Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 06, 1904, Image 5

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ocroitF.it tt, ioi)4.
Tlie Womans Christian Tvniper-
ance Union will hold their regular
inoctliig In th» M E iTiiircli. Friday
October 7th at 2 30 p in. All are cor­
dially invited1 Emma Grigsby, Sec.
Mr. and Mrs. N. L Mitchell anil Mr.
ami Mrs. Il'»ri«rc Mitihi-ll »nd aim left
Friday tor the railroad inroute tost
Louis t" at tend the ex|x»ittion. They
will also vlallold friend»and relative«
while In Missouri.
Married -Sunday evening. Octolx-r
2, 1004, In Kai.t Klamath Full», Mr.
John Hamilton and M I m Em ma Nel-
aou. Rev. W. (I. Smith jx'rforiucd
lire ceremony. Tlie rxijitrart Ing par­
tie« are recently
J. W. Howard arrived Thursday
from Sliver Lake, He Is not buying
tilutiy cuttle Ibis year on account of
lhe market and the price of hay.
Moat of III» cattle are now on tlie res­
ervation and will probably be winter­ '
ed In California.
Judge II. L. Benson, F. W. Jen-
nlng« and N. C. Briggs Jr. left Fri­
day morning for Jacksonville to at­
tend tlie Elk» banquet which wa» i
held there Saturday night. Judge
Bcmmii wa» aclecled a» toast master -
for the evening.
IVin. Flu< kus came In from Olenc .
lie elates that ho has (
commenced the const rwtlon of (he ,
new bridge aero»» l.'*t river ut Hi.- .
Gap. The old bridge lias been In bad
condition since tlie high water last
spring and the county romuiiMloucrs ,
ordered a new one built.
have I h >- ii giving some first class en­
tertainments at tlie <»fiera House
since last Thursday evening.
Harnaril I» advertising the world re­
nowned Native Ill'll*, lie will lie at
the opera H<iua>* tlie r,-st of the
week. The voting emit« st for the
most popular lady Is creating quite
an Interest. T lie vote to-uay stands
as follows fur the tour leading ladle»:
L/tla Nelson. . . ...................... 1312
Aggy L»-e..................................... 1142
Anna Heidrich............................. 244
Mrs. J. O'Neil . ...................... 116
Fol the most |x>pular baby the
vote Is:
Baby M'lrdix-ti ........................... 14M
Winfield Scott....................... ... GO
Baby lllslmp ................................. M
Baby bcheu
........................... .. 26
Lodge was already of considerable
size lie fore this ruling and Is tlie only
branch of the order south of Hsli-in.
Its present niem>x*r»hlp Is m arly .too
and at an Initiation some time this
month at il<iM»buig is expected tube
Increased 26 or 30 by the acquisition
of u large oumber of representative
men from the coast counties, Coos
am! Curry. Mr. F. W. Jennings of
Klamath Falla, made the statement
at Saturday night’s lianquet that tie
believed fully 2". of lhe leading citi­
zens of Klamath and Lake counties
were anxious to become Elks If a
lodge could lx1, established nearer
their homes. It how ue ms as If at
I aat 100 could tie assured a local l<xlge
at the start, which would very »xm
Ifrnw to be as large and as strong as
lhe Roseburg lodge now Is.
Ashland, with Iter beautiful sur­
roundings, climate, pure water, high­
ly developed citizenship and usual en­
terprise In all melters, together with
her unexcelled facilities f >r entertain­
ing large crowds would s< >m to be ad­
mirably adapted for a local lodge of
the Elks and It seems sure that any
movement in Dial direction would tie
met with hearty support uf our bus-
Inew men pnd commercial organiza­
tions. The Elks lodge at Rosburg Is
admitted to have been of Incalculable
benefit to that town, and 1« now one
uf Its leading commercial features,
A contract has ticen let for the c«>n-
structfon of an Elks Temple at R iac -
burg which with furnishing» will cost
about »20,000, and the dedication of
same late next winter is expected to
bring hundreds of members with their
wives from al) over tlie state.
It 1« possible tiiat tlie Grand I>"lge
cf Elks al Its session at I*uriland next
summer would concedes tritie to Ash­
land In the way uf population limit
to the end that a local l<dge in ay be
established sooner than It otherwise
could be. —Ashland Tidings.
with IM.
