I’ve • I
ways wanted to know the se»'ret."
■ Voasibly It's one of the reason«,“
admitted Mrs. Black.
"I’m going t«> try It myself,'* in-
nounced Mrs. Green. promptly taking
a copy of the same paper.
A awk Inter the two women met
again near an agency where Mrs.
Green was looking for a new cook.
“Well." asked Mrs. Black, smiling,
"how did the newspaper ■chetile
work ?"
"It didn’t work at all." confessed
Mrs. Green, “1 bought a Swedish pa-
per. nud the girl was a L'lun."
I „
It ta commonly inherited.
Few are entirely five from It.
Pale, weak, puuy childrx'U Art
afflicted with il in nine cases out of
ten, and many adults suffer from iL
Common indications are bunches In
the neck, abscesses, cutaneous erup­
tions, inflamed eyelids, sore ears,
rickets, catarrh, wasting, and geueral
rtmlous to Know.
Lktiv U«*»n Kvolvc«l Out of Slim Material
by O’autry Hv»u«cke«*e««f,
“Poaalbly." a lie said. ’’Ilia woman
doesn't live who lis-u t learned from
experlenc« w hat It lueaua ami Ingly
to mitertalu an uueipeeted guest and
meauwhlla to rack h«<r brain as to
Take cold efi'tly? Throat
how alia can »volve a luncheon from
lender? Lunn« weak? Any
the odds aud eiula that cruel fate haa
relatives have consumptionr
decreed •ball comprise her »lock ou
Then a cough means a great
hand at this particular ertala
“That !• exactly the tlx I waa In
one day last week
My guest arrivi
ed within an hour of lunch time, and
the huckster who La« beeu my do
pendeuee this season failed to put Iti
deal to you. bolfow your
an api'earatn'e.
doctor’s advice and take
Eradicate it, positively and absolnto-
“Our own vegetable», owing to th»
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It
late date of our removal to a colin-
ly. This statement ia based ou tlie
heals, strengthens, prevents.
try place, were uot yet avallat'lo for
thousands of partnanent cures these
* F>'t to' vaart ! hav« 4«|H»mtt»4 .»n At«r'a
table use. We • re at some distan- a
medicines have wrought.
Chriis l.'.i.'twl f.n o.'iiglia
« -'da
• ml anyway I had lie
toiiow it Mi«>»tif •tr#iit:(l'«tia w<’*h hitiisa "
“ My daughter had scrofula, with eleveu
Mil.' V A
Htolill« Mb li
cue to «end.
•ores on her n»ek «nd shout her ears. Hood’s
MV fl Ml.
,J C to Yin (NX.
“A large number of Aim'll un « <w
Sarsaparilla was highly recommended and
£-------- ------- for------------- —
«be took It and was cure-l. Stie 1« now tn
servantleaa. Well, on this pnrtleular
good heallh.’* Maa. J. II. J oxm , Far Kez
day 1 happened to l>e one of that largo
City. Ind.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
Ayer ■ Pills Increnso th" nctivity of
“Bo, when I deceniiy eould. I ex­ th»
our» and keeps the promise.
liver. «nd trina •<<< rucovciy.
cuse'! my self and went mi an Inves­
tigating tour of the refr gerator. My
Iton't Grit Jour Teeth.
»earvli wa« rewarded aa follow« Two
“No teeth to till." the dentist Mid to
Mr Slbnpurse I *o » -.i know that les
the man In the chair, "but you are
cre.-un, Itiste.-o! of ni.-ikma ous ,-iolur.
Six Dos tors Failed.
encumber, half a dozen leave« of let­ uukes one warmer?
grinding off your teeth more than you
South Band, Id., <>ct. 24 (Special)— tuce. one Jar of anchovy pa Me and
l’rett> Girl- When dnl '-ni hear (list?
ought to. IH> you grit your teeth ui
After suffering from Kidney Dii'ease for two cantaloupe«.
