Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 13, 1904, Image 1

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I not
By Paul De Laney
Auttior of “turg u9 fit» Oc «eft.“ “Orcgom Skchhca.”
•nd other Potiflc <u«at .Stock»
l«eri ■ man of toll.
When th« hair ««■ pushed hack
from hi« fa<e 11 broad intelligent tiro*
head was ex peed. Had those fisher­
men lieen able to read phrenological Newsy Items Gathered from All
signs they would have discovered that
Parts of the World.
the sg’-d man Iwfore them was no or­
dinary Iwlng.
Hi« Intellectual fore­
head, small feet and hands, dress and or INTEREST TO OUR READERS
general appearance Indicated that he
ha'I followed one of the professions.
In the meantime th« village physi­ General Review of Important Ha ppc n-
cian arrived and aided in resuscitating
pcnlgx Presented Ina Brief and
the old man.
The child gradually
Condensed Corm.
passed away to sleep alter its wants
were satisfied and slept ss soundly as
The Mukden situation remains un­
it its own mother still hovered over it.
It was a soft sweet sleep such only as changed,
is seen in the repose of the innocent
German sbipl ullders are busy turn­
liefore tbe trials and tribulations of ing out war supplies for Russia.
life have come to their knowledge.
Russian Ambassador McCormick ia
it knew not ol its lost mother and
father, the fearful storm st sea, tbe coming home on leave of ateeoce.
hours in the water, the terrible night
The dredge Cldl 00k has made the
among tbe drift wood on the beach. It channel aenwa t lie tier at the mouth of
slept in a repore akin to perfect bliss.
the Columbia two feet deeper.
' Che's a darling little girl,” said
Russian« claim that Japanese are
the woman who had «hared her own
child's clothing with the little sleeper. cutting off the queues of Coleans ■ ad
'What pretty blue eyes she has,” forcing them to join the army.
remarked she who had warmed the
The German steamer progress lui
run a cargo of coal into Vladivostok
"Much dainty little limbs,' said tbe and officer« of the vessel say it ta eary
woman who had run about tbe pla-e to elude tbe Japanese.
neivously trying U> do everything and
The British steamer Wishes, from
ha<i accomplished but little.
"But look what pretty features and ILing Kong, hat been seized by tbe
sweet lijaw,” said the one who had Japanese off Niu Chwang. Tbe Ma­
nursed the child to sleep, with an air han retried a cargo of cattle sad flour
intended for Port Arthur.
of »ii|>eriority.
The child di<l not exceed one month
It is reported that the fire of the Jap­
in age. It was probably younger. Its anese land liatterie« ha re severely dam-
light hair, fair «kin and pretty blue sged four Russian warships in the
eyes eveq at so young an age showed harbor of Port Arthur. It r stated
that it was a born liesuty.
Htill its ttiat one of the vessels waa ccmpleiely
features were much like those of the wrecked.
Finlanders, so many of whom had set­
The volcano Pelee, Martinique island
tle. I along the Columbia in the fishing
is in violent eruption.
"They think the old man is dying,”
Brigadier General WilliamB. Worth,
■aid one of the women in a whisper retired, is critically ill.
who had le-eri watching the men work
Harriman is endeavoring to gain con­
with tbe age ! sufferer.
trol of tbe St. Paul railroad.
"Oh, such « pity," remarked th«
women in a subdued chorus.
The Japanese are capturing many
"We will never learn the child’« junks loaded with provínose trying Io
name or anything about the late of it« ■nter Port Arthur.
mother or father.”
The Russians are displaying great
"It must have been born on tbe voy­
activity at Mukden. The meaning of
age," «aid one, "for they «ay the «hip
the move is in doubt.
wai a Finnish vessel and has been
A Japanese leader predicta a Iunir
many week» at «ea.”
"Old Headog's action in the matter •truggle and ex|>ecte ttiat Japan will be
1« a mystery to everybody.