'•The law lately passed, providing
that not leas than
shall tie levied
for each child of whool age In the
county, will help the movement for
higher salallesln most of the counties
of the slat*, although In Multnomah
County It will have no such eff-ct.due
to the fact that t’cc.iuiM-of the high
projx-rty values the tai already raised
for m-lioul purp>*-s exceed» |i; per
“We find that country *ch>«>l boards
are loth to raise a teacher« salary be-.
cause It then establish. i a precedent
which they will be obliged to contin­
ue, and Some country school boards
have been known to turn hack money
Into the state school fund rather than
ralM- the salary of the teacher.
tftie most encouraging feature of
the school situation In this state now I
is the general compliance the teachers
show with the law requiring at­
tendance at institutes.
The law
makes a penalty to the district of 15
if tlie teacher falls to attend a re­
quired number of hours at the county
Institute. Teachers at first objected
to the compulsion expressed in the
statue, but they are now seeing the
value of tlie Institute work and will­
ingly attend. Our institutes are of
high character and must be helpful to
any teacher.
Teacher» no longer
come unwilling, as if driven like
school boys.—Portland Telegram.
See Nawton for Livery.
L. Alva Lewis for clucks.
Orville Elliot of tlie Nuttier*» »tore
at Klamath Agency wun In tlie City
L. Alva Lewis for rings.
John T. King, tlie real estate man
tif Merrill, »petit several days In Ibi-
city thia week.
L. Alva Lewi» for necklaces.
For first claaa R' uh I» »ml prompt
livery aervlee call on Graliam A O'Neil.
Tbutie 173,
L. Alva Lewi» for jewelry.
The following clipping appeared In
J. W. Iteitdln uml Geo. Blcximlng-
tho editorial columns of the Wash­
canip were registered at tlie Lukeslde
ington Star: “K. C. Duel, a Seattle
Inn Wednesday.
police officer, lias been on a two
month» vacatl'm and returned for du­
First cliuta »hue rejiairiug done by
ty one day this week. Duel, on the
up-to-date workmen. Klauiutii K<>ui-
whole,1» one of lhe Htpiarest men tiiat
merclal Kompany.
ever wore a policeman's star or uni-
L. Alva ia'wln for vest chains.
fuim, ami when tie testifies In court
Jan. Tygart and wife left Naturday
otherwise you can pretty safely
for Martou, Indiana, where they will
put II down that I»- Is telling the
mako their home
truth. "1 tisited Oregon and Calif-
L. Alva Lrwli for watches.
ornla while away an<t saw much of the
Mr». Smith, widow of the late Geo.
country in both of tliesestates. I was
W. Smith, left Turadty for tier home
in the mountains of Oregon for a few
at 1'boenlx, Arizona.
days where 1 was charged »7 per day
L. Alva Lewis for wedding rings.
for IxMird and lodging. At Klamath
Fails, a little mountain mining camp,
Married Hunday Oelolier 2, 1904,
Our Junior Senator Will Take Place
I found a peculiar tribe uf citizens.
Mr. Will. O. Webb and Ml»» Matlie
of Dollher Through California.
M. It. Roundtree and James Mat­ They always Invite hundreds of out­
Woodard, both of till» city.
ney will leave next week for a trip by sider» t<> come there to do a piece of
L. Alva Lewi» for gold pens.
Senator Dolliver, who wax the
team through Klumatli county to
work tliul twenty-five men can do In
speech-making companion of Fair-
J. D. Ackley, a brother of 11. M. take u look at that section of country
less than thirty days. They were pe­
banks as far as Portland, has been
Ackley, tlie aaw mill man, arrived In wltii a possible view of locating there
culiar from tin- fai t that their fingers
compelled by reason of ills throat
the city Hunday from lla»tlDgR,,Cn)lf. Inter on. <*n their return to Jack­
were from two to three Inches longer
giving out to give up the rest of the
sonville Mr. Roundtree wIII go to bin
L. Alva Lewis for silverware.
1 tlisn that of tlie average American.
tour. The National conimitte has
J. C. Mitchell, tlie cattle buyer, ar­
1 think nature Ins made them that
replaced him with Senator Fulton of
rived from Gazelle Thursday ami
way so they < »n the more easily ex­
tills state for the tour in California,
went up Into the Wood River coun­ some liuhliii-hh matters. Jacksonville tract everything that an outsider hap­
which is a tn<«t flattering compliment
pens to have In bls pocketa when he
to our junior senator, as Senator I>ol-
L. Alva Lewis for scarf pins.
gets there. Well, honest to my pro­
liver's place is not easily tilled even
fession. 1 did not take a ‘drink* while on snot her big irrigation proposition from the United States Senate. The
New Full and Winter stork of La­
Illd» will lx» received by the S'cre- there, because it Is against the prin­ in interior Oregon and California,
dles and Mloon trimmed list» at Ma-
first stop made in California by the
ioiic'» Millinery Store. Call und »ee Ury of iho Klamath County Agricul­ ciples of the Asiax'latlon ■ f I*»illcemcn this time at the southern end of Goose two senators was at Redding .Monday
tural Awes-latloii for concessions for to c^er take anything when he has to lake. Roughly speaking, the plan Is
morning at 7:30 o'clock, and both
refreshment stand», | xr >I k , etc. at the pay for It, but while there I saw on to irrigate a large area of barren land
will speak at several other places in
I- Alva Ix-wl« for kx-ket».