“I have known It for year*.”
your sleep?”
three years: after taking treatment
''Il-inigh! Straus» that y-m did uot
There were a few very small pota»
And the man aald he didn't stay
from aix different doctor« without get­ toe« In atik-k, alao milk and
tlllnk Io Im-iitm.i ll |a»t »»'ter,*'
awake long enough to kuow alxiut that,
ting lelief, Mr. J. O. Laudenian of thia likewise cracker« and cheese
r- m- «iiuyiur-w. » a- .»< -«>«,<»«
but were they much ground off?
place found not only lelief but a «peedy
»I i.«v '»u»i - f t>i K
. «meal \. rvw
“After s uitnute and a half if pnu
"More thau they ought to be at your and complete cure in Dodd's Jvidnev
I rrr *4 til* l-.ttl« --,n,| 11 <>«:!•»
age.'* said the dentist. “You have Pills. Speaking of his cure Mr. Laude- found headwork the»» several .IllHi.e V». li il kilo«*. LU **• Arri* NI . riMUAWlpbi«, IX
neuts bad seiMtrat.-d and recombined
woru the enamel off from some of nun says:
Iler IltHisi.
theuiselvea Into a bill of fare In this
them and got dow n to the dentine."
l ily R V Swaiuplsml. w her» «• w»ut
"Yee, I suffered from Kidney Trou­
"What'a going to happen?" asked ble for three years and tried aix doctor« wise
thi» «iitioiirr. su tet-rlbl« log.
the victim.
Molker \ r«. It waa
with anchovy
to no good.
Thru I took just two
"But you ju-t told
■« Mtn.-kup yog
"Why, if you keep on grinding boxes of lkxid'e Kidney Pills and they
Creaumi whob* potato**
slept m>-l»r hiink'-te av»ry other night.
StutT^I tomatoe*
them off.” said the dentist, “the teeth not only cureil my kidneys, but gave
Iced cantaloupe, 1 m->«‘ ro.'Med "
will hollow out and well have to put me better health in general. Of course i Cueambtr salad
“You force', my pel, that you were
( 'hlNHl1
plugs lu them with gold tops to give I recoin mended Ik>dd'« Kidney Pills to
“That reads very well, dlHWIl't it? not th« one who had til» agua.**
them new grinding surface«."
others and I know a num tier now who
i And it tasted Just as well ns it "otiinl". F tsts or 011m < it , or loisio, 1 _
Tills wasn’t a very pleasant pros­ are using them with gotxi leenlts "
I 1 ■
1 01 aw.
' *
pect. so later the man sought to as­
Fa'«« J - H«»»v ii'skaa u«ch that he !•
Mr. Iaiudetnan's case is not an exc«p- If 1 tuay be pardoned for miylng *o.
' First of all I made fit «» c< >ff.e. then •enior vanaer ol <hu Sna .q I J.< aks»v*
certain for himself whether he did grit tion. Thousands give similar experi­
I'o . doing l-u-IHe-s In II, i II, ot t,.lv,l,,. i . .>m
his teeth unduly. And while he waa ences. For there never yet was a case
ly S I Slale « r-s 1 «ndthsl«a|.| nrin wl l
•till unable to stay awake long enough of Kidney Trouble from Ba kach« to put them on to l»o|l. Mennwlill • I cut 1«, the »uiu ut "St. Ill X i-Kl: l> poLXAtt» lol
• «eh SII.I every . «.r . 11
>. na lfi»| r«nn>-t be
-*o find out. he did discover that he had Bright's Disease that IXxid'a Kidney | the top from <-acb tom»Io and scrapeii cured iq ihu u*,- gl H«i i?r < , r«««« < 1 «a
a habit at times of gritting his teeth In Pills eould not cure.
