Supplement to the Klamath Republican. Thursday. October 20. 1904. face ami another bail gash across the breast over the heart. The latter would undoubtedly have proven J. H. Whittaker is Killed in Shaft fatal but for an account book which Bradburn carried in his pocket. It is \t Klamath Canal Campa* claimed that the Indian was drunk. FELL FORTY FEET. AN IDEAL AMERICAN. ny's Works. What thi«.country wants now 1» men not a few of them, but a mul­ titude avast majorit y of her cltiiena, who shall I* Just such men as Tlnsi- dorv Rix»sevi'lt, of strong and nigged physique, shirking no labor, however hard, able to stand the strain ot stur­ dy integrity, guided by high civic Ideals, standing Intlevlbh and inexor­ ably for the (rutli and the right. Ills own words trom Ills address, "The strenuous Life," may lx> taken as the very hasls and foundation for anew »•»urve of philosophy and national pol­ icy which will guard against all six'ial dangers if the people of tIlls country will but Ins'd them: GARRETT FISH PASSES AWAY. A very sadaccktait ocenrrcd Satur­ day atlvrniMMi at 2:45 In shaft no. 3 of the Klamath Canal (Annpany'ii tunnel. J. AA. Whittaker and Albert Sher­ Garrett AV. Fish, who waaoperated man. a surveyor were climbing the upon tor appendicitis on tkUolier 5th, I wider In the shaft. It appears they died Monday morning at 3 i»’chx-k. were car-'leiHi and wen* racing to see agist 37 years, 3 months ami 23 days. which would reach the top hrst. The While tile patient lingered for nearly shaft is 51 f<*et deep and when aixiui two weeks after the operation Dr. 10 feet front tile top. Sherman who Maston claimed there was no possible was ahead made a misstep and lost Impe of recovery. his balance, lie fell on Whittaker Garrett W Fish was txirn .lune 25, hut succeeded in catching hold of the |StiT. at llix'kfnrd. Illinois. Ileeaine wire cable. They both fell tn the west with llis mother when alxiut bottom. Whittaker striking on his nine years old anti spent 14 years in head, killing him instantly. Sher- I'aliforni'i. He then moved to Klam­ tn the la«t •nalroi« ia healthy »late can i - a man somehow miraculously escaped ath county. where he was married til i«t an!y when the men an*l womev who make it t p trad » lean, v igeroun. healthy Uvea, when with nothing more than a badly mm Mary E. I*ur«ly rm Nov. IS, tsss. ||, the A’hddrvtt at«- »u I rat nett that they »hail eu hand. Assistance was summoned anil lived near Merrill, where lie owns a dravttr nut tn shirk ItCIvuhte» but to over ci»mc them; not to »evk va»e but t<» know how the laxly brought to the top. \ cor­ ranch.until alsrnt a year ago when tie to wrcxi triumph (rout lull and rl«k The oner« jury was empanneled compos.-d moved w th his family to Klamath man mu»t tw glad to do a »all's work, to date of J. G. Pierce, Frank Wark. IL E. Falls. The «ns'easisl leaves a wifi and ritdiir»' an«! It» labor, to keep hhnnell and to keep tho-v dependent upon him The wo Hunsaker. C. A. Lenz. A. C. Watson and three children to mourn his loss. man mu«t lw the hauv»He. the helpmeet of and John M. Lewis. They brought Tlie funeral sevtoes ixvurred from the the h*»metrakvr. the w I m - a tv I ;ealou« nvdhvr oi many healthy children in a verdict as follows: resilience at 9 ixtlock Tuesday morn­ Help is a remedy that gix-s to the in the matter of the inquest over the ing. Interment w is made at Merrill foundation. The wools ar»' those of remains of J. >1. Whittaker deceased. a leader and carry with them a warn­ G. H. Merryman, coroner. We. the ing and an admonition. Tbyixlore jury duly empaneled and sworn in 1; xiscvelt lias coined a wool that we the above entitled matter, do hereby Attorney.General Crawford was in »liould take as « national watchword tlml tbai the name of the deceased the City Saturday, enroute to latke­ was J. H. Whittaker, aged 34 years; view, where he will represent tiie and M'f It up .uya beacon light on ev­ that he came to his death on the 15th state in arguments in the suits lie- ery hilltop throughout the nation: day <>f October, 1904. at Tunnel No. tween the Warner Valley settlers and "Homemaker." 3 of the works of the Klamath Canal the Warner Valley stock Company. Company at Klamath Falls. Or., that This case lias tx'en before the court the cause of death was a fall from for a number if years and tlie suit shaft causing fracture of skull, and now is to test th»' title of the Warner we further Hid that it was accidental st»x*k Company to the lands which and no blame attaches to anyone. wer.Zsold them by the State as swamp Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker have been lands. The aeturns m Hie d x-ket. for residents of this city only a short lilts term relative to thi» ease are: In a leading editorial In Maxwell’s time. They came here from Oroville, State ot Oregon vs Warner Valley Talisman, Georg«1 II. Maxwell, one ot Cal. The widow, who is only 17 Stock Co. To s»'t aside patent: War­ the best informed men on Irrigation years old. is ieft