Fair ground» during the races. Blds an aveiage of fifty snakes for every off the southern extremity of the lake
the Sacramento valley before reach­
A marriage license wa» liu>urd Sep- arc requested to tie le nt In at once.
hundred feet I walked. Tlie town 1» In Modis- county. Cal., by taking wat­ ing San Francisco. Senator Fulton
(ember l#lh to Mr. Archie IL Kin­
It. St. Geo. Illahop, Seely. really a snake resort, 1 saw so many er from tills body. Goose lake Is 35
will take part in the big meeting at
caid of llogue river and Mia« Carrie
of them tiiat 1 wondered to tujsclf If miles long ami from 10 to 15 wide, the Bay City.
I’. Ta)lor of Illy.
1 had really broken tlielaw and taken two-thirds of it lying in Modoc coun­
In speaking of the unexpected
L. Alva Lewis for hxige pin».
Mr. und Mm. Ed McKinney and enough Ixxize to make me see snake» ty, Cai. ‘
changes in the Itenarv of Washington
An attempt was made by a Califor­
11. M. Ackley and Nam Carmichael Charlea Snow arrived In the city when there really were none to
and Oregon. Senator Fulton said.that
have been at Keno t Ilia week looking Tuesday at noon from Ashland with we. (’altforola! Oil, yea! That 1» an nia company to take water from the
it had been mapped out at Chicago
after tlie rafting of Ing» for the form­ two automobiles.
They will remain out-of-slght state, and so far as I am lake a few years ago, but Oregon peo­ by the National Committee, and be­
er's new saw mill.
here until after the Fair. We may concerned it will remain out of sight. ple. fearing possible evil effects of cause of the distance to the Pacific
|Nnalt>ly have an automobile race UÄ I go to my beat today and 1 guess it lowering the lake, brought a success, Coast.it bad been necessarily modified.
L. Alva l^ewl»' watch maker.
ful injunction suit. The matter lias
will hold me for s while."
attraction at lhe Fair ground».
Mrs. Clara l^xwley and Bertha Ben­
been much discussed since, and Is be­ “Through must of the state of Wash­
nett, arrlverl from Klamath county
ington our train was two hours ahead
It is said that to
only give us anol tier chance we will ing agiln revived.
last week, to resume their studlea at
the schedule arranged for it and a
prom Ise to give him all the work he lower the lake two feet would reclaim
tlie Normal. Ashland Tidings.
Garrett W. Flail, who has fx-cn sick can do and nut vbarge him a cent for 30,000 acres of mud flats and make great many people were disappointed
In not seeing Senator Fairbanks, and
Order your lumber at the new lum­ for tlie paxt two weeks, was operated
Ixuird and lixlghig. Onr n» k crushei tine meadow. Opinion on the Oregon so it has been in Oregon. 1 will ac­
ber yard. Gixxi dry lumber, flooring, upon ut 1 o’clock yesterday by Dr.
is going now. He complains that he side of the line is divided as to wheth- company the Senator to San Fran­
celling etc.
Maxton, assisted by Dr. iliirgus, for
was charged »7 for Ixord an I lodging, e- a ditch from the south end of the
Faul Brletenstcln, Agent.
appendicitis. There are very grave we arc unable to ascertain where that lake to Alturas would lie a benefit or cisco, and after the meeting there, I
doubts as to ills recovery. Ills con­ hapix-m-d but feel assured that it an injury to latke county. It is gen­ must hurry back to Portland, as I
L. Alva Lewi» for watch charma.
have agreed to do some campaigning
tills morning was reported as
Mrs. S. K. Ogle, atv-oinpanled by
never got any fail her than being erally conceded that lowering the in Klamath and Lake counties."
her three children, arrived from
charged. We are not aware of his
Klamath Agency Friday evening und
paving for anything while here,except ter drainage and improve the sanitary
is the guent of her sister, Mrs. C. B.
his tine In the police mutt, and we conditions in that part of town.
Bunting, of Lakeview, will understand that he borrowed the
Watson.- A»liland Tidings.