They are the
Sworn ta N-tor» ma « <1 «utwrrltw-.l In my
his waking moments, when be sat back only remKiy that ever cured Bright's
“Then 1 cut th» eoru from the cob. |>r»-ei>* e. ihl, <-th -lay . t I v «!..r. ' I )v-
A. W . 1,1 KAM'S’.
from his work to think of something, Disease.
i mixed It with the tomato pulp. ava
Xvlary Public.
for instance. And be made up his
I «onrd It with red pepper, «alt »nd a
« ' hit of sugar and filled th» tonuito
tulnd that he would stop that, anyway,
Ha! ’•
<’ -r»1 'taken InU
ai <!
and be hoped that he might thus «top
■bells with th* mixture. Over the lop art« »llri'Ctly »»n th« biotxt an I mu.. <u
grinding his teeth In bls sleep. If he Several AnimalaCan Go Wlthoat Water >f each waa spread a generous «| hh > ii ui the nyaU -Jt ^n ! ( r trnthm nia » fr«r
r J
KY a < u . TutoUu, O.
for Krmarkable Long l-eriod«.
did ao grind them. For. fine as they
Hol’t bv !‘flet«,
Several other creatures tsoldea the ful of butter erunibe and the wtiol-j
Ball • > «miljr 1111« rto the I m -«L
might be. he didn't waut any of those
put In the oven to liake.
nice little gold-capped plugs put In bls camel are able to get along for extend
1 hr Mntt Hath.
"Next I took the Ina de of a loaf of
teeth If he could help IL—New York
\Vli«*ti pin nt a nrv alrkly wr put th«*tn
bread and cut tt Into thick rounds out
In the «untijjrht. wntvr
nn<! mtr*r
America go for forty to sixty days In of which 1 scooped the centers to
Thimbles made of lava are extensively wlntur w ithout drink, grazing on the | make the nests. After craping thriu them luck to UXv Why n«>l
U m B< mi tiie taint <*ar«*? I.i-t th« tl
osed in Naples.
green, succulent vegetation of that aea- In the oven and thinly spreading th«
Inaldea with the anchovy the nests worn out. nrrvont woman try
In idleness there is perpetual despair. son.
trr.itiixiiU Put on • Ugbt. *'l««an w
Peccaries In the desert of Sonora live »ere ready for the egg»
per. let th«* hair down. tnk<* an i
The beet mathematic«—that which in little dry hills, where there la no uat piled up tn the neat« with • little de- chair, anti <o Into the ba« k yard ■ lid
double« the moat joy« and divide, th» ural water, for long periods. They can
■it in th« tun for an hour !f you fall
not possibly find water—In fact, for preMion In the center to receive th» •MltM'p, ao n.ut'b ttie twit« r. I-«’t th»
moM »orro»«.
months at a time the moisture they can yolk. The dish was then ready for It« ¡uTMpirntion flow freely. After the • nu
The British Isles comprise no fewer
obtain comes from roots and the fruits finishing brown In the oven.
thin 1.000 separate islands and islets.
“I could see that my gue«t approv­ bath go in and take n bath, rubbing the
of cacti.
body brfwkty fill over fVwd off away
of the affair from wild buckwheat
But the most extraordinary case Is
from • draught: dr«*««, and you will
that of the pocket mouse, one of the (decorations to deml-taaae, and «hen feel Ilk«» n new woman In th«* be»!
'- «be departed her praise of the ’dear
common rodents of the desert.
tente. Take the baths ofti*n.
Thia little creature, by the way. ba« little lunche-m' was so sincere that It
a genuiue fur-lined "pocki*" on the
outside of his cheek. When it is hun­ New York Evening Sun.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
In July, 1883, I began to break out with
Eczema on my head, legs and arms, and
began treatment with local doctors, but
did not get much relief. They Mid the dis­
ease had become chronic. I then quit them
and tried various ointments and soaps for
another two years, tut as soon as cold
weather came I was as bad off as ever, so I
finally decided to let medicine alone, anil
for twelve or thirteen years did nothing
towards curing the Eczema, except bath­
ing. This seemed to do about as much
good as anything I had tried.