Why be out 11,006,000,000 in two year«.
made such quick haste to l*oard the
Filipino« «re bolding meetings at
■hi,> is tieyond all understanding. And Manila for the purpose of discussing
lie actually pointed firearms at the men ways and means of securing independ­
when they attempted to go aboard t'le ence.
vessel,” said a woman who had just
Fire of an unknown origin started in
l>een talking with her hmhand on the
outside. "But the officers will ravel the hold of^the cruiser Washnigton. be­
the matter out,” she continued as she ing built at New York. It waa extin-
remembered the details ol the episode guislied tiefore serious damage was done.
•« given her by tier husband.
A roblier walked ruto the bank of a
Then there was a commotion out- -mall town near Council Bluffs, Iowa,
aide. A fisherman ha<i Just arrived and after compelling the assistant
from the sand spit. He had brought cashier to band over ll,6C0. locked her
news of the arrival of officers at tbe in the big vault and departed.
scene of the wreck.
Russia is finding it vsry difficult to
"Old Headog and his boys are all un>
der arrest!” was whis|>ered from lip 'secure ships to carry coal to Vladivo­
to lip.
13, 1901
Amcriia Gains Another Victory in
Russian Court.
Heart DiMasc Causes the Death of
Postmaster General.
Nebraska Added
St. Petersburg, Oct. 6.—Contiary Battleship
Hsnry 0.
to general expectations, the repre«en-
to American Ndvy
Psynr, pmtmastsr gensral of tha
tatione submitted to Kusria by the
Lnitsd States, a momber of ths nation­
I United Hta’es lor the recogniti. n, with- IS
LAUNCHED al Republican committe«, a stalwart of
! out iliscriminaion, of American pass­
bis psrty, with ths history of which,
ports have not i>een entirely fruitless. rulfy 30,000 People Viewed the io bis home state ami nationally, b«
: Foreign Minister Law rdoril’s response,
Ceremonies-Christened by Miss
had be^o identtled for many years, died
' itommonicated to AmbeMador McCor-
Mk key. Governor’s Daughter.
at bis apertmentsat the Arlington hotel
1 rnlck today, even creates the hojie that
at 6 10 last night, aged 60 years.
■omelbing may actually be accopp­
Seattle, Oct. 8.—The battleship Ne­ Tteath was dus to disease of ths mitral
braska, destined to be one of the finest valve and dilation of the heart.
After receiving consideration st the fighting machines afloat arc! already
Mr. Payne has been in poor health
foreign office, the American riots was showing in every detail that she will
for at least two years, but his last ill-
referred to the high «omission for gen­ come up to expectations, slid gracefully
eral revision of passport laws, which into the waler promptly attwomioutee ne«e covered only seven days, an attack
' was treated by imperial ukane. in De- after 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. of heart trouble last week precipitat­
cember, 1W03. All melters relating to The great mass of nearly 16,000.000 ing the end, st a time when, after a
paespoita and the exclusion of th« Jews pounds of steel moved down the ways lest, he appeared to have recovered a
are governed by ttie international laws as easily arid noiselessly as though it
. of the empire, and the question is out­ were only a diminutive fishing schooner, small measure of the vitality Impaired
side of tbe direct field of diplomatic instead of one of the largest battleships by years of arduouus labor.
came after nearly six hours of uncon­
negotiation. By referring the repre­ In the world.
The statement that she moved noise- sciousness. The last official caller to
sentation of the United Mate«, tompli-
ame with wuicb would involve a ucsJi- lessly may be difficult to prove, for inquire as to Mr. Payne'acondition was
fication of tbe pa»»p<>rt laws, to the ted'atn broke ore almost simultaneous­ President Roosevelt, end be had been
commission, which body is competent ly wiih the Nebraska and wild cheer­ gone only about ten minutes when the
to set thereon, a deciar n of the question ing from 40,000 throats drownrd the stricken memljer of the cabinet ex­
music of half a dosen bands and marie pired.
may tie directly reached.
Tbe dea'b of the postmaster general
An official of the foreign office has 'r,J,r ot tbe biB «innon on the Unit-
been appointed by Count I-arnsdorff to »■I Htatr-s monitor Wyoming seem faint came as the result really of a succes­
sit with the < om nasion, thus insuring and far away. Taking up the refrain, sion of sinking spells due to a weak
consideration ol tbe international as­ whose key was pitched under the build­ heart that enfeebled the sick man un­
pect of the question.