Notice is hereby given that a meet­
Sec the new line of shirt waist» at lx* here Saturday, with 12 bead of money to pay that with. Neither do
ing of the Roosevelt League will be
jrnrling registered Hereford bulls, and we bcliocthat anyone could be found
lhe City Novelty.
held at the court bouse on Saturday,
When treating your mother-in-law remain until after tlie fair. These who ever knew him to refuse a drink, Some Fast Ones Cornine In Daily October 8th. All those favoring the
you should t»e careful not to give her bulls will lx* on exhibition and also ill fact he had the reputation of being
For the Races Next Week.
re-election of President Iloosevelt are
for sale. Price »75.00 each. Tills nothing less than a “saloon bum,"
a glass of Graham A O'Neil's Iron
requested to lie present.
hanging around the saloons looking
beer. If you do abe will slay with
Will. Wood and Win. Shook came
L. Alva Lewis, Sec’v.
cattlemen to Improve their bands by for free drinks. There arc quite a
you tho rest of the year.
in from Dairy Monday with a string
nddlng one of Dies«* registered Heie- number of Klamath Falls citixens
of three race horses which they put
L. Alva Lewis for cuff buttons.
who would like a chance to get even Into training at once. They were
Hon. 1!. E. Ankeny and son Frank
with tills "honest" member of the Uncle Tom. Gray Bob and a 2-year-
arrived from the mil road Wednesday,
Seattle police,to the extent of sevetal old colL
and have gone out to the Ankeny A
Moore’s Comedians will be at the hundred dollars, which he ••extracted"
Orrin McCumber arrived Sunday Klamath County Agricultural Asso­
Cantrell ranch. Mr. Ankeny expects
Opera House al) next week. hi rs. from them either by borrowing or from Brookvale Stock Firm with
to remain until after the racra.
ciation Will Hold Three Days
Mixire has recovered sufficiently to running bills.
Louis Gerber's colt, Headlight.
L. Alva Lewis for ladles chains.
Those of our citizens who were
Fair and Races Commenc­
take part In tlie performances. Leo
8. B. Gardner cam- down Tuesday
Mix. Rea Benson and children and Tolstoy’s famous masterpiece “Resur­ grafted,baveoiily themselves toblnmc, from Fort Klamath witli ills running
ing October 12.
Miss Gall Bcnaon left Friday for rection" will lie put on during the lint a newspaper cannot care much for horse, o uonner.
Grants 1'iuis, where Mrs. Bcnnon will week and promise» to lx* the brat Its reputation that will devote space
Neil Sly arrived Tuesday from
visit her parents. Miss Gail will ro­ play ever presented here. Mr. Moore to such rot as the above and then go Kcno with his 2-year-old, Jubilee,
1st Race.—Futurity -takes race. S
turn homo with her father, today.
pays a royalty for every presentation on record as vouching for tlie reputa­ and also another hoise.
mile and repeat for all Klamath County
tion for truthfulness of their In­
Andy llose lias wood of ull kind for of this piece.
S-yr.-olda. Tlie Association will add
formant. We arc thankful that Se­
|150 to purse.
Is not In Oregon If these are fair
2nd Race.—*, mile dash, free Mr all.
Th«». McCormick, tho saw mill
State Supt. Ackerman Alda the Purse, |75.
samples of their police force and news­
man of Kcno, win In town Monday.
Tile Interior Department rules that
Movement For Better Teacher».
3rti Race.—Quarter mile and repeat,
He »ays that his new steanilxnit will In cases where a homestead entry Is papers.
for all. Purse, »100.
be reaily to run t lie 1st ter part of cancelled or relinquished on account
"When we can get the farmers to
ascoso DAY.
next week. He 1» now putting In of the failure of entryinm to comply
4th Race.—*s mile and repeat, for
realize that a teacher ought to be paid
ills new machinery.
with the requirements of the home­
At tile Elks lianquet at Jackson­ more than farmhands, and the tax­ Klamath County horses. Purse, IlttO.
L. Alva Lewis' watch repair de­ stead laws, the sulmequent purchase ville last Saturday night, Mr. Chas. payers without children to see that
6tli Race—>4 mile dash, free for all.
of the tract under the timlier and II. Pierce in making bls response to more money put Into the manufacture Purse, »75.
6th Race.—H mile and re|>sat, free
II. H. Mathews, foreman of the F stone act does not cure a timlier tres­ tile toast “Ashland,’’ reminded the of good citizens is well spent, we may
all. Purse, »100.
ranch was In tlie city Nat unlay. One
meniliers that Ashland was fast ap­ expect to bring about higher salaries
proaching 5000 population, and that for our teachers. To this end we are
of his borscH had lieen stolen from the bold as a homestead.