During the time I lost about one-half of
my hair. I began S. S. S. doubtful of a
cure, because the disease had run so long,
but soon discovered your medicine was
doing me good, and continued to take it.
I used seven bottles, when I was com­
pletely cured. not having a single spot on
my body, which before was almost com­
pletely covered.
F. C. N orfolk .
1017 Hackberry St., Ottumwa, Ia. •
gry It takes food from thia pocket with
its paw, just as a man would pull a
ham sandw ich from bls pocket.
One of these mice has beeu kept for
three years with no other food than the
mixed bird seed of commerce. During
this period It has not a taste of either
water or green food.
OUier experimenters have found. In
fact, that these mice In captivity refuse
such treats, not seeming to know that
water 1» good to drink.
The bird seed put l>efore this mous«*
contained not more than 10 per cent of
moisture, which Is less than ia neces­
sary for digestion. Stuff so dry as this
cannot even be swallowed until it is
moistened by saliva. Yet this remark
able mouse gave nothing but bls time
to the interests of acimee.
He suffere'l nothing in health of spir­
its during his captivity. The “abso­
lutely abHtenilous age” of which Ed-
ward Lear wrote is completely out­
Tlie question Is seriously raised
whethrr this mou.«e Is provided with a
condensing apparatus by which it is
able to absorb moisture from the at­
mosphere. At night, and In the bur­
rows. the humidity Is much higher than
ill the daytime above ground, but It
never reaches the dew point.
These Interesting facts of natural
history suggest possibilities in the way
of cure« for the incorrigible Inebriate
What is CASTOR IA ,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Weak Lungs
All the «oldi'-rs In the army of Ar­
gentina are forivd to play foetball. It
11« said to train them to bear the hard­
ships of battle.
There are about forty-four thousand
hotels In this country, representing n
capital of Sd.isaMAMi.'se*. and giving
Í It Would I m » a gom!
employment to J.StMI.'ksi ¡>eople.
light burning?*' she
The criminal code of China has been
revised and “allclng to death " baa been
done away with, it la «aid that all
forma of torture will soon be abol­
Many people are klllerl In gathering
edelwels» on the Alps. The belief haa
lieeri that it la a rare plant that grows
only In lna<-ees«lble or nearly Inaci-es
slide places near the snow line But a
The head, feet and bands are usually
the parts affected, though the disease ap­
writer to the Ixmdon Tinies says It can
pears on other parts of the body. While ex­
be grown eaelly In “any back yard.”
ternal applications allay the itching and
2 i-ents worth of seed being the only |
burning temporarily, it is the acids thrown
neeeMary outfit.
off by the blood that cause the irritation
A Kwlas engineer has undertaken,
and eruptions upon the skin. The acids
must be neutralized and the system cleans­
for a Frauco-Swlsa company, to con-
ed of all humors and poisons before the
atruct a ayatem of transml««loii for'
cure is permanent.
electric power which will deliver In
S. S. S. is guaran­
I.yona aeveral thousand horse power
teed entirely free
daily. In the form of electricity. The
of Potash, Arsenic
source of the power Is to be found In
and other miner­
als. Book on the
the waterfalls of the Alps, about 125
skin and its dis­
England*« bill lor sugar to make into miles from the great center of silk
eases sent free.
manufacture In France., The French
■ weet« is $2.000 000 every week.
Medical advice
are depending more and more on the
furnished free.
The feather« of the miraaol, an Ar­ “white coal" of the mountain el re» ma,
Th« Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. gentine bird, fetch $1,020 tier pound.
aa they express It.
The Imndon Zoological Gardens are
the proud po»»ea»ors of one male and
two female gorillas There is only on»
other female gorilla In Europe Hhe la
Miss Whittaker, a prominent
at Hre«lau. The Ixmdon specimens are
named Chloe and Venus The de»crl|>- i club woman of Savannah, (ia.,
lion of Venus, which Is five years old. tells how she was entirely cured
la as follows: Height, two feet six ' of ovarian troubles by the use
Inches, cheat measurement, thirty-six
Inches; hair, dark and patchy; eyes, of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
black and deep set, and huge over­ Compound.