Moreover, tbe ing sheds of the yards every steam til finally the heart literally gave oat.
commission will sit under the diiection whistle between Ballard and Black Never in lecent years robust, Mr.
of the mini-ter of the interior and Am- river turned loose ai d hund-ed, of craft Payne was unable to withstand tha
baesad .r McCormick, who had an ex­ ranging in wise from giant steamships ebo. k of tbe sinking spells, and last
tended talk with Prince Sviatnpolk- down to launches and every locomotive Friday, when be bad two sinking
Miisky, the minister of the interior, on the water front add< <1 to the music spells, it waa believed be was rapidly
approaching tbe end. While moderate
upon tbe subject this afternoon found with whistle and bell.
Fully 60.000 people viewed the cere­ doees of heart remedies sufficed at first,
him, as might have lieen ex|«*cted from
his recent public utterances, quite monies and saw the big vessel slip into it became necessary by Sunday to give
the water,
ribe crest, d but a very much more powerful stimulants, and
small wave as she took bet maiden the doees were given in gieatei quanti­
plunge, and floated out gently and ties than on any previous day.
gracefully. Naial men who viewed tire
launching stated that it was the most
Train Strike* the Wreckage and successful tl ey ever saw.
Three People are Killed.
Mies Mary Nain Mickey, daughter of Diplomats on Isthmus of Panama
New York, Oct. 8.—While speeding the governor of Nr bracks, christened
Will Be Accredited to America.
the Vessel.
along in the Bronx early this mornirg
Washington, Oct. 6. — Chile baa
an automobile con’aining nine persons
formally recognised the abeolnte sov­
went off an emlmnkment at One Hun­
ereignty of the United State« over the
dred and Hixty-first street and Jerome Title Disputed to Land Grants Ac­ Panama canal sone.
Other nations
avenue and two |>ereone, a man and a
which have been bolding back te await
Sin Francicso, Oct. 1G—Tbe case of
woman, were killed The machine fell
the outcome of the diplomatic teat case
the United 'tales against Senator Wil-
on to the New York Central tracks,
will do tbe same. The result will be
and the wreckage v as -truck by a sou'h liam A Clark, was argued todiv before
that practically all the foreign diplo­
bound train.
before this bench on an app-al .rom mata on the irthmus will be accredited
In tbe : uto nobile when the accident
the circuit court for the distrut of to this country instead if Panama.
occurred were five women and four
men. At Jerome avenue and One Hun­
Chile some time ago applied for an
1 be action is brought to annul 82
dred and Sixty-first street tbe roadway
land giants under which C'ark claims equatnm for Greonimo Oeao, who was
is between 30 and 40 feet above ti e
title to timber lam's within the state a| pointed consul at Panama. Ths re­
railroad tracks. When tbe big ma­
'<>f Montana, on the ground of alleged quest was withheld, owing to the un­
chine plunged downward it struck near
frauds committed by the |«tei>tees in settled condition of affairs. Though
the soutbb und tracks, and the nine
this country exercises full control over
securing the same.
persons and the automobile were caught
It is charged that tbe patents were the canal sone, tbe land belongs to
by an incoming train.
secured under the direction of Rcl«rt Panama. Today ths secretary of stats
Besides the two killed, all the others
M. Cohban, who later transferred tbe disposed of the question by issuing tbe
in tbe automobile were injured. They
to Clark. Cobban is alleged to exequatur, but instead of being in the
were taken to the Fordham hospital,
regular form it is a notification to Gen­
where it was reported at 1:30 this have fiist examined the lands and then eral Davis, governor general of the ca­
hired peraone to enter them under the
morning that at lear-t four of those hurt
stone and timber act. agreeiug to pay nal sone, that Mr. Ossa is authorised
were in a serious condition.
to represent Chile in all diplomatic
One of the passenger« on the train them for their services, to defray all matters Involving the canal strip.
said that the train war running about
This will probably involve further
36 miles an hour wh-n it struck the chase price of tbe lands.