7th Race.—3 mile relay, for Klamath
our beautiful little city would In due conducting an agitation throughout County saddle horses, riders to change
rnnc.h and he had traced It a» far dm
tlie Agency but It had been turned
time show Its ambition to secure a the state,” said Shite Superintendent horses every mile. Horses must be ready
luoeo there and lie lost trace of It.
new lodge for Southern Oregon at J. 11. Ackerman, who was in Port­ saddle»! «nd bridled for the change. All
The case of the State of California
must ride stock saddles. Purse. »100
Highest market price paid (or chick­ vs Jack Snvdc.r for the murder of Ashland. At the conclusion of the land Saturday.
brief remarks of Mr. Pierce on the
8th Race.—)» mile dash, free ior all.
en» at liie Cential restaurant.
Mr. Ackerman regards the unwill­
George Potter was set for trial for
0. N. Hawkins, president of tho Monday Oelolier 3rd. C. I>. Wilson, subject, Judge II. L. Benson of Klam­ ing taxpayer, who objects to the al­ Purse, »75.
»th Race.—Quarter mile and repeat,
Klamath Canal Company, arrived In Chas. Lenz, Rubt. Hunsaker mid S. ath Falls who was acting as toast­ ready high taxes, and tho fanner who
County 2-yr.-olds, barring the
the city Saturday from Hollister, Cal. T. Summers of t Ills city mid Jus. Em­ master proposed the health of the figures that his hired man Is paid only winner of first money on first day.
•30 a month, while the teacher gets Purse, »75.
Ho was accompanied by J. r. Mel­ ery of Fort Klamath, who were sub­
wood of lIolliHter and C. G. Lathrop poenaed as witnesses for the defend­ ment seemed to lie met with hearty •40,as the principle obstacles to high­
10th Race—One mile and repeat, trot
of San Jose who tool an Interest. In ant, left for Yreka Saturday morning. accord, particularly from those Elks er salaries for Instructors of the state. or pace, free for all. Purse »101».
"It must be remembered,” said he,
our county und will spend a short Chas. Silvers, Win. Turner ami who reside In Rogue River valley,
All races will be run under Pacific
Klamath county and Northern Cali­ "that tlie farmhand works 12 mon 11 is Coast rules.
time hote.
many others from Picard will also tie
Co-operation of all Elks in the year, while the teacher Is the
In the Futurity race the winner takes
L. Alva Lewis for ladles watches,
witnesses for the defendent.
within the proposed new Jurisdiction­ only one of any profession whose vo­ 70 and the second .30 per cent, of purse.
Donald Me Kay tile half-breed In­
In all other races, 4 to enter and 3 to
al limits was asked, also from all cation lastsonly a portion.uf a twelve­
Certainly, the roads will bo just a» dian,who was shot In the jaw by Sny­
10 percent of puree entranee fee.
month. During the summer season
der, will be the main witness for the within the State of Oregon.
Winners get 70 and second 80 per cent.
bad tills winter uh thoy wore last.
One of the requirements establish­ the teacher ought not to be obliged to
The Association will add another race
Who said so?
ed within recent years by the supreme hunt up other employment to make to be made up on last day, probably a
Andy Hose the wood merchant.
lodge of Elks Is that no new lodge both ends meet. Public sentiment Is mule race,
L. Alva Lewis' watch repair de-
may tie started In any city of loss working for increasing teachers’ sal­
Bail games second and third days.
The Roseburg aries, und the press of the state is Other amusements and the Fall Fair.
Dr. Harry Barnard and company than 5000 people.
Sugar and Salt
'¿JI___ —LL»_________________ "-'J
is the place to save money. Call and see my stock
before sending out for your goods. I will take pleas-
ure in showing you around and will give you prices < >
that will justify you in buying at home. Complete J >
line of iron and wood beds, springs and mattresses, ’ I
chairs, tables, etc, etc, etc.
This Space is Reserved for the
Lakeside Inn,
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Formerly The Linkville Hotel.
$250.00 REWARD
The Klamath County Lhe Stocc
Ahhociatlon will pay the above re­
ward fur the arrest and conviction of
any person or persona found guilty of
stealing or altering the marks or
brands of any stock belonging to any
member of this association.
Address Chas. Horton, President
or J. O. Hamaker,Secretary.
- - GASTON - -
11 a . » I *r
I Also Carry the Following Bruis of Choice Ciprs
La Florence
Bella Viata
La Belle Creole
Major Domo
El Eapada
' *
James Lewis
Red Buoy
Key West Havana
Pretty Swede
Relle of the Falla
Hats altered and trimmed to onferj
Mrs. O. W.