D kab M i «. P ivkhami —T heartily
hanging brows; mouth, expansive, with
recommend I.yilla E. I'liikliain'M
formidable teeth; expression, morose.
The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa­
Vcgctiible Compound as a Uterine
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and lias been made under his
One of the recently discovered nat­ Tonic and Regulator. 1 suffered for
supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
personal aupervinion
ural curiosities of China, says the four years with irregularities and
to deceive you in this.
this. C'oiintcrfcitM, Iniitntlona and
Youth's Companion, Is an “nluiii moun­ L'terino troubles. No one but those
“ Just-an-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the
tain," nineteen hundred feet III height, who have experiencid this dreadful
health of Children—Experience «gainst Experiment.
anil about ten miles In circumference agony can form any idea of the physi­
at the base. The Chinese quarry the cal and mental niloery those r-ndure
who are thus afflicted. Your Vege­
alum, or inaasea containing alum, In table Compound cured me within
Cantoria is a liarnilesa mibatitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
large blm-ke, which are heated In ovens three months. I was fully restored to
goric, Drop« ami .Soothing Nyrnpft. It la Pleaaant. It
made for the pui-pooe »nd afterward health and strength, ami now my
containg neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotia
dlSHolvwl In Ixilllng water The alum Periods are regular and painless.
«ubatanee. Ita age is ita guarantee. It dvatroya Worms
then crystallises In layers about half What a blessing It Is to be able to
and allays Feveriahneaa. It cures Diarrhoea anil Wind
a foot In thickness and Is cut up Into obtain such a remedy when ho many
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
doctors fail to help von. Lydia I;.
and Flatulency. It asaiinilates the Fonti, regulates the
ten pound pieces. Its principal use la I’inkliam’H Vegetable Compound
Htomai-li anti Bowels, giving healthy anil natural sleep.
In the purification of water.
is tie tier than any doctor or mc>ll<-lne
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
How are children so often able with­ I ever had. Very truly yours, M irs
asy W hittakkk , «04 3Pth St., W.
out injury to swallow such sharp
Savannah, Ila." — fnooo fnrfrlt If nrlqlnal af
things ss pins, needles, tucks and bits aboi/tf
let tar proving genulnmeaa cannot be nroducea.
of glass? The secret as dlsi-losed by
The teatfinonliil* wlilili wn
Dr. Albert Exner, of Vienna, lies In are constantly publlslilug from
the fact that, when a pointed or sharp- I grateful women prove licyond a
tlie power of Lydia E.
edged body comes Into contact with doubt
the lining of the stomach or Intestine, ]*liikliiiin*H Vegetable Coin pound
to conquer female diaeusca.
the part touched contract« and puck-
era so as to thli-ki-n Itself In that place,
At the same time It withdraw» Itself
In aueb a manner nu to form a little
■d Heat Cough Nyrup. Tant«.« Uood. I Is n
pocket, and gradually twlata the ob­
Intimo. Molti by driiggl'ia
TH« CtNT.U» C«M»«NV. TT MU«««T «TU««». »«W T«»« »ITT.
ject around so »« to turn the edge or
point away, pushing the thing along.
Mr GrnylMtanl Ywu any you have
l>r«n uehiK the "IloHNt'wifw'a Nwver Fall
for t^riity y««nra
I uiu de*
lighted t<> h«1 nr that
I am the author
of tlini book
Have you tiled many vf
the ruclpp"?
Mr« Homebody' Nearly nil.
Mr. I• rii110*11 r«l Gloiioun!
You ere
ju«t the |»vr««»ti I’ve been wanting tv
inert. Did any of them work?