The lower court held that, on such a differences ta-tween this government
machine. The machine was a heavy
and the republic of Panama.
touring car, and it is said was running state of facts, Clark, tbe innocent pur-
down Jerome avenue at a rapid rate of
acquired a valid title. The govern­
ment took tbe matter on a writ of er-
rvr to the circuit court of appeals.
He Is Expected to Enter the Office
(TIAI’IF.R 111—('ontinued,
to work with renewed vigoi.
down to the left, toys, pry
I I'lt master nt the situation, old Hea­
ling pursued Ills Investigations.
The down to the left!” shouted the father.
Already the eihauwl «»! the govern­
ship hsd filled with sand in the neigh-
borhoid id the captain's quarters. It ment launch could I*’ heard ss it slowed
was this v«’y point that attracted (lie up to W' v *• hot at u hafe distance
from the sandbar.
ciafty dalieriuan'a attention.
It would only reqn.re the lowering
Hhovels were secured and the boys
were or.line.I to delve their way Into <>f a boat and a few stroke« of the oars
the capucln'a room. It waa easy to find to land the officers upon the fishermen.
Fortune ha<l always I mvohm I old H«»a*
the iheu sine« the sand only extended
«I mmc I half way to (he celling of the dog end It favored him again. With a
I heavy lurch they brought the chest
While the boys were shovel Ing back from under the timheiv that hehl it
tbs dripping sand, old Keadog was al­ down.
fortune doubly favored him. When
ternately on the lookout inside and out.
He let nothing on tha atiandr.l vessel the iron receptacle had been turned
sscaps his olvervatioii and kept a con- < round it was found that the keys still
slant vigilance out over tbe i>sy to see remsinrd tn the lork. The captain
had possibly attempted to <>|»rn it at
ttiat no one wns approaching.
"II I can inskr sure that they wore Hie last moment and had I mwd driven
alsiard my future is no longer an un- out hy the waves.
“Kush outside, Iwiya; rush outside;
ceitalnty," »aid the old man as lie
inuanl Io himself. "It was iuq>oa«ible I will do the rest?” commanded the
The ln>y« were
lor any one to survive,” he continued. •tern old parent.
"The wbole crew and all alioard went l>arrly in time. They were <*onfronte<!
b> tbs liollom of the sea and the cralis by the officers immediately uj»on climb
will have disfigured their I ms I ics be­ I Ing to the deck.
•*ln the name of the government,
yond recognition (■ fore they rise to the
And even should they eacape men, we proclaim you our prisoners,”
these busy «revengers they may drift calmly »poke w of the officers.
Tbs troy» kx»ked liewildeied but
liack to the ocean where they will furn­
•poke not in the abM«nce of their fath­
ish fo«l for the latgei fish.”
The fiaheimen were already auspici­ er, to whom they had always looke*l
ous ol old Headog and w hen driven from for advice and guidance.
Hut the old man waa huwtly engaged.
the wreck at the inurxls ol biegon they
Immediately returned Io tbe village With a surpriaing quickness he had
opened the < heat and tors from it the
and spread the news.
Then he clewed the
‘Tha oltlcers ought bi take the mat­ register roll.
cheat, locked it amt cast the krys into
ter in hand,” Mid one.
“Yes, he is up to stealing tha ship the water at the louei end ol the hole
Then he cliiijlwl out through a ¡»ort-
and cargo," Mid another.
The juetiie ol the peace was s|>|HMiie<l hole at the rmr, hurriedly arcrtled
to as well as the village constable, but the toll in the sand ut a »aft* diatanre
three two functional ire declared that from the vessel, climbed l»ack through
they had only jurimln tiou ou ths land and joined hta boys who were prison­
ers on deck. But befoie hr hs<i hidden
and not on the sea.
"But ths pillaging should lie stop- the parchment upon which the ship*»
register was made he had turned
ped." Insisted the honest fishermen.
Ilis eye« had
When (lie justice of the |M*ate saw through It quickly.
that his neighlMira were l«>nl on some rested upon two names. Thin brought
slnd of legal action, he informed them from him the ejaculation:
•'Old Headog tejoicra at last; old
that the higher couits had jurisdiction
on the waters, that ths government Headog rejoices at last ; oh! Headog has
itself would act if it were informod; cause to rejoice' In ths language of
tluit the veeael wees foreign one and the convict who «wain to the Diamond
that the consul of the i-onntry from Isle«. 'Ill«» woild ttelongN to oh! Headog
Which tiie vessel cams would protect It m.w '
from the hands of the land pirates.