with an infant child ner Valiev StoekCo v-. \ FTonningson in the I'nited States says: And tlxis ■ to care for. A sulwcriptton paper Ejectment, and Warner Valley Stock of this generation who will enjoy was circulated Sunday and over $100 C’s vs I’. E. Taylor. Ejectment. these Ix'tietiis and a»• there created A. C. Beals. Mr. Hall was unable to he present will owe the »great lx »in Which will l> • WARNER VALLEY CASE WELL MERITED TRIBUTE. USES KNIFE AT PICARD. A. L. Bradburn.a brother-in-law of H. W. Kessee, who runs a saloon «t Pfcard. was badly cut up last Satur­ day evening by > has. Heard a half breed indian. Heard had been across the street at «'has. Silvers’ place gnd had trouble with a man by th- name of Win. Mekee. He attempted to use a knife but Mckeegot the best >»f him and took it away from him. He then gave it back and told him to keep it in hfs pocket Heard then left but he evidently wanted trouble for he went over to Bradburns, with whom he wa* unfriendly, and began stick­ ing his knife Inta» the bar. Bradburn orders) him to st ip but as he did not comply, h'tslepped from behind ’he liar and tirjs h »to of him. Picard then tnrm-dand ’»*gaii using hi» knife upon him. instead of th»1 bar. Brad­ burn was v»*ry serin.tsiy cut, a bad gash across bleeps of arm, cut on the Il I* Ant natuial that the I'euio ernia xhvuld try to tlnd an Issue in the l*hlll:p|iines. Everything ai hum»» Is all rigai. Grover Cleveland Is i-mitributin« very tew uf his words that weigh a |xilllld aplis’e to tile silppirt of tlie lieiimeratlc ticket. The I X'lnix'rat Ic opinion In a nut shell mo'ins to lx> Hint the President is a Ixul man. resulting In prosperity, civil service and an 1st liinlaii canal. I WO.M OI M t-XCHAMIES. (Lakeview Herald.) J. IL Redding ami Mil Hluuniliig camp went to AA’arner the ttist of tin- Week to liny sllei'p. •I N. Fitzgerald traded a tine heavy team id mares to Gm. Ilogu» of Pals ley, for twenty cows. Will West the Oakland hor*-liuvei laiught 54 head of tine li»»r« '» trom W C. J ms ills Iasi week, sheepmen report th«' rang«1 In lln> »ha|x* and say that the recent rains are bringing out tlie green grass. The heavy rains that have tall« i the past two weeks will put thrfal range in excellent ciaulltlull. A crowd of tllillx-r erillsi is [xisseo through town Hie tirst uf th<* week »»li their wav to th»' Silver Lake countr where they will cruise a’xnit acres of tiinlx'r land iwaatging to Hi-- Saginaw X Alanlsi«*»* Lnmtx>i <’»• >t Alanlstet*. Midi. Th»- old R o I h 'H s ranch «1 l»ai» »iwnixl by ■•I’ncle" Billy Huberts wa- sold tills we» k to Airs. 1 r n»'»-s I and s »i> »>f Oakland <’»' i'll»- prop- ertv C’dltalns 4X0 a> i.-» and Iseinisid • r»'d one >»f Hie best farm» m Alknl valley. Til»' e«iiisiderat l-m wa» *J7o Or»ler yu»ir lumlx'r at the new him her yiini. Gisxl dry lumlx'r fkxiring celling etc. I5«lll Hrietensteln. Agent. Iligheaf niHrliel price |so I f >r eliiek ••ns at tlie Cential r>.>tanr.iiil L. Alva Lewis fur rings. KLAMATH LAKE RAILROAD CO is amici »x r»>H» I .4. iwn Laird M M .nd asked Mt. Crawford to argue the theirs to the clear-sighted colintge im»» lea«« H<»*t)w T:» I v motions for him. and intli'xiluhty of purp»>se of Brawl- &trr! Bridie* 7:46 ’• Fall CrrN-k •rio •• dent Riiosevelr It Is not possible to k lauiftlh Mpr.nrf» w:3» explain In such a way as to lx- under- •• iHllr • .» A stixxl bv anyone not familiar with ev­ l*<»keHI«» 1 lo r M •han. who has been boarding with til»-friends of tl^-national irrigation K latitath Spring» -1:M •• intone Prairie, got on his ciMtmuary inove’nent owe to Praaidenl Ki»Mie- Fall t irrM 4.06 m«**’ Rri.t«. • : IS weekly jag and preceded Sunday veit for his aid In bringing about th1 * Bll<»|4 4:0 morning to work of! his surplus amendments to the irrigation lull in •• lair»! S O» K tail»«»' i: ¡AM» H R Co energy on .Antone, with tlie result this S'sslon of Congress. Without that the latter is wearing a very his interest and friendly interposition much disfigure»! face. H* was it is d »ubtfiil wheth»T the amend- O. < - IV a WKS* brought before Judge Grau-» M inlay moots of l he hill could have Ixs n a»- charged with assault and bi'tery. to coinpliktied. Hail it not been for th- which lie plead».*«) guilty. II*' was Pri*ident. th»'friends of th»' Nation »;n thr hi n Bttildinit. tin-d *50 and in default of payment al irrigation movement who stand for w i» committed to jail for 25 day. Klamath Fall», (Iregort. hoine-making as against land sp»s'ula- t.ion. won d have had to light and de­ L. Alva Lewis for lodg»> pins. feat : h»1 compromise committe»- lull Wlien trotting your moth ■ -m .w ind then i-gin all over again gatl»-r yo i should tie careful not t»» give ner TOWN PROBERTA. their hire» a and make a new »tart hi a glass of Graham A i»»n* and the bill Is now In such M»»nlluy payim'iits. the City Novelty W it. '»•'■I’ii Klamath Fall»» '. every friend of th»» horn»-- L. Air i L»*wls fot el»x*ks. teal •• in I eirtlly support It. 25 DAYS IN JAIL Notary Public.