— /V’’J4" M* I | •
* '¿H
One Hundred Ienra Ago
Xupoleoii «ent dispatches to Madrid
whl'li Ihicatciied war uniese Ills de­
mand» were complied with.
.4 Brillali «qua-It-ili lindel lomino-
dole MiHire atla»’k<d and Captured
thrvv Spanish ve«>el« with ' •liiable
About one half of the udull popula
lion of England wu« formed Into u
Volunt'*er corp« to resist the e»peeled
Invasion by Napoleon’« army
After the re'oluilun tM>i«a> traes
were planted In J-'rancv to uae later a«
fuel. Iba (>rlct*a of which hud rlseu t'«>
per cent
" «r was declared btrlweeu Russia
and I'vrsla
The Euip»r<>r <>f Germany »«tst'llsh
ed a new bank st Vaolca.
Seventv-Ove Year» Ago.
Vallow fever was raging In Natch»«,
M las.
Coiiily llagurt began the pub lien lion
of the Frw Itit de Advocate, after­
wards known hn the Banner of tba
Ill Montreal <UI grocers entered il|sm
an agreement to prtisccute all person«
found retailing liquors without I Lense
The Iron Used In the construction of
the Schuylkill \ alley railroad wa* Ini*
ported from England at a much cheap
er rate than It eould lime been manu­
factured In tills country.
rrrshlrnt Jaekaou interfered In the
case of a government clerk who was
dlsmlsst'd by the head of his depart­
ment. raising the qurst'.on as Io wliat
power waa vestml lu the chiefs of dr
partmen (s.
fifty ioara Ago.
The greater part of Mental, a Prus-
alan seaport, was destroyed by hr»
V* Itti loss estimated st B.L'< mi » i
The shore« alaiut I he lisrlHir of V er«
(’rui were strewn with an Immense
number of dead llsb. »up|«>«ed to lisva
been killed l>y the gn« evolved In s<uu»
submarine eruptlou.
A pasaeuger atoaiuer from Nan Fran­
cisco to Panama struck a reef outside
tile Golden taste
Fifteen pasaeuger«
and Il.'s'l.i««! tn golal were lost.
Th» Academy of Music, Naw York,
open«! with th» opera of "Norma "
Austria defined lier policy •• mor»
favorable to I lie n III. h I force« ngalnst
by ail of the eburehes In the country.
forty Years Ago.
A run was In progress upon every
Chicago bank la-cause of the siis | m * ii
elmi of one Insili ill Ion
The propeller Ogdensburg, which 12
years before on Ijike Elie lied col
llda-al with mid sunk the steamer At
latita w ith gn-nt Io«« of life, itself win
sunk In a collision off Cleveland. O.
Tile cltlxena of Belleville. III., were
preparing to re«l«t a Ihrentrmul In *•
■Ion by a detachment from General
Price’« Confiulerate eommatid
I ira fl I ng from the city of . Mingo
wa« eoiiiiiienei-<l. the Sixth slid Eighth
Ward« iM'ing lirai drawn U| hjii .
A sudden movement by General«
Grant, <>rd mid Birney curried tlir
I'liloll lilies to within four mile« of
Itlchmoml, Vn , mi the nouth.
tvtuMUfi rnrt
» >WKNi A r«« ill AN • «» llu . YUM' NYU « A NAO A,
P. N. U.
Nu. ««
11’II I'M writing to »«I «Nrti««ra pl<
io«iiii"U mi« paper.
Your Horses
irotulns. AOe nr U4H
< I KI 1» I II IK 1 k rot l< IIOlf'I.M.
I'Ni'aai«*' KMMttUY Co . M I’atil Minn
I ltn«f lira li Utiutf t hr l*IU «MAN IlMAVM I' o W-
dnmy ihr pM*t rt|(ht mostha, and •« that time tiavrruir«) I I h*>r«ra
o(hr«vt» Ito of !latff«ii|»rr mul
t»f t liiotih vottgh
Your |*tti««lAB
Msmcdksa have galt>r>l « grrat irpatatlon In thia ae< Uon
I *>N«wr IlWHN« MM Nrwrttb N V
rUMTLANU Itokl) VO.« r»rtia«d. Ur., Canal Aa«taU
& High Grade
s ? ackehss - Machinery
rile for Catalogue and I'rkea
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co. W
0 B9.no (Ok
a/»o«0 than nv oihar manufacturer In f.w vaurlJ.