Astoria then had her customs offi­
cials and she had a United Htates com-
Odd Companions.
■ulssiotier. Cape Dla«ap|>ointinent hsd
After releasing the old msn and the
her lighthouse, but it waa heforo the
ilays of tolei diolw and telegraph service child from their entanglement they
at that point and there was no way to were carried to the nearest fisherman's
communicate with the government cabin. The man, though lashed to the
The Russians have frustrated several
(Tu le oonUnutd)
authorities at Astoria, ailler li mile« spar and pinioned to the earth by the
attempts of the enemy to break
away on the south bank <if the river. driftwood waa held no t lower than was
through their lines.
«Xcrpt by crossing the stream In a the babe. His arms held it like a
The Other Fellow’« Job.
The International Peace congress has
vise. They had been so long about it There’» a crate among us mortal» that la
small boat.
made an earnest appeal to all nations
But those men of the river arie not that they had formed like clasp«
cruel hard to name.
slow in arranging for the trip. A »mall around the body and, Irenumlred by WhervNor’cr you tin«! a human you will to take steps to avert more wars.
Mil teat was launched and three of ths the cold, they were as difficult to pry
lit hl the I'lM' the tame;
The Japanese are feeling out the Rus­
most intelligent went ateard ami were apart as are the cieepers which hold a You mn) arrk among th*- worst of m«*n or sian positions around Mukden »nd a
awk among the
soon cuttina their way across north of vine In its upward climb.
general advance is expected next week
Young as it was, only a few weeks And you’ll find that every person 1» pre­
Hand Island a« last a« the wind could
About December I.
It it said that Secretary Hitchcock's
cisely like the rest,
old, the infant posse red more vitality
carry them.
believes that hi» real calling la report on land frauds was largely in­
Oct. 6.—In successisn
Old Headog's wab'hful eye did not
Navy Department Is Pushing Estab­
along »ome other lllie
let them rsca|>e unnoticed, and he stretched forth its little hands ami legs Than the one at which hr’» working— tended to cover up bia own shortcom­ lishment of Wireless Telegraphy. Atting Governor Distln Announces to Mr. Payne, George Bruce Cortelyou,
knew that ordinary matters did not with surprising strength and cried pill-
ex-secretary of tbe department of com­
take, for instance. yours and mio».
Event by Message.
Washington. Oct. 8 —Admiral Man­
prompt his neighbi re on such a jour­ fully, though in a voice that showed Fruii the mcnm-Ht ‘•me-too” creature to
Hops have made another advance in
merce and labor, and now chairman of
that its lung« were «till strong and
the Willamette valley, several sales liv­
the leader of the uob.
ment of the navy department, has teen munication has now' been established the Republican national committee,
"Dig for your llvrs, boys; lift out healthy.
There’» a universal craving for “th« oth ing reported at Independence at 31
pushing with great energy the eetab between tile states and all parts of will become poetmatter general.
er fellow's job.”
But the old nan a arcely bust bed
that sand! We may have trouble be­
lisbment of wifeless elutions for naval Alaska
At 7:47 o'clock this after­
Mr. Cortelyou’s appointment as head
fore our job is done. Home of tlioae lie o|>ened his dull eves for a n oment
and geneia) maritime use.
A report noon the following official n essage was of the poetoffice department was de­
Timber Land. Act June 3. UTS.
halflirecila have gone to Astoria to and stared blankly into the faces of There are million« nt positions io the
addressed by him to the secreiary of received here, announcing the opening termined on several months ago by
busy world to-day.