•'lc»s In t! 0 » '.1 !• »»< Aline < t Hirft eiFfl.
The fr«» h W f. I •
gj toy eh*«*« *»«• >
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I H.e'r •». IS*.«« I«rttrr. We f
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tato« UM NlMiltulA |W-U toy ab»«« ¿««lera •«el y « Issu«’.
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W. L. UOUOlil,
át GeoBut
*** it’s Good
i»T. •■«fc'x.e »’I t,-
jy.hol «k«Al<i
U ••tribu tor
A«k 1 our tir»x-«r
thirty Year« Ago
The engagement of lue then Colonel
Frederick Dent Grant and Ida Marte
llonore waa annmiiKed In Chicago
Henry Ward Beecher secured the In
dli-tment of Theodore Tilton and En« h
cl» l>. Moulton by a Brooklyn urn n.l
jury on « charge of alander.
The School Boari! of lamdiui orrti
pled Its new lu-aiiqiiartera on th« Vic
torln embankment.
Marla Hwlng Hherman, daughter of
General W T Hhertnan, waa married
In Washington, |i. ('., to Thoma« Wil­
liam Fitch of the navy.
An Insurrection In the Argentine, K.
A., states luid bei-oma formidable, the
revolutionists having confluì of
A four days' battle between I '«rllst«
anil Itepilblleiins In the Province of
Navarre, Mpiiltt, ended.
Aik a Man From
About the reputation of the J. I. CASE
PLOW. He will tell you it IS ALL RIGHT
twenty Year* Ago.
linn« Maknrt, the celebriited
trlan painter, died In Vienna.
I« a triumph over all competition.
Both the American for Gouldi Atlan­
We guarantee it the
tic cable« were broken.
Frank <'linnfraii, the actor, died »ml
dcnly In New York.
Send for circular telling all about it.
John McCullough, the actor, broke
down In III« line« at McVicker's, Chi­
cago, and then i hided those In the an
dlence who bail hissed him.
ien Year» Ago
Dr. Oavld Hwlng, theologlnn
pastor of Central Church, Chicago,
Mme. Nordica, at Parla, announced
her approaching miirrliige to Zoltán
Unroll <|<> t'oiiri'll sm-ceedi'd M
erais iik French Ambassador to
Little Hock, Ark., wiin struck try n
cyclone, killing four pcrsoiis. Injuring
thirty four, mid destroying *l,CMM>,tM.<J
worth of property.
The Illinois eeiiHils figure« were puli-
llslied showing that lk'1.28 per cent of
the farmers owned the land they
I* .imply perfection, th«t 1« all. We have
them in Stubble, Sod and Stubble and Tim­
ber I and stylet. We My, and authorize our
agent» to «ay, “Try a Cate Plow.
It not
right bring it back." It show» OUR confi­
dence. W E kn >w they won't come back.
They nevir have.
M. de in two and three bottom
styles, with or without riding at­
tachment, Stubble or Sod and
We don't hesitate to say to any
. reasonable and unprejudiced man
I “Take it and iry it. If it ia not
/ the best Steel Walking Gang
Plow you ever used, we will take
it back,
pay you (or
for taking it
ick, and p.iy
out •mJ hauling il back.” Our
agents are authorized to sav the
•A inc. THIS IS STRONG T’ALK, and you will notice it is well backed
’t be beat
And you nerd a guardian if you don’t try one on our proposition
are in the ume c U m a» the other Ca»e Plow Goo?», and at the head of the clan.
SPOKANE boisf .
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and Taylor Streets