United Stau« Land office,
raise trouble and we must get well and there directly in the line of his vis­
Each n drudge to him who holds it. but
the navy some time ago, but just made of the line:
lulltet lew. Vregon. July 1». IX
Pieeident Roosevelt, when Mr. Payne
through l>efore the storm blows back." ion, and then closed them. He war
Notice I« hereby gnen that in compli­ public, shows the bureau already bas
to him who doesn't, play;
Bitsa, Alaska, 0<t. 8, 1004 — The indicated to the president bia desire to
Old Headog did not mean to disturb unconscious of all that was going on Every farmer's broken hearted that la ance will) the provision» of the act of
June 3. 1ST», entitled
An act for the established 22 stations along the coast newspapers of seattie and the Associ­ retire from the department on account
He «temt him. His long gray hair hung
the propelty left on the veaael.
youth lie mi««e<l his call.
■ale of timber lands In the mates of
Among the stations to be established ated Press: The completion of the of tbe precarious itate of hie health.
Hi« in strand« about his face and neck. While that »nine unhappy farmer Is ths t'allftonia. Oregon. Nevada and Wash­
had a personal motive in view,
San Diego, San goiernment cable from Valdez to Sitka, Mr. Payne would have resigned the
ington Territory," as extended to all the are the following:
mission was not in quest of gold ; IIio silken gray beard was matted with
envy of 11« all.
Public Land States by act of August 4.
neither would lie have carried away the sand sml trash of the beach. But Any task you care to mention seems a IS9J. the loilowing persons have this day Pedro, Point Conception, Point Sur, making a complete connection by an portfolio long ago had it not been for
vastly better lot
(tied tn this office their sworn statements Point Arenas. Cape Mendicino, Cape all-American line with 46 stations in the then pending investigation of the
the emalleat thing of intrinsic value, for the slow pulsstion of his heart he
Blanco, Columbia river. Cape Flattery. Alaska, is the beginning of a new era affaire of the department.
He felt,
but would have risked his life and that would have lieen pronounced dead by Than the one especial something which
George Mechen. of San Jose. County of
you happen to have got.
Poit Townsend, Bremerton, Washing­ for Alaska. Wagon roads and rail­ however, and said many times to hie
of his boys for that which lie sought.
No. »<>. for the purcha»« of ton, Sitka, Dutih Harbor, Kieka is ways will open up the greatest mining friends, that be could not relinquish
The women were running about as There'« but one sure way to smother statement,
While delving their way into the
the nW, Section 152 Township 37 8.
Envy'« heartache anil her sob;
Honolulu, Midway
islands, center of the world. Other industries the duties of tbe office while the invee-
cabin they came upon many valuables. busy a« only women can be when they Keep too busy, at your own. to warn Hange lie» Eul W. M
John B. Sinnott, or Boulder Creek, Guam, Tutuila. Cape Bojeador, Point will quickly follow and insure this tigation was fending, and expressed
These were cast aside as so much rub­ are doing «nine great a-'t of charity,
County of
.387. ,__
for the Piedras, Capote, Ologapo, San Bernar­ country’s future prosperity. William hie determination to carry thia work to
forma, sworn statement No.
bish. Gold and silver trinkets were and their devotion wan Increased by
purchase of the aw1» Section 10, Town­ dino, Port Subig, Port Cebu, Point L. Dietin, acting governor of Alaska.” a conclueion.
thrown upon th« heaps of sand as if the (act that nome dead mother's chi <1
ship Ji _____
South, __________
Hange ills _____
East W. . M
bail fa'len into their hands, ami each
Mark li. Chase, of San Jose. County of Tabuna, Iloilo Susla Straits.
they were of no value.
The Word Picnic.
To Study American Methods.
Perish in Hood.
It waa several hours after they had felt a double responsibility on this ac­
Tim derivation of the word I píenle la ■Batetnent No. 2X5». for the purchase of
San Francisco, Oct. 10.—Yoshio
begun work and old Headog waaalready count.
Santa Fe, N. M.. Oct. fl.— Reports
Chairman Tawney Coming.
Que the e^ of ark*. eeSi of net* Section 9, and
uncertain in London Notes and
Home were bringing dry clothing rles of 1853 attempts were ¡nude to »wkg of nw'q Section lu. Township 37
casting uneasy glances toward the
Portland. Oct. 8.—James Tawney, Kinoshi'a, who tills the important po­ received here from different points in
South. lUnie 114 Fast W. M.
south aide of the river when the boys from the wardrolie of their ow n chil­ truce Its origin.
That they will offer proof to »how that chair man of the exposition committee of sition of general passenger agent of the the flooded territory show that the
the land «ought is more valuable for it»
dren, others were warming «ow'w milk
struck the sea captain's iron chest.
true corrvs|H>ndent says:
timber or »tone than for agricultural the United States congress, is to visit im|>erial government railways of Ja­ lore of life occurred in the pest week is
While battling with ths storm the in a small basin on the stove, while a
“Under a French form the word ap- purpose» and to establish their claim» Portland next summer to attend the pan, is a guest at the Palace hotel. greater than heretofore believed. At
racking, toaaing vessel had shaken this more thoughtfu’ mother wan sharing pears In a speech of Robesp'erre, ‘Cest to »aid land before the Register and Re­ Lewis and Clark expositi<n.
Mr. He has come iiere to make a thorough least 20 persons perished, and all sec-
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednes­
heavy receptacle from its usual place the breast ol her own babe with the Id kqu'll dolt ni'accuser, et non dans day, the 5th day of October, 1904.
Tawney will l>e rememt»ered as the con­ study of Arcerieaan railroad meth.xls tions have not been definitely heard
They name as witnesaea: Mark H.
in so far as they apply to passenger from. Ten Banta Fe passenger trains
and had hurled it about the riMini like little waif. And those good women les plque«til<|lica.' An earlier Instance
Chase, San Jose, California; T. H. Shan­ gressman who stood by tbe Oregon del­
• ping pong ball. But like a wedge It smiled with tears in their even as the occurs In one of Lord Chesterfield s non, and Wm. Carmichael, Klamath egation at the time the exposition ap­ department affairs, before retuning to are tied up at Santa Fe tonight, but
Falla. Oregon; John B. Sinnott. Boulder
Japan. The purpose of his visit is to paaengers are being sent east and west
had lieen driven into a heap of fur­ little stranger tugged greedily at ite letters, dated October. 1748."
Creek, California, George Mechen, San propriation bill was brought up, ami
niture and baggage jammed together in new found mother's breast.
he is in a large measure responsible faud iariie himself with up-to-date over the Rock Island and Hou them
Another writer of the same date Jose, California.
“Oh, it will get along al) right,”
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
one corner of the room and backed by
Word of methods of handling parsenger traffic, Pacific roads, connection being effected
tries to trace the word from France ly the above-described lands are request­ for thf passage of the hill.
these and the heavy bank of sand pileti said one.
with a view to raising the standard ol through the Santa Fe Central, which
Into Italy. Starting with the assutnp ed to file their claims in thia office on or his intended visit was received vaster
"Yes, so long a« it eats, the signs are
before »aid 5th day of October. 1904.
upon the top of the whole, it seemed a
resumed operations today.
day by President Myers, of the state service on the Japanese lines.
thing as solid and Immovable as the good,” said another.
“Just so you don't give it loo much,"
hull of the vessel itself.
Railroad to Be Electrified.
Believes Confession Not True.
some particular dish or performs some
United States ¡«and Office,
It waa at thia crisis that old Headog remarked an elderly woman who was
Kan., Oct. 6.—Robert Ro­
■peelnl duty, he finds the Italian ex­
lsAkeview. Ore., July n, 1904.
dincovernd a revenue cutter approach­ watching the proceedings.
Notice 1» hereby given that In compli­
St. Petersburg, Oct 8 —The French miles of the Long island railroad sys­ maine, who confeeeed to complicity is
"But I fear it is all over with the
ing fiom Ilin south, at whose helm
ance with the provisions of the act of •mbaasy here has received informtim tem will l>e equipped with electricity, the Independence and Vindicator oat­
old gent," whispered one of the women trifling service), and from those he Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An
floated the stars and stripes.
act for the sale of tlint»er land» In the t tat two Chinamen have been arrested it is stared, and la» ready for operation rages in Colorado, waa taken to th«
"Exert yourselves, boys, exert your- who had just returned from the adjoin­
State» of California, Oregon, Nevada and
w th that power early next spring. Kanaaa penitentiary from here today.
A French encyclopedia. IMS, has It Washington Territory.’’ as extended to at Chefoo while trying to exchange |2.-
MIves for your lives, or all is for ing room where the men were working
all the Public l»and 8tatea by act of 000 in Flench and German notes, be­ Uitimate'y it will be possible for a pei- He will serve a sentence for robbery.
naught! thape fools have informed the
Auftfit 4. 1892.
liever! to have been stolen from Lieu s >n to take train at the Pennsylvania The Colorado officiate have decided to
The men were tubbing his arms and simple English pick (to choose) und
officer« and they will soon lie upon us,"
tenet de Cnverville and Captain vol sra'ion, to be built in the heart of drop for the present ail notion of porss-
legs, and irons were l>eing heated to
said the old man.
Htate of Oregon, has thia day hied in Gilgenhetm, respectively the French Manhattan, and ride without a change rating Romaine for hie alleged part in
Home brandy had of the moment). In France the term this office his sworn statement. No. 2867.
Then they all pul to and gave place at his feet.
of cars or motive power to Manhattan the explosions, as they believe bia con­
for the purchase of the aeU of ae^ of and German naval attaches at Port
their energy to securing the Iron cheat. lieen forced through his lipa, but it Is also used for Indoor picnics.
Section No. 9. In Township No. 38 South. Arthur, who have mysteriously disap­ Beach, Rockaway Beach, Fat Rock­ fession is not true, and made with the
Ranae No. 9 East, and will offer proof
The old man abandoned hla lookout waa slow In showing encouraging
sole purpose of evading punishment.
away, Averne or intermediate pointe.
to show that the land sought la more peared. A local paper intimates that
A Dnm«>ilo Chef
and joined the boys in the work. The effects.
valuable for It» timber or atone than for the Japanese ate the real culprits.
His eyes wore fixed in his head, his
Mr«. D<> Style (after giving her order agricultural purposes, and to establish
titulars were interlocked ateiut it and
Japan Docs Not rear Cralacr*.
His for dinner)—Can you remember nil that 1 hla claim to said land before George T.
Moscow, Oct 10.—Professor Golo-
at the same time deeply imbedded in features were as pule as death.
Toklo, Oct. (J.—The navy depart­
New Girl—Sure, it’» u French chef County, Oregon, at Klamath Falla, Ore­ Deathblow to Bullfighting in Spain. win, of the Red Cross society, who has ment discredits the report thiat tb
firm lipa were set ax If in his last con­
the sand.
gon. on Sat unlay, the Sth day of Octo­
Madrid, Oct. 8.— The Institute ol just returned here from the front, re­ Russian cruisers Rossia, Gromobo and*
"Gel the capstan lever, boys; get scious moment he had fixed his determ­ yes think <>i am.
"It i» our ordinary company dinner. ber. 1904.
Social Reforms, after a heated discus­ ports the health and general condition Bogatyr have been repaired at Vladi­
the capstan. We must have her now ination upon some given object.
Guests are expected, you know."
R. C. Rhort, Martin Robert, and T. H. sion today, decided by 13 votes to eight of the troops are remarkably good. vostok and are about to descend for
lie was a tittle more than five feet
or it will lai t<M> latel” exclaimed the
"Wall, mum. Oi’II just make yes an
all of Klamath Falla. Oregon.
as he lay upon the lied. Still he was Oirlsh stew, an' thin yes can «ort ths 8hannan,
excited old Sendog.
Any and all peraona claiming adverae- to ratify the absolute prohibition of There are no epidemics, and no very another raid on the Japanese coast.
Sonin ciowteira had been unearthed rather plump and well kept for his age. thing» out to suit y’rsilvoa, an' call thim ly the above-described lands are requeat- Sunday bu-1 fighting. This is consid­ -erious disease, the prevailing com­ The navy department further expresses
ed to hie their claims In thia office on or ered to be the death blow to bull fight­
plaints being a light form of stomach the belief that the Bogatyr is complete­
in til the ship's tool room and with the But hla akin waa smooth and hie mus­ as many nose-crackin' French uamse si before aald Sth day of October. 1904.
J. N. WAT8ON, Register.
typhus and dysentery.
ing in Spain.
addition of the capstan lever they set
ly